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tv   Advokat  NTV  December 21, 2023 4:00am-4:51am MSK

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school if i act as a witness for the defense. everything that was said before about kolya kapustin is an absolute lie. your honor, will you allow me to read my client's character reference to the court? yes please. nikolai kapustin, in the orphanage, always helped the weak, tinkered with the kids, honest, fair, the best student in college. during an internship at a children's sports school, he earned the respect of the team, was invited to work, the school is waiting for...
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a psychologist's report is attached, thus the actions of the defendant fall under article 37 of the criminal code of the russian federation, necessary defense. i ask that my client be found not guilty under article 105, part two, murder for hooligan motives, and that my client be released right in the courtroom. the court retires to pronounce judgment. by the way, the trial is underway. igor petrovich, thank you, but what kind of thank you is there, thank you, tell egor , i’ll definitely tell him, zavarza, you can say goodbye to school, i don’t need it at this price, so, attention, classify the actions of the defendant as necessary defense article 37, recognize nikolai nikolaevich kapustin. not guilty of murder for
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hooligan reasons, article 105, part two of the criminal code of the russian federation, not guilty of manslaughter, article 109 of the criminal code of the russian federation and released in the courtroom. thank you, at some point i thought everything, i even believed that i was drunk, that... well, i’ll just pop home and change clothes, of course, of course, kolya. that means
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we drank to the successful completion of the case, yes lupa, but you know what, let’s drink to love, come on, oh, hello, hello, hello , as soon as the bosses leave, the employees go into disarray, the cat leaves the house and the mouse takes to the forest, hello, well, first of all, we are full partners. and secondly, the working day is long over, well , thirdly, we won the trial, we can afford it, fourthly, i also won the trial, so i can afford it, mommy, my dear mommy, listen, let’s talk like borenka, and i and i, i ran, without shackles, that the authorities were scared, no, a beautiful girl is just waiting for me,
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technical inventory, inventory mediterranean cuisine, listen, i'm driving, body rotation, push-ups , hello, good day, glad we got away, well... it's no worse here than in the gym, in the summer it's even better, while it's warm, we'll train in the open air , and then we’ll see, after all, he took away the building , now just a second, kibo dacha, that kotsduki, he took it, but they haven’t found another one yet, well, nothing , there’s time before the cold weather, you’ll find it, and even if we don’t find it, a school is not a building , this is them, for...
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uh, uh, here, collect all the money you need, you know, uh, what are you doing, and then you split up? and don’t twitch, you’re alive,
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hello! are you alexey? hello, zina, yes, i’m alexey, this is for you, well, in life you are even more gorgeous than in the photo. thank you, just call me zinaida. okay, otherwise zina is somehow rustic. okay, i'll keep that in mind. well, shall we go? and where to? in the cafe. not far, please understand, alexey, of course, i’m very sorry, but i don’t eat in a cafe, why? no, you won’t think, my health is fine, it’s just, well, what is this food made of in this cafe, i’m alone
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since i was so poisoned, i generally think that food should only be homemade and made from fresh ingredients. lyosha needs to love yourself, oh my god, it seems like i forgot to turn it off, oh, what should i do now? i’ll go get a car, wait, wait, i’m in a car, let me give you a lift, really, well, of course, well then let’s go faster, let’s go!
