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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  December 19, 2023 2:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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chaos, bloodshed, war, terror, death. the worse, the better. senator linzi graham predicts a new september 11th for his country. who will decide when to attack the bastion of democracy. america is under siege. the maturing maidan. in serbia , vučić’s supporters won the elections, but not everyone is happy about it. will the captured foreign agents be able to shake up the situation in belgrade? not simple, but golden in russia they are canceling duties on the import of eggs from turkey and iran, what role did sanctions play in the rise in food prices and how is the government fighting this? spoke with the minister agriculture, asked how he was doing with his eggs, look right now. hello, this is the meeting place at ntv.
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the place where everything becomes clear, i am andrey norkin, my colleague ivan trushkin, we are working live, we will start with small clarifications, because the information this morning, when the closure of moscow airports took place, so far there have been no clarifications, now here you can put an end to all sorts of rumors, which means that today we introduced the carpet plan, this is a mode of operation of airports when there is a threat of destruction of aircraft, well, first of all, of course, it is connected with crossing the border, in general, yes, as they now explain , there was again an attempt... by the ukrainians to launch drones in our direction, which means that this carpet plan was introduced at those airports that operate in southern directions, that is, this vnukova, domodedovo and zhukovsky, they were closed for sending and receiving flights, all planes were redirected to sheremetyevo, that ’s how they reported, telegram channels 112 and mesh reported about this, you see these very records in vnukov’s press service confirmed that temporary restrictions introduced, i further quote independently.
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from the airport reasons, well, later the mayor of moscow sergei sabyadin reported that a drone was shot down in the dodentsovsky district , there were no casualties, there were no casualties, attempts to attack us with drones were reported in the russian ministry of defense, according to our military department, three drones were destroyed over the bryansk region, another one over the kaluga region, governor of the kaluga region vladislav shabsha clarified that the drone was shot down over the kazelsky district, and there were also no casualties there. no such thing, this time under restrictions restrictions , diamonds from russia fell against one other country in the world, from january next year the european union prohibits the import into its territory of precious stones mined in our country, later from march 1, russian diamonds processed in... countries
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the european union refuses to buy russian diamonds cast iron, iron, as well as copper and aluminum wire, which, according to the european commission, should deprive russia of $2 billion per year. brussels also banned the purchase of propane and butane and their mixtures in our country. this market is estimated at another billion euros per year. true, there is a caveat here: all contracts concluded before the imposition of sanctions will be valid for the entire next year until december twenty-fourth. well, finally european himself. the union has banned the shipment of lithium batteries, thermostats and lasers to russia , which, according to eu officials, could be used by the russian defense industry; however, even the european media do not believe in the lethality of all these measures. i think no one seriously believes that this new set of sanctions can somehow affect the course of military operations. the point is to add elements of pressure in small portions in the hope that they will create at least some inconvenience, and maybe. in
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the long term will complicate the growth of the russian economy. well, this is all in large print, as they say, but certain concessions are written in small print. remember, a ban was introduced on russians bringing personal belongings into the european union, including a laptop, and even toilet paper, not to mention clothes, but now this ban has been lifted. the european union has also expanded the list of personal sanctions. 61 added there name from the innovations brussels has now ordered sanctions. personal ones are valid posthumously, that is, they will be automatically renewed as long as the person is alive. the son of deputy head of the russian security council ilya medvedev was included in the black list, this new one in brussels, for participating in a project that provides our government services to residents of new regions of russia. the restrictions also included 14 members of the russian central election commission, chairman of the moscow city duma alexey shapushnikov, heads of the republics of altai and bashkartastan, as well as the commander of the aerospace forces russia, victor. halls, well, if
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somehow we somehow agreed on sanctions, then there is no agreement among the european comrades on the issue of financing ukraine. brussels officially admitted that it was unable to do so. allocate 50 billion euros to ukraine, which have been discussed for a long time. and now the head of the european council, charles michel, says that the date for discussing this issue, returning to this issue has now been postponed until february 1 , 2024. the leaders of the european union tried to allocate this money at the last summit, then, as you remember, the first hungary played the violin in the refusals; it blocked the acceptance of this amount, as financial times writes, citing its sources. that the european union is preparing a response for hungary and wants to deprive this country of its voting rights, on what grounds? as the publication writes, for this it is necessary to use the seventh article of the treaty on the european union, which allows a country to be deprived of its voting rights if it seriously and persistently
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violates the fundamental principles of the european union. however, according to the procedure, this process may block any other country in the european community, but as the financial times writes, hungary currently has no guarantees. allies, there are many who want to silence budapest, especially among our baltic friends. who does orban work for, putin, why are you not doing anything to stop him? don't you see how the european union is being destroyed from within? we see, unfortunately, that the tools to stop it are too weak. if we continue to allow putin to destroy not only ukraine, but also the european union, we will face a problem.
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he was sitting in the room one day, but he apparently understands how this might be a tendency, of course, because now the chain was seen around the neck, so you could say it was broken off the chain. you were talking about this aunt, that’s okay, god, and i’m just talking about my uncle, because i remembered that recently there was an incident with one of the candidates for the presidency of the united states, ramaswami, he has a last name, so he also talked with musk in the toilet, there somehow all this leaked into the air, he now gives interviews to everyone on this topic, in general they tell everyone, well, that i’m not a person, that’s exactly what he said, he said we’re all people, well, god bless them, that’s what i have to do.
