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tv   Advokat  NTV  December 30, 2023 3:10am-3:56am MSK

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today, the dacha answer completed the remodeling of the living room for the zhilov family, they are already here, guys, hello, that’s it, santa claus came to us, the very best member of the family who was really looking forward to returning, so happy, smart, already in anticipation of the holiday, yes , we’ve already dressed up, yes, yes , i see, i see what’s new with us.
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with a small gift, yes, this is for you, oh , thank you very much, teams, and here we have a vastinochka with christmas songs, but playing children's gingerbread cookies, we are from nizhny novgorod, for you, yes, for your mood for being so they prepared, they came, they charged us with such positivity, as if yesterday we parted, and today here we are, i feel that something is behind us, someone is saying, it’s time, it’s time, let’s go, everything is ready. the hat, the hat has slipped, but let's go anyway , you're ready, well, we're ready, well, go ahead, go ahead, welcome home, wow, wow, wow, amazing, how cool, listen, yes, that 's it- so, yes, here, we just thought for a long time, yes, how is all this, we have already realized that we have a fountain in the middle, well , approximately, approximately like a fountain, really, emotion. in general, just look at the kitchen door
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and it’s like that, look at the mirror and wow, it’s so antique, it’s so classy , ​​it’s like it’s already with its guitars, look , we now have a separate table, we ’ll have lunch here now, have breakfast, how to put it, and it also folds out and it it unfolds, it ’s absolutely amazing , it’s very classy, ​​there’s so much air space at once, and at the same time , it’s so full, everything looks with what kind of jokes, it’s a cool theme, it’s very cool, somehow you fly past the windows, you won’t notice anything about it she’s sweet, it’s just great that the window is nearby. with a table, oh, low window sill
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, look, here i think you can clearly sit, here i can put a pillow with a book, i will live here, i’m here and here, the curtains are so light, cut it off well, sparse, look how very nice, what do you think of the partition, it’s amazing, it seems to me that it’s the best solution for zoning, you can see the tv, in fact it also has a very important function, it works like a load-bearing structure, yeah. oh good yes that's what she is transparent you can see, as if here in general, yes , that it does not cover this area, and does not limit the space, and the blue color, so marine, and also look, the color goes here too, this is what we dreamed of, separate light, and the doors are cool, matte , yes, they are like that, a door in general, and look , and they don’t even narrow the space, because it was somehow like a door is a door, and this is it, it’s just as if they weren’t there, then at the same time , there is all this, there are also such black accents. it has a lot of
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modern functions, it’s good, it’s great and it’s so warm true, the window was changed, well, in general, it just became warmer in the room, or due to the space , this all complements it, they also changed it, so you even looked at the hangers. yes , of course, look at the chair, like grandma had , especially for nika, for the white dog, look, you, i will have something like that, yes, how cool, and pay attention, the telephone, the telephone, which is very- it fits in very well, everything is in this retro style, very, little demon, good, the lamps are for candles, you just take it, open it, that’s it, and put the candle on. now
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spilled, the dog ran onto the carpet, nothing falls in ours. the situation, it’s wonderful , comfortable, the sofa is also so cool, the fabric is so pleasant, i like that there’s no leather, something so cold, everything is so soft, i want it to look like a living room, i don’t even know now how we do, how can we organize it so that all this is compatible, there are a lot of unexpected things, but that’s all. native and warm and as if for us, we feel comfortable here, well, it’s true, this has become a living room in the good sense of the word, it’s not a shame to accept here guests, but it’s very cozy here both during the day and in the evening, what impressed me most was the mirror, probably because it’s such an unexpected
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location opposite the dining table, that is, you’ll always be eating to see how much you’ve eaten, the juices under the guitar are interesting, they don’t clutter the floor including, which is also good, the blue color... such a pleasant surprise for us, i really like the combination of white and blue, something so marine, so pleasant and looks very harmonious, the chair - of course yes, i'm afraid, that i'm with them i didn’t put it in, it will be very special after work, they are very beautiful, they are so warm as a grandmother’s, at the same time modern and very soft, sorry. this dining area, finally, i’m very happy about this place where we can have lunch, breakfast, at the table, eating, we will celebrate the new year here, such a new year’s mood is so joyful.
