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tv   Shpion 1  NTV  December 28, 2023 12:50am-1:41am MSK

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syoma, what's wrong with your head? it’s a work-related injury, now we’re not talking about that , you’d better tell me, put it, what’s wrong with your director, well, the director says that he was set up, no, that’s fine, and you naively believed him, that’s what kind of boys you are, study yesterday , together with the fsb, i carried out such a...
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murder ore, you even got away, what else do you need, but some small detail is missing, until i understand which one, maybe this one, katya just sent , the garbage man was removing a container in the yard and found a trunk, immediately he called us, can you guess what the joke is, isn’t it a fake gun? i’m nearby, i see you’re leaving, but what should you do, there are no main characters, nothing to play with? true
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, platosha could well replace burmistrova, and i could play instead of dasha, i know all her roles by heart, so there’s no need to persuade me, i said we’re leaving, that means we’re leaving, i still need to find the main character, and where is vera, the liquidator is collecting, thank you , why am i doing this to me, so you call yourself, young man, and you always remind me of my age, well , look, they tell me that i’m coming in, hello, good afternoon, i forgot to ask you one question yesterday, where is the fake gun? i didn’t see him, they definitely didn’t see him, why should i deceive you, well, i don’t know, let me show you something.
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and that’s not all, i asked all the hotel maids and residents of your floor, and so one of them saw that when all the artists ran outside to look at the crashed radionov, you went into the mayor’s room, and then came out of it with some kind of... then an object in your hands. in a wrapped towel, now the question is, what kind of object was this, i asked a question, or in we’ll play a silent game, yes, i took the ubermaster’s. i put the pistol in place of
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the putofor one. sashka and i were supposed to get married. and a week before the wedding, he came to our premiere and saw tasha. “i called him, i’m a fool, he said that he loved her, that there wouldn’t be our wedding, i almost went crazy then, he dropped out of college, got a job with us as an entrepreneur, just what to do with her, then?” she even played with him and sent him
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to hell, he followed her for a long time, humiliated himself, asked her to marry him. and yesterday, you you know what happened yesterday, she had to answer for what she did.
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the bus is not accompanied by special services, the bus launches an air raid field, it goes to a prepared refueled plane with a crew, there the terrorists release most of them for... but if you attack here, i have experienced guys, they passed through karabakh, colonel, this is not karabakh, there are children there, women, and this guy doesn’t like to joke, are we going to bend for every bandit, in short, you said what you wanted, but here i, colonel, decide, move forward, get closer, get ready, colonel, are you crazy? go away, don't bother me. i don't like this colonel, neither do i. bring him here, this one who's late for work.
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hey, colonel, come closer, if you're not afraid, what are we talking about, remove your soldiers and let us through, listen, don't be so nervous, now we'll solve all the issues , let's go, why did you say that i'm nervous, it's you who should be nervous, i have 20 man hostages and spent 40 kg, colonel, do as he says, listen, let's talk, what's your name, what about you? there is valera, yes, two sons, you see, colonel, this is valera, and his sons had a father, now because of you they don’t have a father, we will continue, scum!
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snegur ended up in pyatigorsk by accident, apparently mustafa’s people led him, as soon as the opportunity arose, they captured snegur, after that they took hostages on the bus, it doesn’t add up, dmitry sergeevich, the night before the capture, snegur was in the hotel, we checked, and early in the morning i took a taxi to... the train station in pyatigorsk, perhaps they lured him there, made an appointment, yes, he moved in a rather criminal environment, mustafa could have had connections among criminal authorities, listen, well, you explain to me what ’s the point of resigning from the police in order to immediately get involved with terrorists, or maybe he
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wasn’t going to get involved, something just went wrong. i have to go, and you’re moving on, which means it’s time, my stop, i’ll see you sometime, sit down.
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word 12 wave, at the seventeenth kilometer the bus stopped and dropped off a man, the man went into the forest, wave 12 on board, the man went into the forest in the direction of travel or crossed the road, in the direction of travel, there is a forest road, wave you i got it, try to track him, and the bus, the bus isn’t going anywhere, it’s mustafa, damn, what is it, what is it, dim, what about me, there won’t be any exchange, you know, they want to drive onto the airfield and just blow up the bus , there’s a plane nearby, that’s it, but your division, dim, come on , drop me off at the seventeenth, i’ll try to take it, and you overtake the buses at the airport, so what are you going to catch in the forest, don’t worry, dear, i now this bitch will be overwhelmed.
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how did it go brother, it hasn’t gone yet, but with with the help of allah, soon everything will be over, this will be a real jihad, let's go, let's wait, there's a helicopter here, let it fly away, i don't want to. to get noticed.
