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tv   Likhach-3  NTV  December 28, 2023 8:00pm-10:11pm MSK

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the investigation came to the conclusion that zhukov and poltavsky should be released. hello, we have arrived, we haven’t worked in zhilino yet. so work it out, we don’t have any serious evidence for zhukovo and poltavsky. there are suspicions. we keep people in isolation. suspicions, taking into account their personalities , their lawyers will simply wipe you into powder, don’t resist, sergei viktorovich, well , you have direct evidence for neither one nor the other, well , really, no, we don’t need scandals, i agree, i won’t allow you to i'll go, i have a lot of work, yes, of course, thank you for your thoughts, they lived not homot, uh-huh, no, the method of murder there
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is gelin himself and his movements interrupting the vasgenke, so you judge for yourself, maybe you can correct me if i’m wrong? well, we ourselves criticized the investigation for the fact that they clung to the version with the joker, and tried to quickly put him in jail like a maniac, but now we are doing the same thing in yellow and white, and if a new victim appears now, we won’t bother with this zhukov with poltava, that he landed again, poor us, rich lawyers? no, no one forbids you to work on them if you have any left some doubts, but for now, well, wait , and be more diplomatic, yeah, apologize to both of them, in polish, right with your mouth, or what? yes, right out of the mouth, zhukov is a journalist, and poltava is even worse if the information reaches everyone else, tohkirang, wow, right off the tongue. and you have a reputation and since
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somehow, you know, in short, get in touch with them, talk, so that everything is quiet, of course, otherwise our shoulder straps will fly, yes they will fly, excuse me, go already. sergey viktorovich, good afternoon, they decided to meet me personally from evs, just a second, investigation apologizes to you for the inconvenience caused, oops the investigation, that’s right, that was your personal version, the investigation apologizes to you personally for the inconvenience caused. okay, apology accepted. all
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the best. sergei viktorovich, just a minute, since all the charges have been dropped, maybe we can work together? lord, what the hell, did you get a job in the ministry of internal affairs? no, i’m a crime journalist, and i heard about st. petersburg, and it seems to me that you were in a hurry and made a mistake with zhilin, he is not a ural clamp. ah, that is, now expect a devastating article from your name, right? no, oddly enough, my task is to help you, and not to insert sticks where they shouldn’t... but where should they? here too, sotnikov, just a second, a second, yeah, uh-huh, yes, i understand, sergey, maybe, literally, a couple of words.
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i’m done here, in principle everything is clear, the man looks 25 years old, death occurred around one in the morning, yes, there are no documents on him, a man, a local, they interrogated him, he was drunk , he was walking home, they found no traces of blood on him, nothing, a passer-by, how they killed him, tritely, with a stone to the head, robbery, i don’t know, i’m just now. i don’t know that he has valuables with him, a phone, wallet, on a mission to kill, they scared him off, so he didn’t have time to take anything, the witnesses were eliminated, there were no traces, this, in general, there’s nothing on the stone either, explain to me, that’s why, they still haven’t established the identity of the murdered man, i i say, there are no documents, well, there is a phone, vanechka, and there’s more than in the documents, it’s locked. let
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me introduce you to diva, who is great, come on , no need, i know him, that’s it, sotnikov, well, hello, seryozha, and i thought that you would come to me personally with good news, did not work out. i understand that you have found your maniac, since they released me, what do you need , what do you want, i can’t talk now, you know, okay, when you get free, come to me, why, apologize first, and then we’ll sit and tell you i wonder how you caught your maniac, but i’m wondering, since i’m involved in this, i can’t now, i ’m busy now, you know, it’s not working out for me. are you the boss or what? my beloved is calling, please be so kind, okay, that's it, that's it, then, hang up, hang up, hello, yes, no, this is not a lawyer, this is the police, in general, when you finish here, go to this beloved one,
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and visit his relatives, and where are you going, where, van, the girl said that he disappeared yesterday, she was looking for him all night. could you sleep? do you have an address? is that we then went? but what about who else are we standing in? a? i knew it. sit down, i knew it. everything, everything. where did he go last night? to the computer store, i still thought it was too late, but i didn’t stop him, when he didn’t return after 2 hours, i immediately realized that something had happened to him, and who are you, the police, and who are you, the police, shoot, what happened
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, something happened to yurik, they killed him, this is... gleb, our friend, yura has been friends with him since childhood, talk to the little man, then we’ll check to show him, friend, let’s go, calm down, tell me, what about yura, did he work or study? yura, graduate student, worked part-time on the internet, yeah, are you local? no, 2 years ago the three of us moved with gleb. have you been watching anything strange about him lately ? to be honest, i noticed. has yuras changed a lot after the news about the child? changed? how? you see, yura
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was always so carefree when he found out about the child, became more serious, apparently found a new job, you say, apparently? well, he didn’t say anything, but he got money, he started taking me to a cafe, burning flowers, then he didn’t come home until the morning, he said work, and you don’t know who could have killed him, but that’s all, that’s all, that’s all , everything , calm, calm, i’ll ask the last question , forgive me, excuse me, and you, personally, where were you and what did you do tonight, about an hour, i cut off yurkin’s phone, i didn’t sleep all night, so let’s write it down, i can’t even imagine i can’t imagine who
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killed him, yurka was such a homely guy all the time life, all the time on the internet, he would n’t even have met valya if i hadn’t... introduced them, well, but someone killed him, you don’t know, yura had some problems, maybe with grandmas, yes no, on the contrary, he just got on his feet, started earning normal money , on what, he started writing diplomas for other people, and how long ago it started, a couple of months ago, as soon as they replaced him, let’s go to the bar, he offered to ride you, he wanted to snowboard to do, and what do you do? busy yesterday at 100 am, i had a conference with colleagues, we discussed relocating the office to moscow, and then valya called me, i came and calmed her down all night, yeah, and besides calming down valya, what do you do in life, stocks, crypto and
