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tv   Sledstvie veli  NTV  December 23, 2023 5:00pm-7:01pm MSK

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although natural deaths of prisoners are generally not uncommon, most often their causes are chronic diseases and strokes. the relatives of the deceased have 3 days to come and pick up the body. otherwise, the prisoner will be buried in the local salikam cemetery, no tombstone with his first and last name, just a plate with the number that the prisoner received in the colony during his lifetime, which he does not part with even in the grave. let’s do this, if someone was waiting for him and remembered, he would have come in these 3 days and picked him up. and so, that means he didn’t was needed by no one, which means no one remembers and does not remember why remember about him - the corpses that she placed behind her, give up hope, everyone who enters here, such an unspoken motto reigns in the white swan, in other colonies of life imprisonment, get out of there it’s really almost impossible, but there is still a chance to be free again, special regime inmates have, according to the law, a person sentenced to life imprisonment has... the right to apply for
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parole, but he can do this no earlier than after 25 years from sitka. in addition, the last 3 years in the colony must pass as quietly as possible, without any violations or disciplinary sanctions. in practice, criminals are extremely rarely released from life sentences, although the history of the white swan knows four cases when convicts managed to challenge their sentences through the courts, have their life sentences revised to a final term, and even be released. the last such review of vk case number 2 took place. years ago, eighty-third, ivanovo region, small town of furmanov, that evening, not far from the kindergarten, i noticed something
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strange, came closer and froze in shock. a naked female body, with a terrible wound on the neck and a cross carved on the chest. the man rushed to call the police, but no one answered at the other end of the line, as if everyone in the city had died out. what's happened? november 10, the day of the soviet police, is a good reason for employees of the internal affairs bodies of the city of furmanov to gather in a restaurant with their families; on such a day you want to relax, but everything turned out differently. apparently, the duty officer’s news is not at all festive.
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the urgent news of a woman's body with a carved cross stunned everyone. the duty officer said that the witness who found the body was in a panic; he could not contact the police for a long time, and this frightened him even more. the holiday ended almost before it began. everyone hurried to work. and everyone guessed that this was a brutal murder, not just a crime, it was perverted. a gift from a sadist for november 10th, someone unknown and very dangerous started a terrible game with the local police.
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on the ground floor of this house there was once a tavern, on the second the furmanov family rented modest room. this is where the future writer was born. and later dmitry andreevich furmanov
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left for moscow, where he created the famous novel “chapaev”. decisive actions of the detachment and its commander.
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number, in my opinion, there was no bridge at all. in little furmanovo there were only rare domestic fights, sometimes thefts, then a brutal murder, and even a strange, terrible sign, who could have left it, here is a religious sertan thing. pavel goryev, in the early eighties, the criminal investigation commissioner. furmanovsky city departments of internal affairs. in those years , furman's detectives did not encounter sects and did not even suspect where to look for them and what sectarians might look like. the police received orders to pay attention to any
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suspicious citizens, take them to the police station, identify them, and check them. one late evening one of the operatives noticed something strange.
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then it dawned on me, such a cross is not only found on churches, this temple is furmanov’s decoration, an architectural miracle, for a small town it is simply huge, it can accommodate 2,500 man, the interior walls are painted by paliho artists. in the thirties, the temple was closed; the soviet government gave it to a dairy warehouse. after the revolution, you could meet an old janitor here, this is the former manufacturer grigory gorbunov, he was forced to sweep the streets as part of his labor service.
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outraged residents turned to the district council, asking that they take pity on the old man, and that the workers respect him. after all, he once gave them 5 rubles every holiday, a lot of money for chintz for a dress. in addition, gorbunov built in city ​​roads, hospital, water supply. cemetery, it was in the cemetery that the next events of our history took place, local residents told all sorts of devilish things about one of the cemeteries, supposedly at night moans and soul-chilling howls can be heard from there , lights flicker among the graves, before the detectives only grinned, urban legends, but now they have become thoughtful.
