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tv   Segodnya  NTV  December 15, 2023 4:00pm-4:51pm MSK

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to urgently send some telegram, he stops, sees some gentleman standing there, he says to him like this, listen, my dear, won’t you look after my horse, he says, what do you allow yourself, sir, i’m a member of parliament, on that the show says without getting off the horse, but i’ll still take the risk, it was a meeting place that cannot be changed, 14:00 weekdays ntv, goodbye. snow apocalypse from cyclone vanya in moscow zamelom region, the height of subrobes is breaking records. financial assistance to kiev and ukraine's membership in the eu. what decisions were made at the summit european union. the central bank raised the key rate by 1%.
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what is the inflation forecast, about this in business news. independent country or eu colony. what future awaits servia after the extraordinary parliamentary elections. technical flight without passengers. today krasnodar airport received its first plane in almost 2 years. about the main thing for this moment in the studio ilya fedorovtsev. hello. several regions of central russia today find themselves at the mercy of the balkans. in the capital in some places it reached almost 50 cm when the norm was 15, this is a record indicator for the entire history of meteorological observations. in the capital region, the peak of snowfall has passed; the cyclone in van is now moving to the east. as meteorologists note, it was most likely given its russian name in the west, although names are not usually assigned to tropical cyclones. high speed rail. the highways
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will pass through territories where 111 million people live, or 80% of the country's population. vladimir putin announced this today at the plenary meeting of the fourth railway congress. the president also noted that he is confident the passenger flow to crimea is growing, communications with new regions are being established, including uninterrupted transportation through the military-industrial complex. putin stressed that russia will strengthen the industry and work on quality and convenience for passengers. increased burden on the industry leader, the russian railways company is one of the main customers for the domestic mechanical engineering, industry as a whole, for the construction complex of the vocational education system, provides many sectors of the economy, science, technology business, provides stable, long-term orders, so over the past 20 years the company has: purchased over 9,000
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russian locomotives, more than 700 of the newest mainline diesel locomotives have entered the routes, today over 1,300,000 freight cars run on the railways, more than ever before in our entire history, moreover , russia’s rolling stock is one of the youngest in the world, with an average age of about 13 years, and will have to be completely completed in the next 3-4 years. also, according to the president, moscow central diameters will soon become the basis for transport connecting the regions of central russia. we are talking, in particular, about the moscow region, yaroslavl, tver, kaluga and vladimir regions. mikhail mishustin instructed the government to quickly prepare changes to legislation so that all participants in the special military operation would be equally provided with state support.
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the state of antenatal clinics and hospital clinics in the regions must meet modern standards. another important area is providing citizens with a three-component vaccine against measles and paratitis rubellas. this problem should be solved as soon as possible to reduce the increase in incidence and shortage of vaccines in the future. the government also extended the moratorium on inspections. the moratorium
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has already proven itself well, it has made it possible to seriously reduce the number of inspections by almost five times, compared to 2019, businesses were able to direct more resources to fulfill their current tasks, as well as to expand projects and develop new markets. taking into account the decisions taken by the government, the prosecutor's office agreed to include in the plan for the current year is about 93,000 planned events, this is... by the way, four times less than in the twenty-second year. the government will allocate about 2 billion rubles to support enterprises located in areas and regions bordering the combat zone. this money, according to mishustina, can be used to restore or relocate production. today the central bank
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raised the key rate from 15 to 16%. this is the fifth increase in a row. next on the air is business news, denis talalaev is with us. denis, is there any forecasts, how much longer? the rate will rise. well, as elvira nabeulina says, until the central bank sees a steady downward trend in inflation. today , the central bank raised the key rate for the fifth time in a row, from 15 to 16%. most analysts predicted exactly this outcome. the central bank explains its decision by the fact that inflation pressure has increased in recent months. if we take annual core inflation, that is, without housing and communal services tariffs and seasonal fluctuations, then it is. in october-november it increased to 11.5%, in the third quarter it was 9.7. central bank notes that some contribution to the rise in prices in recent months was made by quote: individual commodity markets. it seems that with this wording the central bank is hinting at imitation of eggs in russia. the central bank explains the acceleration of inflation by the fact that
