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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-15  NTV  December 12, 2023 5:40am-6:31am MSK

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please, can you switch it up, i see you don’t really like it, don’t you like police movies? no, there is already a lot of this in life, even on the screen. julia, now i completely agree with you, in life everything is different than in the movies. what are you, a policeman? no, come on, i don’t have the nerves for this kind of work. i am a writer. yes. i'm kidding. auto parts sales manager. and i'm a real estate agent. andrey, very nice. nastya, nastya, andrey,
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your phone is ringing, yes, apparently, the bosses, uh-huh, well, yes, that’s it, everyone needs auto parts, excuse me, i’ll just be a second i’ll talk, please, yes, georgievich, oh , andryukh, we have a gunshot in the public toilet on kasimovskaya, guys, i’ve already sent you there, so you too, pull yourself up, in the toilet in the toilet, i’m not kidding, that’s all, that’s all, i'm already flying, i'm already flying, bye, that's it.
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but if you don’t mind, i’ll invite you to the cinema tonight, of course, after work i promise that it won’t be a police detective, today, right today, okay, i agree, i’m just happy, then see you, uh-huh, see you tonight . a passport in the name of anton sergeevich was killed cherepanov, born in eighty-two , registered volynsky lane, building 17, apartment 45, wife, children, no , no data in passport, graduated, yes, come on, well, they obviously fired at him, but not today.
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apparently, this is the gun of the murdered man, not the murderer. if there are only the prints of the murdered person on it, then we have a cruel, cynical suicide, there are not enough three cartridges in the clip. i have never seen such suicides, where they would first shoot off their manhood and then blow out their brains. what if it's the other way around? that there is first a brain bulge, and then a state of effect. good idea. hi all. so what is it?
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maybe they heard shots, no, they didn’t , but i was actually getting water in the wind, but i would have heard the shots, that is, they might have shot with a silencer, okay, but you have surveillance outside the camera where you can look at the recordings, oh, that won’t work , there’s only one building left, a year ago, when the hooligans did it all over again, oh, what a pity, what a pity, they’re killing people here, but we don’t have a camera, maybe you can help, my dear, but i’ll help, bother, i'll bother, what a horror we have here , huh? goodbye, god bless you, my dear,
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in your work, oh, how difficult it is, lord, give him all the health, lord, have mercy. yes, oleg georgievich, well, anton cherepanov’s certificate is ready, he was killed today in the toilet, uh-huh, well, tell me what you managed to find out, so, well, anton cherepanov , nicknamed skull, from the bandits, yes, we are convicted of extortion and murder as part of group of people, was in the player’s group, and a familiar person, uh-huh, wait, he was shot, yo 10 ago, olegich, 8 years old.
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nikit, what is this? sorry, andryukha, are you done at the crime scene? very good, go ahead and inspect cherepanov’s apartment, and at the same time ask the neighbors who came to see him lately, and who was generally interested in him over the last couple of weeks. igor, take potap and move it. addressed to kribinin, an accomplice of cherepanov who was shot today, well, in any case, he should know who killed his friend for what, and nikita will bring you the address, uh-huh , uh
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-huh, that’s it, go ahead, carry it, okay, okay, guys, in short, i’ll neighbors, yes, lof, we have a heroic profession, of course, but unfortunately, there is absolutely no time to show our heroism on the personal front, i agree, nastenka, hello, yes, this is andryusha, the sales manager of the cafe, everything is in force here, wonderful, then i suggest meeting at 8 pm at the exit from the vostan metro station, will you be in time? well, it’s wonderful, i’ll make it in time too, that’s it, see you, conspiracy, just operational work, lyova,
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do you know, pasha, why i don’t like moscow? well, and you tried to find the right house on the right street in moscow without a navigator, well, well, you’re in i’ve actually been to moscow, but the streets there are all mixed up, what’s not clear is that it’s still crooked. igor, the ripples on the passenger are alarming, i think if we introduce ourselves according to the form, he will not open. listen, who's playing today? spartacus? well, don’t wash the katani like that, i mean, hide. so what
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kind of bullshit is this? stand? what is the score?
