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tv   DNK  NTV  December 12, 2023 5:50pm-7:01pm MSK

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olga pogodina, because she and her daughter did not have enough space among unnecessary things in the apartment. 8 years ago, a woman was forced to move out, it was impossible to get through, everything was piled up to the ceiling, everything was covered in cobwebs, covered in cockroaches. in our studio , tamara promised the whole country to get rid of her collection of unnecessary things. you will allow cleaning, cleaning and disinsection to be carried out in your apartment. yes, of course, already. the next day, specialists from a cleaning company came to the pensioner to remove the trash from the apartment and prepare the space for exterminators, but tamara categorically refused to let them in, i’ll figure it out myself, i’ll take it out myself, i refuse the help of the program beyond the limits, i don’t need help in dismantling this trash. olga turned to lawyer pyotr borodin for help, but i would like my daughter to live there, because... now she is renting an apartment, you
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have a share in the property there, you can easily go into this apartment and just physically remove things, which there, at your discretion, are trash. afterwards, for the daughter and mother, therapist vera tkacheva conducted online consultation and gave them my recommendations. clear vascular problems, they exist. here's my medical advice to you. he’s so kind, after all, maybe with someone’s help, but to get treatment , see a neurologist so he can look at vascular problems. thank you to the program abroad for drawing attention to such a terrible problem that is happening here, thank you for organizing a consultation with a lawyer, with a doctor who... helped me a lot, and tomorrow in
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the program abroad an eighteen-year-old the girl went to meet her lover and disappeared, only 3 months later her mutilated body was found in the forest, everything was in place, arms, legs, torso, well, the body was all in place, there was no face, well, they found a suspect, he was under investigation, allegedly he inserted in tamen , a phone, a sim card
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for my younger sister, that is, everything was fine , my parents also celebrated, they drank alcohol, then a conflict occurred between my parents, my parents started arguing, then at one fine moment my mother runs in, grabs me by the hands and says: say thank you for having us we feed, we drink, you are nothing to us , you are a foster child for us, someone else heard this, who was next to you at that moment, there was dad, dad heard, then came in. into the room, grabbed
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her hand and said: “svet, why are you saying such things, yulia, she is ours, why did you get that and she will always be ours, that is, he protected you, yes, he protected you, you believed your father or mother then in "at that moment, well, no, i didn’t believe it, because i already had guesses, that i was a foster family, and why? well, at first everything was fine, that is, we rested, the family went everywhere on picnics." spent time at the circus, went to the cinema, and then somehow gradually it all began , how to say, less, less, less and less, conflicts appeared with my mother, that, for example, it seemed like i hadn’t done anything, but her words, i did something wrong, i found fault with you, you want to say, and because of this you felt like you weren’t family, well, i ’m not like my adoptive parents, they are completely different. the children don’t look alike at all,
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but how many children were there in the family, you say, other children, there was me, three more children, mothers, a brother and two sisters, are these relatives? these are my own children, yes, when i was alone in the family, the attitude towards me was different, loving, caring, when other children appeared, brothers, sisters, well, brother, sister, there was no such attitude towards me, my mother, for example, maybe hug your children, brother-sister, but they didn’t hug me, you can tell your children there i love you, but you didn’t say such words to me, and what you heard from your mother on your sister’s birthday convinced... that you are not a member of your family, yes, i was about 15, we talked to her, i asked, mom, can you tell me this story, i understand that it’s unpleasant, tell me how i ended up with you, how i came to you, mom answered that she and
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dad didn’t have children, they decided to take a girl, mom i told you where i got you from, yes, my mother told me, my mother told me what she got me from.
