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tv   Sekret na million  NTV  January 3, 2024 1:05am-2:01am MSK

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we're drinking again for some reason. this was the main new year's concert , happy new year to you, bye, bye, bye, this is a million-dollar secret program and i, lera kudryavtseva, these walls heard many shocking revelations, here celebrities confessed their love, regretted breakups, repented. in betrayals, everyone
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, without exception, remembered their purest first love. marat basharov's first love sounds in every navigator in the country. actress tatyana shitova, the voice of the famous electronic assistant. the actor blushed like a boy, when i saw her 25 years later. tell me, are you generally amorous? i'm amorous. amorous. sex is possible for you. out of love or not just without love , no, definitely, definitely out of love, well, you can be in love for one night, let’s just say, no, no, if, if i don’t love, sorry, i won’t get it, you will never there wasn’t a one-night stand there, though, i swear, even if it happened in a company... i wo
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n’t lie, i’ve been in companies there, maybe girls, let’s call, yeah, i say, call, i i i won’t pay for it, as it were, because i can’t do it for me, it happened that girls came, i sat with them, told jokes, talked, talked, tatyana shitova, what happened to you with her, we had an affair at the institute, it was my love, institute , so you can say , tatyana shitova, we’re visiting today, let ’s invite her, oh well, it can’t be, tanechka, hello, hello, good to see you, come on, coronavirus, you’ll be, great, hello, dear, hello, darling, you look great, what kind of hairstyle is that, how are we growing?
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tanya says in her voice: let's go, like this, yes, because tanya appears, tanya's voice is alice's voice, home, let's go, no, me. they usually ask me - they say to me: hello alice, is anyone there at the entrance, i say, yes, but i say, well, how are you, or well, such as the questions that alice asks, tan, is your relationship romantic, how they started, we were very friendly, we were just friends, bosom friends, but because, in my opinion, even when i had a wedding at the institute i managed to do that, in my opinion i had marat i was a witness to the wedding, well, that is, it wasn’t my girl. did you have one before or
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after the wedding? after, after, i broke up, no , i broke up, i got divorced, yes, and suddenly it turned out that we were friends all the time, we were friends, just like that, well, it somehow happened, but apparently they really say that there is no friendship between a man and a woman, or how at some point it ends, that’s how i remember morath said, it feels like you and i were standing with each other’s backs, and then one day we turned around , well, somehow this didn’t happen...
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we quarreled again, and i thought, well, this is a very good reason, not to look for reasons, but a good reason to really break up, i’ll start a different life, because we’re all flying apart. that is, i thought like this and i think, well, really, i won’t meet someone better than morat, well, this can’t be, and it was such a good click of diarrhea that there really for many years i realized that i had lost something dear, i regretted it later, i regretted it, because here it was, and this little man was nearby, so he becomes successful, you’re happy for him, you understand that god, i wouldn’t have met anyone better, marad, so, attention, question, so... your romance with actress tatyana shitova was a hurricane of passions. you pulled her by the hair. she gave you back. you were jealous of her at every post, but you weren’t in a hurry to go to the zaks. he said it was easier to hang himself than to marry her. now
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tatyana shitova has forgiven and forgotten everything. but he remembers one evening with you as if it were yesterday. cover the clearing for us, please. tanya, don’t give me any hints, reveal the secret of what tatyana shitova remembers - this feast, and better, show me, i can ask you. you remember something else, in my opinion, sanya , keep quiet, why be silent, well, i’m just going to show you, i can ask you not to stand up, sit down, be careful,
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he might break, in my opinion, tanya and i kissed, something like this, don’t tell me about this, tanya, on the table, i sat you down. you on the table, you and i kissed and i wanted to have sex with you on the table, well, yes, i accept your answer, damn it, marat could have done some, i don’t know , crazy things, beautiful things, for you then that, well, the imarate has always done all the beautiful things, and so i remember that we before...
