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tv   Utro  NTV  December 11, 2023 6:30am-8:01am MSK

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professionals do not work for free , we wish you the best morning, further in the program we will clarify the details of the emergency. we deal with foreign cars in first gear. on ntv there is a program about an emergency in the studio of marat seddikov. prosecutors and investigators are looking into the scams of the krasnoyarsk entrepreneur. darya prakaeva was detained. she did not hesitate to make money from disabled people. at a reception with the deputy prosecutor general, two krasnoyarsk residents talk about the pressing problem of their disabled friend. man. was
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seriously injured, he should have been given free prosthesis, but that didn't happen. prosecutors promptly conducted an investigation and found out that the regional social insurance fund had run out of money for prosthetics ahead of time. as it turned out, individual entrepreneur daria prokaeva was responsible for issuing them. she literally gutted the fund's budget by selling prosthetics at inflated prices. prokaeva willingly shared with her subscribers where she spent her excess earnings. here she is, starting in the morning, somewhere at the next resort, showing off a new bath. haute couture and admiring the exotic animals, and within a week they conquer the resorts of altai and tell where to try the best delicacies. prokaeva learned a new emotional experience absolutely free of charge when security forces raided her country house. the woman really loves to live luxuriously, and even came up with a cunning scheme for the sake of such a life. the entrepreneur, employees of the organization that manufactures these same prostheses, gained access to the database of disabled people, convinced them to refuse prostheses under a government contract, allegedly they did not...
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after transferring money from the state disabled people took them off and carried them to find out that the most cynical prostheses they eventually received from the instadiva were, in fact. and stood on the market, like those that were originally offered by the state, needless to say, where did the difference go? as a result of the criminal activities of an individual entrepreneur, budget funds were stolen in a total amount of at least 4,700,000 rubles. at the same time , prosthetics were sold to disabled people at an inflated cost, equivalent to those offered under a government contract. handcuffs on the woman was put on right in the middle of the working day in the prosthetics office, which belongs to her ... mother,
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a criminal case has been opened against daria prokaeva, in the near future they will decide on the choice of a preventive measure for her, as well as to identify the remaining persons who so cruelly deceived the disabled people with the most medical equipment necessary for their comfortable life. hanger, a new slang word in the domestic automotive industry. did not hear? different cars are attached to them, why is this done and what are the dangers of invisible auto couriers, well, here are all the cars i bought it and my dad bought himself a big toy, but he can’t ride. andrey is a father of many children, he carefully chose a car for a large family, a good option, a nine-seater fits the category yes b, that is, both my wife and i,
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and they counted me a million 208 rubles. space almost 2000 times suddenly rattled off the size of the recycling fee for this kia, of course, after the purchase, so we, i say, on tuesday went to customs, as if everything was done, they just kicked us off, they told us to pay everything. and while the recycling fee has not been paid, the numbers are given to andrey. unseen, now it's
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a family shed for all sorts of junk, so dmitry bought real estate on wheels, from america they cleared customs in armenia. i have long dreamed of this car, the recycling fee for which at previous rates was 3,400 rubles, but at the current rate it is 85,000 rubles. a dream that i cannot use, because i need to pay another half of the cost of the car, the scrap collection, as you guessed it, also increased after the purchase of this mustang, such as dmitry or andrey with many children after october 29, it seems tens of thousands throughout the country, and how many more there will be, disappointed buyers have been created... a person with the same situation as mine, with amounts even higher than mine, 1.275.485, 1.280,
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1.275. rub. a little more than 1,200,000 rubles. perhaps you, dear tv viewer, will soon receive a demand for additional payment of the taxes. first, briefly, what is a recycling fee? it has nothing to do with recycling; this is a measure to support the domestic manufacturer. when russia joined the world trade organization, it was obliged to reduce import customs car duties. accordingly, in order to compensate for this decrease and protect domestic producers, the so-called recycling fee was invented. the size of this payment depends on who imports the car into our country. when importing, individuals enjoy benefits and pay a reduced recycling fee, which is why when importing cars from armenia, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan or belarus, the cars are registered in the name of physicists. in the slang of the first
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person, respectively, who acted as a donor of documents for customs clearance, they call it a hanger, respectively, this hanger, she has never seen the car, it is nominal. the owner of this car only for the period when the car undergoes customs clearance. hitching a car to a hanger, that is, to a physicist, is much more profitable than importing it through a legal entity. when importing, individuals enjoy benefits and pay a reduced recycling fee. the mechanism for importing a car is as follows: first , customs clearance and payment of a preferential tax. and then, accordingly, it is formalized. next, the final purchaser issues an electronic the pts eventually registers the car. why did thousands of customers have a problem in mreo? why did the customs service begin to demand
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additional payment from buyers, and not from black importers, from those very hangers. this is one of the main questions in the information field of recent days. that's two already. those same honest purchasers , andrei and dmitry, who have many children, and thousands of others, will pay extra for the recycling fee like adults, at car rates, which amounts to millions of rubles. the final purchaser will suffer, he will pay additional sales tax, the person who sold this car will disappear in an unknown direction, stop answering calls, no one will ever see him again. no one will look for a hanger, because
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there is a current owner, the one who bought the car within a year from the date of import. anyone who bought a car that was resold is included. less than a year after import into the russian federation. let’s say you look at a foreign car, imported from abroad, no older than 3 years old, engine capacity up to 3 liters. any person who buys a car that is imported should look at when it is was imported. if a year has not passed, then we turn around and leave. dersky lexuxus with armenian license plates. forit cannot obtain russian registration plates. at the moment we are driving armenian license plates under a general power of attorney, because there is no way to pay the commercial tax. under this hood there is an engine of more than 3 liters, the tax rates for such devices increased on
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august 1, from 3,400 rubles to almost 1.5 million. now, in this case, the end buyer will have to pay the difference. between 3.400 rubles and a new tv collection rate of hundreds of thousands. people, unfortunately, do not know about this. why have the rates been raised? it's very simple. the state wants to cut off all unofficial distributors of cars, everyone who brings in parallel imports, how to avoid a gigantic additional charge of recycling fees? the surest way is to transport the car yourself from abroad, immediately registering it in your name. yes, of course, first of all you need to find a suitable car on a foreign site and complete the necessary customs documents without intermediaries, naturally. everyone decides to do this, but if some kind of hanger, remember, all sorts of best things for
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the car were brought here from abroad , what is the temptation to buy this car, the risks when buying can be much greater, today at 20:00, continuation of the action-packed series reckless driver nikita panfilov loves speed and risk, and does not like those who break the law. look in today's episodes, why are you hemorrhoids, and didn't you hear, the chiga ran up, they were taking him from the court, knocked out the guards, opened the cage, pulled him into the forest, i know where maybe achigaba, he shouldn’t sit , as you can see, no, go to the military department and get a barrel, go to the truckers’ base outside the city and be careful, here your shoulder straps don’t work, who are they, at least walk with a wink, really, take them down, come on, cover them up me, to get mad? a motorcycle is needed, but you know how, just a little bit, today at 20:00 on ntv.
