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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  December 27, 2023 2:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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how long will ukraine last in this form? i beg you, i beg you, don't do this. secret signs. the western press is confident that moscow and washington are conducting behind-the-scenes negotiations on ukraine. why is the west in a hurry to freeze the conflict? 100 billion
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exist, why are they so afraid of it , am i sure that the russian empire is still expanding? putin is dragging us into the past, watch it now. hello, this is the place. meetings on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, i’m andrey norkin, my colleague ivan trushkin, we work live, today we have a little bit of an unexpected start, because abkhazia somehow rarely breaks into the news here, as the guys wrote, periodically some massive upheavals occur in abkhazia, but this usually happens with elections, presidential or parliamentary , there really are rallies going on there, but today we have a question like this, you know, the property issue, practically the housing issue has been ruined. or is trying to ruin relations
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between our country and abkhazia, in short, the parliament there will make a decision on the transfer russia, a state dacha called pitsunda, the local opposition considered this a violation of abkhaz sovereignty, let’s give some clarification here about what we are talking about, this is the former summer residence of khrushchev, this is 180 hectares of land, part of a nature reserve, this has been russia since the nineties, well, let’s call it a dacha,
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you see, as part of pension support, abkhazia receives about 4 billion rubles a year from russia, and in the autumn-winter period , energy shortages regularly arise in abkhazia, well, i’m i visit abkhazia often, i will add that it is even more often, in general, it is also compensated by supplies from russia, this is such simple information for additional thought, and now let’s return to the political geography that is more familiar to us, here is a political publication publishing an article where it says , that the foreign affairs committee of the turkish parliament... gave the go-ahead for sweden's accession to nato, which is why experts have the feeling that this frozen issue of sweden's accession is finally beginning to move from a dead end in turkey. committee began considering sweden's membership in nato back in november. discussions
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were then postponed. now stockholm’s applications have been given the green light to bring the issue up for discussion in parliament as a whole. this happened after the president of turkey, recep tayyip erdogan, put forward two conditions. here the western partners have much less determination, and of course, in kiev they can’t help but feel this, so the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, mr. kuleba, proposes this position, he tells the ukrainians this: dear fellow citizens, live as if you were already in nato. i believe that in
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relations with nato we no longer need to focus on any interim documents with the whole country monitoring whether ukraine will receive membership or not. ukrainians must keep the main focus in their heads. ukraine in nato, between today and ukraine in nato, there is no need to focus and not allow partners to focus on bureaucracy. it is very important for us not to slow down the process of euro-atlantic integration with unnecessary bureaucracy, unnecessary documents and procedures. in reality, everything is completely bleak , the former ambassador of ukraine to the united states, mr. chaly, spoke about how things really are. as we know, former diplomats are usually more sincere and more talkative than current diplomats, this mr. chaly. he says that now the west, well, doesn’t want ukraine to join nato at all, and is trying to dissuade kiev from all this. the chances that we will receive an invitation today are 10 percent, which is objectively low. if such a chance in general, i think there is. this depends on many
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circumstances, how the situation will develop at the front, how the situation will develop in ukraine . the ukrainians are facing a terrible winter, they should not turn a blind eye to this, at best they will be able to defend the positions in which they are currently located. you shouldn’t expect more, it will already be a miracle, maybe not a miracle, but in any case a serious effort. in addition, they are losing soldiers, that
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is, they are still having difficulty attracting new people to the front due to fatigue population from the war that has lasted since 2014. well, with such introductory information from the western side, we , andrei vladinevich, can look at the kiev badadyukinka, at this time, as we promised in the announcement, well, yes, i would just express support here for the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, kuleba, who is very correctly addressing please note that ukrainians need to keep the main focus in their heads, because if they don’t keep it in their heads, they can scatter their attention and generally understand what is happening, there are a lot of different tricks, this is the process that vanya.
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for the loss of marinka in the dpr, to which the ukrainian army has desperately clung to since 2014
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. on monday, the city was liberated by russian troops. zaluzhny commented on this in the spirit: we didn’t really need marinka. the technique is absolutely. there is nothing that can cause a public outcry about the fact that the ukrainian military has retreated to the outskirts of marinka or is stationed in positions outside this city. we protect every piece of land, but when enemy shells begin to dig up.
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while the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine was speaking at the briefing, a bill tightening mobilization was introduced to the verkhovna rada. the document proposes to reduce the conscription age to 25 years, to send police officers and civil servants to the front, and to register women from 18 to 60 years old, but the most shocking thing is that those previously recognized as limitedly fit for military service will be required to undergo a medical examination again. absence will no longer be considered a barrier to service.
