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tv   Shpion 1  NTV  December 27, 2023 12:50am-1:41am MSK

12:50 am
12:51 am
“my man, i assure you, you will always be aware of all events, but he tells me that i got him into this business, and if i want to live, then well, of course, nerves, no, i just like to look out the window at the approaching cars.” . so let’s repeat,
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anatoly kostetsky, yes, yes, the nickname is kostet, that’s you, don’t worry, everything will be fine, you hear, well, i’m off, if you want, you can stay, that there hasn’t been sex for a long time? please stay.
12:53 am
jack, it's me, they've left the park, if he's on his way home, you don't have more than half an hour.
12:54 am
how could you forget your uniform on match day? you don't have a head on your shoulders, but god knows what? where's your helmet? you have a match in 20 minutes, and you drink an ice-cold cola, quickly, i’ll tell dad everything, how do you prepare for the match, how do you follow the regime?
12:55 am
i was already thinking that everything was lucky, if this thing ruptured the gas hose, there would be nothing left of the house. that means everything is in order, come on, and this boy, he will be in the house, old man, what are you talking about now, about the boy, this guy’s son, i don’t know who we work for, mike, but we are not child killers, you better think about it about your children.
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i kept dragging on, i can’t see a damn thing, how’s it going? now it will be ready, nothing new, nothing, not terrorists, who knows what they are sitting there, often eating all day long, well, thank god, that was the case when we received information at the end of spring. that mustafa is in the panki village, allegedly he was seen in one of the training camps, we sent gabrintashvili and zhvania to georgia, they had the task of finding mustafa for further work of the special forces, and why couldn’t they just
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destroy him? as far as i know, dzhelav proposed to eliminate mustafa if discovered, and nikolai vasilyevich ustyugov did not object, but you opposed it. mustafa was the only link to the crowd in beirut. around this time, you were appointed officer for special assignments under the deputy director. yes, at the end of april. and you immediately suggested, upon discovery , to observe, conduct, clarify connections, but ultimately let mustafa leave. what is this statement? david geyich, we have guests. calm, wait, cool, guys , hello, who are you, don’t you see, you say,
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where are they from, mingrelians, different people live here, they live in peace, orthodox, which means they are not they told you when they would do the operation , but no, some other research, if they weren’t okay, and why does our decoy think that the trap won’t work, he said that if he were the fbi , he would simply install external surveillance, and no one would touched, but you can watch for years how many people come to... a store, cafe or massage parlor, you can’t track everyone, no, sooner or later they will want to grab it, the question is, when we wait,
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should we bring you something, fruit, read , no, you don’t need anything, everything is there, go, from his point vision. he is a man with experience, which of the three could be the mole? you didn’t ask, of course, you asked, you understand, dear, these are not my sheep, the owner will come and ask where it’s going, you’ll say, they took it in the name.
1:00 am
something, otherwise you won’t be able to get enough cartridges
1:01 am
, but how can it be, david geich, morons, and such a good place was, now it’s new to look for, well, he’s settled down, an excellent student, i ’ll carry the zhmurov alone, there are so many opportunities in russia that even the new year can... be whatever you want, digital, trendy, brutal, dear, unknown, awesome, unstoppable, come to the russia forum exhibition, happy new year, with new opportunities, with pleasure, but i must warn you young
1:02 am
lady, this is completely unprofitable for you, why? i’ll collect four stations, yes, but in the last half hour our chips only got to the stations four times, and then to the cheapest one, here’s virginia avenue, you got to it six times, crazy, you don’t have a brain, but a computer, well what are we changing? no, i’d rather wait, that’s right, you need to wait and watch for your chance. this is the magic massage parlor, i'd like
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to talk to ingrit helms, she's at work, eh she works until what time today? thank you. presidents are elected, what do we have to do with it?
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it’s just that harley is eager to become deputy, and even if dick harley thinks that we have a mole. there is, of course, how can there be no mole in intelligence? harley himself recruited some big shot from the kgb, why don't the russians do the same to us. i remember, i remember him running around for a whole week.
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anatol sergeevich kostyutsky, at your place , yes, you should go see him, yeah, i’ll ask him now, but he’s actually busy, wait, i told you, don’t let anyone in, he’s a jerk, it’s impolite with your back to guests, who are you guys? criminal police , drug department, what kind of drugs, bosses, who do you work for, i ’ll call you now, dry up, we’re working, guys, and you have a warrant, boss, what about it? read, there were a lot of calls, but the owner was invited to the phone only three times, two times they called from apartments, whose we are already finding out, one call was from a gas station in virginia, when the salesman said that he would invite
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the owner to the phone, they hung up, and you do you think this is a test? the specialists and emerson are already there, yeah, the apartment they visited deputy zheleznyak, look,
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comrade major. can i see you? kolya, call the witnesses? drugs, your powder, what a bastard, you yourself gave it to me, respectable, summer will last for eight. how much do you want, boss, who sent you? let’s rub it in, i don’t have anything to rub with you, but if you want to say something, zhenya, people here want to talk.
