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tv   Dinozavr  NTV  January 1, 2024 7:00am-8:21am MSK

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there, women are fools, like squirrels running in place , electricity is generated, a new methodology, emancipation, electrification, all in one bottle, oh well, i’m kidding, i’m kidding, i’m kidding, it’s a sport, now everyone trains like that, for me the best sport is a hoe in your hands on the contrary, it started. you’re a sexist, brilliant, it’s been 10 years since you’ve been a sexist, i sympathize, i understand , i can’t help, you’ll wait, okay, no, basya, well, that’s not possible, that’s enough.
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it’s sunny in moscow, 13:15 warm, salam in half, now there’s an emergency episode on the peplum, how are you, the cats are back at the company office rublevskaya mile, where investors demand their stolen goods, with your prayers, at the moment, mr. guritsa towers, come out, bazaar.
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the bear needs to be raised, slam is big in nature , slam is good, only now i’m a rogue , the matter has moved on, he opens the locks of the fraer, so shake it with the old days, you’d better, i’m tired, i wanted to, the thieves are trending as if you’re rustling under the cops. who is trending? yes, many, you explain this to many, the client has never been under anyone, he is on his own, it was not always like this. understand, let him be stupid here, i’ll explain
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in detail, well, there’s no market, no, but keep in mind that if he disappears as a scam, we’ll ask according to the rules, despite the fact that you...
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and the key company is listening, and what kind of door do you have, the key company, the key company? hello, well, we won’t be able to do it before an hour, so open up the diamonds, these are for you, thank you, bas, whatever you want, i’ll be there tomorrow.
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in the footsteps of my father i decided, well done, the birth of a dynasty, as they say, especially my grandfather , he said, come to me for a minute, there ’s something to do, don’t mock me, your grandfather, you know how he helped us, better than any leaders, and he’ll even help, he’s reforged man, it’s immediately obvious allow me, general, yes, yes, come in, come, meet the investigator for especially important matters, golovin, vladimir gavrilovich. and this is khristoforova, polina vyacheslavovna, it’s very nice, you will have an internship , here are the directions for you, and this is an order, hello,
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and you are for khristofor, an apple from the apple tree, as they say, yes, you better tell me what you have there by a mile, oh, but not very much, kuritsin’s great lawyer is overplaying his hand... all the time now the arrest has been diverted, the court recognized that the chicken does not pose a social danger, get motivated, get ready for fruitful work, for impact creative work, this morning i woke up and realized that today would be the best day of my life, today would be the best day of my life and all doubts would be cast aside.
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and there is no need to repeat, there is no need to repeat, eduardovich, wait, and valery eduardovich, that they are holding a rally there again, the security called. they want to storm, maybe you would go out to them, calm them down, well, as you know how, nothing exists for me except a mile, except a mile, you see, i know, nothing exists for me, except for a mile, nothing exists for me, except for a milli, well, go talk to them yourself, okay, sheep, but what is it?
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there are several thousand victims, a loss of more than 5 billion. that’s why the investigative committee, we are looking into this matter. any questions? oh, they will be soon. now i will introduce you to the austrian spaniard. do you have an austrian spaniard here too? eat. his father is austrian, his mother is spanish, he turned out to be the worst bastard. okay, okay, at least he speaks russian. great, meet me, this is our colleague from interpol, uh-huh, where is the huba, khristoforova polina vyacheslavna, is it difficult or not, if it’s difficult,
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you can just go in the field, polino christopher, like columbo, goes, no, he doesn’t, but in childhood they raised me to khristoforuch, but even then only their own. well, have you met? yes, this is all about the rublyov case, by the time i figure it all out, my practice will end. what do you think, the work of an investigator is mostly paper dust. come on, get busy. ladies deceive ordinary people. and others in the carriages simply close their eyes. well, actually , the first pyramid was made by a certain pontius an immigrant from italy to the usa, in 2008 there was a global crisis due to the us mortgage pyramid. i studied well, but in america
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the mortgage bubble burst, and here it was a pure scam, everyone knew, everyone in general, and no one tried to stop it until it was huge. yeah, passions around the ruble mile are heating up, deceived investors put forward new demands, but mr. kuritsen never came to them. and now the news of the hour, as we have just been informed from the press center of the gvd, in the center of moscow unknown persons robbed the apartment of a famous antique dealer. russian paintings stolen abstract artist, wassily kandinsky. the investigation has not yet announced the amount of damage, but it can already be assumed that it will amount to tens of millions of dollars.
