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tv   Originalnoe muzikalnoe Shou Avatar  NTV  December 17, 2023 8:20pm-11:11pm MSK

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biden on the white house website israel is starting to lose support due to indiscriminate bombing, they pointed out to me, you carpet bombed germany, you dropped an atomic bomb, many civilians died, i replied, that is why all these institutions were created after world war ii, so this doesn't happen again, don't make the mistakes we made on 9/11, there was no reason we had to go to war in afghanistan, there was no reason we had to do some of the things we did, yeah, the confession is stunned, but... trying to put pressure, we are for you, but everything can change, so you better change, if your government is stopping you, change the government, and this is unlikely to netanyahu’s liking, as cnn explains, he abandoned biden’s plan unify the west bank gaza strip after the war, despite the fact that hamas declares, we are ready to work with the palestinian government to honor these promises, not to threaten israel, despite the fact that the palestinian government declares, they are trying to provoke us into war in order destroy the western bank, and maybe that is why the yemeni houthis are common...
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the yemeni shore is being shelled at those going to there are not only negotiation platforms, which is why they are already using ballistic missiles with a hint, if the bombing does not stop, israel will collect ships, despite warnings from the state department we will strike back at the coalition. already the port of eilad is paralyzed on the waiting list, a bulgarian container ship is captured, three more ships are damaged, the houthis’ ultimatum, either give the gas food and medicine, or we will continue. the blows are thrown together marked on the maps, spilling the gate from the stern story as one of... a new chapter is unfolding in this terrible conflict, as he claims, approximately 2/3 of the victims are civilians, this is truly unprecedentedly staggering, but it turns out that the episit is sobering in the cnn report key, maybe this is going back to where... it started, because he made his name
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reporting on the invasion of iraq, when his great war reporters, starting with peter arnett, were fired for asking too many questions about , why in basically, the americans started the war in the middle east. 20 years ago, footage of the americans pulling an overgrown and blind saddam from an underground shelter went around the whole world, and probably when biden says: don’t repeat our mistakes after september 11, he means this too, because it was on the rubble of iraq that he was born the caliphate, which has become a threat not only... this is not even about the demonstration of many thousands in london in support of palestine on the one hand , on the other hand, the simultaneously invented veltes “freedom for palestine”, a new slogan fascists. no, here you need to understand that for the first time in 30 years there are 183 armed conflicts on the planet at the same time. precisely on all
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continents, and 30 years is precisely the result of the collapse of the union of our loss in the cold war, that is, the collapse of the system of two poles that had their own fuses, in this situation we need to remember that it was then that what was left of union, was also a territory of great trouble, and how many conflicts of blood there were on our former territory then, this is precisely what putin is talking about, we will not allow interfaith and interethnic strife rocked society, because this is the worst thing that can await the country, we have already been through this.
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the second season of the avatar show on ndv. even cooler than the first season. favorite childhood heroes come to life with the help of cutting-edge technology. look, she's alive. they sing, dance, tell their stories, feel sad and joke. are you single? guess who? in real time, a special high-tech studio controls the avatar, not only by voice. last week we revealed the mystery of the fire sorceress, the owner of this avatar turned out to be the people's artist of russia, the irresistible valeria, today... seven
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avatars will appear on this stage, will anyone leave our studio at the end of the evening? watch the exciting, exciting, reality-shaking avatar show! what i haven’t seen over the past 6 weeks is the studio, flirting, intrigue, the formation of a brotherhood of notebooks, the wedding of sergei lazarev and lisa, and even the sensational appearance of the legendary olympic champion roman kostamarov, there are only three
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steps left until the final, the atmosphere is heating up, the circle the number of suspects is getting narrower, everyone’s nerves are on edge, so i won’t delay for long, i’ll go straight to “presentation of the jury. at first they looked closely at our participants, admired their talents, but admiration quickly gave way to passion. the jury members armed themselves with notepads and began to unravel the avatars one after another. so, our gambling judges. yes, we are like that. the longer our show lasts, the more unexpected details we learn about her. it turns out that at school she was a sister of mercy. irina, maybe it’s because of mercy that you sometimes refuse to guess our avatars? most likely, most likely, i really don’t want to part with them, i love the fairy tale that they offer me so much, that i don’t want to part with them at all. god, what a blessing that we at least have one
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kind jury member who doesn’t want to guess anyone, this is wonderful, a talented singer, a favorite of millions, an honored artist of russia, an example of strength. the official visionary of our show, a person who has glasses for all occasions to see straight to the root, besides, the finale is already close, and he will not tolerate any deception, it would seem, but today mark came without glasses, mark, why are you violating our krylov fable, marktyshman glasses? this is very funny, oh, the first semi-final has not yet started, i want to say that today is a scandal, there was a scandal in the jury, my dear, beloved colleagues, please show me your notebooks, that is, the brotherhood
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of the notebook, as you put it in the case, but i today i not only forgot my glasses, but i also forgot my red notebook, get out, you red-faced animal. me baby i'll take so many notes there today you can write and read by tearing off mark and yes, your red book today write on you page by page again to another program let's go which one in general you know what i want wait mark you all just promise no action only. let me start, give me your hand here, but in reality today it will be all written up like a blank page, i signed my autograph, sergei was here, i wonder what the fox will say about this, this is sergei lazarev’s first autograph, which he was not asked for, yes he did it himself, only to his wife
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don’t tell the fox, please, otherwise she will strangle me, there will be a divorce, in general, today everyone will see what your homemade znayka is worth without her own scribbles. in our jury , she is the one who determines the sexuality of the avatars and even asks some to undress, but for now the avatars and timur batrudinov is holding on, maybe they want to give her a surprise in the finale, okay, you’re ready to wait a little longer, well, let’s undress timur at least this season, then we’ll wait, now we’ll see and decide what... he’s doing about it, yes, the blogger is young mom and just beauty, little girl galich, vasilievna and darling vasilievna, last week he witnessed the wedding of sergei lazarev and lisa, our viewers on the internet began to write that
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they saw sadness and even notes of envy in his eyes. timur, really, wouldn’t you want your bride to shout: “my sweetness, my luxurious fur?” my fir bris, how do you like these compliments? well , in general, the fox was walking, as it turned out, so i had no regrets at all, she went straight in the right direction in lazarevsky, advice. timur, i’m not hinting at anything, but on that wedding, if you remember, it was your neighbor ida vasilievna who caught the bouquet. ida, i did everything i could, this is where my authority ends. a man with a big heart and still a bachelor, the ruin of russia, timur batruddinov. slav, you know, today i’m with roses, i’m hinting to timur, timur, but
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the rose has blossomed, am i ready to accept this rose, are you ready to accept this rose, okay, can we see all the roses, it feels like we’re all in the hospital we are, yes, i caught the fox’s bouquet, went to napoleon, everyone went to the ward, we already have some kind of our own reality, yes, yes, of course, if a person never. was watching our show, suddenly turned it on , he thinks we are a cuckoo, just recently you could say about him, an eligible bachelor, a groom, but now he is a real husband, for the first time in the history of television , the wedding of a human avatar fox took place right in this studio, and if ordinary newlyweds have a honeymoon, we let him go for just one honey week, sergey, well, tell me how everything went in...
