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tv   Advokat  NTV  December 30, 2023 4:40am-5:36am MSK

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zakhar popov, they keep walking and walking, can’t find him, and you don’t know when it’s best for me to come up to catch him, otherwise he’s not at home, call, i lost my phone, but he ’ll thank you, i want to return the money to him, i owe him i’ll call the police, they’ll explain everything to you, when , where, i’m actually with the police myself, i would have said that right away, but i didn’t want to scare people instead, but that i managed to do something, but no, although who knows, i want to just talk to him for now, i don’t know where he is, maybe he went out for a beer, here under his window every evening shalman, in any weather they go on and on, and i live on the second floor.
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that’s how he runs, and recently he took his entire group to a restaurant in alyonushka, and where did the money come from, obviously, he ruined someone or drugs, zakhar, priests, no, but i don’t think so, hello,
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from letovkin, from which boris? i say, from litovkin, from your friend, that you have a lot of borisov friends? the first time i've heard? wow, it’s interesting, the girls are dancing, you’ve dismissed the man, you live a great life, you almost registered for disability, and now you want to see him and want to know, he doesn’t know, it’s like popov, who are you? i’m your guardian angel popov, that means, why are you twitching so much, if your conscience counts the exchange as something, let’s talk? what do you need, i came popov to tell you that your fate is numbered, weighed and divided , you don’t want to go back to the zone, what kind of money did you spend 2 days ago in a restaurant, a friend borrowed it, you got popov, listen to me, fight now the deadline is shining. for
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setting him up, he tells the investigator that you beat him, but not for money, but for hooligan reasons, he wants to jump off, and make you a scapegoat, not a goat and impatient, you know, think about it, do you need such a friend, or is your own shirt closer to your body, after all? everything with him was voluntary, purely, purely for money, i ordered it for myself, well, i understand that you are bending over backwards to justify your client, the fee somehow needs to be repaid, but this is already some kind of nonsense , the priests will no longer cover for you, their own skin is more expensive, but... this is already criminally
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punishable, i think you understand what this means, what you have, the words of some lumpen and your wild fantasies, no just, honey, go to your room, don’t listen this nonsense, when you make purchases , don’t forget to empty the basket, pay attention to the date of purchase of this tracksuit, dear , go to your room, that’s not all, the day before yesterday my phone broke, i took it to the service center, they found a program for wiretapping. telephone conversations, then i searched the apartment, my car, that’s what i found there, i feel like the heroines of spy films, whose side are you on, not on yours, fight, not on yours anymore, right, hello?
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the police, yes, caught her when lera began communicating with her childhood friend. she immediately changed, she used to obey me in everything, and then she began to behave defiantly, argue, got a job , threatened with divorce, it was unbearable, i decided i had to act, went to work with izumrudov, took a flash drive from his desk for... his daily routine, then he agreed with zakhar popov, ordered him the same tracksuit, then everything was a matter of technique,
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hello, no one is meeting you, brother? should arrive, he’s delayed, i guess i just wanted to apologize, you’ll be able to forgive me someday, you have something to do with it, stop feeling guilty all the time, you are not a victim, you, you are a young, smart, strong, very beautiful woman, remember what i told you? and i finally left my husband, i don’t have any reason to start a new life, one that is better than the old one.
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i like this.
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there is not and cannot be here, but facts are facts, come on show me, look, i caught the burglar, otherwise he had an answer... i wasn’t confused, i remembered the crossbow, everything is built in and logical , there is a murder weapon, there is only one pipe, the motive is face, but what if this is his accomplice? slammed him, took him to the case and didn’t share anything , repeat offender lom is our old client, we know his method well, he always works alone, besides, no other traces were found in the apartment, well, he works alone, now he took someone, otherwise, that there are no traces, listen, oh, if all burglars left traces, your detection rate would be one hundred percent, then
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why is your boss lying? but there’s no need to talk about it, why take it? again, zemin claims that the crossbow was hanging on the wall, not loaded, but according to your version, it was a not only did he know about this souvenir, but he also brought the arrow with him. how do you explain this? i don’t know yet, but i’ll definitely explain. i understand, admitting the obvious. “it’s difficult, but you ’re wasting your time, murderer, zemints, and not a fictitious fake, she broke, it can’t be, you shouldn’t be in this place, well, a little...”
