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tv   Advokat  NTV  December 21, 2023 3:15am-4:00am MSK

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“i agree, lesh, surveillance was not the best idea, listen, zemin, well, i didn’t even have breakfast today, now i’ll have lunch straight to the office, okay, agreed, excuse me, why don’t i have lunch, the meat is good, i ’m hungry.” bring me coffee , coffee with milk, yes, yes, and let's probably have a kiev cutlet, a vegetable salad, just more greens, and carrot juice with cream, you can guarantee a hundred percent result, a hundred percent result cannot... be guaranteed no one, i
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can only say that you have a good position about this matter, excuse me, yes, lesh, i ’m here at the café too and i’m not alone, that’s it, i can’t talk anymore, that’s enough for the crap you ’re feeding antonnaya, quite soon he won’t remember himself, not like you and me , what a lot you brought, this swindler secretly mixed psychotropic drugs into food, they provoked real psychosis, so, at these moments antonov was really insane, he began to hallucinate, well, in this state the local police officer found him, and so you , tamara believed that your father-in-law is crazy, he he scattered garbage around the apartment, in general, everyone did things. and the disgrace of him with them, and like
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a fool i believed it, but where did this oleg even come from? come over, the afirist, developed a plan, found out that his wife also works in a logistics company, introduced himself as an employee of this company, well, in general , i think that they will now have time to think about why their plan did not work, 7 years, no less, in places stand, prepare to dive, well... hello, commander! dad, dad, you, please forgive me, oleg used me after the death of your son kiryusha, i needed support, support, oleg seemed to me then caring, attentive, you, you, forgive me, everything is fine, let’s not remember. thank you, friend, but no, that’s who
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we need to thank, if not for her entry, everything would not have ended so rosy, ivan grigorievich, hello, ivan grigorievich, can i shake your hand, i’m very glad that you are in the ranks, that’s it, glory god, great, egor, have a minute, great, listen, after the last case i was convinced that our work sometimes requires special skills, so certainly. how about employment, well, your operational training is just right for you, well, that’s great, come on, i’m waiting for you tomorrow at the office, yeah, and i wanted to delete, oh, so,
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does everyone want to meet me? similar to snapping. kolya, kolya, and if now a bandit with a knife breaks in, you will defeat him, well, kolya, zulk told me that you are what’s his name?
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well, what was it, she left, didn’t even say goodbye, right? but you and i seem to be starting to get along quite well, let’s go to my place and continue, i ’m not going anywhere with you, my husband is waiting at home, the husband says he’s waiting, so i ’m suggesting you don’t get married, so let’s go to your place, we’ll meet my husband at the same time, where should i go, she doesn’t want
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to go with you, man, you need hands more than anyone else! it’s scary, yes it has become, scary, security guard, yes, protect your store, i understand, but don’t disturb people’s rest, get out of the way, lyosh, won’t you miss the plane? no, i have time for everything, even the reserve, i hope the process in yekaterenburg will not drag on, i will return, as
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planned, in four days. look, during this time here, you don’t crash my car, and don’t if i forget in your butuba, like last time, where are the keys, 100 years have passed, and you remember everything, nothing will happen to your car, yeah. yes, well, the maximum will please, lesh, well, give me the keys , well, use it a little, please, well, you ’ll be the first to bite me later, if something happens, well, it’s not a bite, but they’ll definitely drink it, that’s it, okay, for the elder, yes, he just stood up for me, you know, this karpov, he was the first to climb, and now nikolai, although... behind for murder for hooligan reasons, good morning, good morning, good, can you protect him? so, article 5, part two: murder out of khulyumyan delusions, 20 years old, nikolai, he did
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n’t hit him hard, just roman karpov, he was very drunk, and the floor was slippery, because he broke a bottle of water, and the glass was lying around, so... tell me, is nikolai your young man? no, no, whatever, i saw him for the first time that evening, i just don’t want him to sit down because he saved me from being drunk, sorry, from freezing. why do you call the person who died from frost? i was at the club that evening i was at a concert, karpov came up to me, offered me a drink, to hang out, i refused, he pulled me onto the dance floor, i broke away, then he began to yell at me and began to say that... people like me, they don’t refuse him, they beg him for him take a look, he started pawing at me, i pushed him away, ran, he followed me, well, then, you know everything, why aren’t any of nikolai kapustin’s relatives looking for a lawyer, why are you? nikolai, he is from dedomov,
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he has no one, and i am a witness in his case , the investigator told me that what should he no one will help, but... and karpov’s father is a very serious businessman, and he came to me, offered me 5000 money if i said that kapustin started the fight, i refused, he says that it won’t change anything anyway and that kapustin will go to prison for murder, yegor, can be reassigned to article 37, necessary defense, there is no punishment for this. or under article 109, murder by negligence, you can get a suspended sentence, the perfume is delicious, thank you, thank you, otherwise all my friends turned their backs, coach nothing he doesn’t want to hear about him, which coach, since he
