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tv   Svet i ten mayaka  NTV  December 12, 2023 4:05am-4:51am MSK

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let's go, aletka, i want to advise you not to do anything drastic. some kind of decisions, because when you are dealing with people, there is no need for any harshness, what are you hinting at now? but i’m not hinting, i’m telling you directly with a lazy face, because now you’ll rush into her arms out of grief, and then you’ll regret it, i won’t rush anywhere, i’ve already told you a thousand times that lena and i are just friends, friends, that’s all , i realized that you and lenochka are friends. i’m your friend, just if
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you whistle at her, friend, suddenly this one, like a little dog, will run after you to the ends of the world and she will live with you in a leaky hut, there is no need to reassure her in vain. okay, i ’ll try, smart girl, smart girl, you’ll see, everything will settle down, get tired, i went to work to get ready, what did i say, i said that the uprisings will also be fine, take the elevator.
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what are you doing here? how did you get here? valechka, are these thieves? do you hear anything, who are you? i recognized you. go, go to the bedroom. this is simply incredible. are you on your side again? i can no longer calmly feel you in my own home. that's it, i'm tired of it. i i call the police, let them come and do it.
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everything you do is violence, no violence, dear, we just wanted to talk to you, talk, i ’ll be with you at the police, there’s no need to rush with the police either, with what article are you dictating your terms, with such that you have a wife, larisa nikolaevna, and i think it will be very unpleasant for her to find out that during her absence, you are having fun with strangers, what do you want from me, this is already a business conversation, citizen zelenin, internal service security, you were arrested, on what grounds, you change to the guilt of abuse of power, connection with criminal groups. i see, do you have evidence? more than enough, so you can forget about signing up and leaving, well, forget, then forget, at least let me call, but why call? are you guys wrong here?
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so now there is only hope for you, don’t rob, don’t kill, no one is going to get you , we only need a disc here, recording the intimate entertainments of your student tatyana, this is impossible, you won’t get it, that’s why interesting, they have organized incriminating evidence against me, they are blackmailing me, this disk is my only protection, which means you need to find another defense, are you not listening to me, i told you, you won’t get the disk, even if you cut me. cutting, talking, this is an interesting idea,
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but we won’t rush, by the way, where is your wife, breathing. with your mother-in-law out of town, when will he return? i have to today, but what does this have to do with it? and given that we will all stand here now, stay with you and wait for your wife, i think she will be very interested in meeting that charming girl, who is hiding in your room. lord, where did you fall on my head? disk, valentin mikhailovich, give me the disk and we will leave, and you do whatever you want. but what about the incriminating evidence against me? i promise that i will destroy him, there are no other options, unfortunately,
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is he here? this is him, but you promise me that there will be no compromising evidence, i told you, valentin mikhailovich, it’s time to finally learn to trust people, irin, but you just. a brilliant actress, she played it all out so convincingly, my danyushka is proud, i didn’t think that she would accept this so easily a great gift, and i was sure that she would accept
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it, because she trusts me, where does such confidence come from, how were you able to convince her, and i have a little secret, what, you know, what is called, sincerity, tanyusha became like family to me . dachi, well, what can i say to this, rata, okay, i’m in town on business, listen, take me with you, why? i have a wonderful homeopathic doctor in my city, he will get you back on your feet. i seem to be on my feet anyway. yes, listen, let's come to an agreement. who am i going to, where am i going? these are my personal matters. fine? i don't i would like you to. she arranged these interrogations for me with passion, that’s it, i’m sorry, i went,
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listen, how scared i was, what are you? and think about it, we come to the apartment , there shouldn’t be anyone, and there is a man and a woman, he should have left, he would have left if not for his mistress, this happens in our work, it’s called an unaccounted factor, alevsechek, something good , nerves of iron, got him going like this, experiments, practice, a great thing, okay , now that’s not about that, the main thing... the job is done, we now have the disk, kostya will be happy , yeah, let’s go, let’s be happy, oh, hi, ah you
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you're looking for you head on, yes, why did you get the idea, well , he searched you, he's been running around the university all morning, looking out, and why didn't you spend the night together, are you stunned, we should spend the night together, well listen, well, everyone already knows that you're sleeping , some kind of crazy nonsense, why nonsense, he’s cute , young, not a freak, but he’ll help you with your tests, i don’t know who he helps with what, it doesn’t concern me, but why are you always shu-shu with him? -shu yes shu-shu-shu, do you think no one sees that you are leaving home together, we’re just on the road, and on the road straight to bed, and this smart guy, you know , lives with his student, but i’m surprised how he hasn’t been kicked out of the university yet, and you too, yes, but you’re with him for money, yes, but out of mutual interest, you why are you mooing here, cow, you yourself are a cow, well , let’s get out of here before i’ve counted all your teeth, you know me, oh, i’m afraid, i’m afraid, hands, hello amigas, kiss here with your global, tan, what is this?
