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tv   Advokat  NTV  December 29, 2023 2:40am-3:21am MSK

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and it’s not up to you, come on, honestly, it’s nice to do good deeds, but boys, and especially on my birthday, so i didn’t understand, but it’s your birthday today, why didn’t you tell me, i don’t even have a gift, nothing terrible, my gift is better, it’s lui , you won’t refuse me, let’s sit somewhere, wait, egor, in general, i suggest visiting my favorite restaurant, what do you say, and... since this is the case, well, what if if you don’t go, i’ll be alone, abandoned, unhappy, cry, sit, okay, but i’m not dressed at all, okay, love, you’re always beautiful, just in case you have 2 hours, yes, well, great, then see you in the evening, i’ll quickly, zemin, and you’ll come , of course he’ll come, where will he go, we’re a gang, one team, well, it’s his birthday you're not
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here today, what are you up to? yes , nothing criminal, i want to develop my love , you understand, the matter is over, now she will start to mope from idleness, egor, she must deal with this herself, and her friends, comrades , who don’t go anywhere, are sitting within four walls, well, play along it’s not much for me, why is it difficult for you, you’re an authority for her, oh, a psychologist, maybe you’re right, well, let’s sit and talk. look , just don’t go overboard , oh well, everything will be fine, but interest, egor, uh-huh, what else you won’t do for a friend, yes, altruism is your middle name, and why are you so gloomy, we’re really helping a friend, maybe loves just a little, and you know, friendly help. the thing
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is absolutely positive , it hasn’t harmed anyone yet, come on, it’s really good, well, i hope i’m not too cut out, oh, well, you can be more modest, well, just right, just right, well, yegor, you’re great, thank you, thank you, my love, come on in, i'll look after you, sit down, thank you, well... good music, don't you like it? well, listen, maybe then we can go and dance? no, egor, i'll sit. lyub, you haven’t had enough of it in the office, let’s go dancing. i'm not in the mood. lyuba, you are denying the birthday boy. yeah, well i don't know. okay, i'll differ for a minute. well, if the boss invites you.
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“sheh, well, you saw, you saw, yes, it seems it worked out, i told you, and the main thing is to put a person on the right path, we have fire, yes, come on, for luba, her feminine happiness,
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according to sources in law enforcement agencies, it is here in a shelter for stray dogs. now we are just seeing how he is taken out of the shelter and taken to the police station to give evidence. please tell me that all comments on the facts of this case will be given based on the results of the prosecutor's investigation.
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can you, hello, hello, hello, come to us , please come in, thank you, sit down, right here, i need your help, i’m listening, alexander andreevich recommended you to me, bakshevatov, he is my classmate, but he is a very good lawyer, he once was, now he does not practice, he only teaches, he is behind the times. well, if anything, bow to him. okay, i'll pass it on. just help. sasha assured that you are not afraid of high-profile cases and are always on the side of justice. we'll try. so, what happened to you? my son is under a written undertaking not to leave the country. and do you know why? or rather, because of
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whom? because of the janitor. i don't understand yet. he is in charge of this, my friend. maybe you have heard about this scandal. several killed dogs. animal rights activists raised a bombshell. assures that it was my son who killed these unfortunate animals, well, what is it because of the mistreatment of them, how could he kill? how could he kill when he himself organized this butinul shelter, this passion of his began from his student days, out of sheer enthusiasm, solely out of love for animals, he didn’t think seriously, well , okay, at least i graduated from college, excuse me, you said, that he is under subscription, and he has been charged with cruelty to animals,
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these animal rights activists, they occupied the entire house, even the entrance, they are everywhere, you know, we are even afraid, we are afraid, we are very afraid, the murderer must be punished, the murderer must be punished, the murderer must be punished, the murderer must be punished, it’s much better, well known, it’s a burdensome thing, especially bad. you wouldn’t wish such happiness on anyone , i won’t bother you anymore, i hope that this misunderstanding behind the defenders will soon be resolved, could you tell us in more detail about your work at the shelter, directly, in caring for the dogs, there are four of us, me, inna -
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this is my girlfriend, and maxim, a veterinarian , is a volunteer, even though he has only recently been with us, we are very happy with him, the rest of the volunteers are helping to get him settled. animals, about 10 of them rarely appear in the shelter, but we manage, all the dogs are always well-groomed and well-fed, especially since they don’t stay in the shelter for long, even the deputy head of the administration supported us until this time, among the dead, his dog was also his, bima was left to us by for foster care during our vacation, even his daughter worked with us as a volunteer at one time, helping find a new home for dogs, do you think this is not a coincidence? i don’t know, beat the official’s dog and several with it, why? tell me, do you really receive money for the maintenance of the shelter from the budget, well, as journalists claim, what are you talking about, in order to receive
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budget money, you need to have huge areas and more than 100 animals, in such conditions it’s very difficult, uh. organize normal care for dogs, i don’t want to do that, but then how much money does your shelter exist on? this is my mother, although she is skeptical about my business, but nevertheless...