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shall we ride on the carousel? of course we will. shall we buy ice cream? we'll buy it. cool. aunt marina, do you like ice cream? i love. aunt marina. where is uncle stasik? he promised to birthday take me for a ride. real horses. uncle sasik now had to go on a business trip. he gave you big ones. hi, he said that as soon as he returns, he will definitely give you a ride on his horse, honestly, honestly, honestly, honestly, okay, i’ll wait, marin, everything will be fine, you’ll see, yes , ah, the tax office, what’s the matter, it’s my daughter’s
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birthday today, okay, i’ll be there soon. the tax audit is coming, marin, i'm working on meth, i'm going very quickly, mom, you promised to stay with me all day, baby, i'm sorry, i he promised very quickly, but in the meantime, take marina for a walk, okay, here you have the gift. bye, mihallich, help the girls from the accounting department, i ’ll be there in half an hour. lena is my sister,
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she died 2 months ago, she was hit by a car. olenka remained full. then she is only 6 years old, we were never able to tell her that her mother died, she thinks that lena went on a business trip, and the girl’s father, he is not and never was. lena gave birth to olvinka thanks to ivf, she had problems in the female area, and does olya have any other relatives? no, mom died 2 years ago, and dad, he is 65 years old, he is a pensioner, disabled, he walks very poorly after a stroke, and no one will give olya to him, and i really want to adopt her, but you should not have any problems with the adoption of olga, the guardianship authorities will fill out the documents. no, they don’t give it to me, they refused
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to adopt me, damn it, you understand, if you don’t tell us why you were denied adoption, we won’t be able to help you, you want to adopt him, of course i do, i ’ll do anything for it , even now i ’m divorcing my husband, although i love him very much, very, well, they will give a child to a complete family much more willingly. is your husband against your daughter? i wonder why you have to carry it with pliers? sorry, it’s just very difficult for me to say, the fact is that my husband, stas, he is under investigation, so under what article is he charged? 131, part one. rape, but he didn't do it. julia, this is the girl who supposedly ustas. raped, she simply slandered him, he didn’t do it, did your husband admit guilt? of course not, he
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didn’t do it, nothing, god, lena died, stas in prison, olenka in the orphanage, and i, i just can’t believe that this is all happening to me, and you want to divorce your husband because you are afraid that you will be denied adoption, yes, we love each other. it’s just that if we don’t get a divorce, no one will give her to me, who is in charge of your guardianship? tatyana yunusova? tatyana yuryevna? well, yes, when you defended her brother, i’ll talk to her. well, marina, then let's draw up the documents. let's go play with us, your name is loria, and my name is ksyusha, let's go. "i i don’t want to, why are you so sad, mom went on a business trip, aunt marina said
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that you need to be patient a little, wait, but if not for long, then you can be patient, i keep waiting and waiting, they don’t come, they probably also went on a business trip, probably, but they will still come and pick you up, and my mother will come someday, and where is your mother? i love all these cases, if there was rape, it would be better if they defended the murderer, by god, at least everything is clear there, but here it’s not so much the face.” i want to stuff myself, i want to break my neck, yegor stas did not admit guilt, so it ’s too early to say that he raped someone, our client
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marina. lyubanya, you’ve seen a lot of rapists who admitted their guilt, then you ’ll have to defend him. damn it, they ’ll let us into the season with him. listen, maybe let him get a divorce, it’s even better, so at least we ’ll definitely win the adoption case, without any problems. no, first i’ll go and talk to stas in the pre-trial detention center, then, no, i won’t let you talk to your prisoner in the pre-trial detention center, i’ll do it myself i'll go. will you break wood? i won’t mess things up, i have a nose for such things, when i see him i’ll immediately understand whether he’s guilty or not? ok, let’s go to the pre-trial detention center, talk to stasum, and i ’ll go and talk to the rape victim, well, it’ll be better that way. listen, can i ask a stupid question? it is forbidden. ok, your prince on the white horse never appeared again? it needs to be better. i agree with you on this. well, what do i owe you? to believe, because i’m telling the truth, what kind of relationship were you with yulia? no , i work in a taxi, i arrived on
