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tv   Segodnya  NTV  December 13, 2023 8:00am-8:26am MSK

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abnormal frosts, snowfalls and freezing rains, natural trials throughout almost the entire territory of russia, there was a lot of help.
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residents of many regions of russia in buryat are capricious and testing the strength of their residents; in particular , power engineers have been returning electricity to their homes for several hours. in ulanu d, almost 2.0 people were left without electricity in frosts below 35°. citizens began to turn on heaters en masse; the networks could not withstand peak loads. currently, social facilities and apartment buildings are powered by diesel generators, but in the near future they promise to return central power supply. without light and heat. at least eight houses in the krasnoyarsk territory, where extreme cold reaches -47. residents share photographs of frozen thermometers on social networks; 150 people have already been treated at the hospital with frostbite. frosts will remain in the region for several more days. in southern russia, in the rostov region, power supplies are being restored after freezing rain. the wires of high-voltage lines froze and broke due to gusts of wind. it is reported that in some cases the help of rescuers was required. closures
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led to fires at substations, rostov residents now call their city not rostov on don, but rostov on ice, it has turned into one big skating rink. it is very dangerous to move along the streets; more than 300 people have already been seriously injured on slippery sidewalks; trams and trolleybuses have stopped due to icy lines; schoolchildren have been allowed to stay at home. however, there were also those for whom the outdoor skating rink was just a reason to have a good time. today, weather forecasters are predicting another round of freezing rain. well, the residents of the capital the region is preparing for snowfall for centuries; weather forecasters are predicting unprecedented precipitation in the coming days, which could break records for 142 years of weather observations. snowdrifts can grow up to half a meter this friday; a blizzard, snow drifts and strong winds are also expected in bryansk by the end of the week.
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frosts will arrive in the belgorod, voronezh, kursk, oryol, lipetsk, tula and kaluga regions, in the kostroma, vologda, irkutsk and omsk regions. now to the news from the special military operation zone, the grouping of troops. center reflected five attacks by assault groups of ukrainian national formations. the enemy lost three strong points, equipment and more than twenty artillery crews. our su-25s provide maximum air support. in the donetsk direction, the air controllers gave the cardi group the coordinates of the positions of the ukrainian national formations, the pilots moved to the combat area and worked on the target. after the hit was confirmed, they returned to base without incident. well, our t-8s are working in the kupinsky direction. 80 at the forefront they provide
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support for russian motorized rifles, delivering powerful fire strikes against the enemy, often tankers have to get very close to the fortifications of the kiev security forces, this time the target is only 6 km away. usually our first shot is a sighting shot, then they correct us, they say what where, it was such that they hit with the first shot, each tank has its own call sign and... in principle we call it by call sign, this tank just has an ear , so we call it that way, kindly, gently, the tank is good, it never lets us down. drone operators the hit was confirmed; objective control footage shows that the ukrainian armed forces stronghold was destroyed. well , the invention of students from vladimir is intended to combat enemy drones; the homing device has already been on the front lines, and now adjustments are being made to the design, suggested by the soldiers. andrey shamin from... these birds can fly at
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a speed of 160 km/h, but the development of vladimir students leaves them no chance even at such speeds. like any weapon, their electron gun is first aimed at once in a salvo, the action works narrow, the gun itself turns in the right direction, but there are no shells here , all the shots are electronic, if the human eye could notice them, they would most likely look something like this, this is radio interference at all available frequencies, it clicks on the drone like nuts, it knows how to behave with more expensive quadcopters...
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it is with the help of it that the operator can remotely see everything that happens in the field of view of the installation, and here is another drone coming in for testing. conventional anti-drone guns work on the same principle, but in working order. condition, they are visible on radars, which means that at any moment enemy artillery can hit there, we did this so that we could take a trench there 100 meters away, set it up, we see the drone, we suppress it, they see where the suppression is coming from, they shoot at this place, and the most that can be damaged is the installation.
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today we work on request from the front line, because there is no serial order, and in private terms we send these elements, drones, electronic defense systems, specifically targeted to a specific fighter, today it is important that either the state, represented by the ministry of defense or other organizations assisted such youth organizations in ordering a serial number of 100 pieces there... a drone detector, it operates on the principle of a radar detector in a car, the drone flies, other things - for example, a miniature one
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emits radio signals, then this device will start emit a sound signal, something like these high graphs will appear on the screen, so that the fighter understands approximately at what frequencies. this thing flies. artyom wrote the program that recognizes drones himself. i ordered parts for the device from internet. it came out to several tens of thousands of rubles, instead of several hundred thousand, like its analogues. andrey shamin, alexander stefanyuk, evgenia nisimov and sofia lesovets, ntv, vladimir. ukraine will definitely join nato, but only after victory on the battlefield. joe biden told zelensky about this at a meeting in the white house. the head of the kiev regime came in person for the third time. asking overseas patrons for money, but by this visit something had changed in washington, now there is no money, no weapons, only anti-russian sanctions and big disagreements remain inside the country. at a joint press conference, biden read his answers to journalists’ questions from a piece of paper,
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the american media called the action ridiculous, who found it funny and who had the last laugh, our own correspondent in the usa, alexey, knows. a year ago, during vladimir zelensky’s first visit to washington, the entire congress applauded him; now this is his third visit , they decided to hold a meeting with legislators behind closed doors, although there was no secret in its content, just mood have changed. zelensky came to ask congressmen to quickly approve the new aid package for ukraine worth more than 60 billion dollars, which is stuck in congress, for many on the capitalist hill, many do not understand it.