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from this journalist, where did he get it from then who needed this hype? do you need to know this false information? well, the second version? the second is dissatisfied citizens, or rather , one of them, in general, the uncle was bitten by a dog, he walked around, complained, in the end he decided to poison her, well then why would he poison the rest? we need to meet, find out why and how we will find him? i already rang the bell, the local policeman knows him well, in general, some pensioner alexey vadimovich and... called, i didn’t like him , i like him, what kind of people, well, intolerant animals, i’ll go see him, come on, do good, feed the dog, they say, well, why kill, okay, okay, i, an old man, have already lived a century, and if it were in my place... all the kids were , you know that a pack of dogs run after evil
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people and attack children, people, you don’t feel sorry for them at all, of course you do, but dogs roam the streets not of their own free will, what will we teach children if we kill animals, eh , did i throw them out into the street, shelters are created so that dogs can find their own owners, their own home, precisely so that they don’t just walk around, don’t run through the streets, this very shelter, which is called buddy, and... that’s where the money is laundered, otherwise it would their dogs didn’t run away, oh, what are you talking about money laundering, and why don’t you watch tv, why don’t you watch tv, this is a crime, they reported it, for this crime they should be punished, you know, you too the dog was poisoned, and for this , by the way, there is a criminal article, the dog that bit me, i did not poison it, for there are specially trained people for this, they are good people, they just save.
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there are people everywhere in the hospital , where the injection is for rabies, by the way, they advised , tell me, do you have their coordinates saved, and of course, of course they are preserved, here is a phone number, otherwise they might bite me, i’ll at least know where to turn, you 're welcome, you didn't expect that the dock hunter had a dog, but i'll just say right away that i'm not a dog killer, but a nurse. i've already set the climate control in my mind, i know you, okay, lay out
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what you need, i'll have enough time to an elderly man recently contacted you, whose dog had bitten him, but it was like this , the man wrote, asking for help, and why not help, this is my profile, dear, you actually need to walk a dog with a muzzle, what’s your problem? , for the time being? no, but you wouldn’t risk it like that, ignorance of the law does not exempt you from responsibility, it’s because of idiots like these that dogs suffer, wait, but often you have to raise pets, no? if they treat you properly, they walk you, no, but you are not afraid that someday your dog will poison you will eat, mine won’t, firstly, my dog ​​doesn’t take whatever he finds on the street, and secondly, we don’t have that much money to scatter that much poison, we purposefully track down and scatter poisoned
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bait, our goal is movement, cleanse the city of pests, and stray dogs bear a huge burden. you are wasting your time, we are not at all yes, but if you are looking for our trace in this matter, you are interested in the dogs living at the house. even if this house is temporary, in your opinion, what could have caused the death? dogs could and get sick, logically, a large gathering of animals leads to an epidemic, in this shelter they cared less about dogs, more about money laundering. where did you get this information from? why don’t you watch the news,
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the internet can help you, it broadcasts, is that all you need? i guess so, thanks. yes, and don’t be so careless when a dog passes by you, without a muzzle, he barely got through to you, the crowd is such a gate, can you imagine, let them all come here, what will happen, yes, nothing will happen, well , i mean, i’ll be left with nothing , your place is clean here, neatly, but what about us, we’re watching? don’t always think, oh, oh , we have a commission periodically, not without comments, of course, as far as cleanliness or care of dogs is concerned, there are always no complaints, but this killing of dogs came as a shock to me, to be honest, but why do you think that this was a murder, i told you this as a veterinarian, all the dead dogs were