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this year’s winter, from the first days, chose the old-fashioned scenario: from the shores of the baltic to the shores of the far east, everything is littered with a thick layer of snow and serious frosts, almost the same vast territory. the core of the ice anticyclone is shifting to the urals, where deviations from the norm reach... 20°. yekaterburg has already been visited by forty-degree frosts; today it is -32 in the city. the cold, even by siberian standards, is severe from tomsk to irkutsk. and the sun is a weak compensation, since the air stagnates in industrial centers not far from the announcement of the black sky regime. and those who threw off the problematic anticyclone are already in relative warmth. this is the far north. on dikson -10 and minus 23 in hattingh, warmer than expected, but there is snow everywhere. and yakutia is resting. invasions, in yakutsk they are mild -30 , in imikon they are not serious -16, in primorye the frosts are also not
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severe, but due to humidity and wind they are unpleasant, in the rest of the southern regions there is no precipitation and down to minus during the day, the weather is typical for the outskirts of our anticyclone and look, in the volga region, on the other outskirts, it’s almost the same, -20 with no precipitation yet, precisely for now, because the western cyclone is already looking for loopholes to destroy the snow queen’s castle. in the north-west in the center the wind is growing and rising. it will become smaller, but it will only be warm in sochi. in st. petersburg today -6, snow, in moscow there is still wind, snowstorms, in the daytime the maximum is -7. see below. morning is the best. we intercept the invisible ones from the main road. let's listen to news about healthy food from sergei malozemov. let's learn about events in social life. free, now expensive, doctors who drive unregistered cars end up in a web
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, before this could be violated for years, now such riders are caught in the thousands, you won’t believe your eyes, but these are invisible cars, a unique russian invention, their owners do not receive fines from traffic cameras; according to our basic data, your vehicle is shown as archived. it was not registered with the state. the scheme is simple: having bought a car secondhand, the new owner does not register it, and the seller stops registering it after 10 days. the license plates are not registered with anyone and there is no one to send fines to, yet the driver has a full set of documents. how did it happen that your car is an archive car?
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fine if stopped by an inspector, maximum 800 rubles, however, if caught a second time, 5.00 or deprivation of rights, these cars can be conditionally called ghost cars, that is , they do not receive punishment, and in fact many violations go unpunished, and this provokes new violations until, unfortunately, some high-profile accident occurs, namely... on archived numbers scandalous blogger edward bill collected about 500 fines until he injured a person in an accident. with the advent of the web system, cars with such numbers are caught. number, he drives around the city without fear, the system transmits a signal to the nearest traffic police crew,
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pursuit, stop, registration and the driver rolls out the license plates himself. the registration was removed from registration , the father died and somehow now we are suing them, with the insurance company, after selling the car, 10 days later, check whether the new owner has registered it, if not, then his fines will come to you, in the event accidents , you may also have to pay for it, so sergei lavrentyev from lipetsk owes 16,000,
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under the purchase and sale agreement i am. owner of the car, after me the car was sold many times and fell into the hands of nikita, who crashed the car, the new owner told the traffic police that the car was not his, the inspectors found out that the last owner is sergei, by court decision it is he who pays the damage to the victim, the web finds cars quickly, in the kemerovo region alone 300 of these invisible ones were detained in a year . modern technologies make it possible to produce 100% natural products. jam and makheev are made from pieces of berries and fruits, which is why they are so tasty and aromatic. their variety is amazing; you can choose one for every taste and color. for good health black tea is also beneficial, not just green tea.
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this conclusion was reached by scientists from the national cancer institute in the uk. they analyzed the data. half a million european adults over 11 years found that people who drank two or more cups of black tea a day had up to 13% lower risk of death from any cause than people who did not drink the drink. in particular, tea drinkers were less likely to die from coronary heart disease and stroke. in finland , cocoa was grown from cells in a test tube. the innovation is intended to save the world a little bit.