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hello girls, how are you? tane and i are not siamese twins, and things go differently for us. it was you who killed me. do you have something it happened? nothing happened to me. are you somehow sad? she's not sad, she's thoughtful. oh, thoughtfulness suits you, tatyana. i can ask you one thing. yes, of course, i promise everything i can. i beg you, don't come near me.
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you are just like a spy, welcome, here on a silver platter, where is the border , i don’t see something, you check, yes, we’ll take a look now, so that’s it, i’ll make a copy just in case, you’ll send the original to oleg by
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courier , well, not to work, but home, i don’t want to be around at the moment when he sees, you think, he’ll suspect you, god forbid, come on, it’s... you’re a champion, i know, so, a copy, great, and i came up with a prize for you, what kind, i’m going to the lighthouse, your presence is needed there now, that’s nadya stepanova, you know that she tells everyone about the uprising, that you are sleeping with her, i am sleeping with tanya, this is some kind of nonsense, but who allows her to talk like that, and you know, she is not allowed to do anything. asks, so it ’s nadya stepanova, she says, i’ll go
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talk now, but there’s no need to talk to anyone, that you don’t understand, that you’ll only make things worse, then everyone will definitely decide that it’s a romance , some kind of nonsense, and what should i do now, listen to tanya, communicate with her only within the walls of the university exclusively for studies, no, well, if there is no other way out, this is necessary, well, you understand , what is this and you found the disk, no, i didn’t find it, i... there is the rector’s office, i looked, there is no disk there, it’s very bad, but bad, of course, the rector also caught me at the crime scene, now he’s looking at me like a wolf , it couldn’t get any worse, yeah, okay, i ’ll go.
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hello, i showed up and didn’t get dusty. appeared listen, olya, by the way , i wasn’t trying to come visit you, you invited me yourself, okay, don’t be offended, i’m not offended, take off your clothes, i’m actually not going to be long , come in, well, you’ll have some tea, or now you’ll have some tea only irina serves, or maybe also - in bed, or maybe they serve, but
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great, i’m glad, i’m for you that you ’re bathing in feminine care, yes, you’re absolutely right about this, in general i don’t understand what the claims, ol, you and i wanted to talk about our children, well, let’s talk about them, well speak as i say, olya, and speak about tanya, what’s wrong with her? you yourself don’t know what’s wrong with her, she’s going through a bad time without oleg, that’s what it’s like for you. will be, then she’s not the only one suffering, he’s also completely exhausted , well, well, why is he playing the fool then, well, what did he get into his head, he’s proud, he decided that she cheated on him and there’s no way to forgive can’t, olya, but how many times can you explain to him that she didn’t cheat on him, can you hear me or not, didn’t cheat on him, tanya,
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but i know that she didn’t cheat on him, you tell him that go on, what are you going to do? what do we do? i don’t know, olya, let ’s somehow organize some kind of meeting, i don’t know, they won’t want to meet, they won’t want to, now they won’t want to, then they will want to, in short, olya, well, i have some idea for a report, hello? hello, vladik. hello gal. what's the news? the news couldn't be worse. the disk was never found in the office. this is bad, very bad. where could he be then? well, apparently, he’s at his house after all. do you think so? well, what are the options? he sent it to me in a swiss bank. yes, that's unlikely. you know? let me try to
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steal this damn disk right from his apartment. how do you get there? yes, i don't know yet. in general, i’ll go there now, and on the way i’ll think of something. come on, come on. and hello, how is life, how are you in general, nothing , things are going well, life is also normal, and in fact, what are you asking, i don’t, i just know, i thought that it’s been a long time since we ’ve been anywhere like this in a comradely way we were sitting,
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maybe in a sports bar today, and over a beer, over a beer you say, well, yes, yes, but i’m sorry, i don’t i can today, wait, wait, why is today a day of sobriety, or what? no , well, vera got sick, she doesn’t feel well , so i can’t, i understand, thank you, now you have to take care of your family, i’m right in saying that, well, yes, yes, you’re spot on. hello, good afternoon, this is zolobov. yes, yes, good afternoon. there is new information about your liza skorkina. yes, i'm listening. your liza came from irkutsk, there in irkutsk they know her under a completely different name. wow.