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as regards foreign policy and as regards domestic policy. we’ll start now with a cosmic confirmation of this thesis of mine, and they have such a ghoul in the senate, linzi, his name is thunder, here ’s a man whom we generally had to quote quite often, an absolute one , you know, a fascist, bloodthirsty, and there was a change in his interests; he suddenly began to concentrate. exclusively on internal problems, here, probably, he is pumping up a little, and maybe not a little, but he is a noticeable person, the media always pay attention to what he says, in general, he has now practically accused the current president, that joe biden with his actions, how in foreign policy and in domestic policy, he created
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conditions when the opera could be attacked, and perhaps with even more terrifying consequences than september 11, i probably would never in my life agree with senator graham. but today damn it, here i am him, now you will also listen, in general , in many ways he is right, no matter how strange it is for me to say, let’s see: senator linzi graham, known as one of the main hawks in congress and an ardent supporter of financing and arming ukraine, it was he who demanded that the to kiev, the f16 fighter declared that america was ready to fight to the last ukrainian and was glad that the quote: russians are dying, here suddenly comrade. krem suddenly made a 180° turn, declared that no help could be given to the allies, until there is a plan to protect the united states itself, and accused president biden of inaction. president biden under your leadership - the conditions for another terrorist attack are better than i
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have ever seen since 9/11. the fbi director said the threat level is at an all-time high. he's been seeing flashing lights everywhere since october 7th. jihad groups around the world are calling on their members to attack us here at home. more than 9.00 people a day cross the southern border. america is under siege. the acts of september 11, 2001 , as stated by then terrorist number 1 osama binladen, became revenge for the aggressive us policy in the middle east, in particular the oppression of the palestinians and the uncontrolled pumping of weapons into israel. against the backdrop of the current escalation of the palestinian-israeli conflict, american ex-president donald trump is predicting a new catastrophe for the united states, claiming that biden is not in control of the situation. we have chaos, bloodshed, war, terror and death. look what's happening because the occupant of the white house is a joke.
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america's enemies around the world can't believe it. how lucky they are. they were really lucky. every monster, villain, dictator and terrorist knows that they are having the best time ever with kasim joe. washington's middle east policy frightens even the united states' closest allies. the washington post writes that they are disappointed and outraged, for the most part, that the white house... justifies carpet bombing of israel in the gas sector and continues to arm tel aviv. in europe , it demands that the attacks on palestine stop. in fact, civilians are being bombed today. these children, women, old people are being bombed and killed, so there is no basis or legitimacy for this. this is extremely important for all of us, because of our principles. it is important to recognize that all lives matter. show. was the meeting of the un general assembly last week, almost all countries voted for a resolution on an immediate
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ceasefire in gaza and the release of all hostages without preconditions. only 10 countries voted against, including israel itself, as well as the usa, austria and the czech republic. another 23 countries, including great britain, germany, italy and ukraine abstained, but the harshest words were heard in the security council from close us partners in the middle east. it was a despicable sign of double standards that those who call for an end to aggression and occupation and respect for international humanitarian law in specific cases, sadly and shamelessly turn their backs on other situations, especially when it concerns the palestinians. you know, i had one friend many, many years ago, and he once went to mexico as a tourist and crossed the border illegally american, now even he has already received american citizenship, that is... something about him, well, such a cunning, cunning guy, yes, relatively recently we even
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discussed this, in my opinion, you weren’t working then in the program the meeting place, remember, when there was a march of refugees, they were pouring in from south america there, there was a terrible scandal there with these placements, when children were taken away there, i was now trying to remember how it ended, something like that has also fallen out of memory, if you look at what is happening now, there are a lot of pictures, where the wall has already been built, but there
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... isis, there was no situation with isis, when the americans fought, which is prohibited in russia, which means a situation when terrorists, a situation
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when terrorists wanted to attack this or that country, including the united states, which has many -there are many opponents, and they could or could have wanted to cross the border at any time, but we are saying this now not because nothing extraordinary is happening now and the situation is the same as it was at the time. israel having done this correctly from the point of view of its internal policy, they made a disaster for their foreign policy, because the united states , with this decision, tied to all the war crimes of israel in the gaza strip, they nullified everything that they had, all the achievements, even minimal, that they had in the field of soft power in these can now be taken advantage of by people who actually
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want america to die, many people can take advantage of this, and indeed those who wish will do so. were, they supported this idea, they did not like at least the arab leaders agreed with them saddam hussein, in principle, at that time there was still one very big difference, then america was at the zenith of its strength, at the zenith of its glory, everyone was afraid to do something against the united states, at the same time the largest terrorist attacks in american history were carried out because of you then, not yesterday. since leaving iraq and ukraine, the united states has demonstrated to everyone, on the contrary, its weakness and vulnerability, which naturally entails
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attempts by individual organizations to become famous by staging a terrorist attack and individual governments.
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afghanistan, iraq, there after september 11, before all these events, when they had, that is, they had, when they had all these plausible excuses, america was still very well in control of the situation, the same isis is forbidden, which victor is talking about, the same taliban, and the same alkaida with them
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...rem distraught , maddened by impunity and the taste of blood , an animal that, like any animal, sensing a real threat, that there is no control in the hands, that the situation is not under control, that they are being hit, the red sea has been blocked, now loy tostin introduces introduces surgery, yes there attracts europe again, the point of view is significant, he is not himself, of course , a successful political animal, he is not himself he reflects,
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god forbid there were presidents, the reaction would be several times more pro-israel than biden has now, because biden one step forward, two steps back, two steps forward, one step back.
