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tv   Vezyot  NTV  January 2, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

4:30 am
light, just for one night, i told you, i won’t let you in without a woman, light, what a woman she is, a child, this is not a child, she’s a minor, i don’t agree, light, well, at least throw away the blanket, we ’ll spend the night here, now i’ll call the police , no one will come, they are looking. it’s the woman’s fault, well, that’s what my father said when he came back from his shift drunk, but what’s that for? it’s me, vanya, well, he was just unlucky
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in life, well, there wasn’t the right woman nearby, you know what, tanya, you wipe your wet ass first, tanya, go get dressed, i put normal things on the bed for you, come on, do i even have documents? gypsies have them, who the hell have gypsies? long story, but never mind, yes, yes, as agreed, well, yes, i’ll be there tomorrow morning, yeah, you know, you take her with you in the morning, because i won’t stay here alone, he’ll kill you, you’re in ass.
4:32 am
hello, why is this here, leave a few of me, well, where are we going to put it, you can’t go into the office, you’re kidding me, there’s a document, well, let’s take it with us, as someone, well... a route sheet, i’ll ask you to inspect the cabin, they will come out, then i will find a bookmark, which one?
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4:34 am
traffic police inspector of the third battalion, captain polumarchuk, show me the document. are you going to present your documents, please, first present yours, state employees. in connection with what happened in the city of krasha, an interception plan has been announced, all heavy vehicles are being inspected, and what is this doing here, this is an employee of the road patrol service, and his documents, and mine are enough, open the cab, for disobedience i will be forced to call amon, who is this ? but he
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can’t talk, his teeth are knocked out, so look, i will now inspect the cabin , carefully monitor my actions so that... then they don’t say what we planted here, what come on, come on, what is it you have there, and
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the seal, tear it off, and if the food spoils, you will pay a large penalty, there is a lock, move away, open it, van. are they dinosaurs sleeping, vanya, wait, huh?
4:37 am
32 km, attack on the traffic police, mikha is wounded , half-marchuk, i’ll go, or something, where, well , home, in transnistria, then something is somehow strange with you, misha, misha, don’t
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lose consciousness, misha, misha ! misha, don't lose consciousness, misha! well, lieutenant colonel, can misha tell you everything himself? is misha in intensive care now? fighting for his worthless life. you morons are in for a crime. the corpse is on...
4:39 am
and why should i go to work now? god forbid, i send you on extraordinary leave for rehabilitation, but is the leave paid? otherwise, of course, we will transfer all the money on your behalf to the ministry of internal affairs veterans’ charity fund. i agree, i agree, it means that now you’re going with me to the mayor, he has television there, he’ll be a pr clown with you. "so you can say that a hero, seriously wounded with the last of his strength, captain palomarchuk, shot the attacker , it’s clear, it’s clear, for many centuries it was used by ancient people as a sacred idol, so over time it lost
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its original shape, let’s put it vertically, so the angle will be more advantageous, such an angle is always more advantageous, yes, professor, but what about me this..." call this on the air? well, for example, a relic, a relic. good afternoon, dear tv viewers, we have an urgent turn-on. today, through the efforts of local traffic police services , a high-profile crime was stopped.
4:41 am
dinosaur, yes, but also, but we are confused a little, because you don’t see this every day, well, the criminals took advantage of our confusion and confusion, and with the last of his strength he neutralized the attackers with his service weapon, what were you doing at that time?
