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tv   Sekret na million  NTV  December 16, 2023 1:00pm-3:01pm MSK

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today the housing issue completed another renovation in perm, this time a kitchen for the izotov family, next to me is the author of the project maria, these are our heroes, this is what greets us, and so on, mikoslings.
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congratulations, masha, thank you very much, this is a small present from us, thank you very much, happy birthday, congratulations, congratulations, mashenka, i have never had such a birthday before, thank you very much for this warm welcome, in general, now it has made an indelible impression on us positive impression, but you are ready to see everything, ready, very we’re worried, we’re worried, let’s go get rid of all this excitement, keep moving forward, but can we play some music, right? so look, it’s bright in general
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, wow, look, mom, i can’t even believe that ours is so beautiful, we were worried after this chandelier that everything would be here, i remember, i remember this experience of yours, it’s great, the most important thing is that you everything was moved there like a sink, a sink on the window, god, look, we even have these made here. these chandeliers have such a style, fringe, fringe, what, what, i can’t believe at all that this is ours kitchen, mom, you, you dreamed of such an induction hob, look, oh, look , there’s a mirror right there, i didn’t even notice right away, what the hell, how much space, oh, and the coolest thing is that they are right up to the ceiling, that is, there’s a lot of space, oh, and there’s probably a refrigerator somewhere hidden, a refrigerator somewhere , wow, a washing machine, not only is it
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a washing machine, it’s also a drying cabinet, there are several functions here at the same time, you can wash your car here and refresh your things to dry, my mother has been telling me for probably a year now that she dreams, she says: let's go for the new year, we'll find some money and buy sushi, so wait, i suspect that wait here, it seems to me, guys, it's a dream, this is my dream, how cool, for me it's generally just super. look at the stand on the table, it’s interesting, it’s something like an animal style, yes, probably or not, i see these are chanterelles, or are they chanterelles, that is, the same chanterelles that we can look at the napkins, even in this style , listen, listen, this is handmade, look, they embroidered cross which of these chandeliers we made. which is the most messy, probably, yes,
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yes, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, yes, well, it's still cool, cool, generally super, by the way, about the theme of the fox, we recently arrived from the sea, yeah, and you remember that we have one like that it’s a tradition that when we are somewhere, we always bring a fox to the next statue, so we were in sochi and came with just another such souvenir, a fox, so it will be, by the way, i think that it may even be somewhere... fit in somehow. look what a beautiful color, and what a beautiful color, oh, it's glass, it's so transparent, listen, congratulations, friends, on the remake , thank you, this is a miracle, this is a miracle , something incredible is happening inside, you know what they say when there are butterflies in the stomach, this is the same thing, i would never have thought that something like this could be done roman blinds and so this can be combined coolly in the kitchen, cool , it seems to me, some other wizards, i
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like everything, chandeliers, table, it’s just as if they were writing applications, all this is done, as if it should be done just like that, very beautiful that's it, i like it. this brown, black, all the details that are thought out, everything is very cool, the kitchen turned out to be very bright, yeah, exactly, by the way, yes, a lot of light, but now it seems that i didn’t want it to be very interesting, strange, of course, strange, but also original, yeah, the presence of foxes, it’s unobtrusive, but at this creates some kind of zest in the kitchen, especially since we love chanterelles, so it seems to me that it’s ideal that they are now... also in the kitchen, it’s clear that this is handmade and imagine, now we need it it was an idea to create it, it looks very harmonious, it gives it some kind of its own the trick of this kitchen, before, you needed a sink to wash the dishes and look out the window, now you can’t stand it, you can’t wash it, you won’t admire it, no,
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why anyway, sometimes we ’ll use the sink to eat, there are no spicy catches, it’s as if everything is very straight forward, by the way, what matters is. we wanted there to be no tiles on the floor, because i was always afraid that a small child would not have cold feet and hit her head, the floor, by the way, was also very well thought out, so of course it was just a plus in marina’s karma when we stopped by to this apartment, we for the first month we lived only in the kitchen, now it seems to me that after this move we will live here again, a month in the kitchen, it’s so cozy, homely, warm, i want to spend time here, i want to be here. he taught philip kirkorov to sing, guys, this is my friend , look, this is a great man, he made friends with bandits, i am a very kind person, but if god forbid i get hurt, i bought a lake and 70
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hectares of land, these are my fields, there are 70 hectares, then this is not much, in principle, why the star of the nineties felix cericati lived with mom, mom, my mom, how many wives does he have, illegitimate children, did you plan to marry her, no, how the honored artist of tsarikati decided to steal the bride, and i told her, from this day on you will live in this house, you are standing on the floor , look, you can’t look up, what you can’t talk about without tears , i’m sorry, look right now, felix, how glad i am to see you, thank you, thank you, hello, my dear, here is a real man always with flowers, please sit down, thank you thank you so much guys, can i have some flowers? pick it up, put it in the dressing room, uh-huh, felix
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, yes, well, let me show you the themes that we have prepared for you, come on, toilet with tv, owner of the lake, felix i. clyptomaniac, stole his wife, daughter from the slums. both, kirkoroov's quail. what do you think of our themes? great, it's all about me. press the button, select a topic.
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he says: i would like to show you mozart’s ario ifigara from the opera, figaro’s wedding, a modest boy, yes, very, very, i mean , i walked away, he stood in my place and began to sing figaro’s aria, as i remember now, well, like in such
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cases all professors do there or , say, at some competitions, she’s like that enough, yeah, stop it. seduced by a woman's affection , twirl and twirl dissatisfiedly, isn't it time to be a man, twirl and twirl dissatisfiedly, isn't it time to be a man, so, when you learn to sing like felix, then come do it, what are you, what ariafigara can be at 16 years, but i can tell you, we became very good friends. very well in our country, well, in the end he entered, well, then he entered, but in ninety-four i
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they drafted me into the army and i’m sitting in the company, watching tv , i’m watching philip kirkorov on the wide circle program, i’m yelling at everyone, guys, this is my friend, look, this is philip kirkorov , this is my friend, oh well, so, attention, question, she i recognized you in the ninety-first year, when you appeared at the yalta-91 competition with your hit unlucky. yes. since then, on the stage, the title of unlucky has firmly been assigned to you. like in the song, you loved everyone , looked for another love, and if you loved, it didn’t last long. look at the screen, they prophesied, they prophesied. and reveal the secret whose love you are i was looking for this hotel in the summer of 2003. if this is sochi, then i climbed over
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the balcony of crete gribuli, why, we lived, naturally, in different rooms, but our rooms were together, that’s right, but that’s joint to joint, yes, joint to joint, i mean , looked out, it means, from the balcony. i see ira gribulina is standing there all like her with her fancy clothes, i think, but it was very high, if this is that hotel, i don’t know, i don’t know, whether it was the fourteenth or the fifteenth, well, it was very high, so i climbed over balcony to her balcony, without without asking, without asking, i open it, it means it’s standing like this, it’s not looking. if this is that hotel, if i was looking
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for love, but i wasn’t looking for love, then i climbed onto the balcony, well, i just wanted to see her reaction, if this, if this is what i remember, suddenly, or i wanted to take a closer look, well , i wanted to, yes ? i accept your answer. is it true that your career began in crime? no, it didn’t start with crime, for me personally, well, let’s say, with an acquaintance with a crime boss? yes, yes, tell me how it was? i have a friend like this, he's older than me much. and when i arrived after the yaalta 91 competition there. received there as a prize winner, became a laureate, he tells me, uh
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, i want to introduce you to one very authoritative person who is everywhere just, uh-huh, i didn’t even know who this person was, who did what, so we went with him m - to the hotel, for what purpose did he want to introduce you to him, so that he would push me onto television, so that they would show me a lot. but in those years each transmission cost a lot of money, ranging from one and a half there two thousand dollars there ending with five , six, five, six there ten dollars and we arrived at that time gorkov street was the twenty-first floor, where usyadovich had an office, yes, yes, he has a clerk vitalchik vantrishvili, he had offices nearby, a notary we called him. well, i called otari vitalich, everyone called him otarik, and i won’t say his last name, who
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he approached, yes, but everything just went smoothly for me, i was invited everywhere, i can even say, in ninety-four i was on the song of the year, this is to get on the song years, it was the dream of any artist, it was unreal, unreal, i had solo concerts, he was at all my concerts, he really liked my work. joseph davich introduced me very closely then, very closely, we began to ship, he invested some money in you, he didn’t invest a penny in me, naturally, it was, he just said it, he did it.
