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tv   Advokat  NTV  December 28, 2023 3:20am-4:06am MSK

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he rose to the rank of colonel, well, now he has been retired for several years, well, thank you for such a high assessment, so what happened, my nephew valerka is accused of the murder of his girlfriend victoria konkova, and there are grounds for this, he was found near the corpse, drunk in his own village apartment, according to investigators, he shot her with his pistol, there are his prints on the weapon, well , he couldn’t have killed valerka, this is... some kind of nonsense,
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why are you so sure, anything can happen in a relationship, well, they already met with vika for some time, and doted on her example, if he was always a talker, but then he began to change just before our eyes, you know your nephew so well, well, of course, i look after him after the death of his parents, well, he’s a slob, of course, but he’s never been known for his drunken antics or any - rowdy behavior, let’s say, so where did he get it from? award weapon, for what merit? so i was always against this idea and knew that it would end badly, about five years ago he agreed with someone to buy a makarov shoulder pistol, but why did he need a weapon? well , blah, he just used that whole thing just shoot at the cans a couple of times. alexey nikolaevich, please help, all the other lawyers refuse. he says
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it’s a hopeless business, why should we spoil the statistics for ourselves? by and large, of course, they are right, this means, no, well, i believe that the fate of a person, it is more important than statistics , let’s try, yes, things couldn’t be clearer , it’s banal, i would even say, well, still i would like some details, your version, for example, timakov got drunk and shot his girlfriend, that’s all, prints on the pistols. there are traces of powder gases on the hands too, that’s it he just got drunk and shot his girlfriend , who said that simply, judging by the picture from the crime scene, as well as the testimony of neighbors who heard screams, timakov and skate first got drunk and then got into a fight, well , maybe it was an accident after all, consider the result of the examination, the victim tried to resist. to the end, judging by
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the fact that there are her prints on the outside too, she either tried to rip the gun out of his hands, or turn the weapon away, but the poor woman still failed, your client still shot, which means you are only considering premeditated murder, yes, a typical drunken everyday life, you know how many such cases i have, a husband throws a knife at his wife, or something else, well, they seem to be somehow not antisocial people. decent, yes, the neighbors say that the suspect regularly threw parties, only stopped when he started dating a guy, he stopped , after all, after all, he stopped, that day he somehow lost his temper, well, everything went wrong by the way, your client himself does not deny that he was in a state of severe alcoholic intoxication. "i, i couldn't kill
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vika, this is impossible, tell me what kind of relationship you had with the murdered woman, okay, we met her about 4 months ago, we immediately started an affair, you know how it happens, it smelled, suddenly..." the meaning of life appears, i even secretly bought a ring, waited for the moment, even so, on the day of death , what happened, she came to me in the evening and i finally decided to propose to her , she agreed, we didn’t get to that point. we drank
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and apparently i had too much from excitement, i was afraid i probably don’t know a refusal. in general, you know, it always seemed to me that i loved vika more than she did me, in general , it doesn’t matter, i felt bad, i passed out, the next thing i remember is the police, the trumpet workers are nearby, valer, let’s get it together, to be honest, according to the police, the gun was lying next to you . i ’m telling you again, i barely made it to the room before passing out, obviously, i physically couldn’t hold this gun in my hands, do you understand? where did you usually keep your weapons? in the closet, i have a small safe there, but i remember exactly, i didn’t open the safe,
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i didn’t hold that damn gun in my hands. where were the keys to the safe? on a common keychain, along with all the keys. here in your inner pocket, so as not to forget, was anyone else with you that day? no, i was thinking of reasons to keep quiet after all , that’s why no, we wanted to be alone, and in general about my plans, no one knew about getting married except taska, and who is taska? well, who is this? daska is my sister, not taska, taisi, did she have keys to the house? well, yes, she 's my sister. she had a spare set, okay, i’ll come back, but wait, i can ask you for one favor, bring me what? no, if it’s not difficult for you, please find
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out who is organizing the funeral, where and when, and most importantly, maybe you need money, i’ll try, thank you.