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who will have what kind of deferment, who will be called up, i believe that this is not my competence, there are central executive authorities that can determine this. but while in kiev they are sorting out who is a toad and who is a viper, a decadent mood reigns in society in the ukrainian army. officers and journalists complain that there are no weapons or fighting spirit, hinting that... that it’s time to think about retreat, now the lion’s share of our equipment is being destroyed by russian attack drones, if we don’t now start thinking a few steps ahead , then we will simply be forced to retreat, this is a fact, and the problem is not that, the problem is not that russia has more weapons, the problem is that we are poorly organized and cannot effectively use the weapons that we have, but these are our problems, internal. managerial and organizational, not russian problems. so, well, andrei vladimirevich, you
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always convince us that there is no conflict between zelensky and zaluzhny, how will you explain it then, because then this is some kind of trick, and obviously not in the meaning in which this word is used, that we create is actually really a conflict no, i don’t understand, once again it’s just that we create it on the air, so to speak, in the media space, that there is a conflict, that they eat there. and what is normal , excuse me, in the process when the supreme commander-in-chief and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces publicly argue with each other about who, who is responsible for mobilization, we argued, and stalin and zhukov argued, well , they never argued publicly, they argued very well argued, not publicly, this is the first, secondly, i once again imagine the press conference
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that marshal zhukov is gathering in order to to say that stalin also has something wrong... again, again, you still, well, andrei vladimirovich, what are you saying, well, because you don’t understand the system, i’m trying to sincerely understand the system, the system authorities in ukraine, the system of power in ukraine, yes zelensky does not determine military policy, he does not interfere in the affairs of the army, in the affairs of the army in the current affairs of the army, he does not interfere, now wait, he is correct, he blamed absolutely all this on zaluzhny, because zaluzhny has to answer for this, right? that's why, that's why there will be certain disagreements, yes, especially, i say again, a completely different situation is happening now, so what? ukraine is moving to defense, to a long-term defense strategy, which should allow it to survive in 2024 and, as they say, after that think about what to do next, that is, the task today is one, it
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has , for the twenty-fourth year, not to move from those positions on which they are, and why was there a press conference at all? the only one, of course, he is the only one who has the right to introduce martial law, he is
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the only one who can declare a partial or full mobilization, he is not the commander in chief, just the president. the entire military strategy, he says: the military told me that 500,000 people need to be thrown to the front, the military man is holding a press conference, he says, i didn’t say that, what kind of game is this, this is not, this is an attempt to play with the fears of ukrainians, the president is throwing in through his controlled the cabinet of ministers introduces a bill, which from the first to the last paragraph is written out in such a way that you don’t even have to be
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constitutionalists to understand that it contradicts all the norms of the constitution, this a completely unacceptable bill. what happens next, parliamentarians, they can knock it down at the committee level or pass this voting law in parliament, but again zaluzhny does not have a faction in parliament, and without the president’s faction it is impossible to pass this law, the responsibility will be on whom, the president, and what at this moment , what the president must do is stand up for the ukrainian people, defend them, uphold this law , he said, you know, i can’t pass the law in this form, again he seems to want to present himself as...
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to make up for losses - 20 thousand people a month, not to strengthen the army, but to make up for losses, 20 thousand, multiplied by 12 months, it turns out 240,000, in addition, they state that there are very high risks of expanding the front line on the border with by belarus, of course, this requires additional mobilization , whether someone likes it or not, it will happen, how it will go is another matter. let’s not go into the topic of mobilization right now, i’m still interested in this political game , if i may say that this is ukraine, you do not understand.
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didn’t give, what are you doing, this is called bullshit, because this is directly, directly people, just people who, during martial law, there is no war yet, yes,
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the war in ukraine, yes, here, here, here they are doing this is such a thing, not only that, they also do it through foreign media, one writes in one newspaper, the other, what’s the point, well, they poured on each other, in my opinion, dear presenters , that’s the point, the point is great, i got it right, give it back people for the war, it was zelensky who made a deal with biden, it was zelensky on behalf of ukraine made a deal with biden, i give you soldiers, i give you territories, and you give me money, military equipment and equipment, this is his responsibility, and now when biden said, you know what, son or granddaughter, you are now on your own, yourself, myself, i have internal disputes here, i don’t give money, i don’t give weapons, you yourself are somehow with the japanese, with the europeans, i’m not me, the house is not mine, and zelensky remains naked.
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they come out on the streets, this is already in kiev, not the first protest that says, wait, what a total, what a total mobilization, what total mobilization, you return to us our children who are now fighting, you return, you return those mobilized who were already there, you return them so that we can talk to you, you show us how many truly living people you will return home, because that the figures that are reported in ukraine about losses are terrible, you know, that’s the point.