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food will now be microchipped. american neurosurgeons have developed for the first time an implant implanted into the human brain, which in real time detects and blocks brain signals associated with the craving for excessive filling of the stomach. the experiment involved two women with severe obesity and compulsive, that is, uncontrollable overeating. scientists monitored their brain activity for six months to identify which signals triggered gluttony, and then installed chips. another six months of observations showed that the technology works and does no harm. the patients experienced significantly fewer episodes of overeating; both lost an average of 5 kg without going on a diet or changing their lifestyle. clinical trials of the method are still ahead, but scientists hope that it may well become
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a safe way to combat severe forms of obesity. the hilton family now has london, it sounds like business news, but london hilton is not a new hotel of the famous hotel empire, but the newborn daughter of paris hilton, why did she choose such a name, as answered haters criticizing the appearance of her son phoenix and which star helped her release her first music album in 17 years, about this today, show business news. paris hilton got into a new year's mood on thanksgiving day, and that's when she put up a christmas tree at home, of course, her favorite color, pink. and announced that she had become a mother for the second time. her ten-month-old son phoenix, named after a city in arizona, has a sister named london. paris explained that london is her favorite city, she
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decided 10 years ago that it was so will name his daughter. both children were carried by a surrogate mother. their appearance came as a surprise even to paris's closest relatives, including her mother. kathy hilton's reaction to the news about her grandson can be seen in the new season of the reality show paris. love, in it paris talks about how she copes with motherhood, and some moments are very difficult for her. when she first posted photos of phoenix online, subscribers wrote thousands of comments saying that something was obviously wrong with the child, because his head was too big. perris replied that of course. well, i showed my son to the doctor, and he is completely healthy, he just has a big brain. however, she now posts photos of phoenix exclusively wearing hats. according to. she was amazed at how cruel people could be, and let them say whatever they wanted, but she would not allow them to insult children. hilton generally always irritated the public and was
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an object of ridicule. she was considered a spoiled, spoiled party girl, and was called the most overrated celebrity. paris was happy to maintain this image, telling journalists that some are already born with sparkles in the blood. however, in recent years , attitudes towards it have begun to change as it has begun to change. she herself. hilton decided to engage in human rights activities. she is seeking a ban on boarding schools for troubled teenagers, where she herself spent 2 years in her youth. according to her, cruel psychological experiments were performed on children there, they were mocked and humiliated. and she struggled with the consequences for a long time, suffering from depression and insomnia. but in the end, hilton claims, she was able to channel the suffering she experienced into a good cause. i have already was able to change the laws of eight states. and now i'm seeking a federal ban. i have bipartisan support. i'm so proud to be pushing this agenda and truly protecting children.
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hilton spoke about the abuse she endured in boarding schools in her memoirs, released in march. now they are going to film them. the rights to this were acquired by independent film studio a-24. actresses elle and dakota fening will serve as executive producers. it is still unknown who will play paris. decided to revive my musical career. hilton's first album, called paris, was released back in 2006 and performed well on the charts. next, she planned to release another one, but the songs from it were eventually published as separate singles, and now, 17 years later, hilton is finally releasing a second album, and it is produced by the famous australian singer sia. last new year's, paris shared the stage with her and miley saruus, performing. her hit star sublind, after which sia invited her to work on new material, saying that hilton was simply born be a pop star. paris continues to come up
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with business ideas. she recently released her own line of kitchenware, pink of course. according to her, kitchens tend to be boring, and she decided to add a little sparkle to make cooking more fun. in general, the sparkles in the blood have not gone away, it’s just that the owner now uses them more.
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54 years old i decided to steal my wife, after you before i was always afraid of losing my freedom, as in no one has ever looked after me like that, no, only mom, you are standing on the floor, looking, you can’t go up see why he can’t hold back his tears when he talks about his son, i do everything, including diapers. december 27th is a parade of planets, get ready for an expedition to the arctic, on the 27th i have nuggets, and on the twenty-sixth, and on the twenty-sixth
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i have cappuccino. delicious calendar in delicious, full stop , every day a new favorite product at a super price, only in the tasty, full stop app. slivushka-fat, tender sausage. she makes a delicious breakfast for the family. the cream in it and the meat are combined perfectly for tenderness and taste, which is what we love. knitting will give joy to the family. plum-faggot, tender taste and smiles. my grandfather taught me everything. he showed, and i simply repeated, this is true in finance and investment. stinkov with investments, i simply repeat the transactions of successful investors . investments are simple, repeat the transactions of successful investors and earn money. it affects the cause of symptoms at any stage and helps reduce the number of exacerbations, tested by experts and millions of patients. in rbt-ru - installment plan for household appliances for 30 months. so 4k with a diagonal of
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165 cm for 59,990. installment plan for household appliances for 30 months. verbtru. hurry up to sale. ring of falcons for 199 rubles on avito. we take loans. easy to arrange. we are at sofcom bank. we take loans. was it approved quickly? we are at sofcom bank. loans that everyone knows. polysorp is always with you against poisoning, allergies, hangovers. it's time to take polysorp. at yours. favorite coffee, now a new name , monarch, the same high quality and roasting of beans, the same pleasure in every cup, monarch, the same favorite taste aroma, alice, turn on the timer for 5 minutes, she will hear your voice, even if it’s noisy around, started the timer alice, turn on the music, i’ll turn it on, she’ll also like what you like, we’re shaking, but... at
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vtb the rate on a savings account is 15% for a wedding, buy it faster, cool, everything will work out vtb, i think it’s pain, spasm, pain, spasm, what's the difference, double -action spasmal fights pain, relieves spasms, spasmolgon for pain and spasm, and to fight fever, spasmal effect, buy at a discount in city health pharmacies of this meeting. everyone was looking forward to it, meet the new truffleburger in kfc and rostiks restaurants, a special combination of haute cuisine and favorite chicken, which is impossible to refuse. the main novelty of the season is the truffle menu in rostix and kfc restaurants. my mother taught me everything, she showed me, and i simply repeated, so in finance and investments, stenkof investments, i simply repeat the transactions of successful investors. tinkov investments are simple, repeat.
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it gets better and better up to 14% per annum on deposits, the best interest in savings. deposit with a favorable rate. design literally one button.