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no, of course, i’m still waiting, singer, actor, tv presenter, showman recently fox husband , sergei lazarev, thank you very much, thank you, aido seryoga, aida fox husband, fox son, fox son, mark's fox son, our rules, friends, today seven avatars will appear on stage, they will be divided into groups, after the performance of each group, the jury members will vote and choose... only one avatar, which will become a nominee for the opening in this issue. there will be three nominees in the final of the program,
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then the judges will first have to choose the one they want to open first, and then then put forward a version of who is the owner of this avatar. if the jury members name the correct name, the avatar will reveal the secret of his identity, enter this stage, and leave the project. the remaining nominees that night will be saved and automatically advance to the next episode. the second semi-final, if the star judges do not solve the first avatar, they have a chance to guess who is hiding behind the second third, but if all the names named by the judges are incorrect, all our avatars will continue to participate in the show, if everyone is ready, right now we are again let's go on a journey through avatar, the seventh episode, let's go, oh how beautiful, i present the first... group to avatar, last week we found out that he devotes all his songs to an idea, after which she admitted that
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this is her favorite avatar, interesting, is there possible corruption in our show? let me remind you that earlier the snake said that he came to his avatar for vasilisa the beautiful, comment on all this, what ’s going on with you, who did he come for in the end? he may not realize it yet, but he definitely came for me, i hope zmey gorynych will give us all a little love, welcome! zmey gorynych has begun, zmeygarynovich, handsome, zmeynych, irina panorovskaya believes that you are a natural. artist, and i’ll tell you honestly, i think that you very beautifully pour honey into the ears of all
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the girls you meet, but i propose right now to watch the most vivid emotions, the most interesting comments that the respected jury said to you. the earth is empty without you, like me for several hours.
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the earth is empty without you, if you can, come quickly, wow, it’s beautiful.
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wow, what is up, baby, don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more, what is left, baby, don't hurt me, don't hurt me. no more, don't hurt me, don't hurt me, what is up, baby, don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no, what is up, baby, don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more, yeah,
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you can die from beauty, snake, abundant in love! with a very beautiful message of love , a question to all of you, what is love? love is what we just experienced during the performance, and i want to officially declare that our snake gorynych did not have a single failed performance during the season, well, not even one thing, all top ten, all top ten, i personally honestly believe that our gorynych deserves
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the right to be a finalist of this season, because it’s a clear version. there is no interest, and this is great, because i want gorynych to continue to please us. thank you, gorynych. well, of course, i’d like to know our rose’s impression, why are you, rose, withering away without gorynych. oh, yes, listen, it’s so cool, we laughed today, these red petals grew flying from the sky, i’m in red. this is about the fact that gorynych and i have an incredibly strong mental connection. what will happen physically, when we meet, chemically, and so on. i also want to tell you that look , you generally match each other in your outfit, he has a red tie, he has these red dragons on his trouser legs, my god, they suit each other very well, but in reality we are all watching, of course, for the reaction you...
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i would like to say that if we sum up the versions that we heard during all the programs, then it comes out as if some kind of spell that the sorcerer left for us when we left: a shaman,
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sorcerer, borodin, matveychuk, barinov, shaman, sorcerer, borodin matveychuk, barinov. today's performance does not seem to have added anything to the revelation of this mystery; he almost always sings a little differently, showing that the palette of his capabilities is very large. but today i would still. i wanted to add to the collection of these compliments, the avatar was synchronized with our amazing ballet and that is, they had synchronized dances there and it certainly looked very impressive, i really want to see the snake in the finale, i think he will surprise us. irina, today you have such a luxurious, predatory image, you’ve probably already figured out the snake, she’s simply gorgeous, i can’t... great, i insist that this is a musician who has very good command of his vocal apparatus,
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a very diverse palette, so huge thank you for the extraordinary beauty in these colors, which absolutely combined with our gorynych, no matter how many heads he has, they will still not be enough for us. for the choice of song, this is a song of memory, as they say, the old people remember, but for many this the song is also a meme story, everyone knows this sketch with jim carrey, will ferl, where they shook their heads like that and... said hello to this meme and thank them so much,
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there are no more options for who can hide behind the serpent gorynych, but i i’ll add, in case it’s dima bilan, he’s just burned out, and i want to ask our gorynych, first of all, hello gorynych, good evening, ladies and gentlemen. great, please tell me, gorynych, you are as clean-shaven as an avatar, do you have facial hair in real life? no, but i would like to talk about clothes, clothes, yes, yes, i’m very worried that this is the umpteenth time i ’m going out in the same suit, excuse me. my biker jacket, well, i need it myself, as it were , but after the show we’ll talk, of course, you come backstage, already as
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an artist, and we’ll talk, at the same time you will reveal your personality, what are we guessing here, a leather jacket in exchange for name exchange, but to name, name, sister, name, listen, well , it seems to me that by behavior, by some habits, because the artist stands, i am familiar with this artist, whoever you name it, i am increasingly and more often it seems that this is arseny borodin , in general a cool artist who can sing in different ways, who can sing rock songs, today we were pleased with a more pop story, very versatile, so the version is very strong in my opinion, because of the way he moves including, kitochka, are there any questions for the headliner of your heart when you pick me up? very soon, with vasilisa, what’s gorenovich, you said that you came for vasilisa, so i have two more heads, sorry, i forgot where, three are possible
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pick up immediately just in how many. don’t get involved in our love triangle, we already have eight, well, dear serpent gorinovich, we would love to keep you on this stage longer, but we know that you will fly away, in any case, we will not be able to keep you, so come back to vote, snakes! oops, the avatar show is nearing its finale, and you have just started watching, then after this episode i recommend going to rub and watching the second season of avatar from the very beginning, because a lot of interesting things happened here, and also
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also see our avatars off stage, in dressing rooms, for example, or in the back seat of your cars. meet rooftop, vasilisa the beautiful, vasilisa! i think i know who it is, right? vasilitsa is wonderful, i think that during your speech today the jury will also hear different voices.
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look who reminds you at sunset? a guy walks near my house and blinks at me eyes and will not say anything, who does not know why he blinks, why he blinks, why he blinks, who knows why he blinks, why he blinks, why he blinks. aida goripulina just suited her very well, yesterday he sent two mysterious
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letters by mail, in each line there are only dots, they say, guess for yourself, who knows, what he is hinting at, what...
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why is he blinking, why is he blinking, what he blinks, who knows, why is he blinking, why is he blinking, why is he blinking, why is he blinking, what is he not...
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foxes, and at first she sang the verse in pop
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such a sound, and the chorus went to the academic, yes , to the academic sound, and so it seemed to me that this is just a hint for us, and today such a folk sound, in general, i want to say, it’s amazing, thank you for having us you are still confusing, here are seven programs with no clear version, here is a show on gorynych, what about you, thank you, i missed you, we missed you, we also missed you very much, and why is it so suspicious that gorynych and vasilisa perform after each other, and he picks up getting closer and closer to her, but vasilisa, i want you i want to tell you, vasilisa, i want to warn you that one of the gorynych’s heads is already looking in the direction of ida, oh, how flighty he is, he wants to eat you, but he can’t eat me, but he’s just here to feast on you today.