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the wife gave up the child and left, yes , this happens, and i admit that this exists in this situation, did you think about it, yulia, i thought, yes, i thought that such a situation might turn out, the mother might go somewhere
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somewhere in the wrong place, well, i kept changing my mind, maybe there was some pressure on her from her relatives... her parents, to say thank you for life, and what is julia driving you more, resentment or a desire to know the reason why you there is no need to become, the resentment, the resentment has all
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gone away, everything has already gotten over, to find out the reason why this happened, why they did this, maybe... brothers, sisters, look, haven’t you thought about what if they wanted to find you , they would have done this a long time ago, i thought about it, but i changed date of birth, month of birth, and year remained the same, adoptive parents, they support you, well, mom and dad no longer live together, mom supports, she said: look, if you want to know, look, that is, she doesn’t mind, she doesn’t mind, no, your adoptive mother really hopes that you will find your biological relatives. in the studio of svetlana ryasheva. hello
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svetlana. hello. do you remember the time you had a serious conversation with your daughter about being adopted? 15, that’s how it happened, we told her that yes, they took her because that we, i didn’t have children, they told me infertility, here we are... then we lived with my first husband, we didn’t have children, he died, so i married the second one, but i sort of told him , i say, if you and i agree, we’ll take the baby, i then , well, we took it, we went to orphanages in saratov, here in engels, we ended up in this maternity hospital, the managers, they liked us, the couple, they liked it, he says, there was a girl, she says, a conscientious objector, but...
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well, i got upset, burst into tears, came home, that’s it, well, it’s like, well, what will i do,
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calmed down, and i was there when we lived in a small family, our woman also gave birth to a weak child, she was lying there when i was there, she saw me, we talked to her, the manager saw us, that we were with her , well, we seem to know each other, here i am sitting at home, peeling potatoes for a while.
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who gave birth to her, and then we take it upon ourselves, this, that is, it was not your idea, a dressed doctor, yes, she sent, i say, but how will i go, she says, she will say that you are a doctor, well, a nurse , and yes i came, she says to me, why do you need it, i say, well, she’s probably in the house they will give it to the little one, but she has nothing, there are no documents, a birth certificate, that’s all, and how did you feel being in the house of your biological parents ? the mother couldn’t even button up her clothes, i was shaking all over. i was still nervous there, of course, i left
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for the first time, then i didn’t finish writing something there yet, i had to go back to her, again, so i saw, there was another child sitting in the kitchen, crying, like, maybe, well, a year old, probably what kind of biological mother you remember, oh, how she’s as tall as me is so comforting, i’m now i’ve put on weight, but she’s thin, normal, pretty , well, yes, that’s her nose, she probably took it, her eyes, i saw from my father’s photograph that it was like that, and how old was the woman? well, if i was 26, well, so was she, she’s probably even younger than me, maybe, that is, it turns out you saw your mother in person, and your father from the photo in your passport, passport, yes, the house was as it was, clean, one-room apartment , clean, so, well, just good, that is, it can be done.
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she was not alive in such a serious condition, maybe she refused, she will tell me why i have it’s just such a child, she’s still sick, she didn’t dare then, you didn’t ask the biological mother a question, why are you refusing? no, i was just that i’m glad that she refused, faster, faster, but in general your daughter’s desire to find her biological family, it really doesn’t offend you in any way, well, it offends you, you’re jealous, of course, although when i was sick, she i rushed straight, mom, there, god forbid, what happens to you, on the other
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hand, let him find you. because anyway, i say, children should know their roots, from whom they will find, maybe someone else, brothers , sisters, we don’t know, i thought if she was young, i was young, maybe she already has children there, if i already have four of them, what if yulia’s biological family will turn out to be dysfunctional, but no, it seems to me that i saw everything in the apartment was like that, if not prosperous, it will be visible there anyway. in the city of engels, saratov region, we
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found a woman, she is 35 years old, her mother’s name is svetlana spirin, her father’s name is sergey spirin. in our studio, yulia vlastova. hello, julia. hello. tell us a little about yourself. i grew up, was born, or rather, in the saratov region, in the city of engels. i grew up in a family with a mother, father, older brother, denis. the difference between me and my brother is 4 years, my brother was my support, reliable, and until today he always protected me, always made sure that i was, as it were, under his, well, how can i tell you, that’s right, guardianship, guardianship, yes, that’s my brother of course, that's all for me. did you and your brother have a happy childhood?