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“sorry, i got excited, i was so excited that i don’t even know where to start, to start, i need to start with the burglar, collect all the information for me, but the main thing is to understand how his killer got into the apartment, if he took an arrow with him, then he knew about barbalete, it means he was at my house, do you suspect someone, one of your own, but no , well, we need to check the strangers, i recently stopped the electricians, well, maybe he
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brought it to the apartment, maybe he himself, well, they collided in var’s apartment, well, lomovov was unlucky, it’s a small matter, we just need to find the killer, the most important thing is to understand why he grabbed the arrow, the hatch, well, we can’t do that, we’ll still need our strength, who is our main fighter for the freedom of the earth, who? what's wrong with me as a little girl? and don't act like a little girl. ok, what did you learn from the lectures? live about him give unflattering reviews, clients say that he scammed extra money, sold him on additional services, and his biography is unclean. in the nineties he was part of a criminal gang. i need to find out if this electrician had criminal connections? that’s the right good idea, you take care of the biography of the scrap, and i’ll do it. to these enterprising electricians, dmitry mikhailov,
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well, let’s say hello, i need to ask you a few questions, what does the information desk say on the door? business was on saturday evening from 5 to 7, who cares, too? i have the detective has been found, i’m not a detective, i’m a lawyer , i showed you my identification, so please answer my question, where necessary, i was there, i don’t have to report, you’re not the police, you want the police, you’ll get the police, only she talks differently, especially with those who are suspected of murder, what other murder, in the apartment of one of your clients last week there was a murder, and you were there before that... i was working just caught wind of what and penetrated again, how do you like this version? listen,
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stop pouring, i was busy last saturday, installing the wiring past the meter, are you happy? i generally don’t bother with cash registers, but here they offered good money, you know what kind of hard worker would refuse? can you refuse? easy, my neighbor is the customer, is he the one above? lives, if you want, we can go up to him right now, yeah, but how i worked last week in the apartment of lawyer zemin, remember on turgenevskaya, huh? on turgenevskaya, yes, well , yes, i remember, such a guy with an intelligent look, exactly, such a normal guy, a beginner i left it, even then i would have gotten along with the high-altitude climber, it would have been all fuzzy, but what kind of
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high-altitude climber, high-altitude climber, facade of the house? i was doing repairs near his windows, i wanted to give him a hack, i need to seal the roof of the balcony, but he waved me off , he would have at least bargained, but what did he look like, and what did he usually look like, a helmet, a work uniform, you didn’t really get a good look at him, he was tall, maybe work on the façade was actually being carried out, you found out, but you found out, of course, so what? the most interesting thing is that the overhaul and work on the façade of zemen’s house took six months to complete back on the day the electrician saw the climber, no official work was carried out. what if the tenants are private? no, no one called the high-altitude specialists, and i think that the climber was near the windows, but he was there for a reason, and could also have entered the apartment.
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this is a working version, we need to find out further. “don’t joke, zimin, i see you are not discouraged, hold on, i brought you reading material here, thank you, i have not a serious sin, since morik 15 years ago, lomov not only served a sentence for theft and murder, but was suspected of murder. korovin, korovin, yeah, which happened in prison, for lack of proof, the charges for this murder were dropped, but for the previous crime he received not life, but only a long term. why were you so interested in this, because i defended this korovin. yes, he was then accused of large-scale
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theft of investment funds, but he said that he was installed. that it was a raider takeover of his business, and so on and so forth, i couldn’t protect him, there were such serious facts against him, i couldn’t even get bail, the chances were there were judges, but he didn’t live to see the trial, he was killed in prison, well, i think you did everything possible, korovin was most likely ordered, who was in charge of the lomov case then, i’ll see, so... the investigator is confused, what? nothing, it’s just that at that time the koroen case was led by investigator zamyatin. you know that we need to meet with him, and ask him about all the questions that interest us, i think that this will give answers for today . oh, great mih, as myself, as
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a generalist, murder, rape, carnage, in short, a crime for any taste, blew up, well, what about you, yes i’m still the same, the same, but not so, i catch this criminal, and then you protect her, let’s do it this way, i’m not protecting anyone, we’re essentially doing the same thing, you call, you call, what’s more, what have we forgotten? i need a tracer , he’s caught up, he’s here now, why do you need to, well, chat with him about his old affairs, forget what it is, he died, they buried him today, while on duty, an accident, and what, you want to go to the wake, come.