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van, well, grab the expert and come to us, otherwise we’re cuckooing here, like a cuckoo, well, yes, like a cuckoo, that’s it, we’re waiting, a little more. well, lof, am i still disappointed in operational investigative work? listen, guys, the world is unfair, by golly, why do i have the neighbors are bastards, and this criminal has the nicest people, they treated me to buns, they smelled so good, i couldn’t refuse, a real fighting friend, what did these nice people tell you about the cherepanovs, wow, what did they tell you, they say that somewhere else in the morning he left, he hasn’t actually returned since then, he lived alone, some kind of gangster crowd was always hanging around to him in appearance, i understand that he... in general , they’re even glad that they killed him, they say, here they are, where is this already there’s a gangster’s nest nearby, well
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, everything is as usual, dear people, they rejoice in death neighbor, the world is not changing, well, you colleagues , why do you need ribinin, he and his friend cherepanov were reported for extortion, traces of the case, she opened a case against the defendants, they decided to start with rebinin, to cherepanov only later, well, you were late with cherepanov, why were you late? they killed him today , calmly, and we’re just talking to krebinin about this issue, why didn’t you share it with cherepanov, murderer, i didn’t kill anyone, let’s figure out who you didn’t kill, what kind of extortion they had there, and what we have on our territory such a protasov, he is the owner of a clothing market, once he paid the rook, when the rook was killed, these were grounded, he naturally stopped paying , but times have changed, you know, and these two fragments of the past came out of the slammer and decided to remind the rook of the past to the point. okay, guys, how are we going to divide the detainee? well, i think that the slaughter of the kruchelovy will be
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true, pasha, we will interrogate, and then we will give you to be torn to pieces, okay, you owe a favor, good luck , well, child, let's talk, witnesses , please come in, sit here, van. write it down, here's a collection of porn films from twelve cassettes, this is hard, the last century, well, of course, you read the extract for this cherepanov, 17 years in the gang, 13 years in the zone, all my life in the nineties remains, and we found a driver’s license and documents for the car, they are covered in blood, documents on cherepanov, on a certain igor tereshchenko, so urgently we need to find out whose blood this is for examination. why allow me to run and execute the moir of justice, it’s not
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funny, that’s the point, it’s not funny, okay, we need to find out who tereshchenko is and how he is connected with cherepanov, nikitos, task i have a message for you, write it down, but i myself am shocked that the skull is dead, i’m really telling you, but of course, who? who did you kill then? i don’t know, maybe someone didn’t want to pay us? so you didn’t just go through the motions, or what? of course , protasov is such a trifle, well, he didn’t even bother to understand the pachan language, he dashed off a statement, here’s the woman who runs beauty salons in our area, she immediately started yelling, what kind of woman’s name is that? dina chaikina, we thought that a rich man gave her these beauty salons so that she could have fun, but it seems that the business woman herself threatened us , so okay, write to us all this in detail about your adventures, about... this woman chaikina, and how, like me, maybe not in even handwriting, please just tell me
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this turtle had a weapon, well, yes, but he accidentally didn’t fire it the other day, it was a big deal, well, he fired at the guards and the women, well, not at them, of course, straight into the air, why, so that we could make them afraid, so that they would leave, there was a real showdown there, these guards started to fight with us, write it down for me the address of this chaikina, yeah. then i’ll drive you there, igoryuk, come on, just tell the salovets what you wrote, well, go on, i heard that after the interrogation you wanted to hand me over to other cops, so what? can i have some kind of protection, and because of this, i ’ll lay out all our layouts for you to be honest, i’m embarrassed to ask for protection from anyone, but from this seagull, she’s the one who killed it? “cherepanova, as she promised, there’s probably already an order for me, well, i think
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it’s too early to draw such conclusions, let’s write, everything in detail, don’t miss anything, so it’s inconvenient, nothing, everyone ’s uncomfortable for the first time, get used to it, come on, come on, georgievich, uh-huh, oh, there’s news, there’s, i did a blood test from igor tereshchenko’s driver’s license, and what i found out, and i found out that it’s definitely not blood cherepanova, and whose is unknown?" "yeah, i see, thank you, lesh, happily, andryukha, yes, take pirogovsky, go to tereshchenko, nikita will send you his address now, maybe? georgivich, i have a date, andryushenka, dear, all dates are after hours, and we don’t have regular hours, potapinka, let him will stay with bulkin and go to the department, but when they finish, okay, i ’ll tell you, tell me, tell me, that’s it, oh, sit, tell me,
