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tv   Segodnya  NTV  December 21, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm MSK

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vladimir putin expressed a desire to personally ride along the new moscow-kazan expressway, appreciated the government’s work on national projects and made one cherished new year’s dream come true: nikita korzun felt the time of miracles. a central election headquarters has opened in moscow. the ministry of defense successfully completed the main task this year, and what task did the head of the general staff tell foreign military attaches today and which states, despite sanctions, are strengthening the bonds of army brotherhood with us in roman sobol’s report, we will answer moscow promised the same.
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i saw denis talolaev talk about this. the first such large-scale, the russian museum, with the support of gazprom, began the restoration of karl brylov’s masterpiece on the last day of pompeii, nikolai bulkin about how they will return the original appearance to the painting and how the whole process will be made open to visitors.
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hello, you are greeted by the telecom information service, this is the program today, its presenter is elmira efendieva and vladimir chernyshov. current national projects formed in 2018, next year are being completed, we now need to expand the planning horizon to 2036. vladimir putin stated this at a meeting of the strategic council.
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not the schoolgirl whose card he took from the wish tree. first things first. nikita korzum. the president of russia, one might say, devoted this day entirely to the movement, which, as we know, is life. first, vladimir putin solemnly opened the new moscow-kazan expressway, then he assessed the path taken in the direction of strategic development goals. regarding the route physical, then the head of state began with gratitude to everyone involved. this is such a period, and these are only 3 years for infrastructure projects of this scale. and we have never realized such complexity before. this is an excellent example, a good guide for the future. another proof that we can and are ready to build with high quality, faster and more. after all, the moscow-kazan highway is just an element of russia’s global transport corridor, vladimir putin recalled. among the priorities is further development from the route east, it has to be extended to yekaterinburg and tyumen and built. bypasses
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of tyumen, omsk, novorossiysk, kemerovo, kansk. marat khusnulin, who is supervising the construction, also spoke about the economic benefits that the new route promises. this is already a gigantic development stimulus for the twenty regions associated with it, but the deputy prime minister still could not resist again reminding us that we were ahead of schedule. this has never happened in the history of our country, even if compared with international experience, taking into account from the idea to registration, yesterday at 11 at night it was received registration document. object, we have never built such objects in 3 years, even in the world few people build such objects in 3 years, the efforts of moratokh fell asleep on his subordinates, they received an assessment that one could only dream of. participants in the motor rally, which started today from the moscow kremlin in domestic vehicles, uazs and kamazs in honor of the opening, shared their feelings with the president; apparently, they and the drivers’ feelings did not disappoint. i really hope that one day i will also be able to drive along this road, i even envy you because it a truly special feeling. especially if
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you drive along such a highway. after this , there was nothing left to do but to inaugurate the m-12 vostok, which is exactly what happened. vladimir vladimirovich, allow us to open traffic to everyone. sections of the highway to continue the movement of the motor rally column along the new route to kazan. with god, i allow it. the opening of a new highway, and even ahead of schedule, became a clear illustration of the fact that russia has accumulated impressive potential; the national economy has gone through a period of adaptation to new external conditions. the president spoke about this already at a meeting of the national strategic development council.
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that if they want to benefit from cooperation with russia, they must do this, we are not pushing them away, in order for russian business to develop new markets to increase regional connectivity, the state is building roads and increasing the capacity of border points. based on the results of this year , it is expected that the total cargo flow of our three key logistics corridors, and these are north-south, railway lines in eastern east azov and eastern and azov-black sea.
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for women from the pregnancy of the expectant mother until the child reaches 17 years of age, the parents of 10.5 million children have already received this benefit, and 375,000 pregnant women also receive it. the figures cited by tatyana golikova also indicate how sensitive demography is a topic for the country. the deputy prime minister noted the growth of the eco procedure, that is , artificial conception through compulsory health insurance, increased by almost 50%. for the twenty-second year and the past period in the twenty-third year, using the eco procedure, more than 19,000 children were born to us. and how not to give birth? the upcoming twenty-fourth year has been declared the year of the family in russia and the status of large families will be established at the federal level. now each region defines it differently and guarantees different
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benefits and support mechanisms. well, in general, all the conditions are there, even housing, which was again reported to putin by deputy prime minister khusnulin. we had last year, last year. ksenia mazneva from st. petersburg. now the girl is 13 years old and wants to connect her life with television journalism, it was her dream to visit the news studio that ended up in the hands of vladimir
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putin when the president participated in the wish tree. today ksyusha and her family are at the ostankino television center. i saw how the information program works and was in the presenter’s chair. she told vladimir putin about her impressions, who even interrupted the council. on strategic development, to communicate with a girl, journalism is a very, very important field of activity for any person, here you are, what’s here, that’s essentially what attracts me, well... what attracts me more this, well, the very work with people on television, to present some important information, i just said the very right words, key, to present important information, important, to do it truthfully, to do it honestly, openly, transparently, so that people with whom you will be doing this, were really aware of the events taking place and could themselves...