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promised not to leave ukraine, however, if before the us president always said that america would help kiev as much as
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needed, this time biden said literally: we will help as much as we can. we will continue to support ukraine with the necessary weapons and equipment for as long as we can. and if this is not the mistake of those who wrote speech to the us president, this is a very significant change in rhetoric for the white house , very important for ukraine. there is no money, but you hold on, this is probably the only clear answer that vladimir zelensky heard in washington this time. the american congress has so far postponed negotiations on additional funding for ukraine until january 2024. alexey veselovsky, aviaabramov, anastasia medvedeva, alexander gusev, ntv. usa. schoolchildren from the new russian territories had the opportunity to experience first-hand how huge our country is. the guys from donetsk volnovakhi, who are just in...
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our noses were already frozen, so we quickly went into the building to warm up. the buildings here are also special, you can hide from the cold of the earth in the tent, this is the traditional dwelling of local nomads, and here there is already a treat on the table, hot fish soup and cheesecakes with lingonberries. this is our traditional fish, this is malosol, this is shokur fish, our most delicious, clean fish. the journey to the far north was not easy, thousands of kilometers by bus and plane, but it was worth it. holidays for schoolchildren and teachers from volnovakha was organized by the authorities of the arctic region. when we go to our south,
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we will remember not the frost, but the warmth of your hearts. friendship with alikhardy and volnovakha began more than a year ago; they took the front-line city of yamal under their patronage. during this time, northern builders restored more than a hundred objects in the donbass that were destroyed by military operations. residential buildings, schools, hospitals. people in the region remember with particular trepidation how they took on the renovation of a children's music school, which... now an art school looks more like philharmonic, nothing reminds us of the fact that one of the strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces was once located here. we have two grand pianos in our hall, this is the dream of every school, three pianos, boyans, accordions, all the instruments, everything we asked for, the cultural
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program in imali for young musicians also exceeded all expectations, young talents attended the concerts. people's artist of russia denis mazzuev, what connoisseur of classical music does not dream of meeting him, the pianist sonya, the one who asked to renovate the art school, even managed play for a virtuoso. from volnovakha to the contact line there are only 30 km, the city is still restless, but there is a place for creativity in sports. a team of young football players came to the polar urals cup. despite the fact that these guys had a long break in training. they asked their opponents not to give in, and accepted the 16:3 defeat with enviable optimism. okay, we scored three goals, we almost won. this is the case when the olympic principle applies: the main thing is not victory, but participation. still, the most important thing on this trip is opportunity to relax. we have one boy, in combat, he lost his parents, he is an orphan, i think, well, that is, to disintegrate
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the children psychologically, so that they get closer to the children, to others, to see, to see how - here in the north people live, with the traditions of the north, schoolchildren from volnovakha we met in the company of local children, went to master classes, played, drew, common children's interests will undoubtedly help take our minds off terrible memories. olga zenkova, artemy epifanov, valeria proskurikova, ntv television company. a little bit more days remain until the program, results of the year with vladimir putin. this year the format is combined, a large press conference is a direct line. literally the whole country is in touch with the president, there are already questions on... the topics are very different, from special operations to social problems. even if the appeal is not aired live, it will not go unnoticed, and some requests have already been fulfilled. ilya lyadin for more details. visit the kremlin and meet famous russian celebrities. a seventh-grader from tatarstan, eldar ziganshin, shared his dreams with the editors of the year-end program with vladimir
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for putin, the local authorities and the kazan charitable foundation are already ready to fulfill the child’s wishes. and i hope that this trip will remain in your memory for a long time , thank you very much, i am very glad, and for the parents, the son’s appeal to the president was a big surprise, it takes pride that even at such an age when he can really make such serious decisions on his own myself. since the beginning of december , this call center has been receiving calls from all over russia, children's issues are given no less attention here, someone asks the president give a puppy or...
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a million questions, he will answer the most important of them tomorrow at 12:00 moscow time. see the results of the year with vladimir putin on our website, on social networks live on ntv. ilya lyadvin, marina gusarova, ivan ozerov, stepan lesakovich and gennady liskovsky. ntv television company. this concludes the program for spectators in the central part of russia. thank you for being with us. magic condition, the real rate is up to 15.5% on a savings account at gazprombank, your money works and you receive income, apply at have you achieved your goal? now you are the center of attention, they talk about you, they catch your every move, they try.
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coast, the stronger the frosts. in vladivostok it is -10, in khabarovsk - 20. in yakutsk it is about 30, but there this is just a warm exception, it should be colder. and in siberia it should be much warmer, there is progress towards an increase in temperature, but in the east it is barely noticeable. from krasnoyarsk to kemerovo up to -35, no precipitation. the sky is gray and smog hangs in industrial cities. temperatures closer to the urals growing slowly. in tyumen today -20, in yekaterinburg - 16. well, the eastern anticyclone and the western cyclone divided the european territory approximately in half, balanced each other, organized a powerful southern air flow and the chances for very frosty weather remained so far only in the volga region. well, snowfalls are already making their way there, in the center of the black earth region there is heavy snow. the temperature has already risen to normal; on sunday it will go above zero. but before that we still have to endure heavy snowfall on friday, however, the snowdrifts will grow every day by mid-december to record levels in the north-west.


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