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tv   Advokat  NTV  December 26, 2023 4:05am-4:50am MSK

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“i promised vasily ivanovich, i will live in this house and take care of the house and garden, glebushka will come to visit me, visit me and help, and if all sorts of people there force me to sell, then i ’ll turn around, turn around, well, that’s right, well , we’ll go, you’ll treat your people there, thank them again, thank you, thank you, you know what, i think you’ll thank them yourself, with a cake, well, you’ll tell us”? you can handle it yourself, come on, come on, come out, thank you.
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dear girl, why are you doing this to me, i almost ruined you and my friend’s car in addition, girl, girl, damn, alive, girl, oh damn.
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where am i, who are you, where, where are we going , i woke up, i was already scared, we’re going to the hospital, what hospital, no, we’re almost there, don’t go to the hospital, stop the car, i’ll get out here, wait. you're okay , they say, you lost consciousness in the middle of the streets, it's called normal, everything's okay, i need to go, what 's your name, vika, i'm egor, it's very nice, well, maybe then you can tell me why you 're tired of life, do you think that there better, what happened to you, you had a fight, with parents, how can i help you?
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years, my neighbor told me that there was a program on the radio, where a famous healer , german vorozhbin, appears, so he helps everyone and pulls people out of the other world, but i thought maybe he would help olya too, i called there, and they told me that olya was a black curse and that she had a month to live, i was very scared and transferred all the money to them, took out a loan, wait, wait, did you believe in these fairy tales, yes, you did. are you surprised?
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yes, a little bit, a little bit, it doesn’t seem like she lives in the middle ages, and my sister, of course, alive, alive, but she didn’t feel any better, i called them again a month later, and they said that she was only alive because the healer was helping her, and in order to give him strength, they needed more money, naturally , yes, i realized that i was scammed, i’m such a fool, god , how could i even believe it, well , god, you were so convincing, yes, this frazhbin, yes, their work will be convincing, i believed him, yes , i was just very scared, really, well, olya, olya, the only person, my dear, that i have left, i, if she will die, i won’t bear it, you see, i understand, yes, i sincerely sympathize with you, but still, you know, suicide is not the best way out, get in the car. yes, i
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was fired from work the other day, and i don’t know how to pay for this loan, i don’t have money, but it is insured, and if i die, then... the insurance company is obliged to pay all the money, these are the terms of the loan agreement, i i can upset you, suicide is not an insured event, if the insurance company proves that the debtor committed suicide, then the entire payment will fall on your sick sister, i i’m telling you this as a lawyer, god, what have i done, god, why do i need this, you need to go to the police to write a statement, i was at the police, they accepted it.
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oh, i thought you hadn't arrived yet? good morning, good, i’ll water the flowers, otherwise it seems to me that you forgot about them, yes, of course, please, lena, len, have you seen such a film? french, it seems, is called too beautiful for you, but no, yes, i ’ll look, look, a story about how one very beautiful woman turned out to be too beautiful for her husband, who cares, isn’t
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that’s how it happens, listen next to me, for example, you turned out to be too beautiful for us too. i, well, what surprises you so much? no, well , of course, i’m fine in general, but it seems that lyuba is also quite normal, what are you talking about? well, how can i tell you, every office has its own dynamics, so you, well, perhaps unwittingly violated it, and now everyone is jealous of each other, it works. “i don’t understand who is jealous of whom, but egor, me to you, lyuba, me and egor, in general, the worst thing is that
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my bride, come on, just imagine, on my word of honor, in general, let’s agree , so, i give you a positive reference, signing all the papers, and you finish your internship ahead of schedule, well, especially since there’s not much left, well, i don’t know, i need to uncles for advice, but why bother him on such trivial issues, especially since i repeat, i’m giving you the most positive characteristic, well, you’ll give that to me, won’t you because of such nonsense?