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well, there are just guatemalans there , i can stand it, it might turn out , so i’m telling you the situation, if hamas really, hamas now has no time for america at all to organize terrorist attacks there, but it would be necessary, in america to do something like this, then they would not have introduced their agent into this crowd and the spanish-speaking people, because it is impossible to get lost in it, who was thrown in as a quality.
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and other a number of other senators don’t want more latinos to come to america, he can’t racial, russian, so he, i found some flaw in maksimavich’s logic, he says, we need to find some kind of muslim or something, but not it is necessary, if you look at the distribution of sympathy in the same united states, in the same countries around, there are a lot of people, but we will now talk about the united states, there are a lot of people who seem to be liberal people and should support biden and his policies, they are still against israel. more than half of americans believe joe biden was wrong to unconditionally support israel. this is data
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from quinnipec university. the researchers asked to evaluate how effectively the us president acts in the international arena. by the way, about half the country is also dissatisfied with the policy in ukraine, but the middle east topic touches more and rallies in support of the palestinians have become almost the norm in the united states. here, for example, are recent shots from new york. tiktok users, who are mostly young people, are making videos in support of the palestinians. republicans wanted to blame everything on the chinese company that owns the platform, but they responded with the dry language of numbers. in the united states, videos tagged freedom for palestine have 25 billion views, while... videos in support of israel have less than half a billion. anyone who watches tiktok for 30 minutes on a daily basis there are 17% more anti-sem and
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hamas supporters. in the wake of support for the palestinians , anti-semitism is also growing stronger among american youth. in december , the economist magazine reported with alarm: 20% of young americans under the age of 30 believe that the holocaust is a myth, almost every fourth believes that the scale... in a new way, because american youth are for gas, american old people are for israel, or is it something about a split in society, and this is stronger than the conflict between fathers and sons,
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american society has changed a lot, and its main property is the fact that at a certain moment they threw in there, let’s say, as a tool for the formation of a new person, a kind of culture of cancelation, to cancel everything, remember there were monuments there a few years ago to columbus , the generals there. yes, absolutely true, but accordingly, when this idea began to grow, it began to cancel out everything else, including, say, the idea of ​​the holocaust or the idea of ​​​​supporting israel too, that is, when this instrument was thrown into the whole world, into basically, well, this is a family, this virus, i don’t i know, is biden and his people to blame for this, or did it start earlier, no, no, biden has been in power for as long as he has been, he has been in power for less than 4 years, he, in principle, due to health reasons, is generally not capable of this himself, and so on, it was promoted. it’s all with him , but it’s being promoted now, because there is a certain trigger event, they’re bombing gaza, before, i remember how they staged performances at which a demonstrative american soldier and a sakhalin soldier
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would appear on the podium. listed, wait a second, they couldn't to exert some kind of large-scale movement on none of those you, whom we the masses of the population, the masses of the population could not, 25.5 billion views, this idea has grown, cancel everything, if we cancel that there are only two genders, that there are whites and there are blacks, that there are only so to speak, parents and a child, that is to say, it wouldn’t be, it wouldn’t be
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. there is still one point, because after all - listen, again, let's remember, this is what we discussed a few years ago, white helmets, remember there were such, yes, i don’t know, they exist there, these are these chemical productions there all the white helmets represent, yes, absolutely right, where there were casualties on the part of the arab population, who were there, and somehow terribly pressed there, this is what caused some kind of reaction all over the world, no, no , no, now of course the israelis. they did what their enemies probably had to somehow come up with earlier, that is, they didn’t hesitate to do anything, they just fucked around with this damn gas, and suddenly, apparently, i don’t know, maybe too much, they came up with it , andrey, they lured israel into a trap in which they just couldn’t help but go, listen, but they must have some kind of head on their shoulder, what could they do, what did you do in their place, and we did ours, we show , carry on in the same way, carry out this
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operation in the same way, let’s do it. the biden administration's main sin in the eyes of the american voter first and foremost is lack of consistency. there was an american scientist, gregory beitzon, who formulated the concept of double bind, double message. and the biden administration essentially plunges american society into such a schizophrenic reality. now i’ll briefly explain what the point is. gregor bateson tried to understand where schizophrenia comes from, how these people, how people get this disease. and he drew attention to a certain behavioral model when mothers raise their children, for example, they know that they need to be loved in their words, but they don’t really love them, they begin to send them double messages in the words: i love you, but if say it with such a face, i love you, creature, then child receives a double message, no, this is not sarcasm, this is the reality in which such children are brought up and this is how it turns out to be, in fact, a deception, but the person
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who feels a double message: stay there, get out of here, that’s about it and that’s it time, and another important element, in this design, for a person to become completely schizophrenic, this is still forbidden to discuss, that is, you cannot clarify what you mean, mom, do you love me or do you hate me, you are dead, you have to correct this, i understood this, but how does this translate into actions? president biden and that this non-mediality here is continuous double messages and on top of everything this stands. we will send to israel, blm, that is, black lives , we, dear ukraine, are with you to the end, but weapons matter, but palestinian lives, are not very matter, and this is constant, that is, all countries are guided by double standards, this is normal practice, yes, but before for example, in the usa it was still possible to launch a public discussion, but now this has also been essentially
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banned. because there’s no way to explain it, and this schizophrenic reality breaks through outwardly, including in the form of protest from those people who say that you’ve completely lost our minds, we’re in the wrong, yes, let’s take the following step: there is a schizophrenic reality, there are people who protest because of this, protest, protest and they’ll go back to sleep, wake up, and schizophrenia is no longer there, or is it just in your scheme that it’s getting worse and not rewinding, i ’m trying to understand what will happen next?
