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tv   Segodnya  NTV  December 19, 2023 8:00am-8:26am MSK

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in the suburbs of mariupol, there is active demining of territories; such a crater remains at the site where the ammunition was cleared, and it’s scary to imagine what could have happened. it's not like an experienced sapper here, just a random local resident. what difficulties do sappers face? vladimir putin met with the winning professional mentors of the championship. i want to thank you, but as the bureaucrats say in such cases, in your person everyone who works with the guys puts not only their own knowledge, but also their soul formation. what questions were asked to the president? the last group
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of russians from the gas sector was delivered to moscow. what is happening in the middle east today? the serbian opposition also tried to challenge the results of the early parliamentary elections. finland is expanding military cooperation with the united states. it’s sad because it naturally reminds you of finland’s alliance with nazi germany. it already happened. in 1940, when nazi germany began to create bases in finland, and a powerful earthquake occurred in the northwest china, the number of victims has exceeded one hundred. hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, in the yulia bekhtereva studio. and we start with the latest messages from the ministry of defense from the northern military district zone. in the kupinsky direction, ukrainian militants tried to storm russian defense lines.
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our units did not yield a single meter over the formation and successfully repulsed all attacks, destroying the german leopard-2 tank, several armored vehicles, self-propelled guns and enemy mortars. also, the enemy equipment was hit by a crew of large-caliber geocinth. the artillerymen received coordinates from the headquarters and launched a precise strike on the ukrainian stronghold. shot. the direct hit was recorded by the drone operator. later it became known that the fighters destroyed the polish self-propelled gun krap. active fighting is now taking place in the krasno-liman direction. the weather did not allow the fighters to launch a reconnaissance drone into the sky, so the enemy firing point was identified using radar. in fact , the artillerymen struck blindly. attention, calculation, weapon. charge the gunner's crew number. scope 522, level higher
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one, the fighters showed high professionalism, hitting an enemy gun in thick fog at a distance of more than 10 km. in the same direction , russian su-25 attack aircraft carried out a combat mission. the pilots struck with unguided missiles at enemy vehicles and manpower, operating according to... a proven scheme: flying at an extremely low altitude, a surprise attack and an evasive maneuver. however, as the pilots noted, the ukrainian air defense system did not even return fire this time. and these shots were taken north of artyomovsk, there ivanovo paratroopers continue clearing the suburbs from assault groups of the ukrainian armed forces. on the eve of the night, ukrainian national formations carried out a rotation in the forest belt, but did not act covertly enough, which is why they quickly came under russian rocket fire.
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artillery. there is a lot of work now in areas that have already been liberated from the militants of the kiev regime. as the nationalists retreated, they left thousands of explosive objects in the ground. these are mines, shells and improvised devices. they were even planted in the courtyards of private houses and children's playgrounds. removing the explosives sapper brigades. our correspondent in the dpr, vladimir bogomolov, went with them to another call. a demining vehicle approaches the call site. more than a year has passed since the end of the fighting, but sappers continue to find explosive objects. such tubes are often found on the ground ; for a civilian, they look more like thermoses, but in fact this is a cassette that contained four mines and when they fell to the ground, they scattered in different directions, this time the sappers found an anti-personnel mine in the garden fragmentation mine, prepare a special tool. the so-called cat, she
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is twitching a dangerous find. such a crater remained at the site where the battle was neutralized.
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demining teams work not only in the private sector, but in fields, pastures, and farms. in the last 3 months alone , more than 1,700 explosive objects were found destroyed in the private sector and farmland. detonation occurs on site only in extreme cases; if possible, dangerous finds are taken to a landfill, away from people. in these frames, neutralization is immediately 120 anti-tank mines vladimir bogomolov, vladislav robakov, ntv television company, yuzhnodonetsk direction of the northern military district. girls have great potential for development in modern professions, including male ones. where women do not yet work, they can reveal their talents to their full potential, especially since
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all boundaries are blurred today. vladimir putin stated this at a meeting with the winning professional mentors of the championship. it took place the day before in the kremlin. within the framework. specialists, as the head of state noted, we paid special attention to the training of young personnel, which should also be based on the requirements of the labor market . i would like to say about the development of large , especially high-tech enterprises, without these personnel it is impossible, according to the programs...
