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tv   Advokat  NTV  December 30, 2023 3:55am-4:41am MSK

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okay, i’ll try to do everything that depends on me so that marina is adopted by olya, thank you, ethicist, tell me, does yulia have someone besides armen? of course not, yulka loves armen, sometimes i’m even jealous, she loves some boy more than her own brother, we’ve been with her since childhood. we help a friend, she says, i ’m an ideal older brother, we were friends in childhood , of course, but why should we share with her, me, she, when she was born, i was stunned when i saw her, i was only 3 years old, and i ’d never seen such little ones before , father said it's yours sister, never offend her, because you are a man, you must protect her, i remembered this all my life, and often did you have to protect her? well, it happened a couple of times
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, so seriously, we were walking home one day, some thugs showed up at yulka, well, we got into a fight, there were actually four of them, but i don’t care how many, i could kill for her, in short, yulka ran away and called the police, but while they were driving, i got hit hard, i spent several months in the hospital, they say, miraculously survived, yulka was unharmed... she sat crying, and then it was as if she had been replaced, that is, you see, she began to be afraid for me , constantly, well, i don’t know, she stopped defending me, well, perhaps it was a feeling of guilt, well, well , something like that, i’m a doctor, a future one, still studying, i saw that something was broken in her , edik,
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tell me, how much money did you lose to arman? and what does it matter? well, what does it matter, but okay, if you don’t want to talk, i ’ll ask armen myself. two lemons. arman said that this was bullshit, he, as they say, has a purely mathematical interest, but for me, i can’t stop, but i was just playing with him. yeah, and romeno, you lost the money before you introduced him to yulia. yes, armen also said that he was joking, tell yulka to marry me, i will forgive the debt. persuaded. yes, it was a joke. julia loves armen, when i realized that everything was serious with them, i told her, you saved me. armen will not demand a debt from his brother. of course, all this is not serious, and i said it so that it would be easier for her. i hoped
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the feeling of guilt would go away, it’s too early to despair, we ’re working on another version, maybe i can help somehow, but no, damn it, i have no peace gives her an abortion, an abortion, but she got pregnant from a rapist, so she had an abortion, so ... they say the truth, you don’t know where you will find it, where you will lose it, i don’t understand, i can’t have children, you know, i went to the doctors for a long time, went, the problem is unsolvable, i can’t have children, yuli, you said that you had an abortion from a rapist, yes, but you didn’t tell the police about it, you didn’t say it, you’ll have to, why? because stas
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can’t have children, just like he can’t , he can’t, and this is a medical fact, who actually raped you? listen, julia, is it really you are you ready to imprison an innocent person who has done nothing wrong to you? stas will be imprisoned on false charges, little olya will live with strangers, is this how you will live with this? i don’t know, think about it, you will ruin the lives of three good people , wait, a year ago i met sasha, we started dating, i fell in love with him, and sasha, you know, he is such a macha, he loves when people hang on him girls, and he himself leaves them, not they him, then i met armen, but when i got to know armen, i realized what there must be a real man, but i still continued to sleep with sasha until i realized that... that i really love armen and don’t
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want to lie to him anymore, then i met sasha, said that we were all over, and he i didn’t want to believe it, he tried to bring me back, he tried to meet with me, talk and... he raped you, that evening stas brought me home, i walked up to the entrance, and sasha was there, he told me what he wanted talk to me, say goodbye on good terms, suggested we go sit in a cafe, drink wine, and i sent armen a text message that i would go with stas, i went with sasha myself, you understand, i needed to finish this whole story, and we went through the vacant lots, there he attacked me and knocked me down. raped, said, you will report, i will kill, i will tell armen how pure and innocent you are, and i will kill, and i will kill your armen too, why didn’t you tell the truth, you understand, i didn’t want to tell anyone anything at all, i came home, hid in soul, i wanted to wash off all traces of myself, but you can’t wash away a bruise, i got out of the shower, and edik returned with
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work, he understood everything immediately, started crying , screaming, who did it, it was stas, stas gave you a lift, i say, i don’t remember, i didn’t want it to... it happened, you understand, but this text message, i never i didn’t say that it was stas, stas is in pre-trial detention, if you don’t tell the truth, he will be imprisoned, an innocent man will be imprisoned , don’t be ashamed, i, well, i, i, i, i didn’t want this to happen, you understand, how could i tell the truth, how could i tell my parents and armenna about who i really am , i’m just a liar, i’m pathetic, unfortunate lie, well, besides, i was worried about armen, because he has a lot of friends, they are all so devoted to each other, they would have gone for revenge, they would have done even more damage, julia, i’m wondering if it weren’t for this rape story , how would you convince armen that you are innocent? you know,
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there are so many ways to deceive a man, but i would tell armen the truth, yeah.