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volunteers who will go to collect signatures in support of the candidate, this is the first, but not the only task, we also need to establish communication with voters, including from regions, nahid babaev reports: they definitely came to this work as if they were on a holiday, in a great mood, today is our holiday, the opening of the headquarters. the central election headquarters of presidential candidate vladimir putin opened in the moscow gostiny dvor, work began from the very first second, via video communication between the regions. and what is it? the leaders of the election headquarters of the current leader
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of the country were the military speaker of the dpr parliament artyom zhoga, the actor vladimir mashkov and the doctor maryana lysenko. this is one of the most important days for our great russia. this is absolutely an informal event, this is itself more of an expression of the people of all, all who come to gather.
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in conveying to voters vladimir putin’s view of the future of the country, this should be a two-way communication, at the same time
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communicating with voters with the people with whom we will meet, we will report to our president about certain problems that exist in our regions, in remote parts of our country. there are a little less than 3 months left before the elections, all this time, despite the stated hours, headquarters will work 24x7. nahit babaev andrey takachen. ntv. today, around noon , the russian aerospace forces launched a soyuz launch vehicle from the plesetsk cosmodrome in the arkhangelsk region. on board was a spacecraft created in the interests of the ministry of defense. the launch of the rocket and the insertion of the satellite into the intended orbit took place as usual. the device has already been accepted for control of ground-based space forces. it maintains a stable telemetric connection with it. on-board system. work normally, in addition, officers from the main intelligence center entered information about the satellite into the catalog of objects
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of the russian space control system . the main task of the russian military in 2023 was to repel the counter-offensive in the ssu, which was planned to deprive russia of a land corridor to crimea. this was stated today by the chief of the general staff of the russian armed forces, valery gerasimov. he held a briefing for foreign military personnel.
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additional information about the capabilities of the russian armed forces on the front line, and so everything became clear, or maybe because nato military personnel and those who sympathize with them simply do not want to get upset again. chief of the general staff gerasimov.
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complexes, 1,200 anti-aircraft missile systems , over 23 thousand anti-tank missiles and artillery, 200 multiple launch rocket systems , more than 100 airplanes and helicopters, 23 thousand drones, as well as a significant amount of ammunition of various types. about 100 thousand ukrainian military personnel were trained in the united states and europe. the main task of the northern military district forces this year was to repel the counter-offensive of the ukrainian armed forces. gerasimov shared intelligence information about what western strategists were planning together with their ukrainian sponsors. she planned to defeat our groups and deprive russia of the land corridor to crimea. the enemy's plan envisaged a 15-day
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offensive to blockade melitopol. with access to the coast of the azov sea, the city of mariupol and the border with crimea. to achieve this goal, by the beginning of june, the enemy concentrated in the zaporozhye direction an offensive group of 50 battalions, more than 230 tanks, over a thousand armored fighting vehicles. at the peak of the counter-offensive, up to 80 battalions were concentrated in the ssu, but they... they were already firmly stuck in the first line of russian defense. enemy losses in all directions amounted to about 160,000 people, more than 3,000 armored fighting vehicles, including 766 tanks, as well as 121 aircraft, 23 helicopters. military
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ataches, although they are in uniform, are essentially diplomats, which means they comment on the situation extremely.
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perhaps it is thanks to russia’s help that the state can rise or develop. they keep militants in order not to let them, well , syria has survived as a state, so countries that value sovereignty, which at one time experienced the power of the west, are now gathering around us. india, we conducted a joint exercise with mua plus in vladivostok. indian troops were represented there in a large contingent. used russian weapons, and it is no longer a secret that india is buying russian weapons. perhaps one of the main results of today's briefing of the ministry of defense is the fact that the briefing.
