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tv   Segodnya  NTV  December 29, 2023 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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night firing of camouflaged artillery positions in the artyomovsky direction. report by maxim berezin. volunteers from crimea sew clothes for russian soldiers and military doctors. what other than the threads connected the women with the special operation? rastislavsky skidan. how to properly set off fireworks? where the use of pyrotechnics was banned, who decided to replace the bright show for everyone with gifts for the little ones. everything you need to know about fireworks on the eve of the new year. in the report by pavel rybalchenko. it’s good that my wife turned out to be strict and authoritative. last year's fell snow, as they created the cartoon beloved by millions. masterpieces, why is this
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a prequel? who knows, maybe now in this moscow lottery center there is a future owner of an amount with nine zeros. ilya lyadvin will talk about the main russian lotto draw in the new year's billion. hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. this program today, its presenter is aina nikolaeva and igor politaev. today the russian ministry of defense reported the results of the strikes that were carried out over the past week objects of military infrastructure of ukraine. in the period from december 23 to 29, the armed forces of the russian federation carried out 50 group attacks in one massive strike.
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foreign mercenaries, all designated targets were hit. russian aviation and air defense systems were shot down within a week.
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earned by you honestly, this is personally to the 150th division and the fifth mosttork brigade, for completing their assigned tasks, capturing marinka in a timely manner, so i wish you further military success, the army general presented the soldiers of the order of courage with medals for courage for bravery, st. george crosses of the fourth degree, as well as memorable gifts, about the liberation of marenka... the liquidation of the fortified area of ​​the armed forces of ukraine near donetsk, the head of the ministry of defense sergei shaigu reported to vladimir putin on monday. a russian fighter with a u-35 covered the bombers from ukrainian air force aircraft. the strike group threatened to attack our crews in the special operation zone. the su-35 pilot carried out guidance according to the instructions of the command post, approached the enemy and prepared for the attack. as a result, the ukrainian pilots turned around, not risking taking the fight. all russian aircraft returned safely to the airfield. and these shots were taken. in
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the kherson region, the airborne forces reconnaissance group spotted an observation post of ukrainian formations on the right bank of the dnieper, from which the enemy was monitoring our positions. the paratroopers decided to destroy objects from the carnet anti-tank missile system. the target was hit by a guided missile from the first shot. in the artyomovsk area , artillery units are on round-the-clock combat duty. crews of d-30 howitzers specialize in eliminating single goals. according to the fighters, ukrainian guns do not fire as often as before. defend yourself. account for more from enemy drones. voenkoren tv maxim berezin broadcasts from the artyomovsky direction. the artillery crew takes duty in an underground shelter for almost a month, a kind of autonomy, in the basement there is a kitchen, a barracks control room for the senior howitzer. in spartan conditions, as best we can, that is, we are preparing to eat, well, yesterday we cooked borscht. a commander with the call sign highlander moves between positions at night, checks the soldiers, their condition ammunition and readiness of each gun.
