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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-16  NTV  December 26, 2023 4:50am-5:41am MSK

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and i think that this is vorazhbin, so a lesson for you, egor. there are many things in the world, friend of the garatii, that our sages never dreamed of. hello, hello, vika, come in, hello, how are you doing, have a seat. thank you, everything is fine, i got a new job, it’s better than the previous one, the doctor egor found, he says that my sister has a great chance of recovery. and soon there will be an operation, and a charity foundation will give money for it, so i am very grateful to you, thank you very much for everything.
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let's sign. well, good luck, goodbye.
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well, lyosh, they shot right from the doorway? it seems so. probably, he saw the attacker, did not have time to react , and immediately received a charge in the chest. it worked quickly. how did the killer get into the apartment? well, there are no signs of forced entry, the door has a strong lock like a safe. so, most likely, the owner himself allowed the killer into the apartment. that is, he let a man with a gun into the apartment. and he rode in the elevator too. with a gun and purposefully went to kill the owner of the apartment, who fearlessly opened the door for him, everything is strange this, the opera is working, but it banged so hard that my ears were blocked, we have a common wall, you immediately called the police, well, they immediately rushed, shooting, i say, at the neighbor’s, my plaster fell off, you don’t know, at the neighbor’s often guests came, and what kind of guests, he lived like an owl, early in the morning to work, at night from work, you couldn’t hear him, it’s understandable, well,
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maybe some woman went to see him, but god bless you, woman, no, well, after all, the man was not old, he was distinguished, yes, he was a cracker, yeah, a workaholic, he could spit out women and grind, or maybe someone can suggest something on this topic, well, there’s marya, ask 16, she’ll tell you, what kind of marya, um, gennadievna, thank you very much, goodbye, please, yeah, yeah, now let's... over the morning corpse. according to the documents, the murdered kuznetsov, alexander vasilyevich, was born in his second year. shot with a double-barreled hunting rifle, we are waiting for ballistics. family and friends. haven't found it yet. the deceased lived alone, his parents died. i did not maintain contact with my relative. who did he work for? head of the security service of the concern investment technologies. in general, the personality is quite discreet, he was not an underground millionaire, the apartment is simple. there was no jewelry or money in the apartment. and
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who needed to remove it from the double-barreled shotgun, and what did the deceased have about women? well, apparently, the deceased led a rather secluded lifestyle, we have nothing on the love line yet, but... he says that some woman lives in the same entrance who can answer these questions, but in the morning we didn’t find , i ’ll go see her later, here’s life, work, home, work, so, wait, who will know the deceased will be the immediate superior of the injured head of the concern, zhovner nikolai matveevich. nikolai matveevich, zhovmer, major krymov, you ’ve been waiting for a long time, you’ve just arrived, it won’t take much time, it’s a simple formality, well, let’s go,
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let’s fulfill your formality, you know, i think this is some kind of misunderstanding, we’ll sort it out. who's there? good afternoon, i'm from the police, senior lieutenant potapenko, inter-district homicide department. what you need? i need to ask you a few questions, please open. sorry, i can't right now. okay, hello, hello again , come on in, just for god’s sake don’t
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worry, it’ll get better now, the main thing is breathe, breathe, i don’t know what came over me, but i understand everything perfectly, it’s a normal human reaction, natural. i’ve just never seen sasha alive, and there sasha is lying there, it’s somehow incredible, well, yes, tell me, you ’ve been working with him for a long time, for a long time, it’s even hard to say , they don’t live as long as sasha and i shoulder to shoulder, and lately were there any conflict situations in his work? some young lawyers dug up old purchase agreements.