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enemy losses in this area amounted to more than 200 military personnel; in the kupinsky direction, units of the western group, with the help of army aviation, artillery and heavy flamethrower systems , repelled nine attacks by assault groups. losses in the ssu amounted to about 50 military personnel. well , in addition, the russian military shot down 29 ukrainian drones in one day. the federal service for hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring has already created its own departments.
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already have access to roshydromet information, like residents of other regions of the russian federation federation. we are, are a full-fledged participant in the program for the socio-economic development of new regions. we are actively working to create and restore the state observation network, installed equipment, communications, software, computers, and so on. we are working to ensure that our colleagues have everything they need to carry out their work and the tasks assigned to them in providing hydrome.
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he added that russia has enough frozen assets of foreign companies from unfriendly countries, which, if desired, can apply exactly the same scheme. well, the term confiscation, in fact, in the west they are trying to cover up the banal theft of russian assets, now in the united states and their comrades are actively generating ideas on how to relatively legally take away money that generally belongs to russia, so far they haven’t really come up with anything sensible, but some of course, they still have hints. vladimir kabyakov studied hypothetical schemes, and what are the ways to take away our money ?
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now these are the times, today is a fantasy, and tomorrow, yes, the harsh reality , there are no rules, and you need to be prepared for anything, yes, indeed, in fact, both the european union, and washington, and london have made it clear in recent days how they want to confiscate frozen assets russia's reserves, so as not to dive into complex legal details, all these... methods and approaches can be divided into three main categories, here we will give clear examples from domestic film classics. so, this is how he offers to take russian money in washington, here is an example of the american approach. it's not gold. saw, saw. oh, now here's the specifics of what the biden administration is proposing. what to do with frozen russian assets in the white house is proposing through the court to achieve for themselves the status of a victim or victim in the ukrainian conflict. the logic is this: western countries helped
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kiev with their money, and accordingly suffered financially. with this in mind, from russia’s assets you can take, respectively, the amount by which damage was caused to washington, but in the usa they found only $5 billion from the reserves of the central bank of russia; further, the scheme requires global financial institutions, the world bank and the european bank. design and development, it is there that the americans propose to transfer frozen money from all the g7 countries, money from russia, from there in parts, in tranches under different programs, on different conditions to transfer it to kiev, so the second part of the american scheme looks difficult, which tranches will go to kiev, and which ones are still not, this is for me, this is for him, this is also for him, etovichu, this is for me, no, this is all, this is for me, this. abrakimovich, you and i ostapimovich are 4 each. and bolaganov is two. he didn't work for two. but the british still believe that there is no need
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to be too clever, as the americans say. the approach is correct, but there is no need to bite off russian assets in parts. according to the british ministry of finance, london has now frozen russian assets worth almost 23 billion pounds sterling, or approximately $29 billion. and now the kingdom’s foreign minister, david cameron, suggests not to stand on ceremony at all, his quote from a speech in parliament, special times require special solutions. and the meaning of his approach: you need to take everything, not stand on ceremony with some tranches and... not bite off russian reserves piece by piece, tell me, what amount do you like? 500 per month, per year, yes , we are not on the same road, i need 5000 immediately if possible, and not in parts, is it time to not just freeze assets and send interest on them to ukraine, but also transfer the funds themselves, some give counterarguments
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and ask i wonder if this will...
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russia, there is still dripping interest on this money and securities, this additional income is obtained, but this is also the property of russia, even if frozen, so these... germany is afraid of even such an elegant scheme for withdrawing russian money, which is why paris and berlin they are in no hurry to approve all these regulations at the highest level. well, by the way, the head of the russian foreign ministry, sergei lavrov, spoke about this today. let's listen. europeans.