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the most effective weapon against drones at the moment, well, not counting anti-drone weapons, of course, but if it’s not there, please, it’s killing, well, from the first, no, from the second, definitely, from their side the orta is working now, well, not like that, not so, it is felt that they have much less ammunition, mainly on their side these are drones, drones, the baboyaga throws off often, the d-30 howitzers of the southern group of troops hit targets in the artyomovsk direction, individual armored vehicles and infantry, they are often caught during rotations, the command to open fire is given even
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if a reconnaissance copter spotted two or three soldiers, the senior crew of kuban recently covered a group of five dry landers, gave a target, fired the first shot, hit two people, a howitzer, the time is scheduled in minutes. the weather simultaneously helps the artillerymen in the sky , there are fewer enemy drones in the sky, and prevents them from running to positions through a camouflaged area, having to drown in the mud, but at night this is another task. yes, ready,
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level more than three, level more than three, sight 464, protractor six. 70, yes, that’s right, a shot, the artillery of the southern group, having gone through heavy battles in kherson in the artyomovsk direction, show skill, they hit single armored vehicles of the ukrainian armed forces, with two shots they destroy a warehouse with ammunition hidden in a forest belt, in the morning the crew does not go to rest, new targets arrive around the clock , volunteers from crimea are finishing sewing a large order for the military these days before the holidays. very soon , new year gifts will be sent to the special operation zone. now we are sewing our own while on the move. 35 activists many of them sat down at
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a sewing machine for the first time. just recently, and in the evenings after work while listening to an interesting movie, we very quickly learned how to make high-quality and useful things, made with love and care. their sweatshirts, balaclavas and underwear. rostislav skidan has now found out what order the volunteers are working on. just a couple of months ago , natalya antonova did not know how to turn on the sewing machine. today, her colleagues jokingly call her an energy drinker; even in the middle of the night, she can stop by her friends’ houses for fabric or accessories. i sent off 205 dots and learned i can sing beautifully, and they have already begun to trust me with more global things. i’ve already learned how to sew t-shirts and hats. little by little, little by little i’m developing, these seamstresses don’t like to experiment with styles, and there’s no time, warm clothes for the soldiers in the special operation zone have been ordered one after another, on the cut table there’s a future batch of warm pajamas, they’re cut roughly with a margin, the excess will be removed before sewing,
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the main thing is, that is cut with care, and care warms better than any fabric, in such an expanded composition, volunteers of the crimean sewing project are rarely seen, as the girls joke, until sunset... they are the sun, accountants, hairdressers, housewives after dark on weekends, seamstresses. it’s not interesting to sew the same thing over and over again, that is , how do you sew on the fly, well, how do you cope with it , so i can’t answer this question, it just somehow comes from the heart, in one breath, i just i sit down, and it’s sewn from the heart, it’s not like i’m doing it somehow under stress or i’m forcing myself, it’s just, apparently, god helps, now 35 girls are actively sewing, they have already... transferred to the special operation zone more than 6.0 sweatshirts, underwear sets , hats, balaclavas. i say hello to our svo sewers, thank you very much for the underwear, we will be warm and comfortable in it, victory will be ours. it all started with one sewn balaclava by the hands of daria elchenkova, now
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the project manager. i love to sew, i had household machines at home, i kind of sewed for my family at home. therefore, well, if i can sew, then i can sew something. for something warm and send it to the front, it started as if, well, at home, that you will buy me a large piece fabric, sewing a boloclave hat, i realized that i needed to organize myself somehow. and help in large quantities somehow. among the volunteers there are mothers on maternity leave; while parents sew stitches, children write letters to the fighters. i feel like the soldier will be pleased that they are waiting for him at home. here are the children, thank you very much, here are your letters, i carry them with me, thank you for your gifts, here are the hats, everyone read the letters and handed them over to the military, so everything is fine, i found the letters with me, thank you very, very much, souls to you. our military are also delivered popular front activists. by order of the crimean branch, volunteers prepared
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a batch of special clothing for soldiers undergoing treatment. if a person has an ilizarov apparatus on his arm, that is, it is a large structure, that is, he will not be able to wear any t-shirt, jacket, or anything, so here such a move is made, that is, he puts it on over his head and buttons it here, big ordering already such options. these are insulated pajamas, we donate to the hospital, we work with all hospitals, so it is very important to actually receive good product and hand it over personally to the soldiers so that they can use it. at the headquarters of the popular front , all the offices and corridors are filled with parcels, the boxes are almost up to the ceiling. by the end of the week this warehouse will be empty; popular front activists are preparing for their next trip to the special operation zone; now they go there weekly. this time they collected food, household chemicals, tools, and binoculars for the fighters. and new year's table decorations with sweets, for example, turkish delight. volunteers are confident that parcels from home will be donated
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new year's mood will help fighters feel like they are part of a big holiday. rastislav skidan, alexander solovenko, dmitry mezintsev and oleg shalya. ntv television company. simferopol, republic of crimea. the results of the year in the field of passenger air transportation were discussed today in the kremlin. vladimir putin held a working meeting with the head of aeroflot sergei alexandrovsky. the company remains the flagship on the russian market.