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did your neighbor still tell you in the morning what kind of relationship you had with the murdered man? in workers, only? well, if you know everything , why are you asking, it’s not our grandmothers, but english intelligence, they know everything about everyone, what happened, what didn’t happen, sasha and i were married a long time ago, both widowers, both childless, in fact, but i was cleaning up him, the farm in... buy something, cook, you know, and he paid me money, we didn’t even really talk, why that was, well, there was such a person, maybe it’s better this way, i don’t know, i i don’t really like to talk myself,
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sometimes a man doesn’t need words from a woman, maria gennadievna, do i understand correctly that you had an affair? well, of course, we were in each other’s sight every day. sorry, haven't you noticed lately, maybe there was something strange in his behavior? no, you see, sasha was a complex person, extremely private. and specifically yesterday, maybe there was something suspicious about him, yesterday, but no, it was an ordinary day. andryukh, listen, let’s quickly go to a law firm, it’s not far from here. igorok, i'm afraid that i won't be able to get away. is there an order? give orders to my war horse, the wheel
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has broken. did you hit it, where? where, do you hear someone shopping somewhere? oh, so this is your screw? oh, damn, i caught the screw, of course, well, the screw is nonsense, don’t pull it out, we’ll get there now, no, no. we won’t go there , we have to go to the tire service first, so, old man, we’re actually doing one thing in common, time is passing, i’m also tired, am i a cabbie or something , no one is compensating for your transportation costs, gasoline has gone up in price. let's go to my question, then to yours tire repair, we'll treat your little swallow, oh , no, i'm not going anywhere, you're a clear sea, so let me and georgivich come to an agreement, he 'll compensate you for the repairs, you promise, they'll shave off your mustache, i'm at your word, oh, you'll be left without a mustache, tu-tu- that one, oleg georgievich, listen, well , it seems to me that she has nothing to do with it, it seems that this is... a weak argument, but if there is no motive, it sounds compelling, yes, i understand, only me, oleg
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georgievich, i’ll call you back, they’re strange , of course, the scheme, their scheme is just as old as honey, they look for holes in the design, and then calmly squeeze out the property, strange, what's up... with our favorite thing, our foundation has existed for a year now, we help people who lost their housing space in the nineties, free of charge, of course,
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well, practically free of charge. okay, what is your benefit then? well, look, now i’m managing the case of one guy, he works as a driver, is married, has two children. in 1993, when he was not yet two years old, his mother , an alcoholic, kicked him out of the apartment, sold the apartment, he was left with nothing, and we helped him. now he receives serious compensation, that's justice and trust, fairness and trust, well , let’s say, what kind of relationship do you have with invest technologies, well, their office was revealed to be not in a very good situation, let’s omit the details, let’s omit the details, but you know that the head of the security service of invest technologies was found this morning in his apartment killed. are you kidding? we have nothing else to do. homicide officers, jokes
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are on you. citizen kuznetsov was killed today in his own apartment. dead, dead. god forbid, so what about the details, what can you say about him? well, he was a strong man authoritative, powerful. we had problems with him. which? well, he threatened us. did you happen to threaten him back? break, uh-huh, beautiful, one is rubbing it in to us
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about justice, the second is methodically covering his tracks, so, young, talented lawyers, we’ll talk elsewhere, well , this is a completely different matter, that’s it, send me a scan by email, i’m waiting for what’s up scan, oleg, gorgi? kuznetsov's lawyer called, wait, did he have his own lawyer? not only a lawyer, a will, drawn up according to all the rules, but what’s in the will? are you sitting upright? well in in general, yes, it means that our kuznetsov bequeathed his apartment to his neighbor, from mesteva maria gennadievna, born in sixty-third, oh well, that’s all right for you, now they’ll send a scan of the will to the post office, otherwise you understand, they’ve scammed, either workaholics or no women, so i just came from her
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, wait, and as she comments on this fact , the fact of the matter is that in no way, at all, not a word was said about the apartment, that dear, and it was necessary to prove, i told you, motive is a great thing, citizen, captain, you understand what you are doing illegal actions, you have no warrant, no witness, no witnesses, how so? i agree, i agree, but since you’re already here anyway, let’s just talk? let's talk, why? the papers were destroyed, the boss ordered, we had a corporate party coming up, they wanted to have a paper show, a paper show, they put a box with cut up paper, put a vacuum cleaner with reverse draft in it , turn it on, then the paper flies out, confetti and confetti, yes fun, confetti, of course,
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very competent, yes... honors diploma, do you understand where you are? in the department police? yes, this is not just a police department, this is a homicide department. you understand that your honors diploma and legal education will not help you avoid 15 years of strict regime, minimum for murder. what murder? murder of citizen kuznetsov. didn't we kill him? vanya told you everything, murder is a primitive method, we are engaged in intellectual work, you will remember how in the nineties we executed real estate transactions, remember, now any of them can be returned back with a click, and for us not to do this, property owners pay us money, good money, including blacksmiths, of course,
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that is, you are hinting that you were simply blackmailing him, yes, blackmailing him, but within the framework of the law, with this... we will still sort it out, but you understand that kuznetsov for us was bread and butter, black caviar, why should we kill him , so what happens, this turns out to be another stick, to the department for combating economic crimes, he sits there and writes a statement about what scoundrels and scoundrels we are, that is, half a day for worked on someone else's glory, well igor, this also happened, maybe they ’ll give us something someday, too , of course, but you’ll wait for these, okay, let’s go home, and then... back into battle.