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armen, let's go buy some cognac, the most expensive one, and also flowers and some cool toy, let's go apologize to stas and his family, i'm afraid that he won't forgive us, he'll forgive us, i i called him, so they’re already waiting for us, okay , let’s go, vyacheslav petrovich , good morning, oh, good morning, you and i are like clockwork, we always meet here in the morning , that’s right, i used to run too, i passed the standards with excellent marks, so let's go to the distillation, to the distillation, now i can only with ivan lyupatov, 70 years old, blood and milk,
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stop, joke, joke, when you reach my age, they will give you a replacement. a substitute with a remote control, then we’ll talk, oh, listen, lazy, i’ll tell you now about my pacemaker, i still have 2 km to run, then take a shower to work, goodbye, wait , this is short, this is short, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, okay, jonya, lenya, herod, what are you doing, help, i’m calling the police , oh god, god, subscriber, no the subscriber doesn’t pick up, so, hi, boys, well, hi,
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hi, hi, and i’m calling you, what about our work schedule? everyone, we leave work when we want, come to work when we want, my husband and i just got divorced from court, is it true, but mourning, why? well , i just realized that... all these dresses, bright makeup, dating sites for young twenty-five year old girls, what's new? well, then i propose to celebrate this , yes, a wonderful event, maybe here’s a cake, i would suggest a double dose, but it’s very tasty, by the way, now, during depression , getting drunk on sweets is a classic, who told you that it’s depression? yes, thank you, thank you, i'll be there soon then. yeah thanks. so, it looks like we have a new client. i
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have to leave you. ah, but i still don’t recommend neglecting the cake. what truth has developed? show your passport. then it's all for our company account. look at how the shifa built the building. my brother, a peace-loving guy. this is why he left boxing. left, his coach told him so, no sporting anger for you lenya, and yes, of course, he can stand up for himself, he’s stuck, excuse me, let me take a look, come on, come on, i’m a carpenter, a cabinet maker, he can stand up for himself , but it’s possible to brutally beat a person, yes, please, now my wife collected a package for him, i took him to the detention center, they say:
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we don’t accept tomatoes, cucumbers, we take apples, but cucumbers no, why? tell me, do you know this letovkin yourself? no, i've never heard of it. basically, i know all my brother’s friends, does my brother know? i don’t know, maybe he does, but it’s still some kind of misunderstanding, this old man. a witness, but due to his old age he could have confused someone, of course, mistook someone for my brother, this one, who was beaten, but did he really not see who was beating him, how can this be, i don’t understand, the guide is installed crookedly, and the box rassok was lucky today, thank you, yeah, but if you want, i can give you such a table bungled, not a table but a dream, thank you, but you will help my brother, really, i’ll try
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to do everything in my power, thank you, good afternoon, to whom good, to whom, you are boris litovkin, yes, it’s me, and who are you, and i’m lyubov korotkova, leonid’s lawyer. yes , why did you come out, look what he did to me, i won’t sign anything, please don’t worry, i just came to talk to you, there’s nothing to talk about, boris, are you sure that you were beaten by zabudov, he was a bastard, a dirty trickster, a ghoul, you couldn’t be.
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after all, he wanted to take my wife away from me, but can we get from this place in more detail, in more detail, my wife and i lived, we were not bothered, and then she found this friend, through her childhood on the internet, that’s it, she got hooked, she went on a date with him, and she told me that ...cells or around the store?