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well, it doesn’t matter, i received a huge amount of money at that time, a fee, i received a decent one, when i left, yes i left, i have a full a bag of dollars, i think, dollars, yes, in dollars i was paid in dollars, because it was some kind of english company, in short, well, i go out, i think, so, where is the metro, and then i think, and what metro, why do i need a metro, i can catch a taxi, i raised my hand, i caught a taxi, i got into a taxi and i think, where should i go now, what should i do now, where should this money go to the bank, not home, oh, home, no, i have to give it to my mother, yes, exactly, yes to my mother, my mother will decide what to do with these, no , well, i need to buy myself something, yes, that’s right , i need to buy myself something, the taxi driver says, well, where are we going, i say, let’s go to the store on the garden ring, i stopped there and bought
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some sneakers for myself there, i bought almost half the course, i bought gifts, including tanks, i bought tennis clothes, sneakers, uh, i bought gifts there, then i think where, i went to tanya home, on a visit, i call, tanya, i say , i can come, i bought champagne, some kind of nonsense of all sorts, so i came to tanya, with these gifts, yes, exactly, yes, but can you imagine, then just literally i was on some filming on the arbat , we put these bags in the center on the street so that the film crew, and i come, literally went away, i say, where is my bag, they stole it from a pile of these bags, they stole mine with these things and then i bought it myself... so as not to... to upset marat, marat in general was always very generous and on the course he was generous, his mother aunt rose made him sandwiches, lots and lots, and marat, well, of course, she didn’t make it for the whole course, but marat is here so who wants everything, just for everyone will give it to everyone,
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they ever quarreled over something , they quarreled all the time, i don’t even know about what, i really can’t even remember, i think, oh my god, why were the young people so passionate, and what’s more? creative profession. i learned to drive there, i don’t know , some other nights, so we arrived at marat’s home were visiting you, i was you, your mother and... perhaps a friend or relative of my mother, and we were sitting, yes, it was beautiful, good, we were sitting,
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we were sitting, and in the evening marat, like a gentleman, was going to see me off, and my mother said, marat, i won’t give you the keys to the car , don’t you remember, no, what are you talking about, but marat just got tense, and he gave it back, and mom, no , you don’t have to, yes, go there, give it back, and i don’t remember what you did, you grabbed all the... cutter from the table, when i had this whole bunch of money, i took part, half, i remember exactly, i bought half the car, i gave the other half to my mother and , probably, yes, i was so upset that i earned it myself, bought the car myself, we washed this car, we didn’t drink, tan, well, i’m saying, if it was , then we didn’t drink, because it was impossible for my mother to be at the table, there was alcohol, uh-huh, alexander alyoshka, he was also a lass, during his school years he had two first loves at once: a classmate and teacher. you have often
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encountered unrequited love in your life. there was the lovely lena voronina. i don't even care i liked the phrase, lena voronina. and so she and i have been dancing and singing since that age, when i was already, it means, somewhere in the fifth grade, probably, or sixth, i suddenly understand that it turns out. i’m breathing unevenly towards her, so, well, you told her about your feelings, i’ll confess to you now, i’m a very shy person, i’m off stage, out of frame, i’m very quiet, i have my own world, my own kind, here, here it’s all mine, so with confessions it’s always very difficult, so i ’m calling lena voroneva, i say, lena, i want to ask you one question, yes, tell me, please, how is the phrase translated
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, from english, i love you, she says, i love you, i say that you love me, i love you too, i say, i came up with that, alena dramaturgy, she didn’t understand anything, she thought for sure that this was a joke, i realized that i had done something wrong and in general this topic should be closed in the wrong way sash, well, your first love lyana voronina came to visit us today, let's invite her, wonderful, how wonderful surprise, lenochka, hello, glad to see you, hurray, no flowers, no flowers, hello, hello, lenochka, hello, god , god, how beautiful you are,
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please translate from english, please translate from moldovan, well, in the end it’s voiced in russian, but i’ll be honest, then it was for me... unexpected , maybe due to age, you know, we were just very friends since childhood, when friendship develops in one person into some other quality, it can probably scare, moreover, it scared me very much, and if you saw me calling then, my hand was shaking, i was holding it with this wire, that’s all, from excitement, and you know that you were not alone with sasha, that sasha was still in love with the teacher,