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let's start this part with footage from the serbian capital, because belgrade this night could be confused with kiev during the maidan. the thing is that activists of the local pro-western party, who refused to admit their defeat in the parliamentary elections, tried to storm the center of the electoral commission. by ironically, this party is called serbia of non-violence. on tuesday night, about a thousand supporters of this opposition bloc gathered in the center of belgrade. activists tried to block the movement to the electoral commission, throwing eggs at the building and bringing rolls of toilet paper with them. there were attempts to shake the fence, as well as to bring knives, clubs and even bats into the building. the protesters also attacked the seventy-year-old director of the republican department of statistics; he was simply leaving the building; the man was thrown to the ground and beaten. at the same time, the protest leaders did not hide the fact that they had prepared in advance. “we will fight against falsifications with all possible
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democratic methods, against what has happened now in serbia, we have been preparing for such an outcome for the last few days, but the united states is now occupied not with the balkans, but with the red sea, washington announced the start of an international operation called "guardian of prosperity" to protect ships in the southern red sea in the gulf of adon, the reason for this was the west believes that all this is being done somehow at the behest of iran. the attacks began after the outbreak of war between israel and the hamas movement, with the houthis supporting the palestinian movement and threatening to attack any ships associated with israel. against the backdrop of these events, many companies abandoned sea transportation in the region, which increased, so you see on the map the route of goods from asia. to europe by 40%. how exactly the united states
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is going to restore order in the aquatorium is not reported, but it is known that a coalition of nine countries, including uk, bahrain, canada and norway. in the red sea , we lead a multinational maritime task force to uphold the fundamental principle of freedom of navigation. iran must stop supporting the houthi attack. to merchant ships. we will continue to support israel and provide it with everything it needs. this is part of the same schizophrenia that we discussed in the last part, but now i would just like to dwell on domestic politics, yes, to develop the idea that vladimirich outlined, let’s see, what processes are taking place in the united states itself, that’s what this quicksand is that is dragging biden and his assistants. please show me the plot. the famous blm movement, before which a couple of years ago. america fell to its knees in one impulse, everyone seemed pretty
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tired. last year , almost 90% less money was donated to black defenders than in the twenty-first year. and the leader of black fighters, patrice colors, got into a loud scandal; she was caught buying luxury real estate in malebu with money from the general cash registers. and now, when the presidential race in the united states is gaining momentum, the biden administration suddenly remembered the black electorate. ingratiate yourself with blacks.
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during the swearing-in of the new school council members, one of the newcomers said the oath with his hand not on the bible, as it should be, on a stack of gay porn products that he was holding. his husband. i support the us constitution. congratulations. but all this is nothing compared to the scandal in the us senate. a video of two men has gone viral who arranged lovemaking in the conference room where the commission investigating the september 11 terrorist attacks once worked.
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the participants in the orgy were quickly identified.
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a white person will be played by a representative of a black minority, it doesn’t matter , what’s happening next, what’s happening in palestine and what america supports today is also a manifestation of a disease, a disease from which they themselves suffer, they understand that they suffer, now i’ll finish, are trying to get out of their way, how, on the one hand, loy tostan introduces
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this operation, so that at least somehow to normalize, that means, the situation in the red sea, where they would have lost to the pine-footed houthis, on the other hand the same lloyd austin, the negro is coming.
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a new irritant, no, this one, like the black man who was killed, yes floyd, but there is no new floyd, it’s as if a shell is flying into the same crater twice, something new is needed for it to happen, and what could be new ? this is happening, well, actually, no , look, now the election campaign, yes, begins in 2024, well , it’s already starting now, the primaries will already be 1 in january, and the democrats. an extremely difficult situation, a very difficult electoral situation, we have talked about this many times , i will not repeat it, they need something like this,
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they need some kind of black swans or gray swans that will change the situation, they need a new movement that will discredit republicans will be convinced that voting for the old senile biden is the only way to save the country; for this , some kind of bilm movement may again take place against white racists, republicans, something else may be done. may be there will be some scandals around trump, maybe some public ones, i don’t know, there will be pro-immigrant movements in the united states, that is, we have already said here , yes, that latins are emigrants and not only latins, they mostly vote for democrats now, that is, something like this will be done, because you must understand that the stakes are very high for the democrats if they now lose the white house, given the level of antagonism between the parties, given that trump will come to take revenge and this.
