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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  December 14, 2023 3:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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we have now built the bridge, but until now the ferry was working, the ferry cost 300 rubles, and the bridge will take about 270, in my opinion, or 260, also a little, but cheaper, so i will definitely adjust the road workers accordingly for this services are further, but i’ll check, moscow kazan, i’ll check, vladimovich, since we started talking about the road, here pavel and i, when we were going to the program, well, it’s impossible not to notice, the traffic jams are rush hour. a huge number of chinese cars, just real expansion, and experts are already saying, well literally 60% of our market, one might say , is captured by chinese cars, not only are they not cheap, but ours, in general , are a match for them, and many citizens write and ask a completely reasonable question, why the price tag for avtovaz products flew into space, well not into space, in my opinion, it flew away by 40 percent, well, there are practically no cars left that are of such a middle class up to...
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those same imported components, but at a different price, and this leads to an increase in price, plus this, plus a small amount, the more, the cheaper, so avtovaz is following this path, i hope that this will lead to lower prices, but the most important thing, the most important thing is to create your own platforms and develop them, but we also have avtovaz.
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this industry of auto components has practically been completely lost in our country, so we need to recreate it. the ministry of industry and trade is engaged in this, and the problem is being solved, i know, i try to speak very carefully, because if you say not to give hope, yes , you say tomorrow, but tomorrow they won’t have time to do it, so they said, they promised, they didn’t do it, but i assure you. the ministry of transport is working on this very actively, and the manufacturers are actively working, i’m sure that they will achieve results, well, the lada granta seems to be cheaper than millions, but it ’s not the best model, of course , it’s still growing, growing by 40%, so you think that in our country everyone only wants to drive aurus, there were several messages, it’s very expensive, but worldwide, but it is produced in very small quantities, now they have even started to produce abroad, they have started to produce in the emirates, assembly is carried out there, well. ..
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our friends in the emirates like this car along with others from other manufacturers, we have a whole line of aurus, and limousines, and sedans, and jeeps, and there will be a bus, all this is there, but we need to eventually start mass-producing it, then the price will immediately go down, but this time is needed for this, dmitry sergeevich we pass on the baton that... what i wanted, what i would like to emphasize, those who thought, thought that everything would collapse with us, but i think they are disappointed, nothing didn't collapse. as for chinese cars, yes, here are our chinese friends, they know what is happening, this is typical not only for russia, chinese manufacturers are very active in world markets, they have already begun to displace european manufacturers, including in the european market, there are automobile cities, look
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what is happening there, etc. in germany, where the situation, unfortunately, is getting worse for them, everything is still going on. more more, which means more and more electric vehicles are being sold, and so on, american factories are opening there, where european interests in particular it’s not clear to german automakers, there was an attack launched several years ago in the united states against volkswagen, so that colossal damage was caused, and how does the government, how does the government protect the automaker? traditionally powerful german, generally european automakers, but in no way, they abandoned them there to produce their fate, but the chinese government works, works actively, supports its automakers, they are pushing
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europeans out of the market, this is not only happening in russia, after all, the quality is growing, and the price-quality still gives the opportunity to choose and choose.
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destined to help improve the reliability of electricity , you supported his appeal, and six months later , in the summer of twenty-two, an agreement was signed between the regional government and the rossiti company, with this money they planned to allocate 6 billion rubles , with this money they planned to update power lines to purchase the necessary equipment, with more than a year has passed since then, but nothing has changed, so i would like find out how soon the power engineers... will begin to carry out your instructions, and the novgorod region will wait for the complex's electrical system to be updated. thank you, rosseti is working quite actively throughout the country , what exactly was planned, there are 6 billion, to be honest, i won’t lie, i don’t know what rosseti planned, but i’ll find out, i’ll look,
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i’ll definitely talk to the management of rosseti with the governor, we’ll try to help support the implementation of these plans, but the network economy in... russia is huge, i mean our vast territory, but this is the european part there were failures , we also have a serious snow load now, the snow load is also strong, how much did they plan to allocate, they have plans for regions, for territories, i will find out and andrey nikiten and i will definitely talk about this, yeah , i’ll try to help, support, yes , young man, now. and there was a young man , yes, yeah, please, please, hello, my name is alexander zarubin, a multi-million audience knows me as alexander stone, i am an artist of gazprom media holding, also resident of the production center inside people , and i represent the blogger blogosphere in general
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, now this area is developing very strongly, especially recently it is gaining such a crazy pace, various information, various news, different platforms are opening, some. the sites are closing, i would like to hear your opinion regarding the future of our sphere in general, and what, for example, i personally can do to ensure that we continue to work, develop, create, our work was completely transparent, there were no probably questions, but only if there are no questions, what are we talking about? that means, well, i’m such a free sphere. is democratized as much as possible, the main thing here is that the state does not interfere, if the state interferes with something, tell us, we try to fix it, and if everything develops the way you think it should, well, god bless everyone, we will continue to create such an atmosphere, such
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conditions for the development of the blogosphere, the only thing i would like to wish is that this is well, we understand that the responsibility lies with people who are such corporate ethics and self -restraint, you understand what i mean, that’s why it concerns morality, morality, the safety of children, well, of course, that’s why it’s better when the professional community organizes itself, just like in the high-tech sphere they do it like that further, but if you have any wishes, please formulate them.