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i also have a favor to ask of you, yes, of course, as they say, you can’t force yourself to be nice, just whatever i can, you can come with me to lunch, but not to our place, to the bread, right? with pleasure, but lunch is a bit far away , and besides, there are always prosecutor’s lunches there, that’s right, my young man is currently doing an internship at the prosecutor’s office, and he goes there for lunch, we quarreled a little, well , it will be better if he sees me with another man, especially one as impressive as you, that is, he must... think that you and i are, so to speak, a couple, that we are together, like, yes, well, i’ll be there, i’ll stroke your hand, there , not i know, i’ll build the classrooms, well, you understand , well, to be honest, i wouldn’t really want to, well then you’ll have to put up with me for another month,
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oh, what a dense egor you are, it has long been scientifically proven that the average individual uses his brain only for 10%. but there are people who have crossed this threshold, these are the same scammers, oh, listen, not all healers have a gift, use it for their own criminal purposes, what kind of noise fight is there? hello everyone, good morning, let this non-believer fama tell himself, i wash my hands of it, yes, they were intrigued, in general , the boss did this, a girl i know, the healers warmed her up, you want to say a pseudo-healer, love, i’ll tell you now, then you, okay, i volunteered to help, well, how i helped, well, i meant all of us, i went with her to the department to... they wrote a statement, so what’s the problem? the problem is that lyuba believes that this matter cannot be completed, so again
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you are distorting, egor? i just believe that not all healers with a gift are capable of crime, and as for scammers, you are a former operative, you understand perfectly well how many statements are received by the police, everyone disowns them, because people themselves give this money, and these pseudo-healers grow like mushrooms, i don’t understand what you are suggesting, that is, the client is to blame, let him he investigates himself, you mean, right? i believe that we will lose this case, but a person hopes, is it possible to simply refuse? but what about lawyer ethics? awesome, let's talk about lawyer ethics? so i can give my 5 kopecks. contribute. thank you. the tape is right, no matter how pretentious it didn’t sound like, no matter how the police feel about their work, a lawyer should be his client to the end, right? right. who needs our help now? victoria grusheva.
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investigator gutkov called. you left your telephone number for the duty officer? this was very interesting for me. grushno is our client. we need to warn about such things in general. so gudkov is leading this case. rozhbin was arrested, or rather detained. the investigation has begun. there are a lot of dissatisfied people, so they opened a case, which means it’s not just sad given, a turnaround, there were others, but i haven’t yet forced the duty officer to accept the statement, no one even lifted a finger, are you accumulating a critical mass of public discontent here, or what? come on yegor, you understand everything, again the human factor, but the duty officer was not in the mood. when grushina filed an application, maybe he had a quarrel with his wife, or something else, and then he
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was given such hemorrhoids, well, you yourself know how difficult it is to investigate these crimes, so he kicked her out, simply waved it off. okay, let's go, you better tell me , we can bring this matter to a victorious end, there is always a chance, listen, gutkov, you are experienced tracks, well, okay, that's what you would say, you green new guy, you're a bison, people transferred all the money to the account. “here we have a shortcoming, but even if
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the verdict is guilty , no one will return the money to the pears. i’m serious, i want to return the money to the pears, razhbin hid them, our task is to find them, and i would like to be curious what your plan is , the plan is this: i’m meeting svarzhbin, i’ll finish him off sore calluses, he breaks down and tells me where he hid it." criminal proceeds, well, yes, a worthy plan, but there is one thing, what if vorozhbin is not in business at all, you remember what the investigator told you, that the money disappeared from the account already after varozhbin got into the season, that ’s what kind of person you are, you’re purposefully trying to convince me that the enemy is a burdock, such a moneyless person, surrounded by a crowd of elf-like followers who feed only on flower nectar, but this doesn’t happen, just renting an office in moscow how much does it cost, so i have a version... the following is that he still has a counterfeiter at large who took care of the money, i’m