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called him his nephew, so in order to promote him more, he needs to shoot videos, he needs to rent a studio so that we can record an album, and for this we need finances, and he looked, said: get out of here before i take all your finances from you, like this, yes, let's find out the correct answer, and it will be given to us by the same woman whose... love you were looking for in the hotel in 2003, meet irina gribulina, irochka, hello, now we are in the clear, she flew in from siberia, the night
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flew to get to felix’s program, look, this is what he’s been doing all his life. so then they think all sorts of things about us, he doesn’t hide it, sit down, ir, tell us the secret of how felix sarikati looked for your love? he lived on the fourteenth floor and i lived in the next room, after all, i guessed, the fourteenth floor, and this is a hotel with very balconies, why did he break into your room? i think he wanted to impress me, and then it also seems to me that he wanted to see what i was wearing...
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it’s locked in the room and this one laughs, grabs me, again, my chest, which means his head is mine on his chest, well, what can i say, he buried himself, and i’ll tell you that of course we don’t imitate felix, we won’t mirror him at all, when we were young, but girls hung on him in clusters, clusters, and they tell me, well you don’t pay attention to felix, he keeps putting his head on your chest, well... i looked at him like that, i think this will hang in clusters in my life, yes, the competition is too much, i thought, such a person is better to have as a friend, you revealed your secret and the money in your bank, irochka, thank you very much for coming to us, we are seeing you off, i love you, i love you, my brother, my friend, my dear, thank you, click
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button, let's move on, the topic is... stole my wife, felix, does such a thing still exist, and you really stole my wife? well, ler, you know, i’m already at that age when these matchmakers, i’ll get married, i won’t, i’ll have to wait a month, two, three, it’s already, well, somehow it’s easier for me to steal, yes, it’s easier to steal, let’s go with from the very beginning, yes, how did you first meet her, you didn’t just take a girl off the street and steal her. we met, i don’t remember what year her older sister got married, she was 21 years old, so, but then somehow we didn’t get very close there, she was 21, and you, i was 45, so we’re 24 years old the difference, my friend started cupid, that's what girl, take a closer look, how good she is and so
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on, well, i think, well, let’s take a closer look, in general, they started, yes, i started, yes, we started calling each other. we probably met three times, so we went to some cafe, then as it happened, i had to go on tour - to riga, and my youngest daughter was with me, there was no one to leave her with, and i called her , i say: zalina, could you stay with my daughter for 3 days, please, they became such friends, and i came from riga, i see that my house is perfectly clean, i see that everything is fine with me, everything is steaming. marceline is so happy, contented, i arrived, i saw that she had unsheathed her clothes in such a homely manner, you know, and so, she washed the shirts there and ironed something. i looked there, wow, i said, well , that’s it, i went, she left, i think, wow , i need to look further, and
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no one has ever looked after you like that before, no, only mom, well, mom is mom, and a woman - this is different, well, i never lived a family life, but you had two wives, yes, yes, they looked after you, well, occasionally something like that, well, they came, first of all, well, i didn’t live a family life life, they will come to visit me, but i was with the girls all the time, all my life i was with my daughters, i love them madly, they are mine, they are my sweet ones, now it’s not about girls, not about daughters, but the wives were fine to live like this, let's start with what i didn't want in the first place, because i was always afraid of losing my freedom, i was afraid that i would somehow be lassoed and...
