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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  December 29, 2023 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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where alexander stabbed him several times, neighbors called an ambulance, the man was taken to intensive care, this is the life of lawyer dmitry kolenichenko, who represented the interests of the victim in court in a civil case, could not be saved, apparently he became an accidental victim, came to his client home, a killer came out of the entrance to meet him, they came, as we understood, he and his wife began to threaten him, yeah, and then misha began to run away, and he caught him on the fourth, then he went out into the street and finished off the lawyer, so the lawyer... i understood that he had come to defend misha, and he came out, saw him, and the lawyer did not have time to do anything. according to neighbors, no one really knew the details of what was happening in the brothers’ lives, but as they say, alexander dobin, who came with a knife, defended his right to the apartment in which mikhail lived. he tried to obtain recognition of a relative who had lost the right to use residential premises and to privatize the housing. at least, such formulations appear in the civil case; apparently, they motivated it also personal grievances. he probably wanted to resolve the issue of inheritance, once and for all, by breaking it off. blood ducks, you can retreat
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, he says, well, this is the parents’ apartment, the parents , that they died there, i’m not even that, his teddy bear was taken by his grandfather, and this one was taken by relatives, parents, investigators opened a criminal case on the fact attempted murder, murder, in the city of chapaisk, samara region, the body of a thirty-four-year-old man was found with signs of violent death in the form of stabs and cut wounds in the chest and neck, the deceased dmitry kolenichenko was a fairly famous lawyer. i know him on the good side, very close, for me this is the same terrible news as for everyone else, what happened, why did he get there on foot or what, because his car is parked near the house, why did he get there in the evening , and not in the morning, i would like to clarify a lot, mikhail dobin, who was seriously wounded, is now in serious condition for... in izhevsk, the court arrested three
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suspects in the kidnapping of a person , criminals dressed in police uniforms were jailed local businessman into the car, everything looked quite convincing, the raiders really looked very much like special forces soldiers, but inside the car they did not demand from the businessman to testify on any case, but 15.
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relatives, informing about the need to collect a ransom, the relatives told about everything to law enforcement officers a day later all suspects were detained. street vendors will be responsible for the bazaar; a few days before the new year, on the most profitable days, they opened spontaneous points selling the main symbol of the holiday. illegal christmas tree groves developed in the most inappropriate places for this, for example, in the park in memory of those who fell in the great patriotic war. war, and not everyone liked it, as aleftina marchenko found out. these merchants from nizhny novgorod clearly demonstrate where greed for profit can lead. a large illegal christmas tree market was set up at the monument to fallen soldiers during the great patriotic war. we brought in the trees, set up the tent, everything was ready, the business was ready. men in sportswear work without straightening their backs, asking for 500 rubles per meter. why here, in a historical place, where is permission to trade?
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he never showed any documents for sale on the street stalls, and how was this even possible at the memorial complex? similar questions that interested passers-by only angered the man, he first disappeared, and then returned and began to threaten. i’m sure that here you can generally trade, here the memorial complex is a garbage dump, let’s better scatter from here, why don’t you come here with such words. it is clear that christmas trees are for the new year one of the most popular goods and entrepreneurs staged a real race to get ahead of the curve, who will quickly seize the territory for trade, but the law prohibits standing on high-traffic streets and simply selling what you want, for this the mayor issues a special permit, otherwise a fine will be imposed on the individual. several thousand
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rubles, a legal entity will pay up to 100,000, while it is generally unknown where these war beauties were brought from, the traders themselves are poorly informed about this, they answer with uncertainty and reluctance. where christmas trees at all? where? from the forestry department? please show me the documents for them. for illegal cutting down of forest plantations, criminal liability is assumed: punishment threatens up to 500,000 rubles. or even imprisonment for up to 2 years. the buyers themselves, in the pre-new year bustle, are the last to be interested in where the christmas tree is from, they choose with their eyes, a fluffy one arranged so that the scent of war fills the whole house and replenish the wallets of cunning sellers. if the administration here has allowed it so clearly for everyone, then we think everything is official, no, this year only in three districts are officially allowed to trade, the soviet one is not included in them, where the administration, the police are looking, i don’t know, we just as people understand that if everything is so clear,