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tea, coffee, tea, which one, black, i guessed right, i didn’t expect it, well, i forgot when my morning
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started with pies, but this can become ordinary for you, you just have to want it. you want, uh-huh, delicious, uh-huh, bon appetit, i haven’t eaten anything tastier, your girlfriend is a great cook, this is very rare, there are also cakes, a whole bag. i'm glad you like her, really. yes, and your shirt is from yesterday, but fresh. you see everything, huh? hello. hello. please come in. i need zemin. he's a wonderful
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boy. i haven't fought since i was born. a straight a student, one of the best students. and for some reason he attacked a person? he won’t admit it, but i think someone put him up to it, he’s so trusting, he could have fallen under someone else’s influence, and he himself... what he says, he doesn’t deny anything , he admitted his guilt, but doesn’t explain in any way why he started beating this man, i don’t understand what happened to him, hello, you’re lucky, the deman is talking to a client, otherwise now i got it, you're an hour and a half late, what's an hour and a half? bye, well, yes, pies,
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pies, give me one, fly in, it’s a crazy morning, i didn’t have time to have breakfast, zimin is treating me to, mm, yeah, delicious, and where did he buy these, hmm, you can’t buy such pies for money, such only those whom they love dearly eat. lucky ones, and he has something shuura, what is it? what? well, we are lucky, he will share with us? well, what kind of client do we have? now you will find out that by not telling the truth, you are only harming yourself, and i am not lying to you, but it cannot be that, being a normal person, you, for no apparent reason, attacked a passerby with your fists. you know the victim, why do you deny it? i don’t know him, his accomplice,
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who? you committed the attack together, you had an accomplice with you, and this one? no, we don’t know each other, it’s interesting how you spend time around the world with sparkle and invention? oh well, i'm with the guy i met her that day in pibnuk. in order to forget, you first need to find out, but i didn’t even think to ask. like vanya ’s name, or maybe dani, well, in short, we decided to have a drink, first one at a time, then another, and then the money ran out, we decided to go out into the street, bomb someone, there’s this little guy, and he’s on it turned out to be shallow, so what , we got angry, did we sweep it away , what singing forest were we in, but i don’t remember, i was in some kind of eatery, i don’t remember the name, no, i walked, walked, well, i came in, you... said what they did attack for the purpose of robbery, the victim had money, but for some reason it was not you, not your accomplice who took it, oh well, he had
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money, a full wallet, he pretended to be empty for us, he lied on his own head, fool, extenuating circumstances , as i understand it, no, there is no one to borrow from, well, you could facilitate respect by admitting guilt, repenting, apologizing, to whom? the victim and without thinking, trying to find out something from our client is a futile idea, a complete lie, he came up with some bad story, drank it away money, came out, decided to continue, beat the man, and what sounds very convincing is that this is the most common form of leisure now, but not for him, what captivated you was his a-grade record, listen, egor, he is not just an excellent student, he is also a tourist, a kayaker, athlete, you know, but she told me.
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okay, but how do you explain that dzichkov had money, but they didn’t take it? well, what is he talking about? he said that he had deceived the girls and that he had no money. reliable. listen, yegor, i didn’t just ask him to repent and apologize, because if his testimony was truthful, he would agree. but he’s lying because he considers dechkov guilty and unworthy of an apology, well
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then nothing stops us from watching the video from the surveillance cameras, fortunately they are in that place, i’ll go get them, in russia, i thought you were playing with toys, love, when you called me this morning and started to prove that this was not just a robbery, i realized that this drama needs to be looked at from the outside, so i found it. well done, okay, i’ll run, meet zichkov, maybe i’ll find out something, come on, call me in the evening and exchange impressions. only thanks to a kind and caring person, i escaped with bruises, not a concussion, if he hadn’t arrived in time, they would have definitely killed me, i don’t understand how you are even
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going to defend these chasers, a mitigating circumstance could be a reason, but why should i? they hide everything, for example , he claims that he doesn’t know you, of course not, we are people from parallel worlds, what can i have in common with street punks, well , maybe someone hired him, there is no one, you have no enemies, where i think i can make enemies, i not a bandit, not a billionaire, not the stars of the country who will hurt everyone, i am peaceful and don’t conflict with anyone, be friends with your neighbors. i have excellent relations with my relatives, everything is fine with my wife, everything is fine with my employees, but where do you work? in a fitness center, a trainer, in which center, what is it, you feel bad, call a doctor, something is bad,
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nurse, the patient here is feeling bad. please come out, look at how they beat him up, stop! he took out his wallet, come on, rewind it, put it in slow motion, he took the wallet,
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you see, he threw it away. wow, when i talked to dechkov about work , for some reason he immediately felt unwell, maybe he doesn’t love her, he just loves her, he just doesn’t want to talk, for some reason he pretended, i think so, well, you saw how they beat him, yes, i saw, i saw, at first it seemed to me that everything was somehow simple, but no, no, i have to admit, i was wrong, yeah, this is not a robbery, healing.