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what were the things in... were you with mr. tereshchenko, which tereshchenko? i don’t know any tereshchenko, this is the first time i ’ve heard such a name. yeah, maybe he and cherepanov had, well, some kind of personal issues? tereshchenko's documents were found in his apartment. documentation? oh, and this one, i don’t know his last name. yes, the skull didn’t say that he was having trouble with some guy who owed him money and wouldn’t give him i wanted to, but i don’t know the details, honestly . so, in the end, tereshchenko repaid his debt? no, it seemed like the skull said it was collecting. to press him on a large scale, they say he’s completely screwed , he drives a cool car, but he says that there is no money, it’s clear, okay, igor, let him write everything down and hand it over to the territory, which territory, we agreed with you, quietly, quietly, calm down, he's joking, write, write, don't fuss, contract servicemen
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receive regional support measures, the status of a combat veteran. liberation from land tax, compensation for housing and communal services, vouchers to a sanatorium , vacation twice a year and other benefits from the state, everything is fair here, serve under a contract, i remember these two very well, clowns, yeah, but for more details, what did they want from you? i thought such stories were just stories, no, these two bandits came to me, began to show off, be rude, they said that they would protect my salons for interest, but what did you answer them? nothing, i called the security, they were kicked out, that’s all, that’s all, strange, and one of them said that it came down to shooting,
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your guards have firearms , they do, listen, captain, my people... they didn’t use weapons, because they were your colleagues in the past, they served in the police, they know the laws, then we have all this showdown - on video camera recordings, but so what you didn’t say before, i’ll have to confiscate the records, yes please, your guards will need to go with me to the department, okay, hello, kolya, please come here urgently. yes, it’s interesting, so it turns out that first armed bandits come at me, and then at me they complain to the police, well, not exactly, one of them was found murdered, he was shot, i don’t understand why you suspect me, well , it’s too early for that, we just have to check your guards and their firearms, yeah.
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did something happen to igor? no, calm down, everything is fine, we just need to talk to him. do you know where he is now? no i dont know. marina sergeevna, listen, there was a murder, a murder? well, don't worry, your husband can help find the killer. oh yes, i understand. just i don't want him to get in trouble, or do you think he's guilty of something? don't worry, everything will be fine, just tell us everything. um, yes, 2 days ago igor returned home, badly beaten, yeah, did he tell you what happened? no, i asked him, i was worried, but he just quietly packed his things and left. he only said that he had an urgent business trip. does your husband often go on business trips? well, it happens, yes. where does he
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work? he is the caretaker of the handgun storage fund, in the artillery. that's how it happened, and you accidentally didn't you see your husband off to the station in the evening? no , i wanted to, but he flatly refused me, okay, marina, let’s dial igor from your phone, yeah, believe me, this is very important for him, very necessary, yeah, okay, now, here you go, i dropped it, sms, i'm busy, i'll call you back. it’s an interesting thing, we need to do a complete installation, including all telephone and calls, we’re straining nikitos. thank you, you helped us a lot? no, why, goodbye, goodbye, hello, great,
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well, we washed chaikina off the hands of the guards , we did nothing, there is no trace of gunpowder. a cctv camera, have you seen it? yes, they looked at it, the recording confirms the testimony of rebinin, chaikin and the guards were in the office at the time of the murder. got caught on camera , of course, we’ll have to let them go, but first we’ll interrogate, but i’ll do this myself, hello, at least make me happy, yes please, it looks like we have a version, tireshchenko, whose documents we found on cherepanov, left very suspiciously home on the eve of the murder, and cherepanov apparently extorted money from him, which , as i understand it, tereshchenko was not there, but or was, but he did not want to part with them, given that at work tereshchenko could easily get a combat barrel. well, here’s a certificate for yours, ah, be careful, by the way, tell me, listen, well, i’m afraid to ruin your version.