1:08 am
i think these questions should be asked directly to the ironworker, so he will tell you. there are different ways. no, no, i will not give written sanctions, we are already accuses god knows of what. but what does the special operations department exist for? and you really want to lead it. but if you decide that i am a candidate for this position. it depends only on you, richard, under soviet rule he would have been hanging out on my bunk long ago, now, it’s a mess all around, zhenya, it’s a mess, okay, even if they scared him, he won’t be too weak, do you think, he’ll lag behind this shurygin, where will he go, you know , how many such
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shurygins does he have, why does he need extra hemorrhoids with the cops, thank you, volodya helped out, i’ll be with you for a long time. this is nonsense, the main thing is to find time with your tribe to chat with me, after all, i tell him, come to us, the place is rich, we scoop up money with a shovel , no, i wanted him to become a spy , i’ve seen enough bond films, you’re not a patriot at all, volodya, it’s because of people like you, we there will be no one to pass on the behests of our fathers , i beg you, it’s better to be an orphan with such fathers, i’ll talk, of course, i’ll talk, come on, only you yourself know, they don’t go to our school, they invite us, so you explain to him, the fool.
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1:11 am
what do they write? are they interesting? i haven’t read lgakov, master margarita, so we can sit here until the end of time, third camp, grazing, everything is empty, and if there is nothing here, we will look for the fourth, fifth, how do i know how many there are here.
1:12 am
contract military personnel receive regional support measures: combat veteran status, exemption from land tax, compensation for housing and communal services, vouchers to a sanatorium, vacation twice a year and other benefits from the state. everything is fair here. serve under contract. now is the time to call a lawyer, that is, sokolova was right, well done, sergei! seryozha, maybe you
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’re doing great, but it’s too early to draw a conclusion when it won’t be too early when we find another job , the clamp killed again, i’m on a business trip, don’t go to your grandmother, there will be new victims, and we have a murdered girl, the investigation is doing crap, i’m going to arrest. we have to do something, good sir, hello, criminal investigation department, we need your machine. reckless, new season, reckless, almost not late, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv, and disturbed travelers, they carried out a decision on privatization through the presidential administration, pocketed the money, very interesting. kutnik went to the president, they say nennko is stealing, they offered him a share, i
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offered, of course, so how did you hand over ikutnik to the kgb, kgb? well, i wanted to send bandits to him, but i thought they’d talk like humans, well, here he is. then a fool jumped out of a window in vilnius, good, less people, more oxygen, but what is this, i don’t understand, but he died and to hell with him, but yes, and you wrote this, so what is it i, i don’t i see everything is double, what? it's in my head, what kind of paper is this? this is a record that kutnik was appointed to negotiate black sea fleet. comrades, who are you?
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how did you end up in the office? should i call security? ah... okay, to hell with it, daddy, go to bed, please, yes, yes, tomorrow at 12 i will already be at the dacha, what where? lord, where can i be if you call home, and i answered the phone, daddy, that’s it, good night. he is under this again when he works, everything is fine, as soon as it’s a weekend or a vacation, it’s strange, no, i’m for it...
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it seems to him that they are keeping him out of pity, you can imagine that his bosses are specially inventing a job for him so as not to force him to retire , no, that’s nonsense, no, he’s an excellent professional and no, he values ​​him, that’s what you tell him. we have to go, but i don’t want to, the foreplay has gone on for a long time, we either need to sleep or run away, otherwise we’re like schoolchildren, by god.
1:17 am
where the shower is, you know where the door is too.
1:18 am
who's the smart one here? me, is this yours? no, it’s just standing there like that. where did you come from? i'm lost. it's clear. what's wrong with your face? and what? what about your face? i fell, so, several times, gosh, it looks like we have guests, speak quickly, they are looking for you, i don’t know, okay, let’s wait and find out.
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here, take it, thank you very much, thank you again, don’t break your neck, be careful, eat for about 5 minutes, sleep, come on, sleep. damn, honey, cute!
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you slept so sweetly, you went to your father’s dacha, there are spare keys in the hallway, if you stop by in the evening, i won’t be offended, i love you with kisses, huh? why are we making noise, dear? will you scare the sheep? the wool will be bad. who it? we are shepherds after all. are you here alone? my nephew is with me.
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you haven’t seen a guy here, he’s very young , we haven’t seen anyone for 3 days, the owner came on wednesday to check, there’s no one else who would go into such a wilderness, we haven’t met anywhere, shepherd, hey, shepherd, they ask you, this is for me, but what kind of language i don’t understand.
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it’s the owner’s thing, the owner will scold him, he’s a fool, he said, look what happens to him, david geyich, okay, let’s get ready.
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the last time i saw such an expression on your face was when you...
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why? because if he is our agent, he will immediately rush to us. and we will blow up the story about the kidnapping of a ukrainian patriot by the treacherous cia to the skies. they need it. this means that he must disappear, or or or all our
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efforts in kiev are worthless. kolya, chaykin, listen, can you help me?