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lord, i’ve completely reached the point, andryushenka , the casserole, it’s just a delight, nadenka, well, if it’s a delight, i take two at once, i take three compotes and sour cream, thank you very much , good morning, borenka, and bon appetit, rita, the casserole is called morning delight, if you’re delighted, let me try, i won’t, zhodino, i agree, you, what a varyuga, borya, bon appetit, stole my casserole. what's the matter? all the newspapers wrote about it from neighbors in the area. this freak shot
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two women, a mother and daughter, with a double-barreled shotgun. wow, interesting. interesting. wait, you mean. that this story is relevant to our business and legs grow from there, it’s quite possible, but the details, almost 20 years have passed, what, you need to raise the archives, you need to raise it, i repeat to you once again, citizen from mestieva maria gennadievna, had no idea about my client's will. yes, but you might not know what citizen kuznetsov could, for example, tell to a citizen from mestiv about who he was going to leave the apartment to, but i really didn’t know about sasha’s will, why don’t you believe me?
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i see that you are firmly convinced that he is the performer. listen, well, it just looks very suspicious when the head of the security service of such a huge concern has some kind of relationship with such a freak? come on, develop your idea. listen, it’s true, it’s rarely a bad thing. so, 1998, some businessman decides to resettle
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the communal apartment. all the residents are happy to leave, only sergei tikhomirov, born in 1956, was stubborn. a former afghan, after shell shock, well, actually his brain is not in order, aggressive. the day of the transaction, a businessman arrived at the apartment to force such a picture. as a result of the quarrel , tikhomirov put both of them to death. wolves, which worked 15 years ago, yeah, how long does this tikhomirov still have to sit, well , it turns out 5 years, let’s try it
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just in case, well, just in case, come on, where are we, what a surprise, a poudo has been released, how is this even possible, guys, maybe coffee? "i understand you, come to me, yes, i don't i understand, but how did tikhomirov manage to get out of prison with such baggage, i don’t understand anything else, he’s like a special forces soldier, a special purpose agent, but the man ended up in afghanistan, gained experience in military operations, but it was when he was demobilized in his eighties, then he worked as a physical instructor in regular school, that means he was in excellent physical shape, well, that’s not enough, but what confuses you, i don’t understand, is that he moves around the city so freely with a gun”? i don’t even understand who we’re catching, a super agent or a psycho, who just served 15 years. we must start with the colony. i got it, come on in. well, andrey, you
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are entrusted with a special task. special, the initiative came from below. we need to go to the colony where tikhomirov was imprisoned. i do not mind. so, take the initiator and go. thank you. thank you, igor. he gave me a business trip early in the morning. it’s a 5 -hour drive from the city, well, what 5, 3 hours from here, 3 hours and half a tank of gas. and, by the way, igor, you promised to talk to your boss about my expenses, you promised. he promised, i didn’t refuse, speak, speak. tovarich colonel, we need to cover captain rydanov’s technical expenses for the last month or two. yes. so, if i were you, i would have already left. time has passed. that's it, let's go. so, rit, now you, on the same matter. who was driving? major evgeny anosov, retired from the police in 2000. we should find him. oleg georgievich, i have an acquaintance, opera, my fellow countryman, i would like
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to talk to him, i think he can shed some light. okay, go ahead. thank you excellent. your wife was attacked. well done. work boldly, quickly, efficiently, we already have a suspicion, there is evidence left we can't collect it with dogs, it's not a dog, it's a policeman, we're looking for money, and a murder weapon, here's your motive, fangs, beam, today at 10:10 pm on ntv, i'm very glad to see you, really, hello , thank you. thank you, you understand, there is no time, no time, but we all have no time , sometimes we need to meet, there is such a thing, when
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was the last time you saw our students, listen, i haven’t seen anyone for 100 years, since i came to st. petersburg from krasnodar i transferred out, in general i haven’t seen anyone, but now i’m going on vacation to visit my parents, by the way, oh krasnodar, a present for you, okay, okay, thank you. please, eat to your health, well, give me a kiss , well, how have you settled in, and yes, as always, i’m tearing off three skins, putting on only one, but you didn’t call me to chat about life, yes, so listen to me here, i remember this tikhomirov of yours, so explain to me, styopa, explain, please, i don’t understand how it was possible for such a thing... a man to be released before his term for murder, a murderer of two women , he’s been at large for 2 weeks already, well you to me i called and i was also interested,
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so i dug into the paper there. they helped him, it’s very interesting who needed him so much when he was free, i don’t know who needed him there, but clearly he was a man with considerable connections, i would like to look this man with considerable connections in the eyes, listen, this major anosov, yeah, he’s one of yours, well, he was one of ours, yes, can you help me get in touch? i don’t have his number, but i can tell the guys now, they ’ll send you the number, right? thank you, please, listen, when you go to krasnodar, you are my beacon, and i i'll give the gift to my parents. definitely, promise? the officer's word. this means that your tikhomirov should have registered 3 days ago, but he never showed up.
