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tv   Segodnya  NTV  December 20, 2023 8:00am-8:26am MSK

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in the southern donetsk direction, artillerymen use pumping mortar tactics and even set personal records in the time it takes to prepare a gun for fire. we point in the main direction of shooting.
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made it possible to bypass enemy radars . the planes were moving at an altitude of 11 km, which is air defense. then the crews dropped unguided bombs on enemy fortifications and returned to their home airfield. meanwhile, in the lugansk republic, on the matchmaking line to
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the gun, loaded, gun, shot, shot, bags, rare moments of calm, artillery carried out in a camouflaged dugout, and just the day before the crew of this howitzer received dozens of letters from schoolchildren and students from all over russia, some children write words that simply bring tears. it’s eye
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-watering, that’s why we are here, so that our children, our grandchildren don’t have to follow our path, the difficult path, let them only follow our good path, in a peaceful life. in their messages, the children expressed words of support and gratitude to the military for the courage and heroism they show on the front line. over the past week alone , the postal service delivered more than one and a half thousand letters and drawings to the kupinsky direction. of course, in the south of the dpr, artillerymen use the tactics of rolling guns, in the immediate vicinity of the front line, the fighters have prepared inconspicuous firing points where they can install a mortar in a matter of seconds, strike at ukrainian outposts, and also quickly load the gun into a truck to change position, so military personnel avoid retaliatory strikes. vladimir bogomolov observed the combat work and the mortarmen. mortar we load, we arrive, we work. we left
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back, a fighter with the call sign ensign laid down the principle of operation of a pumping mortar in 4 seconds, in fact the departure will last much longer, most of the time is spent traveling along the russian road. the base plate has already been prepared on site, all that remains is to install the barrel and the two-legged carriage, set it in the main direction of fire, where the enemy is now, and now everything will work accordingly. the pumping mortar tactic allows you to reduce. time to prepare the gun, from the moment of unloading to firing no more than 2 minutes pass, but with proper skill the fighters are directed much faster, sometimes it even took 20 seconds. such plates are installed in different places; artillerymen can act either independently or help in the advancement of other army units. we can work on equipment, we can also cover the infantry there, yes, yes, yes, yes, on equipment there we work with machine guns and crews, well... so
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of course we also work with the infantry, there is thick fog all around, in such weather enemy drones cannot rise into the sky, the fighters will not be spotted, but he himself the crew is left without air support, there must always be an adjustment. now , due to the weather conditions, it is impossible to raise the bird, and so we simply work according to the planned goals, we have worked, we have left, we do not let the enemy relax. the retaliatory strike came repeatedly, but always managed to escape alive. the mortar men say it’s not just a matter of luck, but of the coherence of the team; both professional and mobilized soldiers work side by side. they conduct training before combat duty, and the enemy has not been responding lately. so active. has calmed down much in comparison, well, before the thaw, well, he was more active, he shot more often, now they already have a shortage of bulls, apparently, well, you can feel it and how to say , he is retreating slowly, if the mortar works on the infantry, then the crew can
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make 20- 30 shots, but today a few were enough, then the soldiers leave the position, leaving the base plate in place until next time. vladimir bogomolov, vladislav rybakov, television company. ntv, yuzhnodonetsk direction of the northern military district. trade and economic cooperation between russia and china has met the difficult challenges of 2023 . mikhail mishustin stated this during negotiations with sidzenpin. the russian prime minister is in china on a two-day working visit. it is important that we have completely switched to national currencies in mutual settlements. more than 90% of payments are made in rubles. noted that
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a strong foundation has been laid in relations between russia and china, and the countries’ ability to withstand risks is strengthening. according to the leader of the people's republic of china, the positive dynamics of cooperation between moscow and beijing is evidenced by the fact that... these are almost fifty countries led by the united states, and some of them in the past themselves fell under the influence of nazi ideology, for example, germany, italy, japan, latvia,
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lithuania, poland, as well as canada, the parliament that not so long ago apprehended the former member of the ss galicia division. the list, of course, also includes... joe biden is trying to correct the situation with his record anti-rating; according to research, only a third of voters approve of what the head of the white house is doing. biden will travel to wisconsin today, alone. from key states in the election, so gaining support there is especially important. biden plans to talk, in particular , about successes in the economy, although not all americans agree that in this area.
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the us president is extremely upset about his falling popularity and the gap behind trump, who is confidently ahead of biden in seven different polls. his main job as president is to protect the american people, but he failed at that and became a terrible president for americans. the entire white house agenda literally falls apart... support for ukraine and israel is stalling in congress, tied to the migration crisis, and biden seems to have no idea what to do with the southern border, now again over 12 thousand people cross it every day, a new record, but driving illegal immigrants back to mexico means stepping on the throat of one’s own
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democratic song and quarrel with latin american voters, and continue to let in thousands of migrants, ultimately ruining relations with the rest of the country.
