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tv   Segodnya  NTV  December 20, 2023 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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in the southern donetsk direction, artillerymen use pumping mortar tactics and even set personal records in the time it takes to prepare a gun for fire. we point in the main direction of shooting. where is the enemy now? vladimir bogomolov supervised the work of the fighters. negotiations between mikhail mishustin and shizen ping took place in beijing. it is important that we have completely switched to national currencies in mutual settlements. what other topics were discussed? joe biden's rating is steadily approaching zero. his main job as president is to protect the american people, but he failed. he became a terrible president for
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americans. what predictions are being made in the united states regarding the future of an unpopular leader? and the professional holiday is celebrated by employees of the russian special services. alexander kaneevich met with a svr veteran and learned from his own experience that there are no former intelligence officers. hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. in the studio of yulia bekhtareva. trade and economic cooperation between russia and china has coped with difficult challenges of the twenty-third year. mikhail mishustin stated this during negotiations with sidinpin. they passed in the morning in beijing. in turn, the president of the people's republic of china noted that a strong foundation has been laid in relations between the two countries, and the ability of states to withstand risks is expanding. on the progress of our prime minister's visit to the chinese capital, nikita korzun. the chairman personally supervises. for
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what he calls the quote: filling russian-chinese relations with new content. this was the case in may, when mikhail mishustin visited beijing for the first time this year. year, so this is happening now 7 months later. first, the heads of government of russia and china hold several rounds of negotiations as part of deepening interaction between the two countries, then the leader of the prc listens in detail to the prime ministers and draws his conclusions. today we have laid a strong foundation for interaction, its scale and quality are growing, and its capabilities are strengthening. let me remind you that he literally ceded this post to qingang for several months, but after the latter disappeared from the media field, and beijing did not comment on this rapid resignation, returned. this is a big plus for moscow, since wang is deeply immersed in the topic of russian-chinese cooperation and has been coordinating it for many years. emphasized that all
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efforts are not in vain. we see that the volume of mutual trade between our countries by the end of the year reached one and a half trillion yuan. the goal that president putin and i set 5 years ago to increase the volume of bilateral trade to $200 billion has been achieved ahead of schedule. the russian delegation today is somewhat narrower than the day before, when the entire economic and energy bloc of the government was presented. at the house of people's assembly , mikhail mishustin was accompanied by deputy prime ministers.
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services, investment and industrial cooperation, agriculture is a separate line for 400 million chinese with an average income, russian agricultural exports are an important part of consumption, an agreement was reached yesterday on the supply of pork to the chinese market, which will allow russian business. i would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you chinese colleagues for your kind attitude, for constructive joint work, i am sure that in the coming year new and even greater achievements await us according to the lunar calendar, this is the year of the dragon, which is one of the symbols of china. i wish you and all chinese friends.
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good health good luck in ten thousand deshi zhuyi. china ranks first in the number of inbound tours to russia. an e-tourism package has been launched for travelers from china. visa-free travel has been resumed, and by the end of the year the number of chinese tourists will exceed 1 million. 2024 will be even more eventful within the framework of russian-chinese interaction, especially since this is an anniversary year. on october 1, 1949 , the people's republic of china was established, and the very next day the ussr was the first in the world to recognize it, that is, diplomatic relations were established. nikita korzun, dmitry benedeychuk, pavel biryukov, ntv beijing, chinese. russian units destroyed strategically important positions of the nationalists. in the krasnolimansk direction , pilots of su-34 bombers liquidated command observation posts of the ukrainian armed forces. aircraft
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air defense systems bypassed enemy radars, after which they dropped unguided bombs on enemy fortifications and returned to their airfield bases. and this is the kupinsky direction of the special operation, where he works every day.
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in the south of the dpr, artillerymen use the tactics of pumping guns in close proximity to the front line. the fighters have prepared inconspicuous firing points where they can install a mortar in a matter of seconds, strike at the ukrainian army, and also quickly load the gun into a truck to change position. this is how military personnel avoid retaliatory strikes. vladimir bogomolov observed the combat work of the mortarmen. loading the mortar. we leave, we work, we go back. a fighter with the call sign ensign explained the principle of operation of a pumping mortar in 4 seconds. in fact, the departure will last much longer; most of the time is spent traveling along a muddy road.