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yes, little by little, listen, egor and i watched the video of the beating, and you know, it became clear to us that there was something connecting our victim and client, that’s what, no one so far he can’t say for sure, because neither one nor the other is talking about it, we think personal motives, but i myself am more inclined to this version, but i understand that on the surface, i’m just now going to meet my mother, suddenly she knows something,
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they got into an argument, well, most likely, i asked him about her, kept silent, got off with excuses, and could you give me karin’s address, what if you don’t know? yes, let me write it down, yes i have a notebook, so please, oh, yes, mir avenue, this is her address, yes, so on... this street there was an attack, i mean, i mean, i just felt that it was karina who was poisoning you for something, well, you found an assistant, you don’t have to provide me with anything? help us, the law exempts us from testifying against loved ones, and we are not an investigator, but understand, we have our own job, we must build a line of defense, but no one says anything, your husband is hiding something, our client, well, what is your
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the client lies and dodges, this is understandable, but we are decent people, we have nothing to hide, and i can’t tell you anything new, i can only repeat what i said you’re my husband, i’ve never heard of such a surname, i’ve never heard of it, there’s nowhere to look for any pitfalls here, but there’s no personal motive, the usual hooliganism, well... for some reason my husband avoided talking about his work, he didn’t even give his address, but what can we say about her, he may not work there now, it is unknown what consequences the injuries that these bastards inflicted on them may have, well, who needs a trainer who has health problems, you tell me the address of the fitness center where yours works husband, i’ll tell you, and you’ll hear only positive reviews, he’s doing great there account, it’s only been six months since i started bringing in good money, but i... didn’t know that fitness center trainers make good money, well, at the beginning of this year i stopped helping middle-class ladies get rid of their heat and became a personal trainer for two rich clients. lord, we haven’t even
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had time to get so used to money, but apparently we’ll have to tighten our belts again. well, i think your husband doesn’t have any particular injuries, it’s okay, he’ll soon get better and get back to work. it's okay, it's because it doesn't concern you. write down the address. but he hasn’t worked for us for six months, he’s done his job. 3 years, then i found a wife among the clients, i quit, of my own free will, yes, of my own free will, i found a place for myself, so to speak, more interesting in terms of salary, and you go to the gym, excuse me, you need to go, you need to keep in shape, otherwise it goes away , that's what, wait, we have good discounts, ponarin is lying to lyubie and the girls are lying to zhenya. and what are we going to do about it? our client’s mother said that he broke up with his girlfriend, and his children were beaten 100 meters from home. well, the conclusion
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suggests itself? the plot is not new, but really, no one will say, so we need to present it. outdoor cctv cameras help us. so, this is our address, fanarina’s girl, we need a video recording from... a camera that was installed at her entrance, well , naturally, on the day the crime was committed, do you think that dyuchkov was returning from her, if our assumption is confirmed, then i think the floor done, gosha, information is needed today, trial soon, yeah, what's the name of the sorceress, zina, zinaida, zina, zemena, sounds great, so come on, hurry up.
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hello, i forgot my keys, can you imagine, i’ve completely lost my head with you, so i have a surprise for you, surprise, here you go, here you go, here you go, tickets. to the theater, let's get ready, quickly, the traffic jams there are terrible, you know, i don't really like surprises and theater, how come? no
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, well, if you insist and the tickets are probably expensive , then you really don’t like the theater, but what ’s good about this theater, grown people, they make faces, they yell, their eyes widen, they’re also paid money for this, no, it could be worse only the opera, we were with the girls, so i... but we can arrange a romantic evening at home , look how much i have prepared , what’s impressive, what don’t you like, what do you like, listen, maybe we can go to the theater after all, and then we’ll have a party, huh? well, okay, but if i fell asleep, then don’t be offended. agreed.
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done, heel , well done, after all, well, i got the victim, i hope now his head won’t go crazy, i can’t wait to drive him into a corner, so, and i drove to karenina, i’ll challenge him to be frank, i can well, karina, tell me. what do i need tell something? about your relationship between the girls, without going into details, in short. what other girls? well, the same one to whom you left the ponarin? what nonsense, this is the first time i’ve heard this surname, karina , listen to me, we know that he was with you the day when your classmate, a ponarny, knocked him down, it happened around the corner of your house, a few minutes after he left you, that’s how it is, i didn’t even know who he attacked with his fists,
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so... who is he? do you want your ex-boyfriend to have his face pounded? the whole reel? why do you say he is an ex? is he active? he is charged with assault causing bodily harm with intent to rob. your story could help, the emotional state, jealousy, state of passion are taken into account as shifting circumstances, he has no one to be jealous of me, wild, i repeat to you again, i don’t know any. i heard about him for the first time today from you, only when i asked you about your relationship with ponarin, you somehow hesitated and didn’t answer anything, because i don’t understand what kind of relationship we have with him, he’s everything time cancels a date, he is in a hurry somewhere , he is texting with someone, when someone calls him, he leaves the room, he never, never tells me anything, you know, tell me, tell me, how would you reacted to this, well, i feel bad , so when he canceled our last meeting, i told him not to call me anymore, i did it in order to
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scare him, just to scare him, you know, but he just stopped should i call at the institute, he doesn’t approach me, but he’s the only one, he’s the only one i need, you see, the only one, even now, oh , what is it, hello, hello, i urgently need your help, natasha, zmin, what is it, the screen burst into the bathtub. i ruined my suit, i don’t know what to do, it ’s flowing, flowing, i wanted to make you cry, natasha, natasha, natasha, calm down, first of all you need to calm down, i’m not far from your house, i’ll stop by now, okay, okay, that’s it, that's it , keep it up, devin, you never cease to amaze me, how lovely, but now i
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definitely won’t have time. now, hello, lyoshenka, i wanted to ask, what should you cook for dinner, french meat or baked rabbits? i don’t know, well, maybe you want something else, tell me, listen, it’s not very convenient for me to talk now, that’s it, i’m not distracting, then i’ll prepare both as you want, bye, kiss me, what's with the suit? lyosh, did you
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happen to get married? who? you know, you should definitely marry a woman who bakes such delicious pies, well, yes, twice, yes, you are always deliciously fed, that’s it, i have to go, time, suit, i’ll rent it myself dry cleaning, natasha, thank you so much, you are a true friend! what karina is good , i’ll ask in a different way, what were you doing in that area, do you care, well, since i’m asking, that means no, you live an hour and a half drive from the place where you were beaten, what kind of business can force a person to go to another the end of such a huge city as moscow, personal and your personal affairs, due to strange circumstances , are located in the same entrance as my client’s girlfriend, what are you talking about, i’m married.