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confusion, mark, yes, confusion, i want to share here, this week i had an epiphany, in general, i was visiting a radio station and i saw that there was a poster hanging there in the hallway, which means there... she has a beautiful clear voice, she has acting skills and what we have always noted in vasilisa, she is such a girl, girl, yulia has this organic quality such a girlish purity, yes, by the
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way, a very good good version, mark, go to the radio stations more often to visit,
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wait, wait, no, i told her, you know, i definitely didn’t promise her anything, it seems we understand why temura doesn’t have a girlfriend , he just doesn’t remember anything, he just promises and doesn’t remember to whom, he just forgets that this is his girlfriend, he proposes to forgets who, not after every date he forgets how wonderful it was, just a real aquarius, i said it today, forgot tomorrow, yes, itochka, remember you had a version hannah, yes, and hannah can sing with this sound, hannah sings well, and you know, ah... we’re working on this project with cool editors and musicians, and they, in principle, can pull anything out of any star , because that they know how to explain what is required, i had experience wearing a mask, and i came to visit there just for one broadcast, like a cactus, a cactus, and a thorn, they know how to convey what they don’t want, and the singer maxim
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can’t be, you know , it seems to me that maxim initially had a slightly different presentation, yes and even more is needed about folk sound there. satko didn’t blink even once, who will you choose , you, glory, although no, no, no, no, i already have an agreement with mark, okay, but we, i choose, we all together won’t blink until you disappear and come back to us to vote, beautiful vaselitsa
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, thank you, how feminine she is, my god, oh, she’s trying, i keep it, proskarikova is good, i’m crossing out the guard from all this, definitely not the guard, podolsk, definitely not, coca, no , that's all, good. avatar is a show where everything is thought out to the smallest detail. i'll say more. this is where you can find real gold. and i don't just mean the talent of our avatars. yes, yes, you understood everything correctly. i 'm talking about golden life chips in pestle and parmesan flavor or lobster flavor.
9:06 pm
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wow, dammit to be able to do it on minimum wage, reckless, new season, brilliant, oh well, we do it like this every day, let's go, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. azon, zone, azon, zone and press. to every home, celebrate the new year holidays with ozone, discounts up to 30% on fruita-nanny baby food, adidas tracksuit for rub 5,299. magic conditions, the real rate is up to 15.5% on a savings account in gazprombank, your money works, and you receive income, apply for it at this year the russian lotto is giving away 2 billion. celebrate the new year as a billionaire, buy tickets on the website. copes, i don’t even know who could
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any atm across the country. not just profitable, alpha profitable! the stars have aligned! today immediately after the avatar show on ntv. i know, you’re dark, of course, now i’m my wife, you know how, and what’s there, how
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the manufacturer's toll-free line to order and receive a special offer. men order it for themselves, and women for their men. men, hurry up, women , hurry up, try prostatric gold. reckless, new season, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. lightning could strike your head, i’m not making this up, he himself admitted it last time. sergey, attention, question, how many times have you been struck by this lightning, in what places and did you take any measures today? three times during of our season, as you can see, i’m still sitting, functioning and sometimes even producing good versions, i can even guess. where in the very heart to defeat to defeat yes exactly meet our underwater guest sadko o o o.
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hello satko. as always, you seem to have just surfaced. well, i mean that you are cheerful, fresh, just handsome, hakhatun. ida, are you ready to laugh with sadko? yes, i adore, by the way, sadko, unlike my partners, i don’t need to wildly generalize sadko, in general, this is one of my favorite characters, sadko, sadko, you have a fan club called
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trigada, makarov, me and batruddinov enter there. can i just say that there are fans of our avatar sadko, and there are fans of the avatar costume - that’s me. before our musical accomplishment takes place, i propose to remember all the versions of our jury that they put forward about you sadko throughout all the previous six programs. let's watch.
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this could be dava, dava is daring, they write to me that this is philip kirkurov, version of fire, how can dima belan fool us, and why is it so beautiful every time? you 're far away again, i don't know where you are, i trusted to you, it floats very quietly every day, i float away.
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you forgot me, you wanted to break me, i don’t know how to wait, what happened to me was here, i ’ll be like water, quiet for hours, but not for me, but not for me.
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chicks melt me, they are not good enough, little sister, who are you to me, i don’t know who you are , my little girl, i’m with you, i’m flying away, who are you, little sister, who are you, i don’t know who you are, my little girl , i'm with you, very beautiful room.
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how cute, what a bird, incomparable sadko, now we’ll find out what the brothers and sisters think, sadko, don’t nothing to say, why, well, because, well, there’s no need to spoil the feeling of the room, it’s just. satko works on contrasts, he always immerses us in some kind of magical reality, now i’m a normal person, but i like it, sadko, hello, how i
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missed you, god, first of all, what a gorgeous number, what dancing, what kind of scenery, such a performance, i don’t know, nikolai basky, well, i can’t, really , i’m leaving, wait, not some kind of crazy person, i join your version, yes, yes, very much , since such communication, we saw it yesterday. with sergei nikolai was told that periodically his candidacy arises, he said: i cannot be there, i said so, it cannot be, but we still have it, before that there was
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a belanaologist, now baskavet, vaskovet, yes, i am now thought about it, i’ll explain, nikolai has an amazing reaction, quick mental. i’m not, you understand that i just told irina that when the song was playing, that he uses it literally, well, firstly, he practically doesn’t sing much, he uses a very narrow range, or maybe he’s not a very singing person, or on the contrary, a strongly singing one, who is simply very encrypted to us, yes, because this is the only way to hide, and without going to the top, remember they won’t catch up with us, remember they won’t catch up with us, remember mozart right? by the way, well, he walked upstairs so carefully, very yes , the high range is the creaking of old bones, i’m not a singer at all, i play, friends,
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i play the harp, please tell me, sadly, have you ever thrown such a huge party in your life, at which they called everyone, all the people in general, we drank very... coolly one on very coolly drank then there nikolay once had an amazing birthday and we were there, but somehow quickly we all crawled out at some point in the faye and had such a great time there, grandma’s hope sang, we all walked, relaxed, this wasn’t your holiday, this was that most fire, listen, haven’t you thought about what? sotko tells us, he says, i’m playing , i’m playing, but maybe he’s an actor after all , maybe he’s just damn it to you, no, he’s just an artist, maybe he’s just kind of already, maybe we’ve never even called him just
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approximate version, listen, sadko of course he’s messing with our ears, trying to fool our minds, but the act was excellent, the act was very like this...
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it was prigogine, there was, there was turichenko’s version , there was dove’s version, head, maybe it’s true, but no, i think that this is not dava, but i think it could be nikolai baskov, no, well kolya, damn it, no, i don’t know, in general, dear sadko, as you understand, you can, or you can do something like this, jump , like dima bilan, he’s in shock, he’s in shock, wait, very good, i can’t jump, i can make holes. and you can jump like nikolai basque? no, look, he can’t jump, because he just stupidly doesn’t know how to jump, dima bilan, there are people who know everything, even those who don’t know that he can’t be from a musical environment, didn’t watch for this eurovision, in general, it’s sad, jump into the water, you can lie low right now, because very soon you will appear here again to vote sadly, we are waiting for you.
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join the official pages of the avatar show on social networks so as not to miss the most.