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help and so on, but this whole struggle, it is simply about shifting responsibility onto each other, that’s who, you mentioned badminton, but only in this badminton is played not with a ball, but with grenades
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without pins, whoever hits them will have time to throw it away, someone will have it explode, who will formally take responsibility for this mobilization, which will happen anyway, ukraine will still be sucked out of its human resources until the end, he will lose popularity, in ratings, they are not trying to camouflage it all, they want... investigative journalist keith klarenberg writes about some secret negotiations between russia and the united states, which allegedly took place in washington on last week. on an aviation monitoring website
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, he discovered a board of a special flight squad. russia, these are the planes that russian officials, including top officials of the state, use during foreign visits. and then one such plane, as klarenberg assures, flew to dalis airport from st. petersburg, and then everything became clear to the journalist. the plane was parked for about 54 hours, absolutely not due to the need to rotate diplomats. the negotiations are long and undoubtedly intense, 100% related to putin’s signals. interest in a ceasefire. zelensky’s refusal will lead to the final onslaught of russia, coordinated with the united states. kyiv is over. look for the notorious signals of putin, new entertainment of the western press. the new york times writes: russia is allegedly asking the united states to conclude a deal on ukraine. the kremlin called such conclusions, quote, conceptually incorrect, but the topic of negotiations still does not leave the ocean press. for example, the cnbc television channel considers a new offensive in the ssu in
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the twenty-fourth year. unlikely, but negotiations are inevitable, and kiev will simply not be left with elections. american officials saw that the $100 billion invested in kiev had virtually no effect on the course of the conflict. they seem to have realized that ukraine would never achieve a military victory and began to lean towards resolving the conflict through negotiations. the european press also does not spare the terrorist president. the french le opignon writes that zelensky himself is to blame for his troubles, since he made empty promises. the west has a hangover after the ukrainian president lied about an imminent loss russia. kiev's supporters are becoming increasingly impatient and even angry. american and european officials are discussing with kiev officials the possible consequences of peace talks with russia, including what the former soviet republic might have to give up to reach an agreement. the belgian
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publication modern diplomacy believes that... washington has started a multi-step strategy: first persuade everyone to negotiate, freeze the conflict in order to gain time, and then gather new forces to organize a new provocation against russia, this time the arctic will be the battlefield. although ukraine does not have direct access to the arctic, it potentially has an impressive capacity to conduct subversion on russian soil in a hybrid war against russia. nowadays , several hundred thousand ukrainian citizens live in the scandinavian countries, who... are open to recruitment into an entire army of saboteurs. maxim anatolyevich, is this all a smokescreen, a discussion in order to discuss something, or are there really some attempts behind this to hint to us that we ourselves we ask, but in fact we are not asking, but we are hinting to you, you asked, let’s talk , no, well, the last thing, i’m just brushing aside the fact that some kind of war is being prepared in the arctic, hundreds of thousands of ukrainians, saboteurs in the northern countries, so what do we care, are they in norway or
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finland? they are sitting, how they will carry out sabotage on russian territory, this is just a crazy situation, that’s what concerns the plane that arrived, well, it’s quite possible, i don’t rule it out, and it’s not a fact that russia asked for these contacts, but maybe it’s a mutual desire to synchronize watches, but maybe it's the other way around the americans invited him, but sullevan did not fly to moscow or st. petersburg, so here i am ready to believe that there is nothing in it. so incredible , and as for the cnbc publication about the fact that there will not be a ukrainian offensive, there is practically a consensus in the west, but interestingly, contrary to what andrei vladimirovich said, that there is, as it were, unity in the ukrainian military political elite, but there is no unity, by the way, listen to zaluzhny, so go into strategic defense that, while telling us -
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the point of view of part of this ...
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ship feodosia, and before that they rejoiced about our downed planes, without reporting their losses there at the front, which are of a different plan, they are losing territory, so they will be here. i see confirmation of your theory about the arctic, maxim anatovich categorically disagrees with this, and as you comment, this is not my theory, most serious analysts in the world, although you never spoke about
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ukrainian saboteurs, even i didn’t think of it, to be honest , but what is the most promising a large theater of military action in the arctic after southeast asia, all serious analysts agree on this, but as for this... absolutely calmly, firstly, there is indeed a rotation of diplomats, and secondly, we have a subject for negotiations with washington , it is public official, we they want to give up uranus, we threaten ours, we threaten that we will leave earlier, we have strategic weapons, this dialogue does not
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stop, why do they say that we need to fly to washington, that burts did not meet with naryshkin in istanbul, what problems, and as a rule, this happens in third countries, they don’t fly to each other, well, come on, now the americans are with us.
