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tv   Shpion 1  NTV  December 20, 2023 12:50am-1:41am MSK

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murder, i forgot the ketchup in the house now, yeah. and i already thought you ran away. why should i run, i still need to prove this, the roses that you brought for nancy, and after the murder you threw out in the trash, grew on your wife’s clonbe.
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show the results of the examination, i'm tired of you , i'm listening, where are you going, what are you guys, they shot, clean up, that's it, lyokha, call the beaver, let the money cook, you can eat the shish kebab.
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i’m seeing your gun for the first time, can you check to see if my prints are on it? seriously? are you sure you don't want to? jamaican, thank you, tell me, sir, did harley tell you anything about mustafa? who is this? is this the boss?
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we play golf together sometimes, woodman centry club. do you want to interrogate him too? no. i'm just trying to clear up the leak picture. but
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not for long. people from the security service are about to arrive. what would we do if there was no corruption in this country, they would have already strung you up, and by the way they would have done the right thing, i love you too, in an hour representatives of the embassy will be here, the story will be hushed up, it won’t get into the press, they will drag you out and will be sent to moscow, as in moscow, but if leaving you here will arouse suspicion in who you said everything after me. we have a leak, where did you get the idea? yes, he blurted out the first thing that popped into his head. ilya konstantinovich
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has some strange weakness for this guy; he considers him a talented intelligence officer. well, one cannot help but praise his courage , resourcefulness, and his role in liberation. he ’s an adventurer, he doesn’t know what subordination or discipline is, he snuck into amelie’s apartment without warning anyone, yeah, but if he had warned you, you would have allowed it, of course not, seryozha, let’s go, it’s clear that...
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this was a non-binding conversation. you can see for yourself, mr. chaikin, that as a result of this monstrous provocation, i live like on a volcano. i am forced to double my security; only the love of ordinary muslims for me keeps kholeda from committing lawlessness. mr. salah, what do you want? “i want you to save me from khaled, one call from the kremlin and they will leave me alone, well, in the end we have a lot in common, i was useful to you before,
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i will be useful, i hope in the future, you should understand, the americans dragged me into this." so i prepared a statement for state television, your people can edit it to strengthen some accents, but the main thing here is this: this monstrous crime was planned from abroad. we tell the sheikh that his statement not interested. we tell the sheikh that moscow will treat his statement with understanding, that we believe that the americans used him vilely, and we need to convey this idea to the entire progressive arab society. and let him name names, i want a diplomatic scandal, i
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i want harley and his entire company to be thrown out of lebanon in 24 hours with a kick in the ass, people from mid will talk to kholed, why talk, well, to get sheikh salah off the hook, no one will talk to kholed, let him deal with this son of a bitch . after everything that salah did to our people, let him say thank you that we didn’t send him special forces to the palace, and we will receive a written order, yes, in writing, as my personal order, and do you understand what you are risking? in a hostage situation, we did not behave the best thus, we behave rudely, we are surprised,
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no one is ordered to become better than he is, not even the secretary of the central committee. the snowman did not come to meet him, he waited for an hour and a half, so this is not surprising, i
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just haven’t had time to tell you yet, your snowman is being sent to moscow, that is, how, because mustafa, the son of the sheikh, an idiot, decided to try to frame your snowman. and he won’t be fired from the kgb, yes, well, stop it, who will fire him, it’s worse, sheikh sallah can wag his tail and put it on a big fat pig, you know, frank, i work for east for many years. and i never cease to be surprised, here a son can take and report on his
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father, without experiencing any threats to his conscience, he was shot by sergei ivanovich, i’m right, everything converges on the road, let’s go, you’ll go get a gun, i’ll buy you two of these shuras. stand rough life take bim tomorrow at 22:10 on ntv, new housewarming, new year's eve at evgeny margulis's, get ready, it's going to be hot now.
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that's what's happening on mtv, we can do anything. new year's housewarming on december 31, immediately after the new year's mask. what kind of scratch is this? it happened before.
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well, maybe we should add pro-israelis here too, no need, sir, the main thing is... you admit that khaled’s anti-americanism and his friendship with the soviet union is the only true path for the country, and jews are so for radicals. yes of course. father, everything is ready, you can go. yes, okay, how much security do you charge? he will go with you, mr. goni. behind the front there is a security car with four people each, eight in total. he will be waiting near the television. four more people. khaled is aware of your performance. it's unlikely he'll want to. we have someone to fear other than khaled. our guys are already there. kamal, you're starting to do your eyeliner. then you say that sheikh salah will soon appear in our studio and make a sensational statement. we show
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the sheikh leaving the palace on the monitors. who are all these people? i changed the guards, these are reliable and proven fighters, what was bad about the previous ones, islam, akhmed, they were before, but they will not be protected from russian incursions in the yard, that is, it’s all about them, we’ll go already, yes, father, sit down, you will be safe here.
