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tv   Advokat  NTV  December 18, 2023 3:00am-3:51am MSK

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and also, given that there was no malice in his actions, i ask the court to qualify his actions as self-defense using the necessary self-defense. yes, i have everything, i have something to add to the accusation. bubnov came to the hospital in severe pain, and could not even offer decent resistance, but the defendant was in excellent physical shape. criminal code of the russian federation and sentenced him to eight years in prison in a maximum security colony. i have everything, your honor. please note that bubnov had about himself knife. this has not been proven. i call you to order. defense, do you have anything to add?
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under what circumstances? we have evidence that bubnov’s aggression was caused by a drug addiction and in this state he could be dangerous to others. and we also have a new witness. well , let's look at this evidence and listen to the witness. thank you your part. you made the right decision, no, no, son, maybe it’s not necessary, well, hell, maybe in vain, well , again the court, well, our hearts are in the right place, considering that it was proven that the action the defendant... did not go beyond the scope
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of necessary self-defense, the defendant is found innocent and released in the courtroom, congratulations, lyosha, dear, well, thank you, thank you, i am your debtor, but what a debtor, i just did my job, how masterfully i did it, lyosh, well, you’re such a genius, i’m not doing it alone, but of course, love it, if it weren’t for you. gentlemen, i apologize, i ask you to excuse me, okay, let's go, fyodor, i'm sorry, i wanted to say thank you very much, okay, no problem, you know, we should probably return to your case, we can't return the year, but you can get substantial compensation, i don’t have money for a lawyer, i offer my servants completely free of charge. happily, zemi
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, zemi, who am i seeing, natasha, hello, you were transferred back, i didn’t know, i missed you very much too, you haven’t changed at all, and as usual, of course you’re not married, well, let’s have lunch, discuss and... i’m sorry, i can’t , the phone is still the same, bazha, there are children there , it’s a big apartment, don’t go, don’t go,
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where did he run, thank god, grandfathers, good morning, hello, in the morning. at work, that things are not going well on a personal level, wow, sorry, here now he’ll come, yeah, anyway, to the archive , how embarrassing, hello, then, i’m also a lawyer , hello, please come in, sit down, you don’t feel good, sit down,
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they accuse my son kolya that it’s his fault that the children died, he i left them alone in the apartment and suddenly there was a fire, so under what article were the charges brought? kolya himself admitted, lena, while
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his wife was in the store, smoke poured into the apartment , nikolai ran away, leaving the children, this is not true, he... couldn’t, i don’t believe it, but how the fire started is unknown, incomprehensible, no one knows not understands nothing, now they just need to put kolya in jail, lyosha, this is a heart, do you have pills, here, here, hello? “hello, ambulance, we need help , it looks like a heart, don’t worry, the ambulance will arrive now, everything will be fine, we ’ll figure it out, write it down, lesh, i looked at
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the case materials, the children died from carbon monoxide poisoning, and the examination report is ready, the examination is still carried out, preliminary version, no, the neighbors haven’t said anything yet, but he’s been drinking lately , hasn’t worked as a wife and loves children, so what? the wife herself says, nothing so far, after the fire she felt bad, she’s still in the hospital, i need to go see her, i hope that she can clarify the situation, yes, i ’m going to see her right now, and then i’ll start doing surveys, photographic materials i'll send it to you. skvortsova rules out the possibility of communicating with him, i’m her husband’s lawyer, this will help save him from prison, i’ll talk to her calmly, but that ’s not even the point, okay, let’s go through , you’ll see everything for yourself, but it’s unlikely to be anything you'll find out.