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then everyone is aware, also spontaneous traders leave behind garbage, boxes, packaging they actually ate the ribbons themselves, which they did not have time to sell, and after the holidays such a product is no longer needed by anyone, and it is thrown away as useless trash. aleftina marchenko, oksana goncharenko, ntv television company, nizhny novgorod. and then, he killed for his mother in ufa and appeared in court a man who assures that he saved the closest person from imminent death. we'll tell you the details after the ad. hello, gav. hello, dear. what is it? movie? emmanuel vetargan brilliant text, oscar, no less,
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mikhail evlanov, you need to look for a sponsor, sergei ostav, i think that cinema is just a cover, he is stirring up something. mikhail parechenko, this is how it will come, blockbuster, movie about bandits, premiere, new year's premiere, january 1 at 17:00 on ntv, apartment in moscow count five, only five purchases from a thousand rubles to any sberbank credit card. until january 31, an apartment in moscow can become yours, and if you don’t have a card yet, get a free credit card for 120 days without interest, win with the best credit card in the country. the feed has everything for the new year, and even a pineapple costume or
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dragon wings. receive mixers as a gift for purchases in stores at the checkout and create funny characters with delivery of your order. collect, mix, play! a reason to get together when you give joy to your loved ones, order from a scooter, sbermarket and megamarket and win 10 million rubles and other incredible prizes. everyone was looking forward to this meeting. meet the new
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truffleburger at kfc and rostix restaurants. a special combination of haute cuisine and your favorite chicken, which is impossible to refuse. the main novelty of the season is truffle. it is getting better and better up to 16% per annum on deposits, the best interest rate in sberbank, you can place a deposit with a favorable rate with literally one button in the mobile application in sberbank with prime, the new year's mask is more profitable on december 31 at 20:24 on ntv. sometimes a habitual way of life can be destroyed by one small detail, many people are familiar with papillomas and other unsightly growths on the skin. appearing locally, they quickly spread throughout the body, creating a lot of inconvenience and depriving us of the opportunity to do
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the things we love. clariol gel is ready to resist them; its special formula is aimed against papillomas, warts and dry spots. i use it at home and my skin is clean and smooth, as much as possible. don’t be shy, papillomas are still jewelry, but skin defects are a thing of the past, now i can wear whatever i want. thanks to the combination of active ingredients, clareol acts purposefully without affecting the surrounding skin. the gel will help soften the top layer of growths and promote intensive cleansing and restoration of damaged areas. regain your confidence and comfort in communication, do not put off your favorite activities for later. live your life to the fullest and forget about these ugly growths once and for all. the special formula
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of clareol will help you cope with the problem yourself at home; the depanthenol contained in the gel will promote rapid recovery. my wife advised clareol, and you know, it works, i can use it myself, it’s very convenient at home. now there’s even a gym or a swimming pool. attention, a special promotion for the fastest, call right now, 8800, 200 exactly, 7 567 and get clareol for only 1 ruble, 800, 200 exactly 7567, calls within russia are free. meeting place, today at 14:00 on ntv. in the new year , we all wish happiness and that luck chooses us. on the first day of 200. twenty-fourth we are guaranteed to give away 1 billion rubles. in total
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, more than 2 billion are played out. again, intrigue, again a mystery, who is he? drawing of the new year's billion from the russian lotto on january 1 at 15:30 moscow time live on ntv. there is another emergency on the air, we continue broadcasting. almost everyone cried at the sentencing in a murder case in ufa, where a man was tried who stood up for his mother and beat her abuser so that he died in the hospital. the young man immediately admitted his guilt, but at the stage of the investigation, when the verdict was announced, he insisted that there was no intent. in a fit of anger, he simply miscalculated his strength. did the court hear him? daria mosalova will tell you the reasons. the filming , which will later become irrefutable evidence in a criminal case, is carried out
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by one of the neighbors, a man lying on the ground, the man kicks, for which it is not clear from the dialogue, how well he understood, answer, on the same evening, twenty-four-year-old danil faizrakhmanov was detained, from the police he found out that the man he had beaten died, at that moment the suspect seemed to be filled with a double feeling: on the one hand, he realized that he had taken a man’s life and... with no options to go to jail, on the other hand, he understood that his mother, suffering from a mental disorder, now safe, the deceased was a local unemployed man, a woman once invited him to change the pipes, and then he began to show up without an invitation, either demanding money or alcohol, if the hostess refused, he raised his hand, he constantly came, it was he who came and constantly beat me , i walked around with a bruise, asked me for money, asked for money, the window since it was guests... he broke my door. having once seen bruises on his mother’s face and characteristic marks on
