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tv   Vezyot  NTV  January 2, 2024 2:30am-3:00am MSK

2:30 am
2:31 am
hello, listen, old man, your car wasn’t towed away, i punched it, that’s for sure, you didn’t mix up anything, maybe you left it in some other place, well, what could i have gotten confused, kirov street, well then come and write a statement.
2:32 am
what's this? while they are talking , they will step aside and hide you so that they can find you only later. you know, postavy. do you need a car? won't they bring criminal charges against us? not for us, but for them. don’t be afraid, they ’ll give it back right away, hemorrhoids don’t matter. and these numbers were not stolen, they were taken from the snow in the yard. listen, maybe to hell with this car, not sir, how are you going to work without a car? yes, if we don’t find it today, then we won’t...
2:33 am
he died from swine, give this phone number to the sanitary and epidemiological station, there is, wait, wait, why does the sanitary and epidemiological station need this, maybe he, maybe he’s not dying at all, just as he’s not dying, you see, how bloated he is, maybe he wants to fart, now he’ll fart, he’ll get up and go, i should wait for him to fart, oh, now i have to check all the farms along the route. shut up, listen, he died of old age, however, my grandmother started him when she was young, well, this hiding will show why hiding, listen, let's come to an agreement, now my guys will slowly take him to the forest, bury him there, no one will find him there, animals will find him and spread the infection throughout his habitat, as it is called, this is distemper or, yeah, there was a case where archaeologists dug up an ancient burial ground, and then scott the pangolin was there... they slaughtered it in the thousands, do you know how many
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people died of hunger? no one lives in the forest except hares, hares generally eat leaves, why do they need an old dead bloodhound, maybe give you money, tell me how much? i don’t need money, i need to close the case, like it’s a peugeot, what was the number there? renault 769, red from 1991, no bumper, there is a dent on the left fender and the engine is on the body. different numbers, we saw this one, and this one for 20 years, no one has seen, then why should i forgive you the donkey, well, let me give you another car, why do you need this old car, i have a good car, an american, this antique and this convertible , good wing is normal, there is a bumper, wonderful car, why do i need a convertible in winter, the stove there , you know what a beast it is? but will it even
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start? “let me bring it to you tomorrow, we’ll put the wheel on and it’ll start, of course, maybe you can bring it to me tomorrow, but you don’t know where you can look for a peugeot, a renault, yes, i actually heard that the french are working on hardware, but that’s okay , if we don’t find a renault , you’ll drive a convertible, but why are you going to drive a woolen nazca?” let's find a cleto convertible, sell it and go on vacation, have you been to egypt? no, now we’ll come to the railway station, we’ll work according to the old scheme, i i’m talking, you’re tossing up a number, i left the number myself, so you said to toss it up,
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it’s bad, we’re happy with this number, they raised so much money on it. you’ll have to go back, at least you left it in a visible place, well , you stuck it in a snowdrift so that it doesn’t catch your eye, oh well, we’ll pick it up tomorrow, come back in bad hello, we’ll come up with something else in the hardware. what kind of circus is this? oh,
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polomarchuk, what's that noise? there is no fight, but the citizen refuses to go further, i am the rabbi of the local jewish community, shabbat has begun for me, this is such a jewish holiday, but no one canceled the traffic rules for me on a dangerous section of the road, especially since i’m flying, i have shabbat, so how should this affect other road users, get behind the wheel, go home, celebrate your holiday, but here you are creating an emergency situation , i would have done that, but my plane was delayed in tel aviv. then there was a traffic jam at the exit, i thought i would have time, i wanted to cut it, but i didn’t have time, shabbat began, i had to stop, which means i had time, i didn’t have time, when you have shabbat, every saturday, every thing that fools
