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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-15  NTV  December 15, 2023 4:50am-5:41am MSK

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and so guys, before the first miss, whoever misses goes for a beer, we agreed, now captain rudanov will show you his class, well , come on, then... eh, you’re going to throw, no, this is
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a psychological attack to confuse you , so to speak, and the basket, prepare the basket, basket, get ready, both, there, wow, unexpectedly, somehow it happened, pasha, get ready, get ready, you ’re a man, are you really going to hit, and i sent, i think it’s a miss. well done, wow, it was beautiful, good, leva, go ahead, throw it, come here, throw leva.
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it’s good that you didn’t break up, so , apparently, no one will drink beer today, borenka, i beg you, just don’t tell us that we have a pipe, no matter how much you ask, i’m not your magician, in civilian 104 they stabbed a woman, threw them out of the window, bulkin and the expert have already left, so, okay, lyova, go look for your cucumber, and we’ll all go there, wait, little raven, show your class, huh?
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three-pointer, console us, at least for the last time, gave me my bag, took my hands away from the girl,
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you know, this is the first time this has happened to me, and it doesn’t happen to me every day either, this oksana nikolaevna blyukher, she lives in the apartment opposite, alone, it’s a pity, she fell next to me, i miraculously avoided the collision, another 2 seconds, no one knows how it would have ended, the question will seem stupid to you, but maybe you saw the killer, what is it, i was so scared, then i called the police, an ambulance, neighbors immediately appeared, well, probably among them...
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i barely hit her, the woman could have been saved, apparently the blow was aimed at the liver, but if not for the head injury which she received. falling from above, well, captain igor, someone needs to go to a door -to-door survey of a seven-story building, someone needs it, someone needs it, i’ll take it with me , whatever they say, let’s go to a door-to-door survey, guys, well, you’ve already decided what you want me to do here and there you're driving, thank you very much, thank you, i 'm sorry, i'm late at work again, that's all , the culprit will be punished, thank you
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, i was there recently, and the metro is over there, let's go, yes, beauty is, of course, not human strength, listen, but the late lawyer lived with curly hair, holy fathers, this is a postal item. about thousand for 5 euros and something about three grand, that’s why no one writes me such letters, but here she is vanya, a clear difference between a lawyer, an investigator, an operative, by the way, too, yes, it turns out that it was not the money, not the jewelry of the murdered mistress,
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that actually interested the killer, only her life, but because igoresh’s crime was of a non-mercenary nature, and one might say personal, maybe even on professional grounds. yes, just room for a version. okay, i’ll call nikita, let him make a certificate for her. and let the home phone work. yeah. nikito, great, are you still awake? well, what do you have, lesh? although the neighbors said that we were smearing the lawyer lived alone, judging by the number of prints here in the apartment, he had at least 10 visitors, of varying degrees of age. well, i’ll tell you who matches our database tomorrow morning. so, how did you open the lock? and the lock was opened either with their own keys, or the landlady herself opened it, something like this, well, major of justice, start, give me your office, the door-to-door survey is completed, the results are there, but unfortunately, not very comforting, what does that mean? disappointing that the neighbors
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didn’t know her at all, why did they know, well , just no one communicated closely with her, she didn’t seem to have lovers or men, yes, if there was anyone, they probably met on neutral territory, damn it. i stopped by very often this time, and, apparently, the clients were serious, respectable men with security, but today’s guest, unfortunately, no one saw, but these serious men with security, who never had a row with bluchera, the neighbors, what do they say? the neighbors say that everything will be fine decorously, nobly, civilly, no one made a scandal, so now we’re going to the law office and interrogating our colleagues , wow, what a smart major of justice, the law office has been closed for about two hours, tomorrow morning it will open, we’ll go and interrogate, but i’ve been weeks two years ago, when i came to my grandfather from voronezh, i will go to university here. but where exactly? to the academy of arts. it's clear. on grandfather's advice? no. my grandfather just wanted me to enter the academy of the ministry of internal affairs. wow. he's my former policeman. but all this is somehow not very close to me. by the way, what are you in?