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could you do more? i told him: leave me alone from my wife, so you were communicating with him even before this incident? yes, he promised to break my neck, in front of witnesses, by the way, saying, tell me, boris, what did you do? that morning in the park, i the customer left, his company is across the street, so you were completely by accident you happened to be in the park that morning at the very moment when you were jogging for emeralds, and just like that, out of the blue... he attacked you and beat you half to death? so how did i know he was running around there? he didn’t promise to break his neck, but when he saw me , he probably decided to fulfill his promise, he’s crazy, crazy, egor, well, there’s no point in sitting around here, i have to go home, my wife prepared dinner, spaghetti al dente, by the way, don’t
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you know, what it is? well, let’s say he fell in love with lenya. someone else's wife, her beloved husband was going to work, and at that time lyonya was committing a traditional jog in the park, opana , they all met in one place, but don’t you think it’s somehow a big coincidence, the husband came to izumrudov’s work, they said something like that to each other in front of witnesses, well, saying it doesn’t mean doing it , okay, pensioner,
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why did he take her for a run? what difference does it make whether he mechanically put it in his pocket or wanted to give it to someone? i can, inventory the materials from this flash drive, tomorrow, you will receive everything tomorrow, i beg you, go, i really have to go, spaghetti aldente, victor gennadievich - this is undercooked pasta, what? larisa, i almost didn’t understand what we’re having for dinner today? leonid, think about who could have set you up, and what kind of setup is there, they beat boris, not me, but a criminal case has been opened
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against you, well, this is a pure misunderstanding, i hope this will be clarified soon. the seriousness of what happened , your flash drive was found at the scene of the incident, i know, it wasn’t the investigator who said it, i just can’t understand this at all , i don’t take anything extra with me for a run, are you sure, maybe you accidentally put it in pocket, or vice versa forgot? no, it’s impossible, well, it turns out that you were set up, perhaps the one who attacked litovkin planted it on you so that doubts would finally disappear, try to remember,
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tolik kuvshinov, an unpleasant story happened, this is our designer, in general, he believed, that i crossed his path, we had a fight on this basis. so, now, do you get along with him? it’s hard to say, he’s a young guy, not without abilities, but his ambitions are through the roof. we had a serious project, a designer one, a lot of money, a name, with the prospect of entering international level. so, he apparently felt that i was ahead of him and not by half a beat. i am still a marchist. graduated with honors, but decided to ruin my presentation , climbed into my computer and burned himself, in general , when our boss found out about this, they asked him, and he knew about your conflict with the husband of a classmate, but probably the whole company knew about him, he he came to my work, yelled so loudly, waved his folder, so then he collected his documents throughout the department.
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leonid, just tell me honestly what did you have a relationship with his wife, with valeria? it’s okay, we drank coffee a couple of times in a cafe , talked, we’ve known each other since childhood , we haven’t seen each other for a long time, why lie to me, they treat you well here, it’s normal, really, there’s not enough music, i know, it’s great to listen to music i’m used to wearing headphones, while jogging, in the office, here, probably, it’s not supposed to, it’s not supposed to, but some kind of eclipse hit him, what did he tie it to? to this poor fellow, i shout to him, leonid, asshole, what are you doing, he knocked him down, and kicks him, well, just a purely football player, yeah. so, i understand correctly, he stood with his back to you , like this, yes, he sacrificed here, and he kicked him, yes, as you say, well , you saw the attacker’s face, you saw him, although he
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had his back turned, probably not , well, why did you decide that it was leonid, well, of course, he was in his own, in his jacket with a hood, tall, but they didn’t see his face for sure, he didn’t see him, but leonid was polite. this guy always called me by my first name, he was such a good guy, the one who beat me, he was just mad, on the other hand side in the park there seem to be no more runners, but tell me, help, i think, girl, oh, hi, hi, hold it as you asked. wow, thank you very much, well , you didn’t have to come, you beat me on the way, listen, i keep thinking, maybe i should really order a new desktop made of
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mahogany, well, why not, one might say, you work in spartan conditions at your table for 100 years at lunch, yes spartan, but you don’t hear from the red, but no, you’ll get used to it, wait, let’s drop the charges against the brother of our cabinet maker, he will give it to you, egor talked to the witness with the pensioner, uh-huh, what? well, he's sure sarik didn't see the attacker's face. what did you argue with? they communicated where litovkin was beaten. the old man clearly remembers the tracksuit, his head was covered with a hood, everything else happened too quickly. well, let’s say he didn’t see it, but in the criminal case it is written in black and white that the victim saw it. the face of the one who beat him. it turns out that he is lying? it turns out that this is so, but for what purpose? the old man said that litovkin was immediately thrown to the ground and sold in such a way that they only had time to cover themselves. shock,
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pain, well, plus personal unpleasantness, perhaps litovkin convinced himself that the emerald beat him. well, or i made a mistake, mixed it up. and you were in the hospital with litovkin. in fact of the matter. he also admitted that he did not see the face of the attacker. but... he claims that it was izumrudov, that he already recognized him. if you had heard how unpleasantly he spoke about him, i don’t even know, do you think he slandered it? no, i think he may be sincerely mistaken. i was in the pre-trial detention center, talked to izumrudov, the presence of a flashlight at the crime scene may indicate that he was simply slandered. in general, he had a colleague at work with whom he was not on very good terms. and he was even fired , indirectly due to a conflict with emerald, do you think that a former colleague decided to take revenge on our mogrud, his last place of work,