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to be certainly one of the priorities of even the state, i heard, thank you very much,
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let’s maybe give us another hall, just come on, i see the world, let’s have peace, after all this is a huge space of the cis, thank you dmitry sergeevich, hello vladimir vladimirovich, hello colleagues, elina dashkueva, mtrk mir, in 2024 the chairmanship in the cis passes to russia and in bishkek on october 13 you said. that russia is determined to actively work to continue to maintain the continuation of the authority of the commonwealth, but the fact is that moldova says that it may leave the union, prime minister of armenia nikol pashinyan has recently ignored all the summits of the leaders of the cis, ias and csto. that's how much yerevan’s position is critical for the csto organization. and how do you generally assess the integration association in the post-soviet
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space? thank you, we are building all our integration plans, i mean russia, solely on the basis of the voluntariness of all participants in this process and mutual benefit? between the eu countries... trade turnover is steadily growing, the opening of labor markets, capital, labor, maintaining mutual cooperation, effective use of the plus we inherited from soviet times from the point of view of in terms of the presence of a unified infrastructure , transport and so on, the presence of a language of interethnic communication, so the president ... even took the initiative to create an international structure to support the russian
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language, for which we are very grateful to him, all this creates conditions that enhance our competitiveness in world markets, contributes to solving problems not only in the economic sphere, but as an end result in the social sphere, in the growth of the well-being of citizens, so to speak, moldova does not want to be... a participant in this process, well, this means that this is the choice of the moldovan leadership, then so be it, moldova is one of the poorest countries in europe, quite recently it was the poorest country in europe, now ukraine has taken this place of honor, but if the poorest country in europe gets us, let’s say, those the same energy resources at fairly low prices wants to follow. for example , germany, which now receives energy from the united states at 30%
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more expensive than before from the russian federation, well, please, they have extra money, let them do it this way, also in other ways directions, let's say, the agricultural products market, the agricultural products market is used quite actively, by agricultural producers in...
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let them do as they want, for us there is no great value, the presence of this country in the cis does not have, but we are ready, we are not giving up whoever we don’t push away, they want to work, we are happy, please, they don’t want to, it’s you, it’s their choice, as for armenia, difficult processes are taking place there related to karabakh. well, we understand everything, but we didn’t abandon karabakh, it was armenia that recognized that karabakh is part of azerbaijan, they did it on their own initiative, in fact, we were not particularly informed that we were preparing to make such a decision, i now this is
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just a statement of fact, because there are pros and cons to this, which means
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we produce clothes for adults and children, for example, such beautiful and stylish overalls that mothers and children really like. we recently became the winners of the know our people competition from the agency for strategic initiatives and received the prizes that we needed so much for our promotion to the market. placeh that allowed us to increase our turnover, so to speak, we were lucky that we received the necessary prizes. i have another example from colleagues in the shop, this is the company splav, they produce tourist clothing. with the start of a special operation , they were able to increase sales due to the emergence of a new category of consumers, these are the military and mobilized. again , we can say that it was a lucky coincidence.