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me, today is friday, among the jews the day begins in the evening, i ’ll take you the certificate now, and confiscate your car, i can’t get into the car, i can’t call, i can’t even take it you have... "well, you know that this is not for you, of course you can use violence against me, but this will be considered persecution of me for religious reasons, i will have to sue you, and i will definitely win the case, the case will be loud, you will get into trouble, so don't, so what, apparently, what suggestions do you have? evacuate this car, and i’ll go home on foot, send the fines by mail, i ’ll pay everything, but on monday”? you’ll walk 20 km at -26, but in this coat, what can i do, i can drive your car away, i a sober driver, still cheaper than a tow truck, and you’re just sitting next to me, it turns out that i hired you, this is also a job,
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but you can drive the car away at your own request, and in the future i... “i can thank you, but i myself i’ll go on foot, great, and i’ll make sure that the gratitude is sufficient, i’ll call you on the way soon, when your feet fall off in these boots, especially since you won’t have to wait long
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for a vacation with pharaoh, when the jews were slaves in egypt, cool. what is your name ivan, you are a jew arya. ivan, if you raise the window or turn off the heater, the motor will break. by the way, where is it? house, has anyone looked? house on nekrasovo, i checked the car registration, wow, that’s another 5 km to that, it definitely won’t get there, turned it off, but you can’t eat either, you can eat and you can drink, walk, cognac, i have it, you can have cognac, cognac is a crazy drink, wow, did you see it there? he’s drinking, or something, it’s a holiday, well, then my bet is canceled , i’ll go anywhere, but i remain on my own, he won’t even walk 5 km, thank you, if he doesn’t get into the car,
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he’ll freeze all his legs, i answer at 5 km, if he doesn’t sit down before the exit to the roundabout, i ’ll be charged five, so, attention to all crews, stop ventilating gray hairs, there’s an accident ahead, the ambulances can’t get there, leave immediately. what's happened? hold your gloves, i ’ll quickly run to them and come back.
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2:43 am
is there any reason to convey it early? me with the holster , why are you standing here quietly, let's go out, come on, come on. come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on in, yeah, come on, honey, you
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're biting, stand together, don't go anywhere , van, yes, the guy got hit by the glass, come here, let's move away, move away, let's pick it up, let's hold it, hold it tightly, you hold it, yeah, you’ve already taken this blood, you need
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to collect it, yeah, why, you need to, find some container and collect it, then bring it to the hospital, clearly up to 10 kilometers, in a straight line, let’s go. what were you doing in abkhazia? you were fulfilling your civic duty, so you’re not israeli, or what? from the kemerovo region, how did the little boy become? after being stuck for 3 days, without our company, two became priests, one became a priest, and i became a rabbi. yeah, we're texting,
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there's a meter here. in 300 there will be a turn, guys, you need to hurry up, let them knock you down, bring it, bring it faster, where is the procedural surgeon? it’s already underway, what kind of procedure, we need a surgical room, but we have a surgical room, we have prepared what we have, okay, the surgeon is in place, he’s going to town for the weekend , you need to inform your parents, you need to inform them, the teacher was there, she will inform her, you
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i'm sorry that i drove your car into a snowdrift, it seems to be intact, i looked. that’s what i could, come on, that’s why, a person’s soul is in the blood, it must be kept together, in judaism it’s like that, so he seemed to have our crescent hanging out, that means he’s a muslim, but i’m a jew, and i was in a hurry, i thought about pouring it back in, well, in the sense of blood transfusions, guys , there are cigarettes, i don’t smoke, but where can you smoke, you can, but you can’t strike a fire,
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shabbat, nothing, such a guy seems normal. although the jews crucified christ, christ himself was jew. come on, will you believe me? well, the mother was jewish, and the father? the father is god, well, you see, everything is passed down from the father. so what's there? a car or a passenger car just fits together with the driver. the ministry of emergency situations arrived, they didn’t even cut it, they loaded it up and took it away. yes. i took off the rear license plates to get them registered, otherwise the front plates are so squashed that you can’t tell what the plates are? a769 nm, well, this is our region, and it is registered in potapovo ivan petrovich, yes petrovich, well, apparently he was driving, what are you saying?