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incomprehensible from an electoral point of view obsession with abortion, this is what scares away many reasonable americans from them , because here their terry reaction manifests itself, but if they can drown out this topic a little, then everything will end fine for them, populism, which reflects precisely the view. well, it seems to me that there are actually several reasons that led to the change in such a narrative around israel, they were not named, the first reason is
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that a lot has passed since the genocide during the great, during the second world war time, about 80 years, and the same informational, let’s say, presentation that helped israel earlier, 40 years ago, 50 years ago during the six-day war later, where israel acted as such a david against galiath. it’s okay, vladimirovich, we’ll have time, let’s, i think, no, we won’t have time, that’s it, let’s go together - we’ll clean up
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something for victor josephech for stealing our time, right. come on, we really, colleagues , wrote a great job, then we’ll talk about our sore point, about eggs, gold, and even higher samples, maybe i got them from my grandmother, these are antiques, you, you know how much they cost, but he came up, hit me, i woke up already in the ambulance, we need a list of stolen things. at night they robbed a pawnshop, obviously strays, they seem to be from a zhegat, i bought a gift for svetka, they turned out to be stolen, oh, don’t do this, otherwise you’ll hurt your back, reckless driver, new season, greed, terrible power, i don’t know vanya, today at 20:00 on ntv. superstar, new
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not all. everyone who orders a set will receive a gift. hermes bracelet. liamax. shopping with a plus. this is the meeting place at ntv. horse racing, well, let's really start with the egg, although first the news, again, how is it, the cultural front, news from the cultural front, that’s exactly what i call this block, the zakharov publishing house reported today that
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employees of the investigative committee visited them and are conducting searches there, the shot telegram channel writes that this search is connected with the fact that the publishing house has been publishing boris’s books since the distant nineties okunin, who was the day before recognized as an extremist and terrorist, was blacklisted by akunin in... the commission for combating foreign interference believes that there is every reason for the writer to be included in the register of foreign agents, in in particular, in a recent conversation with russian pranksters vavan and lexus, who posed as ukrainian officials,
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akunin proposed splitting russia from within; this, according to the extremist and terrorist, is a way to ensure victory in the conflict in ukraine. and the extremist writer admitted that for many years he fed russians a pro-ukrainian position and was surprised. books are selling well, so let's talk about books, because the release and sale of books by the extremist and terrorist akunin was stopped by large publishing houses bookstores, in particular
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this was reported by the publishing house ast, the digital resource litres, there are only digital books, also large bookstores, literally, labyrinth and read the city, while we are talking about suspension, this is important, because the decision on a complete ban on texton the work must be adjudicated by the court.
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something like a dozen, well, they were more expensive there , 110-130 you could buy, and here they were , in my opinion, 430 rubles for a dozen, that’s some kind of stuff there, well, super-duper farmer’s price there. i don't know what they do with these chickens, there are some other happy ones there, please, you could take these, so, of course, what happened now is for me some kind of strange phenomenon, incomprehensible, i will remind you, in case someone doesn’t know that this is a topic with eggs, it was already known that it would be one of the hottest topics during the direct line of vladimir putin’s big press conference, and as you remember, such a question was actually asked, and the president even apologized.
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up to 100 rub. in the kamchatka and primorsky territories, magadan and sakhalin regions on average one and a half hundred for ten. the anti-record is broken in chukotka, where the price is ten. already more than 200 rubles. some retail prices set a limit on the sale of no more than three packages per person, and somewhere they even began to sell eggs individually, for example, in tula, orenburg, novosibirsk in the crimea. however, people themselves spurred demand and lined up in long lines where it was cheaper. this unreal queue stands for eggs, a mockery of the mind. experts explain the rise in egg prices due to their shortage. one of the reasons - bird mushroom. the outbreak of infection occurred
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last spring, the number of chickens decreased, and eggs disappeared along with laying hens. seasonality played an important role. in the autumn-winter period, the price for this product traditionally becomes slightly higher. the notorious anti-russian sanctions intervened, due to which the cost of eggs jumped, because vaccine feed for our chickens is still imported, as well as equipment. well, they brought in foreign ones. consequently, any product that we import immediately automatically provokes many other consumables. materials that for...
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the introduction of duty-free imports is not a new measure for the eurasian economic commission. russia already has a quota for beef imports. it is mainly imported from uruguay, brazil and paraguay, mostly as a raw material. and despite this, meat prices continue to break records, especially for beef. in addition, experts fear that zeroing out duties could harm our own agriculture and meat production in the long run. reasons it's named like that a lot of them are probably all correct, but what does life teach us, when some product has jumped in price, measures are then taken, but the price still does not go down, so you are sure that all these measures that are now really after a new opening of the pushina border will not give anything, but there is a seasonality, that is, historically in january, february, march the price for eggs was the lowest, accordingly it will fall regardless of the open borders. but, unfortunately, the zeroing
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of the tire will lead to the fact that the investments of our russian poultry farmers, they will be reduced , that is, they are already saying that with this approach we will invest more, i am a little scale, with your chicken experience, sorry for the clumsiness, i am very proud of this, this is what you could have assumed, this is the kind of cutting, we they have been talking about this for 5 years, moreover, this is a completely clear situation, yes, it just exploded, no one knew. when it explodes, simply put, for 5 years we have been producing eggs practically at a loss, poultry farms were maintained only at the expense of those old directors, for for whom this was their life's work, they still kept this production even at a loss, they kept this production, but they began to leave naturally, when the heirs came, they closed these factories, over the past 7 years more than 67 egg poultry farms have closed, and that is production volume decreased, therefore... plus the increase
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in cost is also a global factor independent of anyone, and accordingly , you really said correctly, this is an increase in consumption due to the fact that our population’s incomes have now grown sharply, all this it has developed, these are sort of basic factors, there are still times when i somehow have little faith that after the new year the price will return to reasonable limits, let’s do it this way, the price will not return, we i think that we have a price, and this the entire industry believes that our price was extremely high. we specifically made a comparison, today our price of eggs is the cheapest in the world, only bangladesh is ahead of us, only thanks to the price the price is lower, in all other countries the dining room is. protein, living protein, which is really
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very nutritious and very expensive in production, we’re just used to the low price of eggs, yes, and well now, i have to wean myself off this, folk art, all this will happen, but it will be later, that’s why yes, it really may turn out that this is just import will coincide with a natural drop in demand for this matter, plus we have an army that has become larger, army food includes eggs, every soldier is given eggs
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every day, and if a person didn’t even eat eggs before joining the army, he starts eating them there is, when that same army hits, and the army shows demand for these products, plus... but no, i’m just saying that one way or another the business really should be profitable, if it’s not profitable, and prices will
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rise in any case, no matter what we do, then your proposal how can we make this business profitable, especially if sergei fich says that for many years it has been clear that the situation could turn in this direction. look what we are talking about, we are talking about support measures, if we are talking about, let’s say, cheaper eggs, then government measures are needed simply to sponsor this industry, maybe different, these are preferential purchases of equipment, medicines, vaccines, whatever you want, this is the first option, the second is the provision of cheap preferential loans for the development of this business, some kind of patronage of this business, so that in a year 2, 35 we had an excess of this
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, if it weren’t for this panic, it probably wouldn’t have happened simply because people, let’s say, well, are switching from eggs to other, higher-quality other types of protein foods, therefore, the demand for them will fall one way or another, and for what, for what types of people, for meat, for beef, well, for beef as well, beef, here i am, here the man who went to the store yesterday says that beef for 800 rub. kilogram. that you are sitting somewhere on a cloud, looking at all this riffraff that is swarming down there, that’s how your explanations are, they cut my hair recently, but the hair on the back of my head
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is moving, you yourself, now you have to realize in what you say people will move on from chicken protein from egg protein to higher quality proteins, including beef, including beef. what about eggs too, everything has become good for us , okay, production is getting better, then suddenly there’s this kind of egg problem, look, it’s true that with chicken... it’s true here, unlike all other industries, it’s true that everything is quite good, i
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i beg to differ with my colleague, according to rosstat, since the twentieth year, we have had an increase in the volume of egg production by 4%, over the past year by 2%, still, well, almost by 2%, the volume of production is growing after all , chicken protein - not only for raw consumption , it’s a source of other things.
