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tv   Shpion 1  NTV  December 28, 2023 1:40am-2:36am MSK

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reckless, new season, comrade colonel, me again, only with an omission, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv, ready, yes.
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where the hell did you come from, little guy.
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yes, there’s nothing in the books here, i understand, there’s nothing here either, the sofa, you looked, yes, let ’s check, what’s going on in kusturia, colonel ustyugov, hello, nikolai vasilyevich. lieutenant colonel golosheva boris mikhailovich, i was warned. let's go through. nikolai vasilyevich, well, you understand that i can’t tell you everything. i know that ninashev called my management. naturally, the general cannot help but worry, that the qc management has questions, albeit to the former deputy head of the department. he instructed me to familiarize myself, so to speak, in general terms. in general terms, our services
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have reduced the number of suspects in the leak to two people. snegor was detained after contact with cia representatives. okay, who's second? perhaps right now the suspect is coming into contact with top secret information. are you okay? look, there's another book here. chaikin, dmitry sergeevich chaikin, nikolai vasilyevich, continue, snegor denies everything, during a search they found him a large amount in foreign currency, but he claims that this is money that he received from some arab merchants for the ongoing expenses of organizing the transaction. this means that counterintelligence officers have nothing on him, nothing at all, and they will release him in the near future.
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subscription, of course, he will be under surveillance and also about nikolai vasilyevich chaikin, yes, the counterintelligence officers have accumulated some compromising materials on major chaikin, they are actively developing him, yes, i know, this what’s his name called me, goloshev, but.. .we do not listen to the management of can we have rights. i will sign an order temporarily suspending chaikin from work. well, this is between us for now. iidorić will take the place of the late general bessonov. well, we will meet separately on personnel issues. and you are still sour, nikolai vasilyevich. it's okay, now we 'll turn around. otherwise before there was not a department, but
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some kind of sleepy kingdom, i still can’t believe it, snegur is such a guy, well, dima, what’s the difference, let counterintelligence deal with it. we've got our fill of things to do, and to be honest, i never liked chaykin, he's kind of on his mind, you're a gaydar to think, all of myself is so simple, and i am open with my friends, bear with me, nikolai vasilyevich, everything will be fine.
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the simpleton goes to the bus stop, don’t see him off, it’s accepted,
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no, well, this, this is definitely bullshit, you just have to refuse. and don’t waste your time, yes, slow down, yes, your lies! let's leave, quickly the car!
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ilya konstantinovich, hello, katya, you are there. where to go, we have little time, we, you.
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if you say something important, i’ll say it, you’ll be
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ashamed of it, why, you just used me, you know, you used me, you felt bad. cold, lonely , there’s a little fool in love nearby, stop it, you yourself know that everything was not like that, but how, well, tell me how, yes, you’re right, everything was exactly like that, i ’m telling you, i just hoped, that time would pass and time would pass, everything would be fine, but but
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she, she, she’s like a vampire, she’s like, if she grabs you, she won’t let go, dear, you, dear, i ask you, stay away from her, dimochka, this is not love , it's a disease. she, she doesn’t know how to love at all. take care of yourself. goodbye. hello, hello, could you
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please play dmitry from lyudmila. without problems, thank you. and now, dear friends, at the request of the charming lyudmila, the lyrical composition “you are alone in the whole world, you know” is played for dmitry. one way or another , everything indicates that the only person who may know the name of the mole is dmitry chaikin, the son of the late general bessonov. where such confidence? in all cover operations carried out by the kgb in order to bring out their agent.
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for 3 days these idiots asked the same questions, they will clean up some operation in kiev, but i haven’t been to kiev to rejoice.
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yes, it doesn’t matter if they want to go, what difference does it make where i work, they got you in minvody, and then in moscow, dim, you can even get out of here, what’s holding you back, father, father died, the kingdom of heaven, katya, i don’t i understand you, i would have taken katya, given, with katya. it looks like everything is like everything else, then you guys kind of left together, you’re like that, you see her here, and i don’t see, she doesn’t want a husband, an intelligence officer, anymore, and i tell her, go away, dim, live normally, get busy business, she’ll come running herself, and what kind of joy do you have for me? to save, i atone for sins, it’s not true, if
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necessary, there are people who will help you get away, not for that, of course, you give them something, they give you something... and what do i tell them, zhen, the plan of the soviet embassy in beirut? dim, don't be too sad. do you know what i think, zhen? this conversation didn't happen. well, you heard everything, i said, this is a rotten number, a rotten one, i mean zilch, he won’t talk to me about this topic, someone else is needed here, probably yes, and you also know, he will definitely convey our conversation, not ours, he
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promised you, emirson, you are like a child, he promised, in in general, dear curators, i did everything i could, you promised to get me out of here, now here i’m definitely of zero use, in the states, and that’s what you think, but i have a bank account, if i don’t do anything i’m confused, oh , what cash and a wild desire to stop running from former colleagues, why do you look at emerson like that, in any case , it’s much more useful on a hawaiian beach than in the lifortovo prison, well, yes.