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yes, ivan petrovich potopov - is that me and the car? my, oops, who was driving then? i don’t know, i was sick, my car was stolen. listen, do you have bank loans? no, what? can we register you as a dead person? i’ll think about it, but my mother-in-law, that’s not what i was talking about. everything is fine, the artery was sutured, we managed to do it, now i’m transfusing blood. our surgeon is golden, he was transferred to our hospital from the central hospital for drunkenness, so all the patients are not overjoyed, so i think, let him drink, since he is a good specialist, the main new year's concert is tomorrow at 22:40 on ntv. reagan bushey, kohl, everything in advance
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planned, they are sure that perestroika will destroy the ussr. we work within the rules, the enemy does not play by the rules, we need to act according to the instructions, stay with him until he leads you to the archive, attack me, kill everyone you know. i will find you. and i'll kill you. gdr. the main premiere of the year. coming soon to ntv. couldn't turn off mish. i feel good about these guys, kid,
2:51 am
i squeezed it out, everything is fine, listen, well, here’s the thing, ivan petrovich and i need to leave urgently, now let viktor anatolyevich us he’ll take you then he’ll give you a lift, but no, no, i myself, well, you’re on your own again, and especially not far from here. what is your shoe size? 45, and you are 43 from to, viktor anatolyevich, what is your shoe size? 45, take off your shoes.
2:52 am
thank you, everyone is already asleep. so what is yours? wow, teski, mikhailich, do you have a good lawyer for the division of property? well, today is shabbat, come to the synagogue at any time, can we find someone? thank you, do you have any left? let's go for shabbat, well, for shabbat you can.
2:53 am
hello, where are you? and who is this? sveta, come can? now? i've been looking for you for several days now. listen, i didn't sleep all night. a man crashed in a car, this concerns you, if you don’t come, it will be worse, but it can’t get any worse , if you don’t come, you’ll find out that there is somewhere,
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well, okay, i’ll come, i’m just out of love, and what are you doing here, and what are you doing? and sveta called me to come, she said urgently, you too, well, yes, crazy woman, well, in general, i’m pregnant, oh, congratulations, from whom?
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so stop it, i’m tired of marrying you, i’m not going to marry you, the honor also appeals to me, well, while i’m looking for the father of the child, you’ll have me provide, in general, money is needed for a cleaning lady, for groceries, utility bills, well, for gasoline, yes, of course, i’ll start putting on weight for clothes, so who the father is, you’ll find out in tradition, freely.
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well, it’s a total bummer, when did you have time, when you filled out the certificate, i’m saga, but what about not using protection, he said that he has a congenital threshold, he definitely won’t get pregnant, me too. i need to check, if she tells everyone that, you know, i’m even glad, i’ll leave at least some trace on the earth, the more you don’t have to marry her, gegorka, what an egorka,
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13. 14 14 15 what are you talking about, but about getting up, whoever gets up early, god gives him, get up, get up, now we’ll be immunized, your car is in the trash, a piece of iron, drivers generally collect parts, if we’re late, we’ll go, what if it’s you , where is this from? where is the georgian terik restaurant from, i was a drag , while i was running for crusts, you were already cut off , well, nothing, they later apologized, okay, guys, 5 days have passed, everything has grown together, i think, what date is today, the second, let's see , silver, look how to do it, it hurts, yeah, nothing, before the wedding heal, the environment will have to be, by the way, before the hospital, and remove them with a staple so that there is no decay, by the way, osvatba. svetka,
2:58 am
i said hello to you, pamarchuk, what’s your secret, you’re sick, oh, i wrote to you vasaga, you can go, i warned our guys, so don’t be too much of a greyhound. with my car, what? now you’ll see, you’re lucky that it wasn’t you who was driving, i didn’t see it there now, but the guys told it themselves, they were unwinding the guts from the iron, the driver’s identity has not been established, wait a minute, i’m not making any money, the radio is keyed, the cassette is not stops, oh well, but then everything will stop when the engine turns off, but...
2:59 am
in one case, in my opinion, the cases are already closed, well, i didn’t know, i bought it based on an advertisement, yeah , you’ll take your personal belongings, yes, your things.
3:00 am
the finger here is not yours, no, it means that when the private owners cut up the car with them, they didn’t notice , it was dark, take it, yes, i need it, but what should i do with it, throw it away. they gave me a finger here, what should i do with it, i’ll throw it away, it’s human, keep it then, now you’ll go for identification, over there.


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