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tv   Segodnya  NTV  December 14, 2023 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. this is the program today, its presenter is aina nikolaeva and igor politaev. vladimir putin held a big press conference today, which this year was combined with the direct line. this format implies that not only journalists could ask questions, but ordinary citizens who spent 2 weeks sending their appeals to the head of state. in total, about 3 million were received. the president responded to some. and
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others are engaged in the headquarters of the popular front, all appeals to the president will be considered by relevant departments and regional authorities in the near future. vladimir putin's press conference lasted 4 hours and 3 minutes, the president answered more than 80 questions, among which the topic of a special military operation, support for air defense soldiers, members of their families and mobilization stood out. the president answered questions about the rise in prices of products, housing and communal services, and problems in healthcare. it's like a civil war between brothers, he said. putin recalled the origins of the conflict and emphasized that his goals are not are changing, but there is no need for a new wave of mobilization. nikita kordzun's main statements by the head of state.
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the existence of russia without sovereignty is impossible, with this statement vladimir putin began summing up the results of the outgoing year, strengthening the independence of the state and the supremacy of state power, the president called his main task. well , externally, so to speak, this means strengthening the country’s defense capability, external security, this means strengthening public sovereignty, i mean collateral, unconditional collateral.
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its neutral status. the head of state dwelt in detail on each goal of the north military district. the ukrainian authorities do not admit that they have obvious problems with nazism; they denied this even during the negotiation process in istanbul. but what to do with the glorification of the criminal bandera, putin asked, or with the applause of the ss men in the canadian parliament, where he was brought to please zelensky. now, as for demilitarization, but they don’t want to come to an agreement, well, then we are forced to take other, including military, measures. well, today ukraine produces almost nothing anymore, well, they are trying to preserve something else there, but they bring almost nothing, sorry for the maviton, well , they bring everything for free, but this freebie may end someday, and apparently, so it’s ending little by little, everything that the westerners promised, ukraine received everything, even more, but we destroyed 747 tanks only starting with the so-called counter-offensive.
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just great: 14 heroes of the russian federation. 24,400 mobilized at the moment, according to the supreme commander-in-chief, are in the northern military district zone, regiments have been formed...
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to thank you for what you are doing, this sounds somewhat routine, but nevertheless, believe me from the bottom of my heart, and the ngsh, other commanders have repeatedly told me, you know, what they said, in such and such a sector, such a situation is being created, now there are veterans there, the situation will absolutely be taken under control, as for the demand for people like you in the process of educating the younger generation of our schoolchildren, young people in general, it is highly in demand , highly appreciated supreme commander -in-chief of ukraine's attempt to carry out a counter-offensive, putin also named the reasons
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why the leadership of ukraine is so ruthless towards its soldiers, they are pushing their people to simply exterminate, the servicemen themselves say, the ukrainian servicemen say: that this is a one-way road, politically, i believe only for political reasons they throw personnel there, what is this connected with, well, one can only imagine, guess, it is connected, apparently, with the trips of the ukrainian leadership abroad for the purpose, to squeeze out additional money for the maintenance of the country, while they go begging, you need to show that you... not counting the losses of some kind of success as part of the so-called counter-offensive. as for the russian armed forces, the situation is improving every day along the entire line of contact, the president stated
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. the front line is almost 2.0 km, our group today is 617. vladimir putin dwelled in more detail on the development of new regions of russia and called for benefits to be extended to them. kherson and zaporozhye regions over a trillion rubles are provided annually. but what i want to say is that it is important that this year these so-called new regions paid 170 billion rubles to the federal budget. what does this mean? this suggests that the economy of these regions is recovering and returning to a normal state, the spirit of victory was in the air today in gostiny dvor, because the conversation even turned to the prospect of restoring relations with europe and the usa. putin recalled in detail what these partners, so to speak, committed on
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ukraine, maidan, fake minsk agreements. who did this? the americans are our friends, and the europeans who signed up as a guarantor. russia emphasized that the president did not break off any relations with anyone, but the accumulated contradictions, of course, raise many questions about the new.
