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tv   Shpion 1  NTV  December 26, 2023 12:50am-1:41am MSK

12:50 am
that’s it, mom, read the citizen his rights , yeah, otherwise it’s easy, it means, citizen, you’ve grown up, and now you can maintain your silence, there it is, demand a lawyer, and if there’s no money, then we’ll give him to you for free, pens of the court, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on , well done, it’s all in our hands, yes, makar, let’s go and find something? guys, take me out, i'll be right there, yeah, it'll be done, well, hunter, let's go, let 's go, go, mime, what, where, where, here? well done, handsome, your
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business is bad, sergei ivanovich, this is an act forensic examination, which shows that the piece of meat in the mouth of the murdered arthur gorchakov and the meat found in your barn are identical, that is, they do not belong to the same animal. well, the video that was confiscated from you leaves no doubt at all that it was you who killed gorchakov, your dog is as smart as a washer, he was a close friend to me , my family, dearer than him, i never had, you have the dog, you have to understand,
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has never met a more humane creature than him... in my life. chok gave me 10 years of happy life, and he could have lived more if not for this bastard. at first i didn’t want to kill him, i wanted him to be found, and he answered for chok’s death, when he realized that no one would look for him, i couldn’t get justice, i tracked down the bastard. and killed, and what you would have done in my place, i don’t know, bimka, don’t even think about it, we did everything right. you can't kill either people or dogs.
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soldiers, mustafa hide your weapons. so, well, what do we have here, great, boss, great, great, since, look, there’s a whole set violators of the border regime, we’re just hunting here, times are hungry, you know, hungry, you ’ve been looking at yourself in the mirror for a long time, hungry. oh, what do we have here? svd,
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what kind of animal is this? well, are you deaf or something , let me go! “opapa, there’s still some left, what’s there? well, go and admire it! wow, hunters, well
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, get ready, let’s go with us!” ah... salman, salman, you are safe brother, alive, leave the corpse over there, where is the second one, behind the rock, is there an alarm,
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or what? yok-maharok, what happened, what happened, wait, father, documents, later, father, our squad is giving the signal, let's go. what, they're about to send out the second squad , you have to leave, you deal with the second one, i'll finish the job
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, faster, faster, sleepy, i checked the ammunition , home, you 're the eldest, yes, son, i would, but wait, father! sniper zhen, don’t stick your head out, lie down, dressed, i’d like a passport, let me give you a passport, you
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’re not going right now, it’s a long way to get there, but 20 minutes, at a good pace, lie down. lie down, suppress me, suppress me,
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that’s it, that’s it, either he’s killed, or the cartridges have run out, you have to leave. the outfit is close, let's go, stop, but the documents, i won't go there,
1:01 am
mustafa managed to escape again, by the time the search group reached the place, he and his people were already on georgian territory, they began to create training camps in the panki gorge, and what was in the trucks that passed through the upper lars, weapons, weapons were . “i know about this situation only from snegur’s stories, but why did they open fire at all? snegur was sure that mustafa wanted to settle scores with him, well, somehow everything turned out very well for snegur, don’t you think, but if you mean that he survived, yes it was lucky, but what you're cackling normally, go give the man your passport."
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what did you say to him? there are some problems with his vaunted source. didn't you authorize this recruitment? i reported to you that there was a promising target? you looked at the target and came to the conclusion that it was a lampart i’m right and listen, i ask, no one suspects anyone of anything.