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i stopped looking after her, but i still help valerka, well, she’s now under her husband’s wing, so i stepped aside, she’s jealous, well, it’s more likely that her husband is cheating, they want to move to their parents’ apartment, and valerka should be discharged, they have a big family, an apartment my husband has a small one, yes, this is interesting, well , i ran, all the best, egor, you keep me informed, good, good, good luck to you, yeah. len, hi, i think you are you’re running away from me, maybe we’ll meet and talk, petenka and i are just back from kindergarten, and in a couple of hours i need to pick up the older one from the club, i won’t keep you for long, after all
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, your brother is accused of murder, well, of course, of course, what are you do you think about this situation at all? yes, i don’t know what to think, i’m at a loss. i can’t believe that valerka could kill someone. i wanted to ask you about my brother’s apartment, but it’s not only his, it’s mine too, we have equal shares. we inherited the apartment from our parents, but it lives valerka is there, and we live in my husband’s apartment. it’s an unfair situation, yes, the apartment is big, there’s only one brother, of course it’s unfair , it was a shared apartment, just not privatized.
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and i don’t even think, you’re angry , you’re hurting us brother, you’re probably not happy with your fiancée, what are you hinting at, valerka is a grown man, it’s high time...
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not because of my own entertainment, i didn’t want to offend you, i’m helping your brother, you want to help your brother, then you need to blame me, but i didn’t want to offend you, you had a second set of keys, where it was kept, yes, as usual at home it hangs on a nail in the hallway, your husband was at home, no, your husband was not there, he was on duty, you can check, it means night duty. where he works? he’s an engineer at an energy company, lately he
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’s started going to work at night a couple of times a month, he says that the power grid is broken, he has to make new drawings, okay, thank you, wait, thank you. “i talked with your wife, she seemed like a wonderful woman to me, yes, she ’s right for me, but please tell me about your relationship with her brother, dogaton, i always said that he it will end badly, and why so negatively , well, what if he occupied the apartment, refuses to privatize it, comes up with all sorts of excuses, you know, a real gutter, he turned out to be the privatizer." so he shouldn’t, it seems, and you seem to have nothing to do with it,
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this is the business of brother and sister, right, i’m a husband, we have children together, and this is also my business, and tasya, she’s just very kind, and he takes advantage of this kindness , she doesn’t want to quarrel with him, but you want, well how, you know, he has such a face, you just want to hit him, i want, well... it got in the way , i don’t want to get into trouble, but i talked to your superiors and they told me that there were no problems with the electrical networks and no one forced you to do the drawings, you know, it’s just that in reality this volume - this work is m quite complicated, only i was doing this project, and no one knew about it, inopportunely, right? what are you saying? and i clarified that no one was working at night, the office was closed, well, since your wife
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is so good, you lied about albi, maybe you were in timakov’s apartment at that time? ok, i confess, you killed skate, what? no, i didn’t kill anyone, i ’ll explain everything now, i’ll explain everything. i have an alibi, everything is fine, hello, larisa, please come into the office, right now, please come into the office, everything is fine, the question is not mine, hello, meet me, this is our accountant, larisa, please tell me , person.
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well, yes, yes, i had him, we are lovers, finally, the devil dare me to contact you, she’s smarter, fuck you, larisa. did your lover go anywhere that night? no, he was with me until the morning. it’s clear, there are no more questions. goodbye. a excuse me, i would like this information to remain here, because well , this is just an affair, i have a family, i would not want to ruin it. thank you very much, thank you. what is required?