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you understand that a person will not change his name just like that. this is a terrible headache. replacement. passports of all documents, unless, of course, her passport is not polish at all, you think she is a professional criminal, it’s possible, it’s difficult to say right away, you need to go to irkutsk, and you can go to irkutsk right now, well, in principle, yes, vasily, then i’ll ask you, you go to irkutsk , find out about this lisa, everything you can, of course, i’ll cover the expenses myself, my brother is healthy. clearly gloomy, but why have fun? how about having fun? you have to enjoy life, every moment, every second, it’s a thrill, you have to get pleasure from everything , right, by the way, about pleasure, maybe we’ll give up on fishing, but no, i’m not in the mood, but
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i know, i know how to cheer you up, i’m not suggesting you go fishing together, i have you’ll meet a couple of pretty girlfriends , they’re very accommodating , you’ll lick your fingers, well, now i just needed this, bone, you’re because of tanya, yes, just spit and rub it in the end, man, king of nature, brother, winter, cold, good, good day, good afternoon, can you tell me? valentin mikhailovich rostotsky, what apartment does he live in? and why do you need it? yes, i’m expelled from the university, i wanted to talk to the rector personally, i ’m probably a bad student? mikhailovich has an apartment, so the twenty-third, thank you very much, but you don’t happen to know, he’s at home now, but he’s not there, only his wife larisa, she recently
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returned from the sanatorium, okay, okay then, thank you, i’ll come by later, thank you, thank you, hello, ver, ver, it’s me, yes, slav, what happened, yes it happened, zelenin was taken, oh! what a pity, yes, i didn’t think it was like that will happen quickly, obviously it didn’t happen without kostya, and you talked to kostya, finished the deal , he wanted to lure me out, but i refused, you think he suspects, but the devil knows, he was hinting about a family, thank you, i ’m afraid, but not be afraid, you know that ver, you can obviously pack your things, i’ll take you to the village, yes, you ’ll be left here alone, but i’m not alone, there’s someone here to back me up, listen, the wedding is already in a week, here’s you in a week and i’ll bring it just the day before, so don’t delay and get ready, that’s it, let’s go for now, after all, i
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i think that you were born a little at the wrong time, in the wrong century, your knightly loyalty is all bullshit, we are not for women, but women are for us, they should remember this. granted, mutual respect and loyalty are important in a relationship, otherwise nothing will work out, you’re funny, bro, but how can you love one woman when there are so many of them around, well, i don’t understand, okay, let’s just leave this topic , that’s it, guys, i on business. if someone asks me, i’ll be there soon, uh-huh,
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zelenin was arrested, uh-huh, how was he arrested, for what? for the same thing, they are accused of connection with bandits, is this some kind of madhouse? well, you go tell your boss, i’ll go and tell you, why are you crazy, he’ll grind you into dust, he won’t, you fool.