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is there pressure on us or not? including, of course, including, of course, because our availability of agricultural machinery and spare parts has decreased, our cost of plant protection products has increased, our cost of veterinary preparations, active ingredients has increased, that we have eggs, which are hatching eggs, so that a new chicken was born and a new factor and factor too, and this factor is also with us. with this purchase, with the delivery of these eggs there is problems or their ears there are no problems
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, everything is in order there, otherwise our entire industry would have collapsed, moreover, the equipment at poultry farms itself is also foreign, accordingly the packaging lines are also foreign, that is, you know, here, if we look at all system, we have a very significant import component throughout the chain, we continue to purchase all this through some kind of parallel import through three generations, or the netherlands continues to do so for us.
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like i’m hungry right now, sergei fedovich says that the zeroing of duties in general this is not a solution to the problem with meat , which we should all switch to now, that we want to make everyone happy, we’re all sad about eggs, let’s go, we won’t go hungry, that’s for sure, well, that’s stability, that we won’t suffer no food guaranteed.
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since out of 100% of the beef produced in russia, 80 is waste from dairy farming, all local cattle breeding in russia is 20% of what we produce, and we import another 20% with stable imported beef, this is some kind of south america there this is brazil, and first of all it is brazil - for the third year in a row, the ministry of agriculture is asking about 100,000 tons of duty-free beef for processors in order to make dumplings, cutlets, whatever is cheap.
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so, when we talk about very high-quality beef, only a little of it is produced in russia, because we do not have livestock suitable for these products, so there is so little of it and it is not increasing in quantity that this product will always become more expensive, dairy itself livestock farming is still growing, then cows after processing go into the appropriate cycle and we get more or less cheap beef , depending on the success of dairy farming, that is, in other words, excuse me. i understood you correctly, if beef goes up, you will say no-no-no-no-no, it’s the dairymen who have gone wrong there, i will say, this is already the ministry of agriculture today, the ministry of agriculture this year, the ministry of agriculture reported this year that there was a 9.5% increase in beef production, this happened 3 months after dairy farmers ’ prices for purchasing milk fell sharply
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we have also decided to reduce the number of livestock, which means this year, due to low milk prices, we have reduced. with each next speaker , something becomes less and less clear to me, let’s try to understand it all, and after a pause we’ll come back with a new attempt, prove that you’re not our grandfather, show us where you live? fireworks, turn on the video about veliky ustyuk, turn on the new year's magic. the fireworks virtual assistant with artificial intelligence gigachаt is capable of a lot. give new year's mood. fireworks, are you instead of the snow maiden today? i'm sitting on a piece of land, or rather on
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but more often, a violation of the usual supply chains leads to an increase in prices; behind this complex phrase there are problems with the delivery of the product itself or its components, as... due to sanctions, the cargo has to be brought to us by roundabout routes, which takes longer and is more expensive. you can probably, of course, rebuild quickly, negotiate with logistics service providers there abroad and within the country, but if there is no infrastructure on which to build these logistics services, then you will not quickly build a logistics chain. fluctuations in exchange rates also have an effect: the summer imitation of chicken meat clearly coincided with an increase in the price of imported medicines for birds, it happened after the jump.
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fresh example. last summer in cod-devoir, ghana, cameroon and nigeria had poor cocoa harvests, and global cocoa prices hit a half-century record. the situation is similar with fish, due to weather and natural factors. this year , 16% less pacific herring was caught in the far east than last year; processors are already preparing to raise prices in december, and new year’s herring under a fur coat may turn out to be somewhat more expensive. in the auto sector, the price of tekhoceanic seltzer doubled by the beginning of december in the far east, to 110 rubles per kilogram. in moscow, by 24% to 105 rubles per kilogram. seved atlantic increased in price in moscow by 10%. on
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average up to 115 rubles per kilogram. but russians can rejoice at the prices for the main new year's delicacy, red caviar. production this year is a record one, almost 3,500 tons over 10 months. for the new year holidays, 15-20 thousand tons are usually enough, and since supply is greater than demand, prices should not rise. experts even predict their decline by maslenitsa. so, elena nikolaevna, is it somehow possible to solve all these factors? sudden, to be honest, let's say, take into account to make sure that when we come to the store, all this, well, if you didn’t notice, then at least you weren’t surprised, for some product, there was this much, but it became, of course, possible, but this is what you need to do, in fact, you know, a recipe, after all, for an egg, why is this the situation, well, you must admit that caviar is still a new year, table, beautiful, yes, an egg is every day, for almost everyone, we all, it is our,
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well, main product.