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lena, hello, i represent interests your husband, i’m a lawyer, i wanted to talk to you about his case, so you see, you ’ve convinced yourself of everything, she has severe post-traumatic shock, which has manifested itself, well , as you can see, into depression. now i understand why her testimony is not in the case, her only relative, her mother-in-law, is also in the hospital, with a heart attack, yes, such a tragedy, tell me when she can come to her senses, well, making predictions in such
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conditions is a thankless task, some recover in a week , and some remain in this state for the entire the rest of her life, with a psychiatric diagnosis, poor woman. if she suddenly loses her temper, please let me know. yes, sure. lyosh, listen, the door of the apartment is broken, so i think it’s strange, according to nikolai’s testimony, he was scared of the smoke and jumped out of the burning apartment, left alone, but if the firefighters opened the apartment, it means it was closed,
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i don’t understand, is it really skvortsov i locked the children in a burning apartment, oh well, i understood, everything is fine.
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yes, i understood everything, yes, i’m already on the road, okay, when we meet, we’ll discuss all the details of your case, yes, agreed, and what do i owe, good afternoon, good, and i actually. and she’s actually not in the office, uh-huh, i see, and where is she , excuse me, i’ll get poisoned, of course, of course, but only you know, i’m sure that she would be glad to see me, i have an earnest request to you, don’t you need to want to come here more, i don’t think it will be pleasant for lyuba, there’s no need to pull her, but we’ve already met with her, i see you’re somehow not happy. to be honest, i’m not happy about the new round of our loving relationship, i don’t think
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it will be happy for lyuba either, you’re jealous, but there’s no need to meddle in our lives, this is our business, of course, i don’t have the habit of meddling in other people’s lives, you have a short memory, and if it weren’t for you, we would still be together, that’s for you ... memory, she complained to you, yes, she cried into her vest, and you warmed her up, taking advantage of the fact that we had a difficult period in the relationship, that not a day, then a new discovery, but if you say the wrong thing, no, if you once you come between us, you know what will happen, it’s interesting, well, in short, i warned you, i love her, i’ve always loved her, and i will fight for love, good luck, the door is open, yes, i’m going, i’m going, thank you very much,
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but i don’t need a lawyer, i’m to blame for everything, and i admit it, nikolai, it’s your right to admit it or not, but don’t refuse my help, i could somehow mitigate your punishment, tell me what happened that day during the fire, i already told everything, shortly before the fire. my wife went out to the store, i was left alone at home with the children , drank a little, apparently fell asleep, what the children were doing, i don’t know, but when i woke up, everything was in smoke, i got scared, ran out of the apartment, left it there children alone, where you ran out of the apartment , i don’t remember, when you ran out of the apartment, you locked two doors from the outside with a key, i don’t remember, but you try to remember, this is important , here...
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in peace, security, come in, good afternoon, you are an investigator in the case of the accused nikolai skvartsov, you are busy, something urgent, i am his lawyer, i just have a few important questions for you, okay, just quickly, when inspecting nikolai skvartsov’s apartment... it was recorded that the door to the apartment was it’s broken, yeah, what’s there to fix?
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the firefighters broke it down, they always do this , that is, before the firefighters arrived, the door to the apartment was locked, it turns out it was locked, you weren’t embarrassed that this contradicts the testimony of nikolai skvartsov, who ran out of the smoke-filled apartment in his papas, and why be embarrassed, well, of course, there are confessions, and well, was the door there open or closed, in particular, well, all your questions, in general, yes. i won't bother you anymore. "who, who lives in a little house, quietly and coldly, like in a morgue, separate you, the long-awaited continuation of the most dashing series, and what it’s true that there’s a maniac running around sochi , a ural hamut, but no, what are you
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talking about, we’re preparing for april 1st, the perfect murder, just like in the movies, remains in existence.” well, how are you doing? well, skvortsov is not making contact, that’s all for the investigator it doesn’t matter whether the door or the apartment was locked during the fire or not, the main thing is that he confessed, but there is a clear discrepancy in the case and something is not being said to quartz, look, the promissory note for the loan to the bucks company,
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look at the amount of the debt skvartsov, indicated in letters from the bucks company. such debts, i don’t know, maybe they decided to scare them, set them on fire, and then, when the fire broke out, there was no one to put it out in time, were the people from the bucks, or what? well, i don’t rule it out, i looked about this company, it was featured in many stories about collecting debts through collectors. so, well,