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yes, you don’t even speak the language, you already understand what you are saying, you have singled out bandits, and the valenti is like an ooze on us, you cannot provide any evidence, evidence, you know, your evidence is simply full of this evidence, i’m disgusted, i don’t know , come on, come on, come on, that's it, gavrilovich, i said, that's it, that's it, he said, khristoforova, come on, follow me. kristoforova! yes,
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he is completely sick! he says that we have a country of swindlers, here! why are you being provoked? is it a shame for the country? you, you are an intern, and he, although he is a bastard, is an interpol employee, so be kind, keep your distance and... polites. all clear? yes sir. now go and apologize for your rudeness. i won't. you will, otherwise today you will move to another group. please forgive me, sir. my behavior was unworthy of an investigative committee trainee.
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slava, what should i do? i have to make up
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protocol. movie about bandits, premiere. today at 17:00 on ntv. we need to create the future ourselves and do it together. we are very different, we speak different languages, but we have the same desire, a diverse and open world for everyone. every opinion will be heard at the world youth festival. let's start the future together. find out more at denis nikiforov, don’t you look like him? you are just like a secret agent and his bim. goes hunting again, one life, one
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team, bim, tomorrow at 19:30 on ntv. as we have learned from reliable source, the investigation has recordings from surveillance cameras that filmed two suspects near the house where the antique dealer’s apartment is located. according to the latest information , two elderly men were involved in the rage, one with a tall stature and a shuffling gait,
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the second with a mustache and a cap. we will closely monitor the development of this high-profile case. you don’t want to, now, hi, son, well , he’s biting, no, i’m back to the old stuff again, i’m done, your job, and i, how could you
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set polina and me up like that, how could you? yeah, that's all that's left, the rest is here, i made it in the workshop, and gave mine to my sister, but the owner is not there, the owner is there , the owner is an antique dealer, a collector, your prints are there, your traces are there , your handwriting is there, everything is yours, who ordered the paintings, no one
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ordered it, diamond. thank you, son, for your trust, that he is doing , semyon timofeevich, you begin to trust you, and you immediately give it, so, i’m detaining
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you both until charges are brought and a preventive measure is chosen, both of you in the car, you ’ll go with a mug. come here, i wanted to warn you from the road, but you you can’t answer the phone, i wanted to talk above, let’s talk, right now, we ’d like some things for the camera, come on, come on guys, listen, here, i’m sending the customer pictures via the dark internet, it’s reliable, they won’t burn it, more reliable than you, so that’s it, get ready to send the paintings, i also think we need insurance, why, the courier flies in, we hand over the goods, businessman, what are you
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talking about, i have garbage, otherwise they ’re digging up the ground everywhere now, so what’s wrong there’s no way we can’t, well, you set up these old me. bye the cops will figure out what's what, we'll do everything , it's not your job at all, it's your job to turn the wheel, come on, officers, sit there, sanction for obusk, miles, and why sit there, drive faster, yes, i'm listening, svetlana, my dear, you ’re there, but thank god, they’re coming to us with a downward spiral, they destroyed all the papers, i ’ll look now, he’ll look at us, run, come on! numbers, surname numbers, valery eduardovich,
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what is this? one second, according to the fifty- first article of the constitution, my client is not obliged to testify against himself, this is for you it’s well known, we’ll get to the bottom of it anyway, i’m just trying to save time, including yours, for god’s sake. and his teams began to lose thousands of clients and their segment in the market, well, who will like it, so it began, first
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baseless statements, then fabricated cases, and as for the poor people, excuse me, they are easy to bribe and intimidate, but as for us, we honest people, yes, we have nothing to fear, we can easily prove our innocence in court of any instance, you do all this too... take this whole thing yes, yes, along with table, they are presenting you with a lot of damage, what are you doing in a corporate conspiracy, competitors have united to quickly overthrow us, strong old man,
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i’m thinking about the future of the mile, i’m thinking too, no, don’t you think so, i asked to destroy the documents, i destroyed everything, but a model, a model of the village, then inside the model, a cache from the accounting department, something incomprehensible, and if it is discovered by the investigative committee, you will also go to jail, you fool, valery eduardovich, i didn’t think about the model, i need to think about it at least once in life, under whatman paper, i forgot, forgot, because i'm a stupid fat sheep, come on, repeat quickly who i am, i'm a stupid fat sheep,
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repeat more confidently, let's collect, repeat, i'm a stupid fat sheep, who am i, the best owner in the world, that's right, also, and even the smartest boss, also, and also the stupid fat sheep, what did she just say? let me go, phew, take an intergender member away on the very first day, your father is not like that, but i’m like my grandfather, i am for justice, well , no matter how this justice backfires on you, you will move to another group without an intergender member, but for now you are with me, will you be at i'm flying like a bee, phew , now lawyer mili is going to ruin the case, he told me this during the search, oh, well, there are no fractures,
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no cracks, then it's like an imatum, and matutor huber is back in business, signor huber, and you're not they could help the trainee along the line, well, like a senior comrade, like an experienced detective, but only if he doesn’t touch the doors. if you keep them away from each other, so that there is no contact, then in an instant they will develop a strategy, in different cells, as the mice will sit, you boy, you have never seen such mice. who is he, what is his style, this is my school.
