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tv   Zoloto Lagina  NTV  December 12, 2023 1:40am-2:31am MSK

1:40 am
what's going on here? what's the matter? take me away from here, sit down, he knows that the assassination attempt was organized by the grachov, what do you mean, i don’t know anything, what kind of grachov is he lying to, don’t make a fool of yourself, but come on, take him to him, well, let’s go, let’s go, let's go, timofeevich, we should have said it first and not dealt with it. sent to the customer, an assassination attempt , he’ll figure out the customer’s name, it won’t be difficult, i ’ll figure it out, so what kind of telegram is this, who did you send it to, and to your fiancee, she collects mushrooms, loves them, especially saffron milk caps, so i’m here for her i wrote, i thought he would come, what kind of saffron milk caps? who are you
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telling lies about? yes, he typed a little, wanted her to come, but he lied, but why was the telegram not sent to her name, to a po box? so her parents don’t love me, so we are encrypted, you really know something about nagrachev’s assassination attempt, why am i... stuck in the kitchen for days, and lagen claims that you know, but he’s lying to all your lagen, yes he , probably, she organized this murder herself, and now she’s getting out of it, and sobolev is at the same time with him, they even tell jokes about brizhny, what the negot, but nothing will happen to me, don’t be afraid , it won’t happen, brezhnev asks and... the law on
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the country of the jews, here the answer is 2-3 million, and if they are allowed to leave, how many of them will want to leave, well, 15-20 million, very funny, did the camp tell you this joke? no, venus, the camp supply man, he offered me forbidden literature, but... “i refused, what kind of literature? yes, it’s on the closet over there, you can look at it if you want, ivan timofeevich, why are you standing there, come here.”
1:43 am
it’s okay, i’ll stand with the men, great, ivan timofeevich, what kind of artists came to us? the commission has arrived, and what do they want , but they came to restore order, to check how we are working with you, yeah, inspectors, crap, the money is ours for the dead and their woman, the auditor, kept pestering us with questions, saying how much we earn, how much money we give you, and you? it’s okay, they said, come to the barracks at night, we’ll show you. did she call us idiots? comrade slagin, can i see you? yes, of course, where is your supplier in vienna? why do you need it? there are not enough documents for spare parts, without them i can’t finish the report. well, when he arrives, i’ll tell you he...
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he’ll come to you, timofeevich, what did she need, but i was too lazy to lose some papers, damn timofeevich, what a great idea you came up with with this shack, thank you, the commission will leave, we’ll return your house to place, just be quiet. that he didn’t even tell me anything, okay, okay , what are you talking about, i actually have good news too , the result of the examination is ready, there are no your prints on the body of linad valevo , well, accordingly, neither are there on the gun, but you doubted it, i didn’t, i had no doubt, well well, what are you, well, you had to check , you understand, everything doesn’t depend on me, well , you didn’t leave any traces in the house either, the money is pure gold, so relax, timofeevich, relax, the security officer is not stonewalling.
1:45 am
these are the results of the examination, and here is the protocol of the interview with rinat valeev’s neighbors, no one saw his lagina, that is, it’s clear as a sheet, they don’t have anything against him, if you have everything, you can go, we’ll sell it soon. you can give me a lift to the city, you know how to sing, i can,
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sit down, instead of the radio you will use it, thank you. comrade colonel, what do we have for venus? leonid, born in forty-five, don’t look at why you let him go, i told you, he’s connected to crime, just a minute. are you involved in crime? isn't na darku taistsky your friend? and you don't interfere with our work?
1:47 am
uh-huh, uh-huh, i see, this venus has the full package, the conscientious objector applied for immigration to israel and the usa three times, has extensive criminal connections, was involved, yes, was involved in three cases of guild workers, but each time he got away with it, i’m still in trouble, and who are his parents? parents, vener efim abramovich, was convicted in the doctors' case, died in camp, mother venus dora lvovna, is still alive, colonel, is there anything
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significant about their offspring? well, for the offspring, for the offspring, a cart and a whole cart, here is the information from the sexes. this is some kind of nonsense, ival timofeevich, i have all the contracts, all the documents are in order in the office in the closet, well, you can show him yourself, sit down, come on.