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a lawyer, hello, whose lawyer? hello, victory grushna, are you telling me something, perhaps one of my patients, and you just have so many of them that you can’t remember them all, yes, i’m listening to you, i’m listening to you, how did you manage to empty your bank account, being in pre-trial detention, you can actually solve some miracles, i just don’t believe in them, or do you think that i won’t find your accomplices, young man? you are deep you are mistaken, i don’t have any accomplices, and i first heard about this account from the investigator, i don’t know who opened it, why, and how it could be opened, if i keep all my documents at home, i think it’s some kind of error? which will soon be explained, well, your tactics are clear to me, all so exalted, not of this world, blessed, deadened, bribes from him, smooth, but it won’t work with me, i don’t believe a single word you say, but in vain, what are you now you're trying to hypnotize me so that
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running away won’t work, even the anesthesia doesn’t take me away, and i don’t need to run away from you, i think that our meeting, it’s not accidental, well , my soul rushed to heaven, of course, it’s not by chance, i ’m waiting for you here betycha , your ulcer , which you are trying not to remember, can open at any moment, will have very serious consequences, listen, you, copperfield, you save these things for your future cellmates, you feel pain, but you are a very courageous person, you do you know how? from others, it hurts you a lot, what do you care, in our there are no absolutely healthy people in the world now, and people like you, excellent psychologists , i am aware of, and the fact that i lead an unhealthy lifestyle can be easily understood, our ulcer is an occupational disease, and what do you think, what if you are like this? puff up your eyes and make a sour face, are you scaring me,
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or what? just go to the doctor, i’ll go wherever you need to, but first i’ll bring your whole gang out into the open. you said that you are a lawyer, but he behaves like an investigator, and for you i will be a judge, i am a former opera, i know people like you well, and i communicated a lot, i i’ll see how you sing when you find yourself in a cell with real criminals, or do you think that i won’t be able to arrange this for you, or what? you are threatening me, because of you, a young girl threw herself under a car and miraculously remained alive, i am threatening you, i will try to carry out all my threats, i’m afraid i won’t tell you anything new, i didn’t open any account, i didn’t take any money, our the center... exists solely on the donations of those whom i helped, the money was brought personally, it immediately went to the needs of the center, there is no wash without fire, if there was everything is as you say, we wouldn’t be standing here now, wouldn’t be talking, you know, lately we’ve started getting complaints that we allegedly extort money from our patients, i asked my assistant, my
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student, to check, well he suggested that this could be machinations for... he opened the account himself, by the way, it turned out, it’s good that the account was opened remotely through online banking, listen, i didn’t know that this was possible now, egor, you’re from the village , so an account can be opened even abroad, yes, yes, so, you’re at the bank that you went to in vain, no, not really, in general, according to the data that special bank
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templates were entered, the account was manipulated by barozhbin himself, you know, himself and what, well, what is this? proves that he had a feller who operated on his behalf, mom, dad, daughter, son, i don’t know, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, yes, anyone, in general, you need to find out who was in his inner circle, yes, boss, yes, right now, uh-huh, i understand, he didn’t give me anything to eat, run to court, urgently bring him the documents.
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i gave up on myself, but it turns out that he ’s just a pepper, well, i don’t know much about vegetables, between by the way, zimin invited me to a restaurant, yes, for what reason, to celebrate the end of my internship, yeah, well then this is really a real holiday for him. yes, this vorozhbin is definitely not the hero of my novel. i... i see that zimin survived in your tits, he was exhausted all day in court like a slave for
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a goler, well, i can only sympathize with you, unfortunately, this is also part of our work, at least don’t start, but by the way, i have time i didn’t waste it in vain, i talked to neighbors, contacted classmates, wrote off a classmate. nikomen - you me sorry, i didn’t understand something, what in general , german, vorozhbin, healer, exactly, exactly, he ate my whole brain, you found out something, well, of course, in general, he doesn’t have a wife and children, he lonely, in childhood i was really reclusive, but already at school i started barley talking to my classmates, what do you know , i helped, oh my god, what nonsense, does something hurt? no, no, coincidence, and back in high school he was involved in a theater
