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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-16  NTV  January 3, 2024 6:10am-7:06am MSK

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by the way, i myself am in a difficult situation, you know, i understand him perfectly well, would anyone else understand us? so, wait, and you’re saying that this zolotov had an expensive lawyer in court, right? this is according to merzlyakin. so, where does a simple opera get the money for an expensive lawyer? for example, i don’t have that kind of money, but zolotov most likely raised money from the collapse of this case for which he was imprisoned. is that what got you started? we'll find out now. the head of ruvd, where zolotov served, is an old friend of mine. so. yeah, +7 921, hello, dear, how are you, everything seems to be fine with me ok, thank you, listen, we need to meet and talk about one of your former employees, we already know what intelligence reported, well, then let’s take our place, okay, i’ll be there, that’s it, see you. well
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, i’ll meet with him, i’ll ask for all the details about this golden one, and we’ll know everything about him, but at least this way, yes, oleg guryevich, allow me to enter, come in, good morning, i’m captain bogdan zolotov, i’ve arrived for further service in your unit, you were warned about this opinion, warned, you know, we... for the last 6 months we have been preparing this number for foreign tours. listen, nikolaev, i understand everything perfectly, i really sympathize with you, my condolences, but you are still a man, pull yourself together. the faster and more detailed you tell me everything, the faster we can find the killer, and generally get to the bottom of this story. touring is a waste of time. and without them i cannot claim the title of honored cultural worker. and we also wanted to sign an important contract in prague with the place. circus, now everything will go to this
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woe to the clown, i correctly understand that if you don’t go, then he goes, of course, my number has been destroyed, i won’t be able to introduce a new assistant during this time, you know, it’s all he, it’s yolks who organized it, he killed lyusya in order to go instead of me to prague. tell me, did you have any other relationship with lyusya, except for work, exclusively business. ritka, excuse me, zheltkov is nowhere to be found, they searched the entire building like a ditch. “i told you, excuse me, this is the office of our operational department, and where are all the guys in fields, someone in the field, someone in the field, in different ways, uh-huh, i see, well, where is my desktop?
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i can’t provide you with a desk yet, we don’t have any free desks , excuse me, we weren’t prepared, somehow you were suddenly assigned to us, but you can sit here in a chair and leave your things, yes , it’s a bit cramped in your place, but are considered one of the best departments in the city, not one of the best departments, but the best department in the city, because we have good people working here, and as for the cramped conditions, as they say, in the cramped conditions, yes no... you take me for ballast, right? well , what do you think? your story is murky. that is, you trust the uezniks much more than your own. well, if you call yourself one of your own, then it’s too early. and osb, they exist for this reason so that they don’t break their own laws. what else? they are very good at finding what they need.
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ntv academy of popular music by igor krutoy and his colleagues may not be easy, think about it. the participants of our festival are children and teenagers who find themselves in a difficult life situation. our guys very different, like their dreams. i see this day,
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heaven in half, earth in half, i myself am in half , not by chance, along the waves. bim today at 19:30 on ntv. four components against the main symptoms of colds and flu, fever, runny nose, headache, and for the treatment of a sore throat, maxicold lore spray not only helps relieve a sore throat, but fights its causes. to stop
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with cold symptoms. well, credit card debts are hanging, interest is dripping, you need help. you take out credit cards, transfer the debts to the bank, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay them, do shopping or getting rid of credit card debts is easy with kholva. does it seem like something has changed? no, everything is the way we like it, kfc , now rostix, but the legendary taste is still the same, whole chicken meat that you love so much, yes, exactly, everything is the way we like it, yeah, on tour with a runny nose, no, we’ll treat , buy
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it at the pharmacy, sealor suppresses bacteria and fights inflammation, sealor treats us better, ozone, zon-zon, ozone, zon, we are a new year, we are a new one. rubles on any credit card from ber until january 31 , an apartment in moscow can become yours, and if you don’t have a card yet, get a free credit card in... 20 days without interest, win with the best credit card in the country. what if you look at the familiar in a new way? should i take a thin body? a bullet screen with a billion colors and anti-glare coating, add powerful sound from yandex's flagship acoustics and voice control without
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free sbercard for pensioners, favorable deposit rate to please yourself more often, cashback bonuses in pharmacies to take care about yourself: discount on a loan to buy something you have long dreamed of. transfer your pension to sberbank, online or in a branch, and receive special, favorable conditions. discomfort and nausea, poisoning and spinning, everything is seething and diarrhea, you need filtrumsti soon. filtrumsty - sorbent in a convenient tablet form, helps eliminate symptoms of poisoning and diarrhea. at an average price of 115. for 10 tablets. take revenge on the filter to restore order in your stomach. we have historically defended our borders, our people and those who need our help. although our enemies spoke different languages ​​and had different weapons, the goals were always the same:
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to destroy the country, to take away our freedom. but we have always stood up courageously and steadfastly in battle. history remembers everything. the strength of the unity of the people and the courage of the troops helped us win. become a hero bringing closer victory, serve under contract. something like this. wait, it turns out that zheltkov had a motive for the murder, that is, a rival magician could have killed. well, i don't think so. the fact is that he was in the rehearsal hall at the time of the murder, then he left there along with everyone else. could have hired someone, well then this is generally very strange, why would the killer frame the customer,
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because the knife was planted directly in the box with zheltkov’s archive visit, which means he was just in a hurry and accidentally put the knife in this box, so stop, stop, stop, gentlemen of the pen, wait, first of all, zheltkov needs to be interrogated, secondly, an honest person will not run from the police, vanya is what you said very correctly, so the girls follow me, yes, so please, interrogate the staff there, maybe one of them saw someone suspicious, well, someone may have come out or entered during the rehearsal, okay, okay, yes there is. that's right, come on, bubelka, well, he worked for me.