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“hush, hush, why don’t they let us into the airfield, we agreed, calm down, don’t show up, this one of them, the head one from the ministry of security, now we need to understand where we’re going, how we’re going to change hostages, open it, i’ll come out, stand back , i open the doors, let him come in, tell him, let him come in, what are you doing, calm down, back, stand, said, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it!” all, that's it, okay, don't scare me, put the gun away, well , put it away, they ask you to come
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in, i'll go, it's time to end this matter, dima, you're crazy, you have no special training, if they want... to do something like this, they need to be eliminated, and you on the bus - this is another hostage, okay, nena, zhenya is there , we’ll handle it, the main thing is to do your honorable work,
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i’m going with you, we’ll make an exchange at the plane, you let 15 people go, with the rest for... open quickly, the second car passage,
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keep the master's kryvich. he's on that plane.
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here you go, everything is fine, everything, everything, you convinced me of its usefulness, you asked financing for the operation. and that, but sir , this is a typical excess of the performer, the fact that he was going to carry out a terrorist attack with our money, and the fact that he framed and almost killed snegur, this is an excess, sir, but when you work with islamists, you need to be prepared, i i said a million times, you can’t mess with these
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islamic bandits, that’s it, harley, pray to god. so that the russians do not find our ears behind this failed terrorist attack, i really was not aware of his plans, but are you generally aware of the plans of your agents, or are you just intriguing and conducting private can you investigate? that's it, return your thugs from the caucasus, send emerson and lief to moscow, they are at your disposal. other people, immediately investigate and report, eat, but if you bark, i’ll fire you, from the beaver, don’t expect any good, it’s logical, open the police, i’ve got a box of kefir, the current
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is petty-star and from a country friendly to us, oh-oh-oh. tomorrow at 22:10 on ntv, i'm wildly sorry, you're an actor, we're going to make a movie, but what about us, once upon a time in america, yes, the first day of the new year, i have nothing came up with it, mikhail porechenkov, beaten to the punch, announces casting for the main role, there is one option, hey! he didn’t forget about me, well , we’re also not from social security, but i can play whoever i can play there, the main character’s girlfriend, it’s easy, the fee is decent. half a lyama a day, holy shit, cinema is a serious matter, an offer you can’t refuse, i’m sorry to miss oscar, but you fucking kidnapped him, i
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knew too much, what a cruel thing, let him, let him, let him lie, oh, beautiful, yeah , movie about bandits, i'll be back, new year's premiere, january 1 at 17:00 on ntv, stop, taken, nikolai vasil! many couldn’t come today, but here at the table are only david gievich’s closest friends. especially dzhelaev, a close
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friend. come on. stop doing that. all is ready. please come to the table, comrade, let’s change it. oh, sit, i'll open it. hi, hi, i'm late, no, we just sat down, wow, after all, an unplanned vacation has its advantages, uh-huh, dick, don't you want to tell me anything, dick?
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especially considering the loan for my car and house, i’m tired of america, i want to change the situation, fundamentally, as far as money is concerned , don’t worry, there are a couple or three options, what happened, nothing, just nerves, fatigue, accumulated, well, we’re all full. what do i want to say? can i tell you too? well, of course, ekaterina alekseevna, you, so to speak, were vich’s comrades, have you worked together for so many years? at this table gathered
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people who put other people's interests above their own and pay for it with their own lives. some even try to leave, quit. but they still don’t let go of the past, but dato was a true friend, and i couldn’t help but come, i i drink to the living david, what was preserved yesterday in a closed zinc coffin is not him, but he, he is somewhere out there, walking along the seashore, breathing the pure mountain air. for david,
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thank you for inviting me, i have to go, cat, i ’ll see you off. good morning sir. hello, you need to come with us, is this an arrest? no, we just need to talk. “keep it home, dear, i
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’ll be back soon, i’m wild, i ask you, keep it as if nothing happened, but nothing happened.” don't you need to go anywhere today? no, even if it were necessary, i would not go, i said that sick, locked in the apartment, flooded the neighbors. wow, life is ahead of the dream. you still haven’t told me how you feel in your new place, in different ways, somewhat reminiscent of bunin’s damned days. everything dark, creepy,
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greedy, rose from the bottom and imagined itself as the master of life, do you really want to talk about it? no, who is it this early? yes. i’m listening, yes, pyotr sergeevich, i’ll be there in an hour, will you take me home? i thought you would stay, it wasn’t ours who called, i need to leave, it won’t be long. katya, what are you doing, i’m just a complete fool, it will always be like this, they will call, and you will drop everything and rush to save
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the world. and one day you won’t come back like david , understand, even if you ask me the same question in different wording for another 5 hours, nothing will change, but i just can’t get an answer to it, and this is because you’re asking it to the wrong person person. i repeat, i fully admit that the kgb set up an agent for us, but it was not i who gave the sanction for recruitment, your friend harley, he could have said that this guy was not suitable for us, but he did not say, and if lampart was recruited by the russians, you do not allow such a thought, i i fully accept the idea that you too could have been recruited by the russians, just like mrs. reilly too, why this session? psychoanalysis,
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listen, special agent trail, you have absolutely nothing that can be presented as evidence of my guilt, i can go home, of course you can, robert will take you, mom, what do you say? we are in complete prison, you were working in washington then, you probably remember how besonov flew in, wow, that’s a lot of water under the bridge, someone must have flown in, listen, mr. privalov, what is your pension, small by today’s standards
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at times. and what do they think that kipling’s recruitment dates back to this period, who exactly did they meet with, the washington station, the us department in the first directorate, became interested when your father flew to washington, and what do they offer in return? 12 million dollars, and a new life in america for you and your family.
