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tv   Utro  NTV  December 12, 2023 6:30am-8:01am MSK

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well, in the cinema, in the cinema, as long as the film is not about the police, no question. we clarify the details of the emergency, leaf through the internet video tape in the first program. an emergency incident in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya. the employees of the university of the ministry of internal affairs took aim at rapid development by opening the new main building of their educational institution. not only new premises, but also
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new opportunities, said the head of the department, vladimir kolokoltsev, at the opening ceremony. after the ceremonial part, the minister was just shown built classrooms, which are also intended for practical training, where law enforcement officers train in conditions as close to reality as possible. the new educational environment will allow the active use of innovative technologies, but the main asset of the university is that
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after a few seconds the bus turns into a self-propelled pyrotechnic installation. by the way, these are the same artillerymen who not so long ago were chilling out in a bathtub attached to a car. these lovers of flammable flamboyance were detained. they repent, they regret, they face up to 7 years for hooliganism. someone will say, well , they set off fireworks, well, they tied the bathtub to the car, but what’s wrong? my friends, the careless one
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very often turns into tears and grief on the one hand and gloomy faces behind bars on the other. new year's celebrations, festivities, fireworks are ahead. let me remind everyone. any attractions require strict adherence to safety regulations. give yourself the trouble to read the instructions in advance. once a year they say, and the poker shoots, and even if there are pyrotechnics. are having fun, then treat this is done in the most sober manner possible. the best for today at 20:00. continuation of the action-packed series reckless. nikita panfilov loves speed and risk and does not like those who break the law. doesn't add up. watch today's episodes. great, harbinger five. here is the car that hit the girl.
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look at all the cameras, we know the car , we know the license plates, can you imagine how many cars were driving here and there, i agree, there are a lot of us without this business, writing about what we need, they drove my car alone, looking for garbage, or what? wait, you hold on and beat your hands, scum, what a vindictive, reckless driver, finish, my bride, diana, today at 20:00 on ntv. in the far east, a storm cyclone is winding down its mission in the sea of ​​okhotsk. its main task was to deliver warm air to yakutia, the mogadan region and chukotka. the positive anomalies there reached crazy levels, but now the temperature is going down. in inikon this afternoon it will be about twenty, and tomorrow it will be already over 30. another cyclone will soon attack kuril and kamchatka with snowfalls and shtyrmov winds. because of it's windy today in the seaside, but in general the south has maintained frosty
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calm for many days now. it is supported by the ice block of the siberian anticyclone, although its power is already beginning to be undermined by the warmer cyclone moving in the north. if in the east it’s still below 40 in some places even during the day, then it’s closer to the urals. in yekaterinburg today it is only -24, and tomorrow -17, but no precipitation is expected yet, and the environmental situation remains difficult. all the snowfalls accumulated on the european territory of russia, and without that, huge snowdrifts by the end weeks can rise to half a meter, again a record for the second ten days of december. frosts down to -15 during the day still linger in the volga region, in the center, a thaw is on the horizon, in the north-west it is already a reality. in the south, everything is also unstable, without precipitation only on the southern coast of crimea, and so on. rain, sleet and ice. there is a strong wind on the lower volga, the snow is dangerous in the mountains and the temperature range is large, from +1 in rostov -on-don to +14 in sochi. in st. petersburg today the maximum air temperature is -3, heavy snow, in moscow it is also heavy, snowstorms, drifts it's still 5° below zero on the roads. it's all about the weather.
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see below. morning is the best. we talk about strange incidents on the main road. we are surprised by the useful news. let's learn about show business events. he crashed his new car and barely survived. the owner assures that the brakes on his new car failed. two weeks before the accident, he tried to return granta with a faulty brake system to the car dealership. the seller stated that he fixed the problem. but the accelerating driver was able to stop. concrete fence, cool car, well , you can see that it’s going to catch fire, this white grantia is a little more than a month, mikhail tsaregorodtsev bought it from an official dealer and was in no hurry to register it, problems with the car began from the first day of purchase, well, yes, in some places it was steering to the right,
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about a week and a half before the situation, my left front brake disc ran out, they wanted to return the car, well, because there was a malfunction. crashed, my friends have different opinions about the causes of the accident, some say that the car was faulty, some think that i didn’t work as a driver, well, an examination on the 24th will show everything, until mikhail and his two passengers are being treated, the lawyer is attacking the car dealership
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, i can’t make any comments, the manager will come tomorrow, look, we’re looking at the car, i’m the representative’s lawyer, well, i don’t have the right to make any comments, there are... well, the seller allegedly refers to speed. the recording of the recorder of a passing car actually shows how a white lada dashingly bypasses cars in traffic, and then flies into a fence. well, no more than 60 km/h. the police did not find me guilty, well, i don’t know who, the car cannot be repaired. car, like any product can indeed be returned to the seller if the problems are considered
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significant, but the owner has the right to demand a refund or replacement of the car immediately after detecting a breakdown; an examination will be required. the car is also technical. the same technically complex product as a camera, a telephone, a smartphone, the law provides for the consumer’s right, if... a defect is discovered within two weeks not counting the day of sale, to refuse the product if defects are identified, from the moment of purchase until the accident more than a month has passed , the dealer has carried out warranty repairs, how well the experts will say , the salon and the driver intend to defend their truth, in court, live food on air, my name is... constantly follow the news, adding some fresh ones to your picture of the world
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information from scientists. the benefits of nuts have been proven once again. scientists from china analyzed data from more than 6.00 people over 20 years old. about a thousand of them suffered from kidney disease, the rest were healthy. it turned out that eating nuts from one to six times a week reduces by 30. the risk of chronic kidney disease for people already having problems in this area reduces by 37% the likelihood of death from all causes for a healthy group, while the majority can eat as many nuts as they like, but for people with kidney disease it is important to remember moderation, no more than six times a day a week , otherwise excess protein, potassium and phosphorus can lead to impaired kidney function, otherwise nuts, even fried and lightly salted, are an excellent source of unsaturated fatty acids, fiber, vitamins, minerals and phenols that improve the condition