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hello, hello, is it you, the investigator, did you notice? yes, my condolences, thank you, and you worked together, well, a little, yes, my colleagues say it was an accident, it’s true, yes , it’s all about... glazing, my sister recently had an anniversary, or she had too much, went to the balcony to smoke, but we have a balcony somewhere , out. the floor fell off, forgive me, i’ll just bury you, hello, i’m sick, at that moment you
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were at home, yes, you were sitting at the table with guests, someone was dancing, and it was time for a smoke that he went out alone, alone, we don’t smoke no one else, or maybe he liked to go out like that and... look at the sky, he could smoke three or four cigarettes until he had enough to look at, excuse me, i’ll go, i need things, still pack it up and take it to church, hang in there, thank you, goodbye, goodbye, good afternoon, and it’s already evening. yes, you can’t argue, a terrible incident happened here recently, you’re a proponent, yes, yes, i feel sorry for your neighbor, although
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he was harmful, what was his harmfulness, and who are you? well, colleague, ex, tell me, colleague, well, then he should know, since he’s a colleague, but somehow it didn’t happen to us, so. after all, we had a war with him over parking, now the bad blood is over, but listen, when all this happened, you personally didn’t care well, we haven’t noticed anything strange like that, but no, our area is quiet, although there are a lot of apartments, we all know each other, and the high-rise installer worked.
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there was no investigation and no one called the high-altitude officer , well, theoretically, this mysterious appelnist could have committed the murder of zamyatin and lomovo and framed zemen, especially since all three of them are somehow connected by the murdered prisoner, but no matter how zamyatin, they won’t tell us about lomov, we need to ask korovin’s relatives, who should we start with, mm, let’s start with korovin’s ex-wife, she’s probably something knows.
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i’m on a different question, thank god, there are no complaints from these inspectors, on what issue, i need to talk to you about your ex-husband, but i don’t need to, get out of here, smart guy, i need to work,
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to hell with you, money forward 10,000, my dear mother, what about the red caviar? with black, don’t buy, pass by, like that, three, okay, since you’re so poor, i’ll give you a discount as a wholesale buyer? five,
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come on, ask, just quickly. what do i get from these conversations? did you know anything about your ex-husband's affairs? no, no, less you know, you sleep better, i didn’t climb, he didn’t load me, but carewyn had enemies? but how can i, i’m his main enemy, what do you look at, think, how is this, this is how it is? she didn’t love her husband , she got together with his friend and partner, zhenya, zaretsky, oh, we had love, i know how beautiful she was before, now there’s nothing to look at, for a long time my wife and i dated behind my husband’s back, and how they killed him,
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so they got married. right away, but you can’t build this happiness on someone else’s misfortune, he left me not a year ago, and now i’m pulling my own strap, spinning, twisting, and so on i should have been told by the old man that i had sinned and now i’m paying for it. well, as they say , you can’t command your heart, but there was no need to deceive your husband, and don’t wipe my snot, you, you don’t know the truth, it’s the biggest sin, i damned him from my first marriage. i took her to
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the grandfather's home, the fox was 10 years old then, when the cow was killed, her mother died a long time ago, and i 'm a hole, i didn't want to, neither did buzu, but where is she now, can you? maybe she’s already talking to daddy, talking to daddy, anyone, listen, where’s my business,
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return the assignment. need to break through korovin's partner business of zaretsky, zaretsky, yes, yes, come on, ah, wait, wait, listen, what kind of pies do you like most, yes, good afternoon, please open, i need evgeny zaredsky, but i think... a social worker, why is he for you? i wanted to talk to him about his former partner karovin, please call him, he doesn’t live here anymore, don’t come here, and where he lives now, can you tell me, i don’t know, leave me alone, i’m an old woman, i i called the police, now
