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tv   Svet i ten mayaka  NTV  December 15, 2023 2:55am-3:50am MSK

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make yourself comfortable, i 'm going back and forth, okay, that's it, thank you, yeah, i, i think that we need to bring up all of slava's affairs, absolutely everything and see who has recently leaned back from those whom he covered, sometimes there were such people there, they they weren’t afraid of anything, you bastard, you killed him alive, but why are you lying to everyone’s face? tanya, please take her away. kostya, please go away yourself. i think this is, come on, come on, the right decision, go for it. i will find this bastard, albert nikolaevich. wherever he is, i’ll crawl into every ditch, under every i'll look for the stone, but i'll find it. it’s so arrogant, right at the wedding, therefore, to kill, but they won’t go far, their own people are for
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... so as not to go as a locomotive on this matter, that ’s how it is, but first you need to find these people here, albert nikolaevich, this is our city , and not them, we’ll find it, bring up old cases, selovsky will help you, yeah, i can handle it myself, but i think it’ll be faster with two people, that’s right, let’s go. now you’ll wash yourself, you need to get ready for bed, i understand, come on, go wash yourself, there, you see, there’s a washbasin, come on, say hello, well, i think, to his mother, she didn’t i immediately believed it, but let us in, whether i believed it or not, well, i doubt it, i tried to call oleg in front of me. his phone doesn’t
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answer, did they know what was in the hut without you? nothing, she either really doesn’t know where he is or is covering for him, i don’t understand, oh well , we didn’t sleep, otherwise we’ll ask, it won’t seem like much, oh well, i think everything will be fine, no matter what, even if he stops somewhere, then he will contact his mother, yes, and you will contact me. that's it, peace, yeah, okay, come on, the night has poured out, yes. yes, it’s already gone, okay,
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kravchenko, i'm going to the department. good. by the way, i understand that ignatiev has a difficult family situation, but it’s time to get to work. i understand. and yet, this murder must be solved. no one dares kill police officers with impunity. yes sir. grandma, i washed my hands, grandma, grandma, i washed my hands, wow, do you want pancakes? yes, they will now. olga vladimirovna, thank
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you very much, nadyusha, come here, come, now we ’ll go have breakfast, yes, yes, we’ll go, you don’t need to go anywhere, i was thinking and decided that if you live here for two days, nothing bad will happen, well then we’ll go to a hotel, yes nadyush, we’ll go to a hotel , after all, you didn’t know about us, we’re strangers to you , you don’t owe us anything, yes, yes, you don’t need to go to a hotel, live here, there's plenty of room. “of course, your story is incredible, but in life anything can happen, in short, live, and then we’ll figure it out whether it’s ours or someone else’s, i don’t even know how to thank you, but if you don’t know, ask, it’s better to help with pancakes, otherwise it’ll be one thing for a long time , now mommy is helping, come here, what? you’re my golden one, so, you’ll draw
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grandma princess, well, run, olga vladimirovna, oleg didn’t call? oh, and oleg didn’t call, he doesn’t answer my calls, and kostya doesn’t know where he is, right during the fireworks, no one heard a shot, and it’s unclear where and how, and slava died right away, what a nightmare, tanyosha, i’ll be there now, dad, no, what are you doing, don’t, please, you can’t go home now with your heart, i’ll... wait, but he hasn’t been there until now, it’s very strange, everyone was here, everyone, the whole department, everyone i know, everyone i don’t know, and oleg didn’t come, and the phone is turned off, so maybe he’s on a business trip or on some other assignment, the fact of the matter is that no, the bosses don’t know where he is, i
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can’t find a place for myself, right? things are going on, well, that’s it, guys , yushen demands that we solve this case as quickly as possible, you understand, it’s an honor, well , that’s how it is, accordingly, we need to act, we won’t stand here in a crowd, i ’ll go and beat those who what - maybe he knows, well, you’re here somehow, you’re the eldest, cost, so maybe i’ll go too, that would be good, even wonderful, well, i myself, well, that’s the opera they can handle it themselves, veselovsky , there is a saying: if you want to do something well, do it yourself, so you waste it so that they don’t make mistakes here, and calm down the girls, our girls, i would do it myself, you see, how rightly he throws himself at me, logically,
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and the same thing, so come on, there will be news, call, good luck, good luck to you. last night in tikhon’s house they filled up the trash can, and another, who is unknown, and you think this is connected with ignatiev, yes, they are from the same department , there is a connection, what do you think, this trash can went on the run, and he killed his colleague, and no. ignatiev is not like that, he is ideological , you can’t negotiate with him, he doesn’t take bribes , he’s not the one who negotiates here, he ’s the one who doesn’t take bribes here, you know who’s walking in his primorsk now, well, surprise me, his brother kravchenko, tikhan- then he walks under him, well, and