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absolutely healthy, i have documents, but what do you think could have happened? the symptoms are similar to poisoning, but who knows, we we are all waiting for the results of the hiding. it’s clear that you have a hard job, it used to be calm, you’ve been working here for a long time, and i’ve been here for 5 years. here you go, at my age this holds back such an onslaught, i must tell you , it’s worth a lot, and this morning and noon and night, that night when the dogs died, everything was also calm, well, you know, i obeyed there was some rustling, there was such a moment, i took
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a lantern, went and looked, the dogs were not sleeping, but they were calm. and in the morning, yes, this journalist nikolaev made a fuss, i think that a meeting of these ash defenders, this is the work of his hands, and what do you journalists even know by name, but he’s a friend of our director yura, he came one day, they had such a fight, there was such a noise, and this was before the death of the dogs, so that means ... it’s necessary, but what were they arguing about? don't remember? to be honest, i don’t know, because they were screaming, the dogs were barking, i don’t know.
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try, if there is some milk, it’s not quite right, well, great, i usually work even harder , i don’t sleep, i work better at night, and during the day there’s also something to do, so... so, i know that you have a conflict with the director of the orphanage yuri, i would like to know the reasons, i would look at you if a better friend stole your girl, there was a normal girl, shops, cafes. clothes, clothes, a good job , prospects, he introduced them on his own, a long time ago, introduced them, about a year ago, and she left for him about a month ago, and yet we
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were friends with him since childhood, like brothers to each other, cain burned out on your head, you fought with him in the parable because of this, yes, when he found out that the inka had gone to see him, he wanted to punch him in the face, but he chickened out, called the security guard, tell him, please, where were you on the third and thirtieth of the corresponding month? i understand what you’re getting at, i’m of course angry with the little one, but in order to get even like that, to kill dogs, excuse me, i helped open this shelter, no matter what the situation, i didn’t raise my hand, well, after all, it was in the editorial office, where else should i be, like the inca left, i practically live there, i’m just working to save myself, our access system is easy to check, but how did it happen that you were the first of the reporters at the scene, we don’t have it is customary to disclose your sources, this is contrary to professional ethics, i think you will understand me. i, too, have all this stuff all over me, only they didn’t keep inka, and
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what else do these women want, tell me why i’m worse than this yurka, my professional successes are against these mongrels, i wanted to marry her, i sympathize with you, i’m great i understand, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, hello! “hello, come to me quickly, i can’t even believe it, a month ago i was still lying with a bloat, it was so bad, now everything is fine, and you have a dog, she likes you, but no , i think that with my busyness, such joy, one cannot only dream of, what is the name, the name is zeus, yes, zeus, being busy often prevents not only having a pet, but also arrange your personal life, you say that as if this is familiar to you, familiar"? thanks to my ex nikolaev? well, you already know, don’t believe him, he exaggerates, talks, don’t talk about our shelter.
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in fact everything is wrong, he is taking revenge on us. in fact, you see, i respect those who are purposeful people, i consider myself one of them, but there must be moderation in everything. andrey, he lives by journalism, he ’s at work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, it’s simply impossible, sometimes you get ready to go somewhere with him, but at the last moment he breaks up at work. then it’s clear why you found an outlet for yourself.