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my question is: can we create such systemic support in modern realities? well, look, you just said that you, you succeeded, and not only you have, here is the event that was held by the agency for strategic initiatives, by the way, together with the web, vnesheconombank is still a state structure, well, even ic, at least... the agency is independent, it still functions, operates with the support of the state, and the fact that they held this competition of national brands, it is still agreed upon and supported by the state, in our market within the country, the presence of our brands has grown by more than 30 percent, 31%,
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in my opinion, but you are right, you are right that this process cannot be stopped. and b , it must be systemic in nature, in this regard , without any doubt, it is necessary to involve in this work not only the federal structure, but also the government, but also regional structures, i am now appealing to the heads of the regions, to my colleagues, we need take this under control and promote regional brands in every possible way, you know, this will significantly diversify our market. will make it interesting, rich and more attractive for the consumer, and in our regions we have something to be proud of, here is one of my colleagues...
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hello, vladimir vladimirovich, my name is arina, i am 8 years old, in class we were told that in the future a person can be replaced by a robot, what if he can replace me, mom, dad, grandparents, do you think it’s worth it to avoid robots? before you have time to answer, we also have one video on this topic. very impressive, i suggest you take a look. vladimir vladimirovich, hello, i am a student studying at st. petersburg state university
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university. i want to ask, is it true that you have many doubles? and also, how do you feel about the dangers that artificial intelligence and neural networks bring to our lives? thank you. the citizen did not introduce himself. yes. “here i see, you can be like me and speak in my voice, but i thought and decided that only one person should look like me and speak in my voice, and that person will be me, that’s how one of our leaders once joked , here, but what concerns"? artificial intelligence, yes, that's mine the first double, by the way, to say
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, answering arina dmitrievna’s question, yes, yes, arina dmitrievna, arina, i can tell you, one thing is absolutely perfect, this is absolute, you can remember this, no one can replace grandma, this cannot be replaced. but artificial intelligence, should we be afraid of it, prevent the development of artificial intelligence, including beyond intelligence, which begins to feel, which distinguishes smells, it acquires cognitive capabilities that develops itself, just prevent this impossible. it is impossible to prevent development, which means we need to lead , in any case, we need to do everything so that we can be one of the leaders in this
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direction, where it will end, no one knows, these are the realities, at least today, yes it is possible now we can and should talk about possible restrictions, about self-restraints. talk about the need to somehow come to an agreement between the leaders, yes, so as not to create conditions that could lead to some dangers for humanity, here in their time, when nuclear energy turned into a nuclear bomb, they realized that the threat to those who own these weapons was growing, then they began to negotiate, it is a threat...
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who are under fire, who live in very difficult conditions, we talked with colleague from the newspaper voluyskaya zvezda, she says that shelling is their daily life, their ordinary life, in your opinion, is enough being done to somehow support the residents, to protect their rights, to restore their homes, the second question - this is about a business that there continues to operate a huge factory in shibeikino, in other regions. areas of the belgorod region that are under shelling, do you think the government is helping them enough, and is it even necessary to continue working there, developing entrepreneurship there, taking into account the fact that while the svo continues, thank you, we have a video question from entrepreneurs just from shebekin , please, director of the plant in the city of
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shibekina. in june, many enterprises were subjected to terrorist attacks by the armed forces of ukraine and were significantly destroyed, and therefore we would like to ask and draw your personal attention to this problem to help with restoration in the form of federal grants, which will save more than 300 jobs, as well as restore a unique one.