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then we need to find out whether someone threatened the family and if they did, were they collectors from? well done, hello, how can i help you? hello, i am the lawyer of nikolai skvortsov, who is your client. yes, i'm listening. please tell me, i know that skvartsov owes you a large amount of money. well, if that's the case, then that information is confidential. but you still have to provide it to me. in your own interests, but what actually happened? what happened was that on friday the sixth the apartment burned down and three children died in it. i sympathize, but as you said, nikolai skvortsov, i’m sorry, but i don’t understand, what does our company have to do with it? ok, i
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'll formulate the question differently: how do you deal with clients who are on time... bears payments, well, we act within the framework of the agreement and russian legislation, or rather, the amount of the borrower’s debt simply increases, that’s all. do they write in the press that you are collecting debts? what are you about? you resort to the services of collectors; if a person cannot pay, then the collectors act using gangster methods. physical pressure, damage, burning of property. more than a dozen criminal cases have been opened against your company based on a statement to the borrower, continue? listen, let me give you all the information. according to skvortsov, and you will leave. skvortsov so, repaid my entire debt with all interest. when did skvartsov deposit the money? aa on friday the sixth at 13:00. so, it turns out before the fire. but before that, i think he hadn’t contributed for several months. yes, i didn't. and how much
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did starlings pay you, taking into account accrued interest? well , i understand you, all the best, goodbye, well , since nikolai paid the entire amount of the debt, that means the buck has nothing to do with it, and nikolai’s motive to kill his family does not disappear out of despair. paid off your debts, live and be happy, well, let’s say skvortsov wasn’t there during the fire, but it’s him hides for some special reason of his own , well, that means we need to find out this special reason,
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we’ll have to ask the neighbors, i understand that gossip cannot be escaped, but as they say, there is no smoke without fire, an unfortunate comparison, i knew that you were still here, what happened, hi, well, i understand that work always comes first for you, hello, sasha. and even on the second, well, we agreed on what, that we would go to a car dealership together, that we needed to look at the car, so that i could then drive the little one, sorry, i got busy, well, we're going, let's not interfere, let's go and talk. i think that the trip to the car dealership will have to be postponed for now, well, let ’s agree that when i’m at work, we don’t talk about the car, or about children, or about remodeling, or about our life together
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, work is work, but so what say, well, everything is clear as day, i love you, you love me, well, what’s the problem, i just need a small car, well, let ’s put it off for a while, it’s starting to seem to me that you don’t have enough for me the right time. zemina , i'm sorry, they're calling from the prosecutor's office, thank you, i said that you're busy, but i need to call you back urgently, well , sash, i'm sorry, i don't belong to myself, just, we'll talk in the evening, then the prosecutor, i 'll call you back, goodbye, yes, well , until the evening, yeah, talk, bye, why are you smiling, better advise what will happen, she tells me every day, sometimes indirectly, sometimes... directly about the children, so what should i say, what i don’t want from you child, well, you can understand her, lesh, after all, she’s
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been living with you for a long time, as i understand it, it’s not bad, naturally, she wants children from herself, this is normal, like any woman, that’s how to understand you men - that’s the question, here’s my husband, for example, i don’t understand anything with him either, you’re divorced or not, you’re divorced, and now we’re getting together. gives gifts, takes him to expensive restaurants, behaves like a real grown man, yes, yes, the aroma of a new life, what do you think, maybe dive into the past, love, of course, i’m not an adviser, but in my opinion, your ex-husband of this not worth it, why? well, remember how you suffered with him, how he hit you at every post i was jealous, how i was watching you, how not, if you want to go for the second round, then please, but to me. don’t come running, okay, you might think that you were once distinguished by a sense of empathy and one could come to you to complain, well, we have something new, it ’s my husband teaching you new words, no, i
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teach words myself, of course, this like we 're on the same wavelength, yeah, yeah, listen, maybe there's something wrong with me, or something wrong with her, with her, with her, with you, with all of you, well, here i am i say, no sense of attention to to the interlocutor, uh-huh. lyosh, listen, we have some errands for today, my husband has arrived, none, it can be free tomorrow, just don’t forget to talk to your neighbors in the morning, don’t be late either, sasha is waiting, it’s none of your business, and you good evening.
