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tv   Shpion 1  NTV  December 19, 2023 1:40am-2:36am MSK

1:40 am
two field, both fatal, well, they banned the guy specifically, help, someone , call the police, the police are already here, what happened, shoot him, he’s mad , a hedgehog understands, grabbed a squirrel, killed his wife, okay, let’s look at everything versions, again a joke, it would be better to arrest someone for the sake of decency, come on, throw the bottle, i don’t live in exchange, where are you going, boom, tomorrow at 22:10, on ntv. to get rid of chubby cheeks, the girl lost weight to 29 kg. grandma says to me: oh, lera, what a beauty you have, how plump you are. my minimum weight is 29 kg. in 10 years she gained only 3 kg. and now she considers herself fat again. now i see myself as rather large, that i have such powerful arms, that i have a belly there, and huge cheeks. the mother is afraid that her daughter and... diets herself
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to death, this is very scary, such a flower may die today, tomorrow, but does the thin woman herself, who considers herself fat, understand this, she says: mom, i have no desire to get better it’s difficult for me to fight this disease, i would like to hear such a verdict that there is still some opportunity for me to be happy, this is beyond the bounds, tomorrow at 16:45 on enter.
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report, maybe he will feel better, we can talk to the representatives, get out of here, i’ll go talk to nairi, sheikh salah assures that the terrorists do not want to agree to our terms, only albilavi and his people, kidnap. give
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us 2 days, and then, and then they will send the severed head of another hostage and give us another day, what do you propose, to agree to the conditions of the kidnappers, you are crazy, comrade secretary of the central committee, we have no real alternatives, sheikh salah has no influence on terrorists, besides, his position, ilya konstantinovich, what do you offer us? put president khaled, our proven ally, you understand what you are saying, take your time, please talk to the secretary general, i will not delay you, comrades.
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tell me, among the diplomats who were kidnapped, there is a woman who works for the kgb.
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i have no idea, i really don’t know, i will only be involved in analyzing the recordings of conversations, you understand that i cannot ask such questions, this place needs to be found out urgently.
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dmitry sergeevich, and if we assume that lempard was set up for us, you are americans, and what, are you carrying out a high-profile recruitment? you quite officially meet with your agent, but it’s not he who is passing on secret information to you, but you are passing on secret information to him, which gives you reason to think so, logic, the leak from our beirut station began in the spring of ninety-one, by a strange coincidence, it was at this time that your close contacts with a supposedly valuable agent. okay, by your logic, i planned my wife's kidnapping myself, right? and no one claims that... you were aware of why the americans needed this information, you could have been used by the dark, oh, guys, yes, in general, all this is serious, but the devil.
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here is the transcript from washington. i hope your new source in beruti has already reported that you have a mole either at the embassy or in the middle east department. sheikh salah, through whom you are negotiating, is the organizer of the kidnapping of your diplomats. he hopes to take
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president khaled's place. it may be important for you to know what your boss says about security mustafa. the one who led the kidnapping is actually the son of salah, the sheikh carefully hides this.
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where we go? how did snegur manage to attract said? did they know each other? yes, ali introduced them to said. a month before his death. said is a major of the levanese special forces, he is a serious , respected person. and snegor came to said and told him to order mustafa to kill his brother. what about aliamili?
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my ex-wife, you are lying, lying, what is this place where i am? mrs. chaikina, you are with friends. i need
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to contact the embassy. listen to me carefully. the people who kidnapped you are from us, of course, there is some influence on them. but , unfortunately, it is not unlimited. and your fate is now solely in your hands. depends on the outcome of our conversation. richard harley, assistant naval attaché of the united states. we met at the reception in honor of independence day. can i have a cigarette? hold it.
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ا لا لا لا لا لا المكان. place, i don’t know anything , i don’t understand what you’re talking about, i’m very sorry, no, please, no, no, no, wait, i’ll tell you, but i have nothing to do with it, i was forced, of course, of course, wait, come on , sai, yesir,
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this is all, yesir, he planned it, friend , you don’t understand, i don’t care who planned it, i’m interested in the place where they are being kept, i, i really don’t know, this is the brother of ali amel, my close friend, who was killed on your order.
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yes, and i didn’t really know colbert, at our request he was getting a study visa for omar’s daughter, at the reception he spilled the beans to someone from the lebanese security service, he added 2.2 zamar come, have a drink, thank you, no, but couldn’t there have been a leak from here?