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domestic demand for goods and services is growing much faster than supply can grow. demand, the central bank continues, is helped by rising wages, active lending, government spending, that’s the supply. the biggest limitation is the shortage of workers in russia, as evidenced by the fact that unemployment has again reached a historical low. as a result, the central bank expects that by the end of the year, inflation will be about 7.5%, which is almost twice the target, 4%. and to return to this goal, says the central bank. a long period of maintaining a high key rate will be required. the russian stock market slowed its decline after news from the central bank, because investors had suspicions that the rate could rise to 17% today. in addition, the central bank made it clear that it is close to the end of the rate increase cycle, but the ruble , on the contrary, after the central bank’s decision began to become cheaper, the dollar is now 90.16, the euro is 98.81. rosatom refuting the message that russia
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is going to preventively ban the export of uranium to the united states. earlier , the bluberg agency wrote that tenex is a trademark of rosatom's subsidiary, techsnabexport, and warned its american clients that it was russian. the authorities can be proactive and be the first to ban the export of nuclear fuel to the united states if they see that american legislators are going to ban its import, and a step towards this has already been taken; on december 11, the house of representatives of the american congress approved a ban on import of russian uranium, now this measure should be considered by the senate, but as rosam stated today, neither the tenex company itself nor its subsidiaries have made statements about a possible ban on the export of russian uranium abroad, and they also added that rosatom is going to continue to comply. its obligations under contracts and highly values ​​the trust of foreign customers. as bloomberg notes, last year russia provided 25% of the enriched uranium used in us commercial reactors and was the largest foreign supplier. russian airlines asked the federal air transport agency to expand
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the list of countries from which spare parts can be supplied. as rbc learned, this was stated in a letter from the deputy head of the federal air transport agency andrei dobryakov to the ministry of transport. last year, when supplies from... aircraft and aviation components from the united states and the european union actually stopped for russia, the government adopted a resolution that allowed the use of parts not only from the countries of aircraft developers, but also from third countries. the list then included iran, egypt, uzbekistan, israel, mexico, turkey, india, brazil, china, great britain, emirates, thailand and aruba. and now, as said, to expand the capabilities of equipment repair. the airlines asked to allow deliveries from indonesia, ethiopia, hong kong, and singapore. south korea, malaysia and pakistan. as rbc writes, rosaviatsiya agreed on the airline’s proposal, but noted that it had not previously interacted with airlines from the above countries and does not have sufficient information about the certification system in them. but according to the head of the airport agency oleg vantileev,
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there are no countries with a dramatically low level of flight safety on the list to suspect any risks here. ilya, everything about the economy. thank you, denis talalaev with his economic review. at the summit in brussels , the leaders of the european union agreed on a twelfth package of anti-russian sanctions, but this will be officially announced later. it was previously reported that vienna blocked the agreement due to the demand. exclude the austrian bank from the ukrainian blacklist of companies supporting russia. the summit also discussed: is it time to give ukraine to moldova green light, start of negotiations, accession to the european union. but eu leaders look at this issue differently; elizabeth gerson knows what they finally agreed on. at the european union summit, two problems have yet to be separated: how to transfer 50 billion euros to ukraine and how to admit ukraine itself into the european union so that the allocated money does not go beyond its borders. countries like estonia, whose own gdp
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is much lower than this amount, are actively calling for money to be transferred. not yours, don't mind. i hope we can agree on at least some things necessary for this the elements are there. i really hope there will be an agreement. 50 billion euros is the question of the day. we must not delay decisions, because ukraine is fighting not tomorrow, but today. the baltic tiger, although no one has ever seen a tiger in the baltic states, but lithuania is called so complementarily in brussels for its efforts to take first of three places in the region in economic development, balances the voice of hungary, which is much richer than the entire baltic region combined. orban is ready to lift the veto from the tranche to kiev, but only after the europeans give budapest the frozen they are accused of corruption of hungarian money, so if brussels wants to transfer 50 to kiev...
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he was a pro-european politician, and now he has become pro-russian. orban, obviously, remains an exclusively pro-hungarian politician; he is ready to reach an agreement on kiev if the interests of his country, national and financial, are taken into account. in the european union , viktor orban is also called putin’s trojan horse. either they forgot greek mythology there, including everything.