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the conditions of the special economic zone in shibekino , the creation of such a zone there, we need to support , i will ask the government to make a proposal in the very near future, we need to preserve jobs there, ensure economic recovery in the near future, including in this zone that you mentioned, here perhaps, this is the answer to your question. yes, look , now for one second, while it means they were asking questions, i read one of those, which is here on the left on the big screen, it’s important, a family with children, two children, a mortgage, well, it’s finishing, it’s true, our mortgage is expiring soon, in my opinion it is a family mortgage only valid until july next year, and the government is now thinking
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about extending it, also of course, the government must proceed from the real possibilities of the federal budget, but i i think it’s better to think in the direction of extending this family mortgage, and there is a minimum down payment of 20%, and 6% per annum, and
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how serious is the situation in the whole world, conflicts arise from ukraine to the middle east, all this, of course, affects the balkans complicates an already very complex and serious situation, especially in bosnigerzegovina in the republika srpska, you know very well what the current political situation is in bosnia, it is a de facto western protectorate, it works for us. illegitimate apparatus of high representative, the serbs are accused of supporting russia, that is, because we have good fraternal, friendly relations, and as russians, simply citizens, our citizens, and the leadership of republika srpska are accused of, as they call it, for expansion of the so-called malignant russian
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influence, while... in the republika srpska there is not a single russian media or non-governmental organization at all, on the other hand, there is a flood of western media and various organizations. i want to ask you how you see the future of the republika srpska and the whole region and how would you comment on all this, if you mean that the biggest wars have always started in the balkans, i, of course, still have many questions, but i won’t waste time with my colleagues, and this is especially true later, when we have one wonderful day there will be an interview with you, thank you. thank you, well, i will also try to answer briefly, we really know the situation in the republic of srpska, in srpska in bosnia and herzegovina,
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our assessments of this situation with your political leadership completely coincide, this is the first, second thing as for the russian media, yes, it’s really a pity that they are not there, i don’t know, rt is accepted there, but not with you.
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actually, a small question, just one, when to visit? thank you very much, i’ll be happy to come, well, i was there, well, really i was so unnoticed, but nevertheless i drove around lugansk, looked, once again i want to repeat
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what i already said, i said, you know, everything looks quite modest, well not like in moscow, yes - moscow is one of the best megacities in the world, it has certainly become so today, and... everything is modest here, but everything is so tidy, clean, neat, this speaks about the level of general culture of the people who live and work there, but there is no need to talk about the character of those who live in the donbass, including the lugansk people’s republic, they fought for so many years and did not give up , and they win, i am sure that the victory will be ours together, so - i would like to send words of gratitude to you and wish you every success to those who live in donbass. we continue to receive a massive number of questions, let's see, please, is there a person standing there, hello,
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my name is mikhail minosyan, i am a volunteer from the donetsk people's republic, for 9 years in donbass we have always been helping our region from the very beginning of hostilities, my friends died... a humanitarian mission, guys, volunteers from other regions come to us , when they arrive , they receive a certain insurance, in the sense that if they die or are injured, their relatives also receive financial compensation, such insurance for residents of the lpr, dpr does not exist now, that is, we, being at home, we take the same risks as the guys from other regions, so we ask you, if possible, to put all the volunteers of our great russia on an equal footing.
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health and life, of course, this should be in these territories, they are risking themselves, theirs is done, we will definitely strive for this and i will definitely ensure that all this is regulated accordingly, a huge number of thanks to you, a huge number of calls and video calls are coming to us , a second, excuse me, please, after all, very important questions from the villages are number of people arrive, let's see, just a second, can i just take a second, yes, yes, of course, i read it here. on the big screen
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, when microfinance organizations are liquidated, they need to be liquidated, yes , there are probably a lot of problems there, but they work in their niche and help many people, it’s another matter what if they abuse the trust of people there and something else... then they do something that they shouldn’t do, they need to be brought to their senses, this is true, well, i’ll draw your attention to this again already... i’ve spoken with many times our respective financial authorities on how these microfinance organizations operate? let's see again . so, a question from the villagers: please, dear vladimir vladimirovich, the head of the agro-industrial complex sokol enterprise, dmitry ivanovich panin, donskoy cossack, volgograd region, khutor-serebryansky, is addressing you. over the course of several years, we have been reviving the cattle farm and the meat and dairy business. in principle, everything is going well for us. ok, i assume that these farms
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for 100-200 heads are the most optimal to develop the meat and dairy industry for the future. in this regard, the following question is: are there any new programs planned by the ministry of agriculture to support similar enterprises? and the second question: we transport milk off-road, terribly hard, with tractors, i would like to ask, maybe i will live to see it. that they will still build us the road that has been promised for many years , the last thing, i would like to say hello to our fellow countrymen, our soldiers, village residents, we are waiting for them with victory, all our army, glory to russia, and can i ask one more question, now where does this come from, this we have a question from the volgograd region, and the villagers are also interested in this question: can we say that food security for the main types of products in the country is ensured? yes, well, first of all, the question that evgeniy aleksandrovich asks, well
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, firstly, the small agricultural enterprise has many programs to support agriculture, the state allocates a lot of money, but of course, without such active efforts, with the full dedication of the villagers’ labor, nothing would have happened, and the results are generally good as far as small farms are concerned, of all things.
