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tv   Svet i ten mayaka  NTV  December 15, 2023 3:50am-4:51am MSK

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wait, i didn’t want to say that, i wanted to say that i would marry you, even if you had a child with oleg, you know, i ’ll probably go, no, wait, tanya, i’m sorry, really, i’m completely this is not what i wanted to say, and especially since i won’t let you go alone, i don’t even hope , come on, nadezh, we already have a christmas tree, draw a butterfly, a house, that’s a butterfly, no, that’s also draw a butterfly, a real one, that’s not a butterfly , this is not a butterfly, hello, hello, this is kostya, meet me, this is sasha, and this is nadenka, hello, nadenka - daughter, sasha and oleg, great, but why oleg ... didn’t tell anything about you, well
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, oleg just doesn’t know anything about the child, when i was pregnant, and i didn’t tell him anything, he left, why didn’t you say anything , i also have a question for you, kostya, where is oleg, mommy, but not now, mom and dad? no, honey, this is uncle kostya, kostya, where is my son? at work you said that he is at home for family reasons, and at home you say that he disappears at work, and i know that someone was killed, don’t you dare lie to me now, mom, oleg alive, everything is fine, we have yesterday. slavka
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semanovich was killed. okay, mom, i'll tell you, just don't worry, everything is fine. he left for work. he has an urgent mission, to the other end of the country. where no one knows him, he can work undercover. when will he return? i think in 2-3 days, the mission is very serious and secret, mom, no one should know about this, i told you as an exception, he will definitely return, but he will get away, mom, i’m listening, comrade colonel, this is the case here, we are at the fortieth kilometer, in the belskys were shot right on the highway, no matter who, no trace. or rather there are a lot of traces, but
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they are of no use, did the tikhonovskys really run across the road, but this cannot be, they simply would not have overtaken us, come back, renat, come with vanya to me, urgently. screw up, someone shot up the car with the sbilskys ...
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a new group appeared, and what didn’t it share with the belskys? market redistribution. well then , it’s more logical to attack the tikhnovskys, they are weaker. allow me, precise colonel. samson and his friends really wouldn’t have had time physically intercept the belskys at the forty kilometer, because our capture group was snatching them at that time, but no one knew about this except us.
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you so, and that those who shot were working under the tikhnovskys in order to set them up to provoke a war, as an option, or maybe the kosatonovskys are clearing up? space, and why now? well, have you done this before? yes, who will take them out , the bandits? we, we must figure it out, there is no hope for the police, they cannot protect their people, well, in belsk, oleg lived with me, with us the guys from the reserve introduced me, and then he left, and i didn’t care. i don’t know about him, well, how it is now, now it’s just the situation, it’s a coincidence, you arrived exactly when he left, but i’ll tell him about my daughter, i’ll make him happy , well, maybe i’ll tell him myself, but no, what are you, he
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’s on task, why worry him, i myself, sorry. first, to establish surveillance of the tikhonovskys , clearly, second, kravchenko, to follow on his heels, third, to establish the location of tikhon, he probably heard rumors that
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he was being hunted, and he went to the bottom, the informants must be shaken, definitely, no matter who was behind the execution, kosatonov or whoever else, he started it. a very serious game, and this someone knows well that there is a conflict between the belskys and the tikhonovskys, i agree, the belskys until today were the largest and most numerous group, and in order to destroy it, you need to arrange it with other gangs, first with the tikhnovskys, then with the kosatorovskys , and those who remain alive, it’s easier to finish them off, you need to find a customer, act. who's there? ver, it's me! how are you? yes, okay, i’ll wipe the floors, then i can’t hang the curtain. there's
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a lot of work in the yard. ok. veselovsky came here. for what? dirt on kostya, he also suspects him, but i don’t believe him, i won’t give him the folder, although i don’t know where this folder is, you think he and kostya are at the same time, but i haven’t been thinking lately, the thought gives me a headache , i’ll find the folder straight away to the prosecutor’s office, tan, you go, i’ll handle it myself, okay, but be sure to call, if anything happens, okay, yes, i ’ll call. hello, evsei, yes, i almost forgot one thing, what, i need to lure one bird into a cage, the one that worked well, yes