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we... will try the pies, i don’t want to, thank you, you won't, what's with the sharp ones? i found out why his mother threw me out , zaredsky has been hiding from the investigation for a long time, these are numerous creditors, investors, he is accused of fraud on an especially large scale and debts, look, our hero is probably now vacationing on some island, or maybe not, what? already so much in debt, no, i’m not talking about that, we need to check how good a son he is, how capable he is of throwing his mother to the wrath of the creditor, i’ll keep an eye on her, you take the pie, that means here with rice, with meat, with apples, with raisins, i don’t want your pies, zhenya. mom, good to see you, hello,
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dear, how are you, son, did you bring something, okay, well, let’s go into the house, i’m about to finish in 5 minutes. ok, well, hello, evgeny, what about you, why do you all love to run so much, i’ll give everything, of course you will, where will you go? only i have a different question, a lawyer is good, i thought you were with the police or a creditor, so you’ll be running through the woods all your life, but what should i do,
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i got caught, well, how can i steal less, and the funny thing is that i’m not all these committed fraud, i’m not the one who stole so much, i ’m ready to set myself up like that, who wouldn’t believe it, i set up the girl, the brat, she’s beautiful, i left veronica for her , got divorced, i can do anything with a man through bed, i’m so let down, and she is involved in all my affairs, it seems... curiosity poked us everywhere, took possession of my electronic signature , stole all the money from my account, collected credits, loans and so dashingly, everything is correct, all the arrows are on me, i’m here i'm going crazy,
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i shy away from every rustle, and she's with my money, smartly, the law of the buberang works, but my evil has returned to me. what are you talking about? this is my favorite thing. i also set him up once. who are you talking about here in more detail, come on. i bribed the investigator. zamyatina. him, he concocted the case and juggled the facts as needed. koroina was hidden behind bars. and i transferred the assets of his investment and construction company to myself. and now i’m like that myself. did you also order korovin’s murder? no, it’s not me, i swear on my health, i swear to my mother, but if i were like that, i would commit suicide, why live with like that, not me, so the sarets are all blaming
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the sharshelys for their mistress, it’s clear that the sharshelys, and he left some signs of her, very roughly, there are people like that around half the city, well, what’s her name, but that’s the point, he himself doesn’t know, he used someone else’s name, yes, a joint photo, a page on a social network? nothing, he was still wondering why such a beauty wouldn’t be photographed? i went through korovin’s close relatives, unfortunately, he did not maintain contact with anyone, so there was no one else to interview except his daughter. listen, is it worth bothering her? she was sent to an orphanage at the age of 10, she understood a lot then, it would be done. this is what we will find out. there are no more leads, we need to check everything. i'll look through orphanages. well, keep me informed, i’m on my way to the office, please have a seat, uh-huh, thank you very much for your response, for agreeing to come, we are not indifferent to the fate of our graduates, so i always
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respond with interest. please tell me, do you remember such a girl, liza korovina, if so, what can you say? describe? yes, i have been working in our orphanage for a long time and... and i remember well how lisa was brought to us, then, when she left us, i can say that they were completely two different people, very interesting, lisa came to us thin , a fragile , sickly girl, she was very worried about the death of her beloved father, the betrayal of her stepmother , she withdrew into herself, cried a lot , did not communicate with anyone, besides this, her peers began to offend her, but unfortunately, we cannot always protect from this, and we were afraid that lisa will break down, but at one fine moment... quite unexpectedly, lisa started playing sports, and you know, she got stronger, she could stand up for herself, well, fight back, and then they began to respect her for her sporting successes, well, in our orphanage there is a mountaineering section, that’s where
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she achieved remarkable results, and you know, she just blossomed before our eyes, when she left us, she was already a strong, confident, beautiful girl, by chance you don’t have a photo of her, but you ... and if i ask you, you can make either a scanner, or re-photo, i'll give you an email, you 'll send it off, okay, okay, of course, thank you, rock climber, rock climber, my rock climber, rock climber, what's wrong with you, what's wrong with me, who do you see here, the girl from the medal, no, that's not the girl got away, this is liza , korovin’s daughter, and this is the fatal beauty... who ditched his business partner zaretsky, i was with him,