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if tikhan walks under him, for his brother, there will be a case, what do you think, these are the times, cops. they're knocking down, but honest varmints have nothing to do, how will we continue to live, mazuriks, but ignatyev couldn't bring down another cop, but what do you know about him, and that he only closed you down, yes, maybe he's you he closed it because he had a good plan, but he took the other one and released him because he took him after you, everything needs to be checked here, it’s a strange story, who is muddying the waters, you understand, you need to know, and not be angry, yes, mommy,
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i’m listening to you, i’m sorry, who does he have, i didn’t understand, daughter, natya, my granddaughter, your niece, come and meet me, mommy, and how long have you had a granddaughter, how old is she, 5 years old, she draws very well, you do you know where oleg is? mom, oleg is on a mission, but very serious, i don’t know exactly where he is, you’ll stop by yourself, mom, we have... a murder, okay, i'll sort things out, i'll try to stop by, i'll try , i kiss everyone, it's oleg, oleg killed slava,
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ver, why are you, how, what are you saying, it's like oleg, why is he a bandit. .. his brother is a bandit, they did everything together, ver, this is complete nonsense, this can’t be, maybe it’s still possible, glory, when. was working out, there was a lot of things about oleg, it couldn’t help but be, he killed, kostya will now cover all traces, the waders will hide everything, faith, let you try to calm down, you yourself don’t understand right now that you say oleg couldn’t kill slavik, why, kostya, couldn’t he stand next to him? oleg wasn’t there, now he’s not there either, you know where he
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went on some business or on a business trip, i don’t know, they don’t tell me, they’re covering for him, because kostya is covering for him, let’s take another sedative and let’s go to the room, you... lie down a little, calm down, there’s an emergency at their work, oleg, kostya, said, they were sent on some important mission far away, where, when he returns, kostya didn’t say, i think, when he arrives, he’ll explain everything, i hope, well do the pancakes taste delicious? you also suspected oleg,
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why is he better than his brother, you’re wrong, oleg is completely different, he’s completely different from kostya, is he pretending to be better? no , i know oleg well, yes, he, of course , has shortcomings, but he could never break the law, tan, i’ll still go to the prosecutor’s office, let them figure out who could do what, who couldn’t do what, with what you go to the prosecutor's office, just with a statement, they may not... believe you, you don't have any evidence, i have evidence, a folder of incriminating evidence on kostya, several months i was collecting fame, but where is this folder , but i don’t know, where is this folder, faith, this is all some kind of nonsense, why doesn’t tanya call, she and oleg made peace, they didn’t make peace, well, call yourself, what are you waiting for? yes, i’m calling, hello,
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tanyush, how are you? it’s terrible, gal, it’s just some kind of nightmare. what's happened? simonovovich was killed, how was he killed? do you mean killed? the killer shot him right during the wedding. what's there? all. ivanovich was shot, what a horror, but how is vera? yes, right now i’m sitting with her, poor thing, i don’t know what to do, i need to take her home, then i’ll be left alone. wait, did you make peace with oleg? no, he wasn't at the wedding. i see, listen, tanya, ah, i
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know that i think that you don’t need to go to the lighthouse now and stay there alone - it’s just dangerous. where should i go? well, if you want, come to vladik and live here for now. no, i won’t be left alone with vladik. yes, why alone, i’ll move here too. there are many rooms. we’ll all fit in, i don’t know if it’s comfortable, or if it’s inconvenient, that’s it, come on, that means, take your faith and come here, we’re waiting for you, okay, okay, that’s it, come on, bye, bye, and how understand this, you're going to move in with me, why on earth, why tanya doesn't want to be alone with you, gal, come on, stand up, we'll come to an agreement somehow, i'm sorry, you... what are you talking about now? you seemed to want to remain friends with her? well, before, yes, but
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now, as i understand it, they have separated, completely, so this is my chance, and i ’m using it, well, you bug, i’ll quietly whisper some kind of good, wonderful tanik. and you will stand quietly on the sidelines and modestly keep silent, understand? can you do it? otherwise you don’t know me? only i think there will be some expenses, money will be needed, but now i’ve decided, sorry, okay, agreed, that’s great, and don’t be stupid anymore.