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department do you work? in the interdistrict uboynoye. seriously? in the interdistrict uboynoye? how long ago? yes, recently. where did your grandfather serve? listen, lev, let me introduce you to him now. he is everything to you. will he tell you, or are you in a hurry? no, i'm not in a hurry, but is it convenient? let's go, really, seriously, let's go, why is it so late , i'm already starting to worry, grandpa, i'm not alone , let me, i have a surprise for you, surprise, that's good, hello, young man, hello, just tea, grandpa , meet me, this is senior lieutenant, lion pirogovsky, works in the inter-district military department, well, it’s very nice,
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hello, me too, and this is retired colonel firsov gennady antonovich, firsov, as the former head of the inter-district lethal department, and what’s this surprise? guys, they told me so much about you, what did they say? only good things, of course, i heard you also had a good relationship with your new boss - with the new old or the new-new? do you want to pay me? do you mean colonel grodovikov or colonel kukushkin? kukushkina? kukushkin, i don’t know, sit down, sit down, he was recently sent to us from headquarters for a while, but what about the town guy? haven't you heard? no, so he’s in the godfather, in the godfather, yeah, he’s wounded, and what do the doctors say? no, the gorods are not in coma, they are in the republic, coma, coma, coma. kim , they took you often , they remember, they miss you, they would remember, they would miss you, they would call more often, you
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always work there all the time for the whole city, i’m not offended, but to the guys, here’s what, first of all, hello, and pass on the offer to the dacha for barbecue, oh, tomorrow is friday, tomorrow and come in the evening everyone, thank you, i’ll tell you, and you be sure to come, right? tanyush, of course , is a grandfather, the lion defended me today from a drug addict who wanted to take my bag, that’s how we met him, the drug addict took my bag, yeah, tanya knows how to stand up for herself, well done, so grandpa’s school, and if mine school won’t work next time, what will i tell your mom, that’s it, i forbid you to leave the house late, grandpa, no grandpa. then we’ll talk to you, are you
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coming to the barbecue, i’d be glad, but unfortunately there’s no way tomorrow, i’ve been trying to catch the repeat offender ogurtsov for the third day, the authorities will tell me soon he'll take off his head, ogurtsova, ogurtsova, ogurtsov , well, yes, he's the one, he raised the whole city, it's unclear where he's holed up, well, let's go find him, so come back tomorrow, do you know where the cucumber is? “not yet, but i’ll find out, oleg georgievich , again i don’t observe all your employees, i asked you for a summary of presence, absence, presence on my desk before the meeting, i don’t observe the summary, it’s my fault, i’ll correct myself, that means it’s a slip on time off, you yourself signed it, and pirogovsky is working on the topic of cucumber, who, excuse me, is cucumber, and this who, comrade colonel, is a seasoned and repeat offender? he has as many as five walkers, but pirogovsky can deal with him? well, five, five, sergei igorevich, all for theft, but
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the thefts are kind of ridiculous, he stole a moped from a neighbor , three bottles of absinthe from an elite alcohol store, the owner caught ogurtsov at the last theft at the moment when he was trying to steal rare fish from an aquarium. the owner tried to recapture his fish, but ogurtsov killed him. so, andrey, don’t interrupt me, please, it’s my fault, it’s really ogurtsov’s fault, he pushed the owner away, he fell and not entirely successfully, hit his temple on the corner of the table, death occurred on the spot, he was seen running out of the entrance, and this coincides in time with the moment of death , since then cucumbers have been on the run, but murder by negligence, of course, is also murder, but the investigative committee issued us a separate order to detain ogurtsov, so we are working it out, although it could have been handed over to the territorial ones, no, let’s not quarrel with the investigative committee, this...