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the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, and this part, let's start with news from the life of foreign agent maxim galkin and his wife alla borisyna pugacheva. remember, just the day before we told you the good news for them that the check of the investigative authorities did not find any or the statements of a married couple. no words that would fall under the article about discrediting or about fakes about the russian army, but this joyful music did not play for long, and today it became known that the investigative committee began a repeated check against them. according to the shot channel , activists from the call of the people movement made a repeated request to the authorities. social activists drew the attention of investigators to several statements by the star cheat and reinforced their suspicions with videos from concerts in antalya and lemassol, where galkin, according to them versions. admits that he sponsors the ukrainian armed forces and ridicules the attacks of ukrainian drones on moscow.
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his wife, alya pagachyova, is being asked to check for posts on social networks, according to information from the telegram channel shot, galkin and pugacheva will be checked for publicly discrediting the russian army, promoting terrorist activities, as well as inciting hatred or enmity. the punishment under the articles is very severe, from 5 to 15 years in prison. it also became known that the zelenograd district court fined the publishing house. for 900,000 rubles. for promoting non-traditional values, what are we talking about? it is reported that this is connected with a comic book, the comic book dove gennady, we even discussed it once. eksma has been publishing this book since 2018. the last circulation was released in 2022. and according to the press, the reason for the verification was the monologue of the main character, well, probably the dove gennady, about his orientation. well, finally, the trash blogger received 3 years in prison at the same time. a transgender named hilmy
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forks. according to the moscow prosecutor's office, he was found guilty in the case of production and trafficking of pornography and was taken into custody directly in the hall of the simonovsky court in moscow. the police detained a twenty-year-old blogger in podolsk. this was at the end of november. the security forces became interested in the famous transgender after the explicit videos that he freely published on his telegram channel. previously, the capital's law enforcement officers opened an administrative case against hilme. lgbt gang, after that he left russia, but returned when the case was closed. it’s kind of a criminal chronicle, but yours is not criminal, it’s minimal. not a pigeon gennady is a cool dude, of all people, about who you said is the nicest, well, they closed this series, so the last pigeon is interesting, which colony will be sent to, men's or women's, it's like the law here, ugh, what are you saying, although he will be the first on the territory of chechnya , yes, as you know
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, they are not there, so you really confused me with your selection, let’s go back, let’s go back, it’s all my fault, he takes care of me like his senior colleague, let’s get back to the topic we were discussing now let’s also add, god forgive me, the european, as if such a factor, well because that it also influences the tricks that ukrainians must keep in mind, and probably also influences the intensity of the ukrainian segment of the internet. on tuesday , the financial times reported that the european union was preparing a back-up plan for financing. in ukraine, since the hungarian veto blocks the allocation of assistance from the european budget, the european commission is going to borrow money for kiev on foreign markets, and the eu member states should act as guarantors. brussels hopes to adopt a plan at the february 1 summit to raise up to 20 billion euros in this way. the purpose of this scheme is to eliminate the risk of new
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vetoed by budapest, but it raises questions among those who disagree. the prevailing belief was that if you give it to the ukrainians. weapons and money, then the russians will kneel and be powerless and destroyed. this strategy didn't work. russia is not on its knees, it is obvious that russia will set the pace in negotiations in the future. why do we keep sending weapons there if it doesn't work? and orban, and i, and probably one or two other prime ministers say the same thing, that this needs to be changed. some countries, including germany and the netherlands for similar national guarantees will require parliamentary approval. this can also happen. problems. the germans removed ukrainian flags from government buildings, where they had hung since february 2022 . they were not inspired by the idea of ​​raising income taxes in order to raise funds to help kiev. it is promoted by monika schnitzer, a member of the economic council under the german government. the focus publication called the initiative donquixotic, not
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taking into account the mood in the country and, to put it mildly, unpopular among the population. finance minister christian lindner would be delighted give way to germany. germany funds europe. currently , half of all aid to ukraine is missing , indicating that more needs to be done. we must achieve better time management. it cannot be that others are doing less because germany is doing more. at the end of last week, the netherlands made an urgent decision to send 18 aircraft to ukraine. his potential successor and leader of the freedom party, which won the november elections,
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the eurosceptic wilders has repeatedly spoken out categorically against providing assistance to ukraine. there is little military equipment in the netherlands , i was chosen, my colleagues were chosen to defend the interests of the dutch, and i will not give billions to ukraine for nothing, the europeans are tired and they are trying to buy off ukrainian refugees, following switzerland and norway, monetary compensation to the ukrainians for their return the czech republic is offering to return to their homeland, however, the government of the country will only partially cover the costs, and if citizens of ukraine want to come to the czech republic for a long time again, they will be required...