1:49 am
infection, did they ask anything about me? no, what should they have? no, i did that, just in case, they have no time for you right now, but give me a smoke, you don’t smoke, i don’t smoke, now i want something. were there any searches at the site? no, what are you asking? well, it’s so simple , you hid something in the plot, am i an idiot, you
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’re braiding, you’re lazy, there are people, you tell them 100 times, but they’re all like peas, no, it ’s not about me. how do you smoke this stuff, i can’t help it, so what? minute that your friend is not visible here, and their car is not there, you are lazy, go to the office, kovaleva cannot find some spare parts there, don’t worry, lenya has everything, now this toad will take out movsky. yes, i have all the documents here, in a visible place,
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i also have invoices for spare parts, everything is in order with me, i'll check, yeah, check. state security committee, major ikonov, come in, comrades, come in, comrade witnesses, i ask for your attention, alexander solzhenitsyn, archipelagologist. “
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it throws itself on my shoulders, a century-old wolfhound, but not wolves by blood , better stuff me like a hat into your sleeve, with a hot fur coat of the siberian steppes, tell me, is it true that mandelstam’s prisoners drowned him in a toilet, i don’t know, they didn’t report this to me , do you want lin tefimovich?" “i advise you not to think about yourself now, about yourself, this is all going on for 10 years, something needs to be done about it what to do, but what to do about it , well, how do i know, we have to somehow get out of this shit, you don’t want to end your life like malderstam, but we don’t want to, so you ’re free for now, go ahead, well..." what, afimovich , will we cooperate? i’m always ready
1:53 am
, i mean, to cooperate, i’m glad that we understand each other, here’s paper, a pen, yes, i’ll reassure you right away, we already have irrefutable evidence, we need a little formality, write what the assassination attempt on grachev was organized by lagin, it was he who told you... to drink a gun, you bought it, and he gave it to the performer, that's all, yes.
1:54 am
listen, what’s going on there, i don’t know what ’s going on, let’s get out of here, why was he detained, where is the arrest warrant? here's the warrant and sentence, tomorrow at 10 i'm waiting for you at lubent.
1:55 am
attention of those greeting you, the plane from smertlovsk, traveling on flight 841, has landed. how did it arrive? everything is fine. shall we go have some coffee? let's go to. as soon as the article came out, everyone immediately disappeared somewhere. the phone is silent, no one calls. even the director.
1:56 am
“he started going somewhere often, i don’t know where he hangs out, i don’t feel comfortable asking, well, who he’s like, uh-huh, where are the guys, they’re still sleeping. do you want to eat? no. hello,
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gribov's receptionist, good morning, can i talk to vasily ivanovch? this is lagim, vasily ivanovich, on a business trip, will be there in a week. can you cope with the laginsk artel? roman grigorievich has a lot of experience working with people. has been working for years, as far as i remember, according to the latest quarterly reports, your artillery is not fulfilling the plan, there is a problem deposit there, the vein has been depleted, no matter how hard you try , it is impossible to fulfill the plan, well, i wrote to you about it in the memo, yes, yes, i remember, vasily
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ivanovich, i won’t let you down, comrade, you can rest assured. well, let's hope that you try, i wish you good luck, thank you, goodbye, i wouldn't rush things, the question of replacing the lagin is not an easy one, you know, vitaly andreevich, who is behind it, right? “i was at lupyanka, they made it clear to me that they are taking him seriously, and now it’s not just about grachev, lagin is accused of economic crimes, you read the report, sign it,
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this is an order to remove lagin.” thank you, can i have lieutenant colonel saramyatov? who is asking him? lagin asks. pyotr ivanovich will not be there today. and when he appears, i would like to go with him. well, this one goes there too, and you know, i would eat it.
2:00 am
great, great, a sign, here , take a look, what does this mean, read it, wait , what does it mean to stop all work, that’s what they decided in moscow, an order from above, that it’s necrotic, where will i put all the men, but how do i know where will you get them? there are questions, zhurov, zhurov, you’re even moving your horn, where am i going to put this yelling, how do i know where you’re going?
2:01 am
but not a day more, there is news from the lagin, while i’m deaf, listen, after a council, you would tell them with your golvariz to stop working, we’ll leave, then we’ll start.
2:02 am
guys, finish your work, finish, finish your work, i said, that’s it.