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he was released a year ago, and where were his prints? yes, his fingerprints were everywhere, locked, in the apartment. on the handle and even on the apartment telephone, that’s his identity , so we need to take this arbuzov, he’s probably the one who sorted it out with blucher, it’s strange that no valuables were missing from blucher’s apartment, but maybe the killer was in a hurry and didn’t have time to take anything, that’s what , igor pash, let’s address this fruit, andrey, and you go to the law office of this blucher, talk to her colleagues. have you visited the lawyer’s relatives, what did they say? we found out
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that blucher only has a mother, she lives in her own apartment, we talked to her, she says that her daughter had no personal life, she was busy with work, building a lawyer’s career, and the analysis of sms correspondence confirms this, exclusively on business issues, and the telephone contacts of this lawyer, well, there are a lot of characters with a criminal past, present and future, in in principle, it’s understandable, with lawyers, it’s no different, landline calls are mostly made to mothers, and yesterday there were several calls with the local housing manager, that’s all. that is, gentlemen detectives, do you think that her murder was...
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he’ll probably get hung up in the neighboring shalmans , thank you very much, thank you, thank you, you helped us a lot, there are so many interesting places in the vicinity of such shalmans, i worked as a district police officer for a while, i studied this land well, there are addresses, well, minus three shalmans, the search circle is gradually narrowing , yes, but in general there are a couple more places, for example,
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that’s it, we’re standing, watermelons, in place! boss, what's the problem? we could have sorted it out ourselves, they won’t call you. arbuzov, questions only for you. will you put on the bracelets yourself or will you help? myself. oh, hello. hello. it is for you. thank you. lesianthus. come on in, grandfather is already ready. hi hello. ready? breakfast? yes. like a little kefir for the road, no, thank you, just fasten your buttons, well, kefir , it’s a delicate matter, not everyone understands, that’s it, we ’re ready too, well, marinate the meat , remember, as needed, with kekir, we’ll rustle it in the evening, i remember, grandpa, i’ll marinate, goodbye, only
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you there, be careful, okay, we didn’t catch the same kind of swindlers, close behind us, oh my, it’s generally not the concept of killing and robbing lawyers, and in general i’m in the thick of it, for six months i’ve been i got a job, because of this, today taptygin tried to clean up my time sheet, it’s too much for the right passenger, like a man who is tired of working, and at blucher ’s i forgot yesterday, so she called me herself, but not me specifically, but as a mechanic from the housing department, yeah, fix the door lock, her dog is jammed there, are you in trouble? well, what’s wrong with this , my hands grow from the right place, and not from where my legs come from, well, i understand locks, you understand locks, but my boss is the best, although she is strict, so what time were you at the lawyer’s yesterday , v 7 pm, she signed the work order, indicated the completion time of the work, well, i
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handed in the work order, where did you call on the phone from the blucher apartment, are there your fingerprints on the phone? fingers, so i called the office to report that i had finished and get new addresses for applications , as luck would have it, on my mobile phone the battery died, at 9:00 pm i was somewhere, on the application at the address, glidernaya 17, apartment 7, at the hinge there broke, the door gave way, i had to remove the hinges and install new ones, i spent an hour and a half fiddling around, we’ll check, well, check, of course, am i against it, igor? then i’ll go to zhek and check what kind of applications he went on. yes. listen, arbuzov, please remember, while you were working for blucher, did anyone come to see her? it seems like no one. a guy, however, called on his cell phone. judging by his tone, he was on edge. i think his name is evgeniy,
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she called him by his name to the lawyer. yeah, what did he want? come to the apartment to talk, but... here is this blucher's request: change of lock, work completed at 19:30. there were no complaints, of course, there couldn’t be any, she was killed, oh, lord, who, really ivan, i mean, what
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kind of ivan, i mean, arbuzov, swore to me that he was done with the old one, but how could it be, well, how could it be, but for now i’m thinking of drawing conclusions? we detained him, we’re interrogating him, why are you so worried, he’s a good worker, a good worker , and a good guy, we have a relationship, yeah , that’s why i’m pissing, we met him by correspondence, while he was in prison, he swore to me that he’d gotten over the old one , when i got free, i assigned him to work with us and all this time i looked at him... i looked closely, well, he came to me with everything respect, he gave me flowers , salaries, put aside gifts, bought rings
