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tv   Advokat  NTV  December 27, 2023 2:35am-3:21am MSK

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well, we finished the deal with the healer , vicki’s money was returned, apparently he keeps his word, i think we’ve already sorted this out, kindergarten, honestly, maybe it’s love, but good luck, called, here we go again, i’ve been calling him all day, the phone is turned off, okay, let’s get to work, so look, he turned to me. lavrov, owner and director
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of a collection agency, collection agency, is the one that kills debts, well, yes, as they themselves write, they are engaged in the settlement of debt disputes, resolving debt issues, and so on, they usually take debtors to court, now it’s the other way around, now - the debtor decided that he was attacked by a collector, well , some bandit attacked, now they are fighting back, interestingly, yes, but the director himself says that they they don’t harass , they don’t call, they don’t cross the line of the law, in general, he himself strictly monitors this, white fluffy, yes, that’s why i undertook to protect them, which means lavrov said that they have a recording device in their office, both video and sound , in general, we need to go there, take the necessary materials to become a person, we agreed, but i just i’ll have some coffee, i’ll go, i’ll take care of yegor, also a department.
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hello, sometimes it’s still useful to know what floor a person lives on. hello, why can't you answer the phone? egor, we have a new case with debt collectors, your help was very useful. yes. of your statement, you can ask the blasphemer, it means that about listen, if you are interested in the details, i won’t sign it until the evening, if you change your mind, come. yes, hello,
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i’m still golovtsova, it’s me, come in, are you a lawyer? yes, i am from alexey zemin, my last name is korotkova, it’s very nice, you can just kesha, here, please, sit down, thank you, tell me, kesha, as far as i know, this case was brought to igor popov, who has a few days to deal with it.
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well, mostly i called him, but most often during the daytime everything was according to the law, i tried to be polite, tried to persuade him to repay the debt in an amicable way, appealed to his conscience, offered different options, and he most often yelled obscenities and hung up, uh-huh, you're going home they didn’t go to him, no, he didn’t go, then tell me, kesha, where were you on the day of the attack on igor, this is the fifth around 8:9 pm, i was home alone. yes, i’m alone, well, i actually live with a girl, but she’s visiting relatives, there’s no one to confirm this, well, it turns out that no, this is bad, so kesha, can i get records of telephone conversations with imerik, yes, of course, let’s go, i’ll get you i’ll take you to our employee who is responsible for this, hello, hello, i’m so great that
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you invited me to the vow, though it’s already time for dinner, especially let’s go quickly, otherwise i would have eaten the bull, you brought the meeting three times, well, i’m sorry, i didn’t know that this would happen, don’t be offended by me, please, how is your business with the healers, everything is fine, but what new business, i don’t know, i quit, how did i quit, zemin kicked you out, but no, he himself... and what happened? what do you think? i have no idea. wait, did he just take you and let you go? no, just go back? well, does that mean we have to go back? what's wrong with your winter? nothing? what about a date? what date? in a restaurant? wait, so
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you quit just because i had dinner with the earthling? "i really need it, really, yes, okay, listen to the truth, zemin called me, he said that my internship was over and that there was no place for me in your team, it turns out that everyone is jealous of me, and this is not conducive to work, yes, i was angry, i was offended, so i blackmailed me into doing it. zemen wants to go to a restaurant with me, i understood what blackmail means , the most ordinary blackmail, he doesn’t want to spoil the relationship with my uncle, well, i told him that if he agrees to go, then the relationship will continue, well, you know, i was offended ,
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is it my fault that i am who i am and in general? me today, by the way, invited to work at two agencies , so i didn’t really want to work as yours, there’s nothing between you and the earthly, jealousy speaks in you, and i don’t like jealous people, and in general, real relationships can only be built on trust, but here, you and i relationship, i'm really hungry. and i can eat you , so first feed me, and then we’ll see , okay, then let’s go feed you, hello,
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hello, it seems like you quit, or came to get things, changed your mind, that’s right, there’s no point in working with personal matters, listen, come on, come on here better about collectors, i studied the case, hmm, and what can you say, and i’ll tell you that you found someone to protect, i understand that collectors are bandits, everyone knows by what methods they shake money out of people, to their grandmother, not go ahead, it’s a lost cause, but i think you ’re wrong, izemin won’t agree with you, since lyosha took up this case, that means he believes in this collector, well, yes, lyosha stands for justice. well, let's see, i'll go talk to the victim, come on, otherwise i still need to listen to the thieves' phone conversations, listen to igor and kesha, buy you popcorn, ha ha ha, i'll give you some.