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states, we are ready to build relations with them, we believe that the united states is an important, necessary country for the world, but this is an imperial, absolutely imperial policy, and it interferes with itself, indirectly confirming the constructive and pragmatic attitude of moscow.
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chinese relations are one of significant guarantors of stability in the world, we see what is happening around russia and around china, we see attempts by the west to switch nato activities towards asia, towards asia.
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it’s peskov’s fault, but let me please ask an open democratic view, well , hopkins voiced her question and rather appeal in her native english: the girl is concerned about the fate of wall street journal journalist evan gershkovich and former marine paul willan. both americans are now serving time in russian penitentiaries. well you you say, why don’t they return to their homeland, why don’t they commit crimes on the territory of the russian federation? but this is all rhetoric, but it’s not that we refused to return them,
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we don’t refuse, we want to come to an agreement, and these agreements should be mutually acceptable and should suit both sides, we have contacts on this matter with our american partners, and the dialogue is on this check. it’s not easy, but i won’t go into details now, but in general it seems to me that we speak a language that is understandable to each other, to each other friend language, the president’s lively reaction was caused by the question of economic crimes, or rather, harsh punishments for them, an example was the sentence of the seriously ill journalist kizitova, who received 5 years in prison for extortion on the internet, although the prosecutor’s office asked for 14, doesn’t this mean...
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the law is harsh, but the law, you understand , when you say such things now, and i also hear, i see, when for some kind of economic crime, there are 14 years, 15 years, frankly speaking, i was a little taken aback when i heard about it, i know about this, in general, is somehow too much, after all , the restoration of international relations has become another noticeable topic, at least in terms of the president’s communication with journalists, representative...
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let’s go. it's good that nowadays there is video recording. technologies minimize the number of alternative readings. the same cannot be said about ancient times. the president was asked why russia needed a new history textbook. there were more than 60 versions , in my opinion textbook 65, in many textbooks everything was there, including the significance of the second front, the opening second front, but nothing was said or almost nothing was said about the significance of the battle of stalingrad, but is this normal, of course, we need some kind of
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fundamental state version , which must be communicated to everyone, to all those who reads this textbook, because, as you know, today a child, tomorrow a citizen, journalists moved from history to the future, trying to convince the president of the need for a complete final turn to the east, why not sell to the countries of the global south and asia more russian energy resources, and in general, why are we still supplying gas to both europe and ukraine? gazprom is a reliable partner , it has contractual obligations, it has always fulfilled these contractual obligations , it is fulfilling them now, the fact that europe is not receiving enough gas is their problem, oddly enough, they tried to blame it on us, that we are not selling something, this is complete nonsense, because we did not
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close the yamal gas pipeline to europe, poland did it, we did not close the second branch of the gas pipeline through the territory. did it ukraine, and we are not the ones who blew up nord stream 1 and partly nord stream 2, it was most likely done by the americans or someone did it at their instigation, and we are not the ones who are not opening nord stream 1, because at least half of at least one pipe is working there , germany doesn’t do this, but it doesn’t, it doesn’t want, it doesn’t need to, and gazprom fulfills all its obligations, including...
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it disperses throughout the country and spreads, and what ukraine has accumulated over the summer period in underground gas storage facilities is its western border, then it arrives there as if, as if it comes directly from gazprom, as if, and in this way obligations to consumers are fulfilled, first of all today it is southern europe, well, it must be said that why should we punish hungary?