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of blood vessels. france has tightened the requirements for the content of nitrites and nitrates in meat products. the main danger, according to modern science, is nitrites. food additives widely used in meat processing. it takes on an appetizing pink color and lasts longer. this is how sausages, sausages and ham are made. the problem is that when combined with proteins in production or in the body, nitrites are converted into nitrosamines, and these are carcinogens that, in particular, increase the risk of intestinal cancer. with on the other hand, the refusal of preservatives that can inhibit the growth of bacteria can lead to outbreaks of salmaniasis batulism. products with reduced nitrite content have a much shorter shelf life. new year's releases took over the rental market. every week , holiday comedies are released on screens, where
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different magical twists of fate occur. we’ll tell you in show business news about what interesting things you can watch now in cinemas online, and what else is expected. the new year has already arrived in cinema. on screen heroes session for they celebrate the holiday with a session, and of course, they find themselves in unexpected situations from which they try to find a way out. in the spring, our new year's tree franchise acquired the tenth episode, which has already been released, there is a new cast and new heroes who, on the eve of the holiday, are trying, no matter what, to believe in a miracle. of the already familiar characters in the saga, we will see philip kerkorov; several scenes of the film were even filmed in his house near moscow. also in the cinema you can already watch the comedy at home alone with vitalia kornienko in the title role. according to the script, she fights back the engineer who, with the help of his invention, decided to rob her apartment, the girl decides to become his accomplice in order to
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buy a gift for her mother. the already beloved manyunya, the heroine of the books of the writer narine abgoryan, returns from the festive story. based on them, a successful series was made, a film version of it, and now a new series for the big screen. in the family comedy manyunya , new year's adventures, children cannot catch the new year's mood, since the winter turned out to be abnormally warm and there is still snow. then families go to the mountains, but everything there also turns out to be completely different from what they dreamed. in the comedy, new year's chef pavel priluchny plays the owner of a restaurant who, on new year's eve, is unexpectedly left without a chef. the situation is saved by the talented owner of a home-made pastry shop played by zoe berber. her dishes are not only delicious, but miraculously awaken the best memories in people. the main holiday hits are expected after the new year. on january 1 , kholop-2 bremen town musicians will be released. the first to be shown to us is the continuation of the super-grossing
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the story of the former major grisha, played by milos bikovich, who reformed after playing the role of serf. now he himself decides in the same way, with the help of the same team of directors, to re-educate the spoiled major katya. she was played by aglaya tarasova. among the tests prepared for her is a french attack on russia and a meeting. with napoleon, who actually speaks in phrases from the musical notre dame de paris. also, on new year's day, the bremen town musicians, a film based on the famous soviet cartoon, which will feature " the songs of gennady glotkov, familiar to us from childhood, and new tracks on which he managed to work. the cast is superstar. among those who starred in the film are sergei borunov, maria aronova, konstantin khabensky, irina gorbacheva and dmitry dyuzhev . the troubadour was played by tichas zizniewski, known for his role as major thunder. there are also several christmas movie stories from hollywood. one of them
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called family exchange is very reminiscent of our love carrot. there are parents and children. they also miraculously swapped bodies; for jennifer garner, who played the mother of the family, this is already the second such role. 20 years ago, in the comedy 13 going on 30, she already portrayed a teenager in the body of a woman. candy lane stars aidy murphy. his hero really wants to defeat his neighbors and win the annual competition for the best home decorations for the holiday. for this purpose, he enters into an agreement with the elf. before doing this, without carefully reading the text of the document. now the head of the family. and his relatives themselves can turn into decorative elements, after all, the elf turns her clients into plastic figurines. for murphy, this is the first christmas film in his career and he hopes that candy lane will be able to sweeten the holiday for viewers. this is the news of show business today. marina kazantseva was with you, see you! the unpredictable show
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superstar is on the air on ntv, season four, and the topic is today.
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tv ozone, ozone, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up. final sale of the year on ozone. up to 25% discount on instant coffee egoist. polarris coffee machine with wi-fi for only 79.999. let's take it loans. easy to arrange. we are at sovcombank. we take loans. did you get there quickly? we are at sovcombank. loans that everyone knows. what is the cause of hemorrhoids? the problem may be in the veins. venarus promotes enhancement. i demand a continuation of the banquet , the ryaba is fabulously delicious, on new year’s eve our house is immersed in a fairy tale, your fairy-tale dreams will come true in a magnet, win 10 million to buy a house and
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valuable prizes, with a new house, a magnet, a national lottery, new year’s traditions can change dramatically. our lives, so dreamleon is your new new year tradition, new year's dreamleon - this is 365 or more million prizes and a super prize of 100 million is guaranteed, buy a ticket at the post office on, mm, what a delight, what a delight this new year's dreamleon is, hurry up for the sale, a new smartphone for 2,999 rubles on avito, vtb savings account rate is 15%, buy it faster for your wedding, cool, everything will work out. vtb. polysorp is always with you against poisoning, allergies, hangovers. it's time to take polysorp. slivushka-fat, tender sausage. she makes a delicious breakfast for the family. the cream in it and the meat are tied together perfectly for tenderness and taste. what we love. knitting will give. joy for the family. plum-faggot.
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delicate taste and smiles. everyone was looking forward to this meeting. meet me. new truffleburger in kfc and rostiks restaurants, a special combination of haute cuisine and your favorite chicken, which is impossible to refuse. the main novelty of the season is the truffle menu in rostix and kfc restaurants. your favorite coffee now has a new name. monarch. same high quality and roasting of beans. also a pleasure. cups. monarch is the same favorite flavor of aroma. almagel fights heartburn pain in the stomach, carefully enveloping its walls. almagel a knows his stuff for heartburn b... in the stomach, order almagel with a discount at the pharmacy with a cheerful discount and an apartment in moscow, the main event of the year, and you will
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get such benefits, in the video and eldorado, you take out credit cards, transfer debts to the farmhouse, and conveniently pay off , hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, buy everything for ozone, final sale of the year f7. the more provincial from i like to cook, you add, the brighter, brighter, and brighter the taste becomes, oh, la, la, brighter the taste, brighter the mood with brand i like to cook, what do pneumofibro have in common?