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they allocated tens of billions , now they allocate a little, so the population knows what the residents are, why they follow the news, of course they know, in addition, here the phrase was heard that zelensky, he is so bad, he deceived the west. he told the west that russia was about to fall apart, it was exactly the opposite, it was the west that convinced ukraine that guys, we’ll give you weapons and money now, sorry,
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we couldn’t convince the georgians of this, the georgians had it after 2008, and the georgians therefore they didn't give anything, no there are no wars, thank you, we don’t even need weapons, give us money, but we won’t go to war anywhere, like the polygraph polygraph, so in this situation now, when there is this belief that you know, the whole world is with you, america is with us officer the ukrainian naval forces shouted america is with us, well , who is against us if america is with us? and now america is not particularly with you, and europe is no longer particularly with you. the last resource left is people, this is what we discussed in the first half of the program. a year later this resource will end, then the planes of the russian special detachment will already arrive in order to conclude an agreement, why? because this instrument is ukraine, this hammer that was used to hit our gates, it will break completely, so you give it a year, i think that within a year a lot will be decided, at least it will become clear.
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the question is that you don’t need to convince yourself again that everything, ukraine is dead , over, the third year, that’s all, this is the last winter, everything is there, so no, you need to understand, i agree, i just understand that you need to understand, well, you and i have some kind of ukraine that is able to live for twenty -four years, so we must understand that let’s, let’s dance from the stove, zelensky at a press conference said the phrase: “america will not abandon us, america will he won’t give up, he said, it was like that, then he passed on from america, america says no, you know, here we
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have a little money, we have our own affairs, yes, let’s start promoting the topic, there are 300 billion europeans stuck there somewhere russian money, remember last week that come on, come on, come on, until the deputy minister of foreign affairs of russia , i don’t remember, said that you will do this, we will keep you quiet.”
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what is blinken talking about? that russia has already lost, the task of the united states of america is to defeat ukraine firmly on its feet so that it does not need western support. how can this be done? it’s very simple, just say that ukraine is firmly on its feet and does not need western money, that’s all, but what will happen next to this country? in fact no west, it is this that believes that...
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and order a set of cozy alaska thermal underwear for only 1,299 rubles, but if you call us right now , receive alaska thermal socks as a gift, only today, the second pair of alaska thermal socks for free, leo. shopping with plus, call or order on our website, and this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, so, i said about imperial ambitions or not, i somehow said differently , we will try imperially, in general, there are some, as vanya says, comrades who. we are not comrades, they accused us of the fact that russia is not just trying to recreate an empire, in general, in essence, we never stopped being an empire, we wanted to sort it all out, which means that here we have, relatively speaking, the imperialists are probably not imperialists
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, now you’ll explain everything, but here then i don’t even know, liberals, it must be destroyed, you see what a complex story it is, so literally before going into theory, give me 30 seconds, i’m talking about my practice, okay, let me remind you, because my additional work is a concert program, a different format, which i will resume, my schedule is from next year, the first time on the twentieth in the yegoryevsky palace of culture named after konin, and then go to the website andrenor.rf, there is the schedule of the last the month of winter, the site of the specified link to the ticket, i’ll just remind you of the dates: february 3 is chelyabinsk, izhevsk 10, udomlya the eighteenth and orenburg the twenty-fourth. yes, and more. vanya, you say that this is a time of repentance, a selection, several stories about remorse, repentance, an apology and so on, let ’s start with kazan then, because on new year’s eve there is a full-fledged scandal, public figures are outraged by the blogger, you
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actually see who took his son skiing behind his suv, the matter reached the tatarstan ombudsman, who now this blogger is demanding a public apology and explanation of what forced him to actually do this, let’s look at the video, it’s clearer... the reason was this video itself, the footage shows how a car is pulled by ropes along the snow-covered streets of kazan child, a boy in a helmet and on alpine skis, a clip accompanied by upbeat music was posted by a local blogger, his name is bulat zakirov, it’s his son who is skiing, not everyone liked extreme entertainment, the public is demanding almost to deprive the father of parental rights, bloggers law enforcement officers also became interested, he could be brought to administrative responsibility for violating traffic rules, and also not...
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so: they had no malicious intent, and the episode with the snow maiden simply copied a scene from the cartoon well, wait a minute, where, as everyone remembers very well, a wolf, dressed as the granddaughter of santa claus, sings on the new year tree. come on, come on! the american had to apologize publicly
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, i even started dancing while i was watching, the rapper, horse west, and not to just one person, but to the entire jewish people, for the rapper posted his numerous anti-semitic statements, post-apology, and, importantly, written in ivit , on social networks, in a message... he , in particular, that jews get advantageous positions in business, also advised the former head of the german retailer adidas, a jew, to hang up his in the kitchen there is a photograph of hitler and kiss it every day. now, as west writes, he realized that he was wrong and changed his attitude towards jews. so, my repentance chronicles are over. kaest, he's completely fucked up , if you're interested, he's just look, for example, something about him.