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the fox is burned, it looks like she is, in short, bring it to me, you know where, but first find the folder, it’s urgent, i understand, i understand you, that’s it. what about the other bird, the one from belsk, i asked you about it, did i find out anything? oh, this is new, is n't it? no, no one here knows anything about her, i’m afraid i’ll have to go to belvsk, if you’re free , go then, otherwise she’ll somehow jump around here, as if she wouldn’t land on our branch, okay, that’s it, come on. but we shouldn’t have given tikhon a week, it’s in vain, here everything is just according to the concepts, here everything is smooth, wait, and this kravchenko, well, this is the
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man with whom the technician does business, well , they both are covering for him, but why? kravchenko, your brother ignatius. we’ll fail earlier, people won’t understand, but that’s right , but what kind of people are you, how would you know what kind of people you are, you wouldn’t ask such questions, for the time being, sit up straight, well, your trash can, it’s not iron anyway , if i knew, i wouldn’t leave why , i don’t know, i don’t know how to say it, because when i’m at home, everything is fine, everything is calm, and then... i should leave for one day, everything is a mess, maybe yes, but oleg
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child, i’m in shock, he’s just so lost, because this ex came with the child, doesn’t want to see her, they quarreled because of this, yes, yes, i don’t know, i didn’t even ask, i just i’m confused, kostya would never do this to you, you need to do something with this oleg, you’ll burn out of him, in my opinion, it’s in vain that you’re driven out of these women’s hysterics, it’s not worth it at all, not like verka she attacked me and yelled at me, this is of course bad, but tolerable, what’s worse is that they later called me to the headquarters, something serious, serious, serious, we have a mess seryoga. well, you say so, as if everything is bad with us, we
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are getting out of this mess normally, we are not getting up at all, the investigation into the gang has come up, there has been a scandal with zelenin, you said everything in plain language, but whatever, the journalists have blown it all out of proportion, as if this didn’t reach moscow, krotov gave an interview, only worse. after that it became, they turned everything around like that, or maybe explain it to them in a popular way, and if they don’t understand, then evsei, why are you out of your mind, if we put pressure on journalists, everything will be on us will indicate, and secondly... enough already makrukha
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, if you are hinting at simonovich, there were no options with him, he wanted to hand you over, he would have handed you over, no options, i need to solve this murder in 3 days, 3 days, if i don’t tell you, i’ll go work as a security guard, that’s what they told me in my head. what are you going to do? allow me, comrade colonel? well, renad, did you find out who shot the belskys? not yet, but i have interesting information on the tikhonov case. i think it will lead us somewhere. well, sit down, tell me. so that's it. tanya, you
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because of him, you’re unhappy, you cry every day , no, that’s not true, well, you see, your dad is suffering too, i don’t feel well, i ’ll go outside and get some fresh air, excuse me. so what are you going to do, work with your head, if they don’t remove you from this department of yours, they won’t remove you, if we do everything right, they won’t remove you, they will even promote you, you just need to work so that everyone forgets about simonovich. and greenery, it is necessary for
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some new topic to appear in the city, a wave of crime, thefts, robberies, muggings, even murders, about old cases, then that’s it they will forget, then they will definitely remove you, you didn’t think about it, they won’t remove you, i will solve these crimes. well, you came up with a good idea, only you will be fired ahead of time because of semyonovich, you were given 3 days to do everything about everything, so you need to decide something. right now, here you are right, we need to, we need to decide, veslovsky seriously took on this matter, let it go, it’s unlikely to work, we need to find someone, preferably a criminal, to hang it on him , but who would sign up for such a thing, what are you saying?