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to do an examination of one book, well, when as soon as possible, within 2 hours, okay, kolya, i’ll be there in an hour, my favorite, my favorite, my hero, hopes without loving my nightly grievances. avatar show finale january 1 at 20:20 on ntv. the best mullet is here. guard the entrance, i'm going to the hotel. ate barabuli. hold the steering wheel. you will be in very big trouble. keich! i love it very much, bim, take it,
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i think i found the killer, come on, lyokha, come on, bim, tomorrow at 22:10 on ntv, there is something from america, well, nothing after checking, all the people involved are in place and working. no one touches them, but kipling said that the mole was most likely recruited in december of the nineties in beirut, yeah, so who can we cross out, only gaprindashvili, he was on vacation, the rest, alas, even dzhalaev, as luck would have it, flew in december ninetieth to beirut as part of a trade delegation. good
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afternoon, hold it, what can i say, well, don’t be tormented, but there is nothing special in this book, we used it regularly, i... found some signs, symbols, well, in some places you can see that the pages touched something sharp, like a nail, in some places where is it? there is no system , there are just dents left on the paper, it can be the key to the code, any book, except for a collection of formulas and contour maps, can be the key to the code, but from experience, and from experience, dim, americans love such things, they generally conservative and often used for their own.
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dim, well, you understand that i ’ll find about 40-50 such books at your house, i understand how i could, yeah, reconnaissance is not fortune telling with tarot cards, i can’t draw conclusions without having facts. tell the secretary of state that we are working on this issue. now they will look for someone to blame for the failure of negotiations with ukraine. an unpleasant story, yes. and it looks like we're up to our ears in shit, if you believe this piece of iron. i don't care about this iron ore. the information that the linden snowman slipped to us. it turns out. that harley was right , and he is a double agent, sir, it is much more important that
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by planting incriminating evidence on the iron ore, and leading us to him, they are covering up someone very important, and this someone is here, what is it, the weather is probably changing , it hurts all day back of the head, and we unconditionally believe this guy, yes, he was injected with truth serum for... he said such things about his affairs, it’s just chicago in the thirties, you should have seen his face, he couldn’t believe it, this...
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katya, you she herself told me then that while i was in the office, we all said too much to each other, well, yes,
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dmitry sergeevich, and you knew that snegur was going to resign from intelligence, he told you something about it, it’s like- it was discussed in the department, he said that he needed everything. that he doesn’t see any special prospects for work, but he was offered a paid job somewhere in the south, and he was so easily released, and why not, now many people are going into business, and this had nothing to do with the scandal in kiev, when a member of the iron industry was kidnapped, but what is it, i i don’t understand this connection at all, but where is kiev, where is snegur, an interesting chain of coincidence, the kiev kidnapping?
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he didn’t run anywhere, he won’t run, of course, but our task is to convince the russians that we are very afraid of a scandal, to let him go means opening the cards, you are trying to achieve this , i heard right, no, but maybe, sir, you’re right,
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what are you offering? comrade major, it turns out that from here , that means, they write, from the railway switch into the forest 100 meters away, there you will find judas the iron ore, a patriot of ukraine, here, here, grisha, give your people in a chain, let’s go into the forest meters to the table. damn, you’ll leave your whole jacket in little balls here, that’s for sure, look. well
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, call the experts, captain, the idea in our business is expensive, your head is like gold, to be honest, i didn’t fully believe what they were saying in kiev, what is needed, they say, are the close ties of the iron ore industry with the moscow party... no one directly connects him with the death of the kutnik, this is what fell apart because of the iron ore. a major foreign policy event sounds one way or another, okay, here is the panki gorge,
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here islamic radicals are setting up a network of training camps, we counted about ten, money, weapons, fighters, everything is serious, and this event is being supervised by your friend mustafa sallah, how reliable is the information ? absolutely, gaprindashvili has been hanging around there for about two months, now he spotted him, we are sending a special forces group there, well illegally, of course, you will fly with them , the target, they will take him, and you will interrogate him, we finally need to find out where he got information about our guys in beirut, maybe he can bring him here, so what’s the point of dragging him here and there, if mustafa... is still supervised by the americans, then his disappearance will arouse suspicion, but at night
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they attacked the camp, a battle broke out and mustafa sallah died like a warrior of islam, here he is usually alone, most often he either sleeps or leaves, here is the tent here are three, here are four, here is mustafa and his assistant, it's all shushara, dear. these two are very dangerous, i understand you, doto, don’t worry, how will everything be at the pharmacy, guys come to me, come on, so guys, you two are from there , there’s a sentry here, pay attention, you’re from there, how long will it take them, 20.25 minutes, you are in the tent, everyone who is in the tent is needed alive, go ahead, uh-huh, there is
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, excuse me, please, what did they ask you to tell you, who asked, there’s the guy, what day was it just now?
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hey, who's there? an interesting movie, what are we building a camp about, there is a commander, but what do you want? get into the car, mr. snegor.


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