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club and was very talented, that’s what i believe, that’s what i believe, he’s very talented, he didn't act theatrically? no, he didn’t even try , he went to a remote village, lived there with some healer, well, in general, he improved his gift of healing, i think that he already understood that this was his calling, and they all have the same legend, left for tax purposes or what? no, but i was passing by, right? well, no, not just by, i wanted to talk to you, my name is egor, i’m a lawyer,
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it’s clear that i’m from ager? well, yes, no, it’s not interesting, just as it’s not interesting, my dear brother, after all, the deadline is imminent, well, you’re not defending him, well, not him, charlatan, i knew that of this enterprise, i told him a long time ago, close your almshouse already. a normal thing, he offered me a job, i deliver water, he refuses, maybe he doesn’t like your work, how can he like it, you won’t earn much money from me, i don’t flash, i live modestly, but honestly, listen, that’s how you say it, it’s like you’re ashamed, but i have nothing to be ashamed of, i’ve been talking like an ox all my life, it’s clear that my brother is engaged in chatter, so let him just... what will happen, i wanted to hire him a lawyer, he refuses, in general refuses any help, but i have information that you do not we got along, but how to get along with him
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, god’s will speaks for everything, and even if you shoot yourself, you’re caught in the lurch, pray to your god, yegorsh, but the whole department of nayazuse already knows your jokes, but the trees and sticks, well, what to please, so what? i broke through your water carrier, well, it’s clean, i don’t like this wording, there are some savings in the account, as they say, for a rainy day, but this is far from the amount that a real fraudster seized from defrauded citizens, forgive me, i won’t offer you tea, you from me i took a break from one thing, oh well, i’m at work for five cups beer, what are you even doing, hacking the pentagon website, kos, what are you, are you crazy ? maybe i don’t need an international scandal, look, i believe you, hackers only do this kind of thing in the movies, especially since there’s nothing interesting on the pentagon website, i checked,
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you’re joking again, well, you can actually stop, give me some time, okay, what have you? you there, in general, i need to get through one address from where it was opened remotely, one bank account you can, who it belongs to, or unknown, hermen urazhben. healer i heard about him, i heard about him, they say he helped a lot of people, mm, they say he gives me chickens, well , although he, of course, probably has the gift of persuasion, think about it, he told me about my old ulcer and there’s really nothing to hurt, i don’t know, maybe he inspired that or, like a feryuga, a real healer should treat, and not instill diseases, that’s it, do you want to try my grandfather’s method, he gave up on doctors a long time ago, they only take money? what kind of method? alcohol with butter. well, alcohol is certainly good, but it has side effects. so i
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'll somehow get to a real doctor if there will be time, of course, what happened? well now, maybe you can tell me what happened, i once again dug under the closest circle of our healer, this time under his companions, i was especially interested in his student, his closest assistant, he trusted the enemy in everything, he even had the keys to the apartment,
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consequently , i think... access to all the documentation, he most likely opened an account, and then, when the enemy was arrested, well, he withdrew the money, you think they are in collusion, i’m sure, thank you, well, having the keys doesn’t prove anything, maybe , he came to water the flowers in the apartment in his absence, let me share this information with our boss, let him decide whether i’m digging in the right direction or not, and you ’ve been very skeptical lately. but you ’ll have to wait, he’s currently courting our intern in the restaurant, what kind of intern, lena, where are you going, egor, tell the earth, i’m not working for you anymore.
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lyosh, in my opinion, egor has gone crazy, all the evidence , everything was, everything was proven, the judge took it and let it go, even so, yes, that’s the system, so that means, egor, you’re unemployed now, you’re not for me worry, i’ll always earn my penny, but i’m sure of you, brother, but no, yegor, not only will you not earn it, but you’ll be the last one. “great guys, let’s go talk, but i have nothing to hide from my friends, and i actually have nothing to hide either, why are you like a hysterical young lady, you slammed the door and ran away, there are personal relationships, but there are professional ones and they shouldn’t intersect, but i’m with dishonest people i don't
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work with people." i’ll see it through to the end, and then we’ll see, we agreed, we’ll see.