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voluntarily, no one will sign, but it is necessary find it, so i decided. through your own channels , preferably, it would be one of his former investigators, then there will be a motive, the rest will go easier, but isn’t it all too much, if you find someone who you can hang semonovich on and sort of catch him, all the attention will be on you it will be, this is how it should be, as long as i work with him, “you will prepare everything in the city, then it will start, it will distract everyone, and i will quickly put together some kind of evidence base, and i will take up new things, then, seryoga, not only
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can one wait for the place of ivshin, then in the main you can try your luck, oh'. napoleonic plans, but what to do? whoever doesn’t take risks doesn’t win, and we have no other option, the game is big , there’s nowhere to retreat, you think, we’ll pull, we’ll pull, we’ll pull, there’s no choice, i’m telling you. i won’t do anything to you, just don’t shout, we agreed, that’s good, you, what are you doing here, i’m also very glad
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to see you, i missed you, i thought about you all the time, but i didn’t think about you. and i won’t think about how you ended up here, we haven’t yet made a cage in which the garbage can hold me, i wanted i really wanted to see you, you ran away, somehow, straight to you, crazy, i know, wait, is it you? what did you do to oleg? he's missing, is that you? why and what exactly did i do? so, in your opinion, i didn’t break through half the country to you, but to steal and kill oleg? what are you accusing me of now? oleg has disappeared. his brother, something is dark. oleg did not
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show up either at home or at work. i wanted to get you out of my head. forget forever, but i couldn’t, i can’t live without you, i have to, because i love oleg, where is he, your oleg, i don’t i know i will find him, as long as you are happy, how will you find him? well, i’m a bandit , a criminal, a repeat offender, we even have our own methods, some that work, tell us everything you know, tell us how you disappeared, when and in general, what interesting things happened, well
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, the advanced ones, we’ve known for a long time, you said , there is something interesting there, a fine for speeding from four years ago, what kind of stranger? and this means, and this means that our police have one of the largest gangsters at the head. we have nothing in our city, someone cleaned it up very well dossier, i think it could be kravchenko, if he is covering up, perhaps, perhaps. it’s possible, but still something strange: tihan, a thief in law, back in the old days, why on earth did he agree to cooperate with the cops,
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well, apparently, not because of a good life, judging by the dossier, tikhonov once had great authority in the city, but when the war with moscow, with arthur, with kharlam began, i think then they lost a lot of people, many were imprisoned, when the gang weakened, then konstantin probably caught him. come on, give us our dossier. do you think the police have all this was there any information? yes, i certainly was. well then , it’s clear why tikhoi is still at large; someone is clearly covering for him. did you find out where he is? that's right, well, take it here too. viktor leonidovich, here’s the thing, tikhonov is now in the hospital, i talked to the doctor, his condition is extremely serious, he has something with his heart, we may not get it,
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so, put a guard at tikhonov’s room , replace the doctors, he shouldn’t have no connections with the outside world, there is one more thing, tikhonov has a daughter, tatya and kravchenko was in he's in love with her, but she gave him a turn, yeah. “so tikhan definitely knows kravchenko and even wanted to become related to him, well done, renat , he worked quickly, and that’s not all, kravchenko has a brother, oleg, also a policeman, he was also in love with tatyana, he has a brother, well according to their mother, they have different last names , they serve together, oleg ignatiev, he and tatyana wanted to get married, but then they quarreled and separated, and ignatiev disappeared just before simonovich’s wedding. at which, as you remember, simonovich was actually killed, yes, a sad story, well, how is it all connected, the wedding, the murder of simonovich, brother kravchenko,
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i don’t know yet, yes, complete mysteries, that’s what, compile a dossier on this oleg and find out where he is, maybe he is also connected with bandits, with i'll talk to tikhon myself. yes, my god, it’s me, we’re in trouble, our lads have been killed, why are you persecuting us because of the blizzard, but i’m not persecuting them, all our boys were shot, i myself miraculously survived. because earlier i came to find out about this cop egnatiy, who? tikhonovsky, no one else, found a cop, but he’s gone, tikhan hid him on his campaign, and tikhon
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itself is not there either, apparently it has sunk to the bottom. listen, here in the whole primorsk there is another one , kravchenko, ignatiev’s brother, that’s for sure, but what the hell, i nailed it through a reliable person, and the quiet one and kasaton under him. “it was kravchenko who ordered our lads to be put down so that we wouldn’t take the city, listen, the temple must be kept quiet anyway, and if we don’t find tikhon , then his daughter, and the cop who protects everyone, the entire tikhanov lads, just the lame one, let’s hurry up, please, i’m really scared here, they’ll kill me, no point, let’s figure it out, in general, oleg is not at the wedding it was, then..." it was time for the fireworks, they killed their glory , it’s terrible, and where were your father and that cop kravchenko at that time, are you crazy,
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your dad has a bad heart, he was in the hospital, he left in the morning, and kostya, he stood next to slava, he was a witness, a good pig, what are you talking about, it doesn’t matter, tell me something strange has happened to oleg lately, his ex came to him from belsk, sasha, with child from him, they live with oleg’s mother, and he didn’t tell me about her, and you still love him, with some former women, with children who suddenly appear, this is not discussed. danya, yes, go away, i’ll be there, i’m coming, aunt,
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go away! who were you talking to there? i didn’t talk to anyone, the wind is noisy, yes, let’s go into the house, it’s cold, hello, yes, how are things going? yes, everything is fine, the old woman seems to have taken the bait, his brother knows something, who, his older brother, kostya, knows him, yes, i saw him, get along with him, good, but, but... rarely happens here, in short, get into his confidence, yes, i understand, i’ll think about it, sasha, you don’t need to think, but do it, this is the cop nit of our boys put it, he can’t live, and i ’ll show up soon, okay, eliza, seryozha, where is liza?