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good afternoon, is valentin mikhailovich at home? no, he's not, is he at university? yes, it’s strange, but what’s strange? i’m just his graduate student , yeah, he told me to go to his house and asked to be sure to wait for him, okay , come in, yes, i won’t interfere, it’s just that, you know, we have a scientific conference soon, and i wanted to talk about the report, okay, okay, if he promised to come, it means it will be soon, yes, get rid of it, come in, come in, come in, don’t be shy. this is very interesting, how can we help, who? zelenin? olek, are you, captain , are you out of your mind, comrade colonel, it seems to me that he
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is not guilty, which means he seems not guilty, of course, he is not guilty, he is just a negotiator, otherwise he is not guilty, he is not negotiable, i am sure that he is sure, and i am sure, that he is a man who sold the honor of his uniform, and i am sure, because i have facts, but what do you have, you only have one doubts, only doubts. you will have the facts, come, then we will sort it out, igor valerievich, i still think that don’t think, don’t think, everyone should think within their own competence, that’s it, now go and work, go, go, oleg, that’s enough worry about... all this nonsense, do you think it's nonsense? says nasty things right to my face, everyone else whispers behind my back, which is even worse, and this evil dwarf
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is simply jealous of you. harlick, the rest, well , the rest don’t care at all, they don’t care, you ’re screwing yourself over, it’s good that i now what should i do, don’t pay attention, do it, you see that nothing is happening, people will stop coming to you, and these conversations will subside on their own, it’s easy to tell you, don’t pay attention, tanya, tanya, if you react like that , nadya from you. when she doesn’t leave you alone, calmly, business, you see that nothing is happening, she will leave you on her own, look at me, come on, smile , smile, well done, you know what, i’ll go buy us some goodies now , you watch your figure, and by the way, so do you. here's the tea
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thank you, you see, well , what is the conference dedicated to, well, what is the topic - it is dedicated to economics, it is clear that it is not literature, but still there is some kind of main topic, a topic, yes, you are absolutely right, well, what about the conference? and without a topic, well, what is the topic, this is international economic integration in a multipolar world, but what is your report dedicated to? my report, yes, well, the title, the title has not yet been finalized, yes, yes, well, in a nutshell at
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least, in a nutshell? uh, small business, small business, yes, growing pains, well, curious, yes, interesting, excuse me, i, i just caught a cold, it’s outside, you don’t have any honey for tea, maybe, mm, no, there’s raspberry jam, that’ll do, yes, just a minute, i’ll bring it, yes, thank you big, wait a second, temperature, something, tell me why you stuck your nose in there, i asked you, it’s actually amazing how
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you don’t care about moles. i didn’t smear it, you see what mood he’s been in lately, but i don’t care about his mood, who, the mole, you don’t care about, you can’t leave roofing felt like that, i ’ll actually go to the city government, and this for what? requires an independent investigation, because you cannot conduct an investigation when you are initially convinced of the guilt of the suspects. oleg, almost everyone works like this, but i don’t care who works how, he took the oath, okay, i’ll see you later.
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the fee must be appropriate, don’t worry about the fee, if you do everything as i told you, you will return from the tattered little town of the queen, you will live happily without any snotty kids in the children’s club, but this sounds encouraging, only one condition, that i i'll tell you now will remain between us, no one will know about this, i understand, but what’s incomprehensible here, it’s clear,
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here... today there will be a storm at the lighthouse, that the weather will change? that's right, the weather changes at a single lighthouse, the quiet one will vomit. throw, and tatyana will find out such news that will not cause hysterics, and what will i have to do in this case, you need to prevent her from doing anything to herself, no poisoning, drowning, anything like that, and the most the main thing is that she should not contact oleg, it’s strange, she should make peace with oleg now, but tikhan this is what he wants, what tikhan wants is his personal... the thing is, i hired you, and i pay you too, so you will do everything that i told you, clear, clear, that’s good, you watch out here, it’s time for me to go, we’ll call you when
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we need it, that’s it, go. let's talk about what you need, what are you doing , i'm telling you for the last time , you viper, leave tanya alone, otherwise i'll smear it all over the wall , get over it, i'm not afraid of you, go to the dean's office and complain that you threatened me, just complain keep in mind, you still have to return home in the evening, and there are so many frosts on the streets walks, you understand what you are saying, this is a threat to life, no... no, this is not a threat, i’m just worried about your health, do you catch the difference? i understand, i’ve made a conclusion, i won’t bother tanya anymore, smart girl, go, take a pie from the shelf, drink