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and suddenly, from behind the second grave , another one appeared, instead of standing, the oblivion was stopped only by a pistol, i will shoot, soon the individuals in hoodie were taken to the police station, hoodie is the world, they turned out to be. teenagers of 15-16 years old, they were, as they say, taken to their offices, talking, they
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are all from my land, all from this luchassky, khlebnikov street, peaceful village, young men klelis, they are just joking, pretending to be ghosts from the cemetery , yes, here we are, fooling around, scaring the girls , it seemed like a failure again, but suddenly teenagers. they remembered that in the evening when the murder happened, they, as usual, were in the cemetery and heard a woman screaming in the distance: “help, help, just from the kindergarten, the detectives were wary, which means that anna nikitina managed to scream loudly before her death, but why then did the residents of the nearest houses swear that they didn’t see or hear anything, maybe..." they are afraid to tell the truth. then the investigative thought began to work in an unexpected
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direction. and so the turn of events was possible only in one city of the ussr, in furmanovo. vasily ivanovich chepaev. died in 1919. but he received his second life in jokes. the best proof of popular love. there are thousands of jokes about tipaev, all quite witty, for example, this fits petka asks vasily ivanovich chapaev : vasily ivanovich, why are you digging a hole? yes, you understand, petka, they told me to take a photograph of the waistband for the document,” chapaev explains. why so deep, petka wonders. so, you understand, petka, i want to act on a horse. chipaev in the anecdotes in furvnoy’s book is a very resourceful person. surely the writer added
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to chepaev the features of his fellow countrymen. furmanovites are incredibly inventive people, which has been confirmed in our history. that day , heart-rending female screams were heard in the city. help! the sounds came from the very place where the murder took place. help! some passers-by even rushed to help. “help, lyubov kritskaya remembers very well how she almost lost her voice that day, it was a unique investigative experiment by furman’s detectives, i had to scream, that is, help, save, scream, as if i was the victim. lyubov kritskaya. in the eighties years, head of the
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juvenile affairs inspectorate of the furmanovsky city department of internal affairs. while the women were screaming, in neighboring private houses the operatives sat and listened, each in his own house and listened to see if our voices were heard. the owners are nearby, the same ones who swore like nothing. heard at the time of the murder. in three houses people did not deceive, but in the fourth, audibility was excellent. help! the mistress of the house admitted in embarrassment that she was very afraid of becoming involved in this terrible matter. i saw a man and a woman walk past the house. soon after this, a terrible scream was heard. the witness identified anna nikitina from a photograph. but the man’s faces to her
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couldn't see it. at home i especially noted that you can tell a lot about a person by the manner of their gait, for example, hands in their trousers - not a gait, just a wobble. for a russian person, such a gait is unusual. in russia there were no pockets for a very long time, everything was in plain sight. behind the belt. pockets were adopted from the europeans, and putting your hand in your trousers began to be considered impolite for a person. the right hand does not move, which allows you to quickly draw the gun. the manner of walking with a lady on the arm appeared in the 19th century, but only with a husband or relative walking arm in arm with a stranger
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was considered unacceptable. in our history , the peculiarity of gait became the most important...
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nobody knew, exactly one year later the nightmare would repeat itself. a reliable and large-scale bank knows that you can do more than you think, when your dreams are an unimaginable world, and reality, when relationships can become even warmer, when increasing the joy of loved ones is so simple. loan from rosselkhozbank with love for its people. rosselkhozbank. more than you think. the absolutely unpredictable music show superstar is on tv. despite, since we only have five participants left, we will see 10 superstars on stage at once. this is
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incredibly cool.
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the savings account rate is 16% for a wedding , buy it faster, cool, everything will work out vtb, new year's discounts in the cosmetics magnet, discount on perfumes up to 50%, the price is what you need, we have saved for you the taste of the bright sun and the power of fire in every gin, so that in a moment you can enjoy it. we know, love and eat gin seeds! hello, there is a gift waiting for you in the megaphone! buy an infinik with connection and get a second smartphone as a gift, only in a megaphone! open a reserve savings account at psb bank with a rate of up to 14.5% per annum. replenishment of withdrawals without restrictions. apply online at or at the nearest
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contain cream for juiciness and a crispy crust, nuggets, plums, fagot, juiciness, crunch and smiles, pasha, it is necessary, new year's garlands, a tree, headphones and a frying pan, megamarket, new year's sale, hurry up to buy goods for 1% of the cost, reckless, new season from monday at 20:00 on ntv. a country of greatness and power that had no equal in modern history, a state that was ours homeland, the country from which all our families come, is celebrating its centenary. we have something to be proud of. we are a winning country, we are the first. in space, a country of universal equality, a country of great culture, this country is no longer on the map, but it is in the heart of each of us. in
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honor of the centenary of the ussr, the imperial mint has prepared a commemorative medal for every russian. the medal is absolutely free for you, you only pay for packaging and delivery. keep your pride in this great country and pass it on to your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. call. order a commemorative medal by toll-free number or on the website ussr100let.rrf. superstar - new season today at 20:20 on ntv. you always knew what you wanted. and what are you capable of? today you know who you want to become and who to be with. what is your path and what is it for? you are among those who understand you, among those who share your values, join yours, serve under
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a contract. hut, hut, turn your front to me, your back to the forest, listen, well, because a real woman lives in it, hello, great, local historians of the ivanovo region are sure that baba yaga is from it was from here, from near furmanov, that is why the city used to be called sereda, sereda is mean.
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and the stream, which is called dead, and deceptive paths, you walk and walk along it, and it ends in a cliff. our story continued right next to this terrible place. that day , worried parents showed up at the police station. their daughter, sixteen-year-old lyuba, disappeared. something obviously happened to her, and before there was nothing mobile, she was always disciplined, left home, came on time, that is, the girl was
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exclusively. the most alarming detail , the girl disappeared on november 10, exactly a year after the fatal murder on the day of the police, a coincidence, the bus driver was the last to see the girl, she got out at the intersection of the road that leads from the ivanov reaches and walked through this territory, they called a movie... with the service dog found the girl with the dog, the parents' terrible premonition was justified, everything looked exactly the same as a year ago, but there were live wounds on the body, a cut throat cross, the first victim had a cross on his chest, and the second had a cross on his back, the same cross cut out, but there were also differences...
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the event, the visit of the capital's authorities never boded anything good, instead of work , you will have to look for excuses to listen to the advice of a person completely unfamiliar with the local specifics, because you can’t tell, comrade boss, we can do it ourselves, come in, comrades , i was still curious about the unique...