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we know the numbers, we know, can you imagine how many cars were driving back and forth here? i agree, we have a lot to do without this, write a hangman, what do you need, they drove my car alone, looking for garbage, or something, you hold on, yes, the passion, what a vindictive , reckless driver, will end, this is my bride, diana, today is 20:00 on ntv. the morning continues, the best. let's check the cocoa powder with our consumer supervision department. we have the right to receive legal advice. let's go to india,
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eat a local dish with federico arnaldi. a it's cocoa powder. and let's find out what kind of aromatic healthy drink is brewed from, in what packs, waste, production, mixed. with dust and sand, and this, of course, is the most natural redneck, the people of cocoa would not have been patted on the head for this. by the way, having visited ecuador, i tried fresh cocoa fruits, they look like this, if anyone didn’t know, this is a pod, to my surprise i realized that the taste of cocoa pulp with the taste of a cocoa drink has nothing in common, it’s something between strawberries , melon. mango and citrus, oh, ah how purple they are inside, i can’t even remember what tastier i ate, because it
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’s very tasty, just like that, and i was also amazed how local chocolate made from this very cocoa improves your mood and gives you strength, which is why doctors recommend drinking high-quality cocoa every day, it contains a lot of minerals and helps produce hormones. firstly, the hormone of happiness, and secondly, the hormone of sound sleep, melatonin. what does melatonin do? firstly, it strengthens our immunity, relieves stress and in order to get fewer viral infections diseases, you will feel this buzz from the fact that your body’s circadian rhythm is working correctly. it contains a very tasty mineral, as i would say, it’s the same magnesium, that’s when you’re weak, insomnia, tired of everything, seemed to be sleeping , woke up in the morning, but in general... didn’t get enough sleep, woke up, want to sleep, maybe lack of magnesium, and what’s the point of having it from synthetics , eating it, buying it, spending money on medicine. it’s not for nothing that cocoa is included in the menu of
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kindergartens; proven effect number two: cocoa improves intelligence and strengthens memory. there have been a lot of studies that have proven that, for example, if you drink cocoa for 6-8 weeks, two mugs a day, yes, then your mental activity increases and you will solve simple problems. faster, remember, short-term memory begins to work more actively, especially when minor problems arise with memory, why do they arise, the blood supply to all organs deteriorates, blood vessels are clogged somewhere there, you are absolutely right, since cocoa contains these polyunsaturated fatty acids that help fight precisely so that blood vessels do not spasm, and it is not necessary to fight only with the help of sweet cocoa drinks, explains chef grisha mosin. in addition, it was the europeans who came up with the idea of ​​adding sugar, and for many thousands of years women valued cocoa for its bitterness. we bought five
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brands of cocoa powder samples from regular stores. royal premium gold label, gold anchor, globe favorite. together with the expert center of the union of consumers roskontrol, we chose an independent laboratory in which we found out what powder is used to brew an aromatic and healthy drink, what packs of cocoa contain pesticides and cheap husks mixed with dust and... cocoa with garbage is not cool, although it is even more unpleasant, doctors assure that many people do not know about the benefits of cocoa , but they lean heavily on fruit juices, for example , but it would be better the other way around, it’s better not to give juice at all before a year, before a year, no at all , to adults who have it, it makes sense for them to drink juice at all, or to adults, and so many they think, well, first of all, it’s delicious, but many people think that this is healthy, so they say, we drink soda, which means in our family
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we don’t drink, but quantity. sugar is the same, in fact , there is nothing useful in juices at all, except for extra calories, quickly soluble cocoa from the same opera, the one that can give a natural rich taste and benefits, you need to cook it, infuse it, boil water, put cocoa in there, brew it, you can do it with milk there, i don’t remember anymore, i remember what my mother did for me, my grandmother did, by the way, a forgotten very good tradition, of course, but these oils they need a little let it brew, cook, it’s tastier , richer like this. it is precisely this drink , according to numerous studies , that sets up a good metabolism and even , what is important, when spring on the nose helps you lose weight, now everyone has listened, now they have turned it up louder, they help the muscles capture glucose, that is, it activates the way of pumping it into the muscle through the membranes cells and thus less glucose is converted into fats, that is, you ate
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the cake and washed it down. washed it down with kao, well, it’s not worth it if you don’t overeat, but when this bitter you will taste it when you realize that you are eating women and can even lose weight, the laboratory has already prepared the results of testing five samples of cocoa powder. the first thing the experts found out is whether you can trust the nutritional information on the packaging? it was revealed that there is 2 and a half times more favorite in cocoa powder. fat than stated, that is, its standard amount, although the buyer was promised a product with reduced fat content, it ’s so fashionable, and this pack of cocoa powder also contains less cocoa powder than cocoa vella, which is the name of the cocoa shell, that is, essentially waste production. cocoa powder is a product that is made from cocoa mass only, that is , there are no additional additives in the form of cocoa velo,
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therefore... it may mislead the consumer, and although the manufacturer reported cocoa velo in the composition, it included this the ingredient is in second place, and cocoa powder is in first place, that is, there is supposedly more cocoa powder, because according to the law, the ingredients are indicated in descending order, in fact this is not true, although, as it turns out, of all the violations, this is still nonsense. in three packs they found inedible foreign impurities , that is, it is sand, dust, perhaps the contaminants were not sufficiently cleaned, or some foreign impurities got in during production, they got into the cocoa powder from the second fifth line, but in these samples there are so few impurities , that the experts didn’t even lower the rating, but it’s even worse when
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dangerous pesticides get into a drink with cocoa powder, three chemicals in high doses at once surfaced in the fourth sample, you can’t be poisoned by this instantly, of course, but about the cumulative effect don’t forget, there are no complaints about everyone else. as a result, we can recommend royal premium and globus cocoa powder; there are no buyers for cocoa; for other brands, everyone decides for themselves, because they are in fact safe. all studies are documented and detailed. expert reports can be studied on the roskontrol website. marina velikova, lawyer. you received a discount on a car at a car dealership, purchased a car, and then the car dealership demands that you return this discount. under what conditions does this happen and what to do about it? let's figure it out. as a rule, car dealerships offer a discount on a car provided
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that you apply. and purchase additional products and services, such as a helmet, life insurance, health insurance, roadside assistance, and so on, in this case you pay a lower price, as if you... a car for cash without additional products, and the car dealership receives remuneration from the bank and from insurance companies. you purchased a car, received a discount, and then decided to repay the loan early and give up some insurance products. is it legal for you to do this? no, in this case, you are violating the terms of the concluded agreement with the car dealership, because the car dealership provided you with a discount on the condition that you agree to a certain one. you will not repay the loan early, as a rule , the courts in this case side with the car dealership if the seller clearly indicated the cost of the car, clearly indicated the discount and under what conditions this discount applies,