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natalya stanislavovna, this is a surprise , she’s a primary school teacher , primary school, lord, that means she has a braid like tolkunova’s, young, yeah, she was 9 or 10 years older than us, just, so she’s already a teacher, i realized that you, ah... at natalia stanislavovna’s house, and this is soviet times, you have to get everything, i say: mom, how can i go to the teacher with empty handed? she says: oh, really, but what - there are no flowers, no candies, i tell my mother, i say, i saw a chicken in our refrigerator, and i went
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with the chicken to study mathematics, how did she meet you, is it normal? with chiken. ler, how can you meet a person with a chicken in the soviet union with open arms? so, attention, question. at the twenty- sixth school in chisinau, you were in good standing. he studied with straight a's, loved literature, singing, painted wall newspapers, and was always at the forefront of amateur performances. you came up with your own costumes, where. makeup and hairstyles, pouring tons of mom's hairspray on your head, but were you such an exemplary boy? please bring in the black box. sasha, we know for sure that you had one pathological passion, and you indulged in it at home every
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evening, using a cunning device. reveal the secret of what's in the black box? every evening, i can say what i did practically every evening, but come on, tell me what you did, was this tricky device, i played announcer, television announcer, i directed myself to the lamp, close, close, read into the lamp news, this is about the question of whether our profession is diagnosed, i was the same, only i sang in the deodorant, i sang in the deodorant.
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i accept your answer. sash, another one of your first loves has come to us, this is a teacher, natalya stanislav. lord, my dear mother. natalya, hello. nice to see you, come in, hello. natalya , please sit down , you have good taste, lenochka, natalya stanislavno, young, how did you manage to work as a teacher, you guessed that your student, sasha oleshka, was in love with you, you guessed, of course, but he didn’t hid what sasha oleshka did in the evenings
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in his room? in the evenings i looked where i was looking, out the windows. sash, open the black box and check all the romantic nature, i don’t know, lord, come on, oh, take it in your hands, show us, well, comrades, natalya stanislavovna, it wasn’t every day, yes, but what did you hide? it’s not from us, i had everything told. the fact that no, firstly, it was small, theatrical binoculars, you won’t see much there, our house is here, in this direction i see lena voronina’s windows, here just like now, like this, in this direction i see the windows of natalia stanislavna, just like now i just warned, yes, there too, sasha, i don’t know, i’m always looking at something through binoculars, this falling in love, that’s why i
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say , people, calm down, this is a childhood crush, this is not a youthful crush. mom was still worried, but when i was 10 years old, i remember natalya stanislavovna came to visit and drew me, i still have a clown who flies on balloons, you’re just going off topic, i don’t i understand, what are we talking about? binoculars, how you spied on the teacher, you understand, why talk about this in the past tense, let me spy on them now, well, by the way, a wonderful close-up, everyone, everyone, everyone, in the new year, vinline is giving away. goodies to everyone, go to vinline and find out what gift you will get, vinka, dinka, skoromay, dinka, dinka,
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skorosay, me every day, without your hands, i’m still looking for you around the world, again i’m looking for you around the world, please yes ... her first feeling was forbidden, she fell in love at the age of 16, and her chosen one was married and broke azize's heart. aziza, you do not tolerate
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prohibitions, and if love is at stake, you are ready to go to all lengths. remember a man from your past. his name is davron gaippov, and reveal the secret. where were your most passionate and dangerous dates? so, davran gaippov, this is a famous musician here from tashkent, he was the son of the secretary of the regional committee of the kashkadara region, this talented guy, when persecution began against his father, he had three or four brothers, they all started, one was fired, the other laid off, imprisoned and dovrana too they set up some kind of bullshit, for which he was imprisoned, maybe drugs, in my opinion