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according to aleksandrovsky, aeroflot continues to be among the top five world airlines, despite the fact that the carrier currently excluded from international rankings. the company made this conclusion by comparing the aeroflot performance of foreign industry leaders. the head of state also drew attention to the high quality of passenger service. i’ve heard many times already that our citizens fly, fly, and not only our citizens, on which companies, and wait for the airport’s planes to transfer, because the level of quality of service is maintained at a certain level that was still achieved even by the previous management of aerokhlot, therefore i beg you to pay attention to this i would like to thank everyone who keeps this high standard and certainly maintain it.
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this is the first high-tech multidisciplinary center in all four
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subjects of the new russian federation in mariupol, it includes a powerful advisory diagnostic center for 200 appointments per day with all the necessary diagnostic capabilities, the process of technical registration, licensing is being completed, and we hope that from january the center will be open to patients. donald trump was banned from participating in republican primary in maine. state secretary of state shan bellosna based her ban on trump's involvement in the storming of the capitol on january 6 , 2019. the secretary of state has such
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authority, i consider it my duty to make this decision. i also confirm that the events of january 6, 21.
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the past year has become a landmark year in relations between moscow and helsinki. for a long time, the finns maintained neutrality and maintained good neighborly relations with our country. but this year finland joined nato and opened its military bases to accommodate american troops weapons, closed the border with russia. the only lenin museum outside russia, opened in
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1946, still operates on the territory of the neighboring country; it was once a symbol of friendship and cooperation. but now, as elizabeth gerson was convinced, it is rather a symbol of loss. lenin spent more than 2 years in finland; in april 17th, through finland, he returned from a long immigration to petrograd. in the summer of 1917, finnish bolshevik comrades hid ilyech from the provisional government, he was thankful. and in december 1905, the first conference of the rsdlp took place in the current finnish city of tampere, where
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lenin and dzhugashvili met for the first time. in the minds of modern finns, it looked like this. is in the muse'.
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immediately, the civil war in finland quickly ended in victory for the whites with military intervention by germany. the germans' goal was to weaken russia's influence. the new border lay 35 km from petrograd. abroad was not a friend, but an enemy. the capital was moved to moscow. the finnish authorities, only for reasons of their own benefit, did not go to petrograd, where they had signed a decree of independence a few months earlier. the terrible government of finland was afraid that...
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dostoevsky, tchaikovsky, korolev, they would also have to act against russia now, so they were generally lucky that
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there is no memory of them on soom land. finland was part of sweden for 700 years. in 1809, as a result of the russian-swedish war, it passed to russia , retaining its own troops, laws, police, and independent economy. the monument to alexander ii stands on the main square of helsinki. helsinki everything related to russian empire, will have to dismantle the entire center of the capital, built in the 19th century. and now in finland it is time for a different architecture, american, these are military bases and barbed wire along the russian border. we were independent for 100 years, and now we are already part of the european union.
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fell somewhere, there is a symbolic meaning. the place of this document, in terms of importance for soomi, is now occupied by an agreement on defense cooperation with the united states on the deployment of american military personnel at bases 200 km from st. petersburg. elizaveta gerson, boris halfin and polina timofeeva. tv component tv, finland. this is the program today. and further in our issue. russian pharmaceutical companies will produce analogues of the drug zempik. facilities. prescribed for the treatment of diabetes, but many people use it to lose weight quickly. how to properly launch fireworks, where the use of pyrotechnics was banned, who decided to replace
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the bright show for everyone with gifts for the little ones. everything you need to know about fireworks on the eve of the new year. in the report by pavel rybalchenko. new year's discounts in tea magnet black akbar zilon 199,999 magnet - the price is what you need, it is getting better and better, up to 16% per annum on deposits, the best interest rate in sberbank, you can place a deposit with a favorable rate literally with one button in the mobile application in sberbank with prime is more profitable. ntv plus - channels you can't tear yourself away from tv set-top box with an annual
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subscription. from 3,500 rub. i agree. at vtb the interest rate on a savings account is 16%. and buy your wedding faster. class. and everything will work out for vtb. take potatoes and eggs. great. peas and carrots are enough. salad. great. salad. great. salad. delivery of products from 30 minutes all the best, simple as alpha business, online banking and applications for business, all in one button, counting payments, accounting and lawyers, alfabank is the best bank for business.