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no, but compliments, compliments, yes, how beautiful you are , how good you are, what a mommy you are, well, from a compliment she can conclude
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that you love her, maybe yes, you came from trip, i saw that your shirts were ironed, a clean house, zalina left , what happened next, as if my mother was there, i met her again, i looked at her again, again, then there was another moment, when i was leaving somewhere, and i was here without any doubts, i said, zalina, i need to come and... see marceline again, so that the little one would be like that, yes, and my mother kept telling me, felix, you already an adult, well, you need a wife, you need a rear, you are already 54 years old, 54 years old, you are not only a mother, lord, my sister, when you come home, everyone has the same topic, that is, a friend and mother were pestering my sister, so i came to her work. i met her, i said, sit down , i blocked the doors, i said, we’ll go to my house now, it’s my mother’s birthday, and today is 75 years old, and we go upstairs,
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i open the door, mom comes out, there’s a room with flowers, i i say: mom, here’s your birthday present, and i told her, that’s it, from this day on you will live in this house. without asking her, how did zalina react, she was happy, yes, yes, so, attention, question, with 5 years have passed since you stole your wife zalina, you live under the same roof in love and harmony, but how well do you know your wife, now we will check it, reveal what her secret is. unloved flowers, she has a headache from - i forgot what they are called, white flowers are so, so white, lilies, maybe lilies,
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stinking ones that smell, smell and they give her a headache, yes, well, lilies, most likely lilies, probably yes, what was the name of her school friend, she has many friends, she has so many friends, i’m already confused in them, i every time, well, at least name one. is it true that a girl cannot sit with you at the same table with men? it’s not allowed at all, weddings aren’t allowed at all,
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not even at ploughshares, anywhere at all, do i now know what i understand? i shouldn’t have dressed like that for an interview with you, very beautiful, very beautiful, that is, maybe i should have done something, no, you always dress so beautifully, your wife can wear a short skirt, put on bright makeup, no, not even because i won’t allow her to do this, she will never allow herself in her life, you say that she grew up in moscow, no, what are you talking about, she adheres to such strict people, in general , even in north ossetia , there are practically no such people left seriously, well, yes, let’s meet your wife, zalina tsarikati is visiting us today, zalina, hello, i’m so glad to see you, what a beauty, don’t come in, sit down, well , you don’t need to paint beyond the lines, everything is clear here,
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did you know that felix... would steal you? yes, i knew honestly, because it was, well, we talked to him on the phone, we have people like that we met, we didn’t have such and such meetings, frequent, yes, but we talked on the phone very often, we met on march 5 , 1915, but on august 31, 1818, he still decided, let me go i’ll come to work with you, and my mother should have turned 75 before her birthday. it was supposed to come true, we arrived , as we are supposed to, they put a scarf on me, a white one, but i didn’t sit at the table, it’s not customary for us, and before that he took me on september 13, he took me, he said, to his ancestral village, to introduce me to with all my relatives, with neighbors, with everyone, with everyone, but then i still couldn’t
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remember them like that, because you’re standing on the... floor , looking at how many people there are, you can’t look up, but what will happen if you look up, it’s ugly , yes, well, that is, it will be such a condemnation, well, yes, well, you stand as normal, you can’t sit down, just stand, even if you want to go to the toilet, you have to stand still, i stood for a long, very long time, only me then at some point they took me away so that i could have a little snack, and so i stood there, what if you want to go to the toilet? i i'm sorry, be patient, you don't have to drink, you don't have to eat, well, you're under such stress that you're normal, that is, for you, for girls, this is the norm, but they've been preparing for decades already, but if you're marrying a man with your own nationality, then you understand that it will be like this for you, so i apologize, but i have to ask this, the first wedding night also takes place according to some kind of ritual, no rituals, well, in the sense of before the zaks or after , necessarily before the zaks? nothing at all
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turns out 3 years just looked at each other a friend, of course, of course, i ’m just asking, yes, yes, yes, yes, and felix can make a remark to you about behavior or appearance or something you said, we had a couple of times like that, i , whom i clearly remember, it was a long time ago, we went somewhere to an event, it was the first time i wore such red lipstick, well, no one likes red in lipstick, i mean not... not my mother, not him, and he to me, i would have already washed everything off, well, i’ve already washed it all away, and he tells me, i’ll wash it off, i say, yes, i washed it off, i i say, and the washcloth, i say, well, it doesn’t wash off, i say, wait 8 hours, i say, it’ll wash off on its own somehow, but you have disagreements on some everyday issues, maybe, yes, on what topic, for example, well, yesterday out of the blue, yes, you promised to change it...
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and i’m getting used to the fact that if i’m used to something, then that’s it, i’m used to it, i feel good, nothing i need to change it, i’m like this, i’m fine, everything’s fine, you promised to change the mattress for me, she’s so stubborn, what do you say or don’t say to her? she’ll still do it the way she wants, otherwise she’ll still be offended by you, she won’t talk to you for another 2 weeks, i’m already thinking, oh well, do what you want, well, i’m not in the sense that it’s ugly there... then, well, yes, that is, she has her own methods of influencing you, oh damn, what is, well, i learned what happiness is when i got married, what are you doing, but was it too late? let's see how you
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live. in felix tsirikati’s three-ruble apartment, where for 30 years the only woman, the singer’s mother, reigned, is now in charge legal wife, zalina. and here we have it. the bedroom is not an ordinary bedroom, it was in this bedroom that tsar katya’s young wife changed the bed and curtains while the artist was on tour, but zalina did not touch the chandelier and did the right thing. my mother also bought this chandelier. in the eastern sense, a young wife without scandals, but persistently builds a family nest. the sofa in the living room is next in line to be replaced. my wife says, when are we going to throw him out, damn it? i speak. we'll throw it out, it's okay, it's okay, i stood there for 10 for another 15 years it will last that long. the only place where everything will remain in its original form is the bathroom with an unforgettable view. when you are lying in a jacuzzi, you look into the starry
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sky, and it says felix cericati and you think, god, how immodest this is. zalin, please tell me the secret of how... you managed to separate felix from his mother? well, when he brought me home, my mother probably stayed with us for about a month, well, she probably already looked at how they treated her son, how she probably after all, she was already calm that he would be ironed, fed, everything would be fine with him, she saw care for him, already with a calm soul she... well, she gave you some instructions, felix doesn’t eat this, he loves it very much bean soup, this is me too thanks to my mother rosa, i learned about this, she taught me how to cook it, as he likes, and there was even a case when we flew home for the first time,
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we opened the wardrobe and chose what we would take with us , that is, i’m there at such a fashion show at ustrevo’s house, here she is with my mother, and so such a relationship, she’s an adult woman, and i have with her mother, oh, ida, hi, how are you, it’s normal, well, she’s the same age, it’s probably understandable, yes, yes, they are 3 years apart, zalin, and you mom didn’t say, but that you were going to marry such an adult uncle, but probably after all , she had such a moment when we first met, she would have been like this, but only later, then, when... this one the moment has come that she will take it away, i can honestly say, she had a dream, things, well, one might say, she had a dream about her dad, and he told her that let him go, she loves him and let him go, but dad
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is gone, yes zalin, well, such a blessing probably came from dad, well, now felix, as they say, is looking after you, but instead of dad, let's move on to the right thing. 40 in what year according to the eastern calendar were you born dragon three out of five i will credit you with half of the answer 2500 rubles in your bank thank you and this is the first time i ’ve heard about nastya. 40 why do i know, because i don’t go shopping, she knows there, well, my clothing size, and uh, foot size, i know why she chooses shoes for me, because she puts it on herself, if it’s normal for her, then
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how comfortable it is, yes, well, the shoe lasts so that he has a comfortable one, well, yes, felix, press the button, select a theme, theme felix the second, my boy, for my son felix ii. a year and two months. why, by the way, did they decide to name him felix? well, in general, according to our customs, it is categorically forbidden to do this, to call your son by your name. yes. well, of course, basically, basically, this idea was evil. i really liked the fact that felix feliksovich would be there. but it’s beautiful, really, because there’s no other like it. he will the only one like this. felix tsarikati jr. will appear in the studio in a couple of minutes. watch all seasons and finales of your favorite shows on your mobile. on the gun.
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the unpredictable superstar show is on air on ntv for the fourth season. and today's theme is a hit movie. i will be your king. never sing again today at 20:20 on ntv.