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he identified her, it can’t be, in our life everything can be like you, and you know , lyuban, not bad, i just keep thinking why life gave me this situation, what lesson should i to heal, what a lesson, zemina , this is an outright setup, we will prove it , i think that i... it’s nice, nice when such
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a woman saves you, i’m sorry, what’s the news, in short, we weren’t able to talk to zamyatin, he died suddenly under mysterious circumstances, everything looks like an accident, but yegor and i have a different version, at first, now... it’s forgotten, a strange coincidence, that’s it, but we managed to get in touch with korovin’s ex-wife and his former business partner zaretsky , which after after korovin’s death, they stopped hiding their love affair, got married, curiously, that ’s what’s interesting, zaretsky admitted that it was he who seized korovin’s business in a raider way, bribed zamyatin with the help of zamyatin, put korovin behind bars, which means korovin was framed after all. and
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he ordered koroin, too, he swears that he didn’t, but these are just words, i agree, this remains to be seen, now the sharp screams set him up in the same way as he once set up his friend korovin, and he claims that he was set up by his young mistress, you know who, liza korovina, that ’s for sure, yes, liza korovina, whom after korovin’s death her stepmother handed over to an orphanage, so wait, wait, the pen writes, writes. “well, the daughter’s motive is clear, revenge, she punished everyone who was involved in the death of her father, stepmother, for the treacherous betrayals of her father, she herself took her husband into her, this time, the second business partner who grabbed her father’s share, she took him bankrupted and ruined, this..." two, the corrupt investigator who helped
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organize the murder of his father, having built an accident, arranged the same thing, this three, well, actually the repeat offender lomov , whom she also killed, that’s four, she didn’t pin the murder of lomov on you, because once you couldn’t get your father out of prison so that you could sit like him, yes, the puzzle is working out, i i can’t understand, just... how did she pull it all off, how did she finally get into my apartment and how did she kill the killer? i didn’t have time to tell you everything, lesh, in the story with lomov, in the story with zamyatin , a high-altitude climber was seen on the facades of houses, and his work was not coordinated with the managers companies, i don’t understand what the lick has to do with it, this is liza koroevna. she received this medal for her achievement in mountaineering,
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have a nice one, thank you, you won’t eat, no, i actually envy you, egor, you are brutal. situation, a hungry employee is a bad employee, and what, you went on a hunger strike until zemen is released, until lisa is detained, that’s all i can think about, since she pulled off such an operation, she’s clearly not stupid. lives under an assumed name, covered up all traces, well , in some places she followed her, otherwise we wouldn’t have figured out, yes, but if we find her , we still won’t be able to prove her involvement in all these crimes, you know, i think so too, but i have a draft plan, if she can screw up, then only in one thing, that’s in her love for her father, how he
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died a long time ago, like this, tomorrow is just another anniversary of koroevna’s death, i think that a loving daughter cannot help but replace her father, do you think? she’ll come to the grave, of course, but why did she do all this then, or i’ll have to spend the whole day at cemetery, i’ll think about the eternal. lisa, hello, don't be afraid of me, who are you? my name is egor, i am a lawyer. what you need? i wanted to talk to you, but not as a lawyer,
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but simply as a human being. about what? i know what happened to you and your father. don’t come near me, i don’t want to talk to you, i’m not touching you, just talk to me for 5 minutes and i’ll leave, my friend is in trouble and you are able to help him, i don’t know you or your friend, you him you know very well, this is lawyer zemin, who defended your father, i know that you took revenge on everyone who has ever been involved in the death of your father, you took revenge on his ex-wife, your mother-in-law veronica.