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they planted a car in drugs, we talked, we were friends, i really liked him, i was all, i say there, i don’t remember 17, 18, no i know, i was just a girl, and i was always waiting for his calls, but he never called me, practically my first love, but here i am then, was he your first man? yes, yes, yes, and you know what, he betrayed me, how he got married, he, yes, he dated me, he twisted my brains, and he married another girl, her name was hanifa, back when i was 17 years old, then i felt this betrayal for the first time, aziza, i must accept your answer, where did your most passionate and dangerous events take place? denmark with davron on his territory in korshas, ​​at his house, yes, on his territory, i accept your answer, why he
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hid you in the closet, what kind of story is this, and this is generally, this is generally horror, we are doing something with him we are rehearsing, singing, suddenly he runs in or one of his type, these assistants or servants, runs in, and they say: your mother is coming, his mother is coming, and he... came out, that’s it, and after that somehow i, well, i i just began to treat him differently, my love was cut off like a welder, it was like
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it was burned out of me, your first love is dovron, and today i came to you, in vain from tashkent to moscow, in vain, let's meet him, in vain, good, hello, hello, glad to see you. welcome, sit down, well, i don’t care, okay, i’m glad to see you, i’m glad, i’m kind, kind,
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i wanted to strangle you, then i thought. i felt that somewhere, i smell a familiar smell, perfume, davron, well, you know, that you wounded aziza in the very heart, well, how you wounded the very heart, it was, how to say, then i was, well, 19 years old, she was 16 years old, we actually started with work, it was, in my opinion, song 80, but i approached it myself, i say, let's... work together, she says, i'm still little, i need to ask my mother, that's right, yes, yes, and we went to my mother, okay, great man, we went to her, she says, that's it , work together, aziza should always be the most famous, the greatest girl in the world, she says, a singer, when you saw in this talented singer is beautiful, and the girl
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you like? you know, when she was 16 years old, she was already beautiful , long-legged, very, well, she didn’t look like 16. we fell in love then, any person, i would have fallen in love, you know, remember the first kiss with aziza, it was at my house , at home , yes, this is uzbekistan, yes, the first kiss, yes, why did you hide aziza in... i already told you, no, well, that is, they were so afraid of mom, then no, well, it turned out that there was another one, me i say, azizochka, please, your bride has come, is it it turns out it’s not mom, i didn’t know then that hanifa was there, i thought only mom, no, no, she came, so mom went, but you didn’t tell me that hanifa came, no, well, how can i say, mom, so it doesn’t matter , ok. i’ll say
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, in the east, yes, and two three, five wives maybe, it’s normal, yes, eh, the brutal handsome man alexey kravchenko shared his personal drama, his first love did not wait for him from the army, he didn’t even tell about the breakup in person, in a letter , i can’t believe that someone didn’t expect you from the army to be so handsome, but it’s true, what kind of scoundrel, who is she? which is not my fault, i was probably in the eighth grade, she is 2 years younger than me, and relationships, feelings, young life, but it so happened that i was called up to serve for 3 years, i ended up in the murflot, yeah, she’s honest she confessed and said, lesh, i’m sorry, i, i can’t wait, what was the girl’s name, natasha, that is, she wrote you a letter, maybe i’ll forgive you.
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after about an hour i destroyed the letter and accepted it as is. so, attention, question. as a schoolmate, natasha benyuhis, you walked hand in hand for a year and dreamed of a wedding. but everything went wrong according to plan. you left to serve in the navy. and natasha already decided six months later that she wouldn’t wait for you. true, it was not easy to forget your first love, and even as a married man, you
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visited her. “tell me the secret , what parting phrase of yours did natasha remember for the rest of her life, and that you didn’t come to her when you were married, well, what’s wrong, first of all, no, seriously, when i came from work, i she had her own life there, well , that is, another guy appeared, well, probably yes, i think there was even a family there already, it was the first vacation, you know, these are some feelings that, these puzzles that fell apart inside, they need to be put together, you come and just want to hear something, but suddenly i see a person who, during all this time while i was away at home, but i haven’t been home, well, probably for a year, this is my first time on vacation...