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well, cover me, reckless driver, the motorcycle is as good as needed, but you know how, just a little bit, today at 20:00 on ntv, the morning continues, the best, we’ll ask the chef how to cook, we have the right to get legal advice, we’ll go to the novgorod region, we’ll eat black cabbage soup. many people complain that it takes them a lot of time to prepare a regular lunch, but you must admit, there is a huge amount of food in the world that can be prepared quickly, and fast food is not always harmful, so my grandmother joked: if you want to eat, eat an apple, if you don’t want to apple, you don’t want to eat, but... it was
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a joke, but now no jokes, everything is serious, let's mark the time, let's go, i'll cook a quick, tasty one... first of all, i take regular buckwheat noodles and put them in boiling water, while the noodles are cooking, i'll prepare the ingredients: carrots, cut them into thin strips, but in general this dish is okay. frying pan, at home, onions, zucchini, carrots, turnips , celery, whatever you want, i heat up absolutely any vegetables you have
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in the frying pan, send vegetable oil, chopped carrots into the vegetable oil, add carrots, bell peppers, etc. i cut it. i’ll also prepare the zucchini there, the zucchini cooks extremely quickly, so i’ll add it last, the vegetables are sizzling, it’s great. i take a regular onion, i will also add it to the vegetables while i prepare all the ingredients, and so that everything is at hand at the right time, i will chop a clove of garlic,
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the dish that i am preparing today is a dish with an asian accent, i add zucchini to the fried vegetables , and now i take regular cocktail shrimp, they are already ready, they are boiled and frozen, they just need to be good warm up so that they give their flavor to the vegetables, now add a little soy sauce, add sesame oil for flavor, add chopped onions and garlic, now a little teriyaki sauce, buckwheat noodles cook extremely quickly, 2 minutes at a good boil and they are ready, i get
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the coolest vegetable base with a teriyaki flavor , buckwheat. ready, i send it here directly with water, there will be more sauce within a minute, warm everything up thoroughly, mix, let the noodles collect all the sauce, feed themselves all the aromas, high heat, well, basically everything. i could add fish sauce here, i could add more sesame oil, i could add some acid, but i’ll add a little freshness, take a regular leaf of chinese cabbage and
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cut it thinly, mix it. a little sesame for beauty and texture, that’s all , the dish can be served, wait, it took me 4 minutes 21 seconds, i’m sure you can do it much faster, but how long will it take you to wash the dishes and get the hell out of the way? i honestly don't know it’s your business, but if you want even more quick, cool, bright, delicious recipes, then please go to the website kuchnia.rf, and my name is grigory mosin, may the salt and pepper be with you, see you, ruben markarian
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, lawyer, here not... the will came as many times as it deems necessary, at least twice a day, each new will cancels the previous one, in whole or in part, depending on whether it was completely changed or just some changes were made so that the drafter himself could cancel it wills, it is enough to draw up a new one or submit an application to the notary to cancel an existing one; after writing the application , the notary registers it; the will loses its force, and the will also loses its force.
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the validity of such a will there before the opening of the inheritance, the court will simply not accept it, it will return it, but a joint will of the spouses can be challenged at the suit of any of the spouses during their lifetime, what will cannot be challenged at all? a will is not subject to challenge if the only grounds for this are clerical errors, typos or other minor violations of the procedure for drawing up a will, the court will refuse to satisfy. how to find out whether there is a will or
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not, well, this happens, i promised to make a will, it says, i made it, but how do i find out? you can find out about a will in advance only from the testator himself, that is , the person who should write this very will or will write or has written, there is no open register of wills and there cannot be because of the secrecy of the will, there is this: concepts when the testator dies, information about will be available from a notary. someone else has the right to inheritance if a will is drawn up for specific persons? well, there is such a concept as an obligatory share, an obligatory share in an inheritance - this is a share of the inherited property that is entitled to a certain group of people who have the legal right to it, regardless of the fact that they are not indicated in the will, but have the right to an obligatory share. have minor children, a deceased citizen, as well as his disabled
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children, parents, spouses, chow friends, well, we rested, then we will continue our journey through the novgorod earth, and the tired tourists... let him rest further, an hour and a half drive from veliky novgorod there is a village of old believers, in which they brew black cabbage soup, drink celeb tea and greet guests in such a way that it won’t seem too much, i’ll lie down in the palaga, yes i can’t live without melov, but i’ll lie down, but i can’t live without milov, i’m a taskeloid. i
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'm skida zatoy, daski, yes, but naked, daski, well, thank you girls, for the warm meeting, but it's like a warm meeting, but the weather is not very good, well, now let's warm up, let's go and sip the crumbs, we'll prepare them for cabbage, crumbly is small chopped cabbage leaves, usually fed to livestock, but in the russian north they are considered a specialty, so wow? what kind of instrument, and this is a chop, it used to be like this, crumbled, so it’s for the family, then show me a couple of movements, then i’ll try it too, otherwise it’s like a lesbian, and why is it all curved, because it would cut leaves for several hours at once, chop, chop, and that ’s not all, no, no, no, look, here, now. i spin it like a blender, look,
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it becomes much better, then in the same way you need to chop the carrots, along with put salted crumbs and dill seeds in a container and now you need to squeeze it very hard, squeeze it with your fist, you have to do it so well so that it gives juice and squeeze it squeezes it well. squeeze, i’ve already been squeezed, oops, i’ve already been squeezed in the eightieth year, pressure, and by whom? i already have great-grandchildren and soon there will be a great-grandson, so i’m rich in this matter, i’m 37 years old, not quite yet, you have everything ahead of you, and we put a heavy stone and remove
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it so that it ferments, it ferments, it will take 3 days ferment. but not to wait, anastasia terentyevna tapped kroshevo in advance and now she will teach me how to cook the famous black cabbage soup, the meat should preferably be with a bone, yeah with lard, lard, so that it is fattier, tastier, and it’s already been 6 hours, so that the lard will all fall apart and the bone will fall off the meat, now let's put this crusher, i'll help you, put in equal amounts of everything, a kilogram of potatoes, a kilogram of meat. a kilogram of crumbs is simple, just one to one, so as not to suffer, to remember, yes, yes, we put pork in the meat, well, they cook it with different things, but, but pork is the most delicious once in a cast iron pot, add a bay leaf, a few peppercorns, salt, and we must
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cover everything completely, yes, and put it in the oven for 6 hours. put it in the oven, yes, i know how, it was already done, please push it, uh-huh, really very filling, uh-huh, thick, absolutely not like the traditional cabbage soup that i see everywhere, nastenka, what kind of delicious buns are there, and this. .. tortillas with leftovers, unleavened, oh, it ’s like a mexican taco, only the old believer version, yes, yes, yes, oh, wait, wait, let’s pour some cracklings first, it’s much better it will be tastier with cracklings, yes, that’s how they are traditionally served, yes, wow, wow,
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goodbye form, manna miseria.