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and what kind of eternal documents were these? on what matter? well , there were valuables seized from the owner of the antique salon, vernikov, yeah, well, he was suspected of buying stolen goods, then people came from him, offered a lot of money for all the eternal evidence to evaporate, before identifying the victim, and then zolotov was on duty and all the eternal evidence disappeared from the safe, but could someone else have gained access to the safe? well, the department was undergoing renovations, yes, there were all sorts of... construction workers in the office, well, but zolotov didn’t leave the office, there was
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a lot of other things in the safe, drugs, weapons, etc., but only the evidence of the antique dealer’s case was missing, that is you still think about zolotovo, despite the court decision, who else, if not he, the culprit has not yet been found, excuse me, we didn’t talk about yolks, but yolks, well, when the fuss began, he rushed with a whistle, almost demolished the turnstile. do you have his address? yes, of course, we have all the addresses and phone numbers, in case we call someone to replace us, look, yolks , uh-huh, well, pash, let's go, wait, igor izvyakna, excuse me, please, but have you been working in the circus for a long time? i’ve been honoring it all my life, at first i looked after animals, then i rose to become an arena worker, and then i retired, right here on duty, here's some cheese for me, my healthy bitterness, right? listen, sholtkov has disappeared from the rehearsal base, we’ll have to catch him somewhere in the city. pasha, in general, work on it on
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the spot, i’ll go to him myself. okay, okay, deal, let's go. where to work. now, wait, the operational vehicle should arrive. why are you without a jacket? she's in the car. so what are we waiting for, let's go in mine, isn't the car too expensive for operational travel, the car is like a car, please boss, what kind of boss do you want, the door, but the gas is all the same.
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what a bad idea, well, at least an ambush under close the door, comrade major, you have his phone number, of course there is a phone number , but there’s no point in it, he still won’t answer, he’ll answer, he won’t answer, this is the tenth thing, but you need to call, well, call if you have absolutely nothing better to do, the main thing is that... there is something to do, oh, don’t worry about me, comrade captain, well, i’ll think of something, in the non-zone, who would doubt it, hello, nikita, so, let’s go. please, all the ticket offices, is there a citizen of the yolks lathering up somewhere, check all all types of transport, all lights out, i suggest we go interview the locals , and where we can find them, and you, comrade major, follow me, i’ll show you everything, it’s great, guys, it’s like beer, so
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put away the drink, we’re from the police, major krymov, that’s just the police, we’re not ... what they didn’t violate, which means they didn’t violate, but drinking alcohol in public places , in your opinion, is not a violation, so there’s no one, so there’s no one, and the place is public, so you know zhelezhkov from the fifty-fourth apartments, a magician, yes a magician, a magician, yes, we saw him, we were walking just now, he was in a taxi sat down, you are a clear sea, we will, we will , tell me, and you are a stranger here today, have you seen, baby, when our tour begins, we just have a passage yard, well, in the morning. nina nikolaevna was there with the commission, then the movers brought the cheap suits, but these were there in the morning before the kingdom of heaven came to the little one, of course , but look, by the way , foreman, can i have a minute with you, i’ll call you back, yes, we heard about
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murder, yes, otherwise i heard, of course, that’s how many police came, tell me, did you see anyone here today? before murder of strangers, there was one pepper, from our brigade, he was, and what did he look like, a middle-aged overalls, but he’s not ours, i know all of them, they didn’t remember his face, well, maybe something unusual, he pulled a wolfless face over his face, tell me, do you have a cctv camera here, of course, our cheese is old, but it’s equipped with the latest technology, let’s go have a look, show me, here it is, here ’s someone else’s, recording from a cctv camera, we ’ll confiscate you.