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there’s something i don’t understand, you and i won’t fix it, i’m a diamond. bratuva, we must meet our dear guest. when i woke up, i saw her, the faithful romeo was lying dead in front of me and climbed with dignity, and she woke up, i begged her to come with me to submit to heaven, but the noise forced me to leave the crypt, but in despair she did not want to go with me, and as i believe, committed suicide,
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that's all i know, salam, general, who looks after the huts, a veteran shock worker, perhaps a plumber, just for our bucket it got clogged, what should we call him, dmitry alekseevich, of course, he’s a blood walker, yes, yes, no , i’ve been in business for a long time, i know your affairs, old grandfather, don’t keep an eye on the girls , yes, he did, of course, listen to me carefully, you’ll be a peasant in my house , order is on you , so that everything is clean, the bucket, you see , is clogged, it’s waiting for you, so that everything is in order, and you will tell me bedtime stories, fairy tales you know, just a fable, a fable, well done, well, remember, well that we are standing, forward, no, no, no,
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si, da.
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tova je work. the old one has taken over, you are everywhere there, everywhere, how could you set polina and me up like this, how could you, here’s the deal, semyon timofeevich, you’re just starting to trust you, and you, empty-nesters, say, “by the time he figures it out, our business will be ruined, you won’t answer calls for a week, the client will all leave, but you think empty-handedly, it’s better to jump off the setup, tell how everything really happened, you tried, tried, tried, but it’s not like that.”
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dad, are they idiots to do that? no, okay, grandpa, grandpa is a dinosaur, he might not have even noticed the camera, but it’s a fable, he’s cunning, he’s on the stock exchange makes money on which exchange? it doesn’t matter, listen, well, you said it yourself that they lit up a lot there, that’s right, their fingers are everywhere. that the grandfather could not erase his circle of friends , it’s funny, he was there, he was there, he broke the door, he broke it, you will ignore the facts, you are a future investigator, what are the facts, that the grandfather abandoned his family because of some kandinsky, he thief, former , there are no former thieves, listen, i believe him, i... how he
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loves me and values ​​me, and by the way, he values ​​you too, although you don’t you deserve it, it’s like talking to your father, just stop! well, maybe the defendants in the kandinsky case are being interrogated, we believe with a diamond that the criminals worked in this way.
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oh, the thieves called us on a tip from someone who knew the diamond well. just like that, timofeevich has something to add, well, the passport was stolen, the photo was slapped in place of the old one, i made two stamps, an extract and a registration, i broke off the key myself with a pair of wire cutters, hello,
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the key maker company, not in the money, for starters, let’s try to compile portrait. do you remember her? well, the lady is so pumped up all of herself. let's start with the shape of the face, well, this looks like , perhaps, contour plastic surgery, osprey, tattooing of eyebrows, lips - it's pumped up, elpharoplasty, platysma plastic, plastic painter, gamed shelag on nails, how do you know all this,
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the main new year's concert is tomorrow in 22:40 on ntv. gavrilov on his way out, welcome back. and i decided to go into filmmaking, a cool new year's movie, what about a movie about bandits with a cool script, well, i need to come up with something about a woman, with a cool budget of a million dollars, at least, for starters, we’ll sell the garage and cool actors, i’m wildly sorry, i’m your idol, i mean, i’m sorry to fly by. oscar, but i, dmitry nagiyev, i was kidnapped, but not fed, everything will be fine, and mikhail porechenko, camera motor of the night, a movie about bandits, filmed, very good filming,
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thanks for the shift, cool new year's premiere, today at 17:00 on ntv, they’re not fools to set themselves up like that, they understand that we’ll figure them out very quickly, but... well , we can’t close them down, grandma’s has done so much for us, and we’re like, so, i’m taking them to vices, we agreed, then for homework, yes. next, who's there? am i in hard labor? at the end of the investigation you will have to be patient, if you don’t want to sit in the cells,
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we’ll bring you medicine with a product from palina, step outside the perimeter, call the duty officer for your pulse, three violations, arrests back in the season. his father's son sold his computer into slavery because he had to fish . they do burglaries in their old age, help yourself to an apple, an apple, danich is sour, probably, but no, normal, oh my god, well, thank you, i have everything ready, well, we told you everything in spirit, i’m giving away the tooth, we'll figure it out, rest for now, let's go, we're son. fedor, what did you promise me?