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“hello, i wanted to ask you, i didn’t understand something, well, something like that, something like that , then, goodbye, no, wait, wait, i’m a lawyer, a lawyer, what didn’t you say right away, well, actually i said, well, god bless him, can you answer me one question, what did the man who attacked you look like, well, he’s so tall, strong, there’s a black rag on his face, like a mask, but i could cope with this collector,
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all sorts of threats, the doors, the entrance, they painted, well, who else? and what kind of text messages? but look for yourself, and so, oh, varyuga, return what you took, or, for example , if you don’t return the entire amount, we will your wife, oh, well, this is normal, this is not normal, i quarreled with her because of these bastards, but not because of them, you had a fight with sveta, but because you don’t want to sell the garage? i don’t want to and i won’t, the garage is my old dream, i hope that
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i can improve my affairs there, this is my friend vadim, by the way, hello, and this is lawyer volodin yegorich, here’s igor, tell me, did you accidentally save these calls? well, i wrote everything down, i wrote everything down, everything is there, but the number i just haven’t decided, why are we standing here, i’m keeping you here. come in, let's go, let's go, refusals are not accepted , let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go , we'll talk now, hi, great, i just talked to lena, excuse me if i'm off, relax, forgot, tea coffee , no, thank you, listen, i listened to the recordings that the debtor had then, well, he wins, which means, yes, the caller really
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threatened him, but it was not the same voice that was on the agency’s recording, but you understand that there are a lot of employees in the office, i shouldn’t have called only igor kesha, or maybe he himself just changed his voice, now you just download a special program on your phone , but no, i think it’s not that simple, i made a request to your operator to call from which numbers to call or sms sent. yes, lesh, okay, don’t worry, we’ll do everything. yes, yes, i will remind you. bye. zemin called. he will be in court all day today, he asked you to make a request to the operator. make a request? i've already printed it out. look, the phone from which they called, the phone from which the text messages came. two different numbers, and what kind of numbers did you recognize? of course, i found out, oblique, bought near
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the metro, without a passport, i think this is an agency trick, so that later they can provide the court with clean records, so you see how polite they are, yes, or another option, someone else is collecting the debt, well, oh somehow i didn’t think to ask igor, it’s okay, i ’ll ask myself, i was just planning to visit him today, i’ll go with you, talk to the neighbors, maybe someone saw kesha. anyone else who could paint the entrance? are you digging for our client? of course i'm for it justice as zemin, okay, let's go, uh-huh, has a lawyer already come to us? yes, yes, i know, yegor volodin, and i, lyubov korotkova, we are both working on this case, but here it is, well, igor doesn’t have a home, and what did you want? well, you are light, igor’s wife, right? “i would like to talk to you, but of course you would like to, thank you, tell me, light, you only have one
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debt, maybe, besides the collectors, someone else wants to extort money from you, but no, no, they only took out one loan, and even then we didn’t think it would work out like this, after igor’s injury it took him a long time i was sitting at home, well, everything went downhill, but if igor hadn’t been drinking, everything would be fine , don’t interfere when adults are talking, just say hello, hello, hello. ” “well, go do your homework, i’ve already done it, well go see the bear, i don’t want to, my son, romka, from his first marriage, excuse me, roma, roma, headphones for the day, put on headphones, you know, that’s his age now, yes, yes, i understand, transitional, yes, exactly , although in general, you know, he’s right.” all this is due to the fact that igor is addicted to alcohol, well, interest accrued, and i demanded that