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the magnolia fitness club on voikovskaya, a muscleman , yes, he could kick ass, you’re right, you know that i'm just heading that way, i'll stop by the club if i talk there, yes, it was an unpleasant situation, i just... i remember toshni himself, with this endless race i almost went crazy, the competition was good, but still within reasonable limits, and that it was impossible to just work without regard for others, that’s how it was until i got to the office, and there i rolled out one project, a second, a third, you start to think, am i really the worst of all, now i understand everything , did you really agree that it was worse, no, the situation was different, you know , i have been drawing since childhood. my father is an artist, although not a professional one, got married early, supported his family, but he saw the potential in me, so he didn’t spare money for training, then college,
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after college my office, where there are sleepless nights, constantly stupid projects, in fact, i’m glad that i was fired, so i don’t hold a grudge against leonid, even so, i may tell you a banal thing, but... any truth, it sounds banal because it is simple: every person has his own calling, and mine, apparently, is here, here i am paid well and stably, the team respects me, hello, hi, hi, hello, wow, what a strong hand, and you come to us, here we not only create external relief, but also raise confidence, well, with confidence, thank god everything is fine, and with... the rest seem to be the same, yes, i see, by the way, lenochka, the best fitness trainer, and this is alexey ezemin, he is
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a lawyer, lawyer, what? what's happened? nothing happened, everything is fine. yes, hold it! tolik, coach, from god, take this opportunity , lawyer zemin, he has been working here for so long, but he is already very willing to practice. i'm serious, you can check with our operators, or with him to communicate with the wards? that's it, run, i'm catching up, i'm waiting. in our profession, in addition to the profession, there are also pleasant bonuses. speaking of bonuses, it seems to me that you are looking in the wrong place. sharshelyam. but why suddenly such thoughts that there is a reason? lyonya had an affair with liana at work, this is his colleague, so when this psycho got into our office, he threw a tantrum about the fact that lyonya was having a fight with his wife, lyana was pumped with valerian right in the toilet, but can you give her more details? liana, a rather vindictive person, once a courier joked about her weight, she told him at a corporate party i poured a laxative into the glass,
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can you imagine? the guy was so embarrassed that he even quit, please excuse me , the protein-carbohydrate window needs to be closed, i understand, if you have any questions, you call me, thank you, goodbye, goodbye, which is why everyone decided that i was crying because of him , that day my friend and her husband had an accident, so i was upset, okay, let’s say that you cried for your friend, after all, you had a close relationship with lenita, right? lord, i’m really, really sorry that lenya found himself in such a situation, but i don’t understand one thing, why did he tell about us, as if i had anything to do with this crime, but if he is somehow rehabilitated in your eyes, then he won’t tell anything about your relationship, but it’s all overgrown with laundry, by the way, that’s i left him, and he didn’t leave me, and i don’t regret it at all, here’s my new boyfriend, he really appreciates me, vacation to the maldives, bought a new car for
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convenience. that’s all, i need to work, you understand, the report is on the nose, and the management is on the head, sorry that you are delayed, literally a couple of questions, well, what else interests you, and you were in the office when litovkin came and started a scandal, i remember the scandals well, we have tables next to each other, so i had to involuntarily watch this whole performance, and how do you say it for ears, now boris litovkin, you know him, no,
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i saw him for the first time, thank god the last time. and why, thank god, such an unpleasant person, but he’s mad, although in his condition it’s no wonder, they brought the man to such an extent that he’s always too lazy to get into something, what do you want to tell them, but you remember that they they said, well, i wouldn’t remember, it’s a very unpleasant story, this guy who ran into lena, boris, you said, yes, he was just furious, i don’t even understand how the guards let him in, although with such pressure they didn’t surprisingly, they shouted, but no, only he , lenya, as always, remained calm, called lenya names that i wouldn’t dare repeat, shouted what kind of lenya, his wife, filed for divorce, and that he wouldn’t just let her go . lian, lian, what are you doing, maksimov is looking for you, he’s going crazy, come on faster, excuse me, i really need more there is no time, otherwise i will be fired, you know, i really hope that this will all be resolved somehow, and i am sure that leni is not to blame for anything, except that he is just a simple-minded decent man, thank you for your time
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time, thank you, thank you. so zamin is sure that his colleagues had nothing to do with it, this version disappears, something in this story with the attack does not add up, you think someone is hanging noodles in our ears, but what if this someone is our client, why he denies any connection with valeriina, you know, let's proceed from what the client tells his lawyers the truth, i believe him, yes, it’s half-baked, you can’t say anything, but what if there’s more to this equation? someone unknown. for example, valery has a real lover, about whom her husband does not know. exactly. and the story of the attack is a reason to intimidate the husband and draw arrows. explain. look, the husband will be scared and will definitely give a divorce, and if the matter comes to court, then a stranger, a childhood friend, will end up behind bars. gentlemen.