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it's me, katya, just don't hang up, katya. what do you think? i will say that there is a certain logic in his words. here, having been in the hands
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counterintelligence, he is completely useless, former colleagues will start to shy away from him like hell. what is the use of it in the states? it is important for our current and potential agents to understand that we do not abandon our people, we will take them out, arrange them, provide security, this knows or reassures us, okay, what to do, we have one win-win option, don’t we? perhaps.
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cheykin, dmitry sergeevich, yes, lieutenant colonel goloshev, spacecraft department, get out of the car, please, am i under arrest, are you detained, maybe explain the reason, definitely, but a little later. why remove the new regulations, hand over the keys, our employees will drive the car to your dacha, of course, after an inspection.
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let's just say, in what sense did you hide? well, maybe he really had some unauthorized contacts that he hid from you in beirut, but counterintelligence will somehow push him against the wall, surveillance, service, report everything you find out to me personally. who authorized the operation? the operation
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was authorized by the center. are you well informed about washington affairs? employee of the middle east department? i had the opportunity to familiarize myself with the reports of our washington station. you are in vain pretending that you don’t understand what we are talking about. did you mention that there is such a problem? so, so, so, so, so, and under what circumstances did he mention it? general bistonov had comprehensive information; i don’t know where he got it from. the report states that the operation to neutralize the kharaib group was part of another operation. this is classified information, but on all the most important issues, i communicated with ilya konstantinovich. so overyanov was taken from the cache location? the report that they gave me to read did not mention this, you met with someone in vilnius, dmitry sergeevich, perhaps, that is, you decided
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to frame the iron ore in order to convince the americans that the leak came from kiev, and no, from where she went, in fact, foreign intelligence officers are operating in moscow, almost openly trying to find out the name of the agent, yes, they can. no matter how long they sit here, no one will tell them their name, where does such confidence come from, dmitry sergeevich, and you just believe me, harley came to me, the devil, why, offered to make peace.
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recruits super agents at the same time giving away our secrets, judge for yourself, andy, harley was just one step away from becoming your deputy.
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from the place of residence or temporary residence without the permission of the person conducting the investigation, investigator, prosecutor or court. i know, boris mikhailovich, see you, dmitry sergeevich, they are already waiting for you, who? colleagues, a. dima, uncle kohl, somehow, it was better, we’re going to the dacha now, the general will come later, he wants to go with you talk in private, let's go,
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we don't have much time. nikolai vasilyevich, do you have a badge, call, call from the car, no, don’t, well, you understand, volodya, do you have a badge to call? dima, i hope that i won’t run away.
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hello, hello, katya, yes, my name is liv ullman , richard asked me to say hello to you, he sent me a small package, i will call in an hour, richard, yes, your old friend, do you understand who we are talking about? i understand how the canal fell into the water, i didn’t show up at home. snegor
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was not purchased, but could have been used with false documents, go to ukraine and fly from there. it’s a bad story, but you informed ustyug about the disappearance of the mountain, of course, you yourself dreamed of starting a new life. with a husband who does not need to be shared with work, i will not talk to him about anything, you are behaving unreasonably, katya, dmitry is in huge trouble, he faces prison, possibly capital punishment, you yourself collaborated with intelligence and know how you treat traitors, dima is not a traitor, i ’m not going to discuss all this with you, just like that how they turned you in in beirut, they will turn him in too , you love your husband, he has information
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that will allow you to live happily for the rest of your life, yes, only sometimes you will call him or me and demand another favor, a wonderful life, mrs. chakina , we can all order you, you told me, you probably just forgot, look, this is your consent to cooperation with the cia, which you gave in beirut, and i think that your counterintelligence will be happy to receive this paper, it will bury you are yours... 12 million a calm, happy life anywhere in the world, or the shame of prison here, the choice is yours, this is a copy, i’ll call you in the evening to find out what you’ve decided.
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she won’t talk to him, she understands what a refusal will bring back for her, she understands. mixed up, sorry, got the last number mixed up, after snegor escaped, goloshev will insist on your arrest
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, he will eventually be given a sanction, but i was released, released, see what you will do, maybe you will run to your handlers from the cia, how curator, uncle kohl, yes i know, dima, why will you sit and wait like a fool until you... you are a fool, dima, do you think this will save you? general nenashov wrote off major chaikin a long time ago.