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december 31, immediately after the new year's mask, reckless, new season, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. artyom recently turned 2 years old, at this age babies can already walk confidently, but a rare congenital pathology does not give artyom the opportunity to walk. at birth, the boy
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was diagnosed with a developmental anomaly of the left lower limb. artyom’s left leg is already significantly shorter than his right. at the moment , artyom requires urgent surgery to lengthen his limb. if it is not carried out soon, the boy’s leg will simply stop growing, which can lead to amputation. i love my son very much. help me save my leg. our son's valuable childhood depends on this expensive operation. the cost of the operation is more than 9 million rubles. we ask everyone to help artyom. send an sms to number 754 with any donation amount. descend to a depth of 3,000 m, look at russia from the altitude of satellites, feel the cold of the permafrost, share. the joy of sports victories
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one avatar, whose identity you have you have a version of who you are ready to say goodbye to today. choose someone who will now be nominated. at the end of the program we... again feel like idiots, so we came back when we have no idea who is hiding where. well, i would check the version of sadko and nikolai basky, sadko is accepted. timur,
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a song is playing in my head right now: you are here, i feel you, i think why it sounds, because you are some kind of person here, it is not clear who to choose. three absolutely mysterious characters, well , three of them, more or less the version i would like check, vasilisa is beautiful, vasilisa, two votes for vasilisa the beautiful, one for sadko, irina, well, let's try vasilisa, mark, i 'm just looking at this group. a completely mysterious group: one flies, the other walks on the ground, the third lives under water, and i want to draw the attention of our respected viewers, fans of the avatar show and the mask show, this is a very rare case when the seventh program and no versions, and no versions, and no
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because we are stupid, no, there are versions, they just change every time, our avatars and they change their voices, that versions collapse, but we have good versions. that we are earless, not because we are stupid, not because we are negligent in our duties, not because we are speech therapists, yes, but because the artists and the show team have achieved some kind of mastery when they manage to perform delicately for us, here we sit and blink our eyes, ears, blink, and it seems to me that they stand there in these wires and dare. well, we will meet zmey gornych and sadko in the second semi-final next week.
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congratulations! second group of avatars. and a duel awaits us. maybe she doesn’t smile often, but if someone saw a smiling fly, let them throw a stone at me. she combines minimalism on stage and maximalism in vocals. where is the limit of this voice? are asked.
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fly, tsekatuha, it’s so good that you don’t sleep in such cold, but flew to us to please us with a new performance, but before that, let’s see what our respected jury says about your hips, about...
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irina zabiyaka from group from chile, remember that specific unusual voice? yes low-low. i actually said an absolutely crazy version that it was larisa dolina. she has very characteristic hip movements. in any unclear situation, speak to anit as a father. that my money is gone, but i had never cross a man that didn't deserve it, maybe treat it
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like a punk, you know that's unheard up, you better watch how you're talking and when you're walking, you anders might be lying in ch, i really had to trick but i got a look as crock i see myself in the pistol fool, i'm the kind of the little h want to be like on the nice in the night saying prayers in the sweet life and spending most of the lives living in again.
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to see that's the ones revert are you and me tell me why are we so blind to see that's the once we are you and me been spending most the lives living in again be spending most the lives living in again.
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temptress with apples, oh, how beautiful, ah, ah-ah-ah, what is this, beauty, what beauty, but the number is just a work of art, bravo, absolute. welcome, dear judges, to our ster, what happened to you after temptation ? performances, i was tempted, that’s it, yes , i’m tempted , they tempted me, they bit me - these are two different words, don’t talk to yourself about yesterday, dear fly, that’s right the guys said,
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this is not a number, this is a work of art, i every time i think that... but there’s nothing to cover , but that’s it, this fly surprised us all , what’s going to happen today, every time you just somehow filigree our nerve cells all, i don’t know, cringe, because it’s so beautiful, thank you very much, well, fly fan, sergey lazarev, mukhalov, caught fly today, and you understand what the story is, and we are probably 90% there... we know who is hiding behind the fly’s avatar, and this, i agree, makes it even cooler, even cooler and more interesting to watch these numbers and listen to the avatar, because that what this singer does in our show, well , it’s simple, it’s the highest level, really,
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because there’s such a range of genres, songs, possibilities. voices, i just don’t remember anyone, so we’re just watching where else this artist will throw herself, in what direction, we’re surprised every time, every since this is a cool number, this one is some kind of cold emotion that the fly bestows on us all the time, it excites us, it doesn’t let go, you know, that is, there is also a certain magic in this, you must agree, colleagues, so once again, bravo, fly, very cool, mukhi subscribe to my fly today, two new versions, yes, it’s either amanda lear or grace jones, there are no other options, well, the option that we are discussing among ourselves, it exists, it hasn’t gone anywhere, but today it was just amazing. mark, i think your image is most suitable for this
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song, today you are in such a sporty gangsta style, you know, it actually seems to me that we are connected to what. to the collective consciousness, it means that ida comes today in this red dress, we see the numbers and the red color runs through us as a red thread, and this apple is temptation, suddenly i understand who our fly is, our fly is a tempting fly, of course she is tempting us, because indeed we are no longer hearing the first program, the very artist to whom we sing praises, but forgive me, markush! i'll interrupt, but i it seems that we hear it, it’s us, because we know her very well, but she’s still hiding, i’m sure that most tv viewers are watching and thinking, we’re crazy , but this can’t be, i hear, because that once irina saw these hips, if we have an apple on the stage of an israeli garden, then we must also say adequately to this apple, in
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the beginning there were hips, but what do i want to say, today everything is red, and i forgot my red... book , but then here's the attraction of erudite without the red book, i know what it is coolo, yes, yes, yes, the musical theme in this song by stevie wonder, stevie wonder and kulyo is the only track in which there is no normative vocabulary, and do you know why? because stevie wonder would not have given him the right to his melody if it had not included normative language, and moreover, we know that larisa dolina, of course, is a fan of stevie wonder. let's turn to profanity, to timur batrudinov. timur, you still have withdrawal symptoms, do you refuse to guess the fly? i refuse to guess the fly, but throughout throughout the entire performance, i had this thought about how well we had an expensive show, starting from the staging of the numbers, the quality of the graphics of our avatars, ending with the caliber of the artists who control these
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avatars, absolute delight, i received aesthetic pleasure, in addition to everything, me very much. this song triggers because it’s the crown, the crown crown of my friend garik kharlamov, all the time he sings this song, he allows you to join only in the chorus, only me, only me for the verse. that is you didn’t automatically sing along in the verse now, you were waiting for the chorus, yes, you sang the chorus together with our charming fly, thank you very much, fly, i don’t want to know , i know, but i don’t want to know, i know that i don’t know anything, we adore you , fly, and you don’t adore us, fly, we love you, of course, every single one of you, well, if there are no questions for the fly, then we let you go with a calm soul.