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practices karate, has been going to competitions for many years and even wins sometimes. changes things, and not in our favor. possession of combat skills can be taken into account as an additional circumstance that can affect the level of protection, and the level of encroachment. may not meet the level of protection, and what does this mean, this is already serious, it can be classified as exceeding the necessary defense or causing grievous bodily harm resulting in death, you will not protect him, we will, we we’ll do our best, unless of course everything is as you say? but first we need to meet with nikolai himself, talk to his coach, the story is so-so, kaustin
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is an athlete in carotography, so he knew exactly where to hit in order to knock out the enemy, yes, the necessary defense will not work here, for this it is necessary that the deceased himself have the skills , let's not guess, let's interrogate, don't interrogate, ask, he says different things, okay, i'll take it into account, i'm a karateka. “i killed a man, you know, even in my worst nightmare i couldn’t do this imagine, nikolai, you want to make a sincere confession, but that’s not the point, he died because of me, if i hadn’t hit him, but wait, you said that you were just defending a woman, you hit the victim, not hard, almost pushed, yes, that’s all true.” but i feel guilty, but the fact that you’re beating yourself up will only make things worse for you, and much
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worse, the coach despises me, guys, and i have no one closer to them in this life, but i don’t blame them, i myself would despise such a person, we have a rule: leave the hall, forget everything that you know, but you really forget , of course, some kind of block is placed inside everything, and this guy, he attacked me with a broken bottle, and i was scared with... and then my father came, this guy’s father, attacked me, hit me several times
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, i didn’t even close myself off, i understood what he felt at that moment, i’m a murderer for him, a murderer of his son, i’ll be imprisoned for 20 years, nikolai, i don’t promise you anything, but i’ll try to do it. whatever happens, it’s okay, turn around, turn around, here, here, a hard blow, well done, guys
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, well done, well done, well done, the rules are the same for everyone, it can only come here in a few feet, i apologize, next time i will definitely change my clothes, my name is yegor volodin, i am a lawyer, i am defending your pupil nikolai kapustin, i have no idea instead of talking to you, leave the hall, and...
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leave the hall. oh guys, hello, a few words, can you please, we know who you are, why you came, we won’t talk about kolya, that’s great, why? the coach forbade it, but his word is law? listen, i'm not encroaching on your authority at all. coach, i just wanted to know what kind of person nikolai kapustin is? normal person.
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excuse me, we are in a hurry, we have time to replenish our energy. it’s just great that lunch is more important to you than the life of your friend, this is the first rule of karate, leave your friend in trouble, i’m right, yes, you don’t know anything about karate, let’s go, mish, you know, what a good guy, once a fan said like a polished karate, if the coach sees us talking to you, we will be in trouble. in my opinion, you are too critical of her instant cooking. well, do
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you at least drink instant coffee? okay, i'll have some coffee. evgeniy semyonovich, you and i have settled on the fact that there are a lot of strange things in the kustino case , this case is one complete strange thing, what a disgusting thing, well, what i have, it shouldn’t have happened at all, the guy is not guilty, but it will be difficult to prove it, why, because the father of the deceased is a rich, influential man, of course, he shouts at every corner that he will imprison his son’s killer, the press, pervert, kills a law university student, beat him to death, attacked a defenseless person, well everything like that, well , listen, the press is good for public opinion, but the court needs facts, tell the facts, but how do you like this fact, the video from the recording
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of the fight magically disappeared, it’s not even in the file, although the cameras in the store were working, wait, how did he disappear, removed from the case? no, this video didn’t exist at all, at all, although it must have been good, there are witnesses who will confirm that karpov was the first to start the fight, are you sure that they will confirm this, a great start, they haven’t advanced a single step, don’t tell me, we found out that cabbage is not guilty, that’s already a lot, so we have already found out, there is no evidence, to get this recording, most likely... no longer exists, but this personally proves that our client acted within the framework of the necessary defense. let's see what our second witness ainura says, and what kind of testimony she is going to give to the court, and encourage the athletes to talk. i found out that they have breakfast and lunch every day in this cafe near the sports school, the coach got them a fifty percent discount, well, they’ll have to