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is your tanya crying loudly, you’re like a sister, you support tatyana’s statement when she throws mud at our country, let’s ask a spring woman who lives near novosibirsk, they write, it means the homeland is the homeland, i don’t do such things i understand very much, sorry. laser show, today at 16:20 on ntv. sber is introducing a loan with 2% cashback to give you even more opportunities. opportunities without delay for... everything you have long dreamed of, opportunities to please those who may be difficult to please at first opportunity get a new one. admitted, he became a dad again at 58, how is fatherhood for you at 58, it’s hard, how hard it is,
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no, well, you get up at night, of course, yes, of course, i do everything. i change everything and feed him diapers, i can put him to bed, i pay for him, he’s with me, so we go into the bath there, let’s say, just wash him, yes, change the diaper, wash the poop, i can do everything, of course, zalin, and you can i can leave my son with my dad, go somewhere myself, on my own business, i can calm down, that’s how many hours you were gone.
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well, that’s it, mom is here, mom and dad are here, light, of course, lights, everything, and he loves lights. i was scared, they left him alone , that’s it, sonny, that’s it, mom, dad , aunt in red is here, hello, let’s remove the peephole, let ’s remove the tear, let’s remove the tear, well of course i was scared, they put one in, and lord, tears are pouring in, who does he look like? , here at zalina or at
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you, well - the jellied chin immediately rushes out, that’s right away, right? yes, but because boys look like their mothers, and girls , my nose, my eyes too, i think mine, but the youngest daughter says that she has big eyes, my daughter is like mine, like that, yes, yes, look, and he says he has big eyes, listen , well, for now it seems like zalina to me, yes, when they see me alone with him, i look like dad, everyone says he looks like me, as soon as they see zalina, what do you want, let’s go, let's come to me, let's go, let's walk with our feet? will you go to your aunt? look at the shiny ring you gave me? ring, look beautiful, look what a sparkle, what a sparkle, take it with your fingers, take it, take it, look how beautiful it is, yes, look at it, it glows in the light, now give it back
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let's give, after the birth of his son, felix tsirikati's life was divided into before and after, the singer is happy with everything, getting up to his son at night to feed him, put him to bed, and even change the child's diaper. oh, oh, felix sr. and felix jr. are similar in appearance and both have persistent characters. what do you want? what you? ah, the remote control. well, okay. dad and son even have the same toys, despite the half-century difference in age. he somehow does it, it’s a huge mystery to me, i don’t understand it at all. what is he doing? so, attention, question. is yours son felix tsarikati is younger, already quite an adult. and he grows up to be an independent guy. at one year and 2 months, he walks with all his might and brushes his 12 teeth himself. yes, he holds a spoon and even washes the floor. yes. and you and your wife, like caring
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parents, are collecting money for his bright future. and they started a special piggy bank for this. well, that's it. i know only 600, even 605, 605, to
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be honest, i’m not talking about that, i’m talking about the piggy bank, no, but there’s more, what he has in there, that’s how much money is in the piggy bank, well, i don’t know, 1,200 , maybe there’s 1,200 in the piggy bank, well i guess i accept your answer, maybe how long did it take you to become parents , we didn’t succeed three times, then we went to her dacha for something and i’m at what time it happened, well it was even less than a month where - about three weeks
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, probably the third time already, i think maybe i have you know how i had a problem in childhood, i was born with one, we all understood it, yes, and this is how it affects it, it has a great effect, one seed remained in my groin and they did it for me . and you go into some office with young guys, it’s like this is normal, well then
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yes , i checked, i checked, yes, i checked, and it turned out that the norm is four. i have 12 more , give birth to little ones. she will remain in the hospital for the entire 9 months, i thought so, because three times everything turned out so unsuccessfully, suddenly i thought, that’s it , she probably won’t be released from the hospital, everything went so easily, i had a golden period..
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.recently celebrated his first birthday, and he already has a capital of 105,500 rubles. you didn’t reveal your secret and the money remains in our bank, well, i didn’t know how much there was, i knew how much it was, 600, but i didn’t know how much there was, now you’ll know that it’s so little, yes, maybe are you digging something out of there, no, where is the child not even a year old, but no, well, by the way, zalina, that’s exactly what it’s about, about tyrish, he gives money for expenses, do i have it? no, we’re going to a concert, so she takes everything from the fee, i don’t see any money at all, 5 years, you give out what you’re asking for,
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what are you up to? no nothing, she ’s next to me, can’t breathe, no, yes, she’s next to me all the time , refuel, she goes to refuel, to the store, she goes to the store, buys things, she buys everything on the internet, you don’t need to think about anything, i don’t have any money at all, in general, i ’m a beggar, zalina, thank you so much for coming to us, we’ll see you off, continue our conversation, press the button, topic: daughter and scumbag. lord, why does felix tsarikati need his own lake and 70 hectares of land. why didn't the singer marry his daughters' mothers? and what about his mother says to potential daughters-in-law. we'll find out in a couple of minutes. watch all seasons and
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finales of your favorite shows on your. mobile on a rifle, but has santa claus already written a letter? fireworks, write a letter to santa claus. okay, sasha, in prose, in the style of pushkin, or let’s do a rap? sorry, but we need to talk about sasha and his assistants. the virtual assistant with artificial intelligence gigachat is capable of many things. give new year's mood. avatar show. today is the first semi-final.