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yes , it’s flour out of your pocket, but you don’t want to collect it, because of the bathhouse, the baneverni are kicking, and from the chest, the frogs are looking, and from behind the back of the door with their foot, and through the stove onto the dress with their head, thank you, thank you, good health, grace, nastenka , come here, may god bless you, where everywhere and may i also get a lot of cuddles and good health and the same number of great-grandchildren for you to have genferon light spray - this is a green light, a green light for me goals and plans, a red light for viruses that can interfere with them. genferon light, thanks to
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the double power of interferon and a special component, prevents the proliferation of influenza viruses and their penetration. spray ginferon. the power of green light with mint flavor. hello, i'm andrey norkin, and i'm ivan trushkin. on december 14, vladimir putin will sum up the results of the year. this time, in the new format , a large press conference will be combined with a direct line. and we will have a special edition of the meeting place program. yes and after 10 o'clock news experts will come to our studio. at 12:00 we will listen and watch the president, and then we will discuss everything without delay. so, the results of the year with vladimir putin with a special issue of the meeting place program. on thursday, december 14th. live broadcast on ntv. avatar show, new season, sunday at 20:20.
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gatherings. rabeprozole is the northern star. enjoyment of life without heartburn. who collected so much deshira quest. we, because it is 15% larger than regular noodles. it also contains 10 times more vegetables. doshirak kvisti, choice obvious. i like that you can control tipleco from your phone. tipleko has high efficiency, does not burn oxygen and is absolutely fireproof. only now tepleka heater at a special price. polysorp is always with you against poisoning, allergies, hangovers. it's time to drink polysor. catch the sale. ring of falcons for 199 rubles. on avito. new year's appetite. only dad will tame it.
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only dad will shorten it. holiday, spa will help. i wish i could have a launch basket for 200 rubles now. only at kfc and rostix. a future in which you don’t have to choose between form and content. between safety and comfort. fastback crossover amoda c5 with intelligent all-wheel drive system doppelger magnesiumcitrate 400 new form of support for the nervous system your source of daily magnesium doppeltz magic condition real rate up to 15% on a savings account in gazprombank your money works and you receive income register on new year's discounts in a magnet bar. and rotfront 3499. magnet - the price is what you need! tabacquette, start a new life without cigarettes.
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superstar: new season on saturday at 20:20 on ntv. confidence and strength, that's how she wants you to be. brutal, reliable, stylish. like a set of hermes men's accessories from lyamax, a voluminous cross and a chain of armored weaving. massive hermes cross, jewelry steel, noble shine and spectacular, voluminous design, three crosses in one, a powerful cross fits perfectly with an armored weave chain, real gold color, durable lock, reliable links, hermes jewelry is self-confidence and an integral part of successful male image, hermes jewelry set, worthy gift for a real man, the price of the set is 2000. 499 rubles. but call us right now and you can buy it for only 1,999 rubles. but
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that's not all. each person who orders the set will receive a hermes bracelet as a gift. leamax purchases with a plus. avatar show - new season. on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. what is the pincode? if a simple question has become a quiz, it can help on appetite. it promotes recovery. memory and attention to apets so that the head works. this year’s winter from the first days chose the old-fashioned scenario: from the shores of the baltic to the shores of the distant east, everything is covered with a thick layer of snow and serious frosts over almost the same vast territory. the core of the ice anticyclone shifts to the urals, where deviations from the norm reach 20°. ekaterinburg has already been visited by forty-degree frosts; today it is -32 in the city. severe even in siberia. the standard cold is from omsk to irkutsk, the sun is a weak compensation, since the air stagnates in industrial centers not far from
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the announcement of the black sky regime, and those who have thrown off the yoke of the problematic anticyclone have already in relative warmth, this is the far north, in dikson -10 and -23 in khatanga, up to warmer than expected, but there is snow everywhere, and yakutia is resting from the arctic invasion, in yakutsk it is mild -30, in aimikon it is not serious -16, in primorye it's not too cold either. but due to humidity and wind it is unpleasant in the remaining southern regions without precipitation and down to -20 during the day. the weather is typical for the outskirts of our anticyclone. and look, in the volga region, on the other outskirts, it’s almost the same, -20 so far without precipitation, just for now, because the western the cyclone is already looking for loopholes to destroy the snow queen's castle. in the north-west in the center the wind is increasing, snowstorms are rising, and so is the temperature. in the south it will drizzle in the crimea, there will be wet snow on the don, in general there will be less precipitation, but it will only be warm in the summer. in st. petersburg today -6, snow, in moscow there is still wind, snowstorms during the day - maximum -7. we wish you the
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best morning, further in the program. let's talk about your health. doctor, we will prepare an unusual cupcake with yulia vysotskaya, we will study miracle technology with sergei malozemov. dentistry is one of the most expensive patient areas of medicine, but according to who data only the incidence of dental caries in different countries. among different contingents it ranges from 80 to 98%. by the age of 6-7 years , 80% of children have caries of varying depths. but what can residents of russia get treated for free under the compulsory health insurance system? we are talking about this with the rector of the moscow state medical and dental university named after alexander ivanovich evdokimov, doctor
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of medical sciences oleg yanushevich. good morning, the program your doctor is on air, and here we are talking about the right medicine with the right doctors. oleg orikovich, i am very glad to welcome you to our program, and i would, of course, like to talk with you about such difficult things, such stereotypes that exist today in the minds of the majority, probably the population, that if something serious you have to go to a private clinic if it’s something simple. there is an urgent toothache, well, what does it mean to go to a state clinic out of hopelessness, this is a little familiar to me, this is a little familiar in many specialties, including in oncology, there is an element of distrust in public clinics, on the contrary, hyperdia towards private clinics, this is how it is in dentistry, to what extent is this myth justified or vice versa, well,
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probably? i agree with you that there are a lot of myths, especially in dentistry, and of course, dentistry is special in the sense that in soviet times, when medicine was absolutely free and there were no private clinics, dentistry was a paid activity, orthopedic dentistry, and that was due to the fact that in dentistry...