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let them figure it out themselves, well, i agree, i remember, of course, a man from russian embassy, ​​he comes here sometimes, how do you know mustafa, who doesn’t know mustafa
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, he’s a big man, they played, the russian won, then they stood up, the russian said that... any of our steps will be known to the kidnapper, especially if the intermediary is the kidnapper . the central committee decided that they would not put pressure on khaled to release this bandit.
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so how? and like this. we have a contract with them for a gas pipeline, for the supply of aircraft tanks for 5 billion dollars, i would have these goods with my own hands, money is a commodity, well, what are we going to do, ilya konstantinovich, what to do, what to do, so. it was not for nothing that kipling so focused the message on the fact that mustafa is the son of a sheikh, and the sheikh carefully hides this, apparently this is a vulnerable spot, what are you doing, and what are you doing, bitch, you’re crazy, what kind of numbers, no hello, no how are things, where did mustafa go, and
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the sheikh is beside himself, he interrupted the negotiations. by the way, it costs 10 bucks. okay, don’t fuss, in another hour there will be news from the lebanese special forces, then we’ll go to gostyugov, you’ll be there, fuck you.
2:00 am
علي ماذا يحلس هناك. all rights reserved. all rights
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reserved. اسي سعيد هذا هو
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damn, only this was not enough, how is it possible to leave your diplomats, don’t you understand, respect us no one will, what the hell, they’ll kill her, you can understand that, they’ll all be killed there, it’s a pity for people, but no one will allow us to lose what we’ve been building for decades, in a word, the central committee won’t sacrifice to the khaleds... i'll come, let me come to the sheikh and explain to him what we're talking about we know everything, and if something happens, we will arrange such a beautiful life for him , what will we do for him, he bet on the americans, our
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threats to him are irrelevant, and now listen, mustafa, who organized the kidnapping, is not just the sheikh’s guard, he is his son, and this sheikh is hiding, think about why, well, you, how do you know this? it doesn’t matter, the information is 100% clear, everything is out.
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yes, his name is ali, ali amel, i have never heard such a thing. this is a complete lie, they still don't give me a real case, stop yelling, frank, harley at least said something, maybe named the place where emerson went, he didn’t tell me any places, he goes to a lot of places, but,
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of course, he doesn’t report to me.
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don’t touch me, let’s go, don’t twitch, don’t overdo it, he’s still not a brute.
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if after 2 hours they receive the corpse of another of their diplomats, they will become more accommodating. are you driving too many corpses? the purity of faith requires a lot of blood. who knows what's in their heads? this shouldn't worry us. call ismail, let him act.
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there are no details, i don't want to know. you must firmly understand that the government of the united states will condemn this crime. damn satan. were you talking on a secure line? of course i know the rules. we decide for ourselves what to do with the hostages.
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what will they do, dima? they will not do anything, they will express indignation at warr’s act of international terrorism. here i see the point. do you know where mustafa is? zhenya, once again, do you know where mustafa is? he’s alive, nothing will happen to him, he’s not going anywhere. you're laughing now, that's it, let's go to they took the sheikh like that and went without warning, dima, what about your favorite
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protocol procedures, fuck the protocol, that’s how you have to go, only we’ll capture shvili, but why shvili, it’ll come in handy, remember, zhenya, i’m saying , you are silent, as you say, citizen, boss, let's go. the russian is there, yes, open it up, we were ordered to pick her up, let’s quickly, old man, the sheikh doesn’t like to wait, what does it mean ordered, you talk a lot, but i don’t have it...
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but it seems to us that the sheikh is at home. what do you have in mind? we will see. what does it mean? what do you are you doing? sit down. sit down. do not even think. stay where you are. sit down, i said, shut your mouth. but i was not warned. i have orders from the sheikh's secretary. let only certain people come to her. i must contact the persecuted without his orders. sheikha, open it, give me the keys already, see if anything happens, you will have to answer for it yourself before driving away. i am
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concerned about the fate of this young man, he is an orphan, he served me since childhood, i heard that one of your employees saw him last, this is a man. we have some authority, bandits they delegate soviet diplomats, this is the first time i’ve heard about this, have you never heard of?
