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tv   Advokat  NTV  December 22, 2023 3:55am-4:51am MSK

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your owner will be responsible, not you , i’m now writing you the address where the hearing of the case will take place tomorrow, come and tell everything what you told me, it might help save an innocent person from prison, you understand me, yes, where did he get this?
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“great, hello, boss, what is this, the courier, the courier brought your absence, it looks like drastic changes are taking place in your life, and you are attentive, well, i decided to take care of my health, it seems to me that it’s not because of my stench, look, from nothing can be hidden from you, this is my profession, the main thing is that you are not over-hearted, so, where were you before with your advice , what’s on our case, so, look, i checked the video from surveillance cameras, the information about migrants is confirmed, and i had no doubt, this is the one i’m talking to , this is the first one, his name was nazim, he dismantled the counterweight, so the elevator fell, and how long were the cameras not recording? minutes before the arrival
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of the ministry of emergency situations, they arrived. egor, we need to officially certify the fact that illegal migrants are living in the basement. boss, books. thank you. yes, yes, egor, the basement is empty, operational from there are no tails, just boxes, a broom, buckets, that’s it, but here we have what, what are you talking about, what’s there, i ’ll call you back.
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so what do you say? i won't say anything, at least not yet. hello, petrovich, i need a canine team with a dog. address, look, look, look, smell, smell, smell, cabbage soup, look, look, look, look, are you sure? well, soldiers,
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let's get started, well done, they found the body, but they will have to try very hard to identify it. that's it, igor, i understand, thank you, go ahead, bye, hello, yes, lesh, hello, did something happen? yes, lyub, hi, sorry it's so late, yes nothing, listen, you will have to go to court tomorrow, i broke my back, okay, good , there is some news from yegor, but i’m afraid that there may be problems with identification, our only hope is chrome, but it will come, no the question will come, well, you’ll have to build a defense on circumstantial evidence, you’ll manage, of course, don’t forget to print out the photos, okay, darling, yeah. the next
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witness, the witness of the tails is called.
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do you have evidence that this is the body of this person? no, your honor, but the examination is being carried out, i protest your honor, upon the discovery of the corpse there was. excuse me, but there is no one else in the corridor, and does the defense have any other witnesses? no, your honor.
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hello, here is our witness. go through the game, witness, introduce yourself here, noralev ikrum borotovich, tell ikrum, do you know this man? no, i don’t know him, but he ’s not to blame for anything, and why are you so sure of this, it’s nazim, my fellow countryman, you know, it’s his fault, what’s his fault that the elevator fell? where is nadim now? he died there in the elevator, a witness, tell me, everything is in order, how he got there, he decided to take the cast iron from there and then sell it, he crushed the keys to the doors,
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climbed in, and suddenly went, as you learned about the tragedy, i then wanted to go to bed, it was in the morning, and we work at night. then a friend comes to me and says that the elevator fell , i ran there, why did you decide that nazim was there, so at first he wanted me to help him, he told me his whole plan, but i refused, what happened then, then we they pulled him out and hid it, as our owner ordered, and then the owner said that we drowned him, who is the owner? this is ours boss antoliy borisovich, vastov, yes, tell me, witness, follow the instructions of your master, did you help him hide the evidence? no, what are you saying, we just kept it according to our
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customs and we don’t have money, and we don’t really need a coffin, we found a place to bury azim, thank you. in conclusion, your honor, i ask you to listen to my version of what happened. the fact is that the keys that are stored in khvostov’s company are available to everyone; nazim took the key from the bunch after he learned about chugun in counterbalance. he made his way into the engine room and began to dismantle it, this at that moment the elevator started working, the elevator started working, the elevator cabin went up, and the counterweight went down along with nazim. on the floor where svetlana ryabova entered the elevator, the counterweight disengaged and the cabin flew down. in the disaster, as it became known, both died, but for some reason khvostov chose to remain silent about nazim’s death, because nazim was not officially listed anywhere. if you ask me why khvostov needs such workers, i will answer you, because of the money. you can pay them a pittance, you can pay them nothing at all, take the money into your pocket, what