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investments on the internet, everything is legal, yeah, a crypto investor, that means well, be connected, free. ugh yeah. poor girl, can't you tell me what you have? teplakov recently started writing theses for money, what are you talking about? and this is what kind of income she was talking about, so let’s go to college, find out everything there, you never know what kind of conflicts there are were, it’s good that’s it, you won’t even argue? what brilliant ideas? no, i'll go,
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leave, uh-huh, yeah, yeah. oh, i came, so, straight to the point, on behalf of the ministry of internal affairs i apologize, i was wrong, but sit down, sit down, why didn’t you come during the season, that’s right. “i took you , i had to let you go, my bad, that’s it, in heat,
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you wanted an apology, but, yes, not an apology, i wanted it, but the relationship is normal, well, imagine, they’ll break in on you like that at night, take you off the woman , and then they declare you a maniac, it’s like let’s do it again, you’re free, we’re in everything figured it out, what else do you need?" you figured it out, but let me go because of what happened in st. petersburg, and you act as if you suspect me of something else, so in yellow and white, senya, there is why, you’re not in the mood today, you’re fine , not everything is fine, i’m just allergic to excuses, you know, look, i’m not swollen anywhere, yes, i feel it smells like blow, i’m sending you a second, let’s send it, they ’ll bury you in a closed coffin? “i checked the alibi
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of ivashchenko and valentin, ivashchenko really had a conference on the internet, he worked all day, and valentina’s phone was localized from home all evening, all night, and calls to the murdered man, by the way there were more than thirty of them, were also made from home. teplokov is a graduate student, unemployed, lived with odd jobs, and recently began earning money by writing dissertations, is this true?" "it’s true, your birth, i was at the university, and classmates characterize teplokov as a calm and smart guy, and yes, he really was writing dissertations works for money, offered his services to classmates, calm, smart, yeah, yeah crashed on the street, as i understand it, he had no conflicts at the institute, but make a mistake, ivan tarasovich, there were, and some, a certain alexander romanov, 24 years old, the son of an auto business owner, a client of the murdered man, who ordered the deceased.
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in one of the massage parlors of the late clack, well, who are we standing with our hands waving at, go and interrogate, yes, okay, sergei viktorovich, allow me, i’ll go with yagodin , that’s right, thank you, oh, you see, he’s a good worker, that’s why everything needs to be done before ...
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well, what about this time? yes, everything is the same, it’s a kutaboo thing. a...
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and now i have to give things full speed, i hope you will remain reasonable, uh-huh, uh-huh, tell me quickly that you are now under a microscope, there is no need to think about what you say, what you do, especially in front of me, yes, yes, yes , it was just a warning for old friendship, but i'll be coming officially soon, uh, thank you, thank you, what? thank you, yes, for that, here is classified information, vanchika, closed, close the door, sit down, come to
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the right choice for poisoning, hangover, allergies. so let’s just throw it away, pyotr sergeevich, and the earring’s departure, this is your surprise,
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i praise you, how high you climbed, here the air is cleaner and healthier to exercise, train, continue, continue. your second, the main thing is to think, the motorcycle is painfully familiar, but i understood that if i called you, you would find there are many reasons not to come, that’s it
8:24 pm
, too, so guys, seryoga, senya, is there a conflict between you, why are you silent, gegor, what ’s playing, the cat ran by.
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not half-assed, not half-hearted.
8:26 pm
get up, shake hands. shake hands, sergeevich, thank you very much, bye, my car is parked there, well, what can i say, you still remember something, this cannot but rejoice, you yourself taught us that we need to remember not with our heads, but with our muscles , then forever, that means i taught you well, and yes, yes, but seryozha, it’s advisable to visit a trainer sometimes, i agree, you... in general
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did you rate our sports center? like this? it’s gorgeous, you can’t stop living, it’s a pity that in childhood we didn’t even dare to dream about this, but one of us still dreamed, do you know that this whole sports center was built by our sinechka? and i suggested to him to open a motorcycle school, what do you think? kobenica, kobenica, geog, come on, i parked my car there, right? well, guys, well done for coming, oh, now you know where i live, come on, if you have a desire to train, you are always welcome, definitely.
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well, let's get up, no one is training stopped.
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8:30 pm
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the clip in 4 minutes, well, everything else will be completed by the neural network, who let this impostor in is calling you too, the classic that has been proven over the years works, but these are your blue ones. skates, they are not interesting at all, it’s gratifying that you notice the disadvantages of each other’s shows, so you are invited to team up together to come up with something perfect, vk under a fur coat 2 december 30 at 23:30 on ntv, and after all, our show turned out to be trendy , but everything is fine, what is it, what do you want from me, let’s go talk, i’m not
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going anywhere, make me angry, you want to resist arrest, let’s go, but what kind of detention, what are you saying? didn’t do anything, then you have nothing to be afraid of, let’s go, but you told me to let go of my hands, rest the passenger. what do you want, i didn’t do anything, it’s all illegal, consider that your shoulder straps have already come off, interrogate, you had a conflict with yuri teplakov, i demand a lawyer, until he arrives, i don’t do anything i'll tell you. it’s finally arrived, load it , we’ll climb in, what are you doing, why are you so harsh, nothing, you’ll also criticize me like taras now , let’s go, report back, on the way, ask dima for a full installation on romanov. colleagues.