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the base plate has already been prepared on site, all that remains is to install the barrel and the two-legged carriage. we set the main direction of fire, where the enemy is now, now there will be, accordingly, all job. tactics. the pumping mortar allows you to reduce the time for preparing the gun; from the moment of unloading to the shot, no more than 2 minutes pass, but with proper equipment the fighters perform much faster, sometimes it took even 20 seconds. such plates are installed in different places; artillerymen can act either independently or help in the advancement of other army units. we can work on technology, we can cover it there and cover the firemen, yes, yes, yes, yes, we work on technology there with machine gun crews. well, that’s why, of course, there’s also infantry around there is thick fog, in such weather the enemy drones do not rise into the sky, the fighters will not be detected, but the crew itself remains without air support, there must always be an adjustment, now due to the weather conditions it is impossible
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to raise the bird, and so we simply work according to the planned goals, we have worked , we left, we don’t let the enemy relax, the retaliatory strike came repeatedly, but always... we managed to escape alive, the mortar men say it’s not only a matter of luck, but of the coherence of the team, both professional military personnel and mobilized, they conduct training before combat duty, and the enemy has not been responding so actively lately. it has calmed down a lot in comparison, well, before the thaw, well, it was more active, it shot more often, now they already have a shortage of bulls, apparently, well, you can feel it and how to say, it is retreating little by little. when the gun is used against infantry, the crew can fire 20-30 shots, but today a few were enough, then the soldiers leave the position, leaving the base plate in place until next time. vladimir bogomolov, vladislav rybakov, ntv television company, yuzhnodonetsk direction of the northern military district. meanwhile, in europe they began
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to calculate options for the development of events in the event of ukraine’s defeat. and as a consequence , the entire nato bloc, bloomberg reports. the publication writes that... the consequences of the alliance's strategic failure will force washington's allies to think about the cost of its promise to provide military assistance. the agency also notes how states have changed their rhetoric. if earlier they promised to support ukraine as long as needed, now, against the backdrop of the current american lack of money plans to help kiev as much as possible. well, joe biden is trying to correct the situation with his record anti-rating. according to research, only a third of voters approve of what the head of the white house is doing. today biden will travel to wisconsin, one of the key states in the election, so build support there now.
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usa, meanwhile, the rating of biden’s main political opponent, donald trump, continues to grow confidently. the american media have already named the republicans. quote: leader in the fight for the presidency. in this regard, they are actively trying to prevent the current government from doing so. a colorado court has banned a politician from participating in local elections as candidates for the post of head of state. the decision was explained by some amendments to the constitution. the document states that an american cannot hold a leadership position if, after taking the oath, he participated in a rebellion. thus, state administrations are trying to punish trump for storming the capitol in january twenty-one. the ex-president's team considers the verdict. quote, undemocratic erroneous. lawyers plan to appeal to the country's supreme court. they are confident that they will side with trump there. this.
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nazism the authors of the document, in particular, call for preventing denial of crimes against humanity, revising the history and results of the second world war, and also condemn any attempts. these are almost fifty countries led by the united states, and some of them in the past themselves fell under the influence of nazi ideology, for example, germany, italy , japan, latvia, lithuania, poland, as well as canada, parliament, which not so long ago
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applauded the former member of the ss galicia division. the list includes both... of course, ukraine. and now to the situation in the middle east. israel has invited the hamas movement to stop fighting in the gaza strip for a week in order to free a new batch of hostages. this was reported by the jerusalem post newspaper. a corresponding proposal was sent through qatar. as part of a temporary truce, the authorities of the jewish state plan to return about 40 prisoners to their homeland. these are women, men over 60 years of age, and people who are urgent. the military struck another blow at the city in the center of the enclave, where a residential building came under fire, killing at least eight people. by this moment, the idf forces had completely captured
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jebaliya and were establishing control over another populated area. about it. it is a holiday for employees of the russian special services, the country celebrates the day of security agency workers, they stand guard over sovereignty and the constitutional order, this is the foreign intelligence service, the fsb and the fso, as well as the main department of special programs. with professional holiday, vladimir putin has already congratulated them. dear friends
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, the security agencies do not have simple tasks, but you have all the necessary potential, all the capabilities to... protect the security of the state, society, our citizens, i am sure that you will continue to work with high efficiency , cherish and develop the best professional traditions, and it means achieving new successes, serving russia and our great people with dignity and honor. once again, i congratulate you on the holiday, and of course, happy 2024 year. good health and prosperity to you and your loved ones. vladimir putin expressed special words of gratitude to veterans of security agencies. according to the president, all of them with honor withstood the trials that befell the country in the past and worthily defended their homeland from internal and external threats. today, many of them calmly communicate with journalists,
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act as experts on various issues and even write memoirs, although not so long ago their names were strict. this is now igor morozov calmly signing autographs, appearing on television screens, and there were times when he could not talk about what was written in his books, not to mention what was still classified, even with those closest to him. i decided on my path to intelligence, probably at the age of 12, so i understood that my first step was the svorov school, then. the supreme council school of mosvoku, from where graduates simply went into all types of armed forces, including the special services, so i got into intelligence, i understood that as a military man i should be in combat intelligence, it so happened, a specialist in the middle east and africa, scout morozov