4:42 am
well, you nit, change into civilian clothes, don’t
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disgrace your uniform, alyon. alena, alena, what are you doing? call me soon, quickly, i’ll give birth. calm, hello, yes, hello, i have a girl giving birth here, here she is, she is giving birth to me right now, yes, lie down, lie down on your back, lie down on your back, spread your legs. take off your panties, take them off, i can't, take it off, yes, that’s it, i took it off, yes, there is something clean
4:44 am
, yes, there is a scooter there, now, now, now, now, now, yeah, i took it, i can’t, so be patient a little, they’re already on their way, they it’s already started, i can’t, i can’t, i can’t, now it’s a girl, yes, so, they say, breathe, breathe deeply and... what the hell is breathing, what’s calm and sharp hum, come on, come on, here they are, come on, girl , he’s climbing, yes, i’m calm , i’m a damn bitch, how scary, yes, yes, i’m not swearing, i’m scared of him, he’s climbing, oh, shoulder, i see, yes, yes, be careful, yes, yes , take it away, i hear, yes, that’s it, i hear you, yes, yes, i turned it over
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, i’m turning it, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, the second one came out, i’m pulling, you, well, here, yes, yes, yeah, the girl will keep silent, what, is silent, yes, i can't, i'm afraid i'll break something. aha, aha, ah! yes, yes, i put it, boy, what, boy,
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i say, as your grandfather said. hello, where is this bitch, what kind? a minor, some kind, who took away my entire bike, cash. ah, tanka, she left, where did she go? home, in transnistria. do you even understand that there’s nothing wrong with me now , do you understand? i'll make money. you're on your own first earn a normal jacket , he will earn it, what should i do now, i can’t go to the panel, i can’t go on my stomach, great, hello, dad, ulyana andreevna, you want to talk to you, you didn’t deceive me about the police, i
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saw you on tv, tomorrow to my parents hello? and potap, hello, and the special council asks you to come to school tomorrow, but what happened? well, to personally tell you how you detained the smuggler, i think we can free up the first two lessons for this, ulyana andreevna, what kind of a storyteller am i? i stutter when i'm worried, it's okay, potapov, i think this will serve as a good example for our students that even a stutterer can succeed in life. then it will raise roman’s authority at school , god knows what they’re saying about your family, well , if it raises his authority, then i just didn’t understand, but what did you return there, well, not on the phone, ulyana andreevna, a decent meeting, well, okay, then come
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early tomorrow. rumka is who, you don’t live together, well, i don’t live, i’m raising you, you’re a fucking educator, who raised you, so gather yours things are fucking out of here, light. shall we go tomorrow zaks? for what? submit your application. i will think. hello, well, you haven't found anyone else.
4:49 am
okay, send an sms with the address. i'm coming. i’ll get to the place myself, yeah, you’ll need to drive the car back here later, yeah, this place is assigned to me, yeah, i’m disabled, yeah, that’s all clear, well, yes, drunk or something, but no. where are we actually going? you know, i still can’t tell you everything, besides, taxi drivers usually ask you to turn around at this moment, and i definitely need to be there on time, this applies to all humanity. stop the car, well, you understand, nothing
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threatens you personally, it’s important for them to meet with me, so stop the car, i’m not going anywhere with you. i’ll pay you in advance, twice as much, show me the money, be careful, take it, take it, take it, i don’t need the money now anyway. now i will give you everything, you will take it home with the car, you can
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leave the keys in the car, then my relatives will take it, i sent them a telegram, and there i will not need anything, material objects cannot move in space time, even more... they can mix with my physical body, which can cause me a lot of inconvenience, that's it, you can go, thank you very much, yeah.
4:52 am
we need to leave. you see, because you are here, they don’t fly in, and i can freeze, i would like to go on a trip with pneumonia.
4:53 am
did you take the pills? i didn’t accept it, they interfere with the clarity of contact, i told you, i told you, well , now we’ll have to contact them from our hospital for a couple of months, no, under no circumstances, fate must be decided tomorrow of humanity, why are you always visiting them, let them fly to us just once, they can’t, they have complex armored bodies that interfere with movement, i already told you last time, that’s why i have to move, and you hinder me , last night they dumped into my brain the coordinates by which they can find me,
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i beg you, return me to the point of contact, he knows where, maybe it’s not too late, understand, you will regret it later, you have to become the executioners of humanity, like how will you look your family in the eyes later? to your loved ones, well, you do it, and if it’s true , that it’s true, well, about aliens, i’ll tell you a secret, madness is a contagious thing, hello, you called me, hello, this is the mayor’s reception regarding your check-in, and you can come to the dormitory of the ministry of emergency situations , thank you.
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4:56 am
30 m, whoever goes up faster will go down, someone won, ready, yes, now, attention, work, work, work!
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it shouldn’t be the first time, come on, the fight is intense, come on faster,
4:58 am
where is vitaly? upstairs, vitali, hasn't he come down yet? no, actually he has a threshold hearts, what does he drink then like a horse? yes , so as not to be written off due to health, he has 2 years left until retirement, uh-huh, follow him, please. no, i can’t, actually, i just asked you as a woman, a man, ask someone else, they’re all drunk, you’re not a man, you’re not an officer, or what? no, i’m not an officer, and i’m afraid of heights, please, girl, well, well, please, don’t, please, well, i’m asking you, well
4:59 am
, what are you doing? you understand, okay, oh, hey, after all.
5:00 am
where are you, if you want, you don’t have to say, between heaven and earth, in the literal sense, and i ’m staying at home alone tonight, my aunt left until monday, you’ll come, you promised, nyu, i can’t, i prepared pickle, nyu, i can’t, i made an application for another woman, listen , i can’t talk now, my hands are freezing, let me call you back later. vitaly, the driver, bitch, goat, the ladder jammed in the cold, so it didn’t open all the way, and my finger got stuck from the shedding, it seems, it also started to leak, and why didn’t you scream, but you were screaming at the top of your lungs.


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