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and i learned from my colleagues that you are me you are interested, but i decided to come to you myself, because i have nothing to hide, well, since there is nothing to hide, let’s tell you what ’s going on there in your center? recently, we began to receive complaints from people whom we had never seen, they claim that they called our center on our number, by the way, we announced this number on the radio, and so they called on this number someone was talking to them, someone was talking to them in detail about their life, about their health, in general about the idea, so they talked about what they had
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they are either damaged or... fatally ill, and the main thing is that this whole thing can be corrected, but you need to transfer money, and what they transferred, they transferred, it was. very large sums, and after that our teacher, german vorozhbin, allegedly called them and said that yes, the damage was removed for a certain period, but they had to pay even further in order for the action to continue, well, accordingly , people either ran out of money or patience, they called again to our center, but they called from a different number and then they got to either... me or volunteers, here we, you know, i’ll tell you honestly, listened to this, i understand correctly that now you are trying to convince me that someone under the guise of your center was trying to make money, but the fact is that german vorozhbin does not
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work remotely , we schedule a personal meeting for everyone who calls us, by the way, we announced this on the radio, that we may have imitators, so that people will be more careful. yeah, that's it, but our teacher's popularity is so great that those who call ask to come to this same day, he is simply not able to accept everyone, in this case we either refuse them , or ask them to call later, so i think that the scammers took advantage of this, how much do the services cost in your center, and we never tell you the amount of the reward ourselves ... we don’t call it, but if patients, so to speak , bring some kind of remuneration, yes, then we accept it, but i assure you, it’s not as much money as everyone thinks,
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volunteers work in the center, like as a rule, each volunteer has his own main job on the salary they live on, work in our center is charity, you have it right... some kind of sunny city, or maybe you are fooling me? well, you know the sun can cause spots. recently, it means that there was a conflict with one volunteer. it turned out that at the same time he was treating people and taking money for it. well, accordingly, when we found out about this, we kicked him out. well, that's enough for today. how are you feeling? alexander, great. i haven't had this feeling for a long time since my husband died. it wasn’t, my body is filled with such energy , wonderful, this means that in a few more sessions your aura will be completely restored,
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alexander, i’m so grateful to you, i don’t even know how to thank you, maybe we’ll have dinner today, you know, your aura isn’t there yet i’ve become quite strong, and communicating with such a strong person. she, like me, can harm you, but don’t worry, we’ll definitely have dinner with you later, but for now you need to buy an amulet, and just a minute, it seems to me, there’s another client, okay, come here, man, you’re free, the session is over, go home, what about my amulet, i’m not going anywhere, i paid for it, woman, in front of you is an ordinary charlatan, an amulet that he sells to you, an unnecessary trinket, don’t you understand, or what?
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i'm sorry, but you're from the police, not really, well, not really, then what's your business, i pay, i buy what i want, bastard, give this money to the starving money that you feed all sorts of idiots, young man, such dark... people like you, you are not able to read the signs of fate, so it is difficult for you to determine reality. alexander, my amulet, then hello to police, say you agree. it's ok. come see me next week. yes, i will definitely count the money. fine. that's all happening in the world. i think i've already paid your colleagues this month. what else do you need? 100.000? signature under the confession , you have already conjured up article 159 of the criminal code, the article is extortion, and what does the confession have to do with it, who are you anyway , i’m a lawyer, and i already thought you were a bandit, oh,
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when you get to know me better, you bandits will seem not the worst option, i think, until this won’t happen, you represent someone in the vorozhbin case, and where is this from? “you can search on the internet,
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by the way, i have my own clientele, and people find out about me through word of mouth, yes, people themselves come to me and ask for help, they themselves give me money, you know, i once studied psychology, and i know that gullibility is great..." yes, but this is not magic, this is psychology, well, of course, seriously ill patients cannot be cured in this way, but i don’t take on them, i don’t need problems. i did not succeed to discover the place where the account was opened,
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but i walked through the center of these charlatans and discovered that the phone number that the victims called was multi-channel, surprised me, they are everywhere now, well , listen to the end, someone reconfigured the mini pbx, well , this is a small box on the wall, the phone is powered from it 30%. calls reached a real healer, and the other 70% were entered into an additional number that someone secretly brought out from the center, uh-huh, they were received by a scammer, he started scamming them for money, and so they ended up on his hook, and if someone tried to call his robin back, and they again got to this number, because the client’s phone is automatically entered into the program’s memory, so if they tried to call from another phone, then they could get to the real one? center, listen, how did this bastard manage to come up with
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such a complex technical scheme? well , we couldn’t do it without a familiar telephone operator, all that remains is to find this illegal subscriber point, this is what i think, i got the contacts in the equipment from a medical friend to wipe clean c2 h5 do you want me to take a leak for the procedures? no, thanks . i somehow have time with this old-fashioned method, although sometimes it hurts so much, here it is, it is he who serves the center and the region, the red cap, but i’m sure i ’ve let myself down at least once, the argument, okay, there ’s not enough of that here, what and where i should go, i’ll just take a video on my phone and post it on my blog, it’s funny, it’s not funny. "federal security service,
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you are detained for wiretapping government phones, i didn't do anything, i didn't do anything, but the healing center is illegal connection , where did you take them, he offered me money, address, i’ll tell you everything, i’ll tell you everything, corporate street, but can i look at your id again, your lawyer and your happiness, and if you say something to this bastard, you’ll follow him trailer to the zone, he understood me, he understood, well , corporate street, what a house, house eight fraction one, exactly, exactly, sure, sure, well done, entrance 2, building 8.