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on the eve of the murder, tereshchenko filed a complaint against cherepanov for extortion at the admiralty rvd. maybe as a distraction ? yes, it’s unlikely, that’s not all. it seems to me that he is really still in moscow. i rang the bell, he took the tickets, got on the train and never came back. he went on a planned business trip, of course, let rita go to admiralty ruvd, let ’s work on other versions, let’s go, i have something to do with you, okay, ugh, versions, if they still had these versions, what ideas, lof, let’s discuss them later, come on. “listen , but i haven’t even had time to start working on it yet. well, citizen tereshchenko came to you beaten and reported that cherepanov
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was threatening him. well, you understand me too, colleague. i sincerely sympathize with him, but you know how many of these we have tereshchenko? we accepted the application and were soon planning to begin work on it, so i had to give up all my affairs , well, you don’t have to give up, cherepanov was killed." oh, how, who is it? wasn’t it tereshchenko himself? i remember he came angry, i also thought, it’s good that he’s writing a statement, it’s not the gun that’s coming buy , funny, no, not tereshchenko, thank you very much for the comprehensive information, yes , please, thank you for the news, one less thing to do, goodbye, report back, oleg georgievich, what progress we have in... the so -called toilet business, there was a version that cherepanov was killed by his accomplice ribinin, who had also recently been released from prison,
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but the version died, it’s not him, yes, but what other versions, we received information that two guys were looking for rebinin and cherepanov, we found out that these were fighters from tager bely’s group, well, such an authority trampled the earth about 8 years ago. were released from the colony, well, they either decided to show them some kind of bill, or to take revenge for the past, but we’ll take them, we’ll find out how you
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take them, scabies and shturman, have official registration in st. petersburg, but i think it’s fake, it’s useless to wait for them there, no one saw them there, so we thought that since cherepanov was killed, they would look for ribinin. but they don’t know that ribinin is with us, so i decided to set up an ambush in his apartment, and if they don’t come there at all, how long will you keep people there, but i think that three people for two days is normal, i agree, i’ve been arguing for two days, thank you, well, where are all the spoons, thank you, at least i have a feeling. as always, on time, yes, nastenka, i’m listening to you, sorry, andrey,
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here... porsmajor with one client? yes, that is, we won’t be able to meet, it’s a pity, well it’s okay, i got a lie here at work, i’m sitting in ambush for a client, i mean, sales are falling, clients are running away, so let’s postpone it until tomorrow, of course, let’s postpone it until tomorrow, don’t be offended, everything’s fine, don’t be offended, i’m not offended, it’s all up to you, apartment, apartment, this is a car, yes a car. apartment reception, two people are coming, it seems they are, i understand you, hold on, then the entrance, rebina, open, we know that you are at home, open up, bullshit, open up, come on, good
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afternoon, no need to knock like that. oops, who are you? police, homicide department. we present the documents. documents, documents, it's possible. now, guys, 5 seconds. op, how do you like the document? arranges? arms, arms, legs. guys, keep your head down, grenade. wow, big one. boys, igor, they ran to the fire station, bashka, you stand with me, they left, i’m behind the car, i remembered the license plates, declare
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an interception. hold on, brother, hold on, come on, now they will help you, hold on, come on, come on, brother, igor, where are you? we're going to the department, we'll be there in about five minutes, georgievich, yeah, that means there's no need to go here, they found a car in the yard on savushkina street navigator, let's go there right away, bulkin is going there too, that's it!
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good evening, where did you see that he is kind? do you know how much time? okay, don’t grumble, what are we going to do now? maybe a leg? very funny. there's blood all over the interior, guys. still, i hurt him. you need to ask at the hospital, but they won’t go to the hospital, he’s seriously wounded, they need to stomp on him. surgery. let them not shine in your hospitals. well then he will die. or maybe he won’t die? come on, let's go. it's bad, you see the color of the blood, it looks like the liver is affected, you need a bullet take it out, scabies, scabies, you're like, brother , don't let him hear you unconscious, so do something, we have money, we won't hurt you, what does money have to do with it, what can i do, i have nothing at home, in he needs a hospital, what kind of hospital, i did this before, this happened before, i haven’t been practicing at home for 5 years,
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then... go and get what you need there, medicine, tools, let’s run, okay, okay , don’t make noise, we’ll think of something, yes, andryukha, you and i came to the right place, i don’t think there’s a need to ring the doorbell, well, yes, you're right, let's make a surprise, so i have my own tools , i'll take anesthesia from a friend and i'll take a criminal rose , don't shoot, don't shoot, don't be stupid, throw the gun barrels on the ground, i'll soak his guns on the floor, yeah, now stand there, dear.