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moldovan leadership, that means it will be so. moldova is one of the poorest countries in europe. more recently, it was the poorest country in europe. now ukraine has taken this place of honor. but, if the poorest country in europe gets us, say, the same energy resources at fairly low prices, it wants to follow the example of germany, which now it receives energy from... the states at 30% more expensive than before from the russian federation, please, they have extra money, let them do this, for us the presence of this party in the cis does not have much value, but we are ready, we are not
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refusing, we are not pushing anyone away, they want to work, we are happy, please, this is caused by the behavior of armenia, whose leadership every now and then shares doubts about the advisability of the republic’s presence in the cis or csto. putin explained that all this is connected with karabakh. but it’s not we who abandoned karabakh, it’s armenia recognized that karabakh is part of azerbaijan. they did it proactively, in fact. and we were not particularly informed. i don’t think it’s in armenia’s interests to somehow stop. membership in the cis, euroz, csto. ultimately, it is still the state's choice. of course, there were attempts to find out how the president copes with the workload. what motivates vladimir putin? a sense of duty, i can say without any pathos, over many
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years i have accustomed myself to the fact that i need to strive to choose the most the main thing is to do everything to achieve your goals, not paying attention to any fluff. of course, you need this field of vision to be nevertheless wide, you need to understand and analyze everything, but you need to confidently move towards your goal if you are confident in what you are doing, and i am confident. the president's big press conference, although it was just part of the year-end program with vladimir putin, only benefited from it. professional questions successfully complemented popular appeals, well, the sum of the answers allowed us to see the horizons more clearly future. nikita. korzun, natalya bogdanova, anton zubov, denis goryunov, anton peredilsky, pyotr ocheretny, anastasia gorodskova and alexander terzinov, ntv. vladimir putin said today that
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russia's food security is ensured. this year the country will harvest one of the record grain harvests. people were interested in food prices, and not only that. the rise in housing and communal services tariffs in some regions is especially worrying for older people. there were some very personal questions about what russian citizens should be concerned about today, and what questions were broadcast live. about it roman sobol, since 2021, since the previous nineteenth direct line with the president, its audience has expanded, new territories have joined russia: donbass, kherson, zaporozhye, one of the first video questions to the president from melitopol, from a doctor at an oncology clinic, there are not enough oncologists, not there aren’t enough hematologists, there aren’t enough pediatric oncologists, and there aren’t enough, they just don’t exist, that’s why.
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the load is twice the norm. question to the president: how to attract specialists one doctor sees 50-60 patients a day, to new regions, maybe with a preferential mortgage, we have a preferential mortgage for these regions, it is 2%. than even for families with children in general , but what is the problem there, as far as i understand , the problem is that this means that this benefit only applies to new housing, and there is not much new housing being built there, to put it mildly, so it would be necessary just like in the far east to spread this to the secondary market, that's what...
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they are rotten, the walls are covered with mold, the windows are broken, the doge is coming to the table, in tasks there than on the street, our trainers turned to everything authorities, but our local and other authorities ignore all requests; we are engaged in fresh air in the month of december. the president took note of the problem, promising to look into it personally, but even during the live broadcast , a message came from crimea: the governor’s team decided to carry out the repairs with their own hands and with a private donation. today there were many questions related to the registration of benefits for special operation participants. sergei sobolev from novosibilsk fought as part of one of the pmcs. upon returning home
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, the military commissariat of the city of ishitim turned to obtaining a combat veteran certificate , which was refused. i applied to the defenders of the fatherland foundation, but was refused. the president is aware of this problem caused by inconsistencies. and their rights must be restored without any doubt; they have the right to all social benefits. to any form of support
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from the state, which is used by other participants in hostilities, there is no doubt about it, this is my absolutely principled position, i will not go into details now, but this needs to be done, the ministry defense knows this, the government knows, knows this attitude, if necessary, and maybe it cannot be done without it, make changes to the law, which means this will be done. we will definitely achieve this, in any case, i promise you, we will strive for this. difficulties with obtaining benefits arise for those who served in the people's militia, lpr and dpr, and some volunteers. all volunteers, everyone who defends the interests of russia with arms in hand, fights for it, risks their lives and health, everyone must be placed, must be placed, in absolutely identical conditions, there are certain shortcomings, we know.