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i’ll highlight, well, yulia came out, sat down, while we were driving , we started talking, what were they talking about, well, she asked me how long i’ve been driving a car, i said, as long as you can remember, i’ve been driving for as long, i learned at school, when i turned 18, to get a license i passed it right away, a car is always a piece of bread, and i still understand engines, i can fix it if anything happens, well, why should i... it’s a joke, but she wanted to learn how to drive, she told me that she studied at a driving school, but nothing about driving she couldn’t pass, well , she couldn’t do it, she asked if i could help with this, promised to pay a thousand for classes. but i agreed, foolishly, on my own head, in general, we went out into the countryside in the evening and drove along empty roads, so after class i arrived one day, it was already late, i remember, marisha was sleeping, i also had a snack and went to bed, and in the morning the police arrived , i didn’t even understand at first what happened, where, and then, when they told me
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that yulka was raped, i regretted it, then i didn’t take her to the entrance, i just dropped everything off near the house, and then they also tell me that he’s accusing me of rape, me in rape, but this is absurd, absurd , but i just don’t remember anything, however, they beat me hard on the head and the last thing i remember is how stas and i were driving in a car past the shepherds of the criminal case , according to stas’s testimony it was said that he took you home. i remember vacant lots, then everything is like a fog. yulia, are you sure that stas raped you? i don’t know, you understand, i remember fragments of what happened in the vacant lot, they hit my head hard on the ground, and i don’t remember how i got home, i woke up already at home in the shower, all in
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bruises with a broken head, when i got out of the shower, my brother called an ambulance, i already... at the hospital, the doctors called the police, they said that they were obliged to do this, on the basis of which you were charged, yulia said that she doesn’t remember anything , but she wrote a text message to her boyfriend, armen, and this text message is in her phone, in his phone, well, it’s like she went for a ride with me, and then the police carried out billing, and my phone went off right in the wasteland area , but i just have a battery. sat down and i didn't notice you you see, i just sent armen to my fiancé an sms, saying that stas still had a little time left and we would go for a little drive, not far from the house, near a vacant lot, i don’t remember it, armen said that he would kill stas, even if he he will serve time, but i don’t want armen
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to do anything, i actually want to forget all this like a bad dream, yulia, yulia, hold on. “you didn’t tell me everything, there is something else, there is, a month and a half after that i found out that i was pregnant, i immediately had an abortion at the police station, i didn’t talk about it, i i ask you, no one should know about this, i’ve definitely had enough shame, your boyfriend knows about it, yes, of course.” “we have no secrets from each other, and how he reacted to this, he barely held back his tears, he said that the main thing is that it does not harm my health. you know, armen is very sensitive and very understanding. yes, you are indeed very lucky to have him. alexey nikolaevich, i am very grateful to you for
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helping my brother, humanly i understand everything, and i feel sorry for olya, but as the chairman of the commission on... well, i don’t know, what if someone wants olya adopt, preference is given to two-parent families, you see, yes, this is some kind of vicious circle, it turns out that in order for marina to adopt a girl, she needs to divorce her husband, but at the same time preference is given to two-parent families, then the girl knows marina very well, she is her own aunt
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, where did you get the idea, marina, the deceased elena are not blood relatives, they are sisters, if only... their parents got married, already with children from their first marriages, and the father of the deceased elena did not even adopt marin, so guardianship authorities requested a certificate confirming the relationship between marina and olya , there was no such certificate , you see, but marina didn’t tell me anything about it, you see, there was rape, this is a fact, all the indirect evidence against stas, the joint billing of their telephone conversations confirms this, stas’s phone turned off in the area. the vacant lot where the rape took place. egor, stop walking back and forth, my vestibular apparatus is no longer working. if i understand people even a little. didn't force him on her, wait, yesterday before meeting him, you were about i have a different opinion, i was wrong