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see you later. the boss always knows how to reassure,
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see you soon, boy. i’m following the object, these guys from the silver puddle. in the ass, damn them, restan 4, i’m following behind the object to the side catholic church. allow me, comrade major, come in, what’s that noise , they made the noise, that we don’t let them in, nothing, they’ll stop making noise, well, yes, well, yes, i called you , but you sit down, uh-huh, i ’ve been bossing you around a little, i’m reading your report,
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it means that two corpses of unknown bandits and the body of great pelpenka were discovered here. koloeva 500 us dollars. date, signature that we are silent, commander, i don’t hear, yes, stop trembling, knew how to take money, answer for the comrades of the dead, where did you get it from, the bag,
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the sergeant was inspecting it when he was ripped off they threw it away, it turned out sloppy, right? i wanted cabbage so much that i wasn’t even afraid to write a receipt, how did i know that, comrade may , what did i have to do with it, i took the money, i took the money, but why let the trucks pass without inspection, what do the guys have to do with it, really, what do the guys have to do with it? so that you jackal don’t doubt, the guys have something to do with it, military personnel under contract receive regional support measures, the status of a
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combat veteran, and exemption from land tax. compensation for housing and communal services, vouchers to a sanatorium, vacation twice a year and others benefits from the state, everything is fair here, serve under a contract. hello frank, this is richard, you are at home, you are not going
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anywhere, there is a conversation, i would like to stop by for a while. the fighters remember the past days and battles that they fucked up together, i’ll go here, thank you, dear, you brew wonderful tea, just don’t say that it’s the same amber as the color of my eyes, why? because you said it... last week, dmitry sergeevich, and you also worked with materials on egypt, well, where is egypt, where am i, like that, wendy. some nonsense was hanging out, are we trying to push thesis onto someone? well, what else is there for the authorities to push and push into the report, nikolai vasilyevich, you’re in check, i see.
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colonel golubev, do you remember the one who worked for the british in the late seventies, yes, look, he was caught using a simple,
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old, but very effective trick, he was led to a fake agent, well, of course, he turned him in, the british, this agent was captured, jack carver, and who was he, well... a simple clerk, a dummy, you suggest we try, well, why not, in any in this case, everything revolves around four names, i am a specialist in the middle east, no one needs the middle east, but say so, nikolai vasilyevich, dear, go retire, the country does not need your experience and knowledge.
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“i know, frank, that harley is not happy that you managed to recruit that guy from the kgb, hit the jackpot. but all this goes beyond the scope. today they are watching you, tomorrow
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they will be watching me. you never know who will be offended , that it was not he who recruited the agent, but to question the honor of the officer, you think that everything this is serious? no, i think not. but if you don’t give harley a slap today, damn it, how can you give him a slap? frankie, frankie , don’t be nervous, no, i’m not nervous , i’m outraged, yes, i’m offended in the end, call your father-in-law, after all, spying on a family member casts shadows on the admiral himself, of course, how come i didn’t immediately realize head? what should i tell him? well, let him call the director and ask. what claims does the cia have against his son-in-law that they even
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put him under surveillance? i'm sure the reaction will follow immediately. of course, we should be able to check whether bertov captured a person or not? of course, that's why we need to outline a list.
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someone from the station, and this someone convinced me of the guilt of the unfortunate atache, culbert, and why would anyone drown him? then, according to harley, this someone is working for russian intelligence. is there a traitor among us? calm down, frankie, what's wrong with you? there is no traitor. harley just has a desire to climb the career ladder. but what awaits him if he resigns? pension - 80-90 thousand per year. boring job security consultant at some walmart. and he wants the major league. but
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you and i won’t let him in there. of course not , please, as i said, after all, your father-in-law is a great man, okay, i’ll go, and i’ve been sitting too long, and of course, frank, i didn’t warn you about anything, your coffee. is there something wrong? i, of course, understand that i don’t have the best relationship with zhenya snegur, but here david, that is, to play an operational combination against people you don’t know, that’s welcome, but against colleagues, friends, my conscience does not allow it, it’s unethical, so it won’t work, son, reconnaissance, forgive me,
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sometimes. he was a resident in india for 20 years and worked for the americans, and gordievsky, a resident in london, worked for mi-6 for 15 years. dima , we have a mole sitting somewhere, and why am i not on this list? if there are significant suspicions, you will, that is, you can easily drag me into some kind of trap, and if i’m a spy, then what, i’ll shoot myself .
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hello, here we go, thanks.