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got to afghanistan, how long he worked there, the veteran of the foreign intelligence service does not tell the secret, but still reveals some little-known details of part of the special operation in the first part of his trilogy, written in the genre of a political detective story. we defended the southern borders of the soviet union. and therefore, the work was related to obtaining information and preventing attacks by combat units trained in pakistan. the experience of the afghan war turned out to be invaluable, and although modern intelligence, according to the veteran. completely different principles selection for service is the same as many, many years ago. any person coming to intelligence, he must understand that love for the motherland, patriotism, it should be the main, and... the main criterion for selecting employees into intelligence, and this will always exclude betrayal, this is a special order of society,
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to which the most the best, the bravest, the most motivated, the most proactive. today, in the era of digital technology , the modern intelligence officer has a lot of new opportunities for obtaining information, which does not mean that this the service is not so now... uh, it is very difficult for the local counterintelligence, which is hostile to us, to determine their belonging to the intelligence service. the most interesting thing from this conversation
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, however, remained behind the scenes, but it probably couldn’t have turned out any other way; it’s not for nothing that they say that there are no former intelligence officers. alexander kanevich, stepan lesakovich, ilena alferova, valentina abramenkova and natalya tarasenko, ntv television company. the first batch of azerbaijani chicken eggs arrived in russia. further business news, marina pimenova is with us, marina, well, you never know did you bring it? so far there are 36 tons, but this is only the first batch, and turkey should soon join the supply. less than 2 weeks before the new year , imported eggs managed to arrive in russia. the first batch of table eggs from azerbaijan arrived in the republic of dagestan in the amount of 612 thousand pieces. as rosselkhoznadzor reported, they will be sold throughout russia. the decision to open the russian market for supplies. eggs from azerbaijan were accepted in mid-november during a working trip of the head of rosselkhoznadzor sergei dankvert to this country. also 3 days ago, the head of the ministry of agriculture, dmitry patrushev , announced that
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a supply of eggs from turkey was expected soon. according to rosstat, over the past year eggs in russia have risen in price by 46%. only from december 5 to december 11, they increased in price by 4.5% and became one of the most expensive goods in the rosstat basket. on monday , the eurasian economic council. the mission has zeroed out duties on the import of chicken eggs to russia from january 1 to june 30. 24. the benefit will apply to the supply of 1.200 million eggs, which will also allow for the establishment of supplies from iran. in association rusprotsoyuz explained the rise in prices by the fact that due to exchange rates, logistics, packaging, spare parts, vaccines are becoming more expensive, and there is also a shortage of workers. and also because chicken prices have become more expensive and russians have switched to cheaper protein. shares have been rising since the morning , world oil prices continue to rise against the backdrop of what is happening in the red sea, although the speed of this movement is periodically reduced. the ruble, they don’t see the drivers,
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is moving sluggishly, the dollar is 90.32, the euro is 98.92. vladimir putin instructed the government to check what information is contained in video games and whether it complies with russian law. this is one of the president’s instructions following a meeting of the council for the development of physical culture and sports. by april 30 next year, the government must report on what measures are being prepared to make russian game developers more competitive and how information contained in video games is being controlled. the president also set the task for the government to introduce a classification of video games , taking into account: methods of their distribution, formats for their use and content contained in them. information. and together with the unified gambling regulator company, the government will have to create systems for tracking financial transactions. which host foreign games in russia. earlier , the kommersant newspaper wrote that the idea to create new regulation for the video game market was put forward by the head of the international boxing association
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, umar kremlev, in mid-october. july, that's all for me. thank you, this was marina pimenova with an economic review, and this is the program for today and we will break for a short advertisement, and in a couple of minutes we will tell you how much will have to be spent on the main new year's attribute this season. don't switch. social networks are now abuzz with news that new year's prices have barely risen, ilya lyadvin will tell you if this is true. my mother taught me everything, she showed me, and i simply repeated, so in finance and investment, even in investments, i simply repeat the transactions of successful investors. tinkov investments are easy. repeat transactions of successful investors and earn money. tinkof. make it, make it, make it, make it. final sale of the year. boots for men
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it's beneficial not to forget the service package , magical conditions, real rate of up to 16.5% per annum on a savings account in gazprombank, your money works and you receive additional income, apply online at large liquidation of the vascona collection, beds, sofas, mattress pillows with unprecedented discounts up to new year's price increases only until december 24th. this year, russian lotto is giving away as much as 2 billion. celebrate the new year as a billionaire, buy tickets on the website. apply for a credit card at vtb, unexpectedly there was a sale on avito , you got a new dress and a drill and an angle grinder and a robot snow scooter with discounts of up to 80%. there's even a sale on avito in time! until
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benefit one and shoes with discounts up to 50% and 4,000 bonuses in the application for every purchase from 100 rubles in stores and online, it gets better and better, up to 16% per annum on deposits, the best interest rate in sberbank, you can place a deposit with a favorable rate with just one button in the mobile application in savings savings with prime, more profitable than reckless driver new season today at 20:00 on ntv. this is the program today, we are continuing the release. in russia , a domestically produced sliding endoprosthesis was installed for the first time. the operation was carried out by samara doctors; they installed a unique device on an elderly man. next year they plan to use such prostheses for children as well. this model can change the length without additional surgery, and therefore is convenient for young patients and their parents. like father.