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and you appreciated the benefits of this offer from the car dealership and agreed to these conditions , therefore, in this case, naturally, the law does not prohibit you from repaying the loan early and refusing some additional... products and services, but in this case you are violating the terms of the agreement that you entered into, you will have to return this discount to the car dealership. the courts clearly take the position of the law in this case and do not consider these terms of the contract to be an imposition of any services on the buyer. however, there are cases when the actions of car dealerships can be considered unlawful, but only in the case when the car dealership imposes unfavorable conditions or intentionally misleads buyers, for example, if you are offered insurance for your car at a price significantly higher than the market price. if you have any questions, send them to our email address; remember that you have
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the right to know your rights. friends, namaste, or rather namaskaram, considering that we are in southern india and we are now preparing such a dish, but such a dish, but such a tasty dish that i don’t even know what we will cook and what it is called, we will prepare churakari, oh, thanks natalya, what she suggested, churakari, and this, by the way, didn’t help, it’s that chura-kori is tuna, chura is tuna, and kori is gravy, great. natalie's story is very reminiscent of bollywood, as soon as she saw the indian medical student dikkesh, she was ready to follow him anywhere, but he left alone, but as it turned out later, only
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to find work and housing before proposing to her , where to start, well , first let’s cut the fish, i’ll cut the onion for now, yes, oh, come on, otherwise every program starts with what i cut. i see local girls walking under umbrellas from the sun, hiding from the sun, i think, god, how bad they are, why are they the other way around? yes, well, now i’m also under umbrellas. well, in general, it’s like indians try not to walk around too much during the day, but what do they do during the day then, sleep all day, drink tea, have lunch, talk, sleep, there’s even a saying that at noon
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only mad dogs and englishmen walk down the street, but they mean foreigners, they mean foreigners, so we have prepared fish and onions, we will continue to fight with coconut, this is how you understand, we will make coconut milk, for this we need to break the coconut. of course, you can buy milk, but in india it is customary to make it yourself. do you know how to choose the right coconut? no, you need to look him in the eye. coconuts from three eyes need to be like this, well, not braided, they are so good, it also needs to be like this, so that there is water there. so, our coconut has eyes. clear, so we boldly break it, now i understand how it happened, oh, oh, water, everything, there is water, there is, wow, and ta-ta-ta-there, mm,
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fresh, delicious, and now we grate the coconut flesh, make shavings, so, i’m afraid that this will take a long time, so... i want to chat a little while i’m doing this, for example, an indian wedding, this is how we present it in tv series, well, for me it was modest, modest - what is this like? not 500 guests, but 350 or something? no, only 50, only 50, and how was it that you were dressed in a traditional sari, but in fact i have a traditional karelian sari that is white, and that crown and flowers, yes, that was it too, we put green garlands on each other, here i have a problem here: married sindur puts this, too, in the south, the symbol of marriage is the mangalsutra, sometimes they also write the husband’s name here, but for me... and have you forgotten what his name is or does he have
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a name? his name is jackes. dzhekeesh yes, and son jevin. jackes, jevin. and here people have two names. there is a name for documents and there is also a name, as if at home, which is what people call at home. this is something connected with the fact that it’s impossible, like this, if you know the real name, then you will cast an evil spell and not an evil spirit. may be? everyone here is obsessed with these. the husband flies out, says, why are you shouting , they are doing puja, and i was scared, and
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in the meantime, i finally grated the required amount of shavings, now we add a little water , beat with a blender, and voila, the milk is ready, wow, it worked, and yes , now put it in a strainer. i sometimes look at the prices of coconut milk and complain, now i won’t do it anymore, knowing how hard it is to make it, and we will use not only coconut milk, but also oil, put it in a frying pan, heat it up, in the meantime , quickly chop the ginger root and garlic, divide a couple of hot peppers in half, and as soon as the oil heats up, fry,
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first the cumin, so that it gives off its aromas to the oil, then add onion, ginger, garlic, pepper and salt, and you can add a little tomato paste, i suggest adding maheev tomato paste, it is made from suga russia tomatoes. this paste is great for preparing various dishes and sauces, it will give our curry the taste of ripe tomatoes. pour in coconut milk, stir and a little water, wait until it boils, lay out the pieces of fish. another 20 minutes. and we invite the whole family to the table, ciao belli,
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hello, hello, oh, the whole family is at the table, what’s your name again, but he’s also dimka with us, dimka, dimka, it’s like me, federica fred, yes, yes, your name is once again, dikesh, dikesh, we tried very hard, i don’t know what happened. it seems appetizingly delicious to us, even by the smell, let’s quickly put it on plates and try it, and at home only natalya cooks or you too, i used to be able to cook, now i’m busy at work, so now it’s mostly her, but she knows how to cook almost all indian dishes, then there you are compiled it and learn to cook in indian style, you didn’t accept russian cuisine, or what? no, i adore russian cuisine, for example, my favorite dish is jellied meat, jellied meat, oh well, that’s because
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it’s a cutlet, cutlet, what kind of pork, with beef, and you know, jellied meat , you love it, yes, you like jellied meat, oh, by the way, both speak russian, you understand everything, yes, yes, excellent, but we will eat according to the indian tradition, with our hands, it’s very interesting, it turned out, delicious, in general, tuna is perfect here. but i will say that if you replace it with chicken, in principle it will be no less delicious, well, i say so because they are going to repeat it all at home in russia, very tasty. delicious with shrimp, oh, also good advice, then i’ll try it at home and i’ll remember it for everyone with a smile, i didn’t hear something from you, the verdict, it’s very tasty, just like at home, just a second, we turn all the cameras over so that they tell me the truth, otherwise i think that, so what, it will be very tasty
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, it will go like at home, and now the most important thing, let him give his verdict, it’s tastier than at home, tastier than at home, as it should be in russia, i didn’t come empty-handed , i have there is something for you, just a minute, ta-tan , such a small symbolic gift from russia, thank you, yummy, uh, yummy yes, but especially here, this is what divin loves very much and what you can’t buy in indy, sunflower seeds, wow , thanks, did you guess right? let me drink, well, in general , i knew that this would make you happy, so i brought it, and to be honest, i’m also very glad to meet you, to be here, it’s always a pity when travel ends, but my trips to indy end on good notes, thank you for this, thank you, bello, give
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five, natalya, thank you especially, i can kiss you, thank you, with more. genferon light spray is a green light, a green light to my goals and plans, a red light to viruses that can interfere with them. genferon light, thanks to the double power of interferon and a special component, prevents the proliferation of influenza viruses and their penetration. genperon light spray - the power of green light with mint scent. today is the first semi-final.