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these parliamentary elections are extraordinary for serbia due to two tragedies that shook country in may, when a teenager went on a mass shooting at a belgrade school, killing 10 people, and was shot dead by another gunman the next day. peace, then a wave of rallies swept across the country, serbia against violence, organized by the pro-western opposition, the authorities unexpectedly agreed to elections. now the traditional struggle between patriots and westerners is in full swing in the country, aleksandar vucic and his movement of serbia cannot be stopped, they personify stability. elections are not a game, our country is not a toy. we will conquer everything
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together, with your strength, the strength that stands behind serbia. we can't do anything without you. for the victory in the next 4 years, the most important for us, serbia cannot stop. serbian creativity is going through the roof in these elections. aleksandar vucic distributes serbian passports, for example, to one of the creators of stivovo voznik and exploits his double, the famous tiktoker dalibor golubovich, although he is not as tall as the two-meter vucic. good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. excuse me, who are you? i am the president of serbia and i have an important message for you. what are you here for? are you doing? sit and don't sign anything. the pro-western opposition is dissatisfied with aleksandar vucic because he is trying to sit on two chairs, maneuvering between the west and the east and refusing to surrender kosovo. at that time, as a representative of the opposition, cedomir javanovic went to pristina to meet with kosovo prime minister alvin kurti. for which ivanovich serbia has already
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been called a traitor to national interests. almost all political forces in serbia. during this election campaign relied on two main national ideas: to prevent the secession of kosovo and to prevent the imposition of sanctions against russia; the hypothetical entry of serbia into the eu was also mentioned, but as an unattainable dream for belgrade. the moderate center in serbia is represented by the socialist party of the current minister of foreign affairs ivica dačić, on the patriotic flank there is a coalition of the treasurers and the doors. we unequivocally said no to sanctions against russia, with which we have... traditional ties. russia is a strategic partner, ally and friend for us, a guarantor of our territorial integrity in the un security council. the leader of the serbian destiny, misha vacic, who is running for the post of mayor of belgrade, says that in serbia it is understood that if a party is patriotic, then it simply must be pro-russian. if i become mayor, i will force
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the street on which the us embassy is located to be dug up forever, so that those who go to pay their respects to the americans will have to wade through the mud. he simply trampled the western-funded opposition, saying , quote, that they lacked the brains of political talent. seselj advises russians to complete the special military operation in ukraine. russia must liberate all of ukraine, leave their participation, then in 10-15-20 years it will become a new platform for attacks on russia. well, what about the future union? for a party of national minorities, for example, hungarians and albanians, the rule of a three percent qualification does not apply here and the distribution of deputy mandates between them is proportional to the number of votes received, so the main question that serbian voters must answer themselves this
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sunday is whether they support alexander’s course vucic and will the president be able to maintain a parliamentary majority. a special commission will deal with this, and only after that will a decision be made on opening the airport and on the readiness to resume flights to krasnodar, from moscow after the new year holidays, aeroflot pobeda airlines has already reported. now the only operating air harbor in the southern federal district remains sochi airport. viewers of ntv capital, next is waiting for the release
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of the program today in moscow, and we will continue our broadcast for other regions in the central part of the country. close attention now paid to chicken egg prices, problems will be solved by increasing the volume of our own production. supplies from friendly countries are also expected in the near future in order to stabilize prices; even import duties have been reset to zero. svetlana gordeeva found out what other measures the ministry of agriculture and retail chains are taking and when to expect a price reduction. from these chickens at least. write a fairy tale, the eggs they lay are apparently simple, but for the price of gold. a few weeks ago, the russians were faced with an unpleasant fact: 145 will probably be 160 already at 70. in general, prices have started to rise more than a year ago, when problems arose with
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the supply of hatching eggs, such eggs hatch into chickens and broilers and layers. previously, half of the supplies came to europe, but when we started import substitution , a new misfortune occurred: several large poultry farms across the country were immediately closed for quarantine due to bird flu and destroyed. in euros, vaccines have also become more expensive, of course, there are domestic drugs, vitamins and other nutritional supplements, but there are very few of them, you have to buy foreign ones, profitability today
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is only 16%, when on vacation it’s 10 rubles a dozen, and the law of economics says that the cost of production for you should have at least 25% profitability, in some regions egg fever even began, people began to buy the cheapest eggs in samples time 7: 40 7:50. i forgot it will end, somewhere there, there, there, it ends. during the direct line, vladimir putin apologized for this situation and promised that the issue of importing eggs would be resolved in the near future so that there would be enough for everyone. all the factors already listed influenced the cost of chicken meat. as soon as chicken became more expensive, buyers turned their attention to pork, demand increased, and the price increased. meat is the main product, but i only bought pork, i bought pork tongue, 300 rubles. cost, now it’s already 500. beef is also rising in price according to the domino principle, but there are nuances: historically in russia they were engaged in dairy cattle breeding, not meat, if the number of beef cattle prevails in the world, and
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as a rule, for every four or five beef cows there is one dairy , therefore in the world if the production of meat, beef and specialized breeds dominates, then we have a legacy of active work in the dairy sector, therefore, by six... as they say, they were divorced. few people are ready to take on such a business; it requires long-term investments, the farm pays for itself in at least 3 years, and banks do not like to invest for such
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a period. there are not enough people, labor in agriculture is hard, and fuel prices also have an impact on feed. last year i purchased diesel fuel, a ton cost 52 thousand per ton, this year i bought 74 thousand for a ton, i think that’s what the price comes from. fuel, maintenance, medical care, meat producers are waiting for help from the state in the form of subsidies, investments, benefits, and it seems that now it is not so important what caused the problem, the egg or the chicken, it is important to solve it. svetlana gordeeva, yana fedorishcheva, mikhail chernov and vera timofeeva, ntv. the virtual and real worlds collide on the training grounds of the first ever games of the future. an international tournament with this name starts in february in kazan. young athletes will demonstrate your skills in two disciplines at once in classical sports and computer games.