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just a second. come here. door. what's going on? sukachov from the osb came again, why? the kutabov case, someone filed a report against me, who? i would like to know, if something green is sitting in the swamp croaking, then, sergei viktorevich, something happened? it happened, guess what? oh! sat came, one
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of our people dashed off a statement on their own about operations in the hospital, sukachev said so, they don’t seem to disclose this, but i’m not saying that sukachev, i assumed he was involved in this case, did you assume that it’s about romanov? he had a conflict with the murdered man , we went to talk to him, but he refused, and as soon as he heard teplakov’s name, he began to demand a lawyer, so you didn’t interrogate him , he’s drunk and violent, we decided to let the ivs cool down, well, talk the drunk guy out, nice thing, let's go visit him, carefully. sergey viktorovich, what do you want? i understand,
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romichka, you wanted the best, but it just worked out, you can’t win by shooting at your own people. yeah, yes, sergei viktorovich, that too. free, yagodin, in short , romanov laid out his alibi for me and okhsana, and what an alibi, and oh, he admitted that he knows teplokov, of course, he ordered a diploma from him, he threw him away, and now our lover is vicious. he is afraid that the end
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will come to him, yeah, the end will come, from whom or with whom it will come, from his father, from whom, he squandered all his money, you are your birth, honestly, wouldn’t it be easier to write the diploma yourself, not well, they didn’t find out, because it’s really interesting, we have a dead body right here, and he’s afraid to get it from his father, so some kind of alibi, where he was last night at about one o’clock, and where, where at home? he was playing on the computer, and he said , you can ask the neighbors, they saw and heard, and you can also check the computer, all game sessions are registered there, and i would like to know when he last saw teplakov, two days ago, and the most interesting thing, you know, that no, that he wanted teplakov this, excuse me, forgive me, face. stuff, yeah, but he said that she’s a muzzle, yes,
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muzzle, has already been beaten by someone, van , as you say, usually in such situations, i mean, in the sense that i’m saying, well, in the sense of fists, probably, uh-huh, uh-huh, yes, of course, a, b , that means you’re going to see the girl teplakov , you’ll find out once again that she knows about everything about this, and i’ll go and sort it out... move your legs, your friend is in pain, go ahead, you don’t want to tell me anything, about what, about that , what did you discuss with sotnikov, no, i ’m telling you, i don’t want to, let’s go, please,
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or maybe you saw him arguing with someone, didn’t hear strange calls, somewhere a week ago, yuri called his stepfathers sergei, they quarreled, yura even sent him, well , in general sergei is a dangerous person, he was in prison, for what? i don’t know, yurina’s mother
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met him by correspondence when he was in the zone, but does this guy have a last name? to her, i can call a lawyer, do you have any hearing problems? i said, questions, not complaints, come on, next time you call me so that i can also be present during the conversation, okay,
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let’s not teach us how to... our work, okay, thank you! have you seen how this gleb valya protects? are you sure he's just a friend? well, you know, friendship, it comes in different forms. will you come over?
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no, i guess i'll go home. today is my day. some kind of, yeah, you're lashing out at me, at the suspect, what's going on? rum, what were you talking to the centurion about? i was the one who went to osb. have you filed a report against vanya?
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yes. for what? because i thought it would be right. have you changed your mind now? roma, you understand what will happen now, nothing will happen , i’ll reprimand tarasich, well, maybe at most he’ll fire him, he doesn’t really want to work anyway, roma, you’re stupid, you understand that you’re us i framed everyone, we all gave evidence, what are we doing now for the css, everything is in cahoots, i got you off, i said that you didn’t know anything, they won’t touch you, thank you, thank you very much for taking care of me. wait, how come you don't realize they deserve it? roma, the problem is that for you the department is
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them, but for me it is us. ksyukha, enteresgel is enterrasorent number one. the right choice for poisoning, hangover, allergies. so that your tummy doesn't hurt and you don't have a hangover, we take it. tarasgel gel for poisoning december 31, the christmas tree is decorated, so, aliska, the christmas tree is lit, the table is set, the best barbecue for the most beautiful people, the guests are assembled, i decided to congratulate you personally, thank you for coming, the only thing missing is just not to interfere in any way, the main thing is right before the new year, nikita panfilova, it’s you his? but i’m not a plumber, why call me? ligach, new season. well, let's go? final
8:49 pm
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consumer loan from rosselkhozbank with love for its people. rosselkhozbank is bigger than you think so, that means so, stand here, wait for me, suddenly he will run. and i’ll go around behind, everything, everything, everything, everything, we’re waiting, sergei kapitanov, who’s asking, major
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kubatko, criminal investigation department. what's the matter, boss? oh, i didn’t have time to get out, have i already gotten myself into something? yes, what are you talking about? this is how i train on the punching bag. and by chance the pear’s name isn’t yury, the puppy picked it up, he told marinka, he raised the woman on his own head. come on, get ready, we’ll go to the department without being stupid, okay, what’s the matter? and why did he weave it? i said, no nonsense, don’t force me to use force, be quiet, hush, hush, you'll get cold feet, soloch , okay, stop, stop, i say, the infection
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is gone, what did i tell you, you can at least once do what he asks you, tarasovich, where did he start strangling you, blow in department, write a report about how you missed the captain, or better yet immediately about dismissal, since you are so smart, but why immediately about dismissal, do you think i didn’t guess who was running to sukachev, what did i do to you? i’ll find something with the captain myself, hello, hello, comrade
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colonel, i wish you good health. it's me again, like promised, only for the search, what are you looking for , this is no longer your business, karapetyanov is being called for you, just from him, keys to the safes, stay. “oksana igorevna, she’ll be present, she’ll show you where you are, who we’re standing at, what’s going on, that comrade lieutenant colonel says, we’re working, oksana igorevna,
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buy me some coffee, sergey, stop fooling around, why am i the last to know that the osb check has been resumed in your department, give me, let's go away, i only found out yesterday, what would i change? i managed to immediately run to you to complain, well, we would prepare, discuss the strategy, instructed, hello , let's leave, let's leave, instructed the personnel how to behave, and tell me honestly, sergey , what to expect, what happened there, vanya is to blame, but what does vanya have to do with it, vasgenich, we even carried out an awful lot of such operations here. you have a scratch on kutabov’s neck, hello. that means, let’s go away, full cooperation , that’s right, honesty and professionalism, we don’t need unnecessary and sudden movements, no need , i wish, hello, let’s go away, let’s go away, yes
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, as i understand it, declare because of the matter, so direct sukachev didn’t say in text, of course, but who is yagodin, there is no one else who is white, make sure that vanya doesn’t lay a finger on him, emotions will be over the edge. so, ivan tarasovich, you asked me to keep captainov under control, so he lit up, let’s go without prelude, dima, he just withdrew money from an atm at the exit from the sochistar shopping center, so, send me the addresses
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of the nearest pubs, so that for bottling cheaper, okay, i'll look, let's go at a pace, dimochka, at a pace, i'm waiting for the address. damn, right, what's right? on the other hand, what else should she do? thank you, thank you, thank you, what a persistent boss you are.