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why did you pull me out? i have a lot of worries without you, listen, why the hell did they kill the cop in my house? in front of my daughter, in front of a bunch of policemen, and even when i wasn’t there, you understand that i can’t wash myself off now, but calm down, i had no other choice, the warbler said that the next day he would go to the prosecutor’s office. i'm done with all the fucking, what were you thinking about before, i suggested to you a long time ago, you need to get rid of him, get rid of him, well they told me that you were out of breath, but they shouldn’t have blamed him like that, but quietly, under the guise of an accident without witnesses, and you sang to me all about friendship there, well, you and friendship are a little girl in my house, quietly, you know that you not very much, you are a greyhound, otherwise i can reconsider my priorities, what are the priorities, but
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switch, for example, to cosaton, yes, yes, he is a self-possessed, calm guy, without your wolfish... hysterics, only in this case to your lads you will have to excuse yourself from the criminal case, and you will have to take care of your own skin, it’s okay, i’ll really take care of my own skin somehow, believe me, let me cook you something to eat. i’ll sit with you, no, thank you, no need , i’ll call my friend, she’ll sit with me , you probably have plenty of other things to do, yes, a taxi is already waiting for me, ver, come on, i ’ll come to you in the evening, okay, as you wish.
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“you’d better tell me in what way your little brother fertilizes the earth. have you gone crazy, or what? why have you gone crazy? i’ve just known you for a long time, kostya. you’ve known you for a long time, but it turns out you don’t know anything about me, i didn’t kill my brother, i saved his life, and i saved his life , that’s what they call it now, why are you all this, and besides, kostya, if you didn’t feel sorry for your little brother, i...” i should be more afraid, that’s what i thought kostya , make sure that oleshka comes to my house, well, not because i miss you very much, but just to look at him, just in case, is basically elementary, but nothing will work out, that’s why, but he’s far away, i’m his vladivostok
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sent, oops, too far, why let me? asking undercover will work, will infiltrate a gang that smuggles goods from japan, will work there for a year or two , will reveal the gang, will return home , will receive another title, so everything is fine, i hope by this time you and i will have solved all the problems here, so what, what we will have versions, except for the place , but none, there’s nothing to think about, we have to think, kudryavtsev, it’s necessary, your colleague, a police officer, died and tomorrow on...