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we also have something to confiscate in response, well , so far we see that moscow, and london, and washington is exchanging such harsh rhetoric on the topic of mutual confiscations, but this is what all this will lead to, perhaps the schemes on all sides will slowly work, perhaps they will leave everything as it is, fearing, of course , these counter risks, then there will still be tough rhetoric in the style of panikovsky throw the bird, well, as
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a westerner would say... the same ostapender, i see that you unselfishly love money, but we will make sure that they themselves bring it to us, yeah, on a silver platter, you and ilf and petrov, thank you, volodya, vladimir kobikov, clearly, most importantly, he very clearly explained to us the essence of the plans of western partners to seize russian assets abroad, well , now a short advertisement, further in our issue, tunisia is counting on the political support of russia, and the president of tunisia is waiting for a visit. angola announced that it was leaving the oil cartel, it was offended, denis talalaev talks about this. the first one is so big. the russian museum, with the support of gazprom, began restoration of karl borilov’s masterpiece on the last day of pompeii. nikolai bulkina about
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how they will return the original appearance of the paintings. and how the whole process is made open to visitors. the legendary alfabank credit card, free forever, has become even more profitable. get a supercake every month and withdraw cash for free from any atm across the country. not just profitable. alpha is profitable. depositing the best percentage in savings is a simple way.
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if you see this, buy an artificial spruce 90 cm on yandex market. magic conditions, real interest rate up to 16.5% per annum on a savings account at gazprombank. your money works and you receive additional income. design it. reckless new season today at 20:00 on ntv. i think my grandfather is hiding something. firework, turn on the new year's light. lights the lights. magic staff. grandfather, do we have anything tasty at home? shall we conjure something? no, cast a spell. snowman courier.
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it has been proven that my grandfather is father frost. everyone can create miracles on new year's eve. from the bottom of my heart for those around me, happy new year, wizards, avatar show, new season, sunday at 20:20 on ntv. this is the program today. we continue our release. in the west , interest in the ukrainian topic is falling. well , besides, the usa and europe have no arguments left to allocate additional funds.
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how they abandoned iraq, how they escaped from afghanistan and so on, this is the corporate style of the collective west, only their interests are nothing more than that, second. they made a big mistake by underestimating the potential of our country , they were counting on a blitz cry, now there are already 1800 sanctions, no one is counting anymore, russophobic sanctions, they have unleashed hysteria in the world, a project based on ukraine anti-russia, now the economy will quickly collapse , russia will explode inside. they will win, they were very
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popular, as you remember, counter-offensive , which did not work out now, according to matvienko, it was the western self-confidence that led to large losses for ukraine on the battlefield, to the weakening of the economies of european countries, high inflation in the united states, and also to unemployment, while she emphasized that it was possible to stop the conflict back in 2022, but the west continues to put pressure on arab countries on the state. tunisia, where lavrov met with his tunisian counterpart and the president of the country. the talks focused on strengthening friendship, economic and humanitarian cooperation, the tunisians asked to increase the supply of russian grain, and also really hope for the restoration of the tourist flow, at least to the level that was before the coronavirus pandemic, when... an average of 600,000 russians visited tunisia annually.
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alexey prokin reports. to demonstrate his hospitality and the importance of relations with russia, the chief minister again confirmed that the country's president was waiting for vladimir putin to visit. this was generally not news. the invitation to the russian leader was not sent today, of course, but the message became an excellent information background for sergei lavrov’s meeting with the leadership of tunisia. once pro-western tunisia. looking for new allies. tunisia's authorities have become disillusioned in the west after the international monetary fund said it would only lend to tunisia after radical reforms. the tunisian government refused because it would impoverish the already poor people by cutting subsidies for energy and food. unfortunately, these manners of being friends with someone against someone are more typical of our western colleagues, but i think that life will put everything in its place and inevitably. to an understanding of peaceful
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coexistence in a multipolar world, which is objectively being formed, and one of the advantages of which, we can already confidently say, is the league of arab states, tunisia - one of the leaders of the league of arab states, trying to reconsider its relations with the european union, is counting on political support russia, for its part, supports moscow’s ideas about a multipolar world and non-interference in affairs.
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morocco. western diplomats all the time moved along the pits. sergei lavrov noted that all trips here to the middle east are accompanied by demarches of western diplomats. the trend emerged a year ago in cairo during a visit to the headquarters of the arab league . the third request was: from westerners. ambassadors: okay
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, let him speak, you won’t judge, but at least don’t take pictures with him, i’m not joking and i’m talking about this only because all this was made public, by the secretariat of the league of arab states itself, this trend continues, there is no doubt we have authentic information that the west is sending out instructions to all its... ambassadors to behave something like this. and, of course, one of the main topics of negotiations here in africa was the bloodshed in the gas sector. the arab league supported the position.