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i spoke about the letters on this subject with the minister of defense with the chief of the general staff with tatyana. yesterday, just analyzing the incoming ones , alekseevna golikova discussed them as a person who is a deputy prime minister and heads a social bloc, which means that in some cases it will be necessary to adopt even changes to the law, maybe we’ll come back to this and i’m sure the deputies of the state duma will support it 100%; you just need to formulate it all correctly.
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i'll be honest, this is direct speech, i i say, our citizens somehow have problems, i myself happily eat scrambled eggs in my time, in fact, i could get 10 eggs there right away in the morning, but what happened, demand increased, but there was no production volume, the shortage arose due to a failure in the work of the government - the president said, they were unable to arrange the import of chicken on time,
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negotiations are now underway with ... with the lack of the required quantity of chicken eggs and poultry meat, and there is something to criticize for, but in general the results of the work of the agricultural industry, which, of course, again worked with great advantage this year, and accordingly, the efforts of the ministry of agriculture deserve approval. chicken
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protein is used, of course, there will be no shortage, as soon as our poultry farms expand their own production, imported raw materials will appear. with the replacement of specialized drugs produced by foreign companies that have left russia, the situation is more complicated; it will take some time. ministry of health, the government sees these problems, a special commission on import substitution has been created, it is working, assures me the fact is that they understand what is happening, they do, they will ultimately do everything in order to ensure the interests of people who
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need certain... drugs, as for replacement, yes, it also happens that something doesn’t fit, we need to look for it, and the industry needs to work, doctors need to work on it.
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of course, everything must be done in a timely manner, and tariffs must rise gently in a timely manner, and citizens’ incomes must grow at a faster pace. putin was asked about supporting small medium-sized businesses, a question from belgorod areas where border towns are shelled by ukrainian artillery. the city of shibekina used to be famous for its pasta and other products. now production has practically stopped.
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not only about serious problems , the hotline also received a lot of personal questions: does the president play chess, what does he read, how will he spend the holidays, different topics, different categories, different ages of those who ask questions, young arina is concerned about the total offensive of artificial intelligence, in in the future, a person may be replaced by a robot, suddenly he can replace me, mom, dad, grandparents, do you think it’s worth it?
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which develops itself, it’s simply impossible to prevent it, it’s impossible to prevent development, which means we need to lead, in any case, we need to do everything so that we can be one of the leaders in this direction, no one knows where it will end, president answered questions summarized by the moderators of the meeting,
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roman sobol, yulia agafonova, dmitry makarov, ntv television company. vladimir putin, as part of the direct line, also touched upon the topic demographics. the president noted that the authorities are interested in women deciding to keep their unborn child, but at the same time women’s rights must be respected. the topic of abortion in our country is now very hot, it
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worries our citizens. i’ll just read a few appeals from moscow. please stop the abortion bacchanalia. a ban on private clinics will lead to an increase in the burden on public hospitals, which... so, in view of health care reforms , they are mercilessly cutting back. the ban on abortion is a direct path to the underground activities of doctors increase in mortality among women. this is stupid. what is your position?
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we continue our release. today, vladimir putin, summing up the results of the year, in detail, with numbers in his hands. commented on the situation in the economy, despite sanctions pressure from the west, russia's gdp has grown, the unemployment rate continues to decline. the president also spoke about what measures are being taken to combat inflation and what is happening with the ruble exchange rate. our colleague denis talalaev listened to key statements on the economic topic. denis, on what did the head of state pay special attention to? for example, they talked about the strength of the russian economy, why currency controls were introduced, why frets became more expensive. the question about the russian economy became the second in a row today, the president was asked, against the backdrop of sanctions, what is the margin of safety of the domestic economy? vladimir putin answered: sufficient not only to feel confident, but also to move forward? this margin of safety, we
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also talked about this many times, but i repeat, it is provided by several components. first, this is the most important thing.