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i want to appeal to all those who work on the agricultural market and this is very good, but in rural areas in large enterprises, in subsidiary plots, farmers, i want to thank you for the results of this year’s work, we again have one of the record harvests, 150 or more million tons of grain, really... this total amount in such a purified form will be somewhere around 146, that's more than 146 million tons, that's all together. the so-called, say, new territories, which will produce somewhere around 5-6 million tons, the result is very good, i’m here - i recalled the leadership of the ministry of agriculture, due to the lack of the required quantity
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of chicken eggs and - meat, poultry, there is something to criticize for, but in general the results ... various options for supporting such farms, is anything needed
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come up with something else, you just need to use what you have, but i repeat, i want evgeniy aleksandrovich to know too. that we will continue this work, the leadership of the ministry will also contact you to talk about this topic regarding ensuring food security, we can say with confidence that food security in russia is ensured, there are problems that concern seeds there, well , seeds, first of all, and of a wide variety of crops, there is something to work on, there are tasks in the issue of selection, we have a program, in my opinion, it is until the thirtieth year, for seeds, or until the 22nd, until the thirtieth year, it is being implemented, this program is being implemented, it will be and the necessary financial resources are allocated for this, this is the problem that we
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must be decided, it is being resolved, but we will decide it finally, next year for our country is the year of the family, and it is an absolutely wonderful occasion to once again remember our family and friends, you once said that there is nothing better than a family with many children growing up , and this year i myself became a mother, my daughter is exactly six months old today, exactly today, but in general , you know, the topic of children is very subtle, delicate, and well, it happens that when a woman finds out about her pregnancy, it happens that for some important lucky reason, she decides to interrupt it, the topic of abortion in our country. it’s very hot right now , it worries our citizens, i’ll just read a few appeals from moscow, and we ask you to stop the bacchanalia with abortions, a ban in private clinics will lead to an increase in the load on public hospitals, which are already being mercilessly reduced in view of health care reforms. a ban on abortion is a direct path to the underground
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activities of doctors to increase mortality among women, this is stupid. what is your position? well, are there any prohibitions? not yet, but it is possible that the number in private clinics will decrease, why, oh why are they talking about some kind of bacchanalia of prohibitions and not? as for all kinds of prohibitions, i know, just now i remembered the prohibitions in the sphere of the anti-alcohol campaign, we remember what this led to, it led to the use of surrogates, to an increase in moonshine production, to an increase in victims.
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at the same time, i just mentioned the sad results of the anti-alcohol campaign, we must keep this in mind, but the attitude towards abortion issues, this is understandable, the state is interested in ensuring that this demographic problem is solved if women, after learning about their pregnancy, make a decision in favor of preserving life.
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in the sense that a child is a gift from god to everyone, both women and men, and this, of course, lies in the sphere of material well-being, so we talked about primary health care, but besides this, we definitely need to pay attention to antenatal clinics, we need to bring everything there in order, there is something to work on, we need to think about how and with what to quickly put in order the maternity
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wards of regional hospitals and clinics, this side of the matter needs to be thought about, and thirdly, we need to think about how to continue to work to support families with children, these are mortgages and subsidies,
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transport, air transport, and the automobile industry and so on and so forth, which is of great concern to the far easterners, but one of the main indicators is the supply of russian natural gas to friendly countries in asia, and you also mentioned gasification, this is also a very important point, including for the distant east, how promising this asian market is for our country, what preferences there may be for the far east. it entails, at the same time, i would like to ask, a reasonable question arises among many russians, and
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we repeatedly encounter this on internet platforms, why, given the enormous pressure of sanctions on russia in the current geopolitical situation, one of our most important resources, natural gas, is still being supplied to the west, you mentioned moldova , including through... ukraine, to europe, wouldn’t it be easier to turn around, yes, to friendly partners in asia to pay attention to regional gasification. thank you. yes, well, firstly, we are engaged in gasification, i have already spoken about this, i will repeat it again, 450 thousand households are connected to gas networks, a million, we have received the technical ability to do this, and we will continue this work. why do we supply to europe? gazprom is a reliable partner, it has