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someone will say, but maybe this is again my fantasy, i saw that, of course, it was hard for her, i’m good with myself, by the way, it’s naturally hard to lose someone like that, but i don’t remember whether i came to her in uniform or in civilian life, yeah, well, in uniform, it was probably beautiful, a sailor, well, i don’t remember, it was beautiful, yes, i still understood that she was looking and - she said, this is what you have become, this is how you have changed, i understood that... but so, my wings, yes, from behind, i have become like this, yes, i am developing, yes, i am growing, but no one crossed the line. lyosh , so, you have to tell me a secret, what parting phrase of yours natasha remembered for the rest of her life, but i couldn’t
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tell her that you would regret it, i could, i couldn’t, no, i walked away proudly, well... then you said this, come back, i will forgive everything. i don’t know, lesh, i don’t know, i’m fantasizing, you already have an option, let me forgive everything, you ’ll regret it, but i think i said that i ’m sorry that we broke up, it’s a pity that everything happened like this, it’s a pity that you didn’t wait , i accept your answer, how long have you not seen natasha, right? the farther it goes, the scarier it gets, she ’s with us today, let’s call her. natalya volkova in the million dollar secret studio, hello,
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hello, pridenya, natasha, please sit down, lesh. natasha has changed a lot, no, well, the hair only, of course, had long hair, a real man is the best it seems to me that it’s a compliment that you can tell a woman that she hasn’t changed in 27 years. natasha, has alexey changed? no, i just stood there for a very long time and knew perfectly well what alexey looks like when he smiles, that is, when i remember him, i always see this smile, it hasn’t changed at all. natasha, why didn’t you wait? well, that's how it happened. i went to school, he
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didn’t go to school for probably a year, a year and a half, plus, probably, a year, which he was still in the army. also the army, but in fact, when i was very offended then, they already offered it. yes it was, i know that your mother is still worried about such a groom, yes, my mother still is, and the pokes from her side in my direction, they are still pronounced. natasha , what parting phrase
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did you remember from alexey for everyone? when he came back after the army, i already had a daughter, and he saw her when she was in the stroller, he looked at her for a very long time and said, maybe he could to be mine, he said, he says, what a fool i am, he says, you should have made your child go into the army, it was, it was, yes, i have her, that’s it for me this is so clear, yes, yes, my very heart is at stake, stand up in your war, no one, and i ask you, come back, i saw snow in your eyes in the ocean, this snow is with you. we will never become, i can be silent, i can’t be silent, i can’t, because i love, and it’s crazy, your love is so beautiful, this show
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is made with great love for the viewer, and this show is about love, yours love, i'm not afraid of sergei lazarev's show. january 4 at 22:40 on ntv. actress larisa luzhina did not see her first love, it’s scary to say. 3 years old, she didn't know where she was ex-lover, is he alive and what happened to his fate, and we found him. larisa , you know the name rustam agasyans, well, rustam , of course you do, it’s mine, you’re hot or you’re blushing, maybe i don’t know, maybe, but this, this is so long ago, this is my youth, these are generally post-school years, after school.
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reveal the secret that reminds rustam of your passionate nights, the answer is in the black box , please enter it, so larisa, who is rustan agasens, he was for me, in general, i was in love with him, even got married. well maybe the first one we’ll consider a man, i don’t know, because before that i had been in love, and i even wanted to marry him, he took me to his mother’s, to his dad’s in akulovka, and he was very so, he was also so jealous, he was terribly, more and he was a young man, a handsome young man, and he had such beautiful hair, i can’t even imagine it now, i had such hair, it just curled up like that, it was beautiful , really good, he was very sporty , then he loved it even better. there was a photographer, i still have his photograph hanging at home.