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in the meantime, tell me what simonovich’s bride was shouting at the wedding, in general, where do these accusations come from? i do not know what to say, well, she was hysterical, the groom was killed at the wedding, she should see a psychologist, yes, listen, aren’t you afraid that in connection with simonovich’s death, they will start digging under you. i’m too old to be afraid quietly, it’s you, kostya, here, fers, in the wild, you’ll end up in prison. you’ll sing differently, there are serious people there, they’ll ask you everything, you need to worry about yourself, your daughter over there won’t get married today, tomorrow, and you may not see
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it, but i’ll find semonovich’s killer, where you’re going to look, in the mirror, i’ve always liked it your sense of humor, humour, editing, everything don’t go, i went, come on, that means , we’ll dismiss skravchenko’s version in advance as patent nonsense, besides, this is the investigation, i have more hope for it, and now tell me, does anyone know where captain ignatius disappeared, i took him the number is with the duty officer, well, the phone is switched off, it’s not good to do this, kravchenko told me something about his
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difficult family circumstances, does anyone know? well, okay, to hell with this agative, we’ll sort it out later. come on, lyosha, go to the archives. yes. i reviewed some cases this morning and there are three suitable candidates. how you'll figure it out, come on. come to me immediately and here until late today, i obey, so, comrades, let’s continue, comrade colonel, allow me, and kravchenko, come on in, heaven, i wish, well, is there any news, well, there is something, hello everyone, i established the identity of the courier who brought the wedding flowers, supposedly opened and invited everyone to the fireworks display, which means sveta was not from krotov? no, not from krotovo, krotov surrendered after his dismissal, now he is at home on an iv. what's next? well, next, i think we have a chance
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solve this case today. at the nearest gas station to the lighthouse, we saw a guy on a scooter, he was filling up there. do you think this is the courier? the same one, the gas station attendant identified him, but he couldn’t remember where he had once seen him, when i arrived, he remembered that his friend was not... in short, they pulled up the archive and got me the address of this gavrik, i think , we need to take it right now, maybe we’ll still have time, well done, konstantin, come on albert nikolaevich,
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the decision is trivial, there is only one road to the lighthouse, the tank of the scooter is small, so he i had to refuel either on the way to the lighthouse or on the way back, good job, lieutenant colonel, thank you, so nadya, give me the toys. it's time to go to bed, but can i watch another provenib cartoon? no, dear, vinepuh was tired, just think about how many things he did in a day, at first he walked all the time, then he climbed a tree, then he flew away in a hot air balloon, he was tired and went to bed, and you need to sleep, what a prankster you are. it’s kostya, i’ll probably open it now, i understand, now sit quietly, mom will be with uncle kostya adult conversations, and elenochka, hello
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, olga vladimirovna, take off your clothes, yes, good evening, here we are, hello, lena, meet me, this is sasha, she’s from... belsk, and this is nadenka, nadenka is the daughter of sasha and oleg. yes, vitya, hello, alek, hello, well, that is,
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with permission, comrade colonel, come on, colonel. why are you asking? do you want to drag my best tracker to you? yes? well, how can i tell you? well, it’s not the right time, he’s currently unraveling a very complicated case. i heard the investigator killed you? yes, it’s not easy killed, killed at their own wedding. were you there yourself? i just took up my position on the first day, i was, of course
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, just... and kravchenko was there, well, of course, the whole department was there, he called everyone, you can vouch for kravchenko, well, we ’ve only known him for a few days, i think this is premature, why are you asking , i heard the bride accused kravchenko of killing her groom, and when simonovich was killed, she screamed for three hours that the killers were konstantin. and he stood next to him, he was a witness, and why did his wife accuse him then? i think not to myself there was a woman, and kravchenko worked together with semanovich, not only did he work, they were close friends, but i say again, vera was under a lot of stress, you understand, well , it’s understandable, it’s understandable, you see what kind of things are happening, the apers are killing their own weddings, and when i was coming here, the guys in the department joked that you were going to the resort, drunk in
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the hotel. deliver, here you go, and you know what happened with the previous boss, but i didn’t really delve into it, he was forced to resign because of some scandal with journalists, that’s all, what do i know. when did you and oleg meet in belsk? well, for quite a long time, 5 years ago, he didn’t say anything that he had a child, but he didn’t even know, but... why is your door
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swinging open? tatyana, hello, hello, and this is sasha, with nadya, my granddaughter, daughter of sasha and oleg, whose daughter, sasha and oleg. “hello, what’s wrong with you ? no, everything’s fine, i’m just a little tired , i’ve been at work all day today, oleg didn’t show up, no, he didn’t even call, and are you looking for him too, and we’re not the only ones looking for him we are looking for, this is lena shmina, she and oleg
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work together, and this is tatyana, she, tatyana, is very nice.