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you, i knew why you called me, i had to get out of here, elizaveta, first of all, i want to thank you for a job well done, i can’t imagine how we would have managed everywhere, what next? how will you
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cope without me? i don’t know, i really don’t know, one of these days you will be on the federal wanted list, you understand, you yourself know that you didn’t have to take out the house right away, wait a month, well, 2 weeks, at least, bone, you yourself drove samson, rather, rather, and now, now you want to kill me for this, but not for this, not for this, you... you shouldn’t have gotten caught, mow, well, why do you need this, well, i’ll still be useful to you, you know , i'll sit down, everything will calm down, i'll do the hard work, i'll work as before, bone, what do you want, want me, bone, take me, take me, take me, my girl, girl, i only want one thing, i want to live
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in peace, and they are not afraid that you will be caught tomorrow, and you will immediately turn me in, that’s it, forgive me, forgive me, bone, bone! grandma, let me give you my princess koliya, come on, it will be wonderful, and for her at home? just a natural grandmother
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, the best grandmother in the world, they praised the old lady, yes olga vladimirovna, please tell me , when oleg and kostya were little, how easy it was for you to deal with them, it must have been difficult , boys, hooligans, yes, but what are you asking, i don’t know , i’m just not strangers anymore, i want to know more, well, it wasn’t just , of course, it was, i don’t even know where to start, it’s... who is the princess, yes, i’m still listening to you, there ’s a naked person in the guy’s house, there’s dirt on him no, not that on you, what's next? wait, wait, if
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there’s nothing in the house. she didn’t take anything to the prosecutor’s office, was there anything at all, maybe it was hidden well, seryoga, we’re missing something somewhere, we must think that warbler wasn’t a fool, i... hello, great, hello, hello,
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po. .. i need yours, but no question , we’ll rent a haza, we’ll drive a wheelbarrow, the truth is , you understand with xiva, it’s not moscow, well, with my husband, we’ll do it, thank you, we need to find another person, but if i find him in the city, who is he, his name is oleg ignatiev, so he’s a follower.
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no, i need him alive, the more alive the better , and that no other one will do, they’re like a cockroach there, no, it won’t do, i need this one, he ’s special, i would even say unique, but then why is he lost, okay when i find out, i’ll say, thank you, bro.
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your gentleman has arrived, why is your gentleman? vlad is my friend? your friend, all his intentions are written down, what kind of intentions, you already see for yourself, a spoiled boy, a typical major, if you wouldn’t get involved with him, he has one today, and another tomorrow, but i don’t get involved, i have oleg, i told him so right away, yes, but he, well, in principle, reacted with understanding, you see, he came to take me to lectures, right? it also seemed like i had to go to the city, come with us, where should i sit, in the trunk? no, i'm on the bus, come on,
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tan, you look great, thank you, but in the car we only talk about neutral topics, otherwise i'll get out and walk. okay, i just wanted to offer you this, it's very nice, thank you, you're always welcome,
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hello, hello.
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great guys, well, 100 rubles. do you want to make money? make money? yes, what should i do? here this letter, you take it to the fourth apartment , in this entrance, well in that case, it ’s yours, okay, let’s do it now, dima, wait for me here, don’t worry, i’ll be right back , and you’re good at it, hands like that hold it higher, higher, well done!
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hello, alexandrovich, how are you feeling? and who will you be, exactly? and what kind of people are they guarding me there? colonel kovych, the federal security service and our department is protecting you, otherwise you don’t listen to the doctor, a real colonel, so what does the colonel need from me? i need, i need to talk, alexander nikiferovich, why should i? talk to the colonel of the federal security service,
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you leave this integrity of yours, there is no point, now not only your fate depends on you, but also the life of your daughter, alexander nikiferovich, or do you like it better when they call you quiet? you help us, we will help you. we need information about the smugglers and about konstantin kravchenko. listen, go to hell, what's wrong with tanya? is she okay? and you'll be fine if you tell us about the gang from catacombs and about kravchenko. you can start right now. thank you for doing so. well , i just don’t know anything about any gang.