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folders, door-to-door visits to the apartment area and no clues. separate folder, criminals. everyone's alebi is filed. all those registered with a psychiatrist have been checked. and this is a separate one version, admirers. they found all the boys who once liked the murdered lyuba. what if one of them is offended by her? the workers were sure, they did everything possible, but they were mistaken, where is your railway line? the capital's colonel suddenly pointed to the railway line that passed near the scene of the murder and asked, drivers of passing trains were interrogated, what ingenuity, they immediately found the driver of the train that was coming from privolsk at the time of the murder and did not
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regret it. i saw three teenagers burning a fire not far from the railway. what not they were doing there, he, of course, did not notice, although the train was moving slowly in this area at that time. the detectives remembered that teenagers from the cemetery were suspected of the first murder, but then they found no evidence against them.
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17 years old, a vocational school student, is characterized as an extremely aggressive and unpredictable teenager, behaved impudently and... hid, yes, it was he and his friends who burned a fire, which the train driver saw, i don’t have anything more to say, the detectives had to put him in his place and didn’t such impudent people, but they didn’t
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know yet, this time they came across a very strong nut, a reliable and large-scale bank knows that you can do more than you think, when your dreams are not an imaginary world, but... when relationships can become even warmer, when it’s so easy to increase the joy of loved ones. consumer loan from rosselkhozbank with love for its people. rosselkhozbank, more than you think. don't miss central television, the first information show, about the events and people of the week. wiretapping zaluzhny, who is behind the ukrainian headquarters. and what will ukrainian generals do if it turns out that they are being spied on? own president, who stole the identity of alexander buinov, who, under the guise of a famous artist, they tried to scam for money, he bought the correspondence, as if everything was similar
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to me, a new word in the industry of deception, now scammers can create virtual doubles of real people, how modern technologies help scammers, who will stop them and what to do so as not to lose your own face and... your money, this will be your central television, today at 19:00 on ntv. new year's mask december 31 at 20:24 on ntv. hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, buy everything on amazon. final sale of the year. uvelka rice for 9 rubles. adidas men's sneakers for 4,499. playstation game console for 47.999 alexander nikolaevich december 29 battle on the site i don’t have ice delux, which means i don’t have the twenty-eighth i have a big hit delicious calendar at a delicious point every day a new favorite
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product at a super price only in the delicious app, period. and here is our house for the new year, but the new year is not visible. so you have to bring the holiday with you. alice, turn on new year's music. i turn it on. alice, show me the recipe for gingerbread cookies. we can't find your house. alice, light the garlands. to be gifts and new year's mood. new yandex station duomax. new year is where alice is. you can't want so much. can. try the maximum for only 399 rubles. can. yota. large liquidation of the vascona collection. beds, sofas, mattresses, pillows with unprecedented discounts until the new year's price increase, only until december 24. this is it, the chicken maraara coupon, boxmaster for 199 rubles.
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superstar - new season, today at 20:20 on ntv. a woman intuitively senses whether there is you are what is. you need it, just one glance is enough, real masculine energy drives you crazy, attracts and attracts like a magnet. tancatali premium is a natural remedy for men that gives bright and unforgettable sensations. maximum sexual energy, maximum... maximum endurance. the power of a man is the ability to subtly feel subtle signals, give confidence and awaken passion in order to experience the whole range
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find out how by calling 8800 2009 456, all conversations are confidential, new year's mask december 31 at 20:24 on ntv, avatar show, second semi-final, i'm in love, of course, with this character. avatar show, second semi-final, only
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the toughest nuts remain, today i’m sure we’ll guess another avatar, tomorrow 20:20 on ntv. the lady, the king and the trump ace, sword-winged, everything is fair. convenient when teach your wife to play. cards, you can win back half of her salary, and then another game, or maybe that’s enough, everyone is already tired, no, oh well, a game is a game, once in the ussr cards were also a means of propaganda, they ridiculed religious opium for the people, there were also... anti-fascist cards with hitler, musalini and their minions. and,
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by the way, they printed them under the difficult conditions of the leningrad siege, and then the partisans threw these cards to the enemy. but the most common one is an ordinary atlas map. and between times they migrated to another party, normal soviet citizens. these appeared in our history. inspector kritskaya took the teenager malyuchenkov to be examined by a doctor, this was a necessary formality for every detainee, suddenly the guy took a deck of cards out of his pocket, pressed it like that, all the cards like that, you know, they shoot at this doctor. the inspector froze at such rudeness, but the doctor pretended that nothing had happened. suddenly the boy jumped up, grabbed
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the padlock that was lying on the table and threw it out the window. window in the hospital, the windows are large, and he it means he throws it, the glass breaks. the inspector rushed to the window, thinking to block the teenager’s path so that he wouldn’t jump down, the doctor followed her, and malyuchenkov, in a completely different direction, delayedly jumped out the door and collided with a policeman. then he reacted instantly and tied up the fugitive. the behavior of the violent teenager left no doubt that he was a psychopathic killer. the inspector had no idea that within 2 minutes she would understand that this young boor could not kill a person. can? yes, yes, of course, come in. you know, i have to bleed from my finger. i'm afraid to give up for the first time,
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what to be afraid of, don’t worry, it’s my first time too, yes, ah, well then i guess i went, where, where are you, where are you, yes, i’m a patient, that now a nurse will come and why are they afraid of her, some soviet citizens were afraid injections, fear even had its own name, trypanophobia, it was usually treated very simply: with a commanding voice, a hand. turn away, inhale, that’s it, exhale, oh, i don’t feel good, and such sand is rustling on my ears, another fear cannot be overcome so easily, hemophobia or fear