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let’s bite this sweet one, i don’t want to bite into it, what a powerful long note, masu country show, new year’s mask december 31 at 20:24 on ntv. reckless, new season, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. artyom recently turned 2 years old, at this age babies can already walk confidently, but a rare congenital pathology does not give artyom the opportunity to walk. at birth, the boy was diagnosed with a developmental anomaly of the left lower. limbs, artyom’s left leg is already significantly shorter than his right. at the moment , artyom requires urgent surgery to lengthen his limb. if it is not carried out
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soon, the boy’s leg will simply stop growing, which can lead to amputation. i love my son very much. help save our artyom's leg. the health and fulfilling childhood of our son depends on this. expensive operation, the cost of the operation is more than 9 million rubles. we ask everyone to help artyom, send an sms to 7545 with any donation amount. one of mine friend has a difficult relationship with the internet. cool shot, i'll post it now. damn, wrong file, how to cancel? there’s no way, artyom, it’s a megaphone. everything flies to them. mobile operator number one in terms of speed coverage. only for megafon subscribers. invest in your country with a reliable vtb broker and
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for treating sports, then he suggested that the three of us live together, the three of us with ida. timur, as i understand it, you survived past filming, all body parts are in place, after this proposal no one has ever called you indignantly, right? yes, i’m pretty plucked, but not defeated, proud and free, i understand, free, well, admit it, it was your cunning plan to bring alyonushka into the open, definitely,
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because yes, this plan didn’t work, i congratulate you . therefore, meet the one who excites and delights with her mystery, alyonushka, it’s true, yes, alyonushka, alyonushka. she just warms you up, i greet you, alyonushka, hello, you have been nominated three times already and , as you understand, all three times were missed, you manage to confuse the jury, please continue to do this, well, right now let’s refresh our memory of what you said about alyonushka in previous issues, you’re already a girlfriend in paranoia, why do you love ivan, but you love ivan
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, what... guys, there is also a talented young singer, and her name is guma, and yulia parshuta, we had this idea, thought, and there is also a talented singer marigu, that’s what i want remind you that we also had masha zaitseva, masha changes voices very well, not laura, but maybe it’s this, or maybe it’s not lyubov, but tatyana uspenskaya, the daughter of lyubov uspenskaya,
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breaking into the town, on our street three houses away, this is a very young girl for a day, where people go to visit without asking, where there is no conscience and anger, dear tom , where the birth is celebrated and seen off forever.
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merry christmas and many years to come, exactly eight wild lines and some other handwriting, that’s all. hello, oh how i want to go back, oh how i want to break into the town, onto our
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three-house street, where everything is simple and familiar for a day, where guests come without asking, where there is no envy. and anger, sweet home, where the birth is celebrated forever, seen off by the whole yard, only in dreams do faces come, not even half a year of light can be recognized; in reality, a year has passed by the mailbox . i open two newspapers, there are no letters, oh how i want to go back, oh how i want to break in,
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oh how i want to go back, oh how i want to break into the city, they’re going crazy. i've become sentimental, it's simply impossible, it's simply impossible, who are you, alyonushka, alyonushka, it was of course very emotional, but for the second time this season avatar brings us to the c'. alyonushka don’t know each other, amazing, touching, thank you very much, i really want to meet you in person, if
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we know each other, by the way, personally, i definitely know you, and i know you, but if not yet, then after this show we’ll definitely be friends , because well... well, it’s like this is some very unique voice, and what’s most important, i hear that this is a young artist, a young performer, and i really like the emotional purity, kindness in your voice , some kind of openness, touchingness, naivety, from program to program, no matter what song you take from different genres, you, you have this purity, and it’s so great, it’s so rare now. in our world , in our show business, this is pure energy, pure emotion, so i really want to meet you, i suddenly had a version in the second part of your amazing performance of the song
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town, we did it in a completely new way , i was born with a version that maybe it would be mari gu, but because i really love mariga, her voice, her songs, she writes herself. amazing, i heard it somewhere the second part of marigu, i don’t know, fi say that i also write it myself, it’s wonderful, wonderful, it’s a great honor for me, sergey, i’ll be glad to become your friend, you know , marigu is a cool option, but alyonushka is so smiling, she’s marigu in life , she’s cool, she’s cool, but she’s so and a little minor all the time, and you know, she’s a super creative person, she’s not simple. difficult fate, difficult life, alyonushka, you are simply amazing, to the point of goosebumps, to tears, this is a performance that i think will go down in the history of the avatar show as one of the best
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performances as one of the best covers, well , very cool, thank you, and i think that if timur leaves me for someone, then let’s come to you, because they don’t really ask for vamur, right? we are now fans of a clear timbre and a fatal
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mistake called alyonushka. it seemed to me that during the performance of alyonushka, each of you moved to some kind of small town, what kind of town did you, timur, happen during the performance of leonski, where did you move it? i visited the kaliningrad region, in a town called baltiysky. but the point is the fact that this song, despite its deep sadness, is one of the unspoken humorous anthems, because it always sounded at the end of the program. darling, a huge hello to yuri nikolaevich stoyanov, taking this opportunity, superbly performed by anzhelika varum and regarding temra, it seemed to me that our alyonushka was trying to adopt a little of the style of angelika varum, at least some of her letters, so it was not quite the same singer, which controls the uvatar. every time before alyonushka’s performance i put experiment, i fall out of love with her before she starts singing, only to fall in love again after.
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i don’t know, but i heard, you know who else , in the reprimand, i heard natalya vlasova, well, i don’t know, it’s me, i’m guessing, mark, you had a very emotional perception of this song, tell me, oh, i’m honest speaking , i still haven’t come to my senses, because we talked a lot about alyonushka’s voice, but it seems to me that that girl... young, undoubtedly, now in my opinion, who controls
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this avatar, besides the voice is the richest, the most beautiful, cosmic inner world , because in this song it is very easy to be false, in this song it is very easy to be on duty, in this song it is very easy to be a parody, it is very difficult to make a new work, i can’t even dare to say a cover, this is what - a new work. and those poems, and you are amazing alyonushka, you are amazing, i have two versions about two towns that alyonushka could sing about, and perhaps this town is true, a town in the samara region, which is called pokhvestnevo, this is a town, where was marigu born, or maybe, please forgive me, for god’s sake, forgive me, i ca n’t help but ask, how do you know, i just just suggested this version.