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happy new year, alfabank has the best loyalty program for business, we pay 3,000 rubles for opening an account and up to 10% cashback for expenses,
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this year the russian lotozyk. opens, bustle, fireworks, turn on the new year's light, lights the lights, magic staff, grandfather, and we have something tasty at home, let's conjure something, knows how to cast magic. snowman courier: it has been proven
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that my grandfather is santa claus, everyone can work miracles on new year's eve, from the bottom of their hearts for those around them, happy new year, wizards, avatar show, final january 1 at 20:20, this is the program today, we continue our issue, today the star guest at the international exhibition russia at vdnkh was the famous actor, artistic friend of the tabakov theater, head of the union of theater workers vladimir mashkov. the artist held a creative meeting with young people at the knowledge society lecture hall. many of them were members of the tavrida art cluster. mashkov spoke about art, about his theatrical projects and told what
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qualities he values ​​most in... when you can stop yourself from stupidity or , on the contrary, move towards victory, will as a strength of character, will as freedom, free people are your freedom, and will - my will, desire
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, to carry out a special operation, to refuse bright or in areas that are located near the new year's show area during the event, and to use the money to support the families of defenders of the fatherland, they decided in some cities with over a million people, however , in most parts of our country, fireworks will still go off, the most thrifty russians have already managed to look into the fireworks store, and for those who will be preparing for the new year this weekend, our correspondent pavel rybalchenko has prepared some useful tips. china is the country where fireworks were invented almost... 1.0 years ago, today it remains the undisputed leader in the production of fireworks. the celestial empire supplies 90% of the world market, including russia, with holiday attributes. on there are hundreds of positions in the capital's store windows, from sparklers to large-caliber salvos.
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all companies that order products, their representatives directly go to china, attend a large number of shows, and select only the best, the most interesting. it was also safe; before testing the fireworks, we give it to an employee of the ministry of emergency situations for inspection. it is imperative to pay attention to the instructions for use, the hazard class , expiration date, the manufacturer, the importer and, accordingly, fire safety measures safety when using this pyrotechnics. we launch fireworks according to all the rules, the box is securely compacted, the most important thing is to never raise your head above the pyrotechnics. we lit the fire, we also leave according to all the rules, without looking back. when launching fireworks, you must choose a safe place, it should be far from
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the trees of buildings, especially houses with balconies. in moscow, such points have been identified. executive authorities determine special sites, specially equipped for these needs to launch pyrotechnics. you can find out information on the website this year, for security reasons, the launch of pyrotechnics is prohibited in areas close to the special operation zone. among them are the republic of crimea, bryansk, kursk, rostov, oryol, pskov, belgorod and voronezh regions. given the ban on the launching of fireworks, residents of voronezh, for example, buy mainly sparklers and small fireworks, which they plan to launch far from places of mass celebrations, due to restrictions.
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parents from large families, as well as children and families whose members are currently defending their homeland in the special operation zone were invited to the christmas tree for free. we came to watch a fairy tale under the snowfields for the princess. we were invited, we are from the maimaksan district, our maimaksan representative gave us tickets for the whole family. wonderful, very happy, yes, i liked the fairy tale, do you like it? yes now. a similar initiative to abandon new year’s fireworks in favor of supporting the participants in the special operation has already been taken in more than twenty regions of the country. paul rybalchenko, dmitry panov, irina lemkina, anna martynova, ntv television company.