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it is covered by state guarantees and is included in the compulsory medical insurance program. yes, each region has its own compulsory medical insurance program, but i can say that over the last 10 years these programs have been getting closer, and if earlier the gap between payments under mms in a number of regions was this big, now it is smaller and smaller, and almost the share of payments goes to the states .
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from the compulsory medical insurance fund - this is from the funds of the region and certain groups of people are paid for prosthetics, removable, complete removable prosthetics, how can an ordinary person figure out what can be obtained - within here are government guarantees in your specific region, and what you can’t get, that’s what you have to pay money for, well , the first, quite simple rule for
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any patient is to come to your city, district... clinic, in a number of regions they already became autonomous, well, that is, conditionally state-owned yes. you will understand, here is children's care, it is free or children's care is also divided into some kind of paid, children's care we have always stood in these positions so that children's dentistry is free at the expense of the fund
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compulsory health insurance, it’s already simpler, it’s already simpler, if the child is under 18 years old, yes, then he receives treatment for free, unfortunately, yes, unfortunately, or fortunately, children have replaceable... teeth, that’s why, of course , on baby teeth, if the child brushes his teeth properly, if the parents regularly, at least once every six months, take the child to the dentist, then of course, baby teeth do not directly require any complex interventions, making veneers, implantations, complex sweating, the only thing is...
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and what, in principle, will take place in the twenty -fourth year, laura will host another significant event in the sports world, this is the twelfth winter sports competition for students, skiing and biathlon competitions will be held directly here, but not only professionals can get to the skiing and biathlon complex, for fans of these sports there is a unique opportunity to try out the olympic track yourself, there is also a school for biotlon racing for amateurs and you can take it. here , like regional athletes, come here, so are members of the russian national teams, also amateurs, that is, they can come all year round, look at their, one might say, idols, whom they had previously only seen on tv, try
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to ride the track here themselves, in the summer there is a ski track there, you can ride on it for more than 5 km, and in winter here the track rolls up to about 7 km, people can also try shooting for themselves. i want to test the olympic track. friends, if you love sports and want to test yourself, be sure to come to laura, it’s very cool here, when we say
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cupcake, for some reason there is a feeling that this is a pastry for tea, but it seems to me that this... can be done very quickly in the morning in order to have breakfast, well, not necessarily pancakes , you always know pancakes, pancakes, cheesecakes, dumplings, my grandmother had such a repertoire of cupcakes. a brilliant idea for tea, of course, of course, to treat someone and receive guests, but in the morning all we need is three eggs, 90 g of sugar, we start beating a little vanilla, here, for example, if you you like cinnamon, you can replace vanilla with cinnamon, the main thing is to add something, you know, something aromatic, because otherwise it turns out to be such a creamy story, there is not enough aroma, so vanilla, a teaspoon of vanilla extract here... by the way, about aromas, i don’t know, like you
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, but i think you and i are very close in spirit, real like-minded people, i already incredibly miss summer, i add 250 ml of yogurt here, yogurt makes baked goods and the muffins are always very airy and tender, i just added 120 g here this flour, knead everything carefully so that there are no lumps it was, i also need rice. flour , i need 100 g of rice flour, that is, we have such a combination here, rice flour gives more and that, you know, creamy, creamy feeling from the consistency, so by combining rice flour and wheat flour, we get this tender, airy, moist cake, by the way, in order for it to turn out.
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even more juicy, add 120 ml of vegetable oil here, i use sunflower oil, now add a teaspoon of baking powder and half a teaspoon of salt here, everything is mixed, but the aroma is of course vanilla with strawberry bomb, i have this form, it’s basically teflon coated, so... i don’t lubricate it with anything, but then, as i said, there’s enough vegetable oil here for everything to pop out when it’s ready without surprises cupcake, i put half of the dough, then we will make a surprise, talking about summer, i just love dried toast, a little butter, like this jam, in the center of the dough, you see, so that you get something like a tube of filling, yes. what's great about this jam
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is it has so many berries and it's absolutely perfect unsweetening, and the main thing is that these are all natural ingredients , there are no enhancers here, nothing identical to natural, everything here is natural, so they laid it out, well, as you like, i like it when, after all, we can hide it so that it remains so secret the ingredient is this jam, so i used about three or four tablespoons for this shape, for this amount of dough, that’s it, put the dough in the shape, oven temperature 180°, bake for half an hour, look how beautiful it is, it’s absolutely ready, exactly half an hour, oh, but naturally, of course, we first need to... take
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a toothpick and check that everything is baked well, it is, everything is absolutely ready, we carefully take it out of the mold like this, look how handsome it is, well , of course i turn it over , well, then, if you want, sprinkle it with powdered sugar , if you want, you can make some... for example, pouring caramel with chocolate, white, milk, or leave it just like that, i think it’s already very appetizing, so to the table, russian day fashion, the fashionday concept took place in st. petersburg, in as part of the event, an immersive show of the latest collections of russian clothing brands for adults and children, as well as mini-capsules from young designers, took place. against the backdrop of leaving the country nearby.