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he also did not show up at his place of registration. why weren’t they put on the wanted list the day after tomorrow, bureaucracy , the law, i understand correctly, a person leaves the gates of the colony, then gets home on his own, and is obliged to register within 5 days, that’s right, and if he doesn’t get up, then he’s punished, yes , look, the man was released on parole, yeah, that’s it, it seems . okay, what should be the motive, so as not to become registered? what was supposed to happen? well, purely theoretically, maybe a person will want to go abroad with a huge amount of money. well, this is definitely not our story, well, or he stupidly started drinking, which happens quite often after leaving there. or did you decide to take revenge on your offenders first ? does this happen to you? everything
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happens with us. thank you come on, oh, well, for us, for us, major evgenia anosov, that ’s right, senior flight officer potapinka, it’s very nice, thank you for agreeing to come, what are you saying, what thanks, i ordered juice, maybe something else, oh, no , thank you, i, unfortunately, i’m in a hurry, so if possible, do it right away, i remember how... “a terrible dream, i hate such things, yes, my daughter was a girl of almost 15 years old, and you don’t remember what time you arrived approximately, promptly, about 30-40 minutes, sasha kuznetsov knocked out this tikhomirov, i literally came, he woke up, so the two of us tied him up, yeah, what caused the conflict in the first place, ah, who’s going to figure it out now, it seems like it was like that, it’s malysheva and
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tikhomirov, we agreed not to move out of this living space, and then the women changed their minds, well , he took it as a betrayal, i actually think he pulled out a double-decker to scare the woman , and then he got carried away, yes, of course there is a terrible story there in general, yes, that’s not the right word , i remember, all the newspapers wrote about her, what tikhomirov was counting on, but who knows, there was obvious psychiatry there then, and now... 15 years later the colonies are even worse, but you understand that you are now under attack , such a life, i almost have such a fruit every quarter is being released, so now everyone is afraid, the fear will dry up, you also say correctly, that is , as i understand it, you and jovner refuse protection, we can handle it ourselves.
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you begin to appreciate the simple joys of life , you see, my geranium is blooming, it’s beautiful , just sit and drink tea, by the way, you will have tea, we will, it’s possible, right, because if you are always fixated on the reality around you, then you can become neurotic , i have a contingent, you
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understand, we understand, we understand, we understand this, we willingly believe, that’s just according to your contingent we came, of course, to get no one drunk, who specifically is interested in, sergei tikhomirov, 105. part two, conditionally early 10 days ago, that’s right, he’s still a decent man, that’s how, this decent man shot two women with a gun, it’s not commendable that and to say , but that’s not the worst thing, i have one cannibal here, mikhalyuk, i don’t know how he came to me, and not for compulsory treatment, but i use it myself... i scare the notorious, let’s talk about the cannibal -we’ll talk another time, now we’re interested in tikhomirov, well, let's talk about tikhomirov, if you don't want to talk about the cannibal, a completely uninteresting person,
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no complaints, ideal behavior, yes, they say that some high-ranking friend organized his arrest, is it true, do they say the truth? and who is this mysterious well-wisher? it's very simple, this mysterious benevolent woman.