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quilt, thanks guys, free, thanks guys, free. i finished, ivan tarasovich kubatko acted
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strictly according to the law, oh, it’s great that you stuck to my department, you can’t tear me away. yes, there are a lot of complaints about you, increased attention because of your fame, if complaints from an outsider are commonplace, then making a statement on your own, such a statement is just to be noticed, i can’t, i’m sorry, everything is neat to you. one word wesbeshnik, you tell me this after i came to you in a friendly way warn you, you ungrateful centurion
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, for some reason everyone forgets that the primary task of the css is to protect the employees themselves, and only then, then the prosecution of those who have elevated their authority, so i... i will make ivan tarasovich happy that you came to protect him, and then he walks around, nervous.
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he’s playing, he knocked up his girlfriend, he’s a goofball, but i came to talk to him, the conversation didn’t work out, so he started being rude , he’s an idiot, i’m talking about his mother, but i have such a cutlet of dough, choke on us, i asked where it came from, no said, but it took me here and fell, yes, he hit me a couple of times, but didn’t kill me, i bet i’ve already squandered the money, but i gave everything to marinka, i don’t need anything from her. she's a holy woman, okay? i see, the day before yesterday at about one in the morning, what did you do? watched football, alone? one, clear, yes, what is clear to you? if you land me in an outrageous way, she will be left alone, now she doesn’t have a son, she will take care of her grandchildren, let’s get ready, let’s go, a taxi, he’s been waiting for a long time, comfort is a plus. boys, keys,
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avatar show, final january 1 at 20:20 on ntv, it’s just space when you feel the real taste smoked meat from cherkizov's own farms, enjoy the moment with fantastic taste. cosmically delicious, cherkizovo! sportmaster, only original ski equipment from leading brands with a guarantee of product authenticity. double cashback bonuses for purchases in the mobile application. sportsmaster. he's getting better and better. up to 16% per annum on deposits , the best interest rate in savings. warehouse with favorable rates. apply literally with one button in the mobile application in the spray collection. more profitable than
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iviko, created by experts, time-tested, this is rostagroexport forty, you can easily recognize it by just one yellow stripe, simply delicious rostagroexport forty, just try it, new year's mask december 31 at 20:24 on ntv. good day, at large, lieutenant colonel srukachev, internal security service, i am investigating the legality of the actions of the police officers, during the detention of kuta there was, in which you took a direct part, it’s not interesting, just like that. right away, you won’t even listen to me,
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the only thing i regret is that i didn’t have time to finish him off, but the main thing is he’ll go to jail, and the rest doesn’t matter, but you see, what’s the matter, if it turns out that the operation during which kutabov confessed to raping your daughter was illegal and carried out with violations, his confession will not be accepted by the court, since it was obtained under pressure, so what?
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then we’ll talk, they can give him a real sentence, but much less, when he gets to the zone, i know what they will do to them there, and that’s enough for me, take me back to the cell. it’s your birth, dad, what are you doing, what are you doing, are you not sleeping, but you got enough sleep, this is not gray peter. well, you're going to have breakfast, you're going to, what you have plans, thank you, i’ll move to my mother’s, yeah , then i’ll meet my girlfriends, my husband and i’ll go to the cinema, okay,
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that’s enough, yeah, to svetka, maybe i’ll move to a cafe, not to sveta, kveta, maybe she’ll at least find something for me to do , since the folder cannot, the folder can do everything. just a folder of centurions, that's it, just a folder of centurions. sergey viktorovich, good morning, i was with you, but didn’t find you, are you not at the internal affairs directorate? why? well, you yourself asked to report the news as soon as it appears, and it is there. i specially arrived at the laboratory early to figure everything out. found in teploky’s blood alcohol and cocaine. oops, dad, teplakov, this is a graduate student, this botanist, yes, you haven’t confused anything, seryoga, i have one patient lately, and i double-checked everything, alcohol, and cocaine, this one,
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send me the results, then, that's it, lights out, dad, well... it's really very boring, maybe i'll at least rearrange the papers for the vodel , you know, baby, dima is a certified sorter of papers, don't take away someone else's bread, dima, well done, yes, bon appetit. why did he start fighting if he wasn’t guilty, that he thought we were beating him let 's land, the suspects' cases need to be studied properly, colleagues, judging by your tone, you've already dismissed the captain, how do you know, there's an announcement hanging right in front of the internal affairs directorate and
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it's written in small letters underneath, since a large amount was found in the blood of the murdered man, as if the expert said. maybe he's lying? oh, so interesting! no wonder his girlfriend said that he had changed. yes, damn, right now my brain is telling me that maybe teplakov’s death was directly due to a change in lifestyle. cocaine, ha, it's not cheap. well, it’s strange, that’s all. the more i think about it the less i believe in making money from writing dissertations. so, the drugs are a trace of roma, sniff, where did he get them? eat. wait, wait, don’t roma. can you help ksyukha? let me. it will be, by the way, about rubber , danechka, come on, come here for a second , sit down, who are we standing for, yes, what are we waiting for, come on, sit down, vanechka, i beg you, don’t
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bark with this berry, hold yourself with both hands, why, seryozha, let him feel that he is not here... and let him not find himself anywhere else, just, vanya, like an andronic kolay, honestly, yes, yagodin behaved dishonestly, but in essence he is right, you planned the operation disgustingly, yes, vanchik, yes, i, i didn’t check