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are you aware of the cia mesars' activities in moscow? known. did they contact you? no. they will leave. they will pay 12 million dollars for your information and take you out. and if i don’t have the information they are interested in, there is dima, and it turns out that you are not so simple, nikolai vasilyevich, and he doesn’t keep simple people in intelligence.
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so we play two agents. super agent harley smaller lempard, and so we we are closing the entire array of leaks from the cia, when i show up in the states, i will simply have to wait for lempard, if i sold myself wholeheartedly, then why should i save some agent, even
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if it was ustyug, who learned during interrogation how cunningly he recruited this guy into brothel, and i ’ll confirm, well, it’s easier with lambard, he ’s really our agent, but harley will deny everything, we’ll use it. you realize that this is forever, you won’t be able to return, you will be sentenced to extreme punishment, i understand everything, as long as kiplin is alive and working, in any case, yes. it’s funny, i don’t even know who all this is for, neither the person nor the name, ilya konstantinovich and i didn’t imagine your
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career like this, the head of a department, the deputy head of a department, a general, but katya can come to me. nat is preparing for a long winter.
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he doesn't know the agent's name, but he has fingerprint evidence that we can use to accurately detect the krata.
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how did you get there? no adventures. oh, emerson, who didn’t expect to be exiled from lebanon into the russian cold? lie down in the trunk, you have to suffer. you know that diplomatic vehicles are not subject to inspection. you wouldn’t suffocate here, you won’t suffocate , there are a lot of holes for air, the border is 70 km away, you’ll have to be patient, lie there like a mouse until you hear the music of your lyus, and what will that mean, that it’s all over, the house is without water for the second day, we blocked the riser, in the ninth apartment there is already water on the floor from the ceiling, in the third apartment it has leaked, in general, yes, you find it, pasha, wow, well, here you go, owners, is there anyone
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at home, pasha, you, you are in boots, go look what 's with the crowns in the kitchen in the bathroom, come on, in in general, no one has a fortune or a conscience, 40 apartments without water, you understand, boss, come here, here it was lying on the table, the bathtub was closed from the inside, pasha, what’s there? just wait, we’re breaking it, yeah.
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well, it’s a day, where is her phone number, and how do i know?
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you’re happy to leave.
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symphony finland. let him know that we pulled him out. well here is, stay here, i'll turn off and top.
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yes, yes, everyone gasped, incredible, who
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is it? this is a bomb? who? chief of the cia's middle east division, jeff, good morning, richard, i'd like to talk to you, this is very important , the last time you interrogated me was 6 hours, it’s not enough for you, don’t be angry, it’s all over and you ’re not suspicious, listen, i need to meet
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my child and wife from the school holiday in an hour and a half, i’ll arrive in half an hour , it won't be long, i'll wait. you heard half an hour , well, yes, that’s just enough, i’m so glad that this boy is not at home, i was uneasy in my soul, what if they don’t ring the doorbell, then the next press will detonate the squib, come on. everything is fine, the gas is on, we'll drive off a couple of blocks. so as not to light up,
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everyone is ready, you go to the left, you go to the right.
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on behalf of the bureau, i apologize to you, unfortunately, to suspect part of our work , no hard feelings, sir, we do not sell popcorn, i'm glad you understand this, unfortunately, harley's betrayal cost the lives of many people, and special agent reilly, she had family? he was imprisoned for the failure of our source,
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holbert is the attache of our lebanese embassy, ​​of course he will be acquitted and paid compensation. decent man, dick, i mean colbert, very glad you you're coming back.
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he stood for all our american agents, and what should we do now, work, nikolai vasilyevich, work and draw conclusions, let's go, let's go, what do you want, calm down. so what about ustyugov? what about ustyugov? it's time for him
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to share his accumulated experience. we have a whole departmental institute for this. we really lack theoretical research based on experience. with all due respect, but you can’t touch him yet. for now, and then? then it’s also not possible, but you can send a personal pension, with the presentation of a certificate of honor from director, for special services, as befits the honored veteran of soviet intelligence, who has done so much for the security of our homeland that look, heydar odilivich, we need to take care of him. run away from him.
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i’m listening, katya, please call who? there are no such people here, this is phone number 2351517, yes , it turns out, this is a telephone, so where is the landlady, the landlady, the landlady died, already six months ago, the housing department told me, yes, i screwed up, we are doing repairs here, hello, hello? thank you washer sir, i'll bring the change.
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sir, this is a lot, look right now, guy, who will pay it will happen, that creature, i’ll kill it! help! there is no passport, documents, in general there is nothing, and this margot is not there, after all, she is a loser, anechka is a quiet, modest girl, a health worker, but this is yulka, the spitting image, the same face, who is yulka? yulka, her sister, they are twins. julia, hello, father masha, this is yurets, how did he find me?
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