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designer and clothing designer. this is a very important question. an important factor in the development of the industry is the creation of a creative environment that allows young people to realize their ideas
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. this becomes possible thanks to the support of the flagships of the fashion industry with the help of digital and other latest technologies. for this we have a creative space called raskroy, where guys come, very young ones. university graduates, they bring an idea with them, and we, well, help them bring this idea to life, we have examples, and today we will see them, finished products that appear on our shelves. the fashion day concept, which was supported by afk sistema, the etalon group, naturaka and other partners, clearly demonstrated the high potential and leading role of market leaders in the development of the fashion industry, which makes a significant contribution to the russian economy. there is a miracle of technology on air, a program in which i, sergei molozyomov and my team tests everything on ourselves. and now the new product of the week, the most interesting of
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the devices that we were able to try over the past 7 days. this time we tested a smartphone for 12 thousand rubles with a built-in function. the screen on them will darken and prevent others from seeing what you are watching, reading or writing. such protective technologies have actually existed for a long time, but require additional actions in the form of gluing a special film. the principle there is also darkening and specially calculated refraction. light, interesting, is there a difference in the effect, we bought one coating for 900 rubles, the second for 1,500 at a discount, which hides information more reliably, they or a new product, we will find out during the quiz for our testers, soot tsygankov gets
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a budget film, dasha kortamysheva gets an expensive one, and nikita sukhanov smartphone with a lever, the task is to answer questions and see what’s there?
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name the issue number in which the robot vacuum cleaner was first tested, but if i didn’t know, then i would be in the air, because i can’t see anything at all, i can’t see, i don’t see what dasha has, i don’t see what nikita has either, but i’m confident in my knowledge, so you can even tell me like this now, let’s start with him.
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measured the angle at which vision is lost. for expensive and cheap films, it is enough to deviate from the perpendicular by only 40°. and you won’t peek anymore. a smartphone with built-in anti-spyware has worse numbers. you can be too far to the side and still see everything. this is where i stop seeing the text, i can’t make it out, but i see that there are icons. and at 55-60° the image becomes completely dark. it seems to me that the phone is turned off. our expert. who tested the phone himself for several days, was generally pleased with the new option, but would hardly buy it for himself. is this feature needed on the phone? mm, i think it’s necessary and... it would be cool if it was built into every phone initially, but on the other hand, it can easily be supplemented by purchasing glass or film,
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although film can give unexpected inconvenience when working as for a navigator in a car, you need to mount the phone very evenly so that it is not at an angle, otherwise the view will be difficult, the effect is at least turned off on the phone. in general, as we found out during testing, we hope that the screen of the new product will 100% hide information from prying eyes. it’s not worth it, the manufacturer has something to improve, but overall his idea works, so we can safely give the device four stars out of five, every time we turn it on, it just blows, it just doesn’t work for heating or cooling, yulia has long wanted install an air conditioner to enjoy coolness in the summer; in the cold season, the temperature in... depended only on it desires, i ordered an air conditioner with installation on the website on the internet, they arrived and installed it, but
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literally a week later everything fell apart, it doesn’t cool, it doesn’t supply warm air, uh, so i actually contacted them again, they fed me breakfast, more than a month has passed, now in general, they don’t get in touch, well, i think, i’ll probably sue them, but somehow the problems need to be corrected, i decided to look for a new company, i searched for a long time, looked at a lot of sites, read reviews and found mirkli. for me the important factor was that they are the only ones who have a lawyer-client service. we understand how expensive a dissatisfied customer can be for a company. we keep in touch with the client at all stages, this is from the beginning, respectively, of the sale, when the client has not yet placed an order, until the end of the warranty period. also, our company does not abandon the client even after the end of the warranty period, and we continue to interact post-warranty and help everyone.
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by calling the hotline or writing by email. it was also important for yulia that her application was quickly responded to. already the next day after contacting her , service department specialists came out and quickly fixed the problem. the previous installers connected the pipes incorrectly , because of this the freon leaked, we fixed everything, oh , really, everything works, thank you very much, i’m so glad, for you there is a certificate of completed work, as well as a warranty card with a discount on your next purchase and phone number, which you can contact, and a memo with useful information, thank you, the issue with the air conditioner has been resolved, july started right away.
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running heaters, water heater and even fireplace, everything will be delivered and installed soon. last week became truly a volunteer week; on december 5 , international volunteer day is celebrated at vdnkh in moscow, as part of the international exhibition forum russia, so a number of meetings were held on this occasion. the gazprom company gathered participants from one of its key areas in the pavilion. corporate patriotic volunteering, memory watch campaigns. for many years
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, throughout russia, gazprom specialists , together with regional search associations, have been raising and reburying the remains of thousands of soldiers and civilians who died in the great patriotic war, establish memorials, open museums, organize traveling exhibitions, provide technical support and reconstruction of monuments with eternal flames and memorial lights in cities. search teams, our gazprom search teams are participating in this work, yes,
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these are our young specialists, those guys who are charged. another important topic of the forum. expert opinion was expressed by the participants of the pau gazprom friends of st. petersburg project. the project is very lively, very popular and a project of friends of st. petersburg as a whole - this is a project for people, about people, including the direction of volunteering - this is an actively developing very promising branch of the project. for the second year in a row, the festival of the project of pao gazprom
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friends of st. petersburg delights guests and residents of the northern capital. in 2023, the festival took place on...