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hello, what's going on, meet me, this is andrei, my boyfriend, like andrei, and i was just thinking, dad, what am i saying, i'm looking at the young ones, gray beard without a rib, what are you allowing yourself to do, you brat, and you... don’t be so nervous, at your age it’s dangerous, your grandchildren will be upset, and orenok orange will not take you to the hospital, but i’ll tell you now, but what are you to me now? so stop it, both of you, andryuzh, calm down, please, that’s right , andrey, calm down, get out of here before it’s too late, egor, you’re a fool, you don’t understand anything, you’re the one who gets out of here, right, well then
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, let’s figure it out, let’s , but we have nothing to understand, somehow, you and i are not couples, we could never be a couple, you know? that's it, your fantasies on this matter don't bother me, goodbye, egor, let's go, lyuba, hello, hello, so, where is egor? listen, he felt bad, he went home to rest, by the way, well, let me take his assignment for yourself, wait, but you were going to put yourself in order on vacation, but everything is fine, i, in general, i’m ready to work, well
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, i’m glad to see you, listen, i wasn’t here while you were, i familiarized you with the case materials and.. .in
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case of loss, but have you noticed anything strange about the deceased? and a lot of strange things, so we found an envelope with money at her house, signed for my funeral, how did you feel that she would leave? well, you said a lot of strange things, something else? yes, they found a will on the desktop at home, just a week ago, in this will it is said that she bequeaths all her property to some temak. what is this where to look for it? i'll attach it to you. uh-huh, interesting, i also found medart’s old vikina, it turns out that she was in a mental hospital, now i understand the seizure that she had at the corporate party, what kind of seizure? it’s awkward to talk about it somehow, our courier got drunk and started driving, and vika
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went crazy and flew at him like a fury, they barely calmed him down. i dare to assume that the funeral has already taken place. vika was buried by her work colleagues, as far as i understand, everything went well, there were no problems with money, he had savings. buried at the danilovsky cemetery, at the danilovsky cemetery, clearly, thank you very much, believe me, this is very
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important for me, thank you, you knew that vika bequeathed her apartment all her savings to you, i mean, some kind of nonsense. vika’s will, why should she think about death at such a young age, and what does it have to do with me, what are you looking at me, i swear to you that i didn’t know anything, i swear to you, i don’t know how to prove it, but i i’m nothing i didn’t know, clearly, it’s absolutely necessary. follow the regimen and take all medications, that the doctor gives you, do you understand? sorry, can you tell me, where can i find dr. sergeev? he was going out somewhere , you wait here, i’ll go get him now, yes,
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okay, thank you, hello, wonderful weather, isn’t it true, i just want to breathe and enjoy, watch nature, excuse me, what’s the weather like this? breathe in, feel what a wonderful air, lord, what air, how i love you, i missed you so much, help, venya, lord, let go of the girl, this is my friend, venya, you made a mistake, let go of the girl, i’ll tell you i’ll give you a vitamin, vienna, yes, well done, just like that , run to the ward, tell me sister ollie, let her give you a little red vitamin, say, i told you to, run, bye, you’re okay, yes, thank god, so what? it was?
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you know, well, the doctor must know the causes of the disorder, otherwise how to treat them, yes, yes, and so, having regained consciousness, a few
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months later, victoria found out that the driver had avoided responsibility, got involved in connection, got away with deprivation of his driver’s license, who was it driver, well, these details are unfortunately unknown to me, yeah, tell me, eh what was her diagnosis? catatonic syndrome? well, she insisted that everything was unfair, that the culprit should be punished, and that’s all, well, she was also suicidal, but this was against the backdrop of the pain that tormented her after the injuries she had suffered. wait, is this even treatable, she has fully recovered, well, therapy? gradually it began to show results, this unhealthy excitement went away, along with it the pretentious speeches about
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justice, victoria wanted to live again, well, the drugs were stopped, tell me, why is there no record anywhere except the old medical record about her diagnosis? well, the diagnosis was also canceled over time, now, after 10 years, she has been completely removed from the register in the psychoneurological... well, okay, thank you for the information, i would advise you to unwind and relax yourself, you yourself are almost in a depressed state, this i’m telling you as a doctor, i’m sorry dima that i had to disturb you, but you love alexion, anything for you, i remember well how they smeared me with earthenware at one time, now i could sit. come on, stop it, this is our job, better tell me what's going on accident, which i was interested in, but everything is simple there, the drunk driver jumped into the oncoming lane, in
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general, everything is a mess, it turns out very few people. survived on the spot, did you find out who the culprit was? well , the driver was a certain valery tmakov, that’s right, you’re our client, which means, as i understand it, you didn’t conduct a search here, no, the point is, the murder happened in timakov’s apartment, the criminal was caught at the crime scene. by the way, you better put on gloves, otherwise you might actually find something. which poets do you prefer at this time of day? and you read, i’ll listen, it’s a sin for man to be proud, a person’s power is insignificant over the earth , once upon a time, a person is stronger, wonderful, oops, what is this? it’s a sin for a person
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to be proud, criminology, advanced course , repestsky, excellent, so, wound ballistics , forensic medical examination, geotheoretical and practical fundamentals, that is , you think this is normal, yes, what ’s abnormal, it’s lying around somewhere in my apartment, another old soviet manual on flying. he has spaceships of the soyuz type, this doesn’t make me an astronaut, that’s for sure, but doesn’t it seem strange to you, for successful completion of a firearms course, yes, something unusual , wow! tranquilizers
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, the midcard says that she hasn’t taken them for a long time, come on, move away, this is... your client, yes, now i understand why she needed these books, possession of firearms, for now that’s all we have there is something about your case, you remember the details of that accident, yes, but vika and i never met, and even in those times when, when the accident occurred, we did not see her, otherwise i would have definitely remembered her, she was such, if i could assume that... from
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the death of her family, i was young, had an accident, got scared, my uncle lit up, no, an old-school uncle, if he had found out, he would have rolled me into asphalt, but how and then, dad, my father also worked in the ministry of internal affairs, he found some acquaintances, and they made a fuss. i was told off and told not to communicate with the victims, although there was no one to communicate with, why not with anyone, and because there was no trial, they let everything go, and the only victim was vika, vika, she was in intensive care, if only i knew, you know, if only...