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her wrists, the son guessed who the offender was, later found out. an intrusive acquaintance is even more dangerous than they thought. 7 years ago he was released from prison, where he was serving a sentence for the murder of his father. realizing that the person closest to him would not be able to stand up for himself, danil promised to solve the problem. what do you have in that he comes home, beats his mother, takes money from her. helps, in connection with this there was a conflict, i warned him several times with words, but words did not help, on that ill-fated evening danil was drinking with friends and again found the offender, whom he forbade to approach his mother in her apartment, at first kicked him out, the neighbors confirmed this, and already on the street he attacked him , partially admitted his guilt, did not want to kill, only to punish, but the results of the forensic examination indicate the opposite, for the same reason the investigator refused... it seemed to change article 105 to a milder one, causing death by negligence. multiple fractures of the vertebrae with
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damage to internal organs, a closed craniocerebral injury, a closed chest injury, ruptured intervertebral discs, as well as multiple bruises and bleeding of the upper and lower extremities. the lawyer asked to take into account the fact that the defendant’s mother repeatedly wrote a statement to the police regarding the beatings, but these requests were ignored, and also that the woman, given her serious illness, was left without a son. which means that without help he will experience difficulties. the arguments did not influence the court's decision. danil was sentenced to eight years in a strict regime colony. you can hug me, this is mine. there is a chance, albeit a small one, to reduce the time limit for an appeal, but you must be prepared for the fact that the opposite effect may occur the defendant's state of intoxication at the time of the crime was not considered as aggravating circumstances by the investigation, and also took into account the immoral behavior of the murdered person during his lifetime. daria mosalova, oksana goncharenko and nikita zabrodin ntv.
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relatives untimely. our resident of the moscow region is sure that he was helped to go to the next world; they are looking for someone involved in this person. relatives did not immediately learn about the death of andrei zavyalov, and then other news hit them. it turns out that in the last months of his life he became a married man. and the chosen one, a citizen of ukraine, is much older, and now even much richer, because she, as a widow, inherited all the property. diana kovando found out why the men’s relatives do not believe in their love marriage.
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four district police officers change, to each other, well , they throw it there, but call, this is not my police station, this is not mine, he will come, smile, leave, please seal the apartment. feeling at home and not at all embarrassed to set their own rules here, the new residents changed the locks and do not allow guests into the apartment, they talk about the contract a lease, and not even concluded with the deceased himself, but with his wife, the existence of which all andrei zavyalov’s relatives learned about only after his death. necta valentina panchenko, a citizen of ukraine, appeared on the horizon of a lonely man. he is 15 years younger than her, shortly before his sudden death, a couple who had never lived together got married, and a few months later the man died, and the widow, instead of a funeral, flew abroad, andrey, you were warned several times, i listened, called my wife , doesn't know where they buried him, in principle, for the new chosen one andrei zavyalov really was
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an enviable groom, his brother recalls, dova got two apartments in reutov, a dacha, one problem was... she was then very indignant that he had dirty everything, and before that how to leave the borders of our country, panchenko issued a power of attorney for her friend, initiating an investigation, however, she is already in charge of an apartment removed from germany, where she may be located. this apartment belongs to a deceased person. i say again, we rent with valentina under an agreement. on what basis do you live here, your
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mother, olga, who does she rent the apartment from? my mother, olga, put away the camera. who does your mother rent an apartment from? at valentina's. the relatives of the deceased already contacted the prosecutor's office, the investigative committee, but they refused to initiate a criminal case due to insufficient evidence of murder and fraud, civil suits to declare a fictitious marriage illegal were also lost, there are a lot of legal inconsistencies, it is quite difficult and problematic to prove murder, a fact the murder of soldering her husband for one simple reason, that she took a defensive position, she in no way... will naturally admit this circumstance, now all hope is for a new trial to recognize valentina panchenko as an unworthy heir, she did not live with her husband after his death buried and basically did not participate in life, which means that in court he could lose everything he had counted on, and in order to speed up the process of returning the property to the legal heirs, andrei still has his grandmother and brothers, his relatives once again we contacted the prosecutor's office. dyaana