2:03 am
yes, great, timofeevich, this is sobolev, listen, zhurov came to us here, ordered to stop all work, says some order from the ministry, he wanted to close the artel and disperse the men. ignat, the mine must be preserved at any cost. well, i'll do what i can, when are you coming back? if i'm not here in a week, call ina, she will tell you what to do. everything is so serious, timofeevich, let them call me to smile, it’s clear. there, the artel workers are making a fuss; we need to explain to them what’s going on. well, let's go. how does my jaw not hurt? well, i’m sorry, i couldn’t restrain myself,
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you would have done the same in my place, right? but this is unlikely? but we could have been friends, from what gender, we studied at the same school, only in different classes, we were english, lady grigorevna taught us, remember, a narrow skirt above the knee, manicure, size 4 breasts, the teacher was great, yes, we all at her i'm sad, i'm sorry i left. “she married a pasta maker, now lives in milan, she’s lucky , and you also
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have relatives in the states, it’s okay that you want to send her to america, it’s a funny question, why, you will help me cure a criminal, and i will help you. leave the states, lagin is not a criminal, who is not afraid of this, this is his former supplier, he worked for you at his mine, the killer was never found, but the suspicion was strong that it was he who had a hand in it, you still have to get to america, you will get there i guarantee my father was guaranteed freedom, and then rotted in the camps. well, no one
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is immune from mistakes, now the time is different, the time is different, but the methods are the same, so, as we say in odessa, don’t play with my fauberges. about your father, have you ever trimmed the fruit trees in the garden? no, i haven’t , well, i cut off something else, there’s no need to make jokes, so this is the technology, a good gardener always cuts off unnecessary shoots, is our philosophy
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clear, citizen? yes, it’s much clearer, citizen-boss, i’ll go with you, don’t make things up, i won’t let you go there alone, and so what are you going to tell them, that my father was the commander of the armored forces, and that he did not give his life in order to... so talk to them is useless, let sobolev come, give him money, how much will he say?
2:08 am
do you understand the situation correctly? come in, sit down, major yakunov called me , but i don’t suit you with something, no, why , it’s just that the major is in the know, i’m also in the know, even more than that, sit down, then tell me why my subordinate vener was arrested, no he is the only one who reads solzhenitsyn, he is a banned author,
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he clogs the brain... with his harmful considerations, so that everyone who is reading, is sitting or will be sitting in jail, you can rest assured, i carefully studied the report on the work of your mine, it’s impressive, it’s impressive with outright fraud, all this is taking a very long time, don’t you be afraid, any director can be imprisoned , this is how we fight, but not those who do nothing, you don’t touch them. and those who work and bring benefit to the state, these are the ones who are pitied. let's avoid this pathos, we are well versed in the work that is entrusted to us, so there is no need to teach us here, i don’t smoke, be patient, although i i admit that you are not trying for yourself and with your mine you are trying to demonstrate that you can live and work differently. i
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understand correctly. the situation, in principle , is correct, this is a rare case when we understand each other, i also believe that the time has come for change in the country, we need new people, new ideas, you think very well, i appreciated your irony, and i feel with you can reach an agreement, give us your testimony, we will write it down and let you go on all four sides, moreover, i give you my word, we are for...
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gennady danilovich, wife of the minister of internal affairs more high positions: brezhnev’s secretary brovin, shcholokov, svetlana vladimirovna, aren’t you familiar with them either? don’t rush to answer, think, we have nowhere to rush, i know, according to our information, they provided you with services, and they did not do it for free, is that true? suddenly i remembered, during the war in 1943, i was captured by the krauts. they dragged me to the basement, so i gouged out one of his eyes with a pencil,
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i don’t play these games, you disappointed me, but i’m giving you time. that means we have a vacation, that's it, guys, the rally is over, the barracks are resting, in the evening they'll bring checkers to the domain, let's go, guys, let's have a smoke, svetlana vladimirovna, hello,
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hello, good to see you. what happened on your face? the husband was arrested. oh yes, yes, i read the article. oh, let's go to the car and talk there. don’t wait for me, okay, there’s booze, they haven’t
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brought it yet, guys, give me some for smoking, but what’s it like? your tourists haven’t found gold yet , and what kind of gold, they walk around with their beepers, there’s no use, thank you, listen here, okovalok, tell your tourists to get out of our forest, otherwise they’ll rake complete, i’ll kill the freaks, and we’ll say so, get out of here
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, next time, alconaut, don’t start a fire, but quietly go away somewhere and settle down there, well, fuck you, just don’t forget to leave a suicide note, go, go, come on, you why did you let him go, but tanya doesn’t want to imprison him, and he scared her beast, so she doesn’t want it if he kills her, and why are you getting so worked up over her?