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of blood is very rare and, as a rule, in men, this happened in our history. during his escape from detention, malyuchenkov managed to hit himself. there was blood on my hand. he looked at her and fainted. the police officers made inquiries. it turns out that malyuchenkov has suffered from hemophobia since childhood, which means he simply physically could not commit a bloody crime. the teenager was anything, a hooligan, a boor, but not a murderer. at the same time, another event occurred in furmanovo. a frightened woman ran to the police and said that she had just been robbed. an unknown man with a cap pulled low caught up with him, showed him a knife, now i’ll cut out a cross for you. frightened, the woman herself obediently took off
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her earrings and ring, so as not to touch her, the detectives were surprised. changed tactics, does not attack, but only scares, 201 connections, they set up ambushes in empty deserted streets, but they did not have enough of their own police forces, help was needed. the sodmilians are coming, that’s what they were called in those soviet times. sotmillits, this term was used only by furman’s detectives, meant collaborating with the police. here they are. sotmilians seem to be kissing, nothing they are watching something like this, although perhaps they are kissing, at the same time, across the road on the other side of the park there is a dairy factory, the bearers were dragging home loot from there, butter, granulated sugar,
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they added condensed milk at the factory, how they managed it, the police could not understand. sotmiltsy traced the entire chain, allow me, a ready-made operational development, i ask you, usually in the sotmettse there were guys, girls from the komsomol operational detachment, everyone who wanted to devote their lives to work in the police, such volunteers appeared in our history, in those years senior police lieutenant. participated in the investigation of the mysterious murders of women, there weren’t enough people for the police at that time, so they quickly helped the komsomol, as if to us. the young officer was given a difficult position; a local worker, sergei perlov, was given as a partner. one day while on
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duty they noticed a woman, she was in a hurry somewhere. and behind her, not lagging behind, was a guy in a low cap. so he caught up with her, pulled the knife over, you’re not afraid of the cross, his partners rushed out of ambush, the criminal, noticing them, rushed away, perlov surprised i pulled forward at the limit of my strength, now i ’ll cut out a cross for you myself, only thanks to the satmilian the robber was detained. he was checked for involvement in the brutal murders, while detectives continued door-to-door visits. we came to the conclusion that we need to look at this microdistrict again, who lives there, what kind of people are there? this is yuri zolotov, in
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the eighties he worked in the personnel department of the city police, he was also involved in door-to-door visits, and for... one day yuri got into a conversation with a woman, and she remembered an important detail. next door neighbor offered to buy her a gold ring. it happened soon. after the murder, for some reason he, like this, secretly tried to sell
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this ring. the detectives became interested in zolotov’s report, showed the woman a photograph of the ring that had disappeared from the finger of the second murdered girl, and hit the target. soon the man selling the ring was detained, and it turned out to be him. sotmil, sergei perlov. a reliable and large-scale bank knows. you can do more than you think. when your dreams are not an imaginary world, but reality. when relationships can become even warmer. when it’s that simple to increase the joy of your loved ones. consumer loan from rosselkhozbank with love for its people. rosselkhozbank is bigger than you think, i
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will give this music to you in the new year forever, on december 31 on ntv, for everyone who thought that we were on broadway, no, this is a mask show, completely new masks. i’ll pay for everything, new year’s mask, mask, mask, mask, for such a surprise it’s worth
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turning on the mask show, december 31 at 20:24 on ntv, happy new year, mask, superstar, new season, today at 20:20 on ntv. final sale of the year right now amada car c5 for 2.199. rub. deposit, the best interest rate in savings, is an easy way to profitably invest money online. with just one button, the investment in your child’s future has already been made. one button, savings grow. maximum rate, one button , and you look forward with confidence, together, open a deposit
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turn on the new year's light. lights the lights, a magic staff, grandfather, and we have something tasty at home , we can conjure something, he can do magic, a snowman, a courier, it’s proven that my grandfather is father frost. on new year's eve, everyone can create miracles, from pure hearts for those around you. happy new year, wizards. it was not
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easy for lieutenant gurylev to come to terms with the idea of ​​being a cruel killer. his acquaintance, sotmil resident perlov, when he was detained, they said that it was him, i was surprised, everyone thought he would deny it, but perlov with incomprehensible pride declared, yes, it was me, showed the place where the sixteen-year-old luby threw out the diplomat, and he was here in this whirlpool, there was a whirlpool here, everything was flooded with water, they called suganov to the odoo and took him to this diplomat there
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, forward, march, they ran great, from the second in the mid-sixties , it was not easy to get into the police force; they took not those who were eager, but those who were suitable. oh, the candidate
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had to be able to do a lot, shoot , master hand-to-hand combat, fight peacefully, walk, march, be fit for combat service, this school in the army, on the spot. wait, to the right, they didn’t take physically undeveloped people into the police, everyone was fit, athletic, no beer bellies, and most importantly , people with a clear conscience were taken into the soviet police, this is precisely the quality that perlov lacked, the guy was caught in a banal falsification of characteristics
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from the army, it was written there: perlov had already boasted to everyone he knew, he was about to become a policeman, suddenly such a shame, but his best friend was taken into the internal affairs bodies, black envy spread in perlov’s soul. everyone says women are envious, but not all women are envious, look, here’s a friend who works, but they didn’t hire me.