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i will talk about this with those who are actively works in this direction , scope of application, we just haven’t developed them, so, but they exist, and here, if new devices appear, new mechanisms appear,
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then, of course, new robots with additional functions, with broad ones, then of course they need to be used. that night, russian prime minister mikhail mishustin arrived in beijing on a working visit. convince or redirect in another direction. the late prime minister was met by the deputy ministers of foreign affairs of china, the ambassador of the people's republic of china to russia and the ambassador of our country to china. today. the twenty-eighth regular meeting of heads of government will take place in beijing. as expected, in addition to the broad negotiations , mikhail mishustin will hold a separate conversation with the prime minister of the state council of the celestial empire. particular attention will be paid to expanding trade and economic cooperation promoting major joint projects.
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tomorrow the russian prime minister will meet with chinese president xidzenping. the night before, a special board of the ministry of emergency situations delivered the final group of citizens to russia. who were evacuated from the gas sector. the plane landed at damodedovo airport. 73 people returned home, including 45 children. the russians left the enclave through the rafah checkpoint there. we met the rescuers, they distributed emergency humanitarian aid, hot food, water, and hygiene items to people. thus, the ministry of emergency situations completed the evacuation of russians from the gas sector. in total , more than 1,100 people were taken out of the conflict zone. meanwhile, israel continues to strike the enclave. the day before, the city of rafah in the south of the sector came under fire. the attack killed at least 25 people, al jazeera reported. in turn, movement. hamas released a video showing israeli hostages. three
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elderly men talk about the harsh conditions in which they are kept. according to the prisoners, they have problems with health. the hostages asked the authorities of the jewish state to release them as soon as possible. and today at the un sophbiz the draft of a new middle east resolution will be discussed. the meeting was planned to be held the day before, but was then postponed. the document that will be considered at the meeting has been prepared. egypt, palestine and the united arab emirates. it is aimed at increasing the volume of humanitarian aid for gas. in particular, arab countries are demanding to facilitate the flow of goods through checkpoints and to provide the enclave with sufficient fuel. now the situation in the sector is close to catastrophic, there are almost no safe areas left where civilians can evacuate, there is no food or water. serbia's opposition took its supporters to the center of belgrade to demand. cancellation of the results of early parliamentary elections, a rally
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in front of the building of the republican election commission was organized by supporters of the pro-western serbia bloc against violence, despite this name, the demonstrators’ methods were quite forceful, they broke the fence, tried to get inside the building, and then attacked representative of a government agency. an elderly man and his colleagues were pelted with eggs, tomatoes, beer cans, cans and other rubbish. well, the opposition leaders, who had previously stated that they would not recognize the election results, went on a hunger strike. at the same time, the final results have not yet been announced, but it is already clear that the result of the vote is the victory of the coalition of the current president aleksandar vucic, who, despite pressure from the west, opposes anti-russian sanctions. it is expected that supporters of the serbian leader will take about half of the seats. in parliament. relations between the united states and finland, with
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which our country shares a border of more than 1.0 km, have reached a new level. the minister of defense of the european republic and the secretary of state of the states signed an agreement on military cooperation. according to this document, washington will have exclusive access to 15 military bases and sensitive facilities in finland. how do the country's residents feel about such relations with western partners? elizaveta gerson found out. the finnish border area has long been cleared of russian tourists. all these houses, bathhouses, fish stores, previously freed from visitors and income, can be safely transferred to the americans. let them steam, eat, ride down children's slides in an empty water park. is there no one else? these are not bilateral conflicts or some kind of threats, this is only from finland. unfortunately, the situation is very bad. sees, it seems, that the united states wants to open
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a northern front against russia. finland joined nato in april, but this is not enough for the americans. on monday in washington , the finnish government signed a us a separate non-nato agreement on defense cooperation. under this agreement, finland will provide the us military with all agreed facilities and territories rent-free. 15 american bases will be located. throughout finland, the map is published by the helsinki sanamat newspaper, bases in the north, where from the border to our largest northern port-industrial city of the hero murmansk , a little more than 200 km, in the south, where to another city of the hero, st. petersburg, a little more than 200 km . it's sad because it reminds me naturally, about finland’s alliance with nazi germany, this was already in the fortieth year when nazi germany began. the agreement provides for unhindered access to the use of zones on the territory of finland for training, exercises, maneuvers,
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transit to refueling aircraft, bunkering of ships, landing and lifting of aircraft, maintenance of vehicles, aircraft, accommodation of personnel, communications, in short, it was written that now in the territory americans will not be allowed to do anything in finland. usa can create these in finland in these databases. secret prison prison for i don’t know for whom for terrorists yes for enemies of the usa for enemies of the european union four air bases a border guard base.