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he sell this garage, get a job back at a large service center, and vadim, his friend , found a buyer who was ready to urgently buy the garage, but igor was in no way , it’s strange why he didn’t want to to repay the debt, but no, of course he wanted to, we just understand , it turns out that we took out a loan for a garage, well , it was difficult for him to refuse it, he hoped that he would start earning money again. give this damn garage and vadim again found a buyer, but then someone told him that he could give suing collectors then you won’t have to pay off the debt, well, he’s all so excited about this idea, well, in fact, your husband is hoping for nothing in this, because he will still have to pay off the debt, but i understand that, how to convince him, oh, how he looks like my grandson, when he was little, he also loved to draw, so
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it used to be that a store would do, he takes me, they sell you paints, tears go right with watercolors. thank you, thank you, you helped me a lot, thank you, well, igor is gone, but i managed to talk to his wife, it’s not much use, besides, the whole family tried to persuade igor to sell his garage, but
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what about you? and i found out the day and approximate time the inscriptions appeared, so i can work with this and search. for example, there’s a camera around, well, what can i say, that’s how much i ’m not mistaken, there’s a wonderful beauty salon opposite the entrance, well, you think they have a camera, i think, yes, you’ll find out, well, let’s go, but you’re afraid of getting stuck for 2 hours, no , just girls from the salon, this is your profile, right. m, happy as a cat, styling, or something to do for free, styling at home in the morning i do, during working hours i deal with work issues, well, just in case, in general,
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the camera is aimed exactly at the entrance to... and he told me that igor had never been there, so it turns out he lied? yes, of course, he lied , anyone, as much as i tell you that collectors are terrible people, they outline entrances , write all sorts of nasty things, call, send threatening text messages, and if that doesn’t help, they beat people, this recording does not prove anything, only that that cache has arrived. described everything, do you really think that the entrance and attack are not connected in any way, i i personally don’t believe in such coincidences , well, the coincidences are certainly strange, but still, but still, it’s difficult to admit that i was right, i was right, i was right, we are protecting a goat, and in general it’s high time to end with these collectors, no, first i'll go talk to kesha, you're pissing me off, hello, kesha,
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did the neighbors say that i can find you here? lyubov alekseevna, we also decided to take up workout, so can i advise you? no, i want to advise you, tell you about lawyer ethics. i hope this is not about signatures and seals. no, this is not about signatures and seals, this topic will be more interesting to you. we are lawyers defending murderers, criminals, anything is possible. he’s lying, there’s something i don’t understand, what does all this have to do with me, you deceived me, from the frost, but we don’t protect those who wait for us, why didn’t you tell us everything, we have proof that you painted the wall at igor’s entrance, this is your
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job, you answer, cash, yes. mine, when someone beat this igor, i was afraid that they wouldn’t look into it, you know how our organs can work, so they said, and victor, if he found out, he would dismiss two accounts, but why did you do this then, especially since victor are you against it, if i persuade the client to voluntarily repay the debt, then i’ll get a percentage , an increase in salary, yeah, and you decided to process the client for this percentage , well, yes, such psychological pressure, victor fires us immediately for this, but... other collectors have nothing, they practice it, so i decided on the sly, and after it didn’t work out for you, you decided to use physical force? no, i swear i didn’t touch him, but honestly, why should i believe you? maybe there’s something you still don’t say, i wrote a couple more text messages from another number, my god, a couple more text messages, maybe you
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made a few more calls from another number, no, i swear, now i’ve told you everything , please help me, me they ’ll put you in prison, i don’t want to go to jail for something i didn’t do, but i beg you, dalomal, you don’t have it, you threatened, the authorities went against it, i don’t even know how to help you now, what are you listening to, jazz, blues?