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go to karpov sr., i can imagine what kind of conversation is ahead, right? talk unpleasant, that's right. good afternoon. egor volodin, lawyer. are you protecting kolka? yes. oleg chikunov, i would never have believed him, so that kolka could kill someone. he didn’t let the mouse run around in the store and always said that the strong should not show their advantage against the weak. he almost carried anyone out of the store in his arms when he was a drunk, and bought him food with his own money. yes, the old ladies in the area loved him. they treated them to pies, and he always brought them bags to the entrance and even gave them chocolates, and the salary you understand him yourself, you won’t run away , you’re a lawyer , you know, he’s a very good guy, please, protect him from the bottom of your heart, okay, i’ll try, oleg, tell me, where do you think the camera footage could have gone? observations, yes she knows them, this
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started after the murder, i was called at night, our owner went to the south with his family, they stayed... and kolka and i and the girls, saleswomen ainura and natalya, ainura, yes, in general, we spent 24 hours a day later they were working, well, in general, i arrive at night, anura is crying, the cops came, they unhooked everything, the store was all covered in blood, glass on the floor, and then this one, the father of the murdered man came cursing heavily, the cameras were working, i don’t know, but what will happen to them, they’re always working, listen, i remembered, and the father of the murdered man demanded to show him record. from the video cameras - i looked, then he came back, swore heavily at the enura, waved his hands, well, in short, he was outrageous, of course, i will tell all this in court. i didn’t beat him, kolya, there’s no reason to put him in prison, ainura, tell me, but the surveillance cameras were working all night, yes, when this guy
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broke the bottle, i also looked at the camera and thought, it’s good that everything is being recorded, uh-huh, you checked the recording, no, it was very scary here, my head couldn’t think, it was like in a fog, camera video. used karate moves and screwed the whole school, so it seems to me that there is definitely something different here. listen, you need to study the conclusion of the potalata, maybe
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it will be possible to interpret it in favor of kapustina. fyodor romanovich, we sympathize with your grief, you lost your son, there is nothing worse than this, but believe me, nikolai kapustin is not guilty of the death of the novel, and any court will confirm this. kapustin is guilty, he killed my son, and this is precisely what the court will confirm, otherwise this is not a court, but profanation. you took recordings from surveillance cameras. “i saw these records, i saw how my son died, can you imagine it
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, i saw how this bastard killed ruma, and he will go to prison, and not for a year or two, she is 20 years old, and i’m all for this i'll do it." lyuba, let's have a drink, maybe it will cheer you up? i don’t know, i keep thinking about karpov, somehow seeing the death of my own son, this is terrible yegor, he understood perfectly well that...
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yes, we’ll definitely drink, but not today, for i started tomorrow to go to the carotists, and you go to the forensic expert, this is an apple for you, white filling. thank you, hello, as usual, yes,
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as usual, good afternoon, young people, do you mind if i drink coffee in your company, we don’t mind, we are always welcome.
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let's give a hint, zavarzin, igor petrovich , our coach, there are no more people like him, like zavarzin and igor petrovich, wait, i 'll write it down, so, zavarzin, zavarzin, uh- huh, igor petrovich, uh-huh, igor petrovich, he doesn't charge anyone money for education, in junior groups he has children from home and a dysfunctional family, igor petrovich, he treats each of them as if he were his own. you know, he not only hangs out with kids, he generally helps everyone around him, for example, he helps those who have nowhere to go at home after children find work, and remember, when our school basement was flooded, igor petrovich sold his house and paid for repairs , before that we actually had a barn there, and igor petrovich bought the premises and brought materials, but we did the repairs ourselves, as if we were all like brothers, supporting each other like a mountain, you say that you are like brothers, i heard that one of your brothers killed a man, is that true? no
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, i didn’t kill, sorry , we won’t talk about it, one of our main principles, be careful with your words, well, wait, they write about it in all the newspapers, a young carotist killed a man with one blow, no, that ’s not true, because he couldn’t , so excuse me, we have to go, you can’t be late for training, and if the coach thinks that kopustin is to blame, then so it is, goodbye, goodbye. luva, conclusion of a pathologist-anatomist. roman karpov died from a penetrating wound to the right temporal muzzle, a large bottle glass tore open the temple, instant hemorrhage, there are no traces of blows on the body of the deceased, except for a small hematoma on the jaw. 2 ppm of alcohol was found in karpov’s blood. moderate intoxication. yeah, that means
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there was a blow. man fell from the blow, but died from a wound from a piece of glass, but this can be interpreted both in favor of the defense and in favor of the prosecution, yes, but the blow was not fatal, well, except for this hemotomy, it’s small, that’s good, yes, tomorrow is the first hearing court, well, let's see what tactics the prosecution chose, there are no more charges, a question for the witness, witness, you can return to your place, your honor, i ask that the defense witness ainora kirdinuva be called to testify. please. witness kerdinov, tell the court what happened on the night when roman was killed.