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the first draw will take place at vdnkh next week, but for now the athletes are actively getting into shape. ilya lyadvin observed the preparation of the figital basketball teams. on february 21, the capital of tatarstan will host the first games of the future in history. participants are offered what is called showing a skill of 20. in two dimensions, tournaments will be held in racing, skateboarding, martial arts, football, hockey and basketball, specifically in this discipline the teams will fight in the most entertaining and contact format 2:2, after the meeting they will move to the esports field; whoever made the most shots on the floor in the simulator will win. fitjil, as these competitions are also called, the players of the moscow sv team are already familiar with the new format. the guys were the winners of the first phygital games in kazan last fall, the result was not easy. the semi-final was a tight one, it was a very tough game, we won the match there,
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in my opinion, by one or two points. among the main contenders for the trophy is it upset us, but to a greater extent it motivated us to prove the opposite, now what will happen, who knows, but given that we have learned to win, i think we won’t lose it anywhere; it won’t stop us from achieving the same heights. as for cyberbasketball, the team is participating in the national cup 3:3 in order to approach the games of the future in good shape, to get even with the muscovites, st. petersburg athletes from the pro league are already preparing for the finals of the first fidital games, now
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now. i'll catch him, i'll catch him, i'll catch him. the team has reworked the roster now for the st. petersburg team shalova shatatashvili, one of the strongest post-streetball players in russia, is performing; he immediately applied his knowledge on the virtual platform. i tried to play this in principle, but it doesn’t work, in the digital part it doesn’t work a little, so here is my own tactics, here are four main characters who are one of the strongest, you just need to adapt to them and learn to play with them. outwardly, this is the same game, but with its own laws, to which shalva can be said to have already become accustomed, now his task is to improve teammates on a real floor. games of the future, an international start, the participation of athletes from dozens of countries is expected, this is the xpt team from the republic of belarus. they have been playing together for several years; they have already tried their powers at the tenth games in kazan, but did not make it to the playoffs, and did not get any points in
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the simulator. this is what we will talk about further in our issue: strike after strike in the southern donetsk direction , gaub-30 crews hit enemy positions. friends, welcome to crimea. visit crimea without leaving moscow, what i presented peninsula at the russian exhibition at vdnkh.