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don’t rush, analyze, there are only two options, one of them may be bad, listen, commander, maybe we can agree, i’ll give you 10 tons of greens, three in a minute, 7 in an hour, we ’ll definitely discuss this, just now on the floor.” quickly, hands behind your head, quickly, 10 tons of greenery, well andryukh, this conversation has ruined it, 10 tons suggested, you know, it’s safer this way, igor , i’m sorry, you should carry it, but we didn’t blame...
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just think about what will happen if we blame the boys for every businessman, that’s chaos, that’s what, a businessman is a cow, because of a cow there are no people they're going down, i haven't heard such an exquisite russian language for a long time, you're just putting down folk wisdom, what do you hear, commander, come on without insults, okay, listen, don't pay attention, the dude is saying that you're a really cool guy, navigator, yeah, you're better for us tell me where you and chasotka were yesterday from 2 to 4 pm, i can tell you exactly what time we arrived in linen.
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it hurts, uh-huh, uh-huh, great, no, a harbinger of troubles, here is the car that hit the girl, look, all the cameras, we know the car , we know the license plates, can you imagine how many cars were driving back and forth here, i agree, may, we are without this there’s a lot to do, write a hang-up, what do you need , they drove my car alone, we’re looking for garbage, or something, you hold on, but hit your hand, stop , i have a passion, what a vindictive, reckless driver, meet me, this is my fiancee, diana, today at 20:00: 00 on ntv, avatar show, new season, sunday at
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20:20 on ntv, catch a sale, ring sokolov for 199 rubles on avito, we take loans, it’s easy to apply, we are in sovkonka, we take loans, approved quickly. in a commercial bank, loans that everyone knows, new year's discounts in a magnet, timi soufflé candies 3999, magnet - the price is what you need, long-lasting cream paint palette gives a rich color, triple care system restores, moisturizes, nourishes hair from the inside, without gray hair, palette - your best choice of color, take out credit cards, transfer debts to the bank, pay off your debts conveniently, catch a sale, a new smartphone for 2,999 rubles. on avito. what do pneumofibrosis and prostatitis have in common? let's explain it in our fingers. at the site of inflammation , fibrosis may appear, which prevents the organ from functioning normally. the smart enzyme lanchidase helps break down fibrous tissue and restore
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organ function. langidase, just against fibrosis. recommended course. two packs. everyone was looking forward to this meeting. meet the new truffleburger at kfc restaurants. a special combination of haute cuisine and your favorite chicken, which is impossible to refuse. main novelty of the season: truffle menu in rostix and kfc restaurants. are you sleeping with cache? do you sleep with him too? are we all sleeping with keshi? they are so different, but still they are together. we decided to kill him, are you kidding? i'm an accident, they'll light it all up. kesha should die, why?