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the investigative committee closed the tax evasion case against bloggers valeria and artem chikalin, known as lerchik and artemchik. at the same time, the esc continues to investigate the case of money laundering. we’ll find out more details from denis tolaev. numerous sources report this, citing the spouses’ lawyer konstantin tretyakov and interlocutors in law enforcement agencies. in november,
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russia had already prepared a list of western assets that it could confiscate in response if western countries try to confiscate frozen russian assets. presidential press secretary dmitry peskov stated this today. answering the question: is there such a list, he replied: of course, there is. the day before , the financial times wrote that the united states had proposed to the g7 countries. explore specific ways to confiscate
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$300 billion in currently frozen assets from russia. according to the financial times, the united states wants to see these methods ready by february 24 next year. the g7 meeting could take place around this time. today dmitry peskov reported that russia had analyzed possible retaliatory steps in advance, taking into account. quote: the complete unpredictability of our counterparties, their tendency to violate international law and other laws, among other things. from their own, national ones, understanding their tendency to self-destruction. end of quote. according to dmitry peskov, western sanctions have already hit him with a boomerang effect, and the seizure of russian assets, the presidential press secretary predicted, will have even more disastrous consequences. the government allowed russian companies to use the patent of the danish company novo nordisk without its consent. the point is that the companies gerapharm and ... amed will be able to produce analogues of the foreign drug azempic,
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which is used in the treatment of diabetes and which has recently become much more popular as a means of combating excess weight, however, its mass use causes many doctors question. the patent for the active substance of this drug, simoglutide, belongs to novonordisk until 2035, but last year the danish company announced that it was going to stop supplies of azempic to russia in december 23, and now the government has... due to the extreme necessity associated with protecting the life and health of citizens. on the last working day of the year, according to tradition, we’ll see what happened in 2023 with the ruble exchange rate. last year there were ups and downs in the foreign exchange market, but as a result, the dollar and euro rates decreased by 5 and 10 rubles. respectively. this year turned out to be more even, but... the result was that the dollar rose by 18 rubles over the year, and the euro by
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24 rub. after the dollar tried to settle above 100, the authorities again required russian exporters to sell foreign exchange earnings domestically in october to stabilize the domestic currency . well, this morning the dollar dropped below 89, but we are still entering the new year with the dollar below 90. the last trading this year on the russian stock market took place as expected. quietly, the annual results of the stock market are better than those of the foreign exchange market. the rts index has gained 12% since the beginning of the year, the moscow exchange index has grown by 44%. cosmetic heiress empire of l'oreal, frenchwoman françoise bettencourt meyers, became the first woman in history whose fortune exceeded $100 billion. bloomberg calculated this. in the world ranking of billionaires, this is if we take into account men too, francois.
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100 years before all these ugly stories , the beauty empire was founded by the chemist eugene schuler, respectively, the grandfather of francoise bitancourt meyers. in 1904, he created a company that began producing healthy hair dyes, the first in the world. this year i have everything. denis talolaev with economic review of the day: today
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the election website of presidential candidate and current head of state vladimir putin began operating. all information will be available at the internet address putin there is a biography of putin, information on the election campaign about the candidate’s proxies is presented. the election commission center has already registered a list of 346 people. the website also contains contacts of the main election headquarters and address. regional headquarters. in addition, video materials about key moments of a passing company. there are also sections about important achievements of russia in recent years. the site was created by a team of russian it.
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who knows, maybe now in this moscow lottery center there is a future owner of an amount with nine zeros. ilya lyazvin will talk about the main draw of the russian lotto in the new year's billion. alfabank has the best loyalty program. business, we pay 3,000 rubles for opening an account and up to 10% cashback for expenses. azon, ozone, zone, zone, and a holiday in every home. celebrate the new year holidays with ozone. vasilisa bed linen with discounts up to 75%. up to 30% discount on
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bushido instant coffee. this is the tishkins' video blog. on new year's eve , our house is immersed in a fairy tale. funny snowmen are running, i am reindeer. santa claus disassembles his sleigh with gifts, and dreams of his fairy-tale house come true in a magnet in the new year with a new house, buy a magnet from a card from the application, play, win prizes and 10 million to buy a house, magnet in vtb savings account rate 16% save up for a wedding faster, cool, everything will work out at vtb, discount 50% on the second product of built-in appliances, hotpoint built-in dishwasher for only 20,500 rubles. in invidio and eldorado. cherry tiga 7 pro max. the unique design of the sporty character will set your heart on fire. and all-wheel drive and intelligent systems will ensure comfort and safety on any trip. cherry tiga 7 pro max. cherry. all the best, as simple as alpha business.