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i was working that night, and kapustin was working with me , a girl came into the store, she was very drunk, the victim came in after her, and kapustin, he was very drunk that night, he began to pester the girl, the victim stood up, then kapustin grabbed bottle, broke it stood up and rushed at the victim, the victim... tried to snatch the bottle from kapustin’s hands. kapustin hit the victim. was the blow strong? yes. previously, kapustin showed me some blows and said that such a blow could easily kill a person. and he hit the victim, exactly as he showed me. ainora, this is not true. defendant si. kapustin was drunk, why was he
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working that night? it was his shift, and i couldn’t turn him off, but in general he’s very aggressive, especially when he’s drunk. your honor, the examination showed that in the blood the victim had 2 ppm of alcohol, which is moderate drinking. and the witness claims that he was slightly drunk. it was not noticeable, it was quite adequate, only there was a slight smell. your honor, there was no fingerprint of my client on the neck of the broken bottle, only the fingerprint of the victim. kolya pulled the sleeve of his robe over his hand when he grabbed and broke the bottle, and the victim tried to snatch the bottle from kolya. witness, tell me, were the cctv cameras working that night? no, we only have one camera, it was broken. your honor, the defense has no more. call to
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witness. witness kirdinov, you can return to your place. a break is announced. all rise, the court is in session. ainura, wait, ainura , why did you do this, you have already drowned kolya kakusin, a good, honest person, i don’t want my work permit and my work visa to be revoked, i need to earn money for my family, karpov threatened you, witness zavarzin, is it true that you? student nikolai kapustin, unbalanced, prone to alcoholism and aggressive, yes, i wrote about this in characterization, this is not true, young man, sit down, or i will remove you for contempt of court, dear court, here is
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the recommendation that coach zavarzin gave to his student nikolai kapustin, for coaching work in a children's sports club, witness zavarzi. did you really recommend for a job such a monster as they have just described to us here? it’s my fault, once again i believed that kapustin would stop drinking, start visiting a psychologist and generally pull himself together, since he doesn’t drink and never drank, young man, leave the room immediately. your honor, the defense has no further questions for the witness. okay, the prosecution has a question. yes, your honor. witness zavarzin. are you a korota trainer? tell me, could this hematoma be the result of
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a professional blow? yes, such a blow can kill a person. i warned the students against using such a blow. said repeatedly. that it could be fatal, if kapustin had not been so drunk at that time, the blow would have been stronger and the victim would have died in the air before he could fall, the fact is that a strong direct blow to the chin, through the occipital bones, pierces the medulla oblongata and cuts off the blood supply to the brain as a whole, at the same time they are displaced. vertebrae, the base of the skull, the spinal cord is damaged, hello, hello, i’m sorry for introducing myself as a journalist,
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you wouldn’t talk to a lawyer, oh well, we now understand that we shouldn’t have talked to you, i don’t understand what happened to igor petrovich, since i was his favorite student, who is this, the most important thing is that this is not true, if... he is allergic to alcohol, he is from one the pharynx can change this color to that one, kolka is not aggressive, he is like a hippopotamus in the pool, i don’t know what has to happen for kolka to lose his temper, even a panda is a monster compared to him, yes, the coach always used him as an example, i i don’t understand, after this they’ll put him in jail, we need to talk to the coach, here’s an iron one for you. who is our witness , ainura, catastrophe, we only have irina left, yes, listen, well, maybe the guys will tell the court that kapustin was white, fluffy, although zavarzina’s testimony, and the blow
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crosses out everything, but the prosecutor demands 105, we don’t even have the opportunity to reclassify the article, murders due to indiscretion, why karpov intimidated zavarzino so much, he couldn’t fall for money, he’s about his house... for the sake of school, why are we so sure that this is true, coach, sitsure, simas, coach, allow me, i will speak on behalf of all the guys, allow me, coach, we ask you to tell the truth about kolya at the trial. he’s not like that, you just made him into a monster, keep your head low and your eyes high? yes, you taught us, you taught us to be persistent and not
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to go astray, to stick to the solid ethical principles, strive to achieve harmony of body and spirit, but we ask you, you do not change this principle. i have never betrayed the principles of the art of karate and... someone has a different opinion, coach, don’t abandon your student, he doesn’t deserve it, i forbid any of you to talk to me on this topic, much less speak in court, otherwise i’ll kick you out of school.