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my childhood was happy, yes, that is, we grew up in love, in affection, well, in care. parents they took care of us, food, clothes, there was enough of everything , food, clothes, yes, of course , there was quite enough of everything, well, how all the children grew up, lived, tell us about your mother, well, mother, of course, for every child this is mother, so to speak , the best, my mother was short, thin, she always went out with her head styled, that is , she seemed to take good care of herself, she was always with... even, that is, even going out to the store for bread, mother she was always wearing makeup, i also don’t remember that she was never in such a state, well, without makeup, let's say, dad, well, dad was also like a tall man, well, dad, like everyone else , probably, dad, an ordinary dad, but strict, well, to some extent, yes, a little strict, yes , well, yulia, you
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are talking about your parents in the past tense, yes, unfortunately, sorry, “sorry, my mother passed away 16 years ago, i was 19 years old at that time, my mother came home from work, before my eyes, i was holding the child in my arms, and my mother died, that is, she only managed to take off her boots.” she had strong friends all over her body, starting with her hands, she threw her head back, at that moment, well, she died, it was just for a few seconds, a difficult moment, and i put the baby in
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the crib, ran up to my mother and started shaking her by the arms, well, breasts, and well, nothing helped, there instantly. death, i ran out into the street in what i was wearing, started knocking on everyone in the neighbors, screaming, because well, we lived in a private house, well , it was such a tragic death, it’s still hard to this day, this pain, loss, will never go away, it's not, it's is not forgotten and will never be forgotten, it’s very difficult, and my father, my father died 8 years ago, well , that’s the same... there’s also no and no support other than my brother. julia, it turns out your parents lived in marriage all the time, did not separate until your mother’s death, no, your parents lived. well, married, yes, that is, we all lived in a family, our parents lived in marriage , of course, well, everything lived well, that is, in love, in harmony, then some moments
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began, well, no, well, after some time there were disagreements in the family, that is, some kind of problems, some kind of scandals, quarrels, well denis and my brother and i seemed to hear it, saw it, and there were moments when he and i even went to a neighbor’s house. well, they sort of ran away, so as not to listen to all this, so as not to see it, well, in the future , the parents divorced around about 1995, and because of what they could quarrel so much, it was hard to live at that time, you never heard that your parents could have quarreled because of jealousy, well , this is not excluded, because, well, my mother was a woman-like woman, after all, well, that’s mine, of course opinion, but this was not directly advertised in the family in loud words. but could she give a reason? no, no , that is, there wasn’t any kind of scandal because he noticed something somewhere, no, that didn’t happen, and your older brother never told you
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that he saw his mother pregnant already after your birth? no, he didn’t say such information, and there is no such information from the word at all, and well, there was no such thing, that is, no one said anything, neither brother, nor neighbors, nor acquaintances, nor friends. no, but what do you think, yours could mom to give birth to another child? you know, i think not, because, probably, he would have lived in our family, that is, my mother loved us, just as we probably would have known about the existence of this child. a woman contacted us, she is from saratov, she was born in the engels maternity hospital, her name is yulia, and her parents’ names are svetlana and sergei spirin. this woman is in our studio. look around.
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oh sorry. it seems to me, it seems to me that somehow our face, or maybe our cheekbones, are elongated. "i think this is my nose and my sponges, i also have my biological parents, who left me in the city of engels in 1989 .
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this, well, well, it doesn’t even fit into my head, i would say, it doesn’t fit at all, why, how, or do you understand? there is no one to ask now, my parents are not alive, but at the same time you yourself saw the resemblance, the resemblance, yes, yulia, you see the resemblance, i see the resemblance, it’s very similar, she came in when right away, it seems strong, and those are their eyes, it seems to me , yes, not from a sponge, they squeeze like that, they are just similar, very similar, i probably saw her, if only the boy...
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i just remember this, we have the opportunity to look at a photo of yulia’s mother, but this is her only with yulia, slebelnik, maybe you find some common features between you and this woman, well, the nose, definitely , nose, nose, lips, cheekbones, yulia, can you say that yulia is similar to your mother? yes, i see the resemblance, yes, well, because i also look like my mother, yes, i see the resemblance, like these ones.