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is there any news? the situation is not important now, the security officers have taken him seriously, so only god can. well, or it’s clear, hello, svetlana vladimirovna, washing myself, that’s right, who are you looking for there, andropovo, are you waiting for him to come for you, don’t talk nonsense, but what nonsense? his people are grabbing our friends, which means
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they can grab us, who are you talking about about lagina, i talked to his wife, it’s all because of this article, no, my dear, everything is much more serious, this is a blatant attack on you, on me, on galya , listen, what do you want from me, i want you to punch these creatures in the face, get completely insolent, calm down, it’s not the time yet when the time will come when they’ll put you in prison with... the car is at the entrance, and i’ll recognize my dear one by gait, he wears shorts, and we wear a hat on a panama hat, and he wears boots on a belt. he wears it on a panama hat, in a shade he wears it on
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a reman, why did i recognize you, my dear, why, why did i fall in love with you, i didn’t know this before, but now i’m doing it, i knew. well, guys, what a joke, go for a walk, let’s go to the dining room, and i’m cute, i’ll recognize you by my gait.
2:19 am
what does all of this mean? who gave permission to leave the barracks? what's this? vodka? i see that you are not a smart guy, don’t you know that alcohol is prohibited here? we know, you know! well, excuse me, man, you're doing it, what about him? you killed him, gorinich, but what about him? i feel like i don’t have long left, kolya. well, lyanich, we will fight again. what has happened with you? drupov arrested a friend of our family for a crime?
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there is no evidence of his guilt, well, you know how they work? alya also complains about them. leonid ilyevich, well, we need to make a decision. it's not even about me, it's not about my friends, it 's about the safety of your family. androp is a terrible person, he is capable of anything. don't rush me, kolya.
2:21 am
come on, get up, don’t touch him, you, who are you, i? man, and who do you think i am? i don’t know, the horse is wearing a coat, i see you’re too greyhound, but no, there are greyhounds, tell me, so what? the sheep got up, quickly got to work, and you don’t know where matvey is, no idea, i ’m not interested at all, you know, i’m so unfair, in my opinion, matvey is a good
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guy, yeah, when he sleeps with his teeth against the wall, you, by the way, why didn’t you wake me up when my father arrived? my father wanted you to sleep. father didn’t want to talk, to find out how we were living with his maula. okay, that's it, stop it. you are better tell me why katya doesn’t come to us? did you have a fight? no, mom, we didn't quarrel. they just parted ways, like ships at sea. it looks like she has a crush on my verbal brother. katya in matvey. but she doesn’t claim so yet, but she doesn’t deny it either. she needs to think about it. withheld punitive damages. wait, don’t offend the guy, give him all the money. again you, everything that is needed most of all. or maybe you want to get to know me better? i have no desire.
2:23 am
that's right, i am the boxing champion of the ryazan division, airborne forces. i told you, i'm human. yes you're just a louse, petty. oh, it’s okay, you can take a blow, you can stand up for yourself, give it to the uzbek, i’m sorry, paratrooper, i didn’t mean to, i just automatically give back to anyone, take it, brother, it’s yours. thank you, hello everyone, oh matvey, where have you been, about earning money, running around moscow with a knife or selling stolen gold again, unloading cars, why is this, well
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, why, there’s everything in the refrigerator, but i don’t like living for someone else’s count, i’m not a survivor, how are you talking to my mother? did i tell you something wrong? should i explain it to you? anton, matvey, you brothers! well, stop it! if we lived in the last century, i would challenge you to a duel. yes, in this century you can also find out who is a man and who is what. anton, if you love your father even a little, please don’t bully matvey. i beg you. mom, you know what, i need all this right here. let my father finally decide who is more valuable to him, him or me? so, whoever gets hit by the train is the guy, who doesn’t get hit, what, we’ll cast lots,
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who’s first? no need, i'll do it myself. and you’re a man, now it’s my turn, don’t,
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come on, anton, do you think i’m a fool? li, but you think i don’t understand anything, you want me to get away from you, right? what did you guess, then help me enroll in the mining technical school and i will move away from you to the dorm, today the eighth session of the supreme council began work in moscow, they called, come in, venereje begs to be transferred to a regular one. i don’t understand, the jeweler ordered lagen to be released, but what
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are we going to do with venus, he has a whole bag of banned literature, well , we won’t take the matter to court, send him to a mental hospital, let him sit, let’s clear his brains. free, free, to the airport, good, drinking “hello, hello, in, they let you out? they couldn’t resist the allotment of the daughter
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of the commander of the armored forces. and where are you calling from? from the airport, why aren’t you coming home? i need to go to the station, i’ll figure out how things are going there and come back, guys tell me that i'll be home in a week, okay, well, bye , kiss, bye, dear,
2:29 am
2:30 am
i thought you people were finally dashing! not you, it's good that you remained alive. district authorities, perhaps you with such beauty to him.


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