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kavando, anton kuzmin, vyacheslav ponomarenko and sergey boganov, ntv. several women immediately accused nadona, a well-known bodybuilder, actor and model in rostov, of sexual perversion and bullying and filed complaints with law enforcement agencies. they decided to betray these terrible episodes of their lives after the terrible story of eduard krivenko’s last lover. the girl shared such intimate details about her relationship with the man that the blood ran deep. investigative committee started checking. details from pavel kuznetsov. judging by the number of subscribers, there are only three of them and a small number of videos with demoralization to attract potential directors, the acting skills of the famous bodybuilder eduard krivenko in rostov-on-don. for every viewer, good afternoon, captain zatulin, can i have your documents? but
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anastasia ponkova was able to appreciate the bodybuilder’s behind-the-scenes game. the girl, she says, experienced firsthand the dark side of krivenok, hidden from the public. the athlete assures the student was held for 3 days her in a car in a vacant lot, while mocking her. he mocked, raped and beat. and you lived right in the car for 3 days. and it’s very painful to remember. this is because when i screamed from the window, there were no people, i understood that no one would save me. the student athlete's romance began quickly, he won her over with his courtship and his stories, and presented himself as the winner of the elite international bodybuilding competition, mr. universe. in fact, he won the title of model at a tournament with a similar name. at some point romantic the veil slept and krivenko showed his hidden features. he filmed a video, if the video showed that i was crying, that i... didn’t want and that he was forcing me, and he beat me, i lost consciousness from painful shock, woke up, and he said, now you understand me , i did what
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i liked, he took a video and saved it. anastasia’s lawyer natalya bobeeva is sure that all these records are more likely for an alibi, in case of questions from krivenko from the police, they say, look, she herself wanted this, nevertheless, the students are already intact in the collection. footage from the yekaterinburg hotel 3 years ago, a bodybuilder leaves the room accompanied by police officers, this woman named ekaterina called the police to the hotel, the accusations on her part are still the same. i ran to the door, he caught up with me, i was freaking out. the whole floor, he came to the door, grabbed me, threw me on the floor, i fell, he told me to come in and sit down. krivenko was then taken to the police department, but later the athlete was released, the lawyers are sure that
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the prudent bodybuilder showed the law enforcement officer a home video on his phone, he probably they believed that eduard krivenko himself seemed to be lying low, his neighbors had not seen him on social networks for a long time, silence. the boy is unfingered, inactive, yes i am, yes i am. the lawyer of the actor’s last lover says that other victims of the bodybuilder, who do not know each other, wrote to her on social networks; forgery and slander are unlikely. i’ve already lost count of how many girls write to me who, in fact, were in the same situation with krivenko and eduard. now all the materials of the actor’s dubious exploits, dancer, athlete, in general, versatile eduard krivenko is being closely studied in the rostov investigative committee. surely they will quickly find the missing person from the media radar. that’s not all, look further
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, we don’t need such gifts, in odentsovo, near moscow , father frost was detained, who left the wrong presents, what was in the wizard’s bag and how he will now celebrate the new year, we’ll tell you after the advertisement. i was gone for half a day, what happened, my mother’s suitcase was stolen right at the station, you’re a policeman or who, find my suitcase, vassals, reconnaissance reported, there is someone who is getting sleepy, who i don’t know, i don’t know how long, stop, i’ll shoot, and let’s roll to sochi. reckless, new season. are you a mug or just. today at 20:00 on ntv.
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i think my grandfather is hiding something. turn on the new year's light, lights the lights, the magic staff, grandfather, and we have something tasty at home , we can conjure something, he can do magic, the snowman is the courier, my grandfather is santa claus,
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he can work miracles on new year's eve. everyone from the bottom of my heart for those around me, happy new year, wizards, delicious spot scandinavia , scandinavian burger with cheese cutlet , cheese rings warming ponche , scandinavian style, delicious spot, take potatoes and eggs, mm, great, enough peas and carrots , mm, salad, mm, great, mm, salad , mm, great, mm, salad, yandex markket, grocery delivery from 30 minutes, gather everyone, the main family hit, mountain boy, mermaid, ghoul, werewolf and other fairy tales, have a great party, magic area, all season, already subscribed eye, vtb savings account rate is 16%, save up for your wedding
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faster, cool, everything will work out in etb. the 2 billion draw from the russian lotto is already close. hurry up for tickets. i always miss you very much. warm your loved ones with warm words, a delicious winter combo, period. win when you bring joy to your loved ones. order an izbermarket scooter from the megamarket and win 10 million rubles. ntv plus - channels you can't tear yourself away from. tv set-top box with an annual subscription from only 3,500 rubles. i agree. indian pava-pava from the ecologically clean region of russia is recommended for children. we decided to get married. oh, congratulations. and when is