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some girl has already been dragged in, listen, you were seen leaving the entrance, you were recorded by a surveillance camera, we have a recording. i was told that the favorite trick of lawyers is to make the victim guilty, but i’m not going to make you guilty, i’m asking you, do you have the right to meddle in my personal life, you never know who i went to, maybe i have love there, she has a beautiful name , yes, but not karina, listen, i hope you have enough conscience not to tell my wife about this, but that you haven’t been working for six months at the fitness center where you were with her met, can i tell her? yes, i really moved to another gym, cooler and more elite, and they pay a lot, but the girl with whom
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i have a long-term affair got me a job there, she is the administrator there, i really count on your decency, please understand, my wife knows this girl knows that we had an affair, but i convinced her that it was in the past, you know, if she finds out that we are working side by side, she will guess everything, and i cannot hurt my wife, that is, yours secret love lives in one entrance with the girl of the hooligan who attacked you, yes, yes, yes, and what’s wrong with taco, what’s wrong with you, this is a strange, amazing coincidence of circumstances, then what, i can get to know her, it’s simply impossible, please understand, no one should . this is the first time this has happened to me, so that the subsequent victim has a competition to see who will lie to whom, well
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, how can i not get angry, egor? dichkov left his job six months ago, hid it from his wife, and began to receive big money. fonaririn was also squeezed by some kind of secret life. in general, too. hides, while yachkov left ponarin beat him up at karina’s entrance , they tell me all this with such honest eyes, i need to get the truth out of one person, then everything will fall into place, we’ll figure it out somehow, darling, listen, is it the girls, he’s alone in the room or his neighbors , alone, good, lucky man , good, recovering, okay, come on, come on, no, don’t twitch now, we’ll meet tomorrow and talk, yeah,
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egor, why did you ask about your roommates, simple curiosity, i wanted to know, how people with money restore their health. don't you dare, egor! luva, i don't such an idiot that he would put the hospital on the ears at night, i need to find out which ward the patient is in, now a minute, traumatology is on the third floor 318,
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damn, i was there, the inscription on the wall, how could i
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not understand, and you first prove that it was i who wrote the debt next to his door, maybe he wrote it himself in order to blame everything on me? listen to me, i didn’t even tell him my name, he won’t connect this with the lawyers, well, everything is correct, this is the first time, or what? i’m not talking about this, what, about the fact that it’s illegal. but the fact that this bastard does it legally, i’m a lamb compared to him, these aren’t even moneylenders, they don’t give money to collect interest, they take advantage of the fact that people don’t understand a damn thing about these terms, and then extract the amounts tenfold more than they gave , these are extortionists, they drive people to suicide, everything, everything, when you went to him, you didn’t know how he earned money, i realized that he was doing something, that’s why... she was lying , she said that it rose in six months, and
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quick money is never clean, i pressed okay, he’s baked, you and i speak different languages, i think we speak the same language and you understand everything perfectly, it’s just that your position as a boss doesn’t allow you to admit it, so that means i don’t allow you to do things like that it didn’t happen again, it’s clear, it’s clear, i’ll go talk to the debtor, it’s unlikely. you are withdrawing from further work on this matter, and then, and then soup with a cat, it will be clear, now what should i do, go home, drink some tea, you are off to work.