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that is, here is the person who launched the next round of this discussion, our great friend, the old fascist jep borel, who, as ivan says, is still for some reason considered the head of european diplomacy, in general, he voiced the thesis that russians have always been and remain an empire, and the connotations are exclusively negative, that is, an empire is something that is aggressive, enslaving, and therefore destroying this garden of eden. europe and in short, wait, here it is
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well, this is literally going to happen there from year to year, in a sense, the west itself is to blame for this, because somehow it didn’t put enough effort into fighting this russian endless empire, so maybe he’s right, maybe we’re really what -these are the imperialists, he sometimes has some sober thoughts, let's look at the plot, the old fascist jep borel. last week i gave a lecture in the italian city of valle daosta, where the best minds on the european continent were thinking about how to survive the crisis. barel scared everyone with his right threat in the upcoming summer elections to the european parliament. he believes that europeans may get scared and vote incorrectly, and this will give vladimir putin a chance to enslave europe, because imperialism is in the russian blood; they are drawn to conquest. russia could never become a nation. russia has always been an empire with a king and a council.
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set goals: either focus on economic growth and prosperity, innovation, education, focus on europe, or you can return to the old imperial ambitions. the same idea is expressed in poland. the emergence of a new russian empire was predicted by the polish professor pyotr grakhmalsky. he is very concerned about the rapprochement between russia and belarus, because of which poland and the baltic states, bordering russia, are in great danger. however, talk about russian imperial ambitions has begun.
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you need to understand that the future will only belong to large imperial states, this is unambiguous, whether they write about it, whether they confuse it or not, why it is so popular among them.
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based on russian civilization and its such a large state and its union, any such large state bearing the russian multinational people is dangerous for the west, as soon as we create this in the russian empire, plus or minus in the soviet empire, we consolidate, the role of europe begins to slide, and europe
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cannot allow this, well, all these dangers arose after that , as they tried to us, okay, so let's do this first teledi. empire, empire is a centralized something, it is necessary to give a clear definition that there is a state, where there is a center, there is a conquered periphery, power, can i finish? the roman empire is time, can i finish, and france has a centralized.
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there are stronger ones, there are weaker ones, and russian civilization is in form, yes russian , so russian civilization, what is called russian civilization, today is stronger than european civilization, that’s why they are afraid of us, this is a way of calling us an enemy to defend ourselves, firstly, the definition of the center and
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the occupied periphery is a colonial empire, not every empire is colonial, every empire is colonial. yes, this time, it means that an empire is, first of all, an organization of vision of oneself in this world and peace in itself, that is, simply put, an empire is a state that has global interests throughout the world, which has a vision of what it wants from this world, that it
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is an integral part of it, most likely even a designer of this world, of all our strength, and most importantly, the population and the elites have a sense of their own destiny, then we are an empire. it is russia that shows, even when we collapsed, even when we lost the soviet union, greater russia, we still had the rudiments of imperial consciousness, because they are in culture, and despite the fact that throughout the nineties we sincerely tried not to be an empire, which almost led to our collapse, because as mr. lukyanov absolutely correctly said in his time, russia can exist either as an empire or not at all, well, such a theory is either great or not at all. please, please , one by one, wait, it means, as you said, there is one’s own vision of the world, yes, there is also oneself in the world, oneself in the world, and there was another point, but the vision of the world, oneself in the world is global.
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so, that means, regarding bareli’s statement i was always in detail, you see, as soon as we start to paint with broad strokes, we can
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call everything anyone, but in fact it’s not everyone else, after the start of the svo, i spoke about this several times in this studio and wrote about it, that one of the main pillars, their main narratives, narratives that allow pumping up the western public to turn it against russia and thereby pumping finances into ukraine is that... putin, russia, is reviving the empire, no one will be established in ukraine, they will go further. at first it will be the post-soviet space, all sorts of baltic countries will go further across europe. actually, if we trace all the statements of western politicians, they are subject to precisely this logic. they constantly talk about the need to stop russia in ukraine, otherwise we, the american military, will fight against the american military in europe. that’s when we start to give in to all this, because someone has some internal ones.
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with a stretch , the soviet union could be classified as an empire from the point of view of a kind of hybrid empire in terms of the spread of political influence, and with a greater stretch this is great britain, because there are signs of an empire there, including a monarch, we have a monarch not only of great britain itself, but also cooperation and another empire, which is the most powerful, which is really such a hybrid empire in terms of the spread of influence - this is the united states of america . by which we can say whether we
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even have such ambitions, before the start of the war, if we look at the military aspect, the applied aspect, the russian army did not increase, but decreased, it went on and on, the ladies rearmed, but it was, it was still the path to a compact army that protects based on... if we look at the aspect, we never practically interfered anywhere, even neighboring states, we collaborated with those in power, we did not they staged no coups there, we often hear that this was the wrong policy, we should have intervened and...