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“first there’s a call, then there’s this melody and a break, all of this is good, of course, but it seems to me that you’re catching fleas, that’s all
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it’s clear, and kesha admitted that he had moved away, no, it seems to me that it wasn’t him who called, the caller demands to sell the garage and return the money, and the collector didn’t know anything about this garage, they don’t care where the money came from, the main thing is the debt, so that it’s returned " listen, please find out what area the call was from? well, okay, i'll try to order triangulation. i 've been waiting for you for a long time, sorry started. it's okay, bon appetit. thank you. look, after you sent me the triangulation, and we found out which tower received calls, i outlined this base zone stations. yes. so, the call is from here, you need to look here, yeah, i walked around this area , there are mostly residential buildings around,
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the only public places are schools, it’s located here in the center, school, school, what can i tell you, i went to this school, there is noise there during recess, you can’t hide from this noise almost anywhere, they called from school during recess, yes, exactly, the time of the calls coincides with recess, but what’s the most interesting? in this school, instead of a bell, there is a melody like this , they called from school during recess, what does this mean? that means the accomplice is a teacher or the child is studying there with the collectors; kesha has children. the son of sveta pasonok, our beaten vigor, studies at this school, and what do you want to say, that you called to threaten your father, or he is somehow
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connected with debt collectors, we’ll find out, so, roman, why did you call your father and threaten, what are you talking about? , what nonsense, i think roma knows what i’m talking about, why did you call, threaten, pretend. the collector demanded that he repay the debt. roma, don’t answer anything, i ’ll complain to the police about you and intimidate you. child. yes, this garage is in hell, his mother told him so many times, sell it, but he didn’t, he was stubborn like a sheep. what are you talking about, what are you talking about? and you want to say that i'm wrong? yes, he only went to this garage to drink vodka, he didn’t want to go to a normal job. what does this have to do with a garage? and besides, he would have sold the garage, paid off the debt, and without the garage he would have gone back to work at the service center; at least they wouldn’t let him drink there. what are you talking about, son, well , this is why we do this. we were arguing, we almost got divorced, we would have gotten divorced, why do we need him, pusher, he just makes noise and hands dismisses, so it’s clear, it means you called him, threatened him, demanded that he sell the garage,
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and after igor did not agree. did you decide to take radical measures and stage an attack on him? no, i just called, and i stopped calling, uncle vadim can confirm this, but what does vadim have to do with it? yes, what does vadim have to do with it? well, i told him about my calls, he scolded me and i vowed not to do that again, i broke my sim card in front of him, and he promised not to tell me anything. lord, son, why did you even get into this? well, i was worried about you, and now i’m worried about you worry? tell me, could he face something for such pranks? well, yes, actually this is a serious matter. you can even end up in a children's colony. can i have yours for a second? tell me, is roma underage? yes, don’t worry, of course, nothing will happen to him for this, but he must understand that this is not a joke. no, yes, of course, i completely agree with you. yes, this is provided that he
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told me the truth, and i must meet with... with your friend, vadim, and he works in security, but somewhere on the outskirts of moscow, in a german company, well, you give me the address, yes, of course, zhenya, listen, i ’ll return the car to you tomorrow after work, yes, i’m picking up my services today, yes, thanks, buddy, yes, come on, bye, so what, whether we have a suspect or not, it’s unlikely, the boy says, that he just called and i called him. at the time of the attack he was with his mother, so i don’t know, from the descriptions he doesn’t look like the attacker, could he have hired someone? m, well, i think it’s unlikely , firstly, for this he needs money, which he doesn’t have, i think, in any case, we need to talk and meet with this vadim, who is igor’s friend, why? well, as it turns out, he and roman had a trusting relationship, he knew that the guy
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called, but he was silent, and... and listen, so this turns out to be the missing link, a healthy guy who doesn’t have to pay for the beating, i don’t think so, look, pasinka had a motive, but vadim has a motive, if he and igor are friends, listen, anything can happen , there is some kind of resentment, or i don’t know, well, they didn’t share a woman in their youth, anything can happen, wait, i get it, i get it, darling, this is a staged act, igor is in charge of this... they decided to pretend to be an attack in order to sue collectors, so as not to pay them this loan , listen, who just recently said that collectors are all animals, and igor is just an ordinary victim, oh well, although you know, your version is very interesting, yeah, yes, because svetlana said that igor filed a lawsuit against the collectors, well, in order not to pay this ill-fated loan, it’s like i don’t