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i ask what you promised me, looking somewhere, who did you tell, it was you who told me, yes, yes , come on, yes, yes, yes, come here, what did you do anyway, well, let’s go. i say, i’ll go get a book , then i won’t do anything at all, well , get out of here, sick in the head, old blockhead, i’ll write to mom, you’ll know, oh, well, i’m fighting, and we’re your new neighbor korisham bought a dacha. you are polar explorers, i am dmitry alekseevich, and my sidekick is semyon
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timofeevich, and i am a retired colonel, soldiers nikolai nikolaevich, it’s very nice , we too, forgive me for interfering, well , you were so noisy, and what are you fussing about, but my daughter spared her grandson for the holidays, but he doesn’t want anything, neither in the garden, nor mathematics, not a book, just one eye on the tablet. well, thank you, i don’t understand where
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to insert the key, diamond, again, not an old safe, it’s electronics, everything here is magic, one might say, everything clicks, well, you! i bet you took up sports, or what? a healthy lifestyle is now in fashion. what's this? description of the stolen property. yeah, while he was singing
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so beautiful. you too are gone, now we’ll go through all the authorities to understand who could have framed him. ours, you are still angry at me, what kind of presentation, because of the setup and presentation, i don’t know it. and here it’s rich, no, diamond
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, i’m not in business, i offered you another business, it was installed without you, or maybe you spread the rumor that you gave up, took it yourself and broke the hut, but they took us into the dark, at least a share i was, it’s a pity that we didn’t... set the matter, yes , by the way, filter the market once in a while, said the diamond, he’s done, that means he’s done, yes no, i’m driving all this away, but who would dare to frame such an authoritative thief like you? the one who is not tied up in gold, has not been imprisoned, we have no idea, exactly, the one for whom we are nothing.
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we would like to find this girl with a dog, and she will lead us to the others, but the question is, how do i think that the burglars could hit on one of our guys, the castle there is complicated, it’s too tough for the fraternity and how much of your brother is... in moscow, but only five, me and four others, are slowly dying out.
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not in business, i just arrived from a tour this morning, ask anyone, witnesses 10,000 people. nelson, it's time, let's go, yes, my dear, we're tearing up the pulp, in kind, what's with the pulp, i look at the bugbears, they're driving pretty hard, one into a coffin, the other into a metalhead. i wouldn’t be surprised if this floor was changed in the apartment, or what? became a woman , now this is possible, oh, it’s not him by chance , hello, but you are georgiy petrovich, to
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him, so his children were taken abroad, about a year ago, what’s bad at all? no, 5 days ago he wrote that everything is fine, but i look after his apartments, pay the bills, and he regularly sends money from prague. thank you, thank you, that means there is one more, one anarchist left.
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i hope by the way, it looks like you and i are the only ones left, i heard about half a ton, i served in his death, and about nelson, i used to listen to it, now i listen to more spiritual music , are you on worldly affairs or this woman was not shining. i was with a dog, i wanted something to do, i tried to guide her on the path of truth, i said, move away from sin, like a diamond moves away, repent, well, let’s go, repent. well, you see, she didn’t repent, she used us like the last idiots for five alty, and not even a penny
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shared, what a slut, forgive me, god, it’s clear, with such items she can only go to the cartbars, there’s nowhere else, you have a way out for them. a movie about bandits, premiering today at 17:00 on ntv. international competition for children's new wave. how pleased we are to watch how our...