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tell me also that you don’t know kravchenko? well , why, i won’t deny, i’m familiar. his brother wanted to marry my daughter. and where is this brother? oleg ignatiev, right? well, if the fsb colonel doesn’t know anything about him, then how should i know? and you don't care where he is? yes, the doctor forbade me to worry. and then i’ll tell you frankly if i had it now. met him, talked to him, so so that it doesn’t seem like enough to him, otherwise he would go to hell, you don’t need to go to any belsk, alexandra, stay with me, live for a while, especially since oleg’s room is free, live, here we are, thank you big, of course, well oleg, because he, well, oleg and i will return, no matter where he was holed up,
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the child, and he didn’t even know about this child, so let him be informed immediately, konstantin, these are the ones who sent him to assignment, let him be returned from this assignment immediately, mom, what do you mean they will be returned, i don’t care for the entire police i’m commanding, okay, that’s enough, you’re a lieutenant colonel
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, you have strong connections , you’re in good standing with your superiors, you owe me to bring my son home, sasha, i’ll bring oleg back, i promise you, i ’ll do everything for this, we need to do something with tikhon decide, but he himself hasn’t decided yet, how he is in the hospital, and what will happen to him, the old devil, we need him alive, but since he’s alive,
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let him work it out, have some ideas, even tikhonov’s gopniks. they're digging all over the area, they're looking for oleg, and the belsky servants will realize that we 're not sitting in vain, seryozhenka, rumors - that's of course wonderful, but somehow not enough, you know , we need belsky to quietly get off, we have no time for them now, we’ll figure it out later, which means we need to give them what they want, you don’t know what they want, they’re my brother’s corpse they want, no, not a corpse, but proof. i think i understand why you, and how do you think it’s possible to fabricate all this, while tikhonov’s gokniks are digging the ground with their noses that oleg is gone, this is a little easier, i’m the obilskys trying to find out about it, you
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’ll find out through your channels where he is hides, and you go deal with him one on one and like you figure it out, then... take a picture of the corpse? wait, corpse? well, yes, not real, of course, but the photographs must be of good quality, then you put the pipe in the car, set it on fire so that no evidence comes out on you, we present this whole story to the belskys as proof that oleg died, not bad , of course, they would have grabbed it, but what remains for them, are they a group? they’ll send experts to the crime scene, or they’ll check your dna, or they’ll send you to belskova, but you’re right, damn it, you love all sorts of things show, seryoga, thank you, but you ’re welcome, but i can’t help the organization, for now, they need to see what’s in this guy’s house, nothing, well done! listen, tanya, can
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i reassure you after uni? if you want, bye, uh-huh, bye, bye here, in general , mine is set up perfectly, a different taste, and what about you, get ready, i will ask you strictly, okay , everything is fine, good morning, hello, son, okay, let me see you off , coffee, no, i was at the lecture right away, it almost happened, well... no, of course, this is of course a bad mark and a retake. listen, you, colonel, where are you going? are you trying to say that i am a criminal, or what? you are not a simple
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criminal, alexandrovich, you are the leader of a criminal community. here she is, what? i shouldn’t say this, you know, i’m an old, sick man, my heart may not be able to stand it, the truth hurts, but it’s not true, and then you have no right to keep me here, i can absolutely calmly leave here, you can go you can, only cooperation with law enforcement officers. authorities, hello, hello, hello! listen here, that means i tell you twice
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i won’t repeat it, so remember it now. if you interfere again, tanya, you won’t tell me anything, you don’t repeat it twice, of course, of course, i won’t tell you anything, i’ll beat you up so bad that your mother won’t recognize you, i tried so hard for her, that i won’t let you old goat teach her psychology, so what, well, it’s not your competence, young man, if i...