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well, he got there, the water man, our egor took this one. egor discovered information about a foreign account, where he transferred all the money, i used fly-by-night companies, maybe. go back to the police, no, we need him here , yeah, that’s how legends are born, wouldn’t it be nice to talk to him yourself, maybe you ’re embellishing his exploits, and he’s in pre-trial detention now , agreed with gutkov to attend the interrogation of the healer’s brother, yes i’m telling
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you, gira, i’m an ordinary rogue... i’ve been saying, i’m saying, i’ll continue to say, money is being shoveled, but how to share, it’s a toad strangling, where does such confidence come from, you saw this money, but i don’t need to see it, i know that, i plowed all the way life, i helped him, but he pretended to be a moron, in fact he was engaged in the usual manipulation of people, including parents, you have been digging under him since childhood, i ask questions, we agreed, i understand, answer, you have harbored a grudge against your brother since childhood , i helped him at first, his center was closed with money then it was bad, but when he went uphill, he just took it and threw me, well , somehow he explained it, of course he explained it, very simply, there is no money, that’s when i lost it when i started having problems in business, i was on the brink bankruptcy, i flew to him, fell at his feet and what do i hear, there is no money, and what should i do in
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this situation, and i decided to take my share myself, i had the keys to his apartment, he didn’t know about it. with us, he likes to spread that the mortal world is of little interest to him, he made a duplicate, egor, you had a duplicate, yes, i scanned the documents, opened an account with an electronic key instead of a signature and connected to the telephone line of the center, the telephone operator warned you, that i’m coming for you, uh-huh, i warned you, continue, what’s not all? of course it worked divorce, but the one who was scared, trusting and confused, i squeezed him to the bone, don’t go to fortune tellers, hera did the same thing, he just mowed down the saint, well, leonid varzhbin liked it, he realized that you can deceive as a younger brother people to go unpunished, this is your own blood
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, to hate your own brother so much, yes, well, the main thing is that justice has triumphed, the swindler is awaiting trial, german... passes as a witness, well, of course, we will still have to represent vika’s interests in court, but the score is with money was discovered, so i think we can return everything to the bedroom, listen, well , it’s some kind of nonsense, i immediately after interrogating my older brother, in general, i talked with this, with our healer and the pain went away, and he tells me: you are now healthy, u... do you think this is a suggestion? yes, i thought so too, so i went to the doctor, got tested, no ulcer, it went away, or what? maybe there was no ulcer, but egor? yeah, well, yes, but i think it’s vorazhbin, so a lesson for you, egor. there are many things in the world, friend of the garatii, that
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our sages never dreamed of. hello, hello, nika, come in, hello, hello, how are you doing? thank you, everything is fine, i got a new job, it’s better than the previous one, the doctor whom egor found, he says that my sister has a great chance of recovery, and there will be an operation soon, and a charity foundation will give money for it, i’m very grateful to you grateful, thank you very much for everything.


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