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we would not be satisfied if we performed the operation, installed the components of the endoprosthesis, but left the shortening in the patient; of course, the patient would walk normally, he simply could not after that, so the specialists from the samara medical university clinics decided to install an individual sliding endoprosthesis that can grow in the patient's body, inside the prosthesis there is a magnet, which
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is promoted under the influence of external... no, all stages of production are in one place, regions, so there are a series of problems with supplies , this greatly reduces production time, and the enterprise itself is located 5 km from samara,
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very close to the clinics of the medical university, where the first operation with such an endoprosthesis. sliding endoprostheses are needed for children with oncology; they are installed when a bone tumor develops, the bone grows and the prosthesis should too. however, the market has a large selection of domestic plants from different regions. in on average, the main attribute of the holiday will cost one and a half thousand rubles. ilya lyadvin has already made an estimate. new year's prices have barely gone up. social
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networks are now full of such news. is it so? first, let's look at the example of living trees. they have already started selling them for the holiday. there are more than 250 christmas tree markets in the moscow region alone. this one opened in korolev, one of the very first in the region. the selling season here will last until the very end. new year's eve, the assortment includes not only local green beauties, but also from penza, ryazan and vladimir. seller alexey kukuryavy assures that prices for russian trees at this outlet have remained almost at the level of last year, a meter of pine will cost up to 1. rubles, but danish spruce will cost several times more, but will please the eye longer. it lasts until spring, without any problems at all, even when it crumbles, it doesn’t crumble, it just dries out a little. if we talk about living trees, then still myself. a profitable option to take from the nursery in this dmitrovsky has already opened the holiday season. for each new year, about 3.5 thousands of firs and pines. according to statistics, this is more than enough. for the holiday, nurseries buy from 300 to 400 trees, but the main thing is that
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all this volume will be compensated by nature in the spring, and also with a large reserve. now, for the first time in several years , the cost of production here has been raised by an average of 15-20%. now two meters away. rubles, the fact is that diesel fuel for tractors and fertilizers have become more expensive, and this is an important part of caring for every tree. this is work every day, despite the fact that such a tree is large, we grow them from seeds. now to artificial trees, their production in russia is widely established; this plant from novorossiysk produces more than 2.0 fir trees from pvc materials per day. when the problems and sanctions were in place, we actually had the biggest leap in production because we began to notice imported products. and we did it very well. the demand for artificial spruce trees in the country is now especially high, here is data from one of the largest domestic marketplaces. sales of artificial trees are up 55% this year compared to the same period last year. in total
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, about 600 thousand units were sold. but sales of live trees will begin to grow according to statistics as the new year approaches. the peak activity of buyers in nurseries at christmas tree markets is expected a couple of days before the holiday. ilya lyatvi, mikhail rostovtsev, clean your liver with folk remedies, try replacing them with avisol. avisol is a modern natural remedy that promotes gentle cleansing of the liver. avisol ivolar. do you cleanse your liver with folk remedies? try replacing them with a paddle. only it contains oats of milky ripeness enhanced with herbs and turmeric. merry valar is number one for liver cleansing. and now about the weather for tomorrow in this issue of the european territory of russia. on thursday, changes in the synoptic situation, respectively, a change in weather is expected mainly in the north and west. the change is very small...


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