1:20 am
that’s a pretty cool set of 10 trucks of equipment, but where are the guarantees that they’ll buy all this from me, not a little one, shurik, don’t you believe me, i’m he said, everything will be fine, in the best possible way, and customs gives the go-ahead, the goods are confiscated, you sell them. will you get your percentage, how much did you get? 270,000, 270 tons of greenback, but you will soon buy all of moscow, but why don’t you want to sell this confiscated property yourself, why do you need us? and because, dear girl, your boss has a customs broker’s license, but a broker is not difficult to find, give
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him 30 thousand, he will be happy, where are you? shurik, what do you want, now some sluts will drip on your brains, how are you doing? and language bite, so you didn’t answer my question, we don’t want to involve strangers in the matter, but shurik is our own, true, shurik, and even the customs office, is worried, they don’t want anyone to blurt out too much. how long have you been at customs? yes, five years already. so you probably remember nikolai stepanovich, the former deputy chief. yes, i remember, i worked for us. yes. it seems like he left last year. we sat down. yes, they sat me down, man, what are you doing, we have a murder, what is it used for, and a shotgun,
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a planned murder with a personal motive, is walking around the city with a gun, yes, we need it found and should be imprisoned, it seems our client. i took a hostage at gunpoint, ivan tarasovich will command the parade, i flew. reckless, new season, as ivan tarasich says, scratch the rooster, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv, as if there is a mobile counterintelligence post in this gorge, they took the rat badly, they missed mustafa, it’s bad, i would have sat there under the bullets myself, and then reasoned , okay, not to create dust, wanting rights, it was necessary to go after the major and...
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and so that means it’s all my fault, yes, clearly, listen, well, let’s go the small way, it’s better for the return, she’s got business, we’ll think, before goodbye, come on, bro, come on, my respect, come on, mowers! what's the matter, where is this goat from? yes, i’m not in the know at all, some new assistant, yes, don’t worry, who would refuse such money, we’ll cheat shurik to the fullest, and then bury him in the fishing line, along with the woman, and you’re also
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like this, you’re pretending to be a customs officer, sits, mumbles, chews snot, they want to deceive you. “i don’t really understand all those schemes of yours yet, but they want to set you up. why do you think so, this guy, he ’s not a customs officer, well, if he’s not a customs officer, you yourself i was talking to him about this boss of his, how is it sergei nikolai stepanovich, there is no nikolai stepanovich and there never was , a simple check . like, depending
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on what, he unfastens the visitor to his grandmother, he solves the issues. damn, only this was not enough, oh well , see you tomorrow, well, wait, what should i do, send them, the grandmothers are good, but it’s not easy to fight with a cosset, you’ll lie in a coffin more fun. hello, you live beautifully, you are gone, katya, we last time, how was it, in short, i would like,
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went. to you, to me, do you want to sleep with me, or just give flowers to leave? let's go, okay, we'll talk about this after you get back, am i going somewhere? are you leaving? negotiations on the ukrainian-american black sea fleet will be held in vilnius in a week. in vilnius? strange place. there is a conference going on there. the formation of civil society in the post-totalitarian era: the british-americans
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will teach the underdeveloped peoples of eastern europe democracy. so, the people who will come to the negotiations are officially listed members of the ukrainian delegation. according to my information, this person is in charge. what is this? plan, plan of the apartment in beirot where i was kept. for some reason i remembered it
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by heart, how many steps to the door, how many from the room to the kitchen, how many from the house to the road, katya, why don’t you want to forget this, why don’t i want, i want. are you glad, are you going to take a shower? wait, are you kicking me out? yes, why? why then all this? i just haven't had sex for a long time. yaroslav kutnik, he was in prison,
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a dissident, one of the most respected fighters for independence, we have his case, unfortunately, only the first, the end of the forties, then kutnik was handled by the kiev administration, all his affairs are there, we need to find a way to get them to read, now kutnik is the right hand of the ukrainian president. and the thought does not allow for the division of the fleet, i am ready to sell my soul to the devil, if only we were not in sevastopol, and how do we know all this, my source is not mistaken, so come on, in march of this year you...