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why did you need to provide tikhomirov with parole, how can i explain to you, every year so much scum passes through my hands that it blurs your eyes, here among all... this you suddenly encounter a decent man, at first he takes it in a hurry , and then you ask yourself, what is he doing here, because there are not so many of us, there are only veterans of your war left, after all, colonel, we don’t understand well why you call the murderer a decent man, and you call his deeds i read, looked in, looked in, and i got the hang of it. i've memorized the crusts, i'll tell you what, guys, back then in '98 he was framed on a big scale, all he had left was to get even, but the years go by, time is running out, you understand what you're telling us now, yes i i understand everything perfectly,
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as long as you understand. and the report from the scene of the incident, you see, this is a scam for suckers, he threw the gun out the window, and then some evil guys took it away, yes, in short, thanos did it from the heart, but the main thing is not the report, the main thing is the inventory of the case materials, look. point seven, well, what’s the interrogation report of ponosyuk e, so what? so this is the neighbor, malysheva, khatikhomirova. today i specifically went to the archives to find the protocol, but you think it was removed from
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the case and kept. i 've been trying to find this one for about two hours now. i'm listening, my everything is on place, what happened? what? what is the victim's last name? ok, we’re leaving now, rit , they shot at vonosovo, oleg georgievich, excuse me, i’ll answer, yes, i’m listening, my name is elena panasyuk, i just got off the train, my daughter said that you were looking for me, one minute, please wait, oleg igorich, come on, let's quickly go to her, and i'll konosabu, okay, elena, wait for me. please, i ’ll come to you soon, death occurred immediately, they shot in the heart, entry is prohibited, but what happened,
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it looks like they shot at point-blank range, the crime scene, uh-huh, and what, no one saw the attacker, well, i still have witnesses, i ask, did you find the shell casings, no, well, here’s the searcher? igor, where are you hanging around? the count, as i understand it, has already begun on the clock. if he began to eliminate his competitors with such speed, then the next in line will be the zhovner, he must be warned. that's it, hang up. yes.
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in general, everything in the world has become completely upside down, healthy men get manicures, are afraid to lift weights, and they are protected by fragile women like you, well, really, thank you, and that i can easily put it on a manicurist myself , hang in there, it’s nice to hear. what do you did you want to ask me about the maal? you know how they died, right? well, of course, baby, can we sit down? certainly. was it just that your testimony was not included in the case file? yes, because no one asked me. how is that? so, well, what, what could
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i tell them, that i have no idea how this happened, i’m shocked that seryozha was able to raise his hand against his best friend, and that i, i’m sorry, that, wait, the best friend, are you talking about the older malysheva and tikhomirov, well, of course, i don’t understand anything, seryozha was older, then they are 7 years old, so, so that she, well... died before his eyes, their parents were very friends, then somehow, somehow , everyone died for a few years, seryozha was taken into the army, yeah, well, but he returned as a completely different person, yes- yes, i know, after the shell shock he had mental problems, problems with the psyche, too, yes, who told you this, well, that’s what it says in the case materials, there was increased aggressiveness. “what nonsense, child, what aggressiveness, that you, yes,
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i have never met a kinder person than seryozha in my life, he doted on the soul of the dance, in her daughter anya, he just , well, was like a real uncle, and how after a shell shock she nursed him, well, wait, and he didn’t rush at them with his fists, and you didn’t call the police to separate them, god, what, what nonsense , that you, we had a decent apartment, we lived side by side for many years, but we didn’t want to leave at all, especially on the terms that this zhovner offered us, and what kind of conditions were they, well, or pennies in their arms, or some creepy kennel on the outskirts of the city, they pushed us through, so tanya seryozhe... they decided to go to the end, that
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’s what they paid for, that’s what they paid for, well, how do you like the apartment, the dream, they paid attention to the parquet floor, and it’s revolutionary, and even if only one floorboard creaked, please, thank you, but you should have seen what did the utility workers do here, paint the walls? there is linoleum on the floor, and under it there are a horde of cockroaches, the repair alone cost me a pretty penny, can you hear me, you are in real danger, and you are talking about some cockroaches, yes i hear, zhenya, it’s a pity, tell me what exactly tikhomirov is threatening you with , and what can a madman threaten, voices in your head, shell shock at the front, but he ’s crazy,
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quickly leave this house, understand, he ’ll kill you like kuznetsov’s own, don’t you understand this, moderate your ardor, colonel, and don’t meddle in...