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hello, hello, adzeman, listen, yes, i ’m glad too, i’m coming to you with an offer, let’s have dinner together. gentleman's friendly set, come in. how nice that you remember my favorite flowers, yes. fan number 125, no,
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wake up, yeah, yes, work has always been the main thing the woman of your life, that’s for sure, i’m looking at you, i’m still admiring you , you look amazing, you’re also well preserved, good as always, yes, okay, oh, it’s like it was all yesterday, and what about help? how we watched your entire series a couple of times in a row, you asked me just now, who is the killer, who is the killer, exactly, i admired you so much back then, well, that’s right, i was still supervising your workers during the renovation, yes, yes, on which in my opinion worked out well, yes very well, every day something falls off, you remade it, yes, yes, that’s what i wanted to say, you probably the only one who never asked me where i was, who i was with, it was always very
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easy, for us, and maybe in vain, but what? maybe i should have held you tighter, then i wouldn’t still be drawn to you, what is it that pulls me so much? well, in general, yes, zemina, of course i ’m very glad to see you, but you don’t step into the same river twice, who told you that we are from him? are you serious? are you disappearing again? i wouldn’t like to, but there’s somehow a lot of work to do. work
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has already called you, young naive girl, well, everything was fine, but for some reason decided that we should leave, uh-huh, what do you think? a young wife, a child, a full-fledged family? how wonderful you are, but don’t remember these cards, but no, well, i’m definitely working now,
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well, the day after tomorrow i’m in the office, oh, what happened, what’s wrong, what’s bad, day after day. for now, for now, contract servicemen receive regional support measures, combat veteran status, exemption from land tax, compensation for housing and communal services, vouchers to a sanatorium, and vacation twice a year. and other
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benefits from the state, everything is fair here, serve under contract. hello, hello, honey. tell me, were you at home on the day when the fire broke out in skvartsu’s apartment? why do you need it? i am nikolai skvortsov’s lawyer, i am not interested in the details of what happened. so where are you coming from? i decided to protect shakolka, this is my job, but everyone knows, shakolka, damn him, a parasitic drunkard, tell me, did you see how this happened, believe me, baby, i live for you, i know this whole situation, but what exactly do you know, but the fact that kolka burned his children while drunk, and ganin, although he is a bastard, is a hero,
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rushed into the fire to save the children. ganin, who is this? yes , their neighbor, mishka ganin, is so arrogant himself, he never says hello, he passes by, but he turned out to be a hero, what happens, what kind of apartment does he have? 155 right next to the starling, thank you, i’ve seen a lot of little ones, believe me, it’s not in vain at the entrance of the factory, i worked for so many years, from the engine, from bell to bell, we’ve never seen anything like starlings, just like that, thanks for the information, and good health.
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yes, good afternoon, hello, you are mikhail ganin? yes, what's the matter? i am nikolai skvartsov’s lawyer, i would like to talk to you about the fire. what are you exactly interested in? i heard. that you tried to save the children from the fire, is that true? yes, really, could you tell me how it all happened? i understand that until i tell you everything, you won’t leave here, right? on friday after the meeting , i returned home, we sat down to have dinner, well, as sonya and i sat down to have dinner, well, it’s my wife, so at first we heard screams, a fire, help, but we decided that these were kids playing like that, they were noisy. very soon there seemed to be a burning smell, but our garbage dump is set on fire in the yard so often that we don’t even pay attention anymore, then i finally went out to the leshchenskaya cage, there were clouds of smoke, these children’s screams, i rushed to the
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skvartsovs’ apartment, tried - to take out this door, it did not give in for a very long time, but then when i finally broke it, there were no more screams, the fire was already burning there, i tried to get through to the children, but there was a bang from the panel drawer, the fire hit me burned, i ran back to the stairs, that’s it, no, i returned home, called the firefighters, they said that the call to this address had already been accepted, then they arrived, unfortunately, the children could not be saved, i understood correctly that... the firefighters did not have to hide the door, it was knocked down by you, yes, it’s strange that your testimony is not in the case, well, no one actually asked me, what’s the point of this testimony if the children still couldn’t be saved, and the investigator,
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i can talk to your wife, you know, we just quarreled, she went to her mother, lilac boulevard, building 26, apartment... 83, uh-huh, if you want, i'll write down your phone number, write, okay, thank you, goodbye, goodbye, this is not the first time i've seen you, you were in nikolai skvortsov's apartment, yes, i...