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nose and you can see the resemblance, do you think julia might turn out to be your sister after all? i can’t get my head around this word at all, i i can’t imagine what’s happening at all, i don’t understand at all what and how, so you say, you were sitting at the table, at what table? in the kitchen, behind the children's highchair, you were eating something there, i had to take the data when yu... she was rejected, they say the doctor told me so, rejected, then yulia was transferred to a children's hospital, her weight she was 900 kilos, how to lift the weight there, well, in general, what was to be done with her, they put her in this hospital for now, that’s when we wanted to adopt her, i had to go to the details of your parents write off, they sent me as a nurse, as if i had come, your mother asked why
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you need it, i say, well... they will register her, maybe to an orphanage, where they will send her, well, in general, that’s it, and the reason , i don’t know, the birth was difficult, maybe that’s why your mother refused, yours, because she was there in a vacuum, the birth was difficult, i don’t know, maybe you were still little, so maybe she and the time were like that, maybe she’ll say i can’t handle it i, that’s why it was like this, at one time... knowing, then she wanted to take her away again, then for some reason, she still refused. julia, if we say and assume that you were that one-year-old child, your brother was already 5 years old, yes, 4 years old, 5 years old, yes, maybe he is hiding something from you, no, 100% no , that is, my brother and i have
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always had a very trusting relationship all our lives, but no, he can’t hide anything, he can’t hide anything from me. does julia's older brother remember that he once had another younger sister, will a dna test confirm his memories? we'll find out together very soon. washing cordless vacuum cleaners redmond multiclean. an excellent solution for complete cleaning. redmond - powerful, cleaning, reliable. prove that you are not our grandfather. and show me where you live. salute, turn on the video. great ustyuk, i turn on the new year's magic, the virtual assistant fireworks with artificial intelligence gigachat is capable of a lot, give new year's mood, fireworks, today you are instead of the snow maiden, in the new season , calm down, citizens, everyone is all in a new way, maybe we won’t languish, new position, all you have to do is shave it all off, put on your uniform and you’ll be like a real boss, a new one
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- first semi-final, sunday at 20:20 on ntv. in the dna program studio , thirty-four-year-old yulia from saratov is looking for her biological family. older brother yuli also does not remember that his mother had another daughter. in the studio of denis spiren. hello, denis. hello. we met your sister, yulia, yulia said that she was always under your protection. so it is. i love my sister, i miss her, when we don’t see each other for a long time, a week or two, but there are secrets from my sister , there are never any, you only have one sister, yes, but it could be that your mother was pregnant, left the child, left
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child, i think this is unlikely to happen, since my mother loved us very much, this is unlikely to happen. julia, tell your brother why you are in the dna program studio today. here we are, the girl yulia from saratov. hello. presumably our sister. hello. hello. i am in this studio looking for my biological mother, father, brothers and sisters. my mother's name was svetlana spirin, my father's name was sergey spirin. they refused. from me in 1989 in the city of engels, what do you say, denis, shock, state of shock, jitters, your parents couldn’t
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have done that, well, my opinion is that no , it’s unlikely, i’ll repeat again, my mother and sister love us very much, well, she did, julia told me what happened to you. happy childhood, good, well, up to a certain point, yes, there was a happy, good childhood, when my parents lived together, my sister and i went for walks regularly. saratov, engels, theaters, circuses, and so on and so forth went there, but at some point quarrels and scandals began, yes, parents, but these quarrels could not be motivated by jealousy, for example, at that moment, as if, well, i can’t tell you for sure, since we were not adults, small children, after all, 10-11 years old, scandals, as if yes, parents were arguing, well, the reason is never known, but you can guess what? what could force your mother
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to abandon the child, if this, of course , we are talking about her, she did that, well, the mother would hardly have abandoned the child, well , you are talking now for me, for me it ’s a czech, my mother did not act would it never happen, could your father be the reason for this? so what do you think to say, because well... knowing his father, he could probably have insisted there or somehow forced something or something else, he had such a bad trait, he was, more precisely, that is, a tough person , a tough person, why could he force you, if he loved you, he loved yulia, i can’t answer this question for you, i don’t even assume, perhaps, really... she was born prematurely, the doctors
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most likely scared that either she wouldn’t survive, or she would very serious health problems, there are two more children of their own, and most likely the family couldn’t handle it financially, and i’m also sitting here and thinking, most likely my husband forced me to take her away, first and give her the girl, then supposedly take her away, because most likely my mother lost her nerves, then she was taken back, as it were...