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it was painful to watch, yes, well, of course , i would like to talk to him too, well , today he already left, tomorrow he promised to come for the whole day, you know, if they close us, i don’t know how we will survive it, and the dogs, shelter, shelter and shelter, where they will end up is unclear, we are now hastily trying to place them somewhere, we are looking for temporary shelters at home, nothing, everything will be fine, i think they won’t close you, yes, zyas, i don’t know, this zverev is the deputy head administration, his dog also died, he is very deputy, everything is against us, everything will
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be fine, yes, oleg pavlovich, hello, i can ask you a couple of questions, whatever you want, i’m in a hurry, i’m working on the case of dead animals, come over, my friend , now i really regret that i helped in organizing this shelter, i helped, olga femina she asked me to help, she said that her son was doing a good deed, he couldn’t refuse , he helped with money, he even entrusted me with the dog , he didn’t know that such a disgrace was going on there , do you know how much my thai riverback cost, no, 3,500 dollars, i got it for borders were brought, his parents are absolute champions, but what does money have to do with it, what does pedigree have to do with it, i had him trained, it was a pleasure to go hunting with him, i’m very sorry about your... thai ridgeback, ridgeback, you know, when this the journalist began to publish sensational materials, i i thought he was crazy, but now
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i understand that he was absolutely right. i ’ve received these calls even before, but can you clarify who the calls are from? it’s possible, but what’s not, there’s a car service center next to a friend, the owner gubov said that some strange things were happening there, i didn’t believe it, we’re still doing the same thing, i haven’t been so wrong in a long time, so tell me that there’s no shelter it will happen, i opened it, i will close it, so that they will be punished, the perpetrators must be on... well, you see, there were no autopsy results yet, so it’s too early to say what they died from, maybe they were poisoned. he will answer for this, he didn’t look, he didn’t look, it’s called negligence, dear, i meant that maybe it was someone’s malicious intent. sorry, it's time.
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egor, it's me! the results of the autopsy, as well as comparative examinations, showed that there was a potent poison in the biological material of the animals on the food bowls, the same one, someone had added the poison to the food. now we have confirmation that the dogs were poisoned, we can say that this is a plus, at least at least there is malicious intent, but negligent treatment of animals. exactly, and the dosage is huge. nothing was found in the shelter's food, an examination of the other remaining living dogs seemed that there were not even traces of poison, that after looking, he was determined, but i managed to find out something, slander to hello had been received before, including from a certain bubov owner car service next door to the shelter, do you think he’s tired of the barking dog, that’s how he solved the problems, well, even if he’s not guilty of anything, it doesn’t matter what’s going on?
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we ask everyone about this, well, at home alone, can anyone confirm this? no one, my mother was there for 24 hours, and now what, am i a murderer or something? i’ve been hunching over here all day long, caring, nurturing everything just so i can kill him for some reason? well, the absence of an albie certainly doesn’t mean that you are guilty, but maybe you should check everything, check where you were the night before?
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well, here’s how... he’ll do it in the best possible way, he’s our master , we’re all hands on deck, even though he’s self-taught, yes semyon, i’m trying , comrade boss, your machine is a young man, kind of dirty, like raleigh we drove through the car on it, but even if i’m running around here, i really don’t have time to wash it, there’s only one car wash for the whole area, yes, and it’s true, i keep dreaming of opening a car wash, but for now the space doesn’t allow it, you’ll come to us in three or four months . come, we ’ll polish it, wax it, it’ll be like new, well, we agreed, then i won’t wash it for 4 months, well, yes, and you ’re going right here, well, yes, i hope this dog shelter closes soon, you ’ve probably heard what horrors are happening here, we’ll line up there, sorry, it’s so important, but nothing, sorry,
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semyon, and i’m here, what’s the door, the toilet is there, where, no, it’s the back door, well...