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he decided to take revenge on everyone. whoever considered him unworthy, he will show them what an ideal crime is. perlov specially prepared bloody gifts for the day. young lyuba was waylaid a year later on a deserted in a vacant lot, a satisfied perlov came home,
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bloodied, he explained to his wife simply, he was on a moose hunt, but he ran away, wounded, so he didn’t bring the prey, the naive woman believed that there was a wife at that time. and yet, he did not learn the police lessons well, he coveted the rings, and furman’s detectives figured out why he left crosses on their bodies. perlov explained that everything was symbolic, putting an end to the victims. i crossed them out of my life, but in the end i also crossed myself out. envious, vindictive, imbued
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with malice, one can only guess what happened if perlov managed to penetrate the police ranks. a scoundrel in uniform would have caused a lot of trouble, because he was intoxicated by the feeling of power. over helpless victims, which is why he sought to receive protection in the form of police shoulder straps, but the scoundrel’s path ended at the execution wall; those executed in soviet times were buried in unmarked graves, however, that’s a completely different story. right now a new detective from leonid konevsky, this could become a real nightmare, a scream in
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the dark, and a terrible discovery, oh my god, who i castrated someone, it looks like it was a ritual knife, why was the child stolen, where is my mother, don’t touch me. african passions, the horror of what medical scammers write about me, in the film from the series the investigation is great, what kind of weather is this, and my head is just pounding, a deadly virus, watch it right now. 91 years old, moscow, that evening, in the courtyard of a house on
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dmitry ulyanov street, a heart-rending scream was heard, the residents of the nearest apartments were seized with anxiety, this is how a person is screaming who is being killed, please, they will kill you, no one dared to go out into the street, but... to the police several people called at once, about 10 minutes later a patrol arrived, first the employees noticed blood stains in the snow, and then, oh my god, following the traces of blood , the patrol officers came to the entrance, and so... they found a severed male genital right in the snow under their feet organ. the discovery was shocking. the police inspected
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the yard, checked the entrances and basements, nothing and no one. what kind of mysticism? where did the wounded man go? or a murdered person who received such a serious injury. the wound is unlikely to survive, the knife is of a very strange, unusual shape. such in soviet not sold in hardware stores, foreign, handmade . has the crime weapon been found? it looks like a ritual knife. then no one imagined that in this unusual case there would be not only a wild ritual, but also love, betrayal, despair, and hatred. and a little girl.
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the police officers reported the incident to the management, drew up a report, just in case, checked the hospitals, but over the past 24 hours no one with unusual injuries was taken to medical institutions, the wounded man simply disappeared, and this brought up the most alarming thoughts. small
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a room more like a kennel, no daylight, no fresh air, no table, chair, bare floor, toilet, bed with a net, what is this a prison cell, a punishment cell? no, this is a room in a hospital; a child, a little girl, was kept in such a room for a long time, and this is directly related to our history today. mouse. he called her mouse.
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the girl didn’t understand what was happening, just a few days ago she lived at home with her dad, mom and her favorite toys, suddenly her parents disappeared, instead of them there were angry people in white coats, where is my mother , don’t touch me, they are strict...
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time moans are heard, neighbors come, ring the doorbell, immediately silence, they leave, moans again, and this went on for several days, until the neighbors got tired of it and turned to the police . the policeman carefully crept up to the door of the apartment, and indeed, groans, mutterings, threats, you will die, you creature, you deserve it, melisa! the policeman did not hesitate for long, a shoulder blow, another, a third, rushed inside, froze at the open window, looked down, there was a body lying near the house, the dead man was taken to the medical examiner's office , a shocking discovery was made, and he was submitted for examination.
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the external genitalia were mechanically removed; there are signs of sepsis. so this is what happened: a person who became a victim of an unknown criminal did not go to the hospital, it was better to die than to disgrace himself, but self-medication led to an infection, when the local police officer began to break in on the door, the owner of the apartment committed suicide. the police officer was punished for this. although he gave the explanation that he was trying to help the person, save him, but they tell him that he died because of you, and he was fired from the authorities, to establish his identity. after examining his apartment, detectives learned where
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the exotic crime weapon came from. a difficult person lived in this apartment, good furniture, imported equipment. a video recorder, at the very beginning of the nineties, was still a luxury item, a certificate of honor for high production indicators in socialist competition, a leader. have you been abroad yet?
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he was chosen by the killer, who is he, this avenger, rival, biography of eugene kukushkina raised many questions among detectives; 6 years ago he returned to his homeland; at friendly parties, kukushkin boasted of his african adventures. six months later he got divorced, the neighbors responded, and kukushkin was unrestrained, did not communicate with anyone in the yard, did not receive guests, these changes began to occur after he returned from a long business trip abroad,
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something happened in kukushkin’s life, detectives are they felt where the clue was, they decided to talk to their ex-wife, but it turned out that the woman had died a year ago, for a conflict based on some kind of sexual relationship, meanwhile the story received a continuation, which the detectives had not yet guessed about. libriderm collagen is what your skin needs to look younger.
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everyone was looking forward to this meeting. meet the new truffleburger at kfc and rostix restaurants. a special combination of haute cuisine and your favorite chicken, which is impossible to refuse. the main novelty of the season is the truffle menu. in rostix and kfc restaurants. invest in your country with a reliable vtb broker. and the vtb application my investments with low commissions on operations, professionals work, call me, she’ll ruin the day, nikolai rastorguev group leb at the apartment, how did you get on the moscow stage in the first place, we met igor tenko, he’s like, well, we’re leaving today , come on later, i say, no, i’m going with you, the road is road.