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yes, this is the first version, the second version , her name is mona, she is from rostov-on-dana, in my opinion, but whoever it is, you know, i will be happy if the whole country sees this girl in the finale, and this will be the main musical opening, even if they present whatever they want at awards, but the whole country will see this most talented performer, thank you, i personally don’t like any version, because all voiced versions. married, if you want to go, timur, go, alyonushka, behind the scenes everything
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is simple and familiar, this will not be the first time you will be there, but we will meet at the vote, alyonushka, well, marika is not so smiling. she's not that much better, she's not that kind, yes. second jury vote. the fly and alyonushka. yes, dear judges, i do not envy you. well, now each of you must name only one avatar, a secret identity, which you think needs to be revealed today. the heroine who will score the most now the number of judges' votes will go to the final vote. and he will make the first choice. timur, the choice is very simple, although
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difficult, fortunately, or unfortunately, for alyonushka, the artist who controls this avatar. still hasn’t emerged for us, it’s still a huge question, about the fly, as has already been said here, we have 90% confidence, so the fly is sent to the nomination, okay, yeah, the choice is difficult, because we have alyonushka, which we they opened it up four times, three times, yes, well, that is, constantly, three times they sent the poor girl to the room expectations, and there is a fly that fights to the last. that is, even hearing how we call the same last name, every time you change your temperament, your voice, and this is very difficult, but perhaps, perhaps, in this show everything is possible, fly, your voice is accepted,
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sergey, and i agree , probably with colleagues. in this two, the obvious answer is fly , irina, i agree, fly, mark, my dears, that’s how i love you, each of you, really, thank you, i agree with each of you, i share every word of yours, every emotion of yours, fly. so, unanimously, the second nominee is the tsikatuha fly, well, we will meet alyonishka next week, you said such a speech, i thought you were leaving, exciting puzzles and fascinating questions await you in the official community of the project
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quality and roasting of the beans, the same pleasure in every cup, monarch - the same favorite taste of aroma. polisorp is always with you, for poisoning, allergies, hangovers, it’s time to drink polysorp. at vtb the interest rate on a savings account is 16%. everything will work out at vtb, hello, a gift is waiting for you in the megaphone, buy an infinix from the connection and get a second smartphone, a gift only in the megaphone, catch the sale, a new smartphone for 2,999 rubles on avito, the third group of avatars and another duel. last issue his performance was so powerful that it wounded sergei in the very heart and simply killed
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him, in her own words, i’m going, but timur pixelated with delight, whatever that means, let’s see what our nightingale has prepared today, and what reaction it will cause from our judges? timur, cover the nightingale robber as i go on stage. well, the cape is in place, however, i am sure that all the women are now glued to their screens to see your performance, the nightingale the robber, but they will have to wait a little, because now we will listen to all versions of the jury. regarding your smiling personality, this is alexey vorobyov,
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it seems, it seems, yes, listen, well , what can i think, this is mozaev, i clearly hear vlad sokolovsky, who is also an excellent dancer, timur rodriguez again sounded in my movements today. why did astkov and
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darev and what kind fall? you can chat, i ’ll wake up one day, the world around me is different, freshly clean, infinitely beautiful, on a high throne, the queen is love. he really looks like oleg gosmanov, i agree, the breed, yes, with a subhustal bridge, rivers of clean water, and
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no one has power over the flowers, and not the tree of happiness, the gardens of happiness, it is the smaller one. i don’t agree, i don’t agree, maybe it’s neradion. “he will become a great friend, for the birds and for the birds, man is no longer dangerous to them, and there will be no more embittered people, i
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don’t agree with her”? believes in stupid dreams, where is the creation still, it’s a pity, but i’m not involved in these dreams, the day will come for us to part , she doesn’t agree, i don’t agree. i will wake up one day, the world around me is different, the light is pure, infinitely beautiful, on a high throne
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love reigns. she disagrees less with me, she disagrees with me less, disagrees, disagrees, but here you look like a piece of cake, i disagree.
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our nightingale is a robber, he is greeted so loudly, i agree, if there had been an audience award in the semi-finals, our nightingale would have taken it, the women's audience award, come on, let's add, and if he dropped his cape, he would have won ours show, yes, prize, show, prize of sympathy, now i really want to say about the number, but just to follow up on the impression it makes the nightingale is on its way, is it true, do you think that i’m preparing everything? look, everything is crossed out here , among the avatars and other stars, the most piquant torso, super bunnies, no offense, but he gets our going, oh, bravo, thank you for the super, i’ve never had a poem dedicated to me before, thank you very much, i’m generally sparkling , dear nightingale, i don’t
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know what you did, i sat covered in goosebumps. nightingale, don’t believe her, she told this to both the troubador and the serpent gorynych. i know, i watched the whole episode, you can dot the i's, and you can give away goosebumps. about, some kind of idol worship has begun. and i like it, i like it. silovey, thank you very much. and you know, we also don’t agree to anything less, i want you to be in the finals, because you are just an amazing avatar, thank you, well, what do you agree to, timur batruddinov regarding the robber, what are your versions, once again i want to thank him for choosing the song, nikolai naskov is generally my super favorite singer, at one time when i served in the army, thanks
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to my performance, i love you, this is great, i received a five-day dismissal , that this is definitely my favorite singer, are you sure that you sang well, the main thing is that i fired you, leave for five, leave for five days, so that we don’t see you at all, you will be surprised, but we we remember this story, you told it already , where here last year, it seems to me , even open the window, it became so stuffy, i also have a memory, i have a good memory, yes, you told this story already, when no one else, just you when a story is good, it seems like you’ve already heard it, and told it yourself, yes yes? repeat this story a third time in the third season of the avatar show, okay, don’t switch until the third season, ntv channel. look, regarding the version, i want to say, here we are looking at... and we think that the performer is also young, but today we heard directly the voice of oleg gazmanov, we
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constantly thought that it was definitely gazmanov, thinking that someone... then younger, that means radion, but could it be oleg gazmanov himself, and what if there is such a story that when oleg can’t, radion replaces him, and then... radion is leaving on tour, oleg is replacing him, today it’s like a gentle may in a row, yes, they have several, and that they are not deceiving anyone, which of the gazmanovs do you want in the contract, what is written in the contract, gazmans, gazmans, what not gazmans, and what kind of oleg radi , and maybe, and maybe it’s that rodion’s voice, well, becomes like his dad’s, mutates, whatever it is, this is called a breed , what would it really be like, why wouldn’t my voice become similar?
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incredible physical shape, that's not even the right word, super incredible, but you can do a somersault do it back, please, all the sensors are shining there, guys, the gazmanovs don’t make a website for free, irina, judge us, in the end who is the word robber, the fact is that oleg gazmanov does not have milismatics, there are no these small notes. which were performed by this artist, who today is our nightingale the robber, that’s why i’m sure it’s not oleg kazmanov, but radion gazmanov, that’s what i wanted to say, well, no one
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heard staspe in today’s performance, why are you everywhere you see him, you hear him, baby, i didn’t hear him a little gogunsky, you get paid extra, you get paid extra for gogutsky, that’s right, and you get paid extra for stas piekha. it’s just that at the end of the speech it seemed to me that it looked like stas, by the way , i met with rodriguez here, and that you cross-examined him a little, you justified yourself very unnaturally, dear glorious robber, we will meet with you very soon at the vote. let yourself experience the true taste of luxury in a radiant atmosphere of nobility and sophistication, golden life chips, because
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luxury is a way of life, see all seasons and finals of your favorite shows in your mobile. reckless returns, hello , reckless, this is a meeting, and announces the hunt for a maniac, that again, just work, carefully, okay, as always, let's go straight over the corpse , the police are working, citizens are resting, listen, colonel, promise that you do this thing the right way, i'll tell you... everyone will sit down for tea nikita ponfilov unscrew the reckless new season tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. new year's mask december 31 at
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20:24 on ntv. dad, did you make a wish for santa claus? i would like my new year dad was not in advertising, he was with us. cool. i made a wish, santa claus will definitely fulfill it, you understand what you did, and what, that you took me away from people, with me the new year's tariff, such a lucrative offer, now no one will know about it , what will we give to people, maybe this your third place in judo will make someone happy, he wanted it best, yes, okay, be on holiday with your son, and i’ll replace him. but i won’t play maniacs. fabulously favorable new year's tariff from mts - 30 gb 500 minutes and 200 sms for only 390 rubles per month. have time to connect until the end
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and let me remind you that the fox is still raising a fox cub from mark tishman, it turns out that you are sergei lazarev, very much for the red-haired descendant of tishmad. lesyonka is 26 years old, i remind you that this little one is already young, the main thing is to be young at heart, you know? okay, so, meet on this stage the beautiful, cunning fox.
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delight every time, right? as i understand it, now i can call the fox lazarev, yes lazarev the fox, call me slavushka, well, hello, little fox , hello my good ones, hello my slats, my people, oh, hello, darling, where have you been hanging around, god, seryozha, all week , i you at home i’m waiting and waiting, i’m in the corners... a little corner, my
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dear, i’m picking raspberries, i’m picking blueberries for you in the forest, as you said, yeah, i see, okay, let me remind you that it’s winter. will you search for a long time? i, i, i'm looking, i'm looking for you frozen, unassembled, maybe canned, i'm all ready for you, my blue ini, my first snow, my fireplace, hot, kindled, already ready for you, oh glory, the coals are already smoldering, yes, what do you probably want to ask, i really want to, how is your fox, lazarim?