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learned the most important indicator of economic growth, the growth of gross domestic product, at the end of the year, is expected to be 3.5%. this is a good indicator, it means that we have won back the fall of last year, where we had, in my opinion, 2.1%, if this year there is plus 3.5, it means that we have won back the fall and have taken a fairly serious step forward. unfortunately, our inflation has increased, this is true, somewhere by the end of the year it is expected to be 7.5, well, a little , maybe more, towards 8%, but the central bank, the government are taking the necessary measures, we we can talk about this more, i mean raising the key rate, some other measures that the central bank and the government are taking, and
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we proceed from the fact that we will be able to return to target indicators and pay attention to this.
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we have arose the central bank of the government has a legitimate desire to see how rubles accumulate, how they circulate, where, in what volumes, in this sense, such elements of certain control elements are introduced by the decree, but i proceed from the fact that everything is returning to normal, this brings interim, president asked what will happen to civil aviation under sanctions? when airlines cannot buy new planes in the west and in general, how safe is it to fly now? the president believes that russian airlines purchased too many foreign aircraft instead of bothering to create them.
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this means we need to go into production of the next engine, a more powerful pd-35 with such a powerful thrust, this will give us the opportunity to increase the number of long-haul aircraft, including the il 96 - 400, by the way, it has already gone into work in the cargo version, it is longer there , it is a little bit longer by 12 m. so we need to work, there are opportunities for the implementation of all our plans, i will repeat once again, i hope that all
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these plans will be realized, it will be what to fly and specialists, pilots, will have something to fly for passengers who are promoted, returning to earth, we talked on a direct line with the president about the russian car market. many citizens. they write and ask a completely reasonable question: why did the price tag for avtovaz products fly into space? well not in space, it flew away, in my opinion, by 40 percent , well, there are practically no cars left that are of such a middle class up to a million rubles , practically nothing is impossible, well, i agree , yes i agree, well, 40% is also a lot, i understand, well, that’s connected with what here it seems to me that there is no need to explain it and everything is clear to everyone, but nevertheless i will say if such a question exists. of course, when european brands left russia, european, japanese, south korean,
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several questions arose here, and of course they left with the components, arose the question of developing its own base, and well , avtovaz must be said that it copes with the quantity, but the... more it is, the lower the price will be, certain, certain costs are still associated with the fact that, one way or another, it is still a manufacturer produces these same imported components, but at a different price. the most important thing, the president added, is to create your own platforms to develop them; avtovas and other manufacturers are doing this, so vladimir putin is confident that prices will go down. that's all i wanted to say. thank you, denis talalaev with an economic review of the direct line of the presidential press conference. despite the fact that most of the questions at
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the direct line press conference were devoted to domestic politics and the economy, the president did not ignore the situation in the middle east. vladimir putin said: russia is ready to open its hospital in the gas sector, but israel does not yet support this initiative. putin called the current events in gas a disaster. what is happening is, of course, a disaster. we were just talking. about the situation and we'll come back, i i understand that the situation is related to the ukrainian crisis, but you, everyone present here and all over the world see, look at the special military operation and what is happening in gas, feel the difference, but there is nothing like that in ukraine, which means you they mentioned the death of thousands of children and women, well, the secretary general. the united nations called today's gaza strip the largest children's cemetery in the world, but this assessment
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says a lot. according to putin, it is necessary , with the help of the un, to resolve the issue of creating palestinian state with its capital in east jerusalem. a representative of the internet profession, popular blogger alexander zarubin, also addressed the president today; he was concerned about the development of the blechosphere. what are you talking about? that means , well, this is such a free sphere, it is maximally democratized, the main thing here is that
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the state does not interfere, if the state interferes with something, let’s say... but, but we must proceed from such corporate ethics and self-restraint, you understand that i mean, that's why it's about morality, morality, child safety, the president recommended that bloggers form a professional community following the example of the high-tech sector. during the meeting, vladimir putin commented on the strict criteria
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for admitting russian athletes to the olympic games in paris. according to the president.
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this means that i would warn against excessive naivety and excessive gullibility in relation to our so-called partners, regarding advice and parting words.