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understand how either, but someone did? this stupid thought, but he believed it, so you think he was smart enough to do it all himself, you never know, in any case we need to meet with this vadim, let's go, oh, wait , how long will it take, maybe you'll go yourself, zemin just called, asking me to come on, okay, i'll drop you off near the metro on the way, hello, i need vadim from the security. vadim? yes. and, vadim evgenievich, this is our security chief. listen, call him, tell him that a lawyer has arrived in the case of an attack by a debt collector. vladi evgenchik, he’s a lawyer here , waiting at the entrance. now it will start. kolya, who asked me? well, a man
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came, he said, a lawyer. can i have a quick smoke? come on, just quickly, that's it hello, my name is egor, i’m a lawyer , we met with you at igor popov’s, and it was, yes, yes, well, how can i help, i have one question for you, where were you on the fifth in the evening, do you suspect me, this is news, you don’t have to try to get out of it, because the novel told us about the calls and about the attacks, so my advice to you is: you go, write sincerely. yes, this is all a stranger, i don’t know who needs to slander me, you or roman, or maybe you intimidated him, but i have nothing to do with this attack, well at least they didn’t deny the calls, yes, i knew that roman was calling, he was calling like a collector, roma loves his mother, he actually wanted to help her a lot, well, yes, he wanted him to sell the garage very quickly, stop drinking,
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that’s us course, right? so i didn’t scold him, didn’t tell anyone, the kid was right, i also wanted igor to sell the garage, but how much you can destroy a family, you can’t imagine your brains to anyone else, that’s the main question. yes, i have , all of our security guards at least attend a boxing class in the evening twice a week, well i also attend, i keep the form, who can confirm this, excluding your employees, the coach, the administrator, and another 10 people who work with us. excuse me, sometimes , as they say, it’s better to be safe than sorry, right, don’t judge where you’ve gone,
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you need eye-to-eye contact, kolya, where are you, vladimirich, finish quickly and go quickly to your post. well, okay, let's think about it, maybe there is another interested party? yes, well, will anyone from this garage bother like that? well , why, do you remember, igor said that the attacker didn’t just demand to pay off the debt, but to sell the garage, maybe it’s really in the garage? well, is there a treasure buried there? but what if? let me get this buyer’s contact information from sveta and igor, we’ll check it out. well, let’s do it, well... the garage is about the same price as igor’s, i told you, it’s not a problem to buy it cheap, but look at the photos, it’s not a garage, it’s some kind of barn, lyuba sent the phone number to the buyer of the garage , let's call, and what am i, what should i say,
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hello, you accidentally hit igor in the ribs they pressed me, i don’t know, well, improvise something, we need to get him to talk about this garage, well, now i’m improvising. “hello, boris vasilyevich, hello, and i’m talking about a garage, well, what kind? they told me what you want to buy, no, no, no, no, exactly your phone number, well, you’re boris vasilyevich, well, so maybe we with you , so what, he wasn’t going to buy any garage, he hung up, it’s kind of muddy , of course, we should get his address, yes, now we’ll connect kostya, hello, hello
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, where are you, i’m going to meet yours buyers, can you imagine, he doesn’t even have a car, you’re right, i wonder why he needed a garage, maybe his wife, well, it looks like he just needs a garage game, it looks like it ’s there...
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you were just recently planning to buy a garage from him , and not so expensive, 2000 , oh yes, exactly, exactly, i completely forgot, it was the case, i don’t have a car, but i’m going to buy it soon, so i decided to buy a garage in advance, so to speak, especially an inexpensive one, the most important thing here is a good place, the area is calm, yeah, that’s right, yes, but how is your trade going? normal, in what sense, well, i wonder how many cucumbers and tomatoes need to be sold
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in order to what happened, why are you asking me all these questions, what do you need from me, the fact is that it was on the fifth of the evening that an unknown person attacked the mask for igor beaten , give him a garage, well, from all sides it turns out that you are the most interested person, so the main place is good, yes, quiet, calm, well, he changed his mind about selling the garage, well, he changed his mind, so why should i kill him, i don’t hold a grudge against him, you’re the judge you'll tell me, extortion with the use of violence, article 163 of the criminal code up to 4 years, but i don't need his garage, i wasn't going to buy it at all, it's like, well, just like that, well...