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who is my last name gorodkova, i am a lawyer, please open, i need to talk to you, good afternoon, hello, whose lawyer are you? my client panarin , i don’t know, i haven’t heard of this, wait, what , what, lawyers, consultants, jurists, financiers, managers, what... you just don’t introduce yourself as dogs, but only you all have the same name, you shameful bastard, for someone else's property, molasses, i returned everything, everything to you, everything tenfold, why won't you calm down, i'm defending this man, and what's wrong with him, he's awaiting trial, well, come in. yes
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, now it’s clear why panarin wanted go to a hooligan, she built herself up correctly , boy, the article is much heavier, but different articles, different terms, and maybe present his version to the court, hooligan motives, slight harm to health, she will get hers as if she will go home, lyubanya, a representative of the law offers me to wrap up the court , what, it’s a pity that the guy will be sent to the colony, well, i think that we won’t send our fighter for justice there, but... really, under newly discovered circumstances, yes, lesh, do you remember who revealed these new circumstances to you, well admit that he was a great guy, love , i can’t welcome such methods, well, i agree the method is forbidden, but the goal has been achieved, the opportunity to save the guy has appeared, to let you down, no, then see you tomorrow, lesh, what do you say that you have become cool lawyer. that's it, bye,
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lyosha, why are you planning to hang around until the morning, i'm finishing up. but it’s too late, you have to get up early tomorrow, lesh, well, finally, i didn’t believe it anymore, but you believe me. lyosh,
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what are you doing, no, nothing, i remembered that i still need to finish something there, and you lie down, lie down, sleep, lesh, well, i decided to eat, well, well, lesh, and my harvest was lost for 3 years in a row. it will hit with hail, then it will flood with rain, then it will dry out with the sun, witness, closer to the point , excuse your honor, well, in general, i was sleeping and saw that in my place...
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boys in ironed shirts are scurrying around, scurrying past, everyone is smiling , as if they had been waiting for you since last year, and most importantly they say to everything: yes, i say: can i take this amount? yes, please, for such and such a period? yes, of course, but can i give it away in parts? yes, of course, as much as you like. well, i'm with a fool and him in response, he also smiled and waved the contract , i thought about... i can handle it normally, then boom, the bill comes, and then the amount , you’ll be staggering, i thought, people are mistaken , i call, and they tell me, no, dear, read the contract more carefully, i to the pieces of paper, and there the percentage is not annual, but for
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every day, for every day, well, i’m going to the cops, save me, take action, they say: no, dear, your signature, i say, mine, why are you dragged there? they dragged me, i said, no, i came myself, but they forced me to sign, i said, no, i signed it myself, well there was an opportunity to get acquainted with the agreement, i say, there was, well then what questions, dear, that’s all, no, your honor, i’m just making suggestions.
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well, in general, everything that i received was taken there, and the debt only grew, and what’s more, for every delay there were fines, interest plus fines. fines plus interest, i just started going crazy, i thought, go to hell, and one day i told them: that’s it, friends, the shop is closed, well, then i realized your honor, who i contacted, they started with letters, with dirtying
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the entrances, and then the phone calls came, they told me things on the phone that are easy for me to say here. your honor, you are being misled, order in the room, your honor , i have an audio recording, i took it to the police, and they told me that there is no crime in this, your honor, the defense requests to listen to this recording, i protest , the victim’s activities are not related to the case under consideration, the protest was rejected, the defense’s request is satisfied, thank you, please include it. well, kozlina, would you consider returning the moose? i returned everything to you 12 times. i don’t understand, do we have any objections? now there is no money. when will they be? i cant answer. can not? well then say goodbye to
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your puppies. i mean that our boys will have close contact with your seventh grader. piska: our guys here are such that you will get pumped up, so it’s better to return everything to the last penny, defendant, have you met? with the witness trishin, no, i just saw the writing on the wall near his apartment, well, i came myself to offer help, that’s when we met, until... he didn’t take the money, that’s what i thought at first. witness, i'm talking to
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to the defendants. sorry, defendant, answer the question. but because he found himself alone with these thugs. someone has to stop these scum. and you decided that it would be you. and not just me. there are a lot of us. we write on the internet under fictitious names. we agree, we meet. and we give it to the collectors.
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to the case at hand, yes, most directly , i don’t mind, here you go, there’s a photo
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of my daughter, the youngest, she’s only 13 years old, your honor, that’s it, i took her photo from a social network and posted it on some lousy website, below is our home phone number on the side...
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well, it’s just a stone from my soul, when i found out, i didn’t sleep a single night, you know, i kept thinking, not only did i set up my own people, but i also let the guy into the monastery, but it’s my own fault, yes, don’t think so, i’ll definitely pay back the amount of the fine that was awarded, well, no, no, it ’s up to you to figure it out without me, and by the way, don’t forget to thank the young man, without nothing would have happened to him, i understood, thank you, okay, alexey nikolaevich said that it was thanks to released in the courtroom.


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