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that’s all, bravo, i’m really crazy , you know, i even listened to you, you should write books, science fiction, i don’t know any of those you’re talking about, my dad died when i was 10 years old, of course i’m i’m still worried, but revenge is too much, i’m just an orphan, leave me alone with my grief, hello, yes, great, thank you. lisa, wait, wait, you might be interested to know that your father’s killer is alive, i don’t care, they called from cliff, he’s come to his senses now resuscitation, when you shot at him, you probably didn’t expect that the use would save him, so i don’t need your help anymore, the earth will let you go when luma tells you everything,
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good luck to you, good afternoon, skrefosovsky institute. tell me, please , did the patient andrey yuryevich lomov come home , he was in intensive care, i’m his daughter, thank you, i’m waiting, they transferred me to a general ward, which one can you tell me, yeah, thank you, you can’t imagine how happy you made me, good , arthur. i'll be in a blue dress and with a book.
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and given your today's indicative performances, this is a direct road to jail, so stop making eyes at me, let’s have a purely heartfelt one, at least two, i don’t care at all. i did everything i wanted, i did , whether you put me in prison or not , it doesn’t matter to me, i avenged my father, you’re not
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afraid of prison, after my grandfather, i’m not afraid of anything anymore, well then let’s go all over again, well, write, it all started with my release from the orphanage, my new life just began, i turned 18, i became... both herself and the mistress. first of all, of course, i flew to my father’s grave, but because no one alive was waiting for me anymore. and maybe i would cry and calm down. but there at the grave i met his former employee, uncle misha. it turned out that all these years he had been caring for the grave and wearing flowers. all because his dad once helped him and got him a job with him. when no one else took it, well, because uncle misha was retired, in general, a cool old guy, and he told me a lot of good things about dad, but most importantly, he said that he didn’t
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believe that dad stole, he believed that his they framed me, well then i decided to dig into this case and restore justice, tell me how you planned to kill lomov and frame zemen, i thought, there are two of them left, why not end them once? i climbed up to zemin through the window for reconnaissance when he was not there, i saw a crossbow there in working condition, then it dawned on me, although the electrician almost burned me, but i was not in a work uniform and a helmet, so everything is okay, but i seduced lomovo, gained his trust, led him to zemen’s hut, promised that there will be something to profit from, well, while he was digging there , i climbed through the window, inserted an arrow into zemen’s crossbow, made them with one blow,
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wow, number, kitty, what are you doing, greetings to you from korovin, whom korovin, whom you were in prison 10 years ago thundered, i’m his daughter, think about it, kisa, put that thing down, i didn’t know then, you forced me to hush up the cop. he wanted to give me a life sentence, but they knocked me off. did he say in the traces who the customer was? no, but this is one of korovin’s partners, they wanted to squeeze out the business. stand! he suffered for a long time, he i suffered for a long time, answer! kitty, well, i didn’t do it for fun, the cop forced the bastard, i did everything quickly, i stabbed him in the head, huh? has it ever occurred to you to forgive these people? forgive? are you seriously? have you ever heard
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the saying that goodness comes with fists? so, in the orphanage, i filled these fists so hard, i learned to take a blow there, if i had forgiven all those who spread rot on me, i would not have survived, then i realized that goodness and justice do not fall from heaven. we have to fight for them, and even now, sitting here, i won, goodbye, zemin, cheers, boss, that your colleagues missed you, of course, without your boss, what kind of life is this, but you probably didn’t miss us without us, you thought about the meaning of life, yes, yes, but now... oh, i’ll treat all clients even more attentively, well what, yes, it’s much better, listen, i have a proposal, let’s go to a restaurant, celebrate the madness, ass, let’s postpone
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this celebration of life for another day, i don’t understand, well, i just have some things planned , so since i haven’t had time to get some things done, so wait, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, what, selfie, oops, and uh, well, a memorable moment after all,
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prepared, because we look for happiness far away, we find it close. look tomorrow, it's time
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to take off, who are you? the immortals hide the truth from you behind the mirror, how does it work?
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do you remember, there was an ice cream here, uh-huh, oh, and then i was working as a driver, i brought you here after college, and you were shy, didn’t want to order anything, said that you weren’t hungry, well, in fact, i really wanted this ice cream, but i decided that they'll think some kind of indecent glutton, you know, i thought then,


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