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contractual obligations, it has always fulfilled these contractual obligations, and is fulfilling them now. the fact that europe is not receiving enough gas is their problem, oddly enough, they tried blaming it on us because we don’t sell something is complete bullshit. it works there, germany doesn’t do that, but it doesn’t, it doesn’t want to, it’s not necessary, uh, they have, uh, prices going up there, entire industries are closing
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, glass, chemicals. i don’t know there - the metal industry is suffering, and accordingly everything connected with this, there are real problems there, which means, most likely, the german economy will go into negative territory, slightly, but negatively, but this, this is their decision, not ours, but gazprom is carrying out all its obligations, including transit through the territory of ukraine, but that’s why we don’t, yes, but we also get money, of course. ukraine receives for transit, we seem to, as if we don’t supply to ukraine, in fact they consume our gas, by the way, and you know how it’s structured there - the gas network in ukraine dates back to soviet times, there’s an entrance, like a main gas pipeline, the one that goes to europe, in fact, as soon as our gas entered the territory of ukraine, it immediately spreads throughout the entire territory of the country, spreads, and what ukraine has accumulated over
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summer period. in the underground gas storage facility on its western border, then it goes there, as if it were coming directly from gazprom, as if, and thus obligations to consumers are fulfilled, first of all today it is southern europe, well, it must be said that why should we punish hungary or slovakia , we don’t have such a goal, and they pay the money regularly, and the money is decent, which is why.
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uh, new centers of economic growth are being created, the main consumer appears there, we send them there, where they buy both oil and gas, coal, and god bless all these economies that consume our energy, and we are paid for it, we are thinking about further expanding supplies to china, we are thinking about other countries as possible consumers, by the way, you say. japan does not refuse, it takes, well, please , it takes, for god’s sake, let it continue to do so, we are not against it, in the arctic , the novatek company is developing relations, by the way, with some european partners still, with asian, china is present there, also actively working and intends to work further, we welcome this, so
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in this regard... the number of migrants, the consequences of such migration, some regions even impose restrictions on the work of migrants, what do you generally think about this problem, this is not an easy problem, it is generally typical
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for many countries of the world, for us too , according to different calculations. over 10 million labor migrants, but here we have a labor market, i already said at the beginning of 2.9% unemployment, that is, there is almost none, but there are needs in the labor market, but uh, but this does not mean that we here, at any cost, we must, to the detriment of the indigenous population in russia, we must solve economic problems and solve the problems of the labor market. here it is not necessary to attract , it is necessary, but of course, we are primarily interested in a qualified workforce, without labor, lower qualifications also seem to be indispensable, but it is necessary, firstly, together with our partners from the countries from which these migrants come they come to us to start work in advance and i must say that our friends from these countries are
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only for russian schools opening with in russian - branches of our universities, universities are opening, we welcome this, we will do this in every possible way, they need and ask us that we sent our teachers, expanded these programs,
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and here everything is not so simple, it’s not black and not white , in some schools we have more migrant children than local citizens, we need to solve these issues in advance, we need to prepare them, we need to work with them, don’t pretend that problems are only arising right now, but well, we probably need a special body, no only the ministry of internal affairs, which deals with technical legal issues, a special one is needed. who would look at this problem as a whole, in a comprehensive manner and would timely find a solution to every aspect of this problem, this is a lot of work, but
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without any doubt, we must be guided, first of all, i want to draw the attention of all representatives of all areas of government to this , first of all , we must be guided by the interests of the local population, russian citizens. by the way, ekaterina and i noticed that there were a lot of messages, there were a lot of requests to you from citizens of different european countries , citizens of the usa, to issue them russian citizenship, italy, sweden, a variety of countries, germany, and you know, the stories described by the people who contacted us on the direct line are completely wild, for example, in the swedish family was simply evicted from their own home when... the svo began, people want to return to russia, live there permanently, we have, there are certain rules, there is legal regulation that
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resolves the issues of obtaining russian citizenship, we will only welcome all dutiful citizens of other countries who want to move to russia, live here, work, connect their... destiny with our country, the destiny of their children, well, i know, this may not be such a massive flow as the number of migrants, who are sent to the countries of western europe from, say, africa, the middle east, or to the usa, from latin america, because of this , the ethnic composition there is changing and will soon change, the ratio of ethnic groups in the same states will inevitably change increase in latin american...


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