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, find out, you understand, while i was working as an opera , i met such scumbags, it would seem, from normal families, they all had their own families, wives, children, nothing can deceive that look in the eyes, then they were caught, brought charges, they went for the honesty, just to knock off the sentence and strangle. i ’ve never seen you so irreconcilable, but because it’s somehow disgustingly dirty, i don’t know, well, okay, it’s disgusting, dirty, i agree, egor, but if not stas, then who? we have to look, it’s not strange why she doesn’t remember anything, why, i understand, in stressful situations or shock, the subconscious can block negative memories, this is just a defensive reaction, or maybe she’s just hiding the name of the real one? her fiancé, for example, well, according to yulia, her fiancé is an ideal man, that ’s what infuriates me, explain, i don’t like ideal people,
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it’s convincing, well, the fact that there was a rape, she’s not lying, here you go, even in the case there is a certificate stating that numerous bruises were found on her body and ruptures indicating rape , that's what after... wait, this is very strange, her pregnancy could help bring charges against her, and even if there was an abortion, then dna testing simply proves who, well, who is the rapist, yes, but only then would not only the police, but also her boyfriend and everyone around her know about the pregnancy, she ’s ashamed, yegor, you know, i talked to her. she still can’t come to her senses, well, this is hiding evidence, maybe she’s really hiding who the real rapist is, it’s possible, but in any case
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in this case, we first need to find the real rapist in order to find out the truth, in the case of impregnation we have a full hello, yes, and if we don’t prove tas’s innocence, we won’t win this case, darling, but how come he doesn’t have an alibi, he was at home the wife was asleep, she’s not calling anyone , i’m telling you, in any case, we need to find the real rapist first, and then we’ll make a decision, listen, please go, talk to this yule ugly groom tomorrow, bye, you’re home, what’s going on with you is there any urgent work for me? no, on the contrary, i want to make sure that you definitely went home. rest and , by the way, you and i are on our way, yes, zemen, do you want to give me a ride home, i’m red, i want to ride in a car with a beautiful, smart,
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charming woman, where do such feats come from, ok, i agree , let's go, maybe you can invite me for coffee? so i knew that you wanted to use my coffee maker, i figured it out, ok, but you can’t count on cakes and donuts, however, it seems like there were cookies lying around from last year. why are you silent, invite bridgey, let's go,
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you know, and i... i miss the time when we were together, so do i, and... and i'm not waiting for anyone, don't open it. maybe
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something happened from the neighbors? what are you doing here? what a strange question? i am your husband, you are my wife, i have come to you. more precisely behind you, why? lyuba, i interrupted my business trip for several days, if you knew what it cost me, i had a fight with my boss to get myself this weekend, you know, this bothers me, lyuba, i want you to come with me, you already offered, i almost agreed, it will remind you of what you
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ended, i broke up with that one. a woman with whom, in general, you understand , no, i don’t understand, i don’t want to understand, lyuba, this is life, anything can happen in life, i’m a man, at that time i needed a woman’s shoulder, so that if you needed there was a woman’s shoulder , i would have understood you, you needed something completely different, go away, divorce papers, i ’ll send you, lyuba, “i suggest we discuss everything calmly in a peaceful atmosphere, i feel the smell of coffee, you know how i i love your coffee, and by the way, i have something for coffee, oh oh hello!
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what a pleasant surprise, mutually, well, at least something in this life remains unchanged, and what, but the fact that zemin was never just your boss, and this does not surprise me, all the best to you, but i rushed like a fool halfway across the world, all for what? in order to be convinced of your falsity, and where do you get such a passion for false pathos? okay, lyuba, since you don’t want to do it in an amicable way, then we’ll have to sue half of your joint property, but with you i had gastritis and a nervous breakdown, so you can take from that other thing. lyubov alekseevna is one of the best lawyers in moscow.