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how i want to go back, oh how i want to burst into the mountain, for me it was the peak, the climax, the avatar show, the first semi-final, well well, everyone’s nerves are already on edge, how can they choose, my god, on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. reckless, new season, from monday at 20:00 on ntv. remember! what did they tell you when you decided to open a business? yes, you’re a girl, this is not a woman’s business, but you didn’t listen, because you’re doing everything wrong. continue! alfabank has the best
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loyalty program for business. we pay 3,000 rubles. for opening an account and up to 10% cashback for expenses. tabacquette, start a new life without cigarettes. new year's discounts in a cosmetics magnet. sowell hairspray 329,999. the price is what you need. catch the sale. new smartphone for 2,999 rubles. on avito. magic conditions, real interest rate up to 15.5% on a savings account at gazprombank. your money works and you receive income. apply at polysorp. always with you from poisoning, allergies, hangover, it's time to drink palisort, new year's appetite, dad, dad will tame, dad will tame, the spa holiday will help, this is the new siberian king, with a beef cutlet, a crusty bun with creamy horseradish,
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we thought at bcs. we need a portfolio audit, free of charge. professional advisors available throughout the country. and that’s why we not only have ideas, but also individual investment recommendations. go to bcs and get more. there is a storm cyclone in the far east. winds down its mission in the sea of ​​okhotsk. its main task was to deliver warm air to yakutia and the magadan region to chukotka. the positive anomalies there reached crazy levels, but now the temperature is going down. in inikon this afternoon it will be about twenty, and tomorrow it will be already over 30. another cyclone will soon throw snowfalls and whipping winds on kuril and kamchatka. because of it , it is windy today in the seaside, but in general the south has remained frosty calm for many days now. it is supported by the ice block of the siberian anticyclone. true, his power is already beginning. hone warmer cyclones moving in the north, if in the east even during the day in some places it’s still under 40, then closer to the urals it’s milder, in yekaterinburg today it’s only -24, and tomorrow
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-17, but no precipitation is expected yet, and the ecological situation remains difficult, all the snowfalls have accumulated on the european territory of russia, and without that, huge snowdrifts by the end weeks can rise up to half a meter, again a record for the second ten days of december, frosts down to -15 during the day still linger in the volga region, in the center there is a thaw on the horizon in the northwest... but this is reality, in the south everything is also unstable, without precipitation only in the south coast of crimea, and so do rains, sleet and ice, there is a strong wind on the lower volga, there is danger in the mountains and the temperature range is wide, from +1 in rostov -on-don to +14 in sochi. in st. petersburg today the maximum air temperature is -3, heavy snow, in moscow it is also heavy, snowstorms, drifts on the roads, 5° below zero for now, that’s all for the weather, we wish you the best morning, further in the program. we'll take care of your health with your doctor, and we'll make a meat dish with yulia vysotskaya. we are amazed at the miracle technology with sergei
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malozyomov. let's talk to nastya makarevich one day. the drug gripferon is prevention and treatment of colds and flu, even for expectant mothers and babies from the first days of life. dizziness is the illusion of movement of the person himself or surrounding objects around him. dizziness is one of the common complaints with which patients consult a doctor. in different age groups, the frequency of this complaint ranges from 5 to 30%. but what can dizziness be associated with and from what widely unknown causes can it arise? let's talk about this with a candidate of medical sciences. hello christina
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viktorovna, thank you so much for coming to our show, and today i would like to talk to you about dizziness, how often this problem is associated specifically with the vestibular apparatus, with disorders of the intravestibular apparatus, well, often, often. if you turned around, you were dizzy, but you lay in this position and it stopped somewhere for 20-30 seconds, then most
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likely it is dpp, if you were dizzy. in our heads there are like two gyroscopes on both sides, but we have a three-dimensional space and there are three such semirings, and in the middle there is another place where there are some kind of pebbles that are in the jelly in such a way, we need these pebbles for what
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, in order to understand where the bottom is, where the top is, they put pressure on the recipe. channel, the man turned, he swam in this water once, to the lowest point and gave a severe attack of dizziness, but he doesn’t always swim there, but he stopped, when the man stopped, that’s it, the man circled, stopped, the man turned again head, again this pebble in this in this water - such a liquid floated, swirled again,
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the man froze, this liquid stopped, everything stopped circling. why is it benign, because this pebble can be driven into place where it should be, thus, by certain manipulations of the head, in fact, the patient can do this himself, and there are a lot of video tutorials on this topic, but this is so scary , it’s so dizzy that it’s better to go to the doctor the first time so that he can explain, because this is a very terrible dizziness and the first thing that... comes to a person’s mind is that he’s had a stroke, so, if you had a stroke, you would be spinning all the time, regardless of what you do with your head, and if there were 20 seconds of intense spinning, and then it stopped, most likely this is good, but why did nature do this, so many times i just so i thought about it, i made a rumor, this vestibular apparatus is essentially closed into
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such a single unified combination, in what way in this? this is the biological meaning, what do you think, maybe this is not entirely on topic, but no, but i wonder why they are so close, i think it is connected with what, with what, that means, look, at first our distant, distant, distant ancestors , who are still amphibians and all that stuff, initially had only an alert apparatus, this is what we already have an inner ear with such a middle, then there is such a cochlea, which we we hear, and there is this semicircular canal , which... our gyroscopes, yes gyroscopes, react to our turns, at first there was only this middle, and this middle gave information about where is up, where is down, everything, then but it appeared, we stood there, came out onto land, a neck appeared, appeared more complex movements, the semicircular canals appeared, only then hearing appeared, well