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sit down, let's go through the theses again. maybe perhaps it makes sense to strengthen this phrase? i mean this place. well, let's say we have always paid tribute to the titanic efforts of president khaled to end the internecine war. don't touch the key, what did you say? i said, don’t touch the key, dear, i’m driving, what’s the matter? we'll go in another car. why? just extra insurance. tell mustafa that we will go in the security car. sir, what do you say? stand to the right so as not to block the entrance.
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they say from the studio that they are only waiting for us. he asked the escort car guards to change in some places, if you don’t mind, i will remain behind the wheel of mr. salah’s car, mr. ganip ordered, which means mr. gone ordered, mustafa, we will transfer the guards to the sheikh’s car, we ourselves will go in a jeep along a different route, dear drive, let’s each do his own job, i am the head of security, i am responsible for security. you are the sheikh’s assistant , do godly deeds, i am responsible for everything, dear mustafa, before millions of believers and before allah, i am responsible for the life, health and works of the sheikh. how will the sheikh decide? you do not do you trust mustafa? no, i just think it will be better this way, trust me. we'll get
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into the security car. guard the escort car, transfer to the sheikh's car. the cunning jackal. not this time. today is a jackal. outsmarted himself. have you moved? yes. sheikh and mr. goni in the security car. i’ll go make sure those people from the tv don’t rush to the car. you know what to do.
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have you been offered cooperation with foreign intelligence? yes, you rejected an offer to cooperate with foreign intelligence? yes. homesickness for a long time, exposed by morocco, i don’t care at all where, completely alone, over what stones, home, wandering from the market bag into the house, and not knowing what is mine, like a hospital or a barracks, like...
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yes, well, you see, and what do you suggest? - wait, we need to give her the opportunity to come to her senses. and how long to wait? well, it's different for everyone. and if she was fine, what would you say when looking at the polygraph readings? i would say that she is lying.
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but i wouldn’t quarrel with lempard’s father-in-law; half the committee is his friend. intelligence, besides, you know, he’s friends with himself, i know, dick, i know, but they said that the nato one doesn’t burn, it burns, it burns so hard that horseradish will be put out.
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your apple trees are crumbling, you could at least pick them up, but the hedgehogs will be carried away, the garden was my favorite part, i just wish the villages would dry up. what did our guys from washington manage to find out? reilly, who is leading the leak case, is a serious young lady. last year she identified an israeli mole in the nsa, and this agent served for more than ten years and was in excellent standing. and she has a real lead to get to kiplingan. the most vulnerable place is where we learned that mustafa is the son of a sheikh. we
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sent it through lempord. information that mustafa allegedly said this himself under torture. the sheikh is no more, mustafa has disappeared. it is unlikely that the cia now needs a scandal with a mole. i think director hasselchow should seize on this. that is, everything is fine with us. or maybe we don’t know something. they want to get it in the sky. recording of mustafa's interrogation, but the recording does not contain mustafa's confession that he is the son of a sheikh, not yet, ekaterina alekseevna, a package for you, what a package, a young man with a lot of bad habits, but extremely charming and handsome, are you?
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hello, hello, how are you, fine, for some reason in moscow, they were sent home as an employee who had not justified their high rank. kgb. did you get fired? well, who's going to fire me? i’m sitting at home while my bosses change their anger to mercy and go back to battle. it's clear. good luck. katya, what are you doing? nothing. but we agreed? about what? well, what are you going to talk about with dima? i talked. sorry, i feel very bad right now. kate. so what do we have with the accounts of the guy from encryption department? last year, he took out
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a loan on a mustang. he costs about 4000, 38, an ordinary cryptographer with a salary of 4500 dollars a year, how is he going to pay it?