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you are the husband, applause, i feel a catch, i i honestly admit how good he is in bed , mom, he doesn’t snore, he doesn’t take up much space in the bed, he just sleeps, comrades, what you need at my age, but only often, of course, my husband is on tour, and so i i got bored, that's why i thought. no lovers, no, no, no, no lovers , seryozha, i decided to get down to business and become an astrologer, applause for astrologers, yes, well, this is where the future is determined by the stars, that’s right, i immediately realized what to do, tripped up batrudinov while
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he was falling, i made a wish, but it didn’t come true, dog, either he fell quickly, or he’s not a star at all, guess what? i wanted to do fish, in general, well, so to speak, eat fish and earn money, and then yes, with my rolls, sushi, and of course i don’t need such lies, especially since she’s on the jury here, i need it for the finals , i wanted to be a football blogger, everything went very successfully, but then i found out that boiled cheesecakes and adding vodka to pasta are not new. this is already a vysotsky thing, well , of course, you have to live up to your star husband, serezhenka, right? of course, in general therefore, ladies and gentlemen, a moment of attention, my name is lazareva fox, and today
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i am running for people's deputies, you will lower me, oh no, oh no, not at all, not at all. so there are more than 50% of you, which means that without the second round of the semi-final you will go straight to the final. me too , i want to fight with them, i also want to run for office, look how beautiful it is, united russia, it seems to me you’ve been going towards this all your life, there’s another option and the dpr, look, lisa, she, she’s taking your clothes away, no i need
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to take my bread, i was the first to come up with this idea, everyone heard, right, my people, right, right, my people, forested russia. in general, so, you, timur, don’t talk to me about this, that’s it, that’s it, comrades, within literally a couple of days, as a people’s deputy, i will fix everything, i promise to look after your health so that there is only one squirrel, which is in the hollow, i will cover all the trees with foam rubber so that the woodpecker goes crazy and does not disturb your sleep, the woodpecker with a perforat... 7 am this also applies, i will eradicate fraud, from now on the hares timur takhirovich will always travel for a fee, and not on a biker to the maldives, i even have an election slogan,
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fox, i’m not deceiving, i’m joking, vote for the forest, i’ll bring you happiness, we also have a slogan already ready, an excellent party, i’m ready to join it, seryozhechka, you’re ready to join my party, well, do i really have a choice, fox, well, husband and wife. as they say, yes, one family of foxes, yes, foxes, oh, what are you like, oh, sweet, fur, my, fluff, my, my, i can’t, well, in time for you, with pleasure, we are waiting, with look forward to the fox's party anthem, yes, vote for the fox, because yes, yes, yes, i am the fox, superstar, but before we listen to the fox's party anthem, let's remember the highlights . the performance of the face and of course, what did the jury members say about the versions of this
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gorgeous red-haired avatar? the sweet taste of raspberries on your lips can hide behind this mask, for example, like olga igorevna buzova, our forest, and polina gagarina, because it’s so bold to answer seryozha.
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all the single ladies, all the single ladies, on the single ladies, single ladies, the single ladies, all the single lets, all the single, all the single letters, all the single, all the single leties, all the single, all the single leties, now put your hands up.
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say i'm the one you own, if you don't, it
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'll be alone, and like i don't, i'll be gone, all the single ladies, all the single leties, all the single leties, all the single leties, all the single leties, all the single leties, all the single letter, now push your hands up, like you should have. well, it outwitted everyone in full, i can already see a small claim in sergei’s eyes,
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which means i didn’t understand something, come on, what’s that single lady, this is singdis, lonely, it’s me , the party is agitating girls who are not married, yeah, i’ll join, and let him join, that’s right, my first custom, so-so excuse, of course, you know, no, seryozha, everything is fair , all the lonely girls don’t care about... love, in my party they will feel it, because your love is enough for all women, and i’m not for one , but is that even true, how interesting? you came up with a good idea, so i want to say, fox, yes, my wife, this is of course, my joy, your passion, your love, your thirst, in general, this is the standard for a participant in any show,
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you know, in terms of level of preparation. takes away the lion's share of the airwaves, and absolutely deservedly so, because it is interesting to watch and listen to her and, of course, this is the brightest avatar of our second season, well, i have to keep the mark, my husband is like that, but there is no need to keep the mark, there is no need to keep the mark, he holds anyone himself, today marko iosivich, i look, i dig up my point, well, that’s okay, it turned out well, i dig up my point
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, the only thing i noticed is, look, yes, i see, and i look, i’m warmed up, i don’t need to wear a hat, well done, no, well, irochka is an empress as always , of course, you all are so down for the fact that this is regina, but to be honest, i’m not sure that it’s possible to exist so freely, in such a stand-up, in order to speak like that , you have to write it yourself, and she is free to talk, sorry that we are discussing you here, everything is possible, everything is possible, my hot, my cold. oh, my warm, my tender, glorious, my hard, my soft, my whole, the adjectives are over, the passionate spanish series begins, our warm, warm sergusya, lukewarm serusya, yes , that’s generally excellent, warm serusya, you know what they say when you’re sick, talk about
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the illness, don’t show it on yourself, don’t repeat it again, again, otherwise you’ll get stuck. these three names are on my mind, although in the conversation, it seems like in the dialect, because she speaks, of course, to natasha koroleva, because it slips into ge, this is it, it seems to me that she is doing this on purpose, well, it’s so free, i don't know, to be honest, listen, but i like it so much that she came and immediately declared that she was , yes, yes, yes, a fox, a superstar, i swear, there was not
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a single doubt in my head, not once during all the performances, that this was a real... superstar, thank you, and yes, we’re filming , beauty, just a beauty, about the version , it seems to me that after all, our trendy regisha is there, thank you, irina the fox drove you crazy today, the fox always drives me crazy, thank you, and now i can’t remember this one yet , this gesture, this gesture, it was directed towards me, this i’m an artist...