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the new year's finale of our
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wonderful show is on the air on ntv. grandiose, if you love so much, but not everything is new year’s, we already have surprises, one day you won’t be able to without me, the new year's performance is over, it was firich, the light is needed, this is when you don't call. super final. superstar show. there will only be one winner today. on saturday. happy upcoming everyone. at
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20:00 on ntv. hutch new season today at 20:00 on ntv. when you invite friends to tenenki, these new year's invitations are returned with joy. until december 31, invite a friend to sign up for a think of black card and receive 1,500 rubles. and your friend will receive free service forever. tinkov. i want, i can, i can, i want. i’ll get cashback with a vtb credit card. i want, i can, i can, i want. 200 days without interest, i'm not kidding. apply for a credit card at vtb.
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grocery delivery from 30 minutes, it seems to me that my grandfather is hiding something, fuss, fireworks , the new year's light is on, he lights the lights, a magic staff, grandfather, and we have something tasty at home, we can conjure something, he knows how to do magic, snowman courier, it is proven that
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my grandfather is santa claus. on new year's eve, everyone can create miracles, from the bottom of their hearts for those who are nearby, happy new year, wizards, 5 days left russian will play 2 billion, buy tickets, my mother taught me everything, she showed me, and i just repeated, so in finance and investments, with investments in the shadows, i simply repeat the transactions of successful investors, investments - repeat the transactions of successful investors , earn money. tinkov. celebrate the new year on vk with new year's playlists, with friends, with loved ones, with content that you want to share and receive a flurry of congratulations in the vkontakte messenger. vc. let's celebrate the new year together. he's getting better and better.
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has been designed to cut wood quickly, smoothly, and with the least amount of energy required. call to order a cordless chain saw and get a reliable and faithful assistant. this place meetings on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, in the last part alexey nikolayevich quite convincingly explained to us why russia does not seem to be an empire, but if you look at the definition of an empire, look at our place in the world, which depends on the opinion of our citizens their sense of self, certain features of imperialism can be found in all this, let’s look at the material if you look at the definition of empire in the large russian encyclopedia. then one of the main features is external expansion, that is, the state constantly expanding its territories and spreading its influence far beyond its borders. the empire fights for its interests,
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often it has conflicts on the outskirts, as well as colonies. the classic example is the british empire of the 19th century, but in a new russian history textbook for high school, the authors propose to reconsider the view of the russian empire. our country has always been the exception to the rule. all the empires in the world, these were. 82% of our citizens consider the creator of the russian empire, peter i, the most popular historical leader, and 80%, this is already data in ziom, believe that russia should be
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the guarantor of peace and stability in the territory of the former soviet union. western experts note similar properties of our country. the russian regime has an ideology, and it is promoted among citizens abroad in the international arena. i think it's more of a spontaneous creation of a very mild conservatism. trying to find a way to take its place on the international stage. also included under the definition of empire are modern states that strive for military, political and economic hegemony on a global scale. in this sense , on the recent direct line , president putin called the united states an imperial power. as for russia, in our new foreign policy doctrine, our country is called a state of civilization, and moscow fulfills a unique historical mission. its goal is maintenance.
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as they say, excuse me for interrupting you, one of the german politicians just said, it’s urgent, that means stopping the russians until russian tanks appear on odor, and there was such a thing, let’s remember why russian tanks turned out to be so, so it turned out , so you draw that we are always somewhere, that the imperial interests of russia stop somewhere on the elbe, somewhere approximately, it
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comes from... its roots go back to the 14th century, that means what is important here, why i say , to impose, because borders, like borders, administrative and political, they change, but an attempt to preserve the russian or imperial, soviet or communist heritage, vision, history, attitude to the past, this is the core.
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the term empire was formerly used as now we use the term superpower, all
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empires were superpowers, another question is which empire was not a superpower, in my opinion, an exceptional negative now, now excuse me.
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we’re not going anywhere, we still need to become an empire, but we have our historical calling and face, and then life itself forced us, our elite didn’t want to build an empire, but life forces us, we turn into a superpower, or we die, and if we we are turning into a superpower, which means we are becoming an empire, of course.