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“i don’t advise you to conflict with her, otherwise you will not only be left without underwear, but you will also have to, well, we’ll see about that, but i see you already feel at home, and i’m at home, please don’t wave in front of me salted cognac, since my youth i haven’t liked cheap drinks, i’m allergic to them, well, if you allow me.
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i’ll probably go, if you don’t mind, it’ll be better, it’ll be better.
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well, you came to talk about yulia , right? yes, of course, what kind of relationship did you have with her? well, i love her, when i first saw her, i understood. that this is love at first sight, but although i never believed that this was possible, well , when they first came with edik, they were talking about something, laughing, but i didn’t hear anything, i just saw everything about her, well, i asked edik to get to know her better, so what edik, well edik was against it at the beginning, of course, since he was very protective of his sister, but when he was convinced of my serious intentions, he immediately retreated. well, it’s true that at first we only had to meet in his presence. i don’t understand, yes, that is, how, you, she, i mean, threesome dates, or what? well, yes, i
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understand him perfectly. he cares very much about his sister, he made sure that i behaved within the bounds of decency. well, i didn't mean to go beyond the bounds of decency. and if i had a sister, i would do exactly the same thing, well, she’s like, well, yulia’s sister herself, they arrange such dates for her, well, yes, we had fun, we went to the movies, walked, went dancing even, and this allowed us to get to know each other better, my brother could not interfere with this, so the three of us still go here, you offend, of course not, as soon as he realized that he could trust me he... alexey nikolaevich , do you know that olya ran away from the orphanage? no, this is the first time i've heard about this. we immediately called the police, okay? and i have a
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feeling that marina, her aunt, stole it. you are her lawyer. therefore, please ensure that she returns the child immediately. i heard you. thank you for the call, i'll take action on everything. even the task, listen, i would never have asked this awkward question, of course, but in general, if it weren’t for the investigation, yes, i understand whether i slept with yulia or not, yes,
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the police have already asked this, well, this may seem funny , but yulia is a very serious girl, she said that sex would only be... after matchmaking and i sympathize, i love her very much and respect her opinion, so i immediately proposed to her, but she said that it would be the height of recklessness if we are getting married so early, if you want my opinion, it would stress me out very much, i was alarmed, no, of course i understand that in the modern world this looks very funny, but i was very happy that i met just such a girl. well, you yourself didn’t try, you know, to achieve it? no, i really respect the position, and yes, in the modern world it is very difficult to find such a girl, and this is very rare, but i am glad that i got
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just such a girl, because in our family the honesty, purity and integrity of a girl is valued, in yours in a family, the bride must be a virgin, but of course not. at we are not the middle ages, but we have a very modern family, and yes, dad very often repeated, and in front of yulia, said that this is a very important indicator of a girl’s decency, and my mother loved yulia very much and loves her, she said that she had a golden character, they became friends very quickly, but in the end julia agreed to marry you, yes, until this nightmare happened, and now you just don’t want to marry her, but of course i do. “ nothing has changed in my world, yulia is not to blame for anything, marin, if you know where olya is, then it’s best to take her to an orphanage, where did you get the idea that i have her, i’m very
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worried, i already had the police, but i don’t know what to answer them, i really don’t know where olya could go, in the apartment mom, no, to the apartment ." i don’t even know where to look for her now, marin , listen, if you still know where she is, then it’s best, i repeat, to return her to the orphanage, otherwise you will face criminal liability for kidnapping of a child, you understand this, don’t think about it, we have a good time here, kind teachers, toys a lot, ksyosha, but they didn’t run around here, mom oliya, did she die? it’s clear, i’m not little,
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i’m already 8 years old. and ollie, you can’t say that, she’s still a child. only adults are told. ksyusha, did olya tell you that she wants to go home? where would she go? she doesn't even know the way home. and no one took her? apparently not. olya went to feed the dog this morning. what do you think? they took me home, i don’t know, aunt lyuba, why no one takes me, no one loves me, yes, what are you, baby, how can you not love you. darling, what happened? who loves pestilence? what,