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here is an extract from the accounting statement, it is clear here that you shalimova and gaprindashvili bought tickets to vilnius and back, that you say? it was an official business trip to a conference, but you were not in the russian delegation, we checked, you met with someone in vilnius, dmitry sergeevich, perhaps a support group, why did you take it? you know, the three of us are somehow more fun.
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thank you.
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it’s hard , you can’t get rid of the soviet past so easily, that’s for sure, we ’ll be coughing it up for a long time, yeah, it’s not bad, i ’m calling, it’s making noise, now it seems in grozny he’s calling for war with shevardnadze, i don’t like zviad, he betrayed everyone in seventy seventh. repented on television, wait, are you yaroslav kutnik, yes, yes, amazing, listen, this is incredible, yaroslav nikolaevich, excuse me, i just, i mean, i read so much about you in the chronicle of current events, then
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suddenly i saw david, david gaprindashvili on the list of delegates, sergei tornovsky, gaprindashvili, is not a relative of the chess player, very distant. will i take my suitcase? no, seryozha, thank you, he is always with me, it was nice to meet you, listen, how great it is that i met you, the fact is that i am preparing a big report on national liberation movements in former republics, and i would really like to talk to you about the situation in ukraine, about the rukh, how are you tonight? today no, today i’m busy until night, tomorrow i have a meeting until 7, then i seem to be free, great, then i’ll be waiting for you at 80 tomorrow. lobby, there is a very cozy restaurant nearby, the cuisine is wonderful, we can talk , it will be delicious, i guarantee, we agreed, thank you very much, yaroslav nikolaevich, the devil knows
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what is going on in the police there, they will recruit psychopaths, then there will be films about them take off by the way,
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december 31st on ntv. for everyone who thought we were on broadway, no, it's a show mask. brand new masks, favorite of the jury, the mask inspires us, incredible duets.
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well done, learn how to work, boldly, quickly, efficiently, we already have a suspicion, all that remains is to collect evidence, we can’t have dogs, it’s not a dog, it’s the police. we're looking for money, and a murder weapon, here's your motive, come on, tomorrow at 10:10 p.m. on ntv.
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and he called his father-in-law, threw a tantrum, you weren’t indignant, and neither was harley, and i didn’t even
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i knew that i was being monitored, okay, to hell with the fbi, but i have a strong feeling that something is really wrong with us, that is, are you sure that there is only one way, of course, you have to join that force . with whom moscow reckons, who it is afraid of, today these are the americans, i apologize, who will have what drinks? probably a local burner, then with your permission i will red dry, yes of course, it’s just that your situation is more complicated, these rebellious autonomies, of course, moscow will play this card, it will supply weapons, volunteers, well, moscow now has a lot of its own problems. “the economy is destroyed, the people are impoverished, in such a situation , do they care about us, you know, the economy is the economy, and
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this is geopolitics, they are still imperial, thank you, thank you, dear, have a nice evening, thank you, i would like to drink to you, yaroslav nikolaevich , you know, i’ve never been a fighter, hmm, an over-the-top research fellow, the most successful, minor troubles with the kkb, well, you understand, and you, your comrades, brought me into genuine admiration, thanks to you and people like you, this rotten country has finally collapsed, for you, for your victory, thank you, david, but i have never overestimated our contribution, so be it. “carefully, here, open
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it, listen, dear, help him get him home, come on, alone , i’ll fix it, i’ll pay, okay, just quickly, oh, it’s not far from here, the plan didn’t work, he doesn’t have a briefcase, okay, the apartment is cancelled, we're taking him to his room, there, then let's go to the service one, we'll try on the freight elevator, but what to do with the key, they won't give it to us at the reception without it, i'll open the room, there are castles of misunderstanding, everything is in order, yaroslav nikolaevich, we’ll be home soon, we’re going, we’re ready. yaroslav nikolaevich, who are you? yaroslav nikolaevich.


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