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yes, tember, tember is similar, but this one speaks the central serial dialect of aleppo, and the person on the cassette you gave him has the lebanese dialect of beroth, and what is so noticeable, to a professional, yes, as i understand it, where
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you want to send the edited recording, it they will look at it under a magnifying glass, of course they will, so we are looking for footage with the lebanese dialect, i wouldn't risk it. she’ll notice, well, that’s all for today, i guess i’ll call, yes, in nine, hello, tell me how... wait, don’t hang up, i don’t even understand how a girl of your circle can meet a bandit, oh my god , dima, you are like from the moon, what a circle, in moscow now there are only two circles, those
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who have money and those who dream of earning it, i don’t understand what you should even talk to him about, dima, yes he has bmw of the latest model, well, this changes everything, of course, are you jealous, i’m sorry, i’m just really not for me who to contact. most of my classmates are completely nerds, and he is already threatening me, maybe i can talk to him somehow, but not officially, or something, explain so as not to interfere, you can, dim, how do you think i can arrange this, i’ll take a strength group with me, just for a walk, i don’t know, okay, forget everything, i’ll decide for myself, how’s katya? okay, katya, okay, if you don’t want to, don’t tell me,
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she told irina how she knows about the oreste of this jafar, a reliable source, nikolai vasilyevich. the man has been working very well in the ministry of internal affairs for a long time aware. okay thank you. ask for nayeri if possible. bye bye. information should not be disseminated, i understood that he was caught in a nonsense, but since there was still a lot of things behind him, the security service began to twist him to the hilt, and brought him up to his participation in the kidnapping of our diplomats. jafar testified during interrogation that they had comprehensive information.
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perhaps he had no other choice, but according to
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this logic of ustyugov, one cannot reset, of course, bon appetit, good afternoon, you know, give me some coffee, me too, some more fruit, here’s a fruit basket and ... a bottle of champagne, that’s all, now is the moment , so what happened, but you don’t know what happened, we ’re adults, i know that they’re checking you now, but this is a necessary procedure, they’re checking the head of the head, you're a fool, do you even understand what you're saying, whoever checks , then
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... bring me some vodka, i 'll give this music to you on new year's day forever, december 31st on ntv, for everyone who thought we were on broadway, no , this is a show mask, brand new masks, the jury's favorite. the mask inspires us, incredible duets, but
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what a fabulous duet took place, festive mood, karem on the shoulder, i am everything to my beloved wives. i’ll pay for a new year’s mask, mask, mask, mask.
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take it to the starters, they have a new album, these are the things in general, soon it won’t work out at all, this is a half-ass, assistant to the cultural attache of the american embassy, ​​they say they are interested in something specifically, or something more serious?
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please, how did your wife take the dismissal? for her it was not very important, i think with relief. tell me, were you aware of gaprindashvili’s reports about the possible leak from the beirut station? yes, or did konstantinovich somehow mention that there is such a problem? so, so, so, so, so, and
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under what circumstances did you say it? your service insisted that i be removed from the department. because my wife. we know about this from her words , the department admits that in this way they could simply protect her from the hardships associated with being in captivity, dad, you saw katya, they protected her well, in your opinion, dima, this
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can all happen affect your career, but i don’t care about my career, you understand i don’t care, my family is collapsing, and you are my career. ilya konstantinovich, colonel dzhalaev. let him come in. good afternoon, dmitry sergeevich. hello, ilya konstantinovich. what do we have about baghdad? i prepared several cipher messages for the residency. this is ilya konstantinovich. ilya konstantinovich. a doctor urgently, the colonel is feeling bad, things won’t work out like that , there’s not enough money for a bathhouse, you understand, they promised in a month, well, they promised in a month, it’s already
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been 3 months, there’s no hot water, i told you that you don’t owe me any more i don’t care what you said , i want to be on good terms with you, and you hang up, what kind of dynamo, people, why is dynamo, we’re just different, what kind of crap are you taking me for, what kind of guy am i to you, or what, in short, i he said, you suit me, what other bazaars are there, but you don’t suit me? and we’ll check this now, while all the chicks were happy, let go, what are you, a goat, i don’t care, i’m fucking you, why are you digging, natalya, it’s the same thing every time.
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people are disoriented in themselves, disoriented in relationships with yes, wait , this category, can you just say calmly and those, people, calm down and clearly tell me your name, surname, there will be a big conversation here, so just wait, calm down and tell me, i’ll come now, i’ll come now, even human credit, in the process of twenty-seven years work.
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after the death of the sheikh , harley, the bedouin was recruited by you, he was your agent, only you and i know who he is, and if we lose such an agent because of the idiot mustafa, who has already ruined an operation worth 5 million dollars, you can't get enough, so look for it wherever you want. and do it before the russians.


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