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masha drew with her finger on the glass, it will be a house, the sun is on top, near the house, mother, let everything be as before, but there was not a line or anything left on the smooth surface, and mother still did not come instead. sometimes a nurse would look into her room, put food under her nose, and then quickly leave. masha probably thought
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my aunt is afraid of me because she has no children. ninety-first year, moscow. that morning , the police received a message: in a park near ho chi minh city square, a man was lying in a medical gown, without signs of life. but when the patrolmen arrived at the scene, they found no one. false call. ho chi minh city square in moscow. it received its name in 609 , immediately after the death of the founder of the communist party of vietnam. with a sharp tongue, people came up with several offensive nicknames for him, and a flying saucer, and... something worse, but people who know don’t need to explain it, it’s a symbol
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liberation of friendly people from colonialism, this is the words on the paste. there is nothing more valuable than independence, freedom, bombs cannot kill the courage of the vietnamese people, resistance to the enemy is growing stronger day by day. by the way, vietnamese newlyweds who have weddings in moscow very often come here, it’s a tradition. it's always crowded here, the metro is just a stone's throw away. in the event of an emergency, there must be witnesses. the police searched the entire area and came across a drunkard. he was making his morning rounds looking for empty bottles. attention of one of the employees i was attracted by a strange detail. where did you get it?
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a medical stethoscope dangled from the drunkard's neck. they assured that the deceased did not have any things or documents with him, a lie, then one orderly confessed, the devil confused him, the deceased had an unusual thing with him, a strange amulet on his neck, exactly the same amulet was in the apartment of the tragically deceased engineer kukushkin,
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a souvenir from africa, are the deaths really connected with each other, but how? and suddenly it dawned on him that perhaps the first person to inspect the dead man’s pockets was that same drunkard, the mouse, the mouse considered itself already as an adult, grown-up girls don’t cry, well, maybe just a little, and so that no one sees, especially mom, thinking about mom makes me want to cry. to distract herself, masha began to lull her favorite toy to sleep and did not notice how she fell asleep herself. she dreamed of her father's hands, a lot of light, love and warmth, and her mother's smile, a gift from uncle zhenya. ninety-first
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year, moscow. soon the detectives managed to discover the colleagues of engineer kukushkin, with whom he worked in a distant african country. one of his acquaintances said: evgeniy brought a dozen amulets from a business trip, gave it to relatives and friends, assuring them that this ancient magic would protect them from any troubles. friends were shown a photo of a murdered man in a medical gown. do you know him? but no one identified the man. colleague kukushkin said that evgeny was a loving man, when he returned, he often boasted about his amorous exploits in africa, and in the soviet union, his wife was tired of his infidelities, this was precisely the reason for the divorce. so there could be
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a terrible reprisal, the revenge of one of the deceived husbands. and then a radical turning point occurred in history. it all started with everyday life episode. in one of the apartments, someone is playing the trumpet loudly and out of tune. and this led to another emergency. pyanina among the residents from above is a punishment for the entire house. but if a student appeared in the house with a wind instrument. this can become a real nightmare, they say, without a competent teacher, it is impossible to learn to sit correctly, breathe correctly and stop harassing your neighbors with heartbreaking sounds, but evsey, evsey, everything, everything, everything,
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great, take a break, then you’ll try everything all over again. fortunately, wind instruments were not very popular among parents, but at the same time everyone wanted to have well-rounded children. pipe. this tool has. its ambiguous, sometimes undeserved aura, from pioneer bugles to drunken orchestras at funerals. in fact, the main disadvantages are not the trumpet, but the one who plays it. in our story, this took detectives to a new level.
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finally, i broke out of captivity. what other counterattack is zelensky planning in the leap year, as well as vanga 2024, which
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the detained zadibosh turned out to be a certain mikhail fanaev, a degenerate type who had long ago taken everything valuable from the house. during the search , more than 700 rubles were found. in 1991, it was not such a huge amount of money as several years ago, but the amount far exceeded the average salary in the country.
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they took the drinking seriously, he admitted, yes, before the ambulance arrived, he searched that dead guy in the park, he had it in his wallet almost one and a half thousand, so maybe fanaev killed, but he swore, the man was completely dead, no documents, but he had an unusual thing on his hand. m, oh, what kind of weather is this, and my head is just pounding, oh, that’s it, i’m sick, i’m sick, i knew it, oh, i need to check, it’s the end of winter, interesting, the traditional time for colds, come on, interesting, uh 38, i knew it, so
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we’ll be treated, analgin, citramon, troika, oh, troika, a panacea for many ills in the soviet years, now they no longer bought it, but then it was considered the best remedy with a cold, fever and headache , oh, he’s probably frozen, he was talking about himself, don’t go outside, to me... don’t go outside, no at all, it used to be that cold was to blame for colds, only much later scientists found out, hypothermia only weakens the immune system, then viruses and bacteria take over, okay, i have a reliable remedy, oh, it helps with everything,
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experts examined the seized item, on the back they found a small sticker with the name of the organization, they found out that this is a medical cooperative, which is located just
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a 5-minute walk from ho chi minh city square, where they found the murdered mouse, every day masha waited, the door was about to open, her mother would take her, but her mother seemed to have forgotten about her, maybe she could remind her, the girl knew the letters, she even knew how to write simple words, but how to express everything that tormented her so much, fear, despair, pain, does no one really need a mouse, suddenly the door opened, an angry aunt in a dressing gown commanded: let's go, mom is waiting for you! ninety-first year, moscow. the task force came to check the medical cooperative i was met by a security guard and asked freely. while the guard in camouflage was hustling with
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the policemen, harry's scent wafted down the corridor. no formalities, fire. they broke into the head physician's office. some papers were burning out , the luminary of medicine himself ran away like a petty hooligan, a search began, why burn the papers, it means they were doing something illegal here, obhs employees will come and help sort it out. it’s a strange thing for healthcare workers to pack ordinary vitamins into bags, and even sign them for one tablet. before meals, in medicine this is called
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a placebo, that is, a dummy. it turns out that patients were deceived here, but this is again within the competence of the obhss employees. but this is already of interest to the criminal investigation department, a familiar face in a group photo, so familiar that it became clear that a radical change had occurred in the investigation. the identity of the murdered man in a medical gown was finally established. anton sovateev, 49 years old, a doctor by profession. surprisingly, the cooperative workers did not even look for the missing colleague, they explained that anton ivanovich works at contract, he does not have a work schedule, when time appears, he comes, sees patients, the excuse is unconvincing.