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it, but kutabov almost died, didn’t die, he’s fine, with a hand in his throat , yes, only the handwriting has probably become better. if it weren’t for the berries, and there’s no point in making a kuzel out of yourself here, who ’s a kucelya, there’s such a bird from the red book, lord, that’s it, i’m off, lord, go, van , i allow it, sergey viktorovich, you can, after your birthday, thank you, dim. hi, hi, listen, we are faced with the task of understanding where teplakov got the powder, any thoughts on how? honestly, there is, let us know the geolocation of his phone for the last 2 months, if he
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was sitting at home all the time, and then suddenly started going out somewhere, we need to know where, nightclubs, bars, discos, whatever, please, let's try, so, there are several similar establishments, but most often one address comes up. this is the medovik nightclub, yeah, let's go where to medovik rum, now, but if this is a nightclub, then there will clearly be no dealers or people there now, who can take them out. dima, call me the owner or the owner of this establishment, please, just a minute, the owner... is not very interesting, he is a citizen of malta and has not flown to russia for 4 years, here is the manager oleg
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vladimirovich reshetov, 38 years old, local, there is a phone number, yes, here write, you can, yes, join in, yes, hello, good afternoon, what’s his name, oleg vladimirovich, oleg vladimirovich, this is captain egodina. the criminal investigation department is worried, we would like to meet with you, yes, i’ll come right up, see you, now let’s go, thank you. i don’t know who killed your teplokov, but i remember him himself, he tried to push
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drugs in our club, push? teplakov, are you sure? yes, security brought him in, we had an explanatory conversation, kicked him out, i didn’t see him there again, they just took him and kicked him out, yes, i told you, we are fighting for our reputation, yeah, we don’t need this rubbish, and that’s the problem , which she drags along with her, why didn’t you go to the police? well, you can’t guess, because i didn’t want a scandal and didn’t want bad fame for our establishment. okay, we will contact you again, thank you, everyone good luck, all the best, goodbye, well , basically, this is the answer to all the oddities that his girlfriend and friend were talking about, normal dealers themselves don’t use, but teplokov has the drug in his blood, or maybe he was a bad dealer? in business, he recently made a mess, went into peddling, and he paid for it, the only question is what kind of mess he made, but we need
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to look for his suppliers, ksyuzh, what and what is happening to us now? well, think about it, you understand that i did what i should have done? no, rum, i don’t understand, go to the css - this is betrayal, first of all you could have at least approached the centurion, is the centurion the same? like kubatko, he’s been working in the department for many years and hasn’t done anything with him, you’re the only one so perfect for us, that’s it, wait, rum, stop lying to yourself, to me, you know why you’ve been so nervous and twitchy lately , you lose your temper at everyone, because you feel that you acted meanly, but now you don’t know how to fix everything.
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you meditate, and i see you are still in style, otherwise, they say, you are already a lieutenant colonel, yes, there is such a thing. the fight has been going on for him for a long time, but why not? cover, once the ointment has gone, it’s yours, looked for
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evidence, hid the person, we have been working for years, so that then we can cover it all at once. all the orts , so why did i go in vain, or what, it turns out, not really, if your teplokov worked in the honey cake, competitors in the business that control the flow will definitely know about him, yeah, well, that’s it, and if i frighten him away, among me they have an agent, a reliable one, otherwise he works here nearby, let’s take a walk, come on, come on. thank you, lyubochka, hello, yes, decide, come in, sit down, how is sotniky’s department, assists, if assistance can be called collective concealment,
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something is required of me while i want to figure out what happened myself. when you decide to take such a step as reporting a colleague, you must think about such consequences and take responsibility for them, isn’t it, so from me, what is needed is, order the centurion to stay away, i don’t want him to be present, ok,
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by honor. that right here is a good place, there are a lot of people, there are no cameras, the pops are not driving, but kind, hello, hello, and what is a criminal rose doing here, i’m like james, at work and how recognizable he is... i understand he’s a stray, after a couple of evenings the security kicked him out, who does he work for, gleb, gleb, who is he, just gleb,
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i don’t know the last name, is this one of the new players? players is too strong a word, while he is working on little things, we copied five or six guys from him, judging by the way this yura worked, gleb recruited them somewhere from an advertisement. what kind of honey did this yura have in his honey pot? yes, i’m telling you, he’s green, he acted like a fool, he glowed, he drank, he worked everything several evenings and sloppy, as i understand it, he was killed, right? i’m not
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even... but hello, ksyukh, please try, gleb ivashchenko, do the installation for him, ivashchenko, that’s it, i’m in the department, let’s hang up , the legend is back, the one made from 100% malt, baltika 3 non-alcoholic, so futuristic, fairy-tale heroine. new year's mask december 31, 20:24 on ntv
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, get your child ready for school with creative supplies from leo! december 31, right after the new year's mask, here is our house for the new year, only the new year, something is not visible, so holiday, you have to bring it with you, alice. turn on new year's music, i'll turn it on. alice, show me the recipe for gingerbread cookies. we can't find your house. alice, light the garlands. you with gifts and new year's mood. new yandex station duomax, new year is where alice is. win when you create special moments. when you find a reason to get together. when you give joy to your loved ones, order a scooter from sbermarket and megamarket and win 10 million rubles and other
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incredible prizes. at vtb the interest rate on a savings account is 16%. and save up for the wedding faster. class. and everything will work out at vtb. i don’t think i’ll get carried away like that. that wishes come true at such a speed? until that same music, yandex music, has not started, everything will start with that same music, 4 days left and russian lato will give away 2 billion. buy tickets! this winter, especially for you, we are freezing communication prices. when connecting or switching to tele-2 tariffs, their price will be frozen for a long time.