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children's new wave, tomorrow 10:20 on ntv. all holiday week on ntv. get out the cognac, it’s still morning, let’s not start the day with this. okay, let's not get one glass. criminals will be hurt. look what i have today. you will beat me. and to the viewers half freely. how will you please the servants of god? from january 2, we will pamper you from the heart, we will earn
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a tick, otherwise you will watch the little star every day from 12:15 to 19:00 on ntv. passions around the mili case ran high. we learned that the investigation carried out a search in mili’s office, seized all documents and hard drives, but... he was not detained, the deceived investors are afraid that he will disappear, so, comrades, officers, first of all, we need to work with witnesses, study all the documentation that we seized from the mili office, well, in general, we urgently need to finish this this matter, that’s all, or maybe check the village, the model of which is on my table , we just haven’t found the documentation on it, well, then work out all the options, all the options, that’s it, let’s get to work, according to the documents the village not completed,
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construction is frozen due to the arrest of accounts, listen, what’s strange, there is not a single statement from the victims, you think he did not participate in the pyramid, maybe only on paper, let’s go and check.
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toothy, uh-huh, come on, now you, me, well, what am
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i, dad works in the ic, grandfather? this is not true, i myself did not want to go.
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what a pleasant surprise, oops, guys, we have a girl, quiet, quiet, dear, stop!
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that's right, i forgot everything, i need to take pills for memory, uh, dad, just a second, you and i got confused along the way, where you're in such a hurry, shaved, and that 147-12 was taken away, i'm a stranger to hiv,
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along with our hopes. i was also repelled from the lawless people on the first move, that you don’t remember, half my life was wasted, there wasn’t much, remember, i told you about the gate that the canadian castle opened, brawllock, here it is, my own person, drove the diamond, drink, click, sorry for taking it that way, strangers don’t come here, we’re kind of closed here.
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call, there are no locks in the world that the klyuchnik company cannot handle, because we have the best security locksmith in the country. come on. you're spoiling, well, who's going to promote you? what? ok, ok, promoted to the masses , you have 5 minutes, our respects are brilliant, as for kandinsky, a leader named either hri or hryab, kristofor, came to my salon. i told him, our people don't have pictures they took, in kind, in kind, kandinsky is hemorrhoids in all places, especially with regard to sales. yes, the market is very
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specific, so there are only two options to sell such a unique product. the first, for local black collectors, is not an option. well, firstly, there is a crisis now, and secondly, they are afraid of the cops’ fire stands. the cops give themselves away for the fences. avatar show finale today at 20:20 on ntv, i'm wildly sorry, you're an actor,
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we're going to make a movie, what about us, i once in america, yes, the first day of the new year, i didn't come up with anything, mikhail porechenkov, completely beaten off, announces casting for the main role, yes! one option, and he didn’t forget about me, well, we’re not social workers either, and who can i play there, the main character’s girlfriend, it’s easy, the fee is decent, half a lema a day, holy crap, cinema is a serious matter, an offer you can’t refuse, i’m sorry to fly past oscar, but you fucking kidnapped him, you knew too much, but...
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well, no way, we’re under homework, he can’t go to the city normally, but what option do you suggest, wait, hello. slavek, it's me, you you can come to our dacha in about an hour, we have a conversation, thank you,
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i drove the wheels, i obey. and he didn’t know where to insert the card into the atm, but i told him, you’re a dinosaur, it’s normal for the world to be anonymous for so many years, he says that we’re not normal, that we ’re constantly chatting, skyping, we can’t sit and chat normally , chat, well , it’s normal to talk like a human being, yes. and this is yes, but usually there’s not enough time for this, i have a very cool kid, a real man, you won’t find such people these days,
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lie down, wait, there are dumps on their feet, how did they manage it? polinka pedal arrived with a gentleman, where? on the side of the road, the car was parked, and i didn’t even notice, but your eye, in agreement, drove, a diamond, no matter how the log of slavik pawned us, you finish, my granddaughter is flint, all in me.
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the whole family is assembled, you tell them what happened in the village, they don’t need to know about it, and these people can attack someone, tomorrow i’ll call the district office, let them sort it out, i wouldn’t be surprised if it was the chicken who set them up to live, yes. i will go, yeah, thank you, yeah, see you tomorrow, yeah. let's see,
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well, i'm used to it, i'm used to it, oh, slavik, is it possible to get used to slavery, nothing, it's better than in a cell, i'm not sure. hello everyone, hello, why is it so late? service, the head sent out of town. polinka, hello, hello, what's this conversation, father? no, dinner and get along first, right. well, sit and help. this spaniard needs to illuminate yours through his own people. who collects this from them?