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to be honest, of course, honestly, but why are we? i have one version, only you should be here, or maybe vika tried to kill you, you were defending yourself, well, i’ll think about it, this changes things, this article easier. listen, are you, are you, are you kidding me, or what? i loved her, or rather, no, not like that, i, i love her, now i love her, and all my life i was looking for such a person, and i found him, although, you... i can’t
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imagine what it’s like to find that one , calm down, and i’m calm, i believe you. timakov is not guilty, he is too sincere he’s going through the death of skate, i’m sure he might be faking it, but no, he really loves her, he even refused self-defense, egor, something doesn’t look like you, you reason, even without your tricks, he’s just not in the mood. because of the weather, probably, well, yes, blood pressure, yeah, timakov’s intoxication was also not accidental, it’s quite likely that the medicine that lyuba found when taken with alcohol gives similar results, loss of consciousness
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has a hypnotic effect, yeah, right, the day after tomorrow, there are no other suspects, all the evidence points to timakov, it is necessary try this... version, well, yes, you’re right , there are no other options, hello, lyubov alekseevna, oh, alena, hello, something happened, you asked me to let you know, if there’s anything else strange, i can’t get through to you i was able to, i decided to come, yes, oh, my phone was dead, excuse me, you say, i’m currently dealing with wiki’s affairs, and the notary is working on the will, and he said that the day before her death she sold the car, but this money is nowhere to be found, yes.. it's strange, why? maybe she gave them to someone? i don't know, i asked around neighbors, they said that they saw her after the sale, she always used the services of a local bomber, and brought her, took her away, yeah, well, she bombed - that’s good, he can
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tell us where he took her. did the neighbors happen to remember the car number? why, everyone already knows him, he works there all the time, if you ask, they will show you everything. well, okay, let's go. “hello, hello, please tell me, it wasn’t you who accidentally gave this woman a lift on the thirteenth, but i have a non-reference bureau here, i don’t have time to chat, i have to work, yeah, i see, tell me, is that enough for you? so that you can get distracted, well, yes, i gave me a ride, she took a part-time trip from me, paid 500, 500, where did you go for that kind of money, well, at first
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she said that we need to go to the bank, withdraw money, because she only had 2.0 in cash, yeah, that’s how she told you about the bank, but why be afraid of me, everyone knows me here, this... i’ve also known yours for years, i helped her with the car repair. okay, first you went to the bank, and then where? and then we arrived at some office on leninsky, what about her, almost a russian name, john and something else there. i waited for her there for a couple of hours, and then took her back here. yeah, this company isn't jonan by any chance. yes , it's called. oh yes, exactly, yes, yes, how do you know? yes. this is an international law firm, i know the head of moscow law, cool , by the way, if you’re interested, she went to this office with some kind of package, and came back light, yes, thank you, this is
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important, uh, so, then maybe maybe you'll give me a lift, yes, of course, yes, have a seat. "here you’re always like this, it’s not that easy to meet, sit, you can even without the land, sorry, we’ll definitely meet and visit, i promise you , i’ll take my word for it, we agreed, now she’s just running out of time, okay, i’ll tell you a secret, skonkova came to see us “did you use our services, which ones exactly, did you draw up a will ?” another one, but you know better, only an unusual one, with a deposit and a delay in opening. the john & dow company undertook to fulfill the client’s will after her death. yes, an unusual service. now i
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understand where they were going money for the car. well no matter what, exclusive services are expensive. what was in the will and deposit? luva, you understand that i can’t help myself. to say , even with all my love for you, our company is one of the oldest in europe, we don’t need reputational losses, and the british will kick me out into... the cold, well, igor, is there really nothing that can be done, but i believed in you so much , so you take advantage of my short attitude towards you, yes, there is a loophole, organize a request from the court or investigative authorities, i will give everything with a clear conscience. igor, i always knew that
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you are a true friend, raised, come closer, get acquainted with the contents, sit disk, flash drive, serial numbers, sign. hello, valerochka, your honor, i ask you to call the head of the moscow representative office of the notary office, john indau, igor yuryevich richchenkov, to testify, i allow it, thank you very much.