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killed, i’m on a business trip, don’t go to your grandmother , there will be new victims, but what about us, a murdered girl, as a result of which she’s doing crap, i’m going to arrest , something needs to be done, good sir, hello, criminal investigation department, the car is yours needed, reckless driver, new season, dashing, almost not late, go up the hill, today at 20:00 on ntv, new year's mask, december 31 at 20:24 on ntv. when you invite friends to tenenki, these new year's invitations are returned with joy. until december 31, invite a friend, get a tenkof black card and get 1,500 rubles. a friend will receive free service forever. tinkov. take potatoes and eggs. mmm,
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they don’t have any single opinion: are we an empire there or are we not an empire, but well, we took it as an informational occasion baryly’s statements, but if you look at what we actually did just now through media publications, you can find a lot of everything there that is surprising, that our political system is communism and that, in principle, we are not lost to democracy, we just need a little help to give a good kick there , give a good kick. well let's see. the swiss press recently argued that even though russia now has imperial tendencies, this is fixable, because we have the beginnings of democracy. all that remains is to give freedom to the press, move to an independent judicial system to create a mature civil society that will reject the quote "brainwashing propaganda". but the fact that russia has not followed the path of democracy, the swiss believe, is the fault of the west itself, which did not help diligently enough. we could and should have done much more to advance
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the democratization process in russia, we could have provided comprehensive economic assistance such as student exchange programs and sister city programs, and eliminated visa requirements for russians. in the west, many still think that there is communism in russia; according to a survey by a british journalist, almost half of the us population thinks so, and among them.
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chechnya, tatarstan, siberia, and the arctic. the west will have to support complete freedom for the imperial.
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russia is not an empire, but russia is a strong civilization that strives for expansion, peaceful expansion, distribution.
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empire and even the word civilization, without expansion, peaceful and military, those who sit opposite you hardly see any kind of bright future, let’s remove the word empire , is this expansion necessary, both military and non-military, colleagues, well, we need to start over, firstly,
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we won’t have something like this at all, it’s possible, closer to the end, colleagues, business, business in general, we’re completely confused , layering these propaganda clichés, i answer , we are for we are completely confused, lost in a complete labyrinth of some kind of nonsense, the basis, the basis of the fact that including the west, as you say, is not can decide, the west has long decided that we have, what such figures show us is says that their propaganda works very well, which shapes their correct, well, from the point of view of their elites, from the point of view of attitude towards russia, this is not the first week, nor a year, nor a decade since the 18th century. yesterday we talked about the concept of russophobia, but russophobia is a derivative of propaganda, like the joke about a student who got a ticket about fish, and he talks about these same people, please answer, we still have time, once again the question, expansion, expansion, we forget about empires, we forget about civilization,
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the inevitability of expansion, peaceful or military for us, no, no,
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the beloved, six packs of raffinate in general, i let go of my hands just on... i closed you eyes, how the fates of those people who once asked us for help changed, how he was transformed, handsome, i’m happy for you, i ’m very grateful to your program, this miracle appeared with us 9 months after the program, you just reformatted it, tonight miracles, this is beyond, today at 16:45 on ntv.
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the history of russia since the early middle ages, there is a history of expansion, the ideological content has changed, the wrappers have changed, here are the statements, the social system, but the essence remained the same: russia is moving like dough from a kneading bowl. vyacheslav nikolaevich, i believe that what is now called russia is not
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russia in the historical sense of the word, primarily from the point of view of territory. the fact is that our country was artificially deprived of money in 1991, squeezing out fraternal belarus, fraternal ukraine and other friendly peoples of central asia and transcaucasia. the restoration of the great russian state will go through annexation, not expansion, the restoration of the historical union of our peoples. well it seems to me that everyone was actually talking about almost the same thing. it always scares me a little when they try to call today’s russia an empire, they try, it scares me not because of some problems. decline and collapse, this is not what we would like at all, so let’s not remain an empire, let’s preserve it, the heyday, the time period is different, but the ending is always the same , well, i’m not from textbooks, it’s quite the opposite, although they say that this is reality, but
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they are not an invented joke, but... lornet, then, points it at the cruiser rurik and reads its name out loud, at the same time, she makes a mistake and the letter p, well , automatically pronounces it like the latin p. pyupik, then she transfers the larnet to the next ship, this is the military steamer izhora, it was there, opens her mouth at this time emperor alexander says: my soul, and you are the name of this
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don’t read the ship at all, it was a meeting place that cannot be changed, 14:00 weekdays, ntv broadcast, all the best to you, goodbye. the landing force is working with enemy incursions in the artyomovsk direction; special operations are being stopped by airborne forces. in order to blame russia the foreign ministry announced preparations for a provocation with chemical weapons against kiev. they will always come to the rescue; emergencies ministry employees celebrate their professional holiday. a holiday was organized in the kremlin to bring the children of the northern military district participants and children from the new territories into the new year's mood. about the main thing for this moment.


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