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world war ii finland was able to develop as an independent and neutral country, building bunkers in parallel with trade relations with the ussr. this is what these bunkers look like today, a monument to the crypt of their neutrality, unlike american military bases, the finns themselves are allowed to enter here, they can park their cars here. finland has become prepare for war with us after world war ii, despite normal political and good trade relations since the fifties. years, it became mandatory to dig bunkers under residential buildings and offices. the finnish authorities claim that they can now hide the entire population of the country, up to 5 million people, underground. an entire underground city dug under helsinki is now used as a parking lot. now everything that was secretly hidden either deep underground, or deep under the mask
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of good nature and cooperation, has crept out. last week, finland opened its border with russia by less than two. day slammed shut, putting concrete blocks in front of hundreds of people who did not have time to leave for russia; on the finnish side, there are no deadlines for the new opening of the border, no signals about the desire to normalize relations, just as there is no more neutrality, independence and friendship. elizaveta gerson, boris halfin, anastasia konorovskaya, vladimir vypritsky, ntv television company, finland. a powerful earthquake occurred last night in northwestern china, it is known by this hour. on 116 victims, the number of victims exceeds 200 people, and these data are inconclusive. the tremors began around midnight, local time, and two provinces were hit hardest. residential buildings and roads there are destroyed, there is no water or electricity. rescue teams continue to search for people under the rubble; the situation is significantly complicated by the weather; at night
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the temperature dropped to -14, however, despite the extreme conditions, survivors are found under the rubble. chinese president xijen ping ordered that every effort be made to save people and eliminate the consequences natural disaster. almost 1,500 fire rescuers were sent to the affected areas, dog handlers and special equipment are working. with this we say goodbye to the viewers of central russia, see you later. legendary credit card. a free can forever has become even more profitable, receive a supercake every month, order green peas from 69 rubles from lenta stores, sbermarket delivers a holiday, no matter what kind of businessman you are, enterprising, entrepreneur, entrepreneur, whether you
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of a whole round dance of cyclones that are going to warm not only central russia, but also siberia. so, there are frosts here, and even then only small ones are lost somewhere in the north, but from kostroma and vologda it’s already zero or plus everywhere, which will increase in addition to the dampness that there will still be precipitation, sleet , rain underfoot, very possibly dangerous ice against this background, you can only be happy for the south, today it’s like this, and tomorrow the sun will appear , it will become noticeably warmer, and we’ll follow cyclones to the east of the country. today the frosts end in the urals, and tomorrow in the south of western siberia, there is still snow down to -100 here. frosts below 30 will bite south-eastern siberia for another day, and then they will go away. the far east, there are a lot of negative anomalies there, especially in the south; in the primorye region, due to severe frosts , a storm warning was even announced. the cold air is settling in. the entire coast of the region, and significant precipitation is only in kamchatka on the islands, in st. petersburg today it is up to +4, so precipitation is mainly in the form of rain, in moscow wet snow and +3, the weather is windy, the roads
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are slippery and very wet, and on top of everything else , a magnetic storm is planned. that's all i have for now, watch the weather on ntv. new year's mask, december 31 at 20:24. deposit , the best interest in savings is a simple way to profitably invest money online, just one button, the investment in your child’s future has already been made, one button, savings grow at the maximum rate, one button, and you look forward with confidence, together, open a deposit the best interest with a maximum rate of up to 16% per annum in sberbank, likhach new season today at 20:00 on ntv.


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