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, this is how evolution happened, why is it in the temporal bone? i think because they are inside the thickest part of the pyramid, probably , as a protection, there should be two of them so that we can determine where is left, where is right, where is top, where is bottom, so i think that’s why, except for some kind of mechanical turning of the head, massage, this positional story, it can still be treated somehow, there is some kind of medicine that can somehow dissolve them or something else, or it doesn’t exist, why dissolve them, they need to be put on... then you just need to look at them, that is, they must be theirs, they are needed we are needed, yes, we are, but how do we understand where the bottom is, where the top is, you know, how we touch on this, yes, where the top is, where the bottom is, similar to this, there is an organelle in plant cells, similar to our vestibular analyzer like this, also with these, well, like athalites, well, you never thought about it, why do plants know,
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they put them in seeds in the ground, where why should they grow up, yes, yes, that’s exactly why, because... they were already growing towards the light, like this horizontally, that is, where you put the lamps, there growing, amazing, thank you very much kristina viktorovna for the wonderful story, i would like to wish everyone health, good morning, contact your doctors, the drug gripferon is the prevention and treatment of colds and flu, even for expectant mothers and babies from the first days of life. you and i will cook such wonderful meat, for we need a clove of garlic, but i have a very large clove, if you have less
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prominent cloves, then you can peel them two or three times, so that there should still be a lot of garlic. after i cut the garlic, i’ll make this marinade, it’s herbes de provence. it's a little dry basil, a little salt, a little freshly ground pepper, a little paprika, it's sweet, it's not hot paprika, but a little bit of chili flakes, that's what i need, i need the marinade to be, you know, like this, i would have said, some kind of musical shade, when i say musical shade, it means that you need a little bit so that it is spicy at the same time sweet, and so that it is piquant, that ’s exactly the shade that
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grainy mustard is, but first of all, these grains , and secondly, there is a little more vinegar in the composition, in general there are no preservatives, there are no products that you and i don’t like and never add to our lives when we prepare home-cooked food. i make the meat about a centimeter thick such cuts almost to the very end, that is, it is important for us, as if we are preparing the meat
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for serving, it is important for us to soak each piece with marinade and stuff it with garlic, that’s it, that’s all, you see how simple and fast it is, it’s all about quality ingredients, nothing more, i’ll be honest, there’s some kind of skill and some kind of dexterity in the kitchen, there ’s no need to talk about it here. so, garlic, i like a lot of garlic, but it seems to me that the truth is that garlic makes meat more interesting, or maybe my mother made it very tasty once upon a time, boiled pork, well, when you still know, not everything could be bought in stores, this homemade boiled pork, my mother’s. it was very generously stuffed with garlic, and since then i adore this taste of such meat with a hint of garlic, and of course, the mustard of the grass, and
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you and i must distribute everything like this, massage it, gently but confidently, this the meat is like this, just like this, in this exact way, so that everything is pressed tightly, that’s why you and i are from... the oven is preheated 190°, top and bottom mode, that is, well, the top and bottom are warm for us we bake it for about an hour, what a beauty, of course it shouldn’t. as in any case, yes, if you take the meat out of the oven, you can’t cut it right away, the other thing is that we can move it with you, for example, it’s better either a heated plate or a wooden surface, because then we
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don’t shock the meat with a cold temperature, carefully transfer it and you know, a little more with this sauce, this juice. which we have formed here during baking, so we water it, well, beauty, if you like a more golden crust, then you can open the foil. and then bake the meat under the grill for the last 5-7 minutes, but it seems to me that it behaves so well in foil, you see , look how it perfectly absorbs this sauce, the only thing that certainly doesn’t hurt to add is a little greenery, in this case i think cilantro, mint, something brighter, green onions are also interesting, it will be very good here, i took a little cilantro. sprinkle the meat, cut it, this is
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how it turns out, look, the piece is gently soaked in the marinade with garlic. well, hurry up to the table, bon appetit! on air a miracle of technology, a program in which i, sergey malozyomov and my team. we test everything on ourselves. get rid of back pain. you can improve your posture and even prevent some diseases with just one exercise machine. this is what the advertisement for this sports roller says, which costs about 1.0 rubles. it is made of foam rubber, one side is smoother, which the seller says simulates palm massage, the other is ribbed. gives a targeted
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effect. rolling on a roller, you relax your muscles, the pain goes away, it sounds promising. let's see if the roller from muscovite maria bolyasnikova will help. she recently created her own brand of aroma candles and makes them in her kitchen. sitting a lot, my back started to ache. making candles on average takes me 3-4 hours a day. most of the time
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- you and i see that there is kyphosis, and the spine is slightly curved to the side, this is called scoliosis, well, there is a manifestation of osteochondrosis, these are, in principle, acceptable changes, nothing catastrophic, no critical , there are no contraindications for working with a roller maria’s doctor didn’t find it, and now she will try to do everything according to the instructions,
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go to the most painful spots. most often, it is not the spine itself that causes discomfort in the back; it is the places where the muscles attach to the bones and the tendons that become tense due to muscle spasms that hurt. a competent massage therapist knows how to relax clenched muscles, but the roller, at least for maria, did not help. i used the roller for a week, i used it only on my back, i moved it from the top to the bottom, it wasn’t very good... when rolling along the spine, what does it feel like? were? not always pleasant, in some places even painful. rehabilitation doctor valery vasiliev, who uses similar simulators when working with patients, is not surprised. in his opinion, the back cannot be treated with such a roller, it was simply created for something else, and it is inconvenient because here, well , the back spine is conditionally in an active phase, it is definitely not relaxed, that is, you have to hold it.