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we are freezing tariff prices. celebrate the new year with vka. here you can set the mood with one new year's playlist. congratulate calls to loved ones on vk, even when i’m not at all ready for it. capture unforgettable moments in vk clips that you want. share with everyone and meet midnight with a flurry of congratulations in the messenger vkontakte, vk, we celebrate the new year together, alice, turn on new year's music, turn it on, we can't find your house, alice, light the garlands, new yandex station duo max, new year where alice. superstar, finale! on saturday at 20:00 on ntv. confidence and strength. this is how she wants to see you. brutal, reliable, stylish. like a men's set
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hermes accessories from leamax. a voluminous cross and a chain of armored weaving, a massive hermes cross, jewelry steel, noble shine and a spectacular, voluminous design. three crosses in one. a powerful cross fits perfectly with a chain of armored weaving. the color is real. gold, strong lock, reliable links. hermes jewelry is self-confidence and an integral part of a successful male image. a set of hermes jewelry is a worthy gift for a real man. the price of the set is rub 2,499. but call us right now and you you can buy it for only 1,999 rubles. but that's not all. everyone who orders a set will receive a gift. a consumer loan from
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rosselkhozbank with love for its people rosselkhozbank is more than you think. so, so, either it was ivashchenko who pulled his friend into his business, or some other gleb in the world, and i said that he was in love with alya, so he helped her, everything is logical, speculation, logical speculation, oh, they struck him, yes, well... "gleb petrovich ivashchenko, 25 years old, native of krasnodar, classmate of the murdered, businessman, sphere of business, i tried to figure it out for a long
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time, and dima eventually told me that gleb has his own company that deals with cryptocurrency, but this is like a cover, because they received their main income from drugs, and this gleb-gleb vasa-vasya with crime , was not involved." he was not registered, no relatives or friends were found who were imprisoned either, so and so, well, he didn’t organize all this himself, honestly, why call a friend in drugs again? control, if you please, we we're not looking for a drug dealer, but a murderer, yeah, we need to turn him on this, so if oksana igorevna, igorevna is right and ivashchenko is really in love with valya, then she is his weak point, we can try to arrange a provocation for him through her, mm, what? for example, start talking about murder. we know that you are ivashchenko, but
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we can’t show him anything, but she can. listen, rom, last time i was also indignant about exactly the same operation, now the girl is pregnant, it’s the pregnant woman who is sent to the potential killer, by the way, drugs are a bad plan, a bad plan, this because i suggested him, ivashchenko loves valya, he will protect her like a kite, and kutabov to suicide.
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and so that they have the intelligence to tell such a story, after which sukachev will simply shrug his shoulders and leave with nothing. the reckless guy is silent, what’s happening now is your fault, hello, and there’s no need to growl at sukachev, say thank you that he didn’t start digging deeper, and he also failed. why are you attached to me? how many such operations have we carried out? that once something went wrong, i repeat right away, kutabov suffered through your fault, if you so
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whatever you want, write according to mine. satisfied, wait, we're not finished yet, i'm done, i have a job, a murder, and you do what you want, thundering, and you just keep quiet, you shouldn't be here, i didn't tell you how you ended up here, the situation is certainly sad, kubatko initiated the operation himself.
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from the position of senior operative, from work , daddy, and why is it so soft, or maybe to fire, put vasgenich, centurions, me, and who will work, kshishtov the spider, what and or yagodin, ah, major, nash, what career growth , from trainee to senior operator, only on i can't get my head on. i have the honor, i’m not sure! solve this issue urgently, but how vac, that’s how, think, seryozha, think, every time,
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i apologize, i apologize, i apologize, please tell me, did you serve your brain, or is it something personal, or maybe i just got another one imprisoned there’s not enough meta for a long asterisk shoulder strap, three questions for you, i ’m doing my job, no, where are you going, no? cool guy, you defend your own, but i tell you that you are an ordinary, star-struck man, yeah, of course, someone will say that you who decided that he is above the law because you are so cool, just remember, you will still answer the task of false testimony, i have the honor. there is no one else to see.
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9:36 pm
okay, sasha, in prose, in the style of pushkin, or let’s do a rap? sorry, but we need to talk about sasha and his assistant. the virtual assistant solut with artificial intelligence gigachat is capable of a lot. give new year's mood. i'm so sorry, you're an actor. we are going to make a movie. about what? about us? once upon a time in america? yes. first day of the new of the year. i didn't come up with anything. mikhail porechenkov, completely beaten off, announces a casting for the main role, there is one option, and he hasn’t forgotten about me, well, we’re not social workers either, but who can i play there,
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the main character’s girlfriend, it’s easy, the fee is decent, it’s a waste of money , holy shit, cinema is a serious matter, an offer you can’t refuse, i’m sorry to fly past. oscar, you fucking kidnapped him, i knew too much, oh, what a cruel thing, let him lie, oh, beautiful, yeah, a movie about bandits, i'll be back, new year's premiere, january 1 at 17:00 on ntv, stop, filmed, superstar, finale, saturday at 20:00 on ntv. alfabank has the best loyalty program for business. we pay 3,000 rubles. for opening an account and up to 10% cashback for expenses. hello.