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actually, that’s all there is to it, i have everything, your honor, listen, vilin, well, this regime is absolutely killing me, i’m constantly hungry, my muscles hurt, give me more constant calls, is it about their body? “you will soon completely forget how you lived before, by the way , you downloaded books, yes, if you want, i can’t think about anything other than food, what a horror, how could it be, how could you, this that it’s all in vain, i’m putting together a system of all sorts of exercises for him, and he’s being bullied, and by the way, i also wanted to tell you that complexion..." became, well , i, i just once, i won’t do it again, well, really, well, honestly, he really wants to know, well , really, well, please, hello, yes, love, yes
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, well, well, congratulations , thank you, thank you, remember, i told you about the case with the elevator, and so our client was acquitted, all the migrants are sent back to their homeland, though one in a zinc coffin, here i am the director. the company was taken into custody, he tried to escape, i congratulate you , thank you, listen, maybe we can celebrate this matter, no alcohol, it's evil, okay, i just wanted to say that i began to feel differently, it’s all thanks to you, even everything has become different for me, but the tension somehow needs to be relieved, i know other ways, everything has its time. okay, it's late, i'll go, bye,
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uh-huh, valem. “hi, yes, i’m just going for a run
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, i’m just calling about this, i miss you too, well, i’ll see you in the evening, today is the very day, wait, what are you trying to say , what exactly, i appreciated your physical abilities, and how did you evaluate it, well, just an online program that i downloaded onto your phone, it..." is displayed on my laptop, i see everything on my phone, why, how, why, well, i want to know if you are following these instructions and in general what achievements you have, well, what is the verdict, verdict in our favor, today the signs of the zodiac have all converged, so the merging of our energies will be the maximum representative, until the evening, until the evening. so hello, dad, hello irish,
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have you started to lead a healthy lifestyle, and what ’s wrong with that, you in general what fate, but i decided to visit you before the academy, to to see you, to show myself, i took a couple of books from you, i thought you missed your father, you need books, it’s clear, well , of course, i miss you, but don’t evade the answer, why are you running around like that in the morning? in great shape, lost weight, i don’t understand, are you implying now that your father was an old wreck? well, firstly, i didn’t say that, and secondly, don’t evade the answer, what answer do you have? changes in your personal life, what changes, what are you, it’s all written on your face, and what’s there it’s written, it’s written, i fell in love, yeah, yeah , well, introduce me, you know, you’re asking too many questions, so you’ll behave normally , i’ll introduce you, burst grumble, dad, okay , well, i don’t bite you, you know, a dubious statement, sometimes, sometimes you don’t bite
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, so wait, what are these sounds, these are the sounds, these are the necessary sounds, in general, that’s it, i have... we’ll call you bye, you know, this is some kind of nonsense, anya, she, well, she couldn’t do it, but she had no reason to hate didenko, he gave her the best party and looked after her in every possible way, but largely thanks to sergei, she became the prima of our theater, and races, tell me, why exactly are you ready to hire? lawyer tsvetkova, is there something connecting you with her? well, the fact is that anya is my student. yes, that’s not even the point, she is a world-class ballerina. what exactly is she accused of? i'm talking nonsense. they say that anya bribed some people, they first called sergei, threatened and demanded that he resign from the post of artistic director. and a week ago they
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doused him with acid and threw it on his face. a how? is grandpa feeling well now? now the doctors are trying to save his eyesight, he is in the hospital, in an induced coma, his wife, lida, is with him, she also works in our theater as an accountant, and the police, they didn’t find anyone, they blamed everything on anya and now she is in prison, in pre-trial detention isolator, yes, in a pre-trial detention center, article 11, part three, intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm, absolutely...