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voted democratic all my life, but recently registered as an independent, because every time i go to the store i shell out more money and i'm afraid of what's happening at the border, i think it's because he doesn't understand what's really troubling the american people. biden's old pal, former us president barack obama, is also concerned, according to the wall street journal. obama believes that the democrats may well lose the elections in 2024; in any case , it will be a very difficult race for them. of course, there is still time until the elections themselves (320 days), but if nothing changes, then
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biden will most likely have to rely only on a miracle to remain in the white house. alexey vasilovsky, alexander dekin and vladimir vepritsky, ntv, usa. well, meanwhile, the rating of biden’s main political opponent, donald trump, continues to grow confidently. the american media have already named the republican. quote: leader in the fight for the presidency. in this regard, they are trying to help him.
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support. and now to the situation in the middle east. israel offers hamas to stop fighting in the sector for a week gas to free a new batch of hostages. the jerusalem post newspaper reported this. the corresponding proposals were sent through qatar. as part of a temporary truce, the authorities of the jewish state plan to return about forty prisoners to their homeland. these are women and men over 60 years of age, as well as people who urgently need medicine. assistance, but for now israel continues to attack the territory
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of the enclave. the day before, idf forces fired at a refugee camp in the south of the sector, al jazeera reported, there was a casualty. more one strike, the military struck a city in the center of anklov, where a residential building came under fire, killing at least eight people. by this moment, the idf forces had completely captured jebaleya and established control over another populated area. the president announced this. the country celebrates the day of the worker, security agencies, they guard sovereignty and the constitutional order, this is
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the foreign intelligence service, the fsb and the federal security service, as well as the main department of special programs. happy professional holiday, i have already congratulated them vladimir putin. it is necessary to strengthen anti-terrorist work in all areas, to use a wide range of technical operational capabilities of our special services. actively. interact with the ministry of defense and other departments. the protection of state borders requires increased attention, especially those areas that are located directly.
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among those who solve the most important defense and technological problems today, and, of course, attempts by foreign intelligence services to destabilize socio-political situation in russia, to grant civil peace and interethnic harmony, to interfere in our internal affairs, to violate the sovereign, inviolable right of the people of russia to determine their own future. dear friends, the security agencies do not have simple tasks, but you have all the necessary potential, all the capabilities to protect the security of the state, society, our citizens, i am sure that you will continue to work with high efficiency, cherish and develop the best professional traditions, and means achieving new successes,
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serving russia and our great people with dignity and honor. once again, i congratulate you on the holiday and, of course, on the coming year 2024. good health and prosperity to you and your loved ones. vladimir putin expressed special words of gratitude to the veteran of the security agencies. according to the president, all of them with honor withstood the trials that befell the country in the past and worthily defended their homeland from internal and external threats. today many of them are calm. now igor morozov is calmly distributing this autographs appear on television screens, and there were times when
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he could not talk about what was written in his books, not to mention what was still classified, even with those closest to him. i decided for myself.
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countries of combat units trained in pakistan. the experience of the afghan war turned out to be invaluable, and although modern intelligence , according to the svr veteran, is completely different, the principles of selection for service are the same as many, many years ago. any person who comes to intelligence must understand that love for the motherland, patriotism, it should be the main, fundamental criterion for the selection of employees in intelligence, and this will always exclude betrayal, this is... an order of society, into which the best, the bravest, the most motivated, the most proactive come, today in the era of digital technology in the arsenal of a modern intelligence officer there are a lot of new opportunities for obtaining information, which does not mean at all that this service is now not as dangerously difficult as before; rather, quite the opposite, when you
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are immediately examined in the border zone. remove the retina there they take off their hands, and in these conditions, intelligence continues to work, it carries out its tasks, specially trained people come, go through all this, it is very difficult to determine their affiliation with intelligence, the local counterintelligence, which is hostile to us. the most interesting thing from this conversation , however, remained behind the scenes, but it probably couldn’t have turned out any other way; it’s not for nothing that they say that there are no former intelligence officers. alexandrevich, stepan lesakovich, ilena alferova, valentin. with this we say goodbye to the audience of central russia, see you soon, i
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it seems that my grandfather is hiding something, bustle, fireworks, turn on the new year's light, lights the lights. a magic staff, grandpa, and we have something tasty at home, we can conjure something, he can do magic, the snowman is a courier, it’s proven that my grandpa is santa claus. on new year's eve, everyone can create miracles, from the bottom of their hearts, for those around them. happy new year,
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button in the mobile application in sberbank with prime, it’s more profitable. about the weather for today - far east. the cyclones have moderated their ardor and will manage without heavy snow and stormy snowstorms. near the wind, but the cold is abnormal, especially in the south of the continent, from khabarovsk to four -25, baikal still has twenty-degree frosts, but the atlantic warmth with a decent speed displaces cold air from the south of siberia, the warmth will reach the shores of the yenisei later, while only harbingers of rising temperatures have reached there, dense clouds, closer to the urals, the minus is already weak, in the urals itself there is a real thaw, in chelyabinsk, in yekaterinburg, light snow near zero , in orenburg, ufa, snow turns to rain. the european territory of russia is already living in the thaw, has come to terms with it and is used to it, but what is dangerous to get used to is the huge icicles on the roofs of buildings, and the conditions for them...


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