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season! today at 20:20! tv. attention. notice from the imperial mint. at all times, especially in the most difficult times, faith helps to live. after all, we so need the support of the patron saints. one of the most revered heavenly patrons, saint nicholas the wonderworker. millions of people turn to him for help in prayer, to ask for protection for themselves and your loved ones. today especially, each of us needs a patron saint and patron saint. the author's mint is proud to present an illuminated medal in honor of st. nicholas the wonderworker. order a medal of the patron saint nicholas the wonderworker. the medal is absolutely free for you. subject to payment for postage packaging - 299 rubles. call the phone number provided or order on the website svyatoychutvorets.rf. the medal is plated with pure silver and made in
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like to make little surprises and give great joy, and those who are far away but are ready to overcome any distances, to be close to your closest ones. we believe that if a dream exists, it must come true, sberbank will help you fulfill all your plans, this is a million-dollar secret in the chair opposite the honored artist of russia, felix sirikaiti, how did your eldest daughter alvina end up in india? well, let's start with the fact that she sang very well, she danced very well, she went to a drama school, in general she dreamed of entering gitis,
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i told her: “alvin, you have such a bright head, and you’re so smart, you graduated from school with excellent marks, but you have red diploma, and she studied at one school, then i transferred her to another school, she’s great, great”? everything was given to her, in general, i didn’t give her any training, in general, i say, let’s go to mgema, here she is entered mgema when she had already graduated from mgimo, she married her classmate yegor and they were sent to work in india at the embassy of the russian federation as diplomats, in my opinion, that’s it. they ’ve been working in india for 4 years already, well, in general it’s considered a prestigious type of work, well, yes, yes, their contract ends in april, they are on 4 there for a year, but they really want to go home, and
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why they want to go home, i don’t know, because there , well, first of all, they can’t give me a grandson, because it’s kind of unsanitary there, i say, so what, you don’t have unsanitary conditions there on the embassy grounds, your daughter is with us today. about india, how do you live there? yes, how can i say, india, of course, is a very multifaceted country, to be honest, it has its disadvantages, it has its advantages, the first shock when you arrived there, what... did you have? and the first shock is movement, and absolutely chaotic, we by the time we got from the airport to the house, i was already clutching my heart, simply. how do you like local
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food? and food is also a very big question, in fact, in four years i have never been able to get used to it. when you come to russia, what will you do, have you already thought about it? naturally i thought, and well, to be honest, i can’t say any definite words about this because i don’t want to run ahead of the locomotive, so to speak, but no, i’ll say this, first we’ll come back and then we’ll see, you ’re my sweetie, just come back soon, i already
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how did your romance begin? i was at the yaalta 91 competition and i came to the beach and there was a girl with very beautiful curves lying on the beach. with pearlescent lipstick, then it was very fashionable, i’m a lover of large forms there, and the girl also got hooked, and what’s your name, your eyes don’t open, girl, excuse me, what’s your name, your eyes don’t open, that’s why i say, and you yesterday watched the yaalta 91 competition, yes, who did you like the most, was there singing in italian, and i sang a song by gianni nadzar, i fell in love with my own wife, i ’m sitting like that, i’m saying, ela verita, lifts
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eyes and christmas tree-sticks, felix tsarikati, yeah, well , we met, i took her phone and left, the phone was written down in a matchbox, the box was lost, three years have passed, ninety -four, i came to yalta on a tour, two girls are walking, well i saw the form right away like, oh, hello, tdt, let me invite you to my concert, my name is felix, this is my fish, she says, and we already met once, that is, after all , fate, well, fate, yes, why didn’t get to the legislature, well, i don’t know, it just happened, she’s not an ossetian, no, she’s a russian muscovite, but she russian muscovite, that's why you didn't marry her? well, that’s probably partly why, well, after all , the mentality is different, different customs, different traditions, there’s a lot people don’t understand, if zali doesn’t need to explain anything, in general,
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if she knows everything in this life, a girl needs everything, she needs to give birth to everything, explain, it’s not allowed there, then it’s not allowed, let’s say it’s short , why did you wear short, and what isn’t, but i want to wear short, well, like , these are some little things that are incomprehensible, yes, your mother was with olya i knew you, yes i knew you, yes, well, i didn’t approve, no, they even went, i once sent them to egypt. she even went with alvina, with her mother, my mother even went on vacation, yeah, well, it was, well, kind of, well, the relationship was still strained, she knew that even after giving birth to a daughter, you wouldn’t marry her, of course, there were hopes, there were, yes, but she put up with a lot, in general...
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it was very difficult to tolerate me, in fact, then i was still very young, starting out like, wow , uh-huh, here, fans, frosty, oh, damn, these women, in short, it wasn’t sweet for her, then there, she just gave birth to your daughter, everything, but you helped, of course, of course, i helped them a lot, now i have a wonderful relationship, we communicate at all... no problems, well done, felix, so, attention to the question, yes, while your eldest daughter alvina is sweating in delhi, india, and youngest marcelina is rocking it in russian smolensk. marceline participates in all school competitions, plays in kvn, practices acting and has been dancing hip-hop for 11 years. tell us a secret, what other style of dance has your daughter marceline mastered over the past year? who is marcelina's mother on which
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did you meet her on the beach? she is miss smolensk , i was 37, she was 18 at that time, i paid attention to the forms, but she was there, and then to the content, yes, the forms were unique and ideal, just yes, you planned to marry her, no, you immediately i told her about this , no, she didn’t insist on... she was generally very like that, well, how can i say, she never pretended to anything, she needed a car, well, as always, yes, i bought her a car, she seams were needed there, yes, neither one nor the other, and the car was neither one nor the other, then she really loved, well, traveling around the world, the world, yes, i showed her almost the whole world.
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a profitable relationship, that is, she calmly accepted you, understood that you would not marry her, she even calmly said , she was like that, but i don’t love you, she said that she doesn’t love you, yes, well, that happened, but she gave birth, well, she gave birth, well , what’s going on, what to do, she then moved to moscow, i rented for her, i rented an apartment for her, and then bought it, marcellina was 6 years old, we completely ran away because of yours, you know what’s the matter, well, how would it be it didn’t seem strange, but for some reason i kept breaking up all the time not because i wanted it, let’s get back to the question: what style of dance has your daughter marceline mastered over the past year? there’s something like two words there, i remember, something, either the word hai, or hai,
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then what other word? oh hyles, i accept your answer, here. you also support your youngest daughter, well, how, how , what are you doing, this is my little girl, marcelina, how old is 16 now, does she already have a car or is it still too early, but not too early, i think by the age of 18 i i’ll buy it for her, of course, well, yes, for now it’s good to have such a dad, but if she wants to come to moscow to study, will you pay for the tuition? this is not even a question, that is, it is not even discussed, it is not even discussed, of course, let's find out the correct answer from your daughter marcelina.
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what is the name of the genre you were dancing in now? over the past year , i’ve just mastered this type of dance called hiles. did you reveal your secret and the money in your
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bank? in mine, daughter! marceline, do you plan to dance professionally? i think so, yes, i love it very much. dancing, i live for it, i enjoy this process, so i think i’ll go to choreography, wow, no, let me intervene, so, she wanted to enroll this year, she finished ninth grade, she passed all the exams, this like the unified state exam, only the unified state exam, in my opinion, we had a choice, there is an institute of culture there after the ninth grade. yes, on the left bank, but unfortunately, ballet, they grow old very quickly , young people are catching on their heels, and i told her, daughter, let’s finish 11 classes, maybe in these 2 years something will change for you, you maybe to dawn on me to say, oh, i would like to, well, roughly speaking,
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the first one is that they will change, well then we will enter a higher educational institution, dad often interferes in your life. well, yes, well, because he’s worried about me, about my future, but do you agree or are you offended? i’m not offended in any way, i try to listen to him, but all the same , i also tell him my thoughts, my position, i often see my dad, talk, of course, of course, in any case, it’s the holidays, that’s definitely me coming , this is even unconditional, vacation, saturday, sunday, well, all the time. whenever possible, i go straight to my dad , i became friends with zalina, of course, right from childhood, from childhood, of course, she can talk to me, dad, hi, hi, and she can talk to zalina for hours, if she needs something, she doesn’t says: dad, i need this, she calls zalina, says, zaya, i need it, zalina has all
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the money, that’s the point, yes, they have, well, they have some kind of common taste, there’s something else , and even there they will advise this, they will advise, they are there. there are clothes, there is something, well, i’m in it, marceline, thank you very much for she came to us, we are seeing you off, beauty , thank you, good luck in your dancing, thank you, what beautiful hair, what beautiful daughters you have, what’s going on, felix, please contact me, contact me, i mean, zalina, terezlitelnitsa, i had in mind. let's continue, press the button, so, the topic is the owner of the lake, wow? lake, felix, bought, lake, lake , how much do lakes cost nowadays, sorry, no, well then it was
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in such an abandoned state, it was in a terrible state, it cost a million, you somehow fenced it off, that this is my lake or, well, everyone knows that this is my lake, yes, there are fish there, there you can’t just go catch fish, there, well , that’s what i’m talking about, yes, yes, but there is igor, who watches over it all, he’s a very tough guy, yeah, you won’t get sick with him. “here felix and i were sitting at the table, yes, this is my brother there, he says, you know, you can do whatever you want with felix, but when felix is ​​here, then come and relax with them, now goodbye, he doesn’t let anyone in , but when i come, so many people come to me, everything is included, i have sheep there, wait, but in the summer you can swim, you ride a koopa, you know what kind of fish there are , you go down"? here's a spear on the stairs of such an iron and you are like in japan, like in china,
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there are fish there that clean your skin, yes, i have such fish too, such a pedicure , yes, yes, yes, let's look at your lake, come on, being the owner of a personal lake with an area of ​​6 hectares is a pleasure, he admits, you want to row, you want to swim, but you want to fish?