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phone number too, they say they bought a sim card in the subway or something like that, then they checked anya’s phone number, that’s all confirmed, this is just a misunderstanding, maxim viktorovich, tell me how long he will remain unconscious, but you know, we are forced to keep your husband in an artificial coma. until we do another operation, well, when can we do this operation? it was planned in 3 days, but today's examination showed that the operation must be done urgently if we want to preserve your vision and he will be able to see, tell me, i need to know, i cannot give one hundred percent guarantees, but we will
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try. it’s not in vain that i have endured since childhood i can get sick of all these things that they didn’t share there, and to such an extent that it’s acid and a man’s street, well, this is such a cool position, a kudrug dancer, well, apparently cool, since i understand that between going to the theater you’re knocked out in the hospital the hospital, that’s definitely great, if lyuba doesn’t mind, lyuba , lyuba doesn’t mind, well, we decided on that, so, lyuban, then you go to the theater, talk to the actors, yeah, who benefited from eliminating the grandfather, well, excuse the hospital, you yourself chose, talk to your wife,
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tell me how is he? seryozha, he feels very bad, he he’ll get better, the doctors are doing everything they can, that’s what they always say when things are bad, god, who could do this? seryozha, our artistic director, he has never done harm to anyone, he lives for the theater, everything else matters to him. he forgot to eat, he could rehearse for days, i just can’t imagine how the theater copes without him, if only i could help with something. believe me, i would give anything for him to get better. and yet, how could these calls end up on your phone? how do i know, i didn't call. telephone
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lay in the dressing room. first i rehearsed, then i ran to the buffet, then i rehearsed again. i didn’t even go into the dressing room, but they, they decided it was me. oh, could someone enter your garage and call from your phone? anyone, we have a walk-through yard there, the ratchet is always open, we always lose the keys, that’s why they stopped closing, stealing from us, they don’t steal from us, but why would someone come in and call from my phone, just think about it , well, who did you cross the path of, someone could be offended that you took over the main role, i don’t know, they didn’t lose the man, they quarreled, well, there must be some reason. “to be honest, in the theater i can’t say that they love me very much, why? when seryozha was appointed artistic director, he gave me
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almost all the main roles in new performances, well, of course, the girls were not happy with this, they were angry with me and seryozha, you understand, no one wants to be in the supporting roles, everyone wants the main role, well, well, that’s not a reason, i don’t know, “if you become an obstacle to someone’s dream, you won’t forgive me, i have to ask you this question, what are you in a relationship with grandpa, you don’t mean lovers of lima , of course not, this is all gossip, seryozha is married, he has a wonderful family, we are just friends, we will always be just friends, in the theater they always talk all sorts of nasty things, they dance the main roles, that means dobrovolsky, he he just can’t stand seryozha, he hates him, they don’t even say hello, because he’s a terrible volunteer, and who does he
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envy, what do you mean, who? seryozha, of course, is a volunteer, you know, he slept and saw that he was appointed artistic director, that’s how he is there was a dream, it was not him who was appointed, but seryozha, but then he came up with this whole story, what a story, with the distribution of funds. oh, sorry, i got used to it all the time. talk to your people from the theater, from seryozha, you are not one of ours, but volunteer seryozha, they were distributing grants, and voluntarily accused seryozha of distributing incorrectly, called seryozha just a thief, and this is not true, well, of course, this is not true, and seryozha got very angry and got the volunteer expelled from the committee, which means dobrovolsky had a reason to hate your husband. and what about him along with his passion? with whom? yes, with tsvitkova. do you want to say that tsvetkov’s volunteer
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lovers? of course, they hide all this very much, but in the theater this is impossible. in the theater , if you want to sneeze, you should be fine, they say. well, this is where ane and i are sitting. this is her table, and this is mine. marina, are you friends with her? well.
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in st. petersburg, no, no, i’m not hinting at anyone, i’m just asking, you know, and in general it’s very subtle for ballet companies, calling from someone else’s number to set them up, we have methods here others, barbaric, but simple as a stick, for example, adding a laxative to the water or spreading dirty rumors, or leaking information into the press, we all smile sweetly in each other’s faces, but play dirty tricks behind our backs. terrarium of like-minded people. hi, hi,
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what's taking so long? got sucked into the bug swamp, was almost waiting for the director of the theater, but he was stuck somewhere in the ministry of culture, i had to agree with him to come and talk to us tomorrow, i couldn’t wait for you, he had some business, but i know, i pushed him into leaving course about his conversation with our client, look, judging by the printout of calls from tsvetkova’s phone, someone called.