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olenka, will you really refuse me this little thing? egor, well, you understand, i really can’t. olenka, you are breaking my heart, what’s so secret about a copy of the rental agreement of the martial arts school and the act of accepted repair work? write an official request. olenka, such a beautiful girl, such official, cold words, an official request. let's take our relationship to an unofficial channel. what are you doing tomorrow evening? and i know that you are having dinner with me, and
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what kind of cuisine do you prefer, french, italian, chinese, and i also know that, i think such a beautiful girl prefers among zaorsky, and don’t kill me by refusing, okay, i’ll make copies for you documents, olenka, are you an angel? good afternoon, vladimir anatolyevich, yes, my name is egor volodin, i am a lawyer, i called you, hello, hello, egor, how can i help you, you recently bought a house in a holiday village, that’s right, you bought it, why are you interested in this, there there's something wrong with the papers, no, no, i'm not on this issue. i'm really interested
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in the house itself, the house? yeah, why do you need it? and there’s no house there anymore, my son is redoing everything there, rebuilding it, yeah, we bought this house only for the land, but it’s not worth a good word, that is, well, that’s it yes, they sold it inexpensively, i bought it for over 2 million. wait, that is , like 2 million, well, like in rubles, yes, zavarziden bought a building in installments, the cost was 2 tens of millions of rubles, i thought he bought one building, but it turns out that he made the first payment, selling his house, the rest part had to be paid within 5 years, he bought a building, here from the alex company, so the avers company, so wait a second,
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yeah, so, here’s the answer, the founder of the avers company, fyodor karpov, is zavarzinov’s debtor, so he will do everything, what will he say like this, otherwise he's just. lose school, igor petrovich, what else do you need? i know why you don’t want to help, if kapustin. okay, what if i tell your students that you sacrificed kolya for money? do you think many of them will stay with you. what does money have to do with it? and despite the fact that you owe karpov 15 million rubles. how were you going to pay for school? sponsored advertising. i calculated everything, in 5 years i would have paid it off in full. but after the death of my son. "karpov came to me and demanded that i
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testify against kolya, otherwise he would throw out our school on the street, i was looking for money, i tried, but finding such an amount in a short time is unrealistic, you decided to sacrifice one for the sake of everyone, yes , i decided, i have a lot of difficult teenagers, where will they go if the school is closed, in half an hour the trial will begin, fate boy. in your hands. is the light free? yes. let's move on to the parties' agreements. dear court, defendant, kapustin was drunk at the time of the crime. this is confirmed by witness kirdinov. unfortunately, by coincidence,
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the result of the defendant's blood test for alcohol disappeared from the laboratory. and new no analysis was done. your honor, the fact that the defendant was drunk was recorded from the words of the witness, but the witness was mistaken, nikolai kapustin is allergic to alcohol, and even one sip of beer can cause death in him , the corresponding certificate is attached. the defendant was armed with special skills that the victim did not possess. in addition, he had in his hand a fragment of a glass bottle, the so-called rosette. kapustin is a professional fighter, won many competitions, he hit karpov out of hooligan motives. so it's the action must be qualified under article 105, part two of the criminal code of the russian
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federation. your honor, this is slovorynova against the word of witness irina nikulina. call witness zavarzin, witness zavarzin, witness zavarzin did not appear at the court hearing, so the court is removed to pronounce a verdict. hello, i am
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zavarzin, may i testify? i allow it. thank you, witness zavarzin, you confirm that lari’s criminal testimony, yes, i admit it. please explain to the court why you did this. i owe a lot of money money to fedor karpov for the school building, and he promised that he would take the school away from me if i became a witness for the defense. everything that was said before about kolya kapustin is an absolute lie. your honor, will you allow me to read my client's character reference to the court? yes please. nikolai kapustin in the orphanage always helped the weak, tinkered with the kids, he was honest and fair. in college, the best student. during practice at a children's sports school , he earned the respect of the team, was invited to work, the school is waiting for kapustin to finish
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university. his place is assigned. witness, tell me, was the blow that kapustin inflicted on the victim really fatal? not even a blow, more like a push , and kolya was never first, even in competitions, he could n’t do it psychologically, i went to all kinds of psychologists with him, everyone unanimously declares that this is such a personality type, nothing there's nothing you can do about it, your honor,


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