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is everything okay? well, i see how normal it is. pour me some water, please. “thank you, why should i try to pull something out of you with pincers, but i just can’t see how children suffer, they are small, mountains, they were abandoned, no one needs them, it shouldn’t be like this, listen, well, i don’t know, yes i would take them all home with me, but who will let a young, unmarried, always working man adopt him?” “well, yes, theoretically it’s possible, but practically i think no,
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i can’t imagine where olya could have gone, she a home girl, she simply won’t survive on the street, about olya, you don’t have to worry, the boss talked to marina, from the way she behaves, she knows where the girl is, otherwise she would rush around the city, she wouldn’t find a place for herself, but she cries so much, works, but doesn’t do anything, yes, maybe you’re right, by the way, olya’s friend also said that she wouldn’t have run away alone, listen,
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everyone has the characteristics of the armenovs, in general, well, maybe it’s a joke, but who knows, i don’t understand what this means to us, first the ethicist lost money to armen, then he introduced armen to his sister, what if he just sold it to him, don’t go crazy, but so what? armen fell in love with yulia, and then he says: if you introduce me, she will be mine, i hasten to think, did armand rape yulia? yes, of course, he doesn’t look like a rapist, not the facts.
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don’t put it on your face, well, it’s a beautiful story, listen, you’re talking some kind of nonsense, well, really, it’s good that if he sold his sister for the opportunity to walk for a hand, then he got the taste and sold it to someone else, if he had a brother so corrupt, yulia would not be so attached to him, yulia loves edik, ok, option number three, that if a sister slept with someone out of love for her brother, he owes money to everyone, she agrees, my honor is for... brother, no, yulia doesn’t look like a corrupt woman, i’m not that i mean, what? well, she did it not for money, but for love. listen, stop talking about this nonsense already. you apparently don’t understand me, she slept with me in order to explain.
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you didn’t gain experience there, well, there, not there, but i’m sure that for yulia armen this is just a good chance to get married, and he had a motive, these are his brother’s debts, which means i’m not armen he raped, he didn’t rape , i’m sure, of course he’s a hot guy, but here you don’t have to go to a psychologist, why are we so sure, because at that time he was in a sports club in a rocking chair and cctv cameras confirmed this, that’s a fact, but why didn’t you tell me about this before, that you were telling me some kind of nonsense before this? well, no one canceled the fantasy,
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aunt marina, where is uncle stasik, why doesn’t he come? he works a lot, when he is free, he will definitely come to us, we are also on a business trip, like my mother, no, he is not like that far away, marina, it’s me, lyuba, hi, hi, how are you, baby? “i brought fruit, marina, it’s impossible to hide anymore, i’m ready for anything, radio, but you don’t know where my mother, your mother, she can’t come now, but
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she will come, i don’t know, mom!” “you are my mother, yes, i knew that you would come to me, you are now my girl too, ksyusha, the nanny is calling you there, excuse me, tatyana yurievna, hello, maybe just a minute, hello, i’m listening to you, my name is.. ." lyubov korotkova, i have been working since zemina. where is olya? she now he’s driving in the car with alexey nikolaevich. why are you looking at me like that? i'm not a machine either. i care about each of them. well, i can’t be the first oyster like that,
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you know? well, understand that there is another case here. okay, i'll try to do everything that depends on me. so that olya adopts marina, thank you, edik, tell me, does yulia have someone besides armen? of course not, yulka loves armen, sometimes i’m even jealous, she loves some boy more than her own brother, we ’ve been helping each other since childhood, she he says, i’m an ideal older brother, we were friends in childhood, of course, but why should we share with her, i’m like... she was born, i was stunned when i saw her, i was only 3 years old, and i ’ve never seen such little ones before, my father said , this is your sister, never offend her, because you are a man, you must protect her, i remembered this all my life, and often did you have to protect her?


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