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from both, one to the hospital, the other to prison. yes, but we cannot reject the option that it was tsvetkova who called the assassination attempt on the artistic director. if you believe your theater colleagues, they really had an affair with didenko; her motive was jealousy. let's say that didenko told her that he was staying with his wife and leaving her. logical? sultry prima, yes, is she having an affair with dedenko, with dobrovolsky, with dobrovolsky? by at least that’s what the grandfather’s wife says, well, it’s predictable, otherwise why would he hire lawyers? but i don’t understand why he didn’t tell us about this, it would seem that both adults are adults, not married, what kind of circus is this, this is not a circus, this is a ballet, i still don’t understand, well, let’s say, let’s say the attack was organized by a volunteer, why would he hire lawyers for tsvetkova, a cunning move so that
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no one would think, or he and svetkova organized the attack, so they hid their relationship, in short, damn, he’ll break his leg, without half a liter won’t figure it out, as the light of day said, call the volunteer and arrange a meeting with him tomorrow, there is a reason to talk. put it on, but why? strange question, you want our energies to finally merge? but it seems to me that for this it is necessary not to dress, but to undress, everything has its time. well, to be honest, i was expecting a romantic dinner with wine and fruit, but don’t disappoint me, wine and fruit are
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such vulgarity. "i will need your help, i will need to light 100 scented candles, how many? 100? evili, well, after this i’ll be airing out the apartment for a week, but really , i’m sorry, but those, those, all your scented candles, they scent too much, well, instead of merging energy, i ’ll get anaphylactic shock, it’s the divine aroma of sandalwood, well what’s divine here, so what? do you want us to have sex in gas masks, or what? alexey, how can you not understand, this is a fusion of energies, why are you standing there, help me, but... “hey, elvin, listen, there’s no way
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we can do without this, what are you doing, excuse me, but because this doooom and these, these smells, my head is already shaking, maybe it’s time to get busy?” “from the line of energy, don’t you understand, these are very subtle matters, you, you have just destroyed a very fragile energetic connection, you don’t understand , that you have now completely ruined everything, now you need to re-calculate everything for this hour x, and wait a long time, well, of course, until the energy balance is restored, at least 340 hours, wait, translating into human language -
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this is... two weeks, or what? that's it, you know that, during my glorious youth, it was all called turning the dynamo, what? it’s okay, lord, what vulgarity, aren’t you ashamed, i’m ashamed, i’m ashamed that i’ve been putting up with this crap for so long, listen, let’s either now we do everything normally, humanly, or or or this is ours the meeting will be the last,
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the actress of your theater, i am her lawyer, i must understand how to build a defense, that is, you want to bring out the dirty laundry and shake it out, right? no, excuse me, i refuse to take part in this, i want
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my client not to receive a prison sentence for a crime she didn’t commit, i want to know who framed her, i know that this someone works in your theater, and i don’t rule out the possibility that it could be you, like it was me, huh? and you had a motive , you didn’t want dedenko and tsvetkova to work in your theater under your leadership, you had such an opportunity, because that evening you were in the theater, i should continue further, but, but i didn’t do it , yes, indeed, i was against renewing the contract with tsvitkova, but when it was a year ago, during this time dedenko made her great...
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how can i tell you, he’s a non-systemic person, such concepts as discipline, punctuality, repertoire plans are simply unfamiliar to him, and as you understand, it’s simply impossible to work with such a person, since he was appointed, i ’m trying to work with him, who do you think could become the ideal artistic director of the theater, yes , yura is a volunteer, well, he is now temporarily... performing the duties of dedenka, yura dobrovolsky, yes, yura dobrovolsky. why did you hide that tsvetkova is not just yours? student, is she your lover? sorry, but what does it matter? well, if you
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hid it, it means it has some significance. where were you on the day of the attack on dedenka? i was in the theater, rehearsing in the hall, but hardly anyone can confirm this, i was there alone. i mean, not even one, i can hardly believe that you went, you doused dedenko with acid, because the easiest way is to hire someone, i didn’t hire anyone, and anya didn’t do this either, they were jealous of tsvetkova dedenko, no, they just say in the theater, that they were connected not only in they say a lot of things in the theater, it’s somehow difficult with you, i can’t understand one thing, do you want us to protect the flower garden or for it to be buried, i’m very sorry. that someone attacked dedenka, yes, he and i can’t stand each other, but this does not mean that i made an attempt on his life and health, but in the end, there are other methods, more civilized, seryozha,