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len, please tell me, did oleg show up at work? why are you so interested in this? i get the impression that when he found out about our snadenka’s arrival, he
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decided to hide. but i have the impression that you are talking about some other oleg. well, i think, as a woman, you understand me perfectly. i understand this, it’s just that my whole world is turned upside down now. i certainly understand. our arrival is unexpected, to put it mildly, but nevertheless, if you want to know something, you talk to kostya, he should know something, kostya said that oleg has some family circumstances, and he should be home for a couple of days, lina, these are oleg’s family circumstances, they are right in front of you, which means oleg should be here, but oleg is not there, len, go to your grandmother, you hear, let’s go. grandmothers, to be honest, that’s why olga vladimirovna stopped by, we had an emergency at work and the boss had changed, they asked about oleg, but he was nowhere to be found, and that after that he also didn’t show up at work, well, you see, if i’m here, it means i didn’t show up and
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didn’t call me, you know, since he ’s not here anyway, i’ll probably go, good luck, bye, goodbye. did you call and warn you that you were coming? no, well, how could i call them , we haven’t communicated for many years, i don’t even have his number, clearly, you talk to kostya, he knows something, well, or not, i don’t understand, what else is left? yes, i think i’ll go, it’s already late , there’s a lot of work, goodbye, olga vladimirovna, of course, i’ll see you off, yes, yes, goodbye, happily, happily, olga vladimirovna, what kind of girls are these so
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interesting? our girlfriends, uh -huh, they're probably laying claim to oleg, oleg is a single man, so they're laying claim to... he has it, yes, but let's figure it out , so it all comes down to kostya, but for some reason he's not coming, well, we have kostya as a lieutenant colonel by the way, sometimes i’m even afraid to ask him about work, and if he ’s late, it means it’s necessary, my dear, that i wanted to make tea? i’m shocked, no , of course, anything can happen, but i didn’t expect this, listen, oleg really could have known that she was coming, avoided it, but at home
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he’s not there, you can’t reach him, and i don’t look like oleg, not like that’s not the word, where could he be, why isn’t he answering , didn’t come to the wedding, even though he’s wanted for... come on, well, that’s probably too much, lately the devil knows what's going on, okay, i'll give you a ride, no thanks, i'm on the bus, well, as you know, bye. hello, kolya, hello, how are we doing here , no one asked me, no, no one
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asked, a colonel from the fsb came, like an old friend, from the fsb, why, but he didn’t report to me, maybe i should mark the appointment, maybe be, most likely. viktor leonidovich, an urgent message from our informant, a whole group of belskys is coming to our city with guns, so for whose soul? like killing tikhonov, that wasn’t enough yet, why? why? yes, yes, exactly colonel, and konstantin, come in, have a seat, thank you, how are you, we’re working. apparently, we are not the only ones working , there is only talk that the fsb
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came, yes, they came, according to your soul, konstantin, they wanted to lure you into counterintelligence, but i fought back, said that except for you, no one will solve simanovich’s case . albert nikolaevich, i decided for myself that until i catch him, i will not have peace, but i will definitely catch him. by the way, i'm not going anywhere. i’m not going to, even if they don’t even try, well, i’d like to believe, konstantin, that you’ll catch him, well, go ahead, work, catch him, apparently tikhanov has annoyed bilsky with something, they understand if they kill him, then such a meat grinder will take place between the gangs, what could have happened, what do you think? i don’t know, the only thing is that
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the tikhonovskys were involved in one case with kravshenka, he then imprisoned half the gang. viktor leonidovich, i think we need to take the belskys and turn them around before it’s too late, without proof you won’t split them, let them take down typhon, then so much blood will be shed. “that’s what, we’ll take and spin the tikhonskys, when they find out that the belskys have gone against them, they’ll rather start talking, but how can we take them out of the blue, they’ll probably have guns, and that’s enough to detain them, which means we have tikhon are on the run, so samson with a lyo and a sledgehammer are also running free." why didn't kravchenko
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close them down along with the whole gang? well, if kravchenko protects the bandits, then everything comes together. he imprisoned the sixes, and simply took control of tikhon and his inner circle. here. exactly this information. a capture group and for detention, there is
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someone who has come , what do you have there, it’s so lovely, it’s who it is, it’s a princess, she’s beautiful, like you, grandma, oh, well, yes, well no.. .. i’m still not as beautiful as this princess, you’re beautiful, like a color, oh, i can’t take it anymore, no, nadya, i ’ll put this beauty in a frame, i’ll put it with me on the table and i will admire it, remember you, you are my good one, sit down, eat, sit down, grandma, you will buy me a construction set.