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the fact that not all is well in the opec oil family became clear about a month ago. the next meeting of the cartel countries and russia regarding production quotas was supposed to take place on november 26 in vienna, but in the end it took place only on november 30 online. and one of the reasons, as reported, was the position of angola, which refused to agree to production cuts. and here is the result today: angola announced that after 16 years of membership. the decision is not simple, but participation in opec presupposes that the country will receive a result consistent with its interests; when there is no result, then there is no point in remaining in the organization. as of november, angola
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produced 1.130 thousand barrels per day, this is the eighth place out of thirteen opec countries. the main problem, explains bloomberg, is that over the past 8 years, angola's production has fallen by 40% because the country cannot find money for aging deepwater fields, opec is also demanding more and more production cuts from angola. thus, there are now 12 countries left in opec; there have already been cases of leaving the cartel more than once; ecuador and indonesia actually left opec twice. the russian stock market corrected downward today after 4 days of growth in a row. the ruble also fell significantly in price, the dollar at the end of trading was above 92, the euro was more expensive than 101 for the first time since the end of october . analysts explain this by the traditional demand for foreign currency before the new year holidays, as well as today’s transactions currency futures, if you don’t delve into this
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topic, and even at night, then in short this can be called a technical feature of trading, that is, the effect will most likely be short-lived. well, i think that the current one will not go far, but there is a weakening of the national currency, in general, the levels that we currently see there in the region of 92 for the american currency and 102 for the euro, i think that we will already meet here twenty-fourth year. dmitry polevoy from astro, asset management, reminds that the ruble exchange rate may be affected by the end of the year. preparation of companies for the payment of dividends and other interests of large players, some of them may be more interested in seeing the ruble at slightly lower levels, in particular, let us recall that the largest banks this year recorded additional profits due to the weakening of the ruble, because in general
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, these banks have an open currency position due to sanctions, but it is impossible to say which factor will be dominant, so you just need... to be prepared for the fact that the change in the exchange rate by the end of the year may be quite a wide range, say, from 90 to 95 rubles per dollar. rosatom today announced that it has set a record for cargo transportation along the northern sea route, 35 million tons. this happened after another cargo was delivered to port murmansk by the diesel-electric ship tolnakh, owned by nurnickel. rosatom says that last year transit cargo flow fell by 90% due to geopolitics, but this year it was completely restored. state corporation, which is the infrastructure operator of the northern sea route, together with gazpromneft, rosneft, lukoil, suek and evrakhim, redirected the flows, and part of the cargo that previously went to asia through the soet canal now goes through the northern sea route, and along it to the countries of the asia-pacific region in short, now everyone knows the problems in the middle east. this year we saw very great
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interest in the company redirecting cargo traffic from the suede canal to the northern sea route. the northern sea route objectively. what do you want to do? my main field is work technology, i don’t know why, but i’ve always been interested in how to control robots,
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how to program them, how they work inside, what needs to be done for this, so robotics is most likely my favorite, who is your dad, an engineer, it is reported that the first qualifying intensive has already started in samarkand, which is now taking place for more than 200 people, the average age of the participants is 22 years old, the oldest is 51 years old. everything about economics. thank you, denis. denis talalaev with an economic review. today in the center of prague , an unknown person opened fire in the building of charles university at the faculty of philosophy. by according to preliminary data, 10 people were killed and another 30 were injured. in footage taken by eyewitnesses. people can be seen running away from the university building across the bridge in panic. and those who did not have time to run out into the street, judging by these pictures from.
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were not confirmed, the criminal, as stated by the police, acted alone. this is the program today. we'll continue after a short commercial. alfabank has the best loyalty program for business. we pay 3,000 rubles. for opening an account and up to 10% cashback for expenses. azon, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, buy everything on azon. final sale of the year. helzy shampoo and balm set for 459, lumi bay diapers. for 799, realmi tv for 15,999 , this is the ecology of the city, this is a contribution to the health of our
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on equipment is not easy. profitable alpha profitable, if you see this, buy como wireless headphones on yandexmarket! this is the program today. we continue our release. world- famous grandmaster sergei koryakin conducted simultaneous games with astrakhan schoolchildren. in the region, he opened a new chess club at the public headquarters.