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in principle, why do you need 70 hectares of land , so it ’s not enough, it’s not enough, it’s not enough, yes, okay , of course, it’s not 400, not 500, it’s 70 hectares, well the farm needs to be fed with something, right, is it some kind of business or is it all for oneself, well, that is, no, these are all these sheep, i don’t buy anything in a store in moscow. but nothing , that is, you slaughter it there and bring everything here , i’m stocked, i
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have a six-compartment freezer here on the balcony in moscow, it’s stocked with chicken, fish, fish, like that, no, well then, of course, probably all the relatives too everything everything, that is, this is for myself, this is for myself, i’m not selling, i swear to you, so, attention, question, felix, are you connected with your mother not only one umbilical cord? but also powerful spiritual bonds. for your sake, rosa tsarikati moved from vladikavkaz to moscow and for 35 years in a row ironed your concert costumes, met you from tours, fed you home-cooked food and put you to bed. you are not indebted to your mother. she went on sea cruises seven times alone; it’s hard to count how many gifts she received from you. reveal the secret that you gave to your mother. from your first salary,
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please enter the answer in the black box, how old is mom, she was 80 this year, on the first of september, but she didn’t wanted to celebrate, why? she says: for me, felix, when i wake up, at my age, it’s already money, who helps mom with the housework, sister? who she lives with her sister, with her niece, she is 16 years old, and my sister’s husband, marat, they live here, why did your mother live with you almost all of your life until she was 54 years old, yes, that’s how much she still loves me, but in my life i never know from my mother, not even a kiss, i don’t know how my mother will hug me or say, oh my favorite son. this is not accepted among us, among us this is not the case at all, she loves in her own way, she loves me in her heart, not for show, just
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from the inside, is this generally accepted in your family or? no, no, this is generally accepted in our country, we don’t have such a national trait, this is a purely national trait, we don’t have this, well, you hug your mother, well, i come, i hugged you, yes, well, i’ve never kissed you, well, well hug, well, i’m with this, well, felix, i’ve never kissed my mother, no, never, here’s my little boy running around, look, here’s my little one running around, yes, let’s say, i can’t bear him take him in his arms in front of his mother, why , well, it’s not customary here... it’s not allowed, we had such a case in the mountains, a little boy fell from the mountain, grabbed onto a rock, his father stood next to him, stepped on his son’s fingers, only when mom moved away, he practically pulled his son out of the abyss, i have to accept your answer, what
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did you present to your mother with your first salary? a mirror, in my opinion, there is a watch there, i accept your answer, a watch, a mirror, an amulet, yeah, a rosary, and we’ll find out the correct answer in a couple of minutes, watch all the seasons. and finals of loved ones show on your mobile. in russia, who, who lives in a little house? quiet and cold, like in a morgue, your shrastin! the long-awaited continuation of the most dashing series. is there really a maniac running around sochi, a ural hamut? no, what are
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the meat grinder. i haven't tried it. we take meat from our farmers and chop it in the old-fashioned way. add aromatic spices and simmer in the oven for extra juiciness and taste. the old yard is truly delicious. hello. and there’s a gift waiting for you in the megaphone. buy it. nick from the connection and receive a second smartphone as a gift, only in a megaphone. this is a secret million and today felix arikaiti admitted that until he was 55 he lived with his mother. what is your relationship with your father? my father passed away in 1997, exactly on his birthday. sister , when she turned 30, what happened to him, a stroke, he left the family, as far as i know, well, there was such a story, he left before
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, let’s say, he then got married, yeah, uh, but he didn’t because i left the family because i met someone there, so i left the family, well, it happened, well, well, well, it’s difficult. he drank, well, there’s no such thing, never, never, that’s out of the question, well , in general, i’m grateful to him because i grew up like sportsman, he is also him, he threw me the first time, i remember, i was 5 years old, and he threw me into the lake, he says, if he swims up, that means he will swim, if he doesn’t swim out, that means he will drown, well , of course, he didn’t think so, naturally , but he was very tough, very tough, i floundered, but... i emerged, the fact that your families break up is normal, of course, this is not normal, but if
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you put all this aside, yes, on the other hand, for me if there weren’t two brothers, amazing brothers, rustam and ruslan, i have two unique brothers, so real, these are brothers on my father’s side, and on my father’s side to your father, your brother ruslan, say this...