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i didn’t even expect an answer, but we’re having a family dinner, that’s great, mom, you’ll have lunch, have a nice chat, and i’ll do this, i’ll do it another time, mom, kostya, here... that’s the thing, the mother of our main bandit suddenly called me city, can you imagine, they are also having a family dinner today, so while you are with us, no one will disturb anything, it’s funny, yes, i’m having fun, and if you seriously don’t show up,
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next time you can’t guarantee my house step over, mom, don’t start, please , that’s it, at 2 o’clock you have... lunch, i got it, i got it, i got it, i’ll be there, i’ll be there, mom, well done, so far , the porridge is good, it turns out he’s got it, he has a daughter, they came and are now living with his mother, olga vladimirovna, she didn’t let them down the stairs, or what? she now has a beloved granddaughter nadenka, well, wow, didn’t he tell you about this, but no, of course, but i warned you, gal, what did you warn me about, that you don’t need to get involved with this oleg, that's enough, payment.
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come on, come on, okay, let's reveal it, and how can we do it without a warrant? very simple, i'll show you now, come on, uh, yes, wait, wait, wait , i'm coming, i'm coming, who's knocking, police, open , hello, hello, redhead, konstantin, what
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's up, dmitrievich, born in eighty-eight, yes , yes, where is he, in short, how do i know, he’s been gone for two days, the phone is turned off, do you want it? to say, you weren’t looking for him, why should i look for him, this isn’t the first time he’s been wandering around among friends and he’ll come, look, he’ll come, he’ll come, that means i won’t have yours later i need it, i need it right now, you probably know where he can hang out, lyokha, vavan wet, vovan wet, clean, let's go, write vovan wet and lyokha, everyone leave the car, line up from the car
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, hands, hands on the hood. “so, if it appears, call me, i understand , yes please, let’s download, check all the addresses, in case it’s there somewhere, we’ll do it, and you ’ll try it somewhere, through my channels, i think, faster than you can, okay , time is short, let's go"? clean, clean, comrade colonel, wretched
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gopniks who were released, there’s nothing, there are no weapons, what the hell do we do next? okay , wait for the orders, you were right, tikhonovsky found himself without a weapon, so now we’ll have to let them go, so, stop what you’re doing and dig up for me what ’s possible about tikhonov, i need to understand how he’s connected to crafting. mayor, let go of the tikhonovskys and take the belskys, just be careful, that’s for sure.