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, we gathered at the zak office, well, i think you will still have time to get to the zak office, you better tell me, he really called you from a blucher phone, yes, he said what he said , that the mobile phone died down, so he called the hostess from the phone, it was about half past seven, he also asked if there were any more applications, and i told him that there were, here they are, these two, and then he called completely late in the evening from home, he said that all the work at these addresses had been completed and asked to be released today with morning, they say he should have some kind of meeting with an old acquaintance, you? please check these applications. we’ll definitely check, because if he really was on these applications, it means he didn’t kill blucher. and you will go to zaks. that's it, he was there, thank you. don't
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miss out, i start work on monday: what's your name? i don’t understand from a dog, tell me from a human perspective, bim. together with his partner, denis nikiforov. let's agree on the shore. i am the boss, you are a subordinate, you follow all my orders, take, even the most idiotic ones, without this , unfortunately, you can’t survive in the police, why did they send you to us, klim, we don’t have enough idiots of our own, so what are you talking about, you feel sorry for the killer, yes, let’s consider all the versions, you my partner, i must respect your opinion, beam from monday at 22:10 on ntv. boss, how many winters will it be, how will you be, how will your health be, with your prayers, sit down, otherwise i see it’s already
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the second year i’ve been free, i didn’t get caught, or i’ve lost my mind, boss, i’m enjoying being free, listen, how’s your friend? the cucumber is doing well, you know, should i send him an answer through you, should i send him an answer? yes, it will do, do you know a mosquito? yes, the mosquito buzzed that the cucumber threw a bone, somewhere in the toksovo area, the cucumber is now in conflict with its own, nitty, i'm leaving, fireworks, come on, come on, comrade colonel, maybe he bombed some dacha in toksovo and there’s a donkey there, we should check it out, come on, igor, so what? in both addresses they confirmed that they had arbuzov after he repaired the lock at blucher’s, that is, at the time of the murder of our lawyer at arbuzov alimi, well it turns out that this is so, and
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when he was on the second application, well, at that moment when the blucher was thrown out of the window, the owner of the apartment did not leave him a single step, and why did the owner suddenly decide to control arbuzov’s work, and he saw tattoos on his fingers, he realized that he’s a zack, and so, apparently he was afraid that something would dangle from the hallway. therefore, he didn’t leave a single step and , so to speak, showed vigilance, well, of course, that means we’re letting arbuzov go, and tell him that first of all, he visited his boss, calmed her down, they just had love unearthly, let's go back to the department, bye, but i found out the phone number from which this unknown evgeniy called, the murdered man was rushing to meet him, well, yes, i found out, this is the emelina pike cafe, here's the address, here you go, i said... you shouldn't have taken up sayanova's case , you won’t win, but you won’t end up with problems, but why did she take on a losing business? the fee is too bad, good,
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tsayanov from the crime bosses? well, you know, you probably know, you know, in general, an order for it came from moscow, some of the deputies in business crossed the road, from the central investigative committee put pressure on the locals, and oksanka hoped to solve it at her level, uh-huh, they sentenced soyanov to 15 years of strict imprisonment, his brother mikhail, who hired oksanka, was very dissatisfied with the sentence, came here last week, swore, uh-huh, you think, sayano ? could hire people to take revenge on blucher for a lost cause? quite possible. oksanka promised to resolve the matter, and took money for this matter. i don’t know exactly how much, you know, attorney-client privilege. understand. okay, thanks for the information. if any problems suddenly arise troubles, please contact us. oh, what kind of trouble i might get into. i have not yet seen a single policeman who did not have problems with the css. well, if
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i have problems with osb, i don’t think any lawyers will help me. we have very good statistics. yes ok. what if it's just coffee? i understood you, andrey. now i’ll send pasha and igor to this relic of the nineties. yes. and you, let's go back to the department, there's plenty to do. i know your cups of coffee and legal advice. i'm still waiting. here is the address. mikhail sayanov's company, this is the brother of authority, which was unsuccessfully defended by the late blücher. georgivich, wait, we haven’t worked at the cafe yet, where this unknown evgeniy called blucher from before the murder. radanov will arrive, i have a task, go. gennady nikolaevich, in my opinion, we are at a complete impasse. there has been no information about break-ins of dachas in the territory over the past week,
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nor about robberies. and the cucumber itself is beneficial. they killed oksana, not a task, however, i’m sitting here and thinking about what to drink to, the kingdom of heaven.