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the wedding, son. wedding still saving up saving up with vtb using a savings account, the best rate is as much as 16%, it will be much faster, it’s easy to top up and withdraw, cool, it’s easier to do everything online in ttb, which means saving up right now, i opened a savings account with vtb, and together we ’ll buy faster , and we will help, everything will work out vtb, on december 27 there is a parade of planets, get ready for an expedition to the arctic, on the twenty-seventh i have nuggets. and on the twenty-sixth, and on the twenty- sixth, cappuccino. delicious calendar in delicious point. every day, a new favorite product at a super price. only in the app it’s delicious, period. if you see this, it's time to order gifts at low and green prices. buy egoist coffee beans 1 kg with discounts up to 36% on yandex market. he's getting better and better. up to 16% per annum
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on deposits, the best interest rate for escape. make a deposit with a favorable rate literally with one button in the mobile application in sberbank with prime more profitable. live on ntv, another emergency incident, we continue the broadcast. the driver who was accused of car accident with a dead child, was released from the courtroom. investigators proved his... involvement in the tragedy, however, this criminal case initially seemed strange, doubts crept in after the testimony of eyewitnesses, they assured that a drunk woman was driving, moreover, who offered to hush up the accident for 2 thousand rubles, they were eventually detained daria vezovaya will tell her husband what evidence allowed him to be considered innocent. at that moment, when it seemed that the outcome of the trial was already clear and the person accused of the fatal accident, in which a sixteen-year-old teenager died
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was already ready to hear. everything, that is, you don’t accept his apology , no, i don’t accept, how to put it, because as a mother, i feel that it’s not him, all because, the mother of the deceased explains, that in this case there were initially too many questions, the answers to which still, in her opinion, have not been found, when the tragedy happened, another person was initially detained on suspicion of a crime, eyewitnesses then said they saw a drunk woman get out of the car, it later turned out that it was alexei’s wife
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oksana, and began... he was drunk, lost control and flew to the side of the road, where at that moment the teenagers were standing, accompanied by a relative. the injuries received by yegor turned out to be incompatible with life. his girlfriend, having managed to jump to the side, was slightly injured and was able to testify. she saw that the car that hit her, yegor samin, who was standing next to her , stopped because...
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he was driving drunk, for his entire driving experience of almost 20 years, he didn’t even have a family, they said, alexey never didn't sit down administrative fines, as far as we know alexey, he couldn’t do that, and he wasn’t going to go anywhere, he wasn’t driving, he wasn’t going to, he wasn’t going to, his wife, she’s an eccentric woman, he’s always a calm, balanced person, in the end the court came to the conclusion that alexey vorobyov did not commit a crime, he was completely acquitted and released from custody right in the courtroom, come out anyway. only now the mother of the deceased yegor is not ready to put an end to this, she was able to achieve the acquittal of a person of innocence, whom she is sure, but whoever actually committed this fatal hit-and-run, she says, should be punished,
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and she really hopes that a re-investigation will help achieve this. dazovaya, aksana gonchurenko and dmitry salnikov, ntv television company. destroyed all the magic. of the real holiday, one santa claus in odintsovo near moscow, he was caught by local residents laying out gifts, very incorrect ones, apparently, the drug courier decided that in such vestments, a velvet robe and a long beard, he could go unnoticed in the new year's bustle, or not very successful the actor decided to combine performing at holiday parties with additional income, one way or another, santa claus hid the prohibited substances in a snowdrift, took photographs for the client, after which... other gifts, got into the foreign car that was waiting for him, and left. now the police are looking for the evil wizard. well, this was the last broadcast of the past year, but read our news on the website in
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the cpntv telegram channel. with this we say goodbye to you, congratulate you on the upcoming new year, we wish you happiness, good luck, only good news, take care of yourself and your loved ones. see you in 2024. ntv. today in our program. vague prospects. in the west, there are differing forecasts about the end of the ukrainian conflict. how much more. china and taiwan are getting closer to an armed conflict, and iran is threatening the united states with violence.
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where will it be hot in 2024? and it’s clear that this is a dark matter. western analysts have encrypted predictions for the future. which of this will actually come true? who will you vote for? vladimir putin. watch it now. hello, this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything it becomes clear, i’m andrey norkin, my colleague ivan trushkin, if you see us here in our studio, we’re beautiful. in this snowy forest , then naturally, you understand that this is the last program of the year, and today we will talk about this outgoing year and the coming year, but in principle we don’t want to change anything, we’ll leave even our little information blocks and just...


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