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accurately show the card and receive up to 20% cashbacks and up to 50% service package, it is beneficial not to forget, for 37 years, doshirak has been preparing the broth base using fermentation technology, which lasts more than 100 days. dogerac is the secret of taste in the broth. ozone-zone-zone, ozone-zone, we are the new year, we are the new year, we welcome everything with ozone, mood the marathon brings us gifts, ozone-zone! celebrate the new year holidays with ozone , only at alfabank, order a free alpha debit card, spin the reel in the app and receive a superkick every month, order a card in december and are guaranteed
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to receive a 30% cashback on equipment, not just profitable, alpha profitable! this year the russian lotto is giving away as much as 2 billion. magnit - the price is right, at vtb the rate on a savings account is 16%, buy it for a wedding faster, cool, everything will work out at vtb. this is the program today, we continue our release. new year, as you know, is a time of miracles; magical gifts are not only expected these days. children, but adults, such a chance is given by russian lotto, which, according to tradition, on january 1 , live on ntv, plays out the new year's billion,
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an incredible circulation for millions of television viewers has already become as familiar an attribute of the holiday as the christmas tree, yes, people buy lottery tickets for themselves a gift for loved ones, the winning statistics are impressive, participants have won more than 15 billion rubles over the years, ilya lyadvin found out what the probability of winning the main prize is, who knows, maybe now in this...
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they take it as a gift, but how valuable it is is not immediately known. we ask all participants when they bring winning tickets and whether they purchase them themselves. either the upper field of fifteen numbers, or the lower one, that is, if you are the first among everyone to buy, the billion is yours. among the participants
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in such losses, more than 900 lottery millionaires and 2 billionaires have already appeared. we are often asked what is the probability that another lottery billionaire will appear, but with a 60% probability one will win the winner will win the billion, or less likely the billion will be shared by two or more participants. the main new year's draw will take place already.
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was created by him for close friends, came out in such a way that he became loved by millions. mikhail plokhotnik tried to understand what her secret was, and along the way he found out that last year’s falling snow actually exists, there once lived an eagle, a man, i don’t understand anything, a comedy, tragedy, fantasy, science fiction, adventure, or maybe a biography or even... a musical, in a sense even a melodrama, it’s good that his wife was strict and authoritative, one
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day on new year’s eve she sent, well, in general, he sent him for the christmas tree, this plasticine masterpiece about high everyday, and therefore understandable to many relationships, has been on new year’s screens for 40 years, everyone has something of their own, sacred, oh, piano, piano. the guy he called nona murdyukova and nona sent him directly, so she sent him, tried to become okhidzhakov’s narrator, but the director didn’t approve, in the end sadalsky took the rap for two, he was one of the titers, the main character, disappeared,
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only many years later tatarsky was restored justice, he did this: it was a janitor, and last year ’s snow was still falling, it’s as if they said it now, a prelude to the voice, it comes after the end of the film, or maybe a plasticine crow, it was after harvesting the christmas tree that the peasant moved to the city and became an honorary janitor, the idea of ​​this fairy tale, or maybe not a fairy tale? not only an adult, but even a ship will understand, but if in the crow the melody was primary, then in last year’s story both the cartoon itself and the music for it were born together, when we were making the cartoon, he told me, come up with a melody in the finale to which we grishka will be buried by you. tatarsky
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left behind a completely new plasticine animation; he taught artists what is called drawing with plasticine. we are still working in the technology that alexander tatarsky came up with last year’s snow attacked the plasticine crow, this is called plasticine relaying, these are not dolls, you see such bas-reliefs, because of this they us... the look is more plastic, they can freely jump, run, a fourteen-year-old director also works using this technology, yes, for a forty-year-old cartoon there are young window fans, i wanted a continuation , i dreamed of a continuation of this cartoon, it so happened to me that i began to get more interested in plasticine animation and i became better able to make cartoons,