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i was nervous, then i talked to knowledgeable people and realized that all our drifts, the prosecutor and the judge played absolutely nothing, because the administrative resource turned out to be better than our pieces of paper with portraits of american presidents, but why did you decide to turn to the services of a lawyer specifically for blucher, before that she had no mistakes, all her affairs... six months ago chaikin was excused from life imprisonment, he was triumphantly released from custody in the courtroom, and what kind of chaikin? perets is about 30 years old, he was accused of raping and murdering a young girl, nina verisova, it seems that i hired blucher so that it would also work out beautifully with my brother. but
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i’m sorry it didn’t work out, do you have any other questions for me? yes, i understood you, igor. well, bring up this chaikin’s case with pasha, maybe there’ll be some kind of clue there. yeah, work. georgivich, despite incredible fatigue, arrived to receive further instructions. you know, despite the same fatigue, you will receive a task from me now. so, at the congress to this cafe, from there oksana blucher, somewhere at the beginning of eight, a certain evgeniy called and urgently asked for a meeting. from nikita, take photographs of the sayan brothers' henchmen.
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and okay, okay, so he’s already here for the second time he's been trading for a week, he's a damned competitor, but it's inconvenient, when was he last seen, yesterday, yesterday, today he wasn't there, he sold all his catch yesterday , he probably went on a spree, you don't know where to look for him, no, he said from he comes to town, what lake does he fish on, and a deep one, buy some fish? 2 hours fresh out of the water, we don’t know if it’s a fishy day today, fishy, ​​fishy, ​​in the evening i’ll make fish soup, you’ll lick your fingers, let’s take everything, everything’s in order , it’ll be a great fish soup, please look carefully, someone of these people from you
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called, nothing to do with this , these are some kind of criminals, the one was decently older, although he was also strange, strange , you say, by the way, he ended up in a cell when he called, is it really possible to take a look, yes, yeah, thank you, do it favor, copy this recording to a flash drive, please, i remember, do great chaikin, we dug up so much evidence on him, we thought there was enough for pzh, but was this bastard even acquitted? this is how we live, everyone knows everything, but we can’t prove anything, you live poorly, we have experts of conscience
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working here, yes, that’s still the case, imagine to ourselves, well, we thought we would close chaikin anyway , we began to build up a new evidence base, and chaikin suddenly disappeared without a trace, he is now listed as missing, i hope this bastard is to... new information on the murder of blucher, which means let andrei go to a psychiatric clinic finds out what treatment regimen verisov had, well, maybe he was considered not violent, we let him go home on the weekends, or vice versa, he was under close supervision, but in
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any case, verisov needs to be worked out, quietly, quietly, come on, follow me , quiet, put rubish. then we’ll take it, wow, we need to take it, we need to take it, we need to surround the tent, you go on the other side, leave the fish here, okay, let’s go, and i’ll go straight from here, unfortunately, comrade captain, to talk to your patient. it won't work, why? from the moment he was admitted to our clinic , there was an improvement in his condition, he even gave up thoughts of suicide, so what? but a few days ago he left the clinic without permission. wonderful, a mentally ill
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patient voluntarily leaves the walls of your clinic. who actually does it for you? control over patients? well, we have very different patients. those who are violent or socially dangerous are, of course, monitored by orderlies. does he believe? he was not one of those people, he was treated in the general ward, there is a very liberal regime, for us ourselves it was unexpected, well, of course, by chance you don’t have photographs of verisov, by chance you don’t. unfortunately, can i use your computer? yes, please, please. is this verisov? yes, this is verisov. and you say an ordinary patient. what did he do? perhaps citizen verisov committed murder. and this murder was possible would be prevented?