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such smoke is pouring out of the quartz doors and ganin jumps out from there, and sophia, sophia you screamed at the gazen, how many more children should we kill? well, i stood there for a little while, yes, and then i saw a little peephole, she was coming out of
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the door with this suitcase, the door slammed so hard, the walls almost shattered, you told the police about this, the police, but how did you say it? they put ganin up as heroes, after all, he saved the little swans, and then i got scared. after all, i’m the main witness, and he’ll find out and kill me, whoever stands up for me, tell me, and then i’m only telling you because i feel sorry for the remisishes and... nikolai, nikolai is in prison for nothing, i don’t i understand what this has to do with us, well, yes, misha and i had a fight, but this is our personal business. sofia, the fact is that there is reason to believe that mikhail is guilty of setting the starling children on fire, but you are crazy, i saw with my own eyes how he... jumped from behind the table he rushed to save them, you want
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to say that the fire started before mikhail embroidered on the door to the apartment, well, of course, already before that the children were screaming for help , you could smell the smoke, and misha absolutely does not like children, it’s true, but to kill, sophia, tell me, what kind of relationship did you have with the iskvartsovs before the fire? misha argued with them a couple of times, it’s just that their children were always very noisy, and he works at home, he makes websites, he needs silence, well, what kind of offense can there be, when the children are on fire, he simply could not do anything other than try to save them. sofia, forgive me for asking this question, but why did you leave mikhail?
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how can i explain to you, i loved him naively , i hoped that one day he would change and still want children, and recently i found out that i was pregnant, and misha again began to insist on an abortion, but i refused to have an abortion, i decided that i would raise my child myself, that's all. is it true that when you left you shouted that you didn’t want to kill children for mikhail’s sake? yes, but i meant our, well, in the sense of my child. nikolai, i’m not an investigator, not all you have to say to me is word for word, everything that you said during the interrogation, i have already read all this in the case materials. you locked the door, that’s a fact, i’m a lawyer, i keep attorney-client privilege
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, you have nothing to fear, you can tell me everything as it is, okay, i’ll tell you everything as it is, when my wife went to the store, i really wanted to drink, i locked the children and went to the pub, why didn’t you tell the investigator the truth, i was ashamed, and what difference does it make to the investigator, it’s my fault anyway, i left the children alone, there’s a fire? came back the children are being taken to the morgue, the wife to the hospital , there is no information in the case materials that you were drunk, no one checked the presence of alcohol in my blood, strange, nikolai, i have information that on the day of the fire you paid the debt microcredit organization bucks, what money did you use to pay for it, if you hadn’t worked for 3 months then, at my last job i was owed several months’ salary, on the day... of the fire they gave out the entire amount, i
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paid most of it to the bucks, that’s all i gave the rest to my wife, she went to the store, left me with the children, what kind of money did you drink, if you gave it all to your wife , left the stash, in general, i was able to confirm that skvortsov was in the pub, he had regular customers... so look, on friday the sixth two
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calls to the number of tamara ivanovna skvartsova, yeah, on number of a certain ekaterina seridova, born in ninety-five , look, a young girl, i wonder who she is , it says pit college student number two, but if you have her address, you’ll have to put it down, you’ll have to have an address, listen, this sveridova lives in the same area as skvortsov, look, a young girl. lives not far away, well, in person, a love affair, oh , zyumin, you always have this version among the first, it’s just an assumption, you know, what’s your assumption, you have to check, i then went to