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he will have better things even further, he can, he three times younger. cartoon, but capable , he had already shot, as they would say now, a sequel of the legendary cartoon, i shot the second part of his snowfalls when i didn’t have an animation machine, for 5 months i shot all the time on music stands, but now, like alexander tatarsky, i have a home-made animation machine, the second part of his version has already been made, then the young animator promises to do something of his own, ideally, 40 years after the release of the film ... they are inspired, it won’t be enough, it won’t be enough, will always be, you will not be, we will not be, i will not be, and this will always be, as a hint of philosophy, the meaning that is inherent in its very name, which, in a special forecast from arina polikova, based on the results of observations, it was possible to find out that the average time it takes a snowflake to fly from the cloud in which it was born to the ground
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is about an hour, which is why it snows in the first minutes. new year and can be called last year. the romance of physics is indestructible, the romance of the soul is deep. the cartoon was made with details that those involved in its creation could not miss, especially the director, alexander tatarsky. he did it for himself and for a small company. there was such a song, a big secret for a small company, sergei nikitin. so he did it for himself and for several of his friends, he i always said this. and it worked out for everyone. it worked for everyone. and here's who does it. for everyone it happens very often, most often for no one, that very strange sound that accompanies the entire cartoon is a collective idea, the goat instrument gave the same effect, it distorts the voice, it is a speech instrument, in fact, there is no need to press a button, there you need to use your voice own,
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last year's snow on new year's eve, before which there is very little time left, this well, now is the time to find out whether to wait, we address the question to the staff meteorologist of ntv irina polikova, who knows everything about snow. irina, what do you say? in the spirit of the previous story, i will say that it will not be enough, but with a strong desire we will be able to record last year’s falling snowflakes. but as for the temperature, it’s more complicated, there ’s something serious on the horizon. the arctic invasion right up to the center, as such, it was felt by forecasting models for a long time, but the dates were constantly postponed, at the moment the decision is this: this is our weather for tomorrow, and then in the very center, it is on new year’s eve that everything will happen, the temperature will change from plus to minus , and so actively that in the first week of january it will be 10 degrees colder than expected, and if the atmosphere doesn’t change its mind, it could be -25 in the fireplace on new year’s eve, with
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only a five-degree frost reaching the top. and belgorod will remain like this now, but as for the north and south, there is no intrigue there, the situation is crystal clear in the north, the frosts are getting worse, tomorrow up to the kirov region up to 20°, a little to the side in kola. peninsula, in the south everything is clear, there even the wind will subside, the warmth is confident, it enough for the very beginning of january. now the capital's plans: in st. petersburg tomorrow it will be -3 with snow and even heavy snow, on the thirty-first it will weaken, and the frost will intensify to eight degrees, in the new year it will be another five degrees lower. in moscow, tomorrow from sleet to rain and in the daytime it will be +3, or even +4, on new year's eve it will already be just snow, and the icy conditions will become more severe, because the temperature will begin to drop; on the new year itself, you can adjust to minus. 6 minus then sharply lower, but in order to preserve my honor and dignity i once again need to make a reservation that all this the risky scenario is based precisely on today’s conflicting ideas about
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the further development of weather events. well, we’ll keep an eye on it, in any case, thank you irina, happy new year, thank you, this was the weather forecast from irina polyakova, these are the main news for this hour, right now the premiere, the action-packed series reckless, at 22:10 a detective series. series bim but we igor will fly and aina nikolaeva, thank you for your attention, happy new year, all the best to you in the new year same. andryukha, where are you? andryukh, listen, andryukh, take over
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the five-house building, and i’m dying, are you silent or something, what are you, andryukh, andryukha! why are you silent? what are you doing? andryukha?
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