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i adore every fur of yours, from your heels to the top of your head, i’ll take you away from your earring from your family, i want to stroke you, every one of you, okay, i’m not lying, i’m joking, you joined the party, it’s clear, god, yes you’re in party, brand osich, my god, so that you supported me so much in our marriage, in your marriage with seryozha, in our marriage, you haven’t seen your son for 25 years, you still don’t see me, so we agreed that you will keep him in marriage you, marku, i will keep you all married, but it seems that the artist who controls the fox avatar has to hold everyone with this quality, i really like masha kravchenko’s version, but everyone... has already understood, margosy, what you like, what you envy, but that’s all, empty, the place, as they say, does not exist, there is no sacred place, holy and empty it doesn’t happen, in general, god forbid, that
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none of us, and those who watch the avatar show, will ever have an empty box, that the box will always be full, there is one thing that i just saw in the fox, the thing the fact is that it conveys facial expressions very well. if you remember, regina has braces, she does it like this all the time, pay attention attention to the fox's lips, in fact, in my opinion , regina has already taken off her braces, but the movement remains, the habit remains, interestingly, it seems to me that in general the party of free girls is the party of your dreams, timur, will you join the party, no, i'm waiting, i'm waiting for the foxes from... to the party to come to me, how cunning, all of you, lesulechka, girls, don't believe takhirovich, he'll deceive, this is my party, i'm not
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deceiving, i'm joking, everyone come to me, let's vote for lazarev fox, i brought you happiness, that’s it, please bring the next issue, we hope that you will stay with us,
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avatar, watch all seasons and finales of your favorite shows on your mobile. the first ray , the first rain on the spring arbat, you are such an incredible costume, who, who, and we didn’t expect to see him here, you are an incredibly brave person, the most festive show in the country, mask, mask, new year’s mask december 31 at 20:24, new reckless season tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. i help with liver problems. i am
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at alfabank, order a free alpha debit card, spin the reel in the app and receive a superkick every month, order a card in december and are guaranteed to receive 30% cashback on equipment, not just profitable, alpha profitable! third jury vote: the nightingale the robber and the fox? dear judges, now each of you must name an avatar, who will go to the nomination, who you are ready to say goodbye to today. the hero who gets the most votes from the judges, as you already know, will get to the final vote. and perhaps he will reveal the secret of his identity today. timur, two nominees in whom there is a certain, yes, there is a certain, one hundred percent confidence. and, if you choose between these.
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two avatars, then of course it will be more interesting to watch the fate of our red-haired beast, so today in the nomination i will send my one hundred percent confidence in nightingale-robbers. okay, nightingale the robber ida, do you just want to deprive me of pleasure? of course, i’m more confident in the forest, but they tell me so much about this nightingale that i’m ready to try. nightingale kolasisty nightingale accepted the nightingale the robber, and i want the fox to return home, i am the fox, accepted, then i could also lick, well, i’m more confident in the nightingale, so the nightingale is the robber, i ask you to open up to you today.
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mark, absolutely relaxed, name who you are nominating? nightingale. so, the third nominee today is the nightingale the robber, we will 100% meet the fox next week. congratulations to lisichka. all performances of the seventh episode of the avatar show have been completed. today the nominees for the opening are vasilisa the beautiful and mucha. tsekatukha and the nightingale the robber, yesterday he sent two mysterious letters by mail, in each line there are only dots, guess, who knows, what he is hinting at, what he is hinting at, what he is hinting at, who knows?
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before in stupid dreams, where is the creature still, it’s a pity, but i’m not involved in these dreams, the day will come, it’s time for us to part, she’s smaller than me
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no... i don’t agree, now the most interesting thing awaits us, will any of our avatars guess? judge, will any of this three reveal the secret of their identity today, dear judge, i remind you that first you must decide which avatar you want to try to open first. sergey, open our marathon, well, let's start the way they performed, let's start with vasilisa. vasilisa is beautiful, ida, i don’t have a single version of vasilisa, so i’ll start. from a fly, i'm sure of it, accepted, timur, today it pierced me, finally a new version about vasilisa the beautiful, let's start with her, vasilisa the beautiful, vasilisa the beautiful, okay, irina, well, let's fly, interesting,
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fly, mark, decide, i understand the logic of everyone at the jury table, but i'm staying. true to this method invented in the second season, the method of laser cutting off incorrect versions, and of course, there, for example, in the same fly we have some more or less general understanding, and regarding vasilisa, there is confusion and vacillation, but this method laser cutting just means that we cut off the versions with which we no longer work with, in order to narrow the circle and finally get to the point, so let ’s really start with...
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and the artist made it clear to us that she can sing in a pop style, in an academic manner, and there’s something between her and timur shura-muras from last season, from last summer, so let's try this version of aida grifulina, okay and yes, let me listen to the older comrade and we will try to reveal aida garifulina,
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appear on this stage, and this is her now , i really hope, because i would really like to see her again in our show, i knocked out this extreme place for myself to be the first to see, but never a traditional picture, i’ll be honest, i’ll be
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just wildly shocked if you guessed right, if it’s aida, there’s still no chance, wait, maybe she’s funny, maybe she was chained to the screen, she moves away, well... which avatar do you want to try to open next timur. oh, it’s very difficult, i categorically refused to guess this avatar, but the finale is getting closer, and there are fewer and fewer avatars with versions, well, let’s go in
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order, tsekatuha fly, okay, accepted, let’s go, i am most confident, of course, in her, fly, fly, fly, tsekatukha and... yes, tsekatukha fly, accepted, mark, tsekatukha fly, sergei. well, at least the fly fought, the nightingale. so, four votes for now trying to open the avatar of the tinkling fly. now from each member of the jury, i expect only one name, who controls the avatar of the tinkling fly . timur, start. with great respect, admiration and sadness, i suggest that there is a tsikatuhi in the fly. accepted,
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yes, here i join every word, my favorite pie, of course, for me it seems that there is an amazing larisa alexandrovna, accepted, irina, well, i’m so hip, and like the first one to notice these body movements. i can’t name another name, it’s larisa dolina. mark, i think the fly avatar is controlled by larisa dolina. well, i ’m happy that this artist graced the second season and performed so brightly every time, i’m happy that experience, charisma, voice allows her to experiment like that and...
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it was, of course, in general, are we speech therapists? larisa aleksandrovna dolina, if you are the owner of the avatar, fly, tsekatuha, appear on this stage. you're welcome, but it will be a break, of course. god, how scary, irochka. well, everyone’s nerves are already on edge, it’s getting hotter. i won’t look, i’ll just keep wooing until no one, i ’ll tell you everything.
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i didn’t believe in the third and fourth program that it was you, because i didn’t hear this absolute contralt, so calm and such a direct sound, thank you, our beloved, i honestly tried to confuse you, honestly, as best i could, there was a man who refused to guess you until the last one, i heard, i know, i very, very strongly refused, but even now, without any avatar, larisa alexandrovna, i am selfless. i love you infinitely
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, i admire you, i thank you from the bottom of my heart, thank you very much, what is this feeling like to control an avatar, does it immerse you in at least some kind of childhood, when just some bully repeats your movement? well, i really liked the character from the very beginning, so i chose tsekhatukha, i liked her because she’s all so sparkling, golden, beautiful, i love her too gold, no, i don’t mean this, i mean gold as just an object - it was very beautiful to admire, the avatar was drawn in such detail, it’s very beautiful, really detailed, i’m directly impressed by this particular character, i’m very much. .. i’m glad that i chose him, i didn’t regret it for a single second, but i caught your gaze, yes, the gaze was right larisa aleksandrovsky’s very soul, into the very soul, oh, you know my look, yes, i know your look, okay, the stars are preparing for the new year,
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of course, but what, what will my husband say, that’s for you have money or a holiday, what is more important, money, who lays out hundreds. which celebrity will have black caviar and goose with apples on the new year's table, and who won't come up to the stove for a cannon shot? the man paid for the crabs, of course, it looks juicy, i would add sugar, what's the point of nuts? oh, your butt will be like a nut! what will the arts wear to celebrate the year of the green dragon? we are going out in absolutely new things, even softer underwear, even underwear! and what will they put under the christmas tree for their most beloved people? that is, the snow maiden was in cabbage soup and in the nozzle. how can you believe in santa claus, if you can see that he has a beard with an elastic band. the stars have aligned to prepare well for the new year. today immediately after the avatar show on ntv. reckless, new
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