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economy, the most powerful, there has never been such a leap . in 20 years, we have created the most powerful agricultural sector in any country in the world over the last 100 years, so the russians will have sufficient quantities of affordable food, this is the first, second, today the government must understand that affordable food in itself
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will not be necessary... to subsidize, of course, to help certain industries, in those areas that exist, but we must subsidize the final product, that is , as they do in europe, america and canada, they subsidize the price on the shelf, that is , they buy the product from the peasants at one price, put it on the shelf at another, for example, canada buys all the milk at one price, it accounting, that is, both profit and development are included there, and in order to preserve the livestock, it comes to the shelf at a low price, which would be helpful. in the soviet union, yes , yes, and after that he went bankrupt, and we should, no, that’s not why he went bankrupt, because he fed the polisher, come on, or so, and canada, which went bankrupt, canada is an undeveloped country, developed, feels great, especially in all state production, so we must understand, we came from a situation, we have already become a social state, we can afford truly affordable food and the state can subsidize it, so the final product should be what the peasants receive not for the process, but for the final
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product produced. the fact that mr. lisovsky’s interest in being given money is completely understandable, any business wants to be given money, wants to be given money, of course you want it, why not, especially if it’s for free.
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everything became fine with him, really, but what is happening with the egg, the rush demand, as was well shown in your video, is absolutely accurate, there are some targeted temporary ones, these, well , subsidizing companies are there, or they are there all the time, so look, when they say, for example, about duty-free, duty-free import of eggs is a subsidy for consumers in its purest form , but it’s permanent, no, it’s announced for exactly 6 months, wait. yanovich, you don’t understand, look, we are now giving us the example of canada, a capitalist state, where the price is on the shelf, everything is more complicated than what was said just now, what we can do now is impossible,
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i already have a lot of experience in this, so i will continue to ask you the question that i started asking, canada is a wonderful capitalist country, where the price of basic goods is determined not by market methods. about canada, it is much more difficult. this is different , this is not at all the same, if you don’t have an answer, you start shouting at me and make such a face, i thank you very much, this is a real expert assessment, thank you , as for everything else, you understand, when they talk about that, that eggs suddenly became more expensive, eggs became more expensive due to the fact that there was rush demand, which is always a trigger, a trigger for some more demand began because eggs began to become more expensive little by little, and eggs are a product.
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receives quite large sums for each unit of production, this system is expensive, one of the most important items of expenditure of european budgets, why do they have such competition with ukraine, why do they not want to let them into their territory , exactly because they are losing in price, because they have a high cost, it is subsidized, the same story in canada with eggs, but to reproduce this system in our country means adding some additional expenses to the budget, which means we need to increase it. taxes, simply put, on taxes on the population and business in our country will not increase, so if we talk about, well, at least putin said that there will not be, and they definitely won’t be until march, of course, accordingly, this is the canadian way , when the state pays businesses extra for
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maintaining low prices on the shelf , it is unacceptable for russia, and we must forget about it, that’s why then all these subsidized farmers are there forever some protests are organized more, they want more, in france the same farmers. you need to be subsidized , well look, here i am on the right side, what i hear is this is the recipe for how to destroy agriculture, and then, there is no need to continue further, so do farmers need to be subsidized, the first thing is , we need to get out of these nineties, because everything is abandoned, everything is left to the mercy of fate if the farmer goes bankrupt. if poultry farms close, as they have already said here, well, let them close, they are businessmen, and if factories raise prices, we need to stop them , include imports here, we need to make rules , we really need to subsidize, but not
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the way i do it now, in order to receive a subsidy or grant now, a farmer or some average agricultural producer must trample all his feet, spend years and you won’t get anything, but some part will get , it must be like this in the family until... the moment we start screaming again about what to do, but with milk it’s easier, it’s been replaced by a palm tree, on all the counters we see a palm tree through mercury, through all these, as it should be. labeling and so on, everything is there, but with an egg
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it doesn’t work out that way, it’s impossible to replace an egg with some kind of artificial, or maybe not really an egg, which means the state needs to fully develop an agricultural policy, okay, i’m really, of course, some kind of apocalyptic picture that i i come to the store, they deceive me there , i don’t really understand that the state should sit down and talk to everyone about the price, not talking is always a good thing, let’s get to what was said, that it’s impossible to replace all the eggs. maybe it's a long time ago is already being done, we probably don’t have it yet, but we have thoughts on this topic, a short break and we will continue, on ntv there is an absolutely unpredictable music show superstar, despite the fact that we only have five participants left, we are on stage we'll see 10 superstars right away.
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the place where everything becomes clear, this is apocryphal, she didn’t say that. yes, yes, i know. marya antoinette, if there is no bread, let the cake go, i think we’ve already crushed it. an egg and like a white, and i said that it’s possible, but i understand that in a figurative sense, can i leave, he’s scary me, dude, because if there is an idea to feed people, including protein, of course, these are the minds, they will think that they need not expensive beef, but something cheap, so the bugs, spiders, to help us, please show us the plot. in the stavropol territory in november, a farm opened for growing crickets, which can be used for food, in the production of porridge, cheese cookies and even an alternative to doshirak, noodles made from cricket flour. those interested were invited to come to the production and taste deep fried crickets with spices, vegetables and garlic. cricket flour contains up to 75 g of protein per 100 g of food.