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and you’re still doing all 5 you lived with your mother for years, there was no period when your mother could possibly have sent you there to your grandmother for 9 months, for eight? no, i lived with my mother all my life, but i can also tell you physiology, my sister was also pregnant and only in her eighth month the belly was somehow noticeable, well, the same situation. could have been with my mother, well, well , it’s unlikely that she would have done that, we just, you know, we don’t believe in it, it’s a shock for us and the words that it’s possible, but no, we don’t believe it, well, jump on for me there are similarities, but here it is, yulia, and while you and denis are coming to your senses a little from what you heard, i suggest you watch the story about yulia, about her life, pay attention to the screen. the most important events in the life of yulia zabortseva are
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meeting her husband and having children. she happy wife and mother of two daughters. this is my family, this is my beloved husband, alexander, these are my two daughters, nastya and varvara. in this room we spend the evenings, watch tv, our big one, movies and talk, well, about important things, about plans, for example, for tomorrow, what plans we have, that is, we distribute our day. the girls' room is decorated with cups and medals. the youngest daughter nastya is engaged in rhythmic gymnastics, that is, she goes to all sorts of competitions, performs, well, receives medals, cups, is engaged in professional activities, then there is professional rhythmic gymnastics. yulia is also proud of her youngest daughter; at school, varvara is distinguished by exemplary behavior and always prepares properly for her lessons; the sisters are very similar and friendly with each other, this is their closet.
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a desk where we do homework with the girls every evening , where they do their favorite thing, for example, they embroider, weave rubber bands there, paint, and they communicate with each other, but in her relationship with her husband, yulia is in complete agreement, alexander does not drink , doesn’t go out for walks, respects his wife and brings every penny into the house. apartment we bought it 6 years ago on the sly. essentially we’re doing it, we have an extra penny somewhere, we’re doing some renovations little by little, we’ve put up the ceilings, we don’t have a chandelier yet, it’s okay, we’ll get one soon, yulia reckons. here we prepare food, mainly soups , borscht, my husband loves to bake, cakes, pastries, manti, beshparmak, all kinds of salads, well
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, everything will be at the highest level, well done, good family, happy for them, maybe that. .. it seems that we noticed, yes, cooking, the word borscht, cabbage soup, this is present in my family, with childhood, i asked my mother to cook , then at that time, i remember like now, when i bought tomato paste in such a jar, it was so sweet, for me, tasty, that well, very tasty, that at that time they even ate it with a spoon, yes, these were the memories, yes, and it seemed to be passed down from my parents’ family to my family, well, your mother taught you to cook, yes , your mother taught you to cook, and she always asked her, well, for me, the most delicious carcass were my my mothers from generation to generation and now i’m teaching my daughter this, yes , there are some similarities even here, well
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, i’ll support my sister in cooking, the kitchen is the main thing, and some sporting achievements, sporting achievements, and a lot of medals. i have a son, yes, he is engaged in taekwondo wrestling, he also has medals, but if this happens, julia turns out to be your sister, you can forgive your mother, mother is a holy person for us, we will always forgive, no matter how much i doubt that my mother would act exactly like this, so that he left the child, well, it’s not clear to me why? how is it for me personally, yulia, and you? well, in any case, i no longer have the right to be offended by my mother or not to forgive her, of course, for me the best, most beloved, so of course i will forgive her and have forgiven her, in absentia.