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catch a new smartphone on sale for rub 2,999 on avito. magic condition, real interest rate up to 15.5% on a savings account at gazprombank. your money works and you receive income. apply at it works well so that you have a good rest, an ecosystem for business contour, if you see this, it’s time to order gifts at low and green prices on the yandex market, the new year’s sale is already on the yandex market! vtb has
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a savings account rate of 16%, buy it faster for a wedding, cool, everything vtb will turn out, everyone was looking forward to this meeting, meet the new truffleburger in kfc and rostix restaurants, a special combination of haute cuisine and your favorite chicken, which is impossible to refuse. the main novelty of the season is the truffle menu in rostix and kfc restaurants. my grandfather taught me everything, he showed me, and i just repeated it, so in finance and investments , stenkov investments, i just repeat the transactions of successful investors, investments are
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just repeat transactions. it seems to me that my grandfather is hiding something, vanity, fireworks, the new year's light turning on,
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lights the lights, magic staff. fairytale helper, grandfather, and we have something tasty at home, we can conjure something, he can do magic, snowman courier, it’s proven, my grandfather, santa claus! on new year 's eve, anyone can turn out to be a wizard, someone very close to you, a random
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passer-by or a fellow traveler, at home on the edge of the earth; it is very easy to create miracles if you do it from the bottom of your heart, happy new year. superstar - new season tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. this is the program today, we continue our release. russian troops attacked massive missile and drone attacks on ukrainian military airfields, ammunition and weapons depots of the armed forces of ukraine, as well as the locations of national formations. this was stated by the ministry of defense. our troops advanced in the kupinsky and donetsk directions, improving their tactical position. attempts to land troops in the kherson direction were stopped. well, in the southern donetsk direction , enemy concentrations at novomikhailovka, ugledar and makarovka were destroyed. now the weather
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conditions there are deteriorating, so it is impossible to correct fire from drones, but the crews of the d-30 howitzers hit the targets. our special correspondent vladimir bogomolov found out how they manage to do this, despite the wind and snow. the other day, he and his colleagues, from a distance of about 10 km, managed to destroy a machine gun crew with the first shot,
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whose pinpoint accuracy was a simple secret. the main thing is the cohesion of the team, the ability of each specialist in his field, we work on the targets of infantry, strongholds, and lightly armored vehicles. well, mortar crews, now howitzers work mainly on planned goals, help in the advancement of the infantry, the situation in the positions has become much calmer than it was, for example, during the counter-offensive of the armed forces of ukraine, when the offensive is underway, we work very well together, we fire 50-60 shots during the time there in a minute, in 10 minutes, well, as the commanders say, that’s it, and so, when... everything is calm, we fire five or six shots a day, the wind and snow in the south donetsk direction do not allow observation and adjustment from the air, we are in the same conditions and the enemy, without help drones you have to rely only on your skill, shot! such weather
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affects the work of artillery: the shell , rising into the sky, encounters precipitation and headwind, which can affect the accuracy of the shot behind the bike. hamas october 7, for information about the whereabouts of the leader of the radical palestinian movement tsahal, israel is now promising a reward of $4,000, the leadership of the jewish state is determined to put an end to the hamas group, but washington is trying to kill. advisor to the president of the united states on
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national security jake salvan. the biden administration is concerned about the sharp global reaction to the military operation in gaza, which has a negative impact on the us image in the world. meanwhile, the un has long been proposing a solution to the crisis; this is the formula of two peoples, two states. the palestinians themselves also ask to adhere to this. we need concrete measures to implement the two-state solution, not just a belief in a two-state solution. and every american official who comes here repeats the same idea about two states. we would like the states moved along this path. secondly, the us can recognize palestine within the 1967 borders and help us become a un member state. and the third important point, the usa. can take a leading role in implementing a
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two-state solution by instructing the security council to draw up a timetable for ending israel's occupation of the palestinian territories. the israelis are categorically not ready to make concessions to the palestinians; the israeli president again rejected the idea of ​​two peoples, two states. but in another part of the world in south america, the brewing conflict seems to have succeeded prevent. a territorial dispute broke out between... guyana and venezuela are allowed orally. the authorities of saint vincent and the grennadines, an island state in the caribbean, acted as a mediator in the sentencing process. both sides of the conflict committed themselves not to use force under any circumstances in the matter of ownership of the essquibo province. these are the parts of guyana that border venezuela. however, caracos argues for the historical ownership of these lands by the venezuelan people. there was a dispute long-standing, did not come to the surface until guyana recently began issuing
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oil and gas permits to foreign companies. the venezuelans considered this unacceptable, and things even went as far as military threats. but now the presidents of the two countries agreed to resolve questions about sekibo’s ownership amicably and instructed to create a commission at the level of the heads of the foreign ministry. now you can simply find yourself in crimea by visiting the russian exhibition at vdnkh. the days of this region opened there. we have collected all the most beautiful, tasty, aromatic and extreme things. nikita kravenkov was impressed. friends, welcome to crimea. so, without leaving moscow, visitors to the russia exhibition visited the peninsula. the attractiveness of crimea for russian tourists for the second year seems to be tested by external circumstances, so the entire pavilion is dedicated to tourism to amazing places. some of the beauty of the same mount ai. they were shocked. hospitable, fascinating, what other region
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will offer visitors to see a snail race, although neither victory nor defeat will change the fate of the participants, it is already predetermined, this is bagchesarai, it is also edible, very tasty, but tougher than that, and it takes about three hours to cook. by the way, it goes well with local wines, although we weren’t able to taste them during our shooting; crimea, without products from its vineyards, has something to brag about. crimea is not only the sea and mountains. wine and tourism, another important brand of the peninsula, here is saki mud, no worse and even better than those from the dead sea, but in any case, as the crimeans themselves say, this substance has a therapeutic, preventive effect, in particular it’s very good for joints and skin, and cosmetics are also made from saki mud, and painting is also used from it. should be higher than the mountain, it’s more useful to apply the dirt yourself, it’s possible.