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happy new year, for real comfort, no repairs are needed. you don't need an office for real business, real friends don't exist on social networks,
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real art doesn't only exist in museums, real hobbies don't fade over the years, real life requires a real bank. psb - bank for the present, new year's mask december 31 at 20:24 on ntv. on the street. and icy wind, you are already numb , but there is still no bus, when fishing the bitter frost penetrates to the bones, the alaska thermal underwear from leomax will suffice , you will forget about the cold, three-layer microfiber retains heat three times more up to minus 25°, removes moisture and dries quickly, keeps you dry, warm and cozy, elastic fabric, comfortable fit for any figure, ideal for everyday wear or active recreation, plus for women. models, tightening effect , lace collar, wide size range and
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favorable price, call to order a set cozy alaska thermal underwear for only 1,299 rubles, but if you call us right now, get alaska thermal socks as a gift, only today, the second pair of alaska thermal socks for free, leo max, purchases with a plus, call or order on our website superstar final on saturday at 20:00 on ntv. in the new year, we all wish happiness and that luck chooses us. on the first day of 2024, we are guaranteed to give away 1 billion rubles. in total , more than 2 billion are being played out. and again there is intrigue, again there is mystery. who is he? new year's draw billion from russian lotto. january 1 at 15:30 moscow time live on ntv.
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who am i now, a simple oper and berry, can i
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give orders, taxi vanya, you’re just on vacation, don’t become soggy, please , we’ll sort everything out, and you know, let me make your life easier, i’ll write a statement of my own free will, dismiss ivan tarasovich, and what would you did it in my place, well, well, tell me, tell me, i already said it, vanechka, sort it all out. oh, seryoga, you, you yourself said that i screwed up, well, it serves me right, you’re the only one, out of the water as always came out dry, at this rate, you know, you will rise to the place of karapetyan, ah, ivan tarasovich, ivan tarasovich.
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he met here with someone from his criminal circle, who? obviously, they used some kind of secret messenger; the killer came here with his phone turned off. as soon as he came, he left in a hurry. so what are we looking for, sergei viktorovich? as always, that's all that's possible, just a little more. do you have photos of these? yes. news on the investigation, well, this is there, chuh, i understand, come on, thank you for agreeing to meet, there are some actually, yes, and i really need your help,
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i can’t believe that gleb is a dealer, but... but we need to figure it out, all the evidence is indirect, there is a procedure in our work, come on, it doesn’t mean that it’s him, no it means that you said that i can help you somehow, well , as best you can, you talk to gleb on the record about all this. what, i can’t, he ’s my friend, and maybe not only a friend, we checked your social networks, he’s clearly not indifferent to you, well, of course i noticed, but
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help me, don’t you really want to find out the truth, i’ll be there . light, in general it’s not fair to run and shoot on par with the boys, it’s still clear that most of the girls are being trained for office positions, but what did you dream of spinning and catching 100 kg flounders, why are there new technologies now, well, i’m not going to get into the ring with them come out, come. hello, girls, hello, van, give me vodka , i’ll celebrate, vodka for him, what are you going to celebrate, a painstaking retirement, sveta, but that’s okay, explain what happened, that i’m bad, sveta, not like everyone else, i don’t know how
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to do everything correctly, that’s where it all comes to me already, it was your dad who told you that, yes, dad, no, not dad, dad too. osb has scared me, i’ll go to retirement, or maybe even get hooked, light, give me some vodka snacks here, do you hear what i ’m telling you, to your husband, i’ll take it myself, a consumer loan from rosselkhozbank with love for my people. rosselkhozban is bigger than you think. december 31st, the christmas tree is decorated. well, aliska, christmas tree, light up.
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the table is set. the best kebab for the most beautiful people. play, thank you for coming, the only thing missing is just don’t get into any gates, the main thing is right before the new one year, nikita panfilov, you called him, but i’m not a plumber, why call me, reckless, new season, well, let’s go, final episodes, december 31, from 16:20 until the new year’s mask, with the coming on ntv. avatar, avatar show.
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what if you look at the familiar in a new way, take a thin body, a bullet screen with a billion colors and an anti-glare coating. add powerful sound from yandex's flagship acoustics and voice control without a remote control with alice, who understands what i
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want, unlimited content with recommendations all the capabilities of the station. alice, what's the weather like this evening? rain in the evening! alice, continue the film! forget about the remote control with the new yandex tv station pro. at vtb the interest rate on a savings account is 16%. and buy your wedding faster. class. everything will work out vtb sanlight discounts up to 80%. sunline is the perfect gift! 4 days left and russian lotto will give away 2 billion. buy tickets! we take potatoes and an egg, mm, great! enough peas and carrots, mm, salad! great! salad! great! grocery delivery from 30 minutes all the best as simple as
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alpha business, online banking and business applications, all in one button, counting payments, accounting and lawyers, alfabank is the best bank for business, on ntv, the new year's finale of our wonderful show. grandiose, if you love so much, we’ve already got new year’s surprises, one day you won’t be able to live without me, the new year’s performance is over, it will touch you, it was fantastic, is this the year? you without a call, super finale, tataka, second light, all
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the love that, i’m happy like no one else, i ’m happy, i love you very much, happy new year, superstar show , today there will be only one winner, on saturday, everyone coming, at 20:00, on ntv, prove that you are not our grandfather , show where you live, fireworks, play a video about veliky ustyuk, turn on new year's magic, virtual assistant fireworks with artificial intelligence gigachat is capable of a lot, give new year's mood, fireworks, today you are instead of the snow maiden , hello val, how are you, that's enough, i know everything, about drugs and... about where yurik got his money, who told you , cops? gleb, how could you, yura
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was your friend, it doesn’t matter anymore, collect we’ll leave together, we’ll have money, we’ll live well, i’ll provide for my future child, fuck, you ruined it, valya, you, i considered you my family, and you destroyed everything, you bastard. when you raise a child alone, remember who you called a bastard and what kind of life you gave up? krypta investor, hands behind your head, slowly so that i can see, well done!