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nikolai, apparently they saved money, used one phone, well, on the day of the fire , why did they refuse, there is such a situation, in general, they did not pay me money for 2 months, if i had agreed to come that evening, the children would have remained alive, yes katya, katya, don’t worry, you’re in no way not guilty, i'm not a prosecutor, i'll tell you everything you know, nikolai called and asked to come to them that evening for a couple of hours. he said that he would pay off the entire debt, but i had other plans , it was my friend’s birthday, so i refused, now i really regret it, lesh, the news is sad, tamara ivanovna died of a massive heart attack, just a few
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hours after admission, yes, unfortunately, but the second news, i talked with lena skvortsova’s doctor, she didn’t feel any better, but as it turns out... she’s expecting a child, yes, okay, i’ll press on it, let’s get in touch, i didn’t have time, appear after you already quarreled, denis nikifarov, will you come with me, you are now the most important witness, white bim, black ears, everything fits, bim, tomorrow at 22:10 on... nikolai, i sympathize with your grief, i understand that you lost your mother, but now it is my duty, it is
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my duty to ease your punishment, because tamara ivanovna herself asked me about it. we learned that on the day of the fire... she decided to at least go get groceries. which store did you go to? i don’t know for sure, we have a lot of them in our area. nikolay, and for me does it seem like you're missing something? it's your right to think so. nikolai, are you aware that
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your wife is expecting a child? yes. i will never believe that you... unfortunately, he continues to stand his ground, but let it slip that in the supermarket where his wife went, there was a promotion on the purchase of powder, two packs for the price of one, yes, okay, i’ll find out, what kind of store is it supposed to keep
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records for two months, but if everything is calm, we delete it earlier, we need friday, the sixth around 3:00 in the afternoon. you're lucky, this day is still preserved, like this that's what you were hiding nikolai skvortsov, nikolai, we have a recording from cctv cameras in the supermarket, which shows that you were there together with your wife, further. it’s pointless, i didn’t want lena to be touched, she’s pregnant, if she finds out that we’re both, she’ll go to prison too. we went to the store together, we never left the children alone , the only time, that’s what happened, i
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’m the only one to blame, why didn’t you go to the store yourself without flax, it’s all booze, if i hadn’t been drinking, lena would have trusted me with the shopping, herself i would have stayed with the children, because for several months they barely managed ends meet, she was afraid that i would drink the money away. yes, i understood everything, thank you, i’m on my way.
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i wouldn’t have conveyed this anyway, especially in my position, and we went together, i was looking for someone to leave the children with, but neither the nanny nor tamara ivanovna could, i called my neighbor, our old lady, but apparently she was sleeping, because the door to me so no one opened it, i... never left the children alone before, but they were already
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going to bed, and i so wanted there to be food in the house, and in reserve too, when my husband and i were in the store, a neighbor called me , she said there was a fire in the apartment, we ran. but on the way i felt bad, someone called an ambulance for me, nikolai sat lena on a bench, waiting for the doctors, but lena told him to run to save the children, he ran, but as we know, it was too late, this is the investigative committee, print out the conclusion about the cause of the fire in the apartment with quartz glass. they agree to show their spouse, although they did not communicate with each other after the fire and could not agree on anything, yes, the cause of
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the fire was an electrical fire, well, yes, yes, i think the suspended sentences received for the starlings are fair, they won’t carry out the orders anyway, well, yes, god forbid they outlive their children, visit our store, a large assortment of jackets and noise, only we have genuine leather and fur from the best manufacturers world brands, don’t yell like that, there is no rest from them day or night, our store has numerous. promotions and bonuses for our customers, don’t pass, you’ll be yelling at your children at home when you put them to bed, understand?


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