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we’re already closing, yes, we’re already finished, i thought we should consider this version too, let’s go? thank you, i don't know how it all works i’ll survive, i had to leave work so that i could visit the hospital every day, i’ll take the pies to him today, he loves the way i cook, something is some kind of nightmare, you know, valeria, in my practice there have been more nightmare stories, maurice everything will get better. he'll be fine, he told me that you wanted to divorce him, it's true, you were a fool, it was all because of work, he wanted me to sit at home, so he blurted out something from lenya, and he was jealous of you, but it was i
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who drove him, but borya loves me very much, the truth they say that we have, we do not keep, those who have lost are crying, wait, you haven’t lost anyone yet. and excuse me, you had nothing with lena, we just sat in a cafe a couple of times, talked about life, but he is so cheerful, sociable, who knew that he would change so much, field, and you really believe that alionid could beat boris? but why? well, why should i not believe him, boris recognized him, excuse me, now, yes, love, yes, and we should keep this in mind too, thank you, uh-huh, thank you, bye,
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the wife who ordered her own husband, it is unlikely that she will quit her job and take pies to the hospital for the sake of him, unless by doing this she is trying to create an alibi for herself, maybe then we are just complicating everything, and there was no setup, and the target of the attack was boris himself, and i have enemies no, i ’m not a conflict-ridden person, i don’t like scandals , well, you did create one, for the worker’s land,
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well, yes, i wanted to tell him that don’t undress your mouth on someone else’s loaf, yes, i understand, there was no other place, but on work in front of your colleagues, but what difference does it make? i don't even care his colleagues, he wanted to destroy my family, and you accidentally, when you were trying to, so to speak, reason with him, accidentally didn’t grab a flash drive from the table, which later turned out to be in the case , what are you hinting at, i’m not hinting at anything, i just asked , you are just trying to turn everything upside down, i ask you, defenders.
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everything from that very quarrel, perhaps she is hiding something from me, it’s all my fault, listen, stop blaming yourself for everything, you have access to boris’s computer, well , maybe he quarreled with someone online reality, you know how it happens, a careless word and i don’t know anything, i don’t
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know, if the one who attacked your husband is still at large, he is really in danger, okay, you have my phone number, call any time of the day or night , that’s what i’ve been lucky with in life, is my son-in-law, i love him like a son, my half-blooded one, hurry up, come on, don’t touch the mug, give me another whine, talk to me here, when he told me about divorce, my heart sank in my chest, i ’d rather take a taxi to them, lera, i say what kind of what the hell is it like losing a husband like that? you will remain unhappy for the rest of your life, but paris
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is a good guy, and they asked you, this is not a husband, this is golden gold, i say, daughter, hold on to it with your teeth and feet, so be careful, don’t be a mess here, for my anniversary he gave me a german drill , you know, now i can show you, now, oh well, who needs your drill, lord, know the test with your mother-in-law... me too, i still don’t
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think litovkina is a fool or an extrovert, look how many photographs she has, everyone is the same type, me and my new hairstyle, i'm on on the couch, i’m in a new dress, yes, just some kind of exhibition of the wealth of the national economy , of a single family, in my opinion, everyone does this now, well, who has money, of course, well, i don’t know, somehow it’s too ostentatious a show, maybe... after all, it’s her husband who forces her to post these photographs as proof of her masculine worth, and what happens in life, egor, everything happens, so okay, the opinions of relatives do not interest us, let’s turn to more reliable sources for help, for example , to friends of the bolt, so marina, i’m on my way, she’s married and has a small child, well then... boris, you know what
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my girlfriends and i nicknamed him, borya fso, federal security service, you know, because he doesn’t leave her side, not a single step, even for bachelorette parties before, he brings it himself, he drives it himself, in the end he sits in the car, i saw it myself, but what is such an owner, and worse, he is her jailer, because she, in order to get a job, threatened him with divorce, imagine, and valerka , apparently it was necessary to work so as not to see him 24 hours a day, because she has this one, he has her... freelancer, programmer , roma sits all day, marina, and valeria has other friends with whom i can talk, and that she has no one left, with such a husband, we keep in touch with her, and then only in chat we communicate, because he has outlived all her friends, and she used to be so sociable, you know, now she’s so downtrodden, she’s always trying to please him, boris litovkin is a classic abuser, he’s some kind of beast. "an emotional abuser is a form of