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american physiotherapist daniel weiss believes that using such manipulations in the lumbar area is potentially dangerous. the roller can harm the facet joints that protect the intervertebral joint. discs from excessive stretching when tilting or turning the body. in addition, there is already a lot of pressure on the lumbar region; improper load or excessive stretching can aggravate the condition. in addition, the cause of pain is not always as obvious as it seems: discomfort can even be caused
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by diseases of the internal organs. a person begins to pay attention to what hurts. here, but we do not take into account those factors that could lead to this pain. the roller is the best. should not be used to treat anything, but before or after training. due to muscle relaxation, joints become more mobile, synovial fluid is more actively produced in them, which lubricates and reduces friction. in itself, the exercise machine can be a good addition to exercise, but advertising describing its capabilities for treating the back and neck clearly distorts reality. not a miracle. an online presentation of the second season took place on the set of the avatar show, in less than 24 hours watched by more than one and a half million users of the social network vkontakte. the
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online presentation was attended by the general, the host of the avatar show, and the general. the star detectives who will have to figure out who controls the digital heroes in the new season are sergey lazarev, timur batrudinov, ida galich, mark tishman and irina ponorovskaya, who already occupied the chair of a jury member in one of the episodes of the first season. as for my experience as a member, as members of the jury, i will gain it, i probably will for now. listen more than talk, well, somehow i will listen and take a closer look at what is happening here, good luck, good luck, good luck, thank you, thank you , thank you very much, thank you very much for choosing me, thank you, in the avatar show community on the social network vkontakte a competition was launched in which users need
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to complete creative tasks, every two weeks the five lucky ones who score the most points will become winners and receive prizes and avatar show merch. the competition will last throughout the season. it was easy fantastically magical, one morning on ntv, i’m sergei mayorov, hello, anastasia makarevich, the constant leader of the lyceum group, next year, together with her friends, she will be forty-five years old. the star will celebrate the thirty-third anniversary of the women's national song team with guitars. it’s difficult to imagine very adult girls on stage with a hit about autumn-autumn. that's why fans are discussing rumors about the possible breakup of the group. will anastasy makarevich start a solo career or decide to rebrand
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the team? my colleagues evgeniy radimov and anastasia naborshchikova went to moscow region to the dacha of the country's main high-achieving lyceum student. autumn autumn the forest has cooled down and the leaves are thin and dashing, the wind is driving you with me, autumn-autumn, well, let's ask the fox where he is, my eternal one. my neighbors are miserable, because when they were children, they listened to us, and we had such a very musical house, ira allegro lived in my house on the first floor, so i remember the whole entrance was painted there,
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first the electro club group, irina allegro, we you we love it, then they took everything off, made repairs, covered everything up, the group of faces began and new inscriptions have arrived. it was ninety- seven, irina allegrova had not yet become a people's artist, but anastasia makarevich received high status from the cradle. mom valeria vernaldovna said that her daughter first learned to sing, not speak. she , i don’t know, when she was 3 years old, she came out at the entrance , stood up, announced that a people’s artist was performing, bowed and sang, some women from music schools just ran after me and said, for god’s sake, let her sing, give her up sing, but i sent her to a music school. from the guitar, my mother brought, brought such a neat, beautiful girl with bows, with ponytails, when she came to meet me, after lessons she asks where nastya is, and nastya says, there she is sitting on a tree, she...
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together with ochim alexei makarevich nastya often sang at home for her family, but one day the former guitarist of the group sunday began to give his stepdaughter more complex parts and realized that it was time to reach a wider audience, since nastya is my daughter, this is from the series... i even thought who would be there today’s planning we will make blonde brunette
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there was red and green, there was no one at all , there were girls whose voices were falling, you understand that if in this place with this song, well, while coarsening the temple ones, of course, i don’t want to humiliate anyone, in no way, there were no there is nastya, there is isolde lena, and tamara katelya, it would be the same, this is a fragment of an interview in 2008, then the music producer... openly hung up, as if he hoped that he would be able to give the girls the main hit.
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27 years have passed, but his song “autumn” is still sung. dad always called me peter pan skirt, he said: “well, you’re like a child, a child who doesn’t grow up, but although , of course, i probably grew up, just when my dad passed away, when we lose our loved ones, probably this is the moment , yes, we are becoming adults, well , everyone has their own stage in life, and of course, when there are parents nearby who protect, who love, you can always feel like a child, and i think this is a wonderful feeling.