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everything good, but your parquet still creaks, see you next time, i warned you, i don’t know whose double-barreled gun it was, but it doesn’t matter now, what matters is that the woman was killed by one of these three, the blacksmiths, the onos or zhovner. “it’s just that we have only indirect evidence and not a single witness, yes, it’s already been done from above call, oh well, yeah, they insistently asked me to moderate my ardor about this matter, even like this, like this, it’s necessary, how he twitched, oh, i’m sorry, i hope you and i don’t twitch,
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otherwise we’ll remember this for a long time, georgivich, well, you understand, but i understand , but what are we going to present to him, and why aren’t we going to do anything at all, well?” “but why do you think there are afghans among zhovner’s guards, something i don’t got it, what are you up to? sit down, nikolai matveyevich, we ’ll look around, let’s hurry up, it’s china that’s playing tricks here. skyremonia.
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help, help, someone, help , help, well, help, i, i, i will give everything , so many years have passed, i didn’t want to kill them, i just wanted to scare them, that’s great, but now everything is the same, it would be nice to have it on paper, that's it, guys, you did a great job, thank you, get up, give me your hands, thank you, like this , how, how, how dare you , all this is an invalid testimony, guys, what is
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this, what happened, i have no idea i'll add, the boss suddenly burst into tears, began to confess to some kind of murder, on record, apparently, he woke up, uh-huh, this happens, well, here it is...
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i understand that nothing can be changed or returned, but sincerely accept my condolences, so what? if it were up to me, i would let you go. thank you, but i would n’t go anywhere, i’m not a zhovner and i’m ready to be responsible for my actions. do you understand what awaits you? confidence, confidence that i did everything right. okay, i'll wait for you at the car. well, that’s it, now journalists won’t get off tikhomirov, on the other hand, is it bad that the public finds out the truth. "in general, of course, a peasant can be understood as a human being, we all read in books, good must come with fists, but the law, the law is the same for everyone,
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okay, boys, stop philosophizing, go home, yeah, or whatever, of course, or whatever, well, let's go, boys"? 50 g or whatever, don’t think about anything, just shoot, count three , one, two, three,
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well done, well done! really cool! you came up with it yourself, well, almost, i took the engine there as a basis, remade it, the graphics need to be improved also, it’s clear, but what georgievich says, i haven’t talked to him yet, there are some glitches that need to be removed, the gameplay needs to be diversified and new ones added levels, you know, it will turn out to be a real simulator at the highest federal level, quietly, yes, it’s great, put it on pause, put it on pause, like murder, god, how unexpected, you yourself appointed me yesterday. in the department , i’m sitting here doing paperwork, that ’s it, bye, load the next level, there’s only
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one level, it’s a demo version, like, but the beta version will have virtual reality glasses, guess what, you’ll just have everything, okay, i’ll do it real work, didn’t notice anyone, hello, lieutenant. good afternoon, so okay, let’s do it like winter, major krymov , it’s very nice, and there’s a lot of nice things here , i see, well, yes, we have a gunshot, yeah, in the head, of course, i think maybe someone accidentally hit him, among broad daylight, well, yes, i have one activist, he inherited a hunting rifle from his father, he immediately celebrated, and then let’s water it from the window, he says by the birds, but he hit someone, but no, he shot off the top of a poplar, then more complaints about i was hit with abuse of power. did you exceed? well, why should i kiss his hickey? so where is this one now? shooter? yes, i moved out 2 years ago. well, why are you
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messing with my brains? yes, i’m not putting powder on it, i’m just saying, maybe someone else might have it too? if you're cold, you can warm yourself up in the car. with pleasure. lyosh, great, long time no see. hi beauty, what do you say? well, i looked around here, apparently they were shooting from this direction. and from somewhere above? maybe above. or maybe from the attic, perhaps the attic, but what about the bullet, well, i’ll get the bullet, then i’ll say, uh-huh, okay, work, okay, andryukh, hi, great, igor, continue, continue, well, so, they both come out, he ’s a philanderer, a computer scientist, she’s a business woman , of course, she teaches physics at school, let’s go back to the incident, they both come out with suitcases, yes, then he...


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