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svetlana, if the dna test does not confirm yulia’s relationship with denis and yulia, will you continue to help your daughter search? biological relatives, well, yes, we need to end all this, put an end to it, since she wants it, and i will support her, of course. julia, do you think your search will be over for today, or will you have to search further? to me it seems, i think, it’s over, there is a similarity with my sister, well, i feel in my soul, there is something familiar, yulia’s husband dissuades his wife from searching for biological relatives who have never heard of. the fact is that a girl in their family has disappeared, whether the result of the dna test will please him, we will find out soon, be careful. genferon light spray is a green light, a green light for my goals and plans, a red light for viruses that can interfere with them. genferon light, thanks to the double power of interferon and a special component, prevents
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because the biological mother has already abandoned her child, supposedly trust someone with your beloved, i’m not ready. and if we are not talking about a biological mother, if we are talking about a brother or sister, the brothers and sisters are not to blame for anything, so i am only for it if they communicate, but it is necessary. make sure they normal, decent people , i met yulia and denis, very nice, very nice, yulia may turn out to be my sister, denis and my brother, their mother is also svetlana spirina, there seems to be something similar, but we need to talk, find out, i i understand your wariness.
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said: marry me, she refused, so i thought and decided that i would woo her every week, i came there and proposed, on the fifth attempt she agreed. yuli, why did they torture the guy for so long? i looked and took a closer look at what he was like, and now it’s yours your husband is looking closely at your supposed biological... alexander, yulia immediately told you that she is not related to her family? yes, when we corresponded with her, she
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told me that she was adopted, i was shocked initially, i... i can’t even imagine how it’s possible to give up your child at all, no matter what the circumstances are, you can still, how would it be child, what is the child’s fault in general, why did they abandon him? now, if denis and yuli turn out to be relatives for your wife, do you think they will be able become members of your family? i need to talk, find out, i have a wife, a wonderful wife, and a little older than me, eh. this year we celebrated the anniversary of our marriage, 18 official years, we have two children, a son is 16 years old, a daughter is 10, well, we also have my beloved husband, one child, for now, for now we have one daughter, my daughter is 16 years old, studying at pet college to become a teacher, first-
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year student, plays volleyball. well, that is , an active daughter, and parents yulia and denis, unfortunately, are no longer alive, i sympathize, thank you, but brother and sister often visit we visit each other together at the grave of our beloved mother, we have a plot. svetlana spirina died on new year's eve on december 28, 2007. on the day of the funeral, yulia recalls, the weather turned out to be gloomy and frosty, but it will still be forgiven. women, a lot of people came, naturally everyone supported us , he was a sociable person, yes, that is, everyone was shocked that the man was not sick, that all this happened in an instant, so to speak, yulia is especially sorry that her mother did not see, what was the granddaughter, sixteen-year-old yana, like? as in the famous film, she is beautiful, and smart, an athlete, she studies well, positively,
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she is the head girl of our group, that is, the girl is active, so... she goes to volleyball and visits after classes, that is, well, the girl lives just actively, actively, very everywhere she attends clubs in college, well, she kind of likes this active lifestyle, but she and her husband now have a quiet and measured life - says yulia, they live in a very ordinary apartment, an unremarkable house, but the view from the window is open beautiful, the view overlooks volga, now is a wonderful time of year, autumn is all in yellow colors. yellow- red-green, beautiful view, especially beautiful in the morning after breakfast, when yulia waters her flowers, the flowers are bamboo, this is my orchid, and here are the flowers that are usually in every apartment called zamiokulkas, well, basically, in principle, that’s all there is to it. people in lassovy try to spend evenings, weekends and holidays together, in a close family
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circle, to help them relax and unwind alone. year, he and his brother come to her the grave, we always enter, we always , never forget, all holidays and birthdays, and dates of death, we always visit everything, and, of course, we even take our own children, naturally, so that they understand what it is, what it is necessary to do that, besides us grandchildren, well , who else will go, is so that they know their roots, yes, this, this is how it’s supposed to be, it
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’s always been this way all their lives, and it will remain so, it’s a shame. that mom is gone, alive, dad is gone, it’s very disappointing, we wanted to see them, i wanted to see, yes, in case, yulia, a positive result dna test, will you go to your mother’s grave, yes, i’ll go, i’ll go.