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this is far from the last pomp, but art is eternal. for the first time in almost 200 years, the famous painting by karl bryulov is being sent for large-scale restoration. the russian museum, with the support of gazprom, began the reconstruction of the masterpiece nikolai bulkin on how they will restore the original appearance of the painting. a technical point, but very exciting. with the help of fixed cables, specialists from the russian museum carefully remove the main creation of karl brulov from the wall. the last day pompeii is disconnected. iron the edges with irons, wrap them around the shaft and transfer them to another room, where a separate restoration workshop was organized for the painting, with solutions, cotton swabs and brushes , the restorers are now near the canvas, together with them we discuss the shortcomings of a seemingly flawless masterpiece, this streak breaks the surface, breaks the drawing, distorts the viewer’s perception, what the viewer it may
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seem like the artist's strokes are actually flowing. varnish, now you need to remove the yellowed layers from these beautiful 24 m2 millimeter by millimeter, it turns out that once here, here, there, that is, even with the naked eye it’s immediately visible, of course, of course, yes, it ’s all over the surface, the painting is almost 200 years old, one way or another there were small losses, they were restored by various means, now it’s like several layers of makeup on the face, new technologies, for example, shooting with an infrared spectrometer, allowed us to look inside the painting,
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he wrote here in italy, he worked for 6 years under the impression of visiting the archaeological excavations of pompeii , buried by the eruption of vesuvius. bryulov will be called the pushkin of painting, and the painting will become the hallmark of russian art. for the first time, they decided to make the restoration process so open. the fact is that the workshop was organized in one of the halls where the main exhibition is located. it turns out that museum visitors will be able to carefully look here. thus, painting number one remains on
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view, and visitors will also be able to see the most important part of the work of the russian museum. in december next year, the russian museum will hold a large-scale exhibition of the painter in the mikhailovsky castle, dedicated to the 225th anniversary of his birth; they will show several works that have never been exhibited; place and his main creation, but for now the restoration, which by the way will go under the sensitive gaze of the author, as you know, in one of the inhabitants of pompeii, karl bryulov portrayed himself. nikolay bulkin, sergey vorobyov, pavel zelenkov, ntv, st. petersburg. and now it’s time to find out the weather forecast in our weather studio irina polyakova. after such a thaw as now, when streams of melted snow gurgle, usually, as we know, a cold snap sets in, these streams freeze, we slide on the ice, we guessed right what's the forecast now? yes, this is a very real option, but not everyone is so perspicacious , some don’t really believe that winter really has more serious plans for us, not serious yet, here in the center of european
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territory there was a little snow falling, otherwise for our sudden . underfoot, well, drastic changes in the weather will be on the conscience of a new, very powerful... if today it sows bad weather only in the kaliningrad region, then tomorrow it will begin to actively press further, first to the northwest, heavy precipitation of all types, strong wind, no it feels like spring, in the center of the black earth the precipitation is not so intense yet, but the wind will also increase and in the daytime it will be up to +3, on sunday the cyclone will bring a slight frost, and the southernmost regions will also get it, the cold will also get, precipitation, precipitation will begin to intensify tomorrow, and the temperature is still up to +10- +15. in the capitals after a pause, cleanse the liver with folk remedies, try replacing them with ovisol, only in it oats of milky ripeness are enhanced with herbs and turmeric, and the cheerful valar is number one for cleansing the liver, cleanse the liver
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folk remedies, try replacing them with avisol. avisol is a modern natural remedy that promotes gentle cleansing of the liver. avisol avalar. in st. petersburg tomorrow there will be +1 snow. it’s +2 in moscow, also snowing. and it will stick to everything. saturday's snow will be much more active, well, on sunday the slight frost that was in our forecasts from the beginning of the week is confirmed, and also from an educational point, there are exactly 10 days left until the new year, and the coming night is the longest of the year, so so, yes, well, it will soon be spring, summer, as usual, thank you, thank you, irena, irena polyakova with the weather forecast, these are the main news for this hour and we, elmira fendeeva and vladimir chernyshov, say goodbye to you, see you, goodbye.
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this is the ecology of the city, this is a contribution to the health of our children, this is clean air, they are talking about switching transport to methane, about protecting nature, but it’s not only that. methane is cheaper, savings on every kilometer, the basting engine works perfectly, installation of equipment is within the framework. of the people's fuel project, i also converted my car to methane without investment, to be practical, beneficial for nature and for you, choose ecgas, refuel at gazprom stations.
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dear students, let me introduce you to an entrepreneur, philanthropist, and stage winner. and world chess, our speaker today is arseniy poltavsky.


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