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he apparently took revenge on her because she kept his daughter’s killer out of prison. i think that verisov is the killer of blucher, but that’s it, lights out. well, gentlemen, let's finish our meal, let's address this verisov. hello, cucumber! wow, antonovich, i didn’t expect how she’s resting like that. better than in the zone , well, naturally, so why not come here for fishing,
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but no, you don’t have it, boss, you seem to be retired, you’re not too old to chase after people like me, so i’ll hand you over to where i need to think about it, i need to be taken first, and i there's nothing to lose, okay? and an ax on the ground, a cucumber, a disturbing passenger, thank you, gennady antonevich, that means you haven’t seen verisov here lately, no, how they took him to hell after he tried to commit suicide, that apartment is empty, and why are you so sure about this? yes, his wife visits him every other day, the flowers are watered
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so that they don’t wilt, if verisov showed up at home, she would notice, thanks for the information, please contact me, where can we now look for this psycho verisov, but if we push the version that verisov killed blucher out of revenge, what prevents him from killing the expert who worked with her, they together cleared chaikin, it’s logical, we need to generally understand what this is... can we already put it in the disclosed? no,
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it’s too early to disclose. we found out the name of an expert who worked on the chaikin case and could become a potential victim of verisov. this is viktor tregubov. last night , an unknown person called him at work, asking about the location or trigubov. but we believe that it was verisov. well, krigubov have you left yet? what he says? we went to see him, but he hasn’t said anything yet. he's only returning this evening. from vacation, but you understand that we cannot allow this psycho to deal with him in the same way as with oksana blucher, firstly, this will hit our indicators, and secondly, you will have to reveal it yourself later, don’t worry , sergey gervich, an ambush has been set up at trigubov’s house, we believe that verisov will attack the expert, right near his house, and we will meet trigubov at the station, and he will be at we are under complete control, well, yes, of course, yes, comrade colonel, what about you? do you like living creatures very much? i, no, not really, but i
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accepted this aquarium with this fish according to the inventory, i will publish it according to the inventory with this fish, well, get out of here! pash, i see you’re doing pretty well, and you’re not a newbie either, well, so many years in the lethal department, as you thought, or maybe half-time is weak? igor, our client, well, let’s follow the old pattern, yeah, dear, you’re looking for someone, i came to see a friend, but for some reason i haven’t seen you
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here before, where are the police, the homicide department from? i prepared it for the three-lipped one, yes, for the last creature, because of which the murderer of my daughter left your court, but quietly, so, quit, from your court, you left, not from mine, everything is fair, life for life, i took revenge for his daughter, quietly, quietly, quietly, everything, calmly, everything he will tell us in the department, and three sobbing lips will receive you and the security officers at the station. yes, well, lyosh, what will make you happy? of course, in the apartment of the murdered oksana blucher there are fingerprints of this citizen, this is the first, second, blood on the knife that your guys have with him eaten, belongs to blucher, and third, the knife
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is suitable as a murder weapon. thank you, i'm free. here verisov, you see, all the evidence is against you, you will be ordered to undergo a psychiatric examination, perhaps you will be declared insane , then you think it’s not normal to take revenge for your daughter’s life, if you had done your job as you should, i wouldn’t have to take revenge, unfortunately, it was not us who were involved in the murder of your daughter, but okay, what about that now? i’m not going to say, i’m not going to deny what needs to be signed, i’ll sign, about one thing, i only regret one thing, that this, the third one, isn’t i got this three-lipped killer of your daughter, after he was acquitted by the court,