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what is it, today i opened it, that you are digging around, but the door is closed from the inside with something , you are kidding me, move away, are you crazy, do you want the neighbors to call the police? “i have to call, if he doesn’t tell me, at least spread everything, but i won’t allow it without an order, let him call, go and confirm his order, let’s take this woman, i ’ll answer, sit still, this could be a very important call.”
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someone will exchange a diplomat for a simple security guard, no one will exchange a simple security guard, but if is this guard your son? if in an hour we do not get our employees back, then in 2 hours, you will receive his severed head, wrapped in pork skin, then within a week, you will receive your son in parts.
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stop, don't go there, sir, it could be dangerous. katya, katya.
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all rights reserved. قف نستعد لهذا الحلكم
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but they knew everything, and the main thing is that he is my son, that is, how? i’m telling you, they knew everything, don’t you think, i hope it was us, only the cia knew about it, it was done by one of yours, and what should i do now, you are in vain avoiding a direct answer, dmitry sergeevich, it seems to me that you know much more about the release of hostages than you are telling now. “i don’t understand what you’re talking about, but you all understand perfectly well, these are reports from the ninety
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-first year, and no one can really answer the question of why the terrorists suddenly released the hostages, you know, i was also very worried about this question, we even often discussed this, stop making faces, how did snegur put pressure on the sheikh, ask snegur, and we will ask, we will definitely ask, returns back to beirut, why? it was management's decision, and management does not report to me. i can stay in moscow for at least another week. it’s just katya, she’s completely, really? i'm sorry, what? she
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completely fell apart, you know? she is interrogated for 4 hours a day. dima, i urgently need you in beirut. fine. do i understand who called? father, father called, on business, yes, on business. there, in general, you urgently need to fly, they don’t allow you to be with your beloved wife, dzerzhinsky’s iron warriors, duty to the homeland is above all nonsense, why are you doing this, there are just unpending things, put it off,
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put it off, what? “put aside your damned urgent matters, it won’t be for long, you know, and i cheated on you with the snowman, i know, come on!” let’s not talk about this, you went on your damn mission, and i went to him, he fucked me, katya, please, you were sitting in the residency and writing your idiotic report, and he fucked me, you know how he loves the position most of all, i i told you, now shut up,
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frank, this is already something. you know, i don’t like emotional actions, and alcohol is emotions. i hope you understand what i mean. yes sir, of course.
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then they will definitely double-check what kind of goose he is, and let them double-check, the snowman has been acting boorish lately, the stugs have already complained about him twice. what about you? i say that there is no one to replace him yet,
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we will definitely recall him over time. pyotr sergeevich, for some reason it seems to me that the leak is coming from moscow. the mole is somewhere here, you ... so well, come here, what about sex on the
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bridge, huh? no, that's something new, yeah, do you like me? thank you, boss, otherwise i ’ll soon climb the wall from the local floor, will you? you don’t get into the role too much. what should i do? okay, give me instructions. so, yes. it is important for you, after you are recruited, to convince harley that this whole failure of hostage operations was just a coincidence. and what? shvil found the pen, amil recognized the voice, and i kidnapped mustafa at my own risk. how did we know that mustafa is the son of a sheikh? by the way, how did we find out?
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problem. yes, this is not a problem at all. let mustafa remember how he screamed when setomel burned his heels, my father will cut off your head. and he yelled, no, of course. dim, i would in their place i reasoned simply. live or not , can you tell me how katya is doing? okay, dim , i wanted to say, i know, zhenya, and you are so calm about this, i know, zhenya, what kind of people are you, dim, what are you, what is your father, at least you have something in life touches, you actually cry, i don’t know, you laugh. it’s not true, dim, i’m just wondering, what are you interested in, what are you interested in, well, about us, katya,
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what do you think, i think that you are a bastard, that you betrayed our friendship? i would have killed you if, if it had not put an end to your brilliant career in the kgb, no, if it weren’t for the upcoming operation, i would see you next to katya again, not my career, not the upcoming operation, they won’t save you.
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i’ll just kill you, my god, how scary is that?
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but the russian couldn’t take the tape, said took the tape, i saw it, so we’ll ask said himself who
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works abroad, and any ballet of the bolshoi theater. he had a beautiful woman, frank, let's drink to beautiful women, to women only standing, you 're a cool guy, and it seems to me that you have this business start, this is very cool, i have one for you offer, how much, what, how much do you pay,
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