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buy a friend's garage, thereby helping him , if that's what he wanted. look what i found: the german company inzhikon gmbh plans to build a second building by the second quarter of next year, la-la-la-la, at the construction site there are currently garages, including popov’s garage? exactly, you listen further, according to the ceo company, they plan to start buying them from their owners by the end of the month at a very tempting price of 1.5 million rubles. generous, what is the name of the company? inzhikon? yes. “isn’t that exactly where
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our vadim shpenko works as the head of security? i felt like, i felt that he was involved here. so, now imagine that vadim finds out from his sources that the company is going to buy the garage from igor for one and a half million rubles and realizes that while the owner has not received an offer, he can take advantage of the moment and do well earn money. great friend, yes, here the popovs’ debt, and the collectors, roma’s anonymous calls are in his favor. yes, everything is going well, all that’s left is to find a fake buyer, and then things don’t work out, the friend got stuck, the clock is ticking, he understands that the company’s management will now contact igor, yeah, they decide to take radical measures, they bring him down, yes, only here we have vadim alebi has no evidence, how much time do we have, very little before the trial, one day, in general, i’m starting to get jitters, will you deal with this case in court, no zemine? no, another lawsuit is pending,
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so, in general, cash is very worried. i have one idea. tell me, vadim, did you know that your company is going to buy the garage from igor popov for 1.5 million rubles. no, i didn't know. then why did you decide to purchase it using a fictitious buyer? and i'm not, what fictitious buyer?
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state your last name, first name and patronymic: tereshchenko nikolay aleksandrovich, you are warned about liability for giving knowingly false testimony, for refusing to give testimony under article 308 of the criminal code, you understand everything is clear, please begin, thank you, your honor, nikolai, you work as a security guard for the inzhekon company under the leadership of vadim shpenko, yes, everything is correct, and what were you doing on the fifth around 8:9 pm? i ... i was at home, i live alone, then
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please tell us how you got your nose broken, yes, it was in boxing, we have sparring sessions - mandatory classes with the guards twice a week, as far as i know, this is on tuesday thursday, well , yeah, yeah, okay, you contacted the authors of the item on wednesday the fifth at 9:30 pm, let me remind you, that igor was attacked on the fifth around 8-9 pm, and according to... the testimony of the victim, while fighting back the victim hit the attacker in the nose with her elbow. your honor, i assert that my client did not attack igor popov. it was carried out by nikolai tereshchenko, under the leadership of vadim shpenko. witness tereshchenko. do you admit that you attacked popov? i admit it. vadim vech said this will be a check when hiring. i asked him not to hit me, he asked me to just intimidate him, but i overdid it. i just wanted to show myself.
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rochka. at all. hi all. kesha was discharged fine, vadim and his guard were arrested in the courtroom, they confessed, handsome guys, yeah, well, where could they get away from lawyer korotkova, lyuban, congratulations and proud, i want to say that kesha was lucky, although he was still that bug, he intimidated people with vandalism he was working on the entrances, no, well, cash, of course it’s not sugar, but he managed to escape the punishment, he will have to pay a fine, i think this will serve as a good lesson for him. so man, put on the tea, we’ll start, what kind of teapot, here you need to book a restaurant, come on, look how much i brought, even, oh, this i was wondering, well, for lyuba, for faith, for what kind
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of faith, i’m talking about faith in people, really, cash, it’s lucky that you believed in him, because i was ready to doubt and argue about honor. i noticed the guard’s nose , i don’t know why, and then when vadim ’s, let’s say, motive emerged, i remembered that igor punched this attacker in the nose, well , it all somehow came together, modest, i’m really glad that you i came up with a free spirit, so did i, excuse me for informing me, but
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maybe you’ll already hug and we’ll have a drink, yes, by the way, by the way, wait, what about igor, when he found out about this one and a half million, he agreed, very much, in general, now he will repay the debt, and there will still be left, so, well, this is the offer that the man was waiting for all my life, hammer, man, so, well, we won’t drink like that, 1, 2, 3, yes, mom, hi , you know, i’m driving, when i get there, i ’ll call you back, okay, eh...
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hello, ambulance, i hit a man, and i'm not sure he's alive. my husband, maxim, could not do this. anastasia sergeevna, calm down and tell everything in order. tell us what exactly your husband is accused of? yes, the fact is that it was he who pushed this bastard. causing grievous bodily harm, what is your husband charged with? what 's the difference? attempted murder is up to 15 years in prison, and causing grievous bodily harm, well, at the worst.


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