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he disappeared, of course he disappeared, in the forest near the copper lake, i ... buried him there, when i killed this freak, i decided that i could no longer live why, my daughter died, i didn’t punish the murderer, i wanted to hang myself, they pumped me out. they put me in a madhouse, that’s where i realized that it was necessary to punish those who helped chaikin avoid the sentence, yes, you can try me, the court will judge you if it finds you sane, about the expert, about the expert,
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don’t worry, i assure you, he’s detained , is already giving evidence, it’s better to judge , there’s no need for a house, let’s go, let’s go, give them the wall , come here, here’s bor, give the keys, great, borya, oh, hello, senior lieutenant pirogovskaya caught a recidivist of cucumbers, accept what fate comes to us, i'm bored, gennady antonovich decided to start catching criminals again, there are no former measurements, there is no such thing, accept a guest, come on... what a success, guys, what a success we have, oh, look, a prison full of scoundrels, ilyova is great, he caught ogurtsov , well, not without the help of gennady antonovich, listen, if you have the plan
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to catch the criminals has been completed, well, i think it has been exceeded, we hope to come to me for barbecue, we are always happy to have barbecue if your recipe is on kefir, but what about, wow, look what a meeting, hello gennadi antonich, it’s very nice to see you, we’re invited to a barbecue, to a barbecue, that’s great, the barbecue is zamarin , comrade colonel, the carriage has arrived, my granddaughter, tanya, wow, fighting, pillow, do you have any kefir, if i need to, let's go to the airport quickly! we'll be late, why the hell, hey, buddy, get up, hey, buddy, you're feeling bad,
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crap. it’s a pleasure to work with your department, oleg georgievich, first place in terms of detection rate among all departments. thank you, one problem is that they pay little attention to correctly filling out the documentation, they write with errors, and captain rydanov - excuse me, comrade colonel, well, literacy needs to be improved, well, because illiterate police officers are a disgrace for the internal affairs agencies, we will improve it, eh. okay, how do you assess the professional level of the employees in your department? well, if the results are high, then the level of the employees is also high.
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tall, these things are inseparable. oleg georgievich, tell me, just honestly, what are your plans? i mean, i provided everything to you. no , no, there are no complaints about the papers, everything is fine here, everything is correct here , you’ve just been working for a long time, you’re tired, probably, maybe you want from... well, if you mean a pension, i’m not old yet, understandable , why are you asking, something happened, but i wouldn’t want to tell you about it now, over time you will find out everything yourself, well, now go to work, yeah, there is. duty, cherdyntsev, me, come see me, so, great
5:39 am
, hello, great, who needs a passport, me, who is there, who is there, boris alekseevich davidov, born in 87, leningrad, local registration, marriage not registered, no children either. pure robbery. vanya, citizen petrov, who called a taxi to the airport. comrade police officers, if you don’t need me anymore, maybe i’ll go already, the plane is only an hour away, i’m already almost late. but your flight is cancelled, i have to interrogate you. yes, an expert should check your pens for gunpowder. gases what, do you think i killed him? by the way, i am a decent person, a candidate of sciences. don’t worry, we will provide you with all the necessary certificates for compensation
5:40 am
, let’s go, lef, what have you got, gentlemen sychiki, come here, now, now, lech, i called the management of the taxi company, they promised that the head of the service will come to us now security, cool, what do you think, pash, what do i think, there are marks from the watch on my hand, but there are none, apparently on my neck. chains are also a trace, no chains, no money, no phone no, i suspect it’s a robbery , there’s an empty holster under his arm, there’s no pistol, apparently they’ve stolen it, what have you got here, look what you found, oops, wait, what’s here, 10 meters, why so far from the murder scene, there on there is blood in the pipe, i think that they killed him here, then they dragged the pipes to the car and put him in the front seat, that’s how it is, okay, lef, let’s go interview the neighbors, rit, then you’ll wait for the head of the security service, right? okay, well , what, coffee cubes, yeah.


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