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call a doctor doctor, he woke up. yulia, i’ll come by as soon as i can, no today, let’s do it tomorrow, no, although there’s no tomorrow either, in general, let me call, yeah. wow, no, no, no, no, yul, this is i’m not for you, in short, come on, i’ll call you as soon as, okay, uh-huh, lyuba, dedenka has come to his senses, no, his wife didn’t call me, no, she senses it on the internet, in general it’s strange, although maybe she just didn’t want him to be disturbed ahead of time, but the journalists already know, no, i don’t have time for dinner, that’s it, my dear. good afternoon,
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hello, egor, are you coming to see me? i think i’ve already told you everything. i'm visiting sergei. sergey, my name is egor volodin, i am a lawyer. now my colleagues and i are working on the case of anna tsvetkova. what business? egor, sergey also not ready to talk. i'll call the doctor now. the doctor just gave me permission to talk to him. finally, tell me what? vizno! okay, but only for a short time. how can i
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help, anya? who needs to be paid to let her out? it is pointless. the only way to help the flower is to understand who could attack you. in the meantime... you will find out, anya will sit like this, who even came up with this pest, anya attempted to kill me, sergey, what kind of relationship do you have with tsvetkova, it started, we are friends, you understand this, we are only friends. and i don’t care who and what he said,
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sanya and i were never lovers and in general anka had an affair with this satisfied handsome guy with a volunteer, and you knew about it, don’t tell me, they of course tried to hide it from... i’m afraid, that this will somehow affect my attitude towards cana, but i’m not blind, damn, now i’m not sure about this anymore, why did you deceive me, me? why did you hide the fact that you and the volunteer lovers? you see,
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seryozha and yura have a very difficult relationship, and seryozha is in charge of the distribution of roles. yura didn't want me to have problems, so we kept quiet. well, when did your relationship start? a month ago, well, that is, we always treated each other well. well, a month ago we realized , in general, we started dating, a week before didenka’s phone started receiving threatening calls, yeah, that is, you were afraid that we would decide that you and a volunteer organized an attack on didynka, yes, it’s clear where you were on the day of the attack with dobrovolsky, yes, we first went to a restaurant, and then to me, well, kindergarten, honestly, well, you understand. i love yura, and seryozha, he’s perfect, you can only
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admire him, you know? no, i don’t understand , well, if you want, seryozha is my idol, and not only mine, by the way, he’s a genius, i just can’t imagine how to help him, now it’s possible, i need to raise money for the operation in germany, it’s very expensive, i’m afraid what i have is only enough for a third of the amount, you see, seryozha’s son is very sick. almost everything that seryozha earns goes to pay for doctors, massage therapists and teachers for antosha, you don’t know how he? “i know, today he came to his senses, what happiness is better for him, alexey, and you can give him flowers from me, say that i am very worried about him, please, no, i can’t flowers, because this may cause a negative reaction, he has injuries upper respiratory tract, if only everything was
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fine with him, excuse me, sergei, think carefully, who could organize the attack?” “yes, i don’t know, but it’s definitely not anya and not her rumelova, he and i, he and i, although we can’t stand each other, but he’s a good guy , certainly not a scumbag, but some signs, well, i do not know. maybe what they looked like? yes, what , they were wearing some kind of masks, even if they were without them, it was so dark there, everything happened very quickly that i didn’t even understand anything, there
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were three of them, it seems, well, in any case, even i remember them or i don’t remember them, i can’t see them. “i need an operation, and not here, i don’t have that kind of money now, and it’s not planned, the bill came from a rehabilitation center for 200,000, from which center, for children with cerebral palsy, i seem to have paid for all the expenses, then something came again, i still have to pay, they say, well..." some procedures, lida said , she doesn’t understand anything, to hell with this money, if only antoshka could, he’s so small and so strong, seryozha, the doctor will come now, egor,
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yes, sorry, i’m already leaving, sergey, get well, egor . promise that anya will be released, i promise that we will do everything for this, goodbye, goodbye, hello, listen, i have very serious business with you, but order me a pizza, or better yet two, i haven’t eaten anything today, but for i’m going to ask you one intimate question, right? tell me, please, why we didn’t suspect lida of organizing an attack on denka? exactly, and find out whether the rehabilitation center for children with cerebral palsy sent an additional invoice for 2000 rubles. and now i’ll call someone and order details of her telephone conversations over the last month.