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one day, the main lyceum student of the country too grew up and became an associate professor of the state classical academy named after maimanid, but at home she remains an ordinary housewife; today anastasia makarevich is helped in the kitchen by the holder of two master’s degrees in pr and journalism, sister varvara. for the first time, the girls decided to bake a pie according to their mother’s signature recipe. drink it, it will be just as delicious, yes, you can have one apple. the singer has two children of her own, no matter how hard her mother
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tries, fourteen-year-old matvey traded music for a sports bike and became interested in it, and the eldest... i really support him in this, some moments are better than although i’m certainly not a football player and it seems to me that i already understand everything about football, of course, as a coach, i can tell you where to run, what to do, i’m basically saying, why were the fans surprised that you became mother, i didn’t go on maternity leave, but i sang a week before matvey was born in july, and on the twenty- fifth they graduated. i remember filming there with guitars, the main thing was that no one knew that i was pregnant, because behind the guitar you couldn’t see my belly, and somehow they specially selected outfits, shirts, again white raincoats of some kind, so even my friends didn’t knew that i i was pregnant, oh you gave birth in a great land, a magical land of my desires, fairy tales of dreams,
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well done, the process started when anastasia... along with other members of the lyceum group was shown on television, thousands of youthful hearts were broken. one of the fans turned out to be evgeniy, who had a seemingly impossible dream of falling in love with a star. ironically, years later the fan became the band's director. soon they began a romance that lasted a quarter of a century. the most important thing is some kind of sincere expression of feelings, you don’t need to do something like that for me unimaginable, because i don’t know if i can believe it. somehow less when you just know that a person is ready to do anything for you, maybe he is, although, well, my husband is always ready to shower me with flowers and his attention, i just know that he he loves me very much, he takes care of me, it’s true, behind him, like behind a stone wall, i am absolutely
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sure of everything, there are no fears, i ’m always learning. so simple, now we are in the front row with you, this dog is familiar to us, and this role is familiar, we play this role, we play this role, what kind of people, such stories, i
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, beautiful, our wedding hour is getting closer , the main feature here is shakespeare , it’s impossible to think of anything better than shakespeare, and this comedy is a comedy about joy, you know, this is some kind of joy in a concentrated form, such a pill, therapy for happiness , the heroes of this production do not disappear behind the stage, but pass through the hall, and the audience also seems to be participants in the events.
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which we are very happy to have brought to the big stage. all these performances and more can be seen on the stage of the growth theater before the end of this year, here is the premiere of a midsummer night's dream will be shown again in january 2024. the best for today is beyond the bounds. a pensioner is sleeping under
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the ceiling on a mountain of garbage, some canned food that has long expired, some things.
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we must prepare, what is the realistic forecast? russia is not angry, russia is concentrating. every sunday we summarize the week. now it's time to sum up the year. results of the year with vladimir putin on december 14 at 12:00 moscow time live. superstar new season on saturday at 20:20 on ntv. remember that you they said when you decided to open a business, but it’s not a business at all, but you didn’t listen, because
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you’re doing everything wrong, continue, alfabank has the best loyalty program for business, we pay 3,000 rubles for opening an account and up to 10% cashback for expenses, we take out loans, it’s easy to apply for, that’s all we do. loans that everyone knows, when relatives are worried about intestinal problems, give way to hilokforte, thanks to the metabolites, hilokforte is immediately ready to act and can be used together with antibiotics, order from pharmacies plus, you have achieved your goal, now you are the center of attention, they talk about you, they catch your every move. j7 is stylish, this is for real, who scored so many extra widths of kvisti, we, because it is 15% more than ordinary noodles, and it also contains 10
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times more vegetables, for shirak kvisti, the choice is obvious, misha, yes, it’s a shame to forget the food for the cat, but the most offensive thing is to forget about the x5 club card at the checkout, leave your points in the store, show the card and receive up to 20% cashbacks and up to 50% everything. polysorp is always with you for poisoning, allergies, hangovers, it’s time to drink polysorp in the new year with a new home, buy a card from the magnet application, play, win prizes and 10 million to buy a house, magnet, i am irena ponorozhku and i don’t want to revolve around technology, let it revolve around me, and khar knows how to do it. let technology revolve around us, and we enjoy using it. hair is a technique inspired by life. new year's appetite. only dad
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will tame, only dad will tame. holiday, spa will help. the magic condition is a real rate of up to 15.5% on a savings account at gazprom bank. your money works and you you receive income. apply at a future where you don't have to choose between. from the intelligent all-wheel drive system, i think it saved the pain, the pain is spasm , what's the difference, double-action spasmalgon fights pain, relieves spasms, spasmalgon for pain and spasm, and also to fight fever, spasmal effect, buy at a discount in city health pharmacies. clean your liver with folk remedies, try replacing them with avisol. avisol is a modern natural remedy
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that promotes gentle cleansing of the liver. avisol evolar. do you cleanse your liver with folk remedies? try replacing them with ovisol, only it contains oats with milky ripeness, enhanced with herbs and turmeric. avisol ivalar number one for cleansing the liver. and now about the weather for today. hello, in the far east one cyclone is leaving kamchatka. another one is on the way, so today there is a short break for calmer weather with light frost, in the south the sun is non-stop, frosts too, though, again here in the daytime up to -20, in the seaside up to -10, but strong wind. so it seems also it’s cold, and siberia has the lead in cold weather, in the east even in the daytime it’s below 40 in some places, but trickles of warmer air are beginning to seep into the west, in yekaterinburg today it’s only -24, and tomorrow -17, no precipitation is expected yet, they’re all in the north in the west and center of the european territory of russia, the tests with severe frosts are ending here, now the main tormentors are snow and blizzards, which are not going to subside until the weekend, in the south only in crimea
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there is less precipitation, mostly rain or wet. snow, ice, during the day from +1 in rostov-on-don to +14 in sochi. in st. petersburg today it is only -3, heavy snow, in moscow there is not only snow, but also strong wind, blizzards, skidding on the roads and the maximum air temperature is around 5° below zero, but the weather is everything. if you can't give up sweets, take aleedjim. the natural alelim complex helps reduce appetite and cravings for sweets, as well as maintaining normal sugar levels. alidzhim and valar are recommended for russian diabetics. associations. how to maintain normal sugar levels? accept. the natural aligjim complex helps maintain levels sugar levels are normal, decreased appetite, cravings for sweets. alidjim evalar is recommended by the russian diabetes association.
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what worries russians most, a report from a call center, year-end programs with vladimir putin. powerful blows to the gas sector and accusations of the idf using phosphorus, which is happening in the near future. in the east, the new lyub of joe biden, the us president got confused in the days over the years and resurrected his father, and also the man who saves the best neurosurgeon on the planet, alexander kanobalov, 90. this is the program today in the studio of dmitry zaboysky, hello. let's start with the news: from the zone of a special military operation, our motorized rifles stopped the movements of ukrainian national formations in the krasnoliman direction under.


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