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we will communicate, of course, be friends with families, we have so many children now, but what does your heart tell you, in front of you is your own sister, right? tell me, yes, denis. damn, this is a denetic answer, but for me it’s a state of shock. state of shock. svetlana, what do you think? i think, yes, it looks like my daughter will find blood relatives today. you might want to say something while the envelope with the dna test result has not yet been opened. i think i found mine today relatives, well, if the dna test is confirmed, we will be very happy. yulia, are you ready to find out who you are, denis and yulia? yes, ready,
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ready to find out? i invite daria popova, our dna specialist, to the studio. whether denis will have another younger sister and also yulia, we will find out the result of the dna test in a couple of minutes. anya, a surprise awaits you. ma, this is a surprise for you. these are scammers, it’s good that the finances are insured with a profitable policy of protection for any eventuality from sberbank.
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with your hands, i have a passion, what a vindictive, reckless driver, meet me, this is my bride, diana, today 20:00 on ntv, this is a dna program, siblings from angels, underwent genetic testing with a stranger.
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met with thirty-four-year-old yulia zabortseva. according to her adoptive mother, yulia knows that her biological parents’ names were svetlana and sergei spirin, and they lived in engels, saratov region. yulia really hopes that denis and yulia will turn out to be her brother and sister by blood, although both denis and yulia... assure that their mother had no more children, besides, she was very kind and loving, and would never didn't give up hers child, is this the answer in this envelope? denis, are you ready to find out if you have another sister named yulia? yes, i'm ready! yulia, allow me to announce the result? yes please! julia, can i open the envelope? yes please!
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attention, i am opening the envelope. on the one hand, the alleged sister, yulia zabortseva. on the other hand, her alleged siblings, denis spirin and yulia vlasova. the likelihood is that you are all children of the same woman, which means that your sisters and brothers are related. 99.99, thank you very much, cool, i immediately, as you saw, thank you, thank you, but i don’t know.
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vasol shot! denis, well, now you will have to love two sisters, protect two yulias, love, be a fair brother, as you have always been, protect, defend and be friends with alexander, look at how he sits,
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worries, first let’s take a closer look at alexander, well done, julia, you found your... blood family, how do you feel, share with us, shock, i still can’t believe it. svetlana, what do you think will be the relationship between your daughter and her brother and sister? i think everything will work out for them, meet their nephews, they now have five nephews, five, yes, yulia has two, you have one and there are two, well, rich, let’s get to know everyone, communicate. i want to say thank you to this program, for helping me find my biological relatives , it’s a pity that mom and dad aren’t here, a lot of time wasted, i wanted to see them, thank you for
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being there, i saw you, we’ll communicate, get to know each other friend, thank you very much. if you want to find out the truth about your birth, then you need genetic testing. contact us and we will help you. tomorrow on ntv, a new dna test. i have a question. this is the ecology of the city, this is a contribution to the health of our children. this is clean air. they talk about switching transport to methane and protecting nature. but it’s not just that, methane is cheaper, savings on every kilometer, the methane engine works perfectly, installation of equipment as part of the national fuel project, i converted my car to methane without investment, being practical is beneficial for nature and for you, choose eco-gas , refuel at
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gazprom stations. mortars working in the southern donetsk direction does not allow the fsu to advance, as artillery performs combat missions, vladimir bogomolov saw. the constitution is like air, the better the quality, the less you think about it, just like 30 years ago russia adopted a constitution that had already fallen into the category of long-lived ones. chronicle of events in the report. sable. the european commission has looked at a dozen ways to siphon off russian money. vladimir kabikov figured out what they ended up with and what they are now afraid of. russia is to blame for everything. we have nothing to do with it. sergei kholoshevsky about how olaf scholz explains
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to the germans, the reasons for the economic crisis are about what the germans themselves think about the scholz.


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