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larisa, nevertheless, i am waiting for an answer from you, what reminds rustam agasyants of your passionate nights? kill me, i don’t remember , sclerosumi, well, maybe there are zapanki, a tie, or something else, maybe partmany, if partmanetu, it could be some kind - like handmade, something, i accept your answer. larisa, in short , today is your first man, your first love came to visit us, this can’t be, oh well, but i don’t even, i don’t want to look, i don’t see rustam, hello , hello, hello, i’m glad see you, and we are all watching with great pleasure, thank you, it’s very nice,
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in general, sit down, otherwise i’m done, i’m already getting old before your eyes, i’ve become suspicious, the man looks, yes, well, what he looks like, and he’s just so awesome , eagle , i’m just saying, that’s what it means, military naval service, you know, and also a sports person, rusty, women are not allowed, men are allowed, how old are you now, 90, oh well, that’s awesome, you say, yes, but how can you
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look like this? you need to listen to your mother, how has your life turned out? you know, i'll say, life, here now from the outside, the position, so to speak, of my age, has developed very successfully, family, children, grandchildren, all this has a wife with whom i have been married for 55 years, we received the required 30,000, now our task is to live to 60 years old , first, i looked closely for a long time, she was still in school, we were on the same
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landing, then she graduated from school, and people who graduate from school, like larisa, they immediately become adults, yeah, here we got to know her better, so fell in love, fell in love, well, fell in love, that's probably loud, just like that, then maybe she turned into love, and then she could go further. he took me to the sharks back then because you understand somehow now , at this time
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, i feel that natasha only found out in our program who was hopelessly in love with her during her school years. in the 2000s, your sister zhanna frisky firmly secured the title of sex symbol of the russian stage. so. when you joined the blestyashchie group, you also gained an army of fans. but there is one man who i was pining for you long before you... oh my god, look carefully, maybe you didn’t warn me about such a surprise, touch me and reveal the secret, which of these men
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was crazy about you, oh how, so, can i? maybe i won’t yet, otherwise i’m afraid, i don’t know, natasha, let’s go, look, i see this man, long before your career in the brilliant ones, so, it seems to me, this is it, come on, which one do you want? familiar, no one, well, let’s do it, intuition, what tells you, well, by the look of this young man, he doesn’t take his eyes off, by the way, she’s lonely between. is yours answer number five turns out we have i accept your answer guys step forward who was in love with natasha frisky long before her career in
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the brilliant ones, natasha you didn’t reveal your secret and the money remains. in our bank, okay guys, thank you, and number four , please sit down on the sofa, we’ll talk to you, interesting, thank you very much, natasha, one more, oh, please introduce yourself, my name is andrey, where did you meet natasha , at what point were you in love with her, we met at school, this is the eighth-ninth grade, so, i i've been watching you for a long time, so to speak, 19:24? i studied there, yes, it turned out that natalya liked me at school, so, but since at school i was one and a half heads shorter than now and much thinner, the complexes that overpowered me, they did not somehow allow their express your feelings,
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and so it happened that, by the will of fate, we ended up on the same beach on a white lake, so you were with your company, i was with my company. it so happened that our companies merged, and there was a moment when you and i, well, we had a dialogue, that’s it, but unfortunately, at that moment these school -level jokes didn’t make any impression on you, oh, that’s right, and you broke my heart, then, so to speak, i realized that oh, what a story beautiful, i didn’t know that you have become such a handsome guy, i want to say separately that it is this unrequited love there, yes, well, i can’t call this love.