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and a new dress and a drill, and an angle grinder, and a robot, and a snow scooter with discounts of up to 80% happened to you. the sale is even on avito, hurry up before december 20th! celebrate the new year with vk, here you can set the mood with one new year’s playlist, congratulate your loved ones in vk calls, even when you don’t feel like it at all i’m ready to shoot unforgettable moments in vk clips that i want to share with everyone and celebrate midnight with a flurry of congratulations in messenger vkontakte, vk, we’re celebrating the new year. together, when you invite friends to tinkov, these new year's invitations
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are returned with joy. until december 31, invite a friend to get a tingcof black card and receive 1,500 rubles. and your friend will receive free service forever. tenkov. do you cleanse your liver with folk remedies? try replacing them with avisol. avisol is a modern natural remedy. promotes careful cleansing the liver. avisol and valar. do you cleanse your liver with folk remedies? try replacing them with avisol, only in it the milky ripeness of oats is enhanced with herbs and turmeric. oaty valar is number one for cleansing the liver. and now about the weather for today. hello, in the far east one cyclone is leaving kamchatka, another is approaching, so today there is a short break for calmer weather with light frost. there is sunshine without a break, frosts too, really. again here during the day it’s down to -20 in the seaside up to... from 10, but there’s a strong wind, so it seems the same
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it’s cold, and siberia has the lead in cold weather. in the east, even during the day it’s below 40 in some places, but trickles of warmer air are beginning to seep into the west. in yekaterinburg today it’s only -24, and tomorrow it’s -17. no precipitation is expected yet. they are all in the north-west and in the center of the european territory of russia. the tests with severe frosts end here. now the main tormentors are the snowmen, who are not going to calm down until the weekend. in the south, only in crimea there is less precipitation, mostly the same. rain or wet sticky snow, ice, during the day from +1 in rostov to don up to +14 in sochi. in st. petersburg today it is only -3, heavy snow, in moscow there is not only snow, but also a strong wind, a blizzard, skidding on the roads and a maximum air temperature of around 5° below zero, everything about the weather, you can’t refuse sweets, take it, natural complex aliedjet helps reduce appetite and cravings for sweets, as well as maintaining normal sugar levels. alijim and valar recommended. russian diabetes association. how to maintain
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normal sugar levels? take it, the natural aligjim complex helps maintain levels sugar levels are normal, decreased appetite, cravings for sweets. alilim evalar is recommended by the russian diabetes association. any news on your toilet business? eat. the chasotka navigators who hunted cherepanov did not kill him, but we checked alebi with them. pool room staff confirmed they were there and there is cctv footage. too bad, i thought there was already a reveal. no, but we'll close them anyway. weapons, attacks on police officers. we will transfer the navigator to a pre-trial detention center, and the prisoner will be in the hospital under guard. yes. yes. will you allow me? yes, come in, have a seat. i'm talking about
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the pistols seized from shturman and chasotka. of these, cherepanov was not killed. one of the pistols turned up during a robbery in the krasnoselsky district. they shot at the ceiling, there were no victims there. yes. oleg georgievich, contact the local search department, make them happy, tell them that we have uncovered their robbery. and submit your report from our department. necessarily. yes, and also according to cherepanov. i don't know if this will help or not. was sick with aids, so how can this help us? yes, with permission, here a response came to the name of solovets from the colony where cherepanov was imprisoned, please, yeah, from the colony they also confirm that cherepanov had aids, so what? i don't think this detail has any significance, i don't know. remember, in cherepanovo two shots were fired, one in the head
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, the second in the groin, but what if we assume that someone is taking revenge on him for infecting someone with aids, that is, you think that he infected them even before landing some girl, she waited so many years for him to come out, waited, got a gun somewhere and killed him, you know, this is some kind of indian movie, well if not she herself, maybe it’s her husband, there’s a brother. i don’t know, i don’t know, oleg georgievich, i don’t know, well, try this version, let’s try it.