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what kind of kandinsky, i don’t think there were many of them, maybe some of them came to us, but maybe he has already arrived and is doing the job, but how did you find out about the foreign trace, i myself just groped for this thread, well, the world is not without good people, i called, enlightened, maybe you will be able to grab the courier by the tail in a hurry, well, i’m talking about this myself i was thinking... what to think , i need to draw up a case, okay, in the morning i’ll report to management, i also want to participate in the operation, and that i can play some role, a maid, or, for example, a girl of easy virtue, why, i tell you ladies of easy virtue, i played in the children's theater, after all, snow white, right, so calmly, comrade, it was a long time ago, you can’t drink away talent, that’s for sure...
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we’ll drink to that, come on, you, uh, do your best, okay, ask me again later, it’s a fable, the smell is strange, where did you get the booze? is your neighbor driving?
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and you can count the number of black collectors on one hand and hub'. i consulted some myself, including on kandinsky, you have their photos, yes, a second, that’s all
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, yes, except for ugamates, that’s everyone i know,
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i don’t understand, how am i next to you, i’m already here at the table , and most importantly, i agree why you need this, well, because practice - this is mortal boredom, i thought there would be interesting tasks, some kind of murderers, rapists, maniacs, here you can hang yourself out of boredom, you
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’re right, yes, and also like mom and dad, well , i’m not going to cast him as one, ponatito? and i thought we were friends, the criminal art courier jose valleja, whose interests he represents, we have not yet been able to find out, but tomorrow he arrives on a flight from amsterdam, that time is passing by hours, i would say minutes, but we are absolutely not ready, well, if we’re not ready, let’s develop the operation, distribute roles. there are people, people there are, but there aren’t enough beautiful women for the operation, that there aren’t enough beautiful women for the operation, let’s just take it, i mean, well, you yourself said something, i didn’t mean my
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daughter, it’s absolutely impossible, i mean, well, on the table , okay, decide for yourself, eh, that’s enough already, i’m actually learning spanish here, i don’t have time, uh, accordion player, is
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he deaf, what? listen, while you 're having fun here, i'm learning spanish, and i'm learning gamul, maybe you can play on the tablet for now, but in general the accordion is 100 times more fun to play, then maybe you can go behind the house, there's a toilet there the acoustics are bad. what's happening? what are you doing, sit ador, your swing is growing, keep quiet, like this,
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excuse me, my granddaughter is learning spanish, i see, what, some problems, brilliant, what kind of capish? nikolaevich, my respect, oh, timofeevich, i’ve been a soldier all my life.
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you stand here, polina is here,
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protecting each other all the time. repeat the list of kandinsky's paintings again. 908, grim situation. and here’s a sign with his name in spanish, so he’s french, jose vallejo, jose vallejo, hold on, you’re standing in the waiting area, waiting, making sure no one is following you, there was no tail behind him, i understood, i learned spanish, yeah, and what does that mean, give me a liter of milk. please, why did you even learn this, it was written in the tutorials at
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the very beginning, apparently it didn’t reach the end, oh, jose vallejo, i understand, jose vallejo. listen, can you tell me how to get to the bus, i don’t know how to get to the bus, the train is in a straight line, then to the right, there will be a sign, wait, wait, but the sign indicates what the sign is, popasor, do you hear? where are you from from the village of khrenovo, what is really from khrenovo? on your
8:17 am
nose the elevator is overloaded, use another one.
8:18 am
that's crazy, oh sir, it's you , it's a pity that we missed each other, but i already left for the city by taxi, but that's okay, i 'll pick you up wherever you say. hello, i haven’t met him, it’s strange, very strange, we agreed on everything, okay, that’s it, come here.
8:19 am
why didn’t he make contact at the airport, maybe someone scared him, felt his tail, faded, no, well, something is wrong here, okay, that’s it, that means we’re proceeding according to plan b.
8:20 am
good morning dear friends, happy new year 2024 and we are very glad that you are celebrating this the first morning of 2024 is with us, which means that you are determined to have good luck in the coming year, it is definitely somewhere nearby and in a festive mood is preparing to make your choice.


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