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ver, everything is fine with you, well, much better, i heard that you accused kostya and wanted to talk to you, i wanted to, right? kostya, lately i heard that you were appointed his assistant, but so what? so go help him, but i don’t need it, why are you, but i’m okay, you go back to where you came from, and so that your legs are no longer here, and the door is behind... cut
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, hold, yes, thank you, rest, okay. hello, kostya, kostya, it’s me, in short , we have a week, what does it mean we have a week, belsky demands that i remove him and provide evidence of what we will do, listen, do n’t worry about this, it wasn’t enough for you to the box got on my nerves, and i would too. i squeezed a little more, but what will we tell people, what won’t we say, calm down, i’m working on it,
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i see, okay, whatever, you know, i thought, while i was on my way to see you, it’s all over with oleg, simply because it’s a betrayal. no, it’s not that he has a child, it’s clear that all this happened before we met him, that he hid it from me, which means that he never took me seriously, because when it’s serious, then there are no secrets, even if it’s something bad, shameful, you’re right, you’re absolutely right, and vlad, vlad is just good. and let it be so, let it be so
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fly, you know, i remember now, in our communal apartment there was such a small kitchen that there was no room for anyone at all, nothing, but here you are. so big, yes nadyusha, well, yes, i don’t know, i’m so grateful to you, for the first time in so many years i felt like a real person, well, thank god, now nadyusha and i will go to the playground, we’ll play there, what will we play in i was catching up again, nadyusha, nadya, nadya, and you will listen to your grandmother, yes, well, my golden one. that's it, we're off, goodbye, i'll close behind you, bye-bye,
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it’s me, we’re still living with his mother, we hear about garbage, but everything is muddy, at work. he said that he would be away for 2 days due to family reasons, and at home he said that he was at work, his brother is kravchenko, yes, konstantin kravchenko, you get along with him, you need to find out everything, everything, i understand. i worked out ruzhuk’s contacts, but everything
3:47 am
there is silent, which means silent, the district police officer and i went around to all his... acquaintances, but no one saw him, by the way, he even owes some money, oh, very valuable information, well, in general that's all, no one hides it, some are even looking, you see what a valuable shot, everyone is looking for it, but we have to find it earlier, albert nikolaevich, and i got it through my channels, it ’s really so, it stuck out very much to one person, which, excuse the jargon, i i mean, i owed a large sum of money, half a million, i think. to a certain eduard skoptsev, a repeat offender known as skaba. yes, i remember him, even when i was a junior lieutenant, i organized his second tour and caught him red-handed. well, slavik organized a third one for him. motive, but skaba is not a sniper, he it can give you a good hit on the back of the head, and i think he’s good with a knife. so, he wasn’t there alone, a group or what?
3:48 am
well, a group, not a group, but to kill a policeman right at ... a wedding , you’re unlikely to do such a thing alone, if the staple is in the case, then most likely you don’t have to look for your redhead, he ’s probably hardly new he’ll say something, yes , they told me, you’re going to a resort to improve your health, let’s put this brace on the wanted list, yes, so good job, konstantin, you know, to be honest, i don’t give a damn whether it’s lisa’s fault or no, now other things are much more important, yes. yes, in fact, it already seems to me that lis has nothing to do with it, it feels like everything is just turning out that way, as if you were not destined to be with oleg. well, why talk about it now, i’ll get through it somehow , you know, real grief happens to people, so it’s a shame to complain about my problems, look at ermalovich’s assurances, the husband of the wedding was killed, i can’t imagine what she’s feeling now, and where
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is she now , is there someone with her? well, a friend was supposed to come over and sit with her. and i also promised to come, no, well, since i promised, then she needs to go, well, yes, even now she should go to veri’s, no, well, wait, since this is the case, tanya, i can give you a lift, but she won’t go anywhere, tanya, sit down, i’ll wash the dishes myself, rest, you need to come to myself, no, vlad, you’re right, i really need to go, no, really, i’ll give you a lift, listen, who is this sashka, who is she? well, just a girl, the most ordinary from belsk, only she has a child, this is oleg, it’s good that you didn’t get pregnant from him, you know, no, wait, that’s not what i wanted to say, i wanted to say that i i would marry, but you, even if
3:50 am
if only you had a child, no, wait, tanya , i’m sorry, really, that’s not what i wanted to say at all, and especially since i won’t let you go alone, i don’t even hope, come on, nadezh, we already have a christmas tree, draw a butterfly, house , this is a butterfly, no, this is also draw a butterfly, a real one, this is not a butterfly, yes, hello, hello, this is kostya, meet me, this is sasha , and this is nadenka, hello, nadenka is the daughter of sasha and oleg, wonderful, why doesn’t oleg talk about you...


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