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but why do i need connections with the police when i have katya, and katya works , you know where, but why do you need to know about this, you have places where you don’t have katya, ira mashenka, yes, well, i’m working on it, hi, katyusha, honestly, you look amazing, i would like such a wife, i would die of happiness, look, volodya, i’ll catch you naslava and i’ll take you to the tax office, i thank you, go while you’re single. otherwise i’m afraid that the girls of the whole world will not survive your marriage. goddess, what, to you or to me? as always, you go to
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yourself, and i come to you. go to work, yegorich, and don’t forget that i adore you. i love you too. a month before the attack. dedenko, liza and eermalayev began to meet quite often, joint billing gave the result: eight meetings, the last one was on the day of the attack on the artistic director, well, beauty, that is, lidaa hires her ex-husband to deal with current ones, and for his own money, good wife, listen, we should keep an eye on her, lest we be late. i don’t think so, he just didn’t have time for this, just a minute, hello,
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lida, egor, good afternoon, yes, egor, a lawyer, can i ask you a couple more questions, i can come to you, and egor, i will i’m in the hospital for another hour, then i have to leave on business. and in three hours, i’m ready to meet you in the city, i don’t think i’ll have time, but can i call you back? yes, okay, great, we made it, i drove, come on, idiot, why did you do that, who are you he asked, what, we agreed with you, we did with the guys as we wanted, now you are throwing a tantrum, we agreed that you would just beat him up? to scare him, and you mutilated him, made him disabled , take your money so that i don’t see you again, police, captain rumyantsev, citizen of
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ermalayev, citizen of yermalaeva, you were detained on suspicion of an attempt on the life of citizen dedenka, just like that, lida, why did you do this? “i didn’t want to, i didn’t think that my ex would do this, i wanted seryozha he just quit the theater and spent more time with me, i love him , i’ve loved him for a long time, when he was still married to anton’s mother, i already loved him, his wife left him with a sick child in her arms, seryozha was simply in despair then . “i started helping him , i sat with antoshka, i brought him home- cooked food, and then seryozha proposed to me, 3
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years ago, i was just happy then, i don’t understand, you love him, you lived with him for 3 years, you you can’t imagine what 3 years it was, i did everything for him, and he just me didn't notice, he doesn't need it. there was a wife, he needed a housekeeper, a nurse for his son, a cook, he simply didn’t notice me, as if i didn’t exist, but if it weren’t for me, seryozha would never have become who he is , you missed him, i did everything for him, i fulfilled all his wishes, and he took it for granted, everyone in the theater laughed at me , i
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hung on seryozha in order to get roles, and i ’m worse than i am, i did so much for him, and he
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last month. he just forgot about my birthday, he didn’t even call, he came early in the morning and just went to bed, that was the last straw for you, yes, the next day kostya, my ex-husband, came to congratulate me, i burst into tears , told him everything, kostya was very angry, he still loves me, kostya simply proposed him to scare him, he... called him, threatened him, and seryozha just laughed. kostya and his friends waylaid him near the house, pressed the cubs and said that this was the last warning, but nothing helped. seryozha was going to go on tour with tsvetkova to america. i asked kostya to talk to him like a man, but i didn’t think he would take it all that way. i
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would never, never do this for... if i only knew. that day i went into tsvetkova’s apartment and looked for her to sign the statements. tsvetkova was not in the dressing room; her purse was on the chair, and her phone was sticking out of her purse. then i realized that this was my chance to take revenge on tsvetkova. i dialed the number from which my ex-husband called seryozha and threatened. half an hour later i returned to the rattle and dialed again. lida, weren't you there? i feel sorry for tsvetkova, i didn’t feel sorry for my husband, why should i feel sorry for her, she stole my earrings, lita, you were mistaken, tsvetkova has no relationship with your husband, she loves a completely different person. anya
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, you didn’t catch a cold , you didn’t get sick, yura, thank you very much, if only, well, listen, i love you, i understand that this is not the most suitable moment, but you will marry me, yura, in general - this is the right moment.
4:50 am
we will bring him to you tomorrow, he misses you very much, just call the center, tell them to let him go with us, tell him did you get the money or? all your last little ones, go, you know where, i guess.


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