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i wasn’t tested for hiv when they found that infection, it was too late to rush around, yeah, you know that cherepanov was infected with hiv, no, i don’t know about skulls, he didn’t show me his card, i also accidentally found out about lyokhin’s sister, well, through a third party, in the sense of sleeping about her, well, rit, it looks like we got the trail, something like that, okay, navigator, tell us, finally, as a friend of boris’s family glebskikh, where? find this brother of the deceased sister, not in the know, tell me, rebinin , where you and cherepanov were recently, where you met, what they talked about, yes, i already told you everything, again, only this time in great detail, but we had lunch at cafe, yeah,
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we were in the sauna in the clear on friday. so where else? georgivich, well, did rebinin leak some addresses to me? now i'm flying to the sauna for enlightenment, to take footage from cctv cameras. i understand you, andryukh, send me an sms with all the addresses and objects, i will send the guys there, let’s work on these objects yourself. seize recordings of all cctv cameras on the street and indoors. i think the killer was watching the skull, looking for the right moment, so... it would light up somewhere, what? yes, i remember about your date in the evening, take the villain , i think it won’t fail, that’s it, we’re working , we’re working, nastenka, hello, i’m very glad to hear from you, but i hope that no
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force majeure will happen today, and we’ll finally i'll meet you, everything will happen, but i mean, let's go to the movies. well, that's it, look forward to it i'm waiting until the evening, until we meet, for a long time yet, so, wait, don't make me nervous, i already did the impossible in half an hour, did i really dig up something, uh-huh, you see this mazda, look, this is a recording from a street surveillance camera in the cafe at a time when cherepanov and rebinin were inside, so look, the car is parked not far from the entrance to the establishment, so look, ribinin and skull leave the cafe, yeah, they get into their car. and this car is following them, yes, and this same car showed up at the liquor store, where our gangsters will go later they came in, and then at the sauna for enlightenment, mm, the owner’s address is available, so it is, a certain vasily ivanovich osipov, born in the thirty-ninth year, does not go through the criminal databases, now the address was met with him,
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they rushed to the address, we’ll visit, well, wait, you are you in a hurry or something, i’m in a hurry, again a date, again a date, if i were you i wouldn’t be in a hurry, explain why, because the grandfather is most likely... most likely a fictitious owner of the car, in fact a completely different person is driving it, this mazda has been fined twice traffic police officers, so the first time for parking in the wrong place, the second for speeding, violated the image of a certain olegov dmitry stanislavich, registered on glider 41, they rushed there, if i don’t meet her today, i’ll never meet her, wait, if this olegov is the client , he used a fake passport, it’s a bug , now i’ll try, so... that’s right , such a passport is not listed in the fms databases, you won’t find it on the planned olegov, so that’s all for today, yes, most likely the client lives in gorskaya, so both fines, the so-called olegov paid at the only savings bank in levosovo, such a small village, that is , nikitka, i understand correctly that until we go around all the yards in search of
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the mazdas we are interested in, the personal life of captain rydanov will hang on the thin thread of operational success , under the windows, the client is in the house, and we call him, oh, by the time they get there, we’ll take it ourselves, just about. well, senior, give orders? well, rita, cover for us? yeah,
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boris aglepsky, criminal rozus, don’t do anything stupid, come out with your hands wild. close door, okay , come on, there are a lot of local uppers here, i’ll come up now , they’ll help, he’s alive, alive, alive, it’s like , why are you shooting in all directions, you can also kill someone, so why not refuse or sing will you start quickly? we decided, before the blood flows out, now we’ll bandage you , we won’t give you anything, they’re already giving you first aid, okay, i’m not an idiot, your experts
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will still confirm that they buried my skull in the trunk, so you’ll still hide it with evidence , and since there’s no point in hiding, but i’m ready to cooperate with the investigation, well done, you'd be like, why are you silent, let's tell you what to tell, i killed the skulls? he took revenge for his sister, so you cops know everything without me, you learned to work quickly, the skull is rotten, i knew that he had hiv, but he didn’t tell olga about it, so he left no choice for either her or me, okay, they took him to the hospital , and then to the department, come here, here are the local territories, hello colleague, great, guys, let’s take him down, without me, i still have a personal matter, lord sobbing, where do you get your strength, right? and you won't understand come on, come on, hi, nastenka
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, sorry for calling late, well, i’m fussing at work, well, yes, yes, there’s a bustle at work, but sales are growing, i’m ready to meet you anywhere, at any time you’ve appointed, come on in a minute, but you want too much from me, come on in two hours, come on. this is the number, oh-oh-oh, yes, hi, hi, what about your real estate transactions, or is this your part-time job? well , i see that the level of sales of spare parts has also fallen, it’s funny, why all this circus? i can you ask about the same thing, but it seemed to me that you were not very good. you love policemen, i wanted to please you first, and then tell the truth , well, you can say the same thing with me, well, in
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the cinema, in the cinema, just so that the film is not about the police, no question, we wish you the best morning, further in the program. we are clarifying the details of the emergency. we flip through the internet video tape in the first program. on ntv there is a program about an emergency in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya. aim. the employees of the university of the ministry of internal affairs took on the rapid development, opening the new main building of his educational institution. more than 50.


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