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they just wanted to eliminate him. hardly? it seems to me that for lief and emerson this whole hostage story was also a complete surprise. why do you think so? katanese money. snow took apart a suitcase with money from storage rooms, why leave money to a dead person? i worked in analytics, but if you look at the records and compare the information that we processed, you can understand something. you would help us a lot, we would be grateful to you. 10,000, yeah, dollars , sooner or later they will come to you, yes, there’s no way to beat it, you have to think about what sauce
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to feed it to, you must be forced by circumstances, who will we feed to them, they will take this person, start twisting, interrogating, he will deny everything, no, ironclad evidence is needed here, someone needs donate. one of those who was of little use, but really worked for us, for example, lempard, but in general?
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since when did you start to worry about what the boys would think, the lads and i are on equal terms, you’re a fool, that’s all, everyone is on an equal footing... in the bathhouse , and then they’re in the common room, and you’re in the suite, before you decide on shurik, you need to understand, where did the strings come from, how will this all turn out, we really need to figure it out, i don’t know, look, look, from something, what’s with the cassette, no more? are you crazy? why are you so nervous, mr. ustyugov, you were friends with the late general, get out, how did your leadership even come up with such an idea, to be rich and
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free is a normal desire of any person, but not everyone is ready to become a traitor for this, get out, it’s a shame. that you reacted so emotionally to an ordinary business proposal, i should call counterintelligence, all the best, where is the door, i know, igor borisovich. this is ustyugov, hello, please connect me with pyotr sergeevich. yes, i’m listening,
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you’re convinced, there are no surprises, there are two batches of new ones. i'll give you a discount, why are you like that? generous, shurik, problem, why are you so serious, nikolai, he called, exactly, exactly. well, what, my friends, let's have a drink, there's one less problem in the world,
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we flew through the curtained windows. under fire, so that i, you will be mine, avatar show, finale january 1 at 20:20 on ntv.
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something went wrong, everything went wrong, frankly speaking, you know, i was interrogated yesterday, for almost 5 hours, and you believed that you would be an exception, what do you want from me, richard.
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let's speak frankly, friendship with the director will save you from serious sanctions. lempard will be covered by his father-in-law, the admiral, and you will be left alone with reile?
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please hold the package, i’ll throw the sneakers, richard, it’s not difficult for you to put the package in the trunk, while i’ll remove the lock. thanks,
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so your solution? i don't face anything other than resignation.
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styopa, he is turning from leninsky to klenovaya, where are you? we are a block away from you, catch up and change, otherwise he will copy us. you were aware of snegur’s contacts with american intelligence. in particular, with msu graduate student lee fulman. listen, you know that cia emissaries work in moscow. they are looking for a mole in their central apparatus. they talk with retired intelligence officers. well, maybe that's how they came out as snowmen. you so calmly talk about the fact that
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foreign intelligence officers are operating in moscow, almost openly trying to find out the name of the agent. yes, they can sit here for as long as possible. nobody will tell them the name. well, where does such confidence come from, dmitry sergeevich, and just believe me, they can sit here for as long as possible, no one will tell them their name, but where does such confidence come from? once again i apologize to you, it was not in our thoughts to set you up, okay, how about this money, if something happens i can take it, there in the envelope, instructions for handling the account, great,
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we’ll consider the incident settled, what ’s new with you, with me, do you have anything? have you heard about the sources of the late general bisonov in the cia? again 25. we took up the baton from lempard. the only one who can know about him, other than ours, is chaykin. still, the general did not die suddenly, they talked with dima before the operation. how do you know this? from katya, i'm with my ex-wife. are they communicating? yes, they are communicating now. even it seems trying to improve relations, could you talk to chaykin about this agent? liv, how do you imagine this? story, i have a trivial matter for you here, someone else should talk to him, who? someone is serious, how do i know, a senior comrade, and you don’t happen to have a senior comrade,
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okay, i’ll go and think about it. damn him, clown, stand, snow, stand, look, damn, that’s all we needed, hold on tight. stand, negur, stand, negur, stand!
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with yours, but in life you are gentle, you are always did you understand what you want, what you are capable of?
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today you know who you want to become, who to be with, what your path is and what it is for, you are among those who understand you, among those who share your values, join, yours. serve under contract. the investigation came to the conclusion that zhukov and poltavsky should be released. apologize to both of them. can you imagine the culba being current? closed information. on behalf of the ministry of internal affairs i apologize. yes, i smell the fools. on change clothes, preliminary agreement of the group , reckless driver, new season, comrade colonel,
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me again, only with a search, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv, ready, yes.


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