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“print out the addresses for me, let me check in, great, and then i’ll talk to the neighbors , please, thank you, hello, girl, i have a few questions for you, give me a minute, please tell me, this one..." has this guy ever come to your pharmacy? listen, can we buy what we need, and then you can do your interrogation, i apologize, but i remember, i came in on my last shift, and he was with someone else
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he talked very loudly and nervously on the phone, asked again the name of the drug and how much he should take, then he took a few more packs, i remembered it only because i could do it quickly, otherwise i’m also ready to do a lot to be remembered. tell me, did he take this drug? yes, yes, i took six packs, then i gave everything i had, so, well, if you were so alarmed, why did they sell so many? this drug is sold without a prescription, everything is legal, listen, everything here is also according to the law, actually, also without a prescription, it can be done faster, understandable, thank you, and you often have such clients, we have them like that, we are a pharmacy, okay, thank you for the information. “yes, first teach yourself to behave, it’s normal in general , please sell him cotton swabs, they are also without a prescription, how long have you known fame, he
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’s been pestering me for a year, even more, he’s constantly looking for a meeting with me, and after i went with him to a cafe, in general he sends text messages every day, good morning, bon appetit, or something else, in general, i already regret that i went when you were with him did you go to the cafe? mm, march 30, he caught me during lunch and began calling me to a cafe in the evening, saying that he had some joyful occasion and that he wanted to celebrate it with me , in general, he even began to threaten me if i didn’t i agree, well, i had to agree so as not to scare the people around me, but what reason did he tell you, he received some kind of advance, in general, he was all glowing with joy when i agreed to meet with him. and can you imagine, he was late, he came empty-handed, in general, i was waiting for him like a fool near the cafe, how late he was, about 15 minutes, i even called him, i said, if you don’t come in 5 minutes, i’ll leave, and he
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came running, all out of breath and nervous, saying that he was late on an important matter, he began to tell me that he and his friend would soon open a new car wash, in general, he was talking some kind of nonsense, but why do you think so? yes , because he is a perfect boy and just wanted to impress me, that’s all. the forty-second apartment in this entrance? so the ambulance arrived at the apartment the same knacker? comrades to the patient, i have an urgent call, we will not let you in, let him understand what it means to be helpless and defenseless. look, this is andrey nikolaev. hello, andrei, but we don’t let this killer in, you’re out of your mind, the person is feeling bad there, that’s good. let me in, i'm telling you, so, the murderer must be punished,
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the murderer must be punished, good, if you don't let me in as a doctor right now, i will hold you accountable for obstructing a police officer and official duties, interesting, nothing i wonder, since when have you been a police officer, and if i had not served in the authorities, i would have been the first on the scene of the incidents that i report on, but what kind of policeman is he, a killer? must be ordered, the killer must be ordered, but don’t worry so much, everything is already normal, i gave her an injection, the danger has passed, the pressure is normal, thank you, whatever, this is my job, thanks to andrey for helping, if if it weren’t for you, if it weren’t for me, with my nonsense, this wouldn’t have happened at all. how did you know that mom badly? do you offend? i have everything under control,
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people from the ambulance called and said the team was on their way to you, i couldn’t help but come, your mother has always been my second mother, but what did you say? fake, of course, but sometimes it works, thank you, there is an attempt to seize territory.
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listen, let's try, let's try to influence him through this girl, asya , he did it all for her sake, this is the idea, let's try, well, call asya, i'm sure you can influence him, because he's doing it for you did, you have to help him, i'm just in i'm shocked by what you told me. i didn’t even think that he was capable of actions, i always considered him some kind of infantile boy, i never took him seriously, but tell me, he’s not facing prison, i think he could get out of it only if he was guided on the right track, well , we’ll try to do without it, but for this i need him to come to court, or at least before it, let me call him right now. hello, slava, hello, slav,
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do you want to meet, i can be in the park in 20 minutes, give him my business card, i i’ll definitely talk to him, thank you, mom, thank you, i need to talk to you, come on, i know everything about you and this gubogo. “i won’t judge you, i’m very impressed by your action, i’m doing all this for you, but even for my sake you don’t have to break the law, listen, if i didn’t have money now, you and i wouldn’t be walking here now, yeah it’s not about the money, believe me, money is not the main thing, well, that’s what you’re telling me, why did you even think that the main thing for me is money, i remember you, you said that you were dropped out of college.


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