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ran away, but indeed these are very well -trained, and well, in general, practically good employees who can not only be assistants in some basic organizational matters, but also actively are included, including in the content, and some parts of the projects where they come to help. a volunteer mediator is a kind of intermediary between the museum and the person. it is thanks to this practice that every visitor can completely immerse himself in the atmosphere of the museum and learn information from a more interesting side. the most appropriate word is conductor, yes, that is, a mediator who works on the site, and this year we had such floated mediations, that is, there were always several mediators present in the hall, and any viewer could come, this it could be a couple, it could be a small company, it could even be one person, if he is interested and the mediator feels it or asks a question or is asked questions, he joins in this mediation and conducts further
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, adapting to the interest of the visitor, what request he came with, he wants to know more, this year she took a two-month course in art mediation training. the girl says that thanks to this practice, all excursions become unique and different from each other. you always get something new information when you conduct mediation, since people are all very different and people not only from the field of art can participate in mediation, but who are doing something else altogether, that is, doing something else.
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such a dialogue, such an excursion, which is built precisely on feelings, some kind of human emotions. you can visit the gazprom pavilion at the international exhibition at the russia forum every day except monday, until april 12. the best thing for today, beyond: a ten-year-old girl and her four-year-old brother ran away from home, writing a note to their mother that they didn’t they want to live with her new partner, because he beats them. mom, we don’t want to live with vittey. so you see it won’t happen, so come to the abandoned place , i was scared, i cried, what your children told the police, that the partner beat him, punished him there, the man is shocked, because he thought that he managed to replace the children’s real father, they called dad, toys i bought different ones, and the mother herself admitted that this had already happened, when she tried to establish a personal
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life with her previous chosen one, we lived with the previous young man, then already on... rebellious character, do n’t the brother and sister just want to share their mother with other people’s uncles, the children won’t run away from a good mother, maybe lock them up, leave home, go to this family. children cannot be returned, this is beyond the bounds, today at 16:45 on ntv. rinostop helps fight the runny nose at an affordable price; arenostoptra is active from 25 seconds. each has its own renaostp. avatar show. today is the first semi-final. how expensive is our show? the role of love reigns supreme, i don’t agree with it any less, and i sat all in
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goosebumps, such a range of possibilities voice, i just don’t remember anyone. oh, how i want to burst into the mountains. for me it was a peak, a climax. avatar show - first semi-final. well, everyone's nerves are already on edge? how to choose, my god? on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. superstar, new season, saturday at 20:20 on ntv. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business. yes, this is not a business at all, but you didn’t listen, because you’re doing everything wrong. continue!
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alfabank has the best loyalty program for business. we pay 3,000 rubles. for opening an account and up to 10% cashback for expenses. tefleka, a russian manufacturer of energy-efficient heaters made of quartz sand. consumption. only 2-3 kwh per day. the tepleko heater works like a russian stove, heats up quickly, and then releases heat for a long time without consuming electricity. the heat does not burn oxygen, and it has a lifetime warranty. choose your tipleka heater. space heater. polysorp is always with you, against poisoning and allergies .
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theme for business outline! magic condition, real rate up to 15.5% on savings account at gazprombank. your money works and you receive income. apply at catch the sale. ring of falcons for 199 rubles. on avito. slivushka-fat, tender sausage. she makes a delicious breakfast for the family. the cream in it and the meat are combined perfectly for tenderness and taste, which is what we love. knitting will bring joy to the family. slivushka vyazanka, delicate taste and smiles. on new year's eve, our house is immersed in a fairy tale. and your fairy-tale dreams
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will come true in a magnet. win 10 million to buy a house and valuable prizes with a new home, magnet. i am irona ponoroshka, and i don’t want to revolve around technology, let it revolve around me. and hier knows how to do it. let technology revolve around us, and we enjoy using it. hair is a technique inspired by life. well, credit card debts are hanging , interest is dropping, you need a handyman. you take out credit cards, transfer the debts to the bank, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay them, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts easily with the bank. clean. liver using folk remedies, try replacing them with avisol. avisol - a modern natural remedy that promotes gentle cleansing of the liver. avisol and valar. do you cleanse your liver with folk
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remedies? try replacing them with avisol. only in it the oats of milky ripeness are enhanced with herbs and turmeric. and the cheerful valar is number one for cleansing the liver. and now about the weather for today in the south of the far east, the anticyclone maintains sunny weather with daytime frosts down to -20. it is warmer on the coast, but... the cyclone is very powerful, so the wind will increase, add high air humidity and we will get unpleasant weather. center anticyclone in siberia, here is the core of the cold, almost everyone is provided with very severe frosts. the sun, there is not enough clean air in the stagnant atmosphere. there will be light snow in the far north, where frosts are milder, as a result in khatanga 12° warmer than in tyumen. cold, dry weather will still persist in the east of european territory, but in the center, in the northwest , there is already a struggle between the anticyclone and the western cyclone, so the wind will increase, there will be snow, there will be snow, and in few places it will reach -10 during the day. on south, it’s rainy in crimea, it’s about ten degrees celsius, the temperature is about zero and there’s sleet, in the rest
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of the territory there’s almost... precipitation and it’s also cool, only in sochi it’s +16. in st. petersburg today -5-7, snow, in moscow there is a lot of snow, winds, snow, and daytime temperatures around -7. everything about the weather. and can you give up sweets? take alejim. the natural aleedjim complex helps reduce appetite and cravings for sweets, as well as maintaining normal sugar levels. aleedjimalar is recommended by the russian diabetes association. how to support are your sugar levels normal? accept. the natural aligjim complex helps maintain normal sugar levels and reduce appetite cravings for sweets. the alied evalar workout is recommended by the russian diabetes association.
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military cunning and courage, a report on the work of the ivanovo paratroopers in the artyomovsk area, from oral form to video question, preparation for the program, the results of the year with vladimir putin came out on...
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in the donetsk direction. the crew received location data.


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