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look how dima shows tricks. hello, hello, oh, oh, hello, kid, where are you , tell me, yes, i’m at sveta’s in the cafe, dad, you don’t want to explain anything to me, what to explain, you can’t cope with your homework, or what, no, that vanya came, runs away from svetka,
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says that he was fired, is that true? well, ivan tarasivich, what a bad time all this is, dad , he really was suspended, there are no truths , that’s why, more likely because of whom, he’s standing, and i’m not you, i’ll call you back now, kiss everyone hard, where have you been , i’ll use your office, why, sergei viktorovich, he’s resisting, but i ’ll put the squeeze on him, and the reasons for bringing him here are here, i carried out the operation through valya, you ’re definitely a moron, i told you with a russian mouth, not to use it, he said, well, it’s him , you know, and i know, maybe you’d better help put the pressure on him, apparently you don’t have a version at all, since
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you grab me and drag me to the police station, and... forced me to participate in your circus, well, but you said a lot there , what i said there, or do you want to put me in jail for hitting her, beating women is bad, and pregnant women are vile, here you consider yourself registered, this is a threat, this is a fact, dear, you your face lit up the cameras so much, you think the star is so enviable to me, you still have to prove it you need what it is... yes, i beg you, your phone will give you away, he’s a techie, we’ll just wait and come, i can offer you on my own behalf, sincere , maybe they’ll knock you off for a couple of years, that’s why he killed his friend, burn him, he himself guilty. i’ve been playing on the computer all
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my life only when valya got pregnant and started to get pregnant, so i decided to help him, nobly, but i didn’t try for his sake, i hoped that he would earn money, come to his senses, but he seemed to have broken free, poured everything under zero, i bought all sorts of junk, well, that’s not why you bought it at ease, no? a couple of days ago i was counting the revenue, the day before yesterday the end was over, in the morning the money should have been spent on buying a new product. i called him, and he started to blurt out, i heard that he was either high or drunk , i got angry and called him to meet him, well, so -so plan, with a stone on the head, the corpse was on the road, but i wasn’t going to kill him, it was an accident it turned out, i wanted to show it to him, but he
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started to be rude, so we got into a fight, i found a stone and hit him, it seemed, to death, touching, but not deliberate, you want to move out in vain, my friend, let him, let him, let him, let him, let him, just tell me on drugs, just who you work with, if i tell you with whom, then you will have no one to jail, logical, relaxed, drive this one. well, we have a confession, and if drug control is involved, then we can contact the suppliers, recognition, you say, we
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took him for a show-off with this. by observation. well , come on, sergei viktorovich, don’t hold back, you will say everything you think about me, that i am a traitor. kubatko set you up, let you down. yes. don't you see what's going on in the department? when i came here to work, i expected to see all the police here, but i saw cube, ksyukha, me. this is life, romochka, it’s called. kubik, maybe uncool , copes with his job, but how does he cope, the shootout with alkhaz was because of him, kutabov almost died. with grigorieva, well, i told him, don’t get involved, but he set up some kind of collective farm in the department, say thank you that you are under
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the supervision of the osb, don’t give a damn about the osb, don’t hold back, if you want to fire, fire, there’s such a bird, roma, the red book is called a fucking bastard, i wish i could make a mess. oh dear, hello, please come in, armen, see me off, brought by a mischievous wave, now yours.
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sveta called you, including , everything’s fine, yeah, how much i’ve been planning for this pension, i told you about the trout farm, maybe it’s time, how’s work,
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10:03 pm
ksyukha, let’s talk, rom, we’ve already talked about everything, i understand everything , and i categorically disagree with you, so what, how many more times do we... disagree, this doesn’t mean that we’re not arguing about color, both in the bedroom, you ruined a man’s life, you understand that, i’m more i can’t trust you, that’s all, me it’s a pity, it’s great, it’s just great, it means kubatko needs to be understood, forgive the centurions , excuse me, as he is, we love him, but roma is to blame, yes, it’s not your fault, you... no one is accusing him of anything, roma, that’s it you saw, somehow everyone accepted you for who you are, but everything has a limit, you know that go to hell everyone collectively, the centurions, the mustachioed one and you along with them, everyone is sitting here with me,
10:04 pm
well, vanya will restore it, i don’t know how, you’re his friend, we need to do something about it, okay, it’s clear, what’s wrong with this homot? professor from st. petersburg, it was him, yes, seryoga. otherwise you never told me about it, you scared me, i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to, i’m a friend of...
10:05 pm
your dad, i hope he told you about me, whiskey in the house, what and what i stopped by, i thought we’d sit and have a drink , you’ll tell me about your professor, but i see you well enough. “tarasha, maybe he’ll get you a woman, or maybe a new business, or maybe fuck off, but you’re scared, scared”? who is this, where
10:06 pm
is this unpleasant guy , don’t rush! immediately investigate and report, eat, but if you bark, i’ll fire you, don’t wait for a beaver good, logical, open, police, i have an air box, the current is five-star and from a country friendly to us, oh-oh, boom, today
10:07 pm
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