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ruslan, felix has always been in your life, yes, always, since childhood, i remember when my elder brother and i, when we were little, felix always came to us , i gave very good gifts, this is a bicycle, when we were little in the village, it was a luxury then. uh, when we were little, he brought us a tv with a dvd, at that time with a remote control, the tv was generally just, well, yes, a bomb, yes, our whole street
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gathered, so they gathered, sat down, and we we watched, uh, different films, from childhood, when he performed in our city in nalchik , she always came to the concert with her mother, gave him flowers, and what always... surprised me, he always recognized me among the audience and said: “this is my little sister". by the way, we met aza at his concert there, i worked with vakha, and i told him, you must get married. come on, felix set a task, ruslan, a task, you said the task must be completed, and he married naza, let's find out the correct answer, and it's in our plot, attention to the screen, when felix tsarikat arrives at his homeland, he said , sisters, aunties, nephews and even neighbors gather in the house, and from the threshold he calls his most beloved woman, mother, mother. here is my mom
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, while the family is setting the table , his favorite bean soup is puffing on the stove, felix tsericati is laying out gifts, the capital’s artist never comes empty-handed , sweets for you, mom, oh, gifts, gifts, no need, come, we have everything is there, in rosa’s mother’s house. everything reminds me of my son in the living room , the most prominent place is his portrait, this clock they gave my mom and dad a wedding present, look at the watch, a soviet watch, and an amber one, and this is felix tsirikati’s first bed in his life, there aren’t any like them anymore, here, here, here my mother nursed me, the singer’s mother admits, felix will even change -he’s in her seventh decade, her heart aches for her son,
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too often in life he... chose the wrong people as in his song, he is very obedient, but his personal life, if he had listened to me, he would have a life now it would have been better, and if he had listened to me, we would have built a plant, now he wouldn’t have to sing , look for work , send two families abroad on vacation four times a year, that’s... how much money is needed, he managed to get rid of the stigma of being unlucky only when felix tserikati stole his wife, his mother dotes on his daughter-in-law zalina, i married ositinka, but he’s with me , i left, i don’t bother them, felix tserikati built a house for his mother, bought a lake, a farm, fulfills any whim, she just has to ask, and for mother rosa, diamonds and fur coats are more valuable , the first gift from my son, a mirror,
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powder compact and watch. rubles in your bank , thank you, i’m stunned, this is the fact that this is the first gift, this is from the first salary, gifts, look what, this, this is a rarity, right, i started playing weddings here, well, probably this is the first, from the first mom keeps the salary, here's the fee from the wedding, yes, i played at the wedding and got good money, guys, thank you very much for coming to us, we 'll see you off, thank you, thank you, press the button, let's move on, the topic is a toilet with a tv, why do you need a toilet with a tv, you sit down and go to bed, let’s say, in the bathtub, including the jacuzzi,
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we look at the plot: six months of renovation, a change of builders, millions of rubles and now felix tserikati is ready to receive dear guests in a three-story house. the best room in the mansion is, of course, for mom. they'll bring a big bed here before mom's arrival, i 'll put a sofa over there in the corner, mom and aunt are coming, two roses. there is so much space in the house that it is enough to accommodate all the guests from his native ozrek. on 500 square meters there is a living room, four bedrooms,
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a lounge with a bar and a spacious kitchen. where new furniture and appliances are about to be delivered, there will be a sink here, here is the sink, here you wash the dishes, and you look there, once, again, you’re not up against the wall, you’re looking at the street, felix tsarikati spared no expense on decorative columns and an oak staircase, it’s very expensive, an oak staircase, it was here such a story with this staircase, when the builders have already done it, and... i say, now it needs to be painted white, their eyes popped out of their heads, he says, felix, who are you, who paints the oak staircase, the design of the house is still not finished, but already now in... in every there is an object in the room that is important to felix tsirikati, this is my bathtub, and even here i have a tv. let's continue our conversation with natalya sturm, she is visiting us today, my god, natasha, well, i don’t even know how
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to greet you, hello, dear, hello, you are at your best today, everything at once, as always, my god, dulya, my dear, lord , sit down, listen, do you live in the barracks, or do i live like you, at the cosmetic ones, natasha lives, please tell me, do you have a tv in the toilet in the bathroom, it’s a must, and as soon as made repairs in some time in 2000 i immediately put on the tv and listened to music, i only have music, exclusively, felix, and by the way, you built a house a long time ago, i built it. how long ago, how long ago, 10 years ago, it was standing there, standing there, standing there, like an ownerless one, standing there, i already thought i wouldn’t, when my son was born, i think i need to finish building it urgently , and literally this summer, since the spring, i
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have completed it completely, when you plan to move there, yes, i’m planning, zalina doesn’t want to, why, well, she’s used to living on taganka in four walls in this cage, and well , i don’t know, it might ripen. sometime later. so, attention, question. no one will dare call you a coward and a greedy person. for any occasion, you cover the clearing, you don’t skimp on gifts for friends and family, you’re always ready to give loans. but do you know how to count money? reveal the secret of how much a loaf of black bread, a liter of milk, toilet paper, as well as one trip to the subway and a kilowatt of electricity cost today. this. yes, felix, let's go and put price tags in front of everyone, how much does a liter of milk cost? 30 rubles, probably a loaf of bread, well, 16, probably rubles, yeah,
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metro, well, 20, let it be, toilet paper, damn it, come on, i don’t know, well, approximately. well, 10 rubles. and a kilowatt of electricity, well, 5 rubles. 5 rub. felix, tell me, what century do you live in? what century is it now? twenty-first, twenty-first, and year, twenty, what, twenty-third, to the store, in what century did you go, in what year was the last time? no, i walk, but i don’t get to the cash register, you don’t get the evidence, okay, i accept your answer, sit down two, i would say. can i go out depending on the manufacturer, the cost of milk the lowest price is from 36 rubles to 150 and above, so that means a loaf of bread is somewhere from 50 rubles to
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200, it can be like that, i know for sure that the metro costs 50 rubles, and you know how i know this, where i come from here the other day i was returning from a tour, i went by metro, i found out that it turns out that there is a metro at this airport, i didn’t expect it at all, it was 3,500 for me to get home by well, by taxi, something like a toad strangled me, and i i live in the center, i think, well, where did you get such a traffic jam, three-layer toilet paper with chamomile, it costs 150 rub. electricity per kilowatt, i don’t know how much a kilowatt costs, that’s it, i call them and tell them how much, they say: natalya , so much, okay, sit down, everyone has secrets, i won’t rule it out.
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you are not our grandfather, show where you live, fireworks, play a video about veliky ustyuk , turn on new year's magic, virtual assistant fireworks with artificial intelligence gigachat is capable of a lot, give new year's mood, fireworks, today instead of the snow maiden, the bird of happiness of tomorrow, vili body , wings below me, choose me, choose me, bird of tomorrow's happiness, choose me, choose me , new year's billion draw from the russian lotto,
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take some cosmetics and perfume or a blouse, and also the act body scrub-balm for 335 rubles. when the cold gets worse, anvimax against symptoms and viruses. wing presents beautiful, detective, nerving, driving, bright emotions from new films and tv series. 60 days free on vink. national lottery. new year's traditions can. cool to change our lives, so dreamleon is your new
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magical discounts on your favorite jewelry, watches and cosmetics, as well as super prices on new year's gifts sokolovdes, we take loans, easy to apply for, we at sofcom-bank, we take loans, approved quickly, we at sofcombanks , loans, who know everything, you can’t want so much. you can, try it for a maximum of only 399 rubles. you can, yota! this is a million-dollar secret and felix tserikat admitted that he even has a tv in the toilet. do you generally consider yourself a wealthy person? no, well, no , there’s a house, there’s a house, there’s an apartment there, there ’s an apartment, you keep all the girls… they all have a car, fur coats, no, well, it’s still known in comparison,
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so compared to those who are there , well, in your understanding, a wealthy man is what he should have, well, villas, yachts some, and this is this, if a person has several apartments, if he has a house, then in principle he has everything, a yacht is already such, such a surplus bonus, i would say, which requires an insane amount. which he doesn’t need, but you once performed together on a yacht, what happened to you there , oh, it was a nightmare, we performed on a yacht, there were a lot of artists, i hope you remember when we finished performing, and the customer who invited us, he, i don’t know, was probably feeling bad somehow felt, it seemed to him that everyone was singing to the plywood, but felix never sings to the plywood at all, i didn’t sing to the plywood. we didn’t sing to the plywood with him, who were the others, i don’t know whether it happened or not, in general, it started there,
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there began a rustling on the ship, and we were already standing at the river station, we should have already.