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witness, what can you tell the court about this case? citizen victoria konkova contacted our office. according to the terms of the agreement, the john endau company must transfer a box with things to a certain citizen timakov 15 years from the date of her death. but at the request of the investigative authorities, the box was opened today. is already dead, and you never died in prison, but
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she will finish you off, i hope, yes, yes, i hate you, comrade, you killed my whole family, remember the accident, you were to blame then, but you were able to escape punishment, you killed everyone who was dear to me, but i survived. but i can’t do it anymore, i can’t live anymore, i’m tired of suffering , you know, i, i once dreamed of finishing you off, killing you with my own hands, then i met you, you didn’t even recognize me i thought that death was too easy a punishment for someone like that... a bastard like you, you must
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suffer and suffer, just as i suffered and suffered all these years, it was not easy for me to seduce you, but i tried very hard, and you finally swam , i’ve completely lost my head, poor thing, i’ll shoot myself in your own house, with your own weapon, i ’ve been planning this for 5 months, five, this is my job, planning, you see, it came in handy, i read books on criminology, i learned how to use weapons, all the motivation, attracted all the strings to you, probably to you i wonder how you know, if you... put a gun in your hand and shoot correctly, then
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no one will ever understand that i pulled the trigger, everyone will think that it was not suicide, everyone will think that it was you who killed me, you yourself you will decide that you killed the woman you loved simply because you were drunk and will never remember anything. so, if you are watching this video, it means i succeeded, you were given 10, 15 years for my murder. and you left prison as a decrepit old man, and so here you are, i stole the rest of your life, it was i who made you suffer, i took revenge for my family, goodbye, valerochka.
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the court decided to find citizen timakov not guilty for lack of evidence of a crime, and to release citizen timakov from custody in the courtroom. the defendant has the right to rehabilitation in the manner prescribed by chapter 18 of the code of criminal procedure. just like that, yes, all this of course, if
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timakov had been imprisoned for 10 years then, everything could have turned out differently, this is the first time in my practice, i don’t even know who i should feel sorry for more, and who i should feel sorry for, even if temaki is not guilty, yes, how do you like it? we can continue to live with this thunderstorm, okay , let's go, the weather is getting worse, 991. 7 years he lives alone, no children, wife died, borisovich finally moved in, we are waiting for you, i was so confused, what is going on here,
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why is my apartment it’s open, senior lieutenant kazantsev, your district police officer, mikhail borisovich, you were robbed, i was taking out the trash, i see the door is open, i called no one, i myself was afraid to go in right behind the district police officer, it’s good that our stronghold is in the next entrance, but why steal from me - that was, but come in, now it’s not worth it, mikhail borisovich , let's wait for the task force, there may be traces, i hope you don't want to give up everything and leave, i... believe that pasha is not guilty, well then go ahead, my husband is accused of stealing from a war veteran on an especially large scale , 158, part four, but this, this is very serious, up to 10
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years, yes, that’s it, you see, all the military awards and gold mine watches, a gift from marshal zhukov, disappeared there, and i apologize. and you, vladchiy pulin, pasha is my friend, we work together, yeah, yes, after pasha’s arrest i didn’t know what to do if it weren’t for vlad, thank you, okay, larisa, you know, at any time of the day or night, you see, the fact is that pashka was once a burglar thief, but he gave up on it, look, and you said that you worked together , yes, at a telephone center, but he wasn’t always a thief, now he works at a radio center, when... he reformed and is now a law-abiding, decent man.


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