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you have to believe in the great russian, russian people, this faith is the key to success, revival, in the formation and development of russia, thank you, thank you, thank you very much, with these words the president concluded the year-end program with vladimir putin, well, at the end of our issue there is traditionally a weather forecast, a storm warning: announced in a number of central regions of the country due to strong gusts snowfall winds. over the course of a day, the height of the snowdrifts can increase one and a half to two times. in moscow, the snowstorm either subsides or intensifies again. and now we have connections with the ntv weather studio. irina polikova is asking us. irina, what will happen? saturday record broken? through the snowdrifts? yes, through the snowdrifts? yes, we will be at least on the verge of this, but it seems to me that the numbers are not the main thing,
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the main thing is how we survive this. for the central regions it is tomorrow. will become the snowiest, but everything has already begun, and even the fact that the atmospheric pressure in the center of our storm cyclone began to fall, in principle, this is a sign of the initial stage of the dying of the cyclone, but for now this will not significantly affect the intensity of precipitation, we are waiting for heavy snow, a blizzard, sharp wind, tomorrow it will go all the way to the upper volga, to vlogodskaya region, to the south of arkhangelsk, in the south of the middle zone, wet snow, sticking of wet snow, ice, and the most stunning increase in snow per day in some places can be almost 30 cm. there is also a lot of snow and rain on the don and ice will intensify rains in the crimea, and a day later it will get very cold, in krasnodar the rain will start tomorrow evening, and the next day it will snow and sleet, and in the capitals after a pause, you can’t give up sweets, take alejim, the natural complex alejim helps reduce appetite cravings sweets, as well as maintaining normal sugar levels. aleyjim and valar are recommended by the russian diabetes association. cleanse
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your liver with folk remedies. try replacing them with avisol, only it contains avios of milky ripeness, enhanced with herbs and turmeric. avisol and volar number one for cleansing the liver. cleanse your liver with folk remedies, try replacing them with... a modern natural remedy that promotes gentle cleansing of the liver. avisol evolar. how to maintain normal sugar levels, take ali-gzhim. natural complex ali gzhim helps maintain normal sugar levels, reduce appetite and cravings for sweets. alejim evalar is recommended by the russian diabetes association. in st. petersburg tomorrow there will be light snow and -5, one might say, excellent weather, but moscow has no chance of doing without snow. booms , heavy snow and blizzards, the main rampage of the elements will be at night until the morning, during the day the intensity will begin to subside and we will rely on public services, but that ’s not all, then according to our plan we have a thaw with ice, with sleet that
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sticks to everything, well and tomorrow somehow it will be necessary get to work, and then back from work, or on foot, thank you, it looks like motorists are better off taking the metro, yes thank you, this was the weather forecast from irina polikova, these are the main news for this hour, right now the astro-story series reckless, well, we ... sergey viktorovich, good morning
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, great, sorry, your hands are wet, get it, sign it, comrade colonel, but i already looked back, though there was nothing to clean there, you know, it’s not your smarts to do, come on, here’s the suren, hello, you should be more careful , and not like last time, go already, great, hello, oh, boss, i wish you good health, i’m not well, haven’t been appointed yet, oh well, the order has already been signed, so now don’t turn away, look, what does it mean that i’m not going to turn away, and what - so happy with the smile to get up , as if, honestly , it’s as if you were appointed, i would like my own... but somehow there’s not enough joy for such
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an event, what do you see, van, apparently, the realization somehow hasn’t come yet, now it’s when the realization comes, i’ll start having fun right away, you know, as you say, this is not trendy, not trendy, you knew that this day sooner or later it will come. oh , here again, please tell me that the fool has arrived, he’s come to congratulate you, to let you down, right here, you now have a personal car with a personal driver, an extra driver, yes, and he’s also wearing a uniform it’s inconvenient on a motorcycle, but here’s another one, for everything, three, you, boss, you’re three,


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