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psychological personality disorder, such people usually find victims among loved ones, but then emotionally torments him, puts pressure on him, well, in general, everything in this is clear , understandable, and yes, he was assaulted nearby by domestic violence, yeah, right, you know something about this, but what do i know, well, like everyone else, one of my the friend was able to break up with her husband only after he broke her leg, but even after the divorce he continued with her. sneak around the house and wrote all sorts of nasty things on social networks, you understand, we don’t have any concrete evidence, but she sincerely cares about her husband, and maybe she posted the photos herself, but girlfriends are just jealous, it often happens, egor, a happy wife will not , in order to get a job, blackmail her husband with a divorce, you can’t argue, let’s talk about this topic again, what will he say, but for me... and for me
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i have a new witness in line, there is something in this, litovkin really got scared when his wife began to threaten him with divorce, he gave in to her, then he organized the attack himself, with this he killed three birds with one stone, first, he got rid of a potential rival, second, he provoked his wife feels guilty, valeria for his sake i left work anyway. well, if this is really so, then he was just made up, well , we talked to relatives and friends , as it turned out, he had no friends, but what did they do with him as a connection? this is what egor does. i hope our conversation will not harm him. the fact is that i have a special relationship with him. not only am i his employer, but he is also my former student. you understand, we
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just want to figure out this puzzling situation, and you taught him. i once studied computer science at school, but not for long, the thing is that the profession of a teacher in those hard times was not the highest paid, but what was boris like at school? reserved, taciturn , very capable, and i’ll tell you, well, what would they call him now, a nerd, yeah, he’s burned out, that’s you now... no, no, i’m not talking about you, and so, he remains the same, he doesn’t talk much , works a lot, i respect such workers, i even offered him a place in the company, but he refused, prefers freelancing, does not like anyone to control him, rather he prefers to keep the situation under control,
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tell me, have you ever noticed anything strange in his behavior, well , nothing special, just such an ordinary guy. you know, i was surprised by one story, we somehow agreed to meet with him, and i came earlier, i already told you that boris prefers to keep to himself, here in a cafe, he is sitting with our former school hooligan zakhar popov, a completely stupid fellow , nothing to do with boris, they are sitting, having a nice conversation, as if... well, old friends, i came up, said hello, and so i waited until they finished the conversation, then it was good, when it was, about two weeks ago , he’s disgusted, we have to hand over the project, and he ’s been away from work for about 20 minutes, and
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when i come, i’ll definitely fire him, to hell, what’s wrong with you? real time, perhaps, but how ? by the way, this employee tracking program was created by boris. admire this handsome guy, this is from his personal file, his former colleagues threw him into the dust. listen, it means that zakhar aleksandrovich popov was born in eighty-two and was convicted of robbery. here, by the way, in the zone, he defended the honor of his penal colony at a competition in sports, for which he was released early, height 80 meters, what emerald? i wonder if he has still retained such excellent shape, look there, the main thing is to find out where he was that morning when his friend litovkin was beaten, good afternoon, don’t be sick, i haven’t seen you here before, what are you from? apartment, but i
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don’t live here, a friend came in, oh, who cares, zakhar popov, that’s it. they walk and walk, can’t find them, and you don’t know when i feel better come up to catch him, otherwise he’s not at home , call, he lost his phone, but he’ll thank you, i want to return his money, debt, i ’ll call the police, they’ll explain everything to you, when , where, i’m actually with the police myself , i would have said right away... but i didn’t want to scare people instead, but what if i managed to do something? no, but who knows, i just want to talk to him for now, where is he? i don’t know, maybe he went to get a beer, here under his window every evening there is a shalman, any one.


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