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regular flour contains from 2 to 5 g of protein. in addition , it contains more iron than beef liver, micro-macroe. they don’t differ in color; both types are not just edible, but really tasty and healthy. critics of the ideas argue that there are many risks for humans, because if
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an insufficiently purified component enters the human body, parasitic diseases can develop. however, they come up with substitute. since insect-free products have become more expensive, scientists from the ural economic university recently created a substitute for the much more expensive cocoa made from buckwheat husks. according to scientists, replacing up to 15% of cocoa powder does not affect chocolate flavors and preparation technology and presented recipes for biscuits and confectionery glaze. among the advantages is accessibility. russia ranks second in the world in terms of production volumes of buckwheat, and buckwheat husks account for. about 22% of the volume of processed grain, well, i think so that if you add garlic and spices , in principle you can eat anything, so roman vladislavich, beef will resist a set of cheap ones, beef is definitely an issue, because in any bull that we
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cut for beef, there is only 20% expensive beef always 40% minced meat, so no matter what animal is fattened, it will always give 50% of the cheapest beef and as a rule, lean pieces become more expensive expensive pieces steaks that have a certain everything will get better and better i’m like, well, it’s just listen to me, it’s just a problem when you come to the store, how many farmers have so many opinions, yes , i would just like to say about support , it means that there are a number of countries where, for example , livestock farmers in beef cattle breeding are not supported by countries in any way at all, for example. dollars of export earnings from the sale of meat and live cattle from the ends of the world all over the planet, that is, they manage to feed the whole world, earn a lot of money and not a single dollar at all due to the scale of the industry, due to the fact that this is the way of life of 20 million
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australians, well more weather conditions, that means very terrible, 7 years of drought, 7 years of drought , now no, we say, today australian meat is cheaper than moscow, that is, today in australia the cheapest beef on the planet, lamb is simply given away for nothing, because there is no price, nowhere to sell it, questions of their own. but the point is precisely that if we are talking about the fact that we want to convince our population, we have two good news: he said absolutely honestly, we have made an incredible leap forward in industries, today we have done something that no one believed 10 years ago, this is necessary secondly, we are in a situation of an investment boom, the money taken from the state at interest is not returned in the majority of our projects, so of course the pressure on businessmen from the loans taken leads to this.
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“i don’t want my children to live and work like that, like my wife and i, i want them to have a calm, clean job, go, son, or go, daughter, learn something, and this is a normal human desire and the desire for the best for their children, so until there are normal living conditions in the village, normal roads and normal everything else, this will continue , that is, nowhere in the world you said that this is a problem all over the world, nowhere in the world there are no normal roads, in our country - in our country it’s different." what they say in america: listen, we have 3% of the population left in farmers, what will we eat next, this has been going on for the last 20 years, so a short pause, now we will
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sum it up to get rid of chubby cheeks, the girl has lost weight to 29 kg. grandma says to me: oh, lera, what kind of cheeks do you have, kind of plump, my minimum weight is 29 kg, for over the course of 10 years, she gained only... 3 kg and now she considers herself fat again, now i see myself as a bit large, that i have such powerful arms, that i have a belly there, huge cheeks, the mother is afraid that her daughter will wear herself to death with diets, this is very scary, such a little flower could die today, tomorrow, but does the skinny woman who considers herself fat understand this, she says: mom, i have no desire to get better and fight this disease. "it’s difficult for me, i want to hear such a vertical, that there is still some opportunity for me
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working on a lot of products is exactly what the state should do, create conditions so that it is profitable, then everything will be plentiful and cheap, let everything be there, but let something be missing, alexey nikolaevich, you need to lose weight, and in order to lose weight, alexey nikolaevich said, squeezing belly, and in order to lose weight, you need to deal with stress, because stress leads to overeating, so sergeyvich. this man never worried, apparently, yes, i mean your physique, thank you, listen, i still remember you, you know from what age then there is no need to fight with scenes, they need to be formed by the state so that they are accessible to the population, and for this it is necessary gradually move from subsidizing the production process to subsidizing the price on the shelf , yeah, a rare program when i listened to all the guests without exception with interest, but didn’t
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understand, but didn’t understand anything at all, so i ’ll do this now, i’ll go up to the editorial office, telegram channel , and the best ones will be posted there moments of our today, well, probably already the second topic of discussion, let’s still try to understand what will happen with food prices, you can take my advice, just like through our telegram channel, you know what to do. i’ll be brief, it’s just that garlic was mentioned here today as a housewife’s note, unfortunately, garlic costs 900 rubles. per kilogram has the mystical ability to scare away not only vampires, but buyers in general. it was a meeting place that could not be changed. 14:00 weekday ntv broadcast, all the best to you and see you dates. the west
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is not abandoning its strategy of containing russia and its aggressive goals in ukraine, well, we are not going to abandon our goals of a special military operation. the president ordered to increase the production of high-precision drone missiles. what other tasks for next year? were raised at a meeting of the board of the ministry of defense. more than 100 dead, thousands of houses in ruins in northwest china, a powerful earthquake struck last night. the us announced the start of an operation against the yemeni houthis attacking merchant ships in the red sea. footage of tests of a new north korean ballistic missile has been published.


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