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aromas 20 minutes is enough to learn to determine the difference between blue lavender and classic lavender, medicinal sage and clary sage, but there is also wormwood, essential rose, and coriander. i’ll tell you again what aromas are available here to refresh them a little, yes, otherwise the aromas have already stupefied our minds, and here they don’t skimp on gifts, even expensive ones, every day at 7:00, all guests of the stand who were with us all day and voted for the stand or took a quiz on knowledge of crimea, they receive
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a number at 7 o’clock and can participate in the drawing of a certificate for traveling to crimea, these are the hotels that provided certificates to four hotels. there are more and more hotels in crimea every year , 13 were opened in 2023 alone, the beaches are growing, getting there is getting easier every year, they are preparing to open air traffic, and the famous bridge is duplicated by a new route through mariupol, in general , a lot has changed since 2014, the earth and the sky compared with the fourteenth year, so here i actually say again, those who have not been to crimea since the fourteenth year are coming, well, there are people there who, so to speak,
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there is something to see in crimea, you can see this right now at vdnkh in within the framework of the russia exhibition, but it is better, of course, to come to the hospitable peninsula in person. nikita korabenkov, stepan lesakovich, gennady lesitsky, natalya tarasenka, ntv. now we return to the topic of weather - the snow cyclone vanya, which covered the capital region and covered literally everything. still a little snow continues. irina palyakova has details, contacts with our rin studio, and we have them. is there a rainfall record? yes, there is, but , of course, few people liked this informational occasion. do you cleanse your liver with folk remedies? try replacing them with avisol. avisol is a modern natural remedy that promotes gentle cleansing of the liver. avisol and valar. do you cleanse your liver with folk remedies? try replacing them with avisol.
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only in it the aves of milky ripeness is enhanced by herbs and turmeric. and the cheerful valar is number one for cleansing the liver. so that's it. o him about the southern cyclone with its heavy rainfall, the desire to make it as difficult as possible for us to move through the streets, everything worked out brilliantly, while you look at how frightening it looks on the radar screens, i will say that the most affected by the rampant elements are belgorod, voronezh, oryol, kursk , lipetsk, bryansk, tula region, in the south-east of the moscow region, snowdrifts of half a meter, this is without any hyperbole, but in the capital itself the snowfall set a daily record, the capital’s snowdrifts are also on the verge of half a meter, now it’s kostroma’s turn. before coming yet warmer air, it will already begin to occupy the north-west, and for the south a decrease in temperature, everything for wet snow, snow, ice, rain, in the kuban wet snow sticks to wires and trees, and in the capitals after a pause, you can’t refuse
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sweets, take the natural alligim complex helps reduce appetite, cravings for sweets, and also maintain normal sugar levels. alegin evalar is recommended by the russian diabetes association. how to maintain normal sugar levels? take aliijim. natural complex aligjim helps maintain normal sugar levels and reduce appetite cravings for sweets. allijim evalar is recommended by the russian diabetes association. in st. petersburg tomorrow there will be virtually no precipitation and -1-3. in moscow after today there is only light snow, about five degrees below zero, and then everything starts again, only the snow is already wet. because we are waiting for a thaw. thank you, this was the weather forecast from irina polikova. that's all for now, go to, see you. only at alfabank. order a free
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loyalty for business, we pay 3.00 rubles for opening an account and up to 10% cashback for expenses. his brother needs surgery, but doctors cannot help him because, according to the documents , the man simply does not exist. oleg rogazhinsky contacted us for a dna test , hello, what about your brother’s health ? ? no, he started having problems back in early 2000 years, at that time it was hard
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, so he had to, well, he had to work as a laborer, but at work he seemed to injure his leg, fell, somehow dislocated it like that, and he recovered for a long time on his own, he was treated, one might say, using his own methods, but he can’t you don’t really need to work or walk. specialists to look at it, well, and decide what can be cured or not, if it can be treated, then treat it, and if not, then i don’t know, maybe, maybe some group, and that they have never consulted with anyone on this issue, well , of course he sought medical help, but since he has no documents, they gave him a turnaround, he must prove that he really... it’s him, it’s him, now, with this test already.


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