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a search began immediately for the escaped head of the cooperative, andrei gorbenko, but he managed to hide somewhere.
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instead of standard phone names, it contains some abbreviations and numbers, as well as metro stations. what kind of spy secret writing is this? looks like encrypted initials of the amount. and the initial version was that these were bribes to a medical worker for some services provided. there was only one thing that worried me: the amounts are too large, 3-4 thousand rubles. noticed that the entries were divided into two parts and guessed past meetings and the future. nearest gfld. should take place in 2 days, the academic metro, perhaps in
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that very park near the monument, how can you spot something unusual among ordinary passers-by, here he is, looking around, clearly afraid of something, what’s in his bosom, he...
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the chase was short-lived; youth won. the detainee immediately began to testify. the idea of ​​a criminal scheme was suggested to me by savateev. he is not a doctor, but a fraudster. things were not going well in the cooperative; soviet
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people were not used to paying for treatment; from an early age they were taught that medicine in the ussr was free. gorbenko was already in despair about to close down the business, but then sovateev appeared and told him: there is an opportunity to make good money, what do you know about aids? horrible, what do they write? petro goes crazy and stabs passengers with an infected needle. newspaper speed ​​info. an information bomb that exploded back in 1989. everything was provocative: the title, design, content, illustrations. so, now this is interesting. if eat half a dozen oysters once a week, then wow! well, first of all, it’s very tasty and inexpensive.
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the publication wrote openly on topics that until recently were completely taboo. so what else do we have here? an intimate club, well , it’s kind of disgusting, honestly. circulations grew at an incredible speed, in the first 3 years from 50,000 to 3 million. by the way, the publication was printed in the printing house of the central committee of the communist party of belarus. in addition to epotage, the publication was engaged in educating soviet people, including about the threat of the 20th century plague. in those years, soviet people considered sleeping as a punishment for the western world for promiscuity, drug addiction and same-sex relationships. and then the tragedy happened in alista, where, due to
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the negligence of medical staff , children were massively infected with hiv infection. the first to actively join the fight against aids in our country were employees of the specialized research laboratory for epidemiology and prevention of aids. the soviet people suddenly realized that this could affect everyone. hysteria began. refusal to vaccinate, donate blood, or undergo medical procedures, those who were given a terrible diagnosis began to live in hope, suddenly will find an effective medicine, human despair is fertile ground for medical swindlers, sovodeev turned out to be one of these scammers, he suggested that the head of a medical cooperative deceive and rob hiv-infected patients. selling them pacifiers for a lot of money. gorbenko
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set up the production of counterfeit drugs. samoteev found potential clients and... deceived them, maybe some victim saw through the scoundrels and took revenge. gorpenko assured that he did not know about savoteev’s murder. to the meeting place i came to the park to warn my accomplice about the detectives’ interest. by the way, near the monument the fraudster met with only one client, the husband of an unfortunate woman who had recently been admitted to the district hospital. that day , operatives appeared in the hospital corridor, perhaps the criminal was here or every minute was about to count, a strange obstacle, completely atypical for soviet hospitals,
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sanitation from what, the road. at that moment everything became clear, the detectives’ visit to the hospital was late, allowing the trace of the criminal to emerge, but his wife could not give evidence; anna solovyova committed suicide, unable to withstand all the vedas that fell on her. the mouse, the mouse had been at home for a long time, it was taken away.
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everything will be fine, but not for everyone. don't miss the central television, the first information show about the events and people of the week. the russian world came to colombia, and why, in a country of punitive forces and drug gangs , a self-nominated candidate from russia won free elections. the first steps in the big politics of the global south, a simple guy from saratov. how did he come to success? and why is the russian government in is colombia seriously here for the long haul? well, they told me that i wouldn’t die early. know our people and don’t miss the first big interview with the first russian mayor of colombia on central television. this will be your
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central television. today at 19:00 on ntv. superstar new season today at 20:20 on ntv. final sale of the year. uvelka rice for 9 rubles. men's adidas sneakers for 4.499. playstation game console for 47.999. invest in your country with a reliable vtb broker and the vtb application my investments with low commissions on transactions. you can’t want so much, you can, try the maximum for only 399 rubles. it’s possible, iota, thick walls, high floor, signal interference, in order to have good mobile communications in the house, you must first turn on the cat. with wifi technology,
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use mobile communications even where there is signal interference. belaine is on your side. servelat is a meat grinder, the meat for it is chopped in the old dvorian style, he adds. for him, for the whole family, from your favorite brands at competitive prices on wilders, all the luxury of france in every touch of the noire. immerse yourself in pure pleasure and enjoy the richness of 100 percent arabica coffee. allow yourself more scart noar.