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tea, eat jam. oh, you know , i immediately began to float, i have a strange taste, what, i want some more tea, i’ll make it hotter, no, no, thank you, but wait, i ’ll make it for myself, now, something, wait , no, now i, what’s wrong with you, no, no, no, sit down, sit down. sit down, you sit down, sit down, it will be easier for you, so sit down, something is not good, something, so, i, i don’t know, have something,
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some kind of weakness, right away, oh, yes, here, sit down, my eyes are closing, i don’t know what’s wrong with me, sit down, yes, of course, sit down, like this, carefully, wait, carefully, you, right here, yes, lean on your elbows, it will pass, yes, it will be easier for you, of course, that’s it it will pass, now, it will be easier, now just a minute, excuse me, nothing, nothing, now it will pass, now everything will pass, yes, yes, everything is fine, so, that’s good, hello, son, yes, mom, i’m listening, oh, something doesn’t feel good at all, but what’s wrong with you, and yes, and
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heart, and blood pressure, all at once, could you please come... and mom, i service now, can i call you soon? oh, no, i know them , they will immediately take you to the hospital in intensive care, they will put you in intensive care, that everything is so serious, well, it’s not good, really, okay, i can handle it myself somehow, mom, listen to me, take the pills and hold on, i ’ll try to get there as soon as possible. yes, son,
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where is this disk, huh? larisochka, it's me! larisa, i'm home! larisa, larisa, are you sleeping? larisa, larisochka, larisochka, you feel bad, larisa, well, lord, what happened, larisochka, tell me something, well, larisochka, i beg you, tell me. something please, larisanka
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, what are you, maybe a doctor, larisa, hello, olga vladimirovna, it’s you, yes, tanechka, i’m sorry to bother you, what are you talking about, i’m sorry, but could you come to me right now , and what happened, i feel bad, my heart is racing , my blood pressure is jumping, i’m left alone, i’m afraid what will happen, but i can’t get through to kostya oleg, again, probably on a mission. well, of course, i'll come, or maybe you should i call an ambulance? i don’t want to take drugs, it will only make things worse. well, okay , then i’ll leave and call a taxi. thank you, tanechka.
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well, it’s barely light, and i’m at your feet, young man, man, and to woo a woman first, and then have a meal, it’s a fair remark, it’s a sin not to woo such a woman, madam. would you be so kind as to accompany me to this wonderful dinner? and you also ask what kind of woman would refuse you, of course, yes. captain, can you explain to me what ’s going on here, and what’s going on here? happening? well, it depends on what area? in the area, in the area of ​​your investigation.
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“captain ignatiev, it’s your immediate boss who’s bothering you, major kravchenko , so where are the wolves carrying you in the middle of the working day, brother, sorry, bone, i didn’t have time to warn you, my mother called, she’s not feeling well, but i immediately rushed off and went home, and what mom is like this, her heart is in labor, her blood pressure, god knows , everything is bad here, so, well, since you’re going to her..." then i’m calm, but you keep me informed, call me right away, if anything happens, of course, a bone , let's, be.
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seryozhenka, yes, kostya , i’m listening, oleg went home, send the courier with the disc right now, okay, oh, tanechka, dear, thank you, baby, for the medicine, i immediately felt better, why, why are you crying, that he’s for you said something happened to you? he just came in , saw me, his phone rang , he left, well, we had time to talk, no, my whole cunning plan went down the drain, i don’t have any pressure, i came up with it specifically to set you up, there, yes, it wasn’t , she lied and there’s no point in looking at me like that, at my age it’s not the same
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can you think of any other way to lure you here? oleg , well, to myself, my beloved, that we still have potatoes here, a little bit, a little bit, thank you, that’s enough, we’re sure, yes, yes, well, well, i hope now... social decency has been observed, you can start tasting, well, not bad, but still something is missing, what is missing, in my opinion, salt, i beg your pardon,
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now. oh, thank you, thank you, now it’s just right, yes, they say correctly, if a woman is talented, she is talented in everything, but there is no one to simply appreciate it, and i really don’t grabs a strong man's shoulder, uh-huh, you stumbled, yes, yes, yes, a little, listen, madam, sit down in your place, like this... that's it, everything has already passed, and let's continue our meal, irin, i want you to remind you, you are my housewife and nothing more, we agreed once again, okay, don’t cry, the motherfucker is crying,
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oh, go to the bath, wash, get ready, come on. who else does this apply to? hello, courier delivery for oleg ignatiev, and please sign here, yeah, courier, good afternoon, thank you. all the best to you, and well, you’re a courier, hello, olezhek, and you ’ve gone far, but it’s understandable, otherwise
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they brought you an envelope, urgent courier delivery, there’s a disk, in my opinion, some kind of disk, i don’t know what kind of disk.


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