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yes, you can, vera, yes, please come in, sit down. how can i help you? i came to talk about kravchenko. and what about kravchenko? involved in my husband's death. well i remember you said something like that to the wedding, but you were in such a state, he had a motive. well, what kind of motive is this, to kill your best friend, and even a wedding. slava collected dirt on him. there was irrefutable evidence that he was fabricating cases, that he was covering for criminals, that he was taking money. bribes, that he is a real werewolf in uniform, he needs to be arrested immediately, but if this is really so, of course we will arrest him, but
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where is this incriminating evidence? there was a folder, kostya knew about this folder, slavik showed it to him and said that if he doesn’t go to surrender, he will take it to the prosecutor’s office, and he took it, no, it’s strange, he gave kostya 2 days, he was a witness to a wedding, they agreed long ago: the last wish of a man sentenced to death, we also thought so, even if he had come give up, he would never leave prison anyway, but he deceived everyone, now for some reason everyone believes him, no one listens to me, i would believe you, but i need proof, we are not working on proof of murder at a wedding, faith is not proof, it's your emotions, how could he kill, he stood next to you. i don’t know, on his order, he didn’t want to go to prison, he knows all the bandits in the city, of course, he knows all the bandits, because he catches them and
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puts them in prison, no, he leads them, they pay him money, he pays them is covering, that’s what slavik said, duty officer, i’m listening, duty officer, find kravchenko to me urgently, colonel. “this crazy guy jumped on professor lobogo, yelling, saying this is the last time he’s being warned not to come near you, oh, it’s vlad, wow, listen, he’s your boyfriend, of course, stern guy, sorry guys, yes , i’ll be right there, oleg alekseevich, please forgive me that this happened, vlad, i just misunderstood everything, but he didn’t understand anything, tanechka is unlikely to ever understand, please don’t apologize for him , he’s already a big boy himself, he just really wants to date me, and this is impossible, i
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’ll advise him this, don’t bother your head with all sorts of nonsense, excuse me, but faith, as much as possible, you’re a murderer, a skatina, such a creature , vera shut up, you all know that you killed that you're a killer, stop. i hate you, you’re a complete fool, or something, what , you want to embarrass me in front of everyone, shame on you, that’s what you came for, i just wanted to tell him, you jumped on him like a wild monkey, but he mocked me, tan , that is, you want to say now that everything... is his fault, yes, no, it’s my fault, well, he’s just meddling with you, but he’s already crossing all boundaries, tan, he’s a teacher at my
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university, if he’s something- then it will pass, i can handle it myself, okay? okay, gal, i ruined everything, the beginning is encouraging, continue, well, i almost got into a fight with lobov right near univer, you’re crazy, well, he wouldn’t have interfered, but you fixed everything and he stopped.
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world without brains, very funny , to be honest, i am certainly amazed by her persistence, albert nikolovich, i think that she is having a nervous breakdown, she is in the hospital for two weeks, in what sense is it psychiatric, we have a wonderful specialist in our city, bone, yes, this will not solve anything, i understand that now she will appeal to the prosecutor’s office. the prosecutor's office is coming to us again, checking, comrade colonel, i didn't kill semonovich, that's obviously, firstly, i was standing next to him when all this happened, to which there are many witnesses, i will find the killer, i give my word, i ’m now working out the versions, rozhuka, skoptseva, i’m actually dragging this investigation into one person , don’t complain anything ,
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at least let her not interfere. where ignatiev disappears, for some reason i don’t see him, what day, this is the case, he called me, admitted that his ex-wife and child had come to see him and he was hiding from them, so that’s what it was...
4:45 am
just been in the department where slava worked, no one there would listen to me, but did you see this? of course, he walks there, very important, no one there orders him, ver, go home, calm down, i’ll come to you from work, we’ll figure out something, what to come up with, i... i’ve already thought of everything, i’ll go to the prosecutor’s office now and write statement on this scum.
4:46 am
comrade colonel, an extremely suspicious person approached kravchenko’s house, i’m sending a photo now.
4:47 am
well, how did you like the lecture, you’re really cool, i’ve just never done it before. i haven’t seen, oh, come on, hello to the honored truants, well, i just go only to what really makes me worthy, hello, and what did you decide to honor with your visit today, well? only the chicks at least don’t offer to get married, but this one offers, he still insists, i ’m very annoyed by this, well, yes, you’re too tense, tanya, let’s go get some fun,
4:48 am
well, two more couples actually, okay, let’s take two couples for a walk, then they’re the last ones, you just have to skip the test, we’ll pass the exam, our motto is invincible, we didn’t teach it, but yes, well done, let’s go, listen, i saw such a cafe , money is good, i’ll borrow it from you, thank you, kostya!
4:49 am
and this, apparently, is what we need.
4:50 am
so guys, before the first miss, whoever misses goes for a beer, we agreed, now captain rudanov will show you his class, come on, you’ll throw it like that, no?


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