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full of mysteries, with a broad soul and rich traditions, a country that never ceases
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to amaze, discover your russia, on tv channel unknown russia, fresh firearms, about an hour ago, but they had a whole duel here. “i have one idea , it would be normal if it weren’t for the prints, don’t twitch, you’re stupid, i provided you with an apartment for about five years with food, a sincere confession always softens that understanding, beat, the guilt of the nets, the guilt , tomorrow. at 19:30 on ntv. humorist alexander morozov in his youth was a good guy. he was in love with
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the most beautiful girl in school. did she reciprocate his feelings? let's find out. who was your queen? when? first love. al to boris. like this. she alone was my love and for a long, long time. today she came to us, welcome, alla , hello, glad to see you, and what a beautiful ala, so, well , sasha has no bad taste, of course, of course, extremely, you guessed that sasha was in love with you, in elementary school, he looked after me very nicely. seriously, how? he gave gifts, flowers, it was a real diamond, what a diamond, it was a diamond,
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in general, i got a collection with different precious and semi-precious stones, from whom, from my relatives from sverlovsk, were they related to the ural geological copper mountain, geological museum, did you cut this diamond, did something? i saw it one and only time , when sasha gave it to me, i brought it home, from my brother’s nose, i say, morozov gave me some bullshit again, yes, the pebble says diamond, she says, let me see, she took this pebble, according to she moved the piece of glass and said to my brother, can you imagine, it’s really a diamond, al, as always, everything will get lost in your room, i ’ll put it in my room. i ’ll keep it better, then the fate of this diamond is unknown, allah , and you reciprocated, yes now, well,
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many boys were courting, so we had her as the most beautiful girl in school, not in class, that’s right, in school, after her the high school students were all running around, where to me, well , sasha was a very good friend, as he remains to this day, these, and alla is silent, it was sasha who gave, yes, we celebrated my birthday in turkey, i had this idea, to collect friends whom i haven’t seen for a long time, who don’t live in the same city as me, and despite the fact that sasha is completely busy on april 1, since he is a comedian, he told me about it later, he agreed and we went to turkey, where these beautiful ones were presented. things, i have good taste , very beautiful, sasha, but how could you forget it, i remember what i gave, but i don’t remember that these are such beautiful, well, of course,
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hearts, but how could i, what else could i give your beloved girl hearts, of course, allah, and you were already free then, no, i was married, but she flew to turkey with me, and how is that, your husband let you go, well, my husband, first of all, he knew sasha before, he knew that we had good friendly relations. that this is really my friend, so maybe, of course, there was something in his hearts , but that he didn’t go with us, and my desire was to go only with friends, so that sash alone, when you realized that now there is no need to achieve reciprocity atal and you need to move to a new friendly level, i don’t understand this now, still yes, i love her now, yes, hello, are you married? free, i’m free now, actively searching, but i’m free, sasha, look how beautiful she is,
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she’s appeared, that is, you understand, yes, yes. student natalya bestemyanova hasn’t seen her high school crush since graduation, but her classmate came on a date not alone, but with a friend. natasha, you say, igor bobrin is your first man, who is the only one, beloved, given by god, but i know for sure that he is not the first one you were in love with. what was the name of your first love? a boy in the tenth grade, vanya, looked after me. he won me over because he came on a bicycle... to my house, it was quite far from our school, and we dated for a while, probably about a year, maybe, but it was, i was pleased, but everyone at school was talking that ivan was courting me , in general, it was pleasant, listen, well , today vanya came to visit us, he also took a friend with him, let’s invite him, what are you saying, hello, hello! what guys,
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well, i wanted to say hello to you, okay, let's go straight away, hello, hello, we forgot, guys, please sit down, hello, hello, hello, hello, so, you’re familiar with that and the other, where is someone, well , this is ivan, and next to me, i don’t know who’s next, my last name is very skating, gorshkov, alexander gorshkov, alexander gorshkov, also from the same class, yes i don’t remember well, he was in love with you too, by the way, in the fourth or fifth, there was also this girl kersanova, if i’m not mistaken, you were already in love with these sports classes, i remember that we looked at you and a little at
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kirtanov, just with more lighting. i always carried it in my mind, but never even gave it i mean, in general, to cheat, to cheat , who gave it, i, uh, i just saw more than once how natasha natasha gave to cheat, that was, yes, normal, girls always give to boys, yes, why didn’t natasha not go to lessons, but when in this case, everything was always perfect, and she gave everything and completed tasks, i remember well how the teacher, even just tamna
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matveevna, opened your notebook, where everything simply could not be found fault with anything. and cried? now i remember, exactly, they gave me a b for something, i cried as if i don’t know that i only needed five, ivan, and you, i know, you even visited natasha, in my opinion, yes, yes, i was, i knew her mother, a magnificent woman kindness, just, well, i don’t know, i ’m saying, this is the impression left, and i was at their house, yes, and i also knew my parents, of course, my sister. the first kiss with ivan was we simply adored each other, it was absolutely platonic love for us, yes it was it was it was like that, i believe you are looking at me then.


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