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but i don’t give bullets to anyone, i’m a very kind person, but if god forbid someone hurts me, it will be very, very scary, let’s find out the correct answer, and it’s in our story: buy a loaf of felix bread in the store tserikati can do it for 40 rubles. a liter of milk for 80 rubles. a roll of toilet paper will cost the singer 25 rubles. for 54 rubles, a star of the nineties can ride in the moscow subway, and the cost of a kilowatt of electricity... will cost him 5 rubles 47 kopecks. you didn't reveal your secret and the money remains in our bank. natasha, thank you very much for coming to us, we will see you off. thank you, natasha, this was such a surprise for me. i love you very much. i love you very much. thank you.
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thank you. let's continue our conversation, press the button. the theme is cliptomaniac, my god, and felix , you’ve been having these problems for a long time, well, look, the first thing i stole was an ashtray, which, well, just suited my interior, which i had on the lake on mine, well you can’t buy the same one, no , you can’t buy one like that, but where did i steal it... i stole the second ashtray in sergei mazaev’s restaurant, this ashtray is shaped like a cast iron frying pan, i called the waiter, i said, please ask the administrator, sell me this ashtray, well he says no, you can’t, he says, it’s a tree-stick, that i
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took it in my pocket, put it in and left, recently i actually had such a case, i remember. renata ibragimova had a concert at the tatarstan embassy and the sasha ivazovs were given one room, well, not a room, but one dressing room, one room, she says, i look on the windowsill there is such a porcelain snail from the soviet era, it’s all filthy, dirty, there’s a clock, but the clock doesn’t work , there are no batteries there, nothing, i went back and forth there, i say what a cool snail, how i like it, how much i like it, i go, in short, i take this snail and... stuck it in a bag with shoes, took it, sasha ivazov is sitting, sanya says: “felix, i beg you, write a note, felix tsarikate took this snail, no one will think about you, they will say that an armenian came here and stole
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our snail, why do you need this watch, snail, well, it’s cool, i washed it, now it runs, it’s beautiful, that..." yes, there. so, attention, question. for ossetians, a feast is a special ritual. on holidays , not just families and villages gather in houses. there must be boiled lamb on the table head. a delicacy for our dearest guests. and, of course, the world-famous ossetian pies. yes. isn't it time for us to refresh ourselves? now i'll blindfold you. and will you reveal the secret, where is the pie from ossetia? in moscow they don’t even know how to make estonian pies, why? i explain: firstly, the water is not the same, and secondly, the cheese is not the same, because the cheese should not be frozen, but it should be
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fresh. the flour itself should not come from the store either. the point is not, can you guess where this ossetian pyro is? okay, i 'll try, let's go, here, here, here, here, like that, come on, here, that's it, sit down, yes, chair, like that. so, well, there are numbers , let's go, number one, ready, yes, no, disgusting, so, number two, no, yes, come on, number, number three, this is, no, not him... this is the fourth not at all then yes, remove the fifth one, this looks like
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number five, it looks like yes, we leave it in question , so number six now, come on, no, that’s not it, yes, number six is ​​not that. and number seven, now, no , yes, however, there is an ossetian pie, so you said that the fifth is similar, the second, yes, the fifth, exactly, well, at least, he is closest to - i accept your answer, now i will bite him too, open your eyes, unfortunately, number five is shanga, asetinsky was number two, you did not reveal
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your secret and the money remains in our bank, and shanga - whose is this anyway, komi, in my opinion , let’s go, please take away the pies, you often allow yourself some kind of gastronomic delights or... you’re already on a diet, your health is not the same, but i don’t want to, i’ve never really had such gastronomic delights, i’m absolutely calm about food , i’ve always said, i don’t like to eat, there are people whom i love to devour , i love to eat, and i eat in order to live, and in the summer i don’t eat anything except cherries, cherries - strawberries, but it’s clear what’s wrong with your stomach, i have an ulcer and they took me away quickly and... yes, it was a lot , i felt sick, i got up, i felt the
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urge when i vomited, i thought, wait, you felt sick or that there was nothing at all, and i didn’t have time to run to the bathroom, but there was blood , i thought it was honestly cherries, because i ate a lot of cherries, straight to the boxes i ate, i really love cherries, and red ones.
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that’s all now, everything, neither beer , nor cherry juice, in general, red juices, absolutely, citrus fruits, absolutely, fatty, smoked, absolutely, fried, absolutely, yes, i’ve never eaten porridge in my life, never, now i do it every morning i eat oatmeal, corn porridge, rice porridge, buckwheat to coat everything, well, in general, moderation is needed everywhere. in everything, but you can’t drink a gram of alcohol at all, it’s not serious at all, maybe it’s possible, maybe you flooded them, are you suffering from this
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or is it normal, but i completely forgot that i i ever drank 150 g of cognac there before a concert, especially when my son was born, i realized that life before the birth of a son and after the birth of a son is like heaven and earth, these are two different things, well, good, everything is fine. felix, how touching! these are happy tears, yes, of course, happiness, sorry, felix, you are approaching the final of our program with a winning of 150,000 rubles. to this amount you can add another 1 million if you reveal your most important secret, and it is in this envelope. you will receive it right now.
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december 31, right after the new year's mask, likhach, new season from monday at 20:00 on ntv, whatever you want, make a dream come true, change the world or discover yourself for any purpose.
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you will find great deals on the world map.
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have something to be proud of? we are a victorious country, we are the first in space, a country of universal equality, a country of great culture, this country is no longer on the map, but it is in the heart of each of us, in honor of the centenary of the ussr, the imperial mint has prepared a commemorative medal for every russian. the medal is absolutely free for you, you only pay for packaging and delivery. keep your pride in this great country and pass it on to your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. call to order a commemorative medal by toll-free number or on the website ussr 100 years. reckless new season from monday at 20:00 on ntv. this is a secret million and felix tsarikati will receive an envelope
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with his main secret right now. please bring in a candle. felix, you are a man with a big heart and thank you very much for our sincere conversation. i wish you family happiness. your health is enough to attend the wedding of not only your son, but your grandchildren and great-grandchildren, thank you, but you have one secret that you never revealed to me. felix, according to the terms of our program, you must open the envelope, read the question, if you are ready to answer it, we will turn on the light and continue our conversation. are you ready to reveal your million dollar secret?


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