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megamarket, new year's sale, buy a set of bed linen for only 1,999 rubles. at vtb the rate on a savings account is 16%, buy for a wedding faster, cool, everything will work out vtb. the solarievs’ apartment, happy spouses who love each other and their daughter, drawings, toys, kindergarten crafts. they were replaced by prescriptions, medicines, vitamins,
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it all ended with a letter, i am very guilty, although in fact i was not guilty of anything, in this unusual story everything was exactly like that. and from him we learned all the details of this unusual, sad story. gleb iana solovyov is a happy married couple, good job, many friends, hopeful plans. everything collapsed on the day when anna decided to support her friend’s husband. they had it for many years.
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i was furious, my wife won’t let me near her, what should i do, or maybe you can replace her for me? anna decided that he was joking, but he didn’t think so. about both decided to forget the disgusting episode of rape. anna didn’t say a word to anyone, but the friendship ended there. a year later, anna gave birth to a daughter. the father of the child was her husband, gleb. 5 years passed and it became clear that something
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terrible was happening. the girl was constantly sick, the doctors could not understand the reason. finally, the mother and daughter were admitted to the hospital, where they did a navich test. it turned out they were both infected. but no infection was found in gleb. and he's in the hospital. immediately kind doctors in quotes advised me to get a divorce forget about his wife and child, because they still don’t have long to live, where the overseas infection came from, gleb had no idea, in the simplicity of his soul he went to his former friend evgeny kukushkin, he had connections, he already knew about his diagnosis, but kept it. in secret, he tried to find treatment himself in the entrance of official medicine, it was kukushkin who brought gleb together with
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scammers from a medical cooperative, they quickly took advantage of the victim. they promised a new imported remedy, which seems to have proven its effectiveness, seems to cure 100%. in his heart, gleb understood that this was some kind of vile scam, but his consciousness refused to accept the inevitable, the man sold everything that...
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and then the rage subsided. gleb himself took the wounded man home, he wanted to call an ambulance, but kukushkin asked: “no need, i’m no longer a tenant anyway, fodder for all sorts of hucksters.” and he told him what i said, he checked these medical cooperators. they don’t have any medicine, they deceive people, they feed people vitamins. the fraudster savoteev himself made an appointment with kleb. and he came. don't buy fake medicine, but stop it scoundrel forever. all that remained was to visit his wife to tell her everything, but gleb did not have time. he learned about anna’s death from detectives while he was under arrest. he agreed to cooperate with the investigation, asking only one thing: that he be allowed to say goodbye to his daughter.
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the plague of the 20th century migrated to the x century. it has already claimed tens of millions of lives. each of them has its own destiny, its own small world. but effective therapy has emerged. hiv is no longer a death sentence. tens of millions of virus carriers live and will live. gleva solovyova sentenced to death, but later commuted to death.
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where they are watching us now, the exact time is 18:57 and we begin: trump, the impossible, future president of a divided america, the colorado court dug up a civil war-era amendment in the laws and actually announced a rebel candidate, but what will happen if trump decides to go all the way , is america facing a new split into warring states and a new civil war? zaluzhny's wiretapping, who
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are the grelushians at the headquarters of the ukrainian commander-in-chief, and what will the ukrainian generals do? if it will turn out that their own president is spying on them, one in a million, what is the real chance for the most ordinary person to win the lottery, and how to make sure that the one in a million chance occurs in nine out of ten cases, a real proven method of deceiving fate, which has already been done by dozens of people real rich people, how it works, we’ll tell you: the russian world came to colombia, how why in the country of the drug cartels the drug fighters themselves won free elections... nomination from russia, the first steps in the big politics of the global south of a simple guy from saratov, how he came to success, what purely russian trait helped him leave behind all his competitors , why russian power in colombia is now serious for a long time, know ours and don’t miss it, the first big interview of the first russian mayor of colombia only on central television . descend to a depth of 3,000 m,
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look at russia from the altitude of satellites, feel the cold of permafrost, share the joy of sports victories and scientific discoveries and find yourself at home. take an unusual virtual journey of millions of years and thousands of kilometers. in the gazprom pavilion, at the international exhibition and forum russia. moscow, vdnh, from november 4, 2023 to april 12, 2024. “this is the ecology of the city , this is a contribution to the health of our children, this is clean air, they talk about switching transport to methane, about protecting nature, but it’s not just that. methane is cheaper, savings on every kilometer, the throwing engine works perfectly, installation equipment as part of the national fuel project, i also converted my car to run on methane without regulations, being practical is beneficial for nature
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and for you, choose ecogas, refuel at gazprom stations, live on central television, so you can follow the sharp change in... western analysts who are commenting on the ukrainian crisis these days like a weather vane, well, to understand exactly where it is blowing political wind, and if earlier these same analysts, well, in fact, just armchair experts, seriously discussed in what month the ukrainian armed forces would reach crimea, now, bending over the maps, they are feverishly trying to understand at what borders the ukrainian army, drained of blood by counterattacks, will be able to stop the onslaught of russian troops , and... will it be able to at all, if the once generous flow of western military assistance dries up to a small trickle? for some reason it seems that armchair experts in the west have only now realized that ukraine is in... ..


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