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you need to glow less, comrade captain. please connect me to the driver of the car under the number t-628 uk, what is the driver’s name? nikolay, thank you, i’m waiting. yes, an order for roschinskiy translation 16.
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“can we make it faster, i’m in a hurry, here you go, citizen zheltkov, who are you, what do you need, we’re standing still, we’re from the police, major krymov, captain zolotov, you’ll need to go to us in department , i'm in a hurry, i don't have time, then i'll have to do it forcibly. be careful with your hands, i work with them, thank you very much, you helped us a lot, maybe then give me a lift to the department, offend me, comrade major, we'll ride in comfort, well... .
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“sorry, well, so, he was actually buying up stolen goods from antique dealers, when your cops were weaving a web around him, he came to zolotov, offered money for the item, he refused, yeah, at that time he was in the repair department, and he introduced his man into brigade, he opened the safe, took the whole thing away, wait, wait, the safe was opened with a key, i saw the expert report from that case, i don’t know that, but the thing is definitely in the docks..." workers, but zolotov did not leave either the office or the safe was unattended, which means it was abandoned, you never know how they could have distract, it’s important that he wasn’t the one who sold the videos, well
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, i think it’s pointless to ask you to give official testimony, all the best, thank you, happily, come on, how, how... could i have killed lyudmila if i was in the rehearsal room at that moment , nikolaev and i saw there, and the technician arthur, the entire selection committee headed by nina, why did you then try to hide from the police officers, why did you want to leave the city, that’s why you ran away, because you can never prove anything to you, lord, for why do i need all this, come on let's put the invisible one in prison, oh, this is not the first time for you, come on, stop the hysteria, give me some water. yes, igor, you can, so what? in short, over the last month, our suspect has not called anyone from the criminal world,
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well, like everyone else, he’s only there with his wife , and they don’t use a landline phone at all, it’s only for the internet, a dying type of communication, yes, yes, thank you, nikita, i told you that i had nothing to do with it and that nikolaev’s wife probably arranged this, that is, as a wife? didn't anyone tell you anything? about what? last night after the rehearsal, zenoid, well, well, zenoid, this is nikolaev’s wife, so she went into lyudmila’s dressing room and threw a huge scandal there, because of what? well, nikolaev, lyudmila was not only used in tricks by me in bed. pasha , hello, listen, some interesting information has appeared about our magician, we urgently need to go to nikolaev and ask him a couple
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of specific questions, that’s all for now, bogdan, go to the dining room, there is a conversation, yes, there was a quarrel between zinaida and lyudmila, there was, well and what, i don’t understand why this matters. sorry, he’s completely ignoring me, he can’t call me on the phone he answers, please, shows his pride, you give us the address of the dacha
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, please write me a fresh shot, about an hour ago, but they had a whole duel here, i have one idea, it would be normal if it were n’t for the prints, don’t twitch , without you maroch, i provided you with an apartment, no, right? back with nutrition, sincere confession always softens that understanding, beam, guilt nets, guilt, today at 19:30 on ntv. disco superstar january 13 at 21:30 on ntv. four components against the main symptoms. colds and flu, fever, runny nose, headaches, and for the treatment of a sore throat , maxicold lore spray not only helps relieve a sore throat, but fights its causes, and is not available for return.
6:36 am
to stop with cold symptoms! well, do credit card debts carry interest? need a holwa. you take out credit cards, transfer the debts to the bank, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay them, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts easily with the bank. experiencing emotions stronger than others is great, that’s all. they don't make your stomach hurt. trimidat. he can help eliminate the causes of abdominal pain, targeting spasms or impaired motor skills. trimidat: feel life, not pain in the stomach. ozone, ozone, zone, we are a new year, we are a new year, we are celebrating everything with ozone. and the marathon brings us gifts, gifts. azon, zon-zon, azon,
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zon-zon, and a holiday in every home. celebrate the new year holidays with ozone, it seems, or something has changed, but no, everything is as we love, fc, now, but the legendary taste is still the same, whole chicken meat. you love so much, yes, exactly, everything we love, yeah, it torments you cough, i eifas, vypeifats, thins macrotus, facilitates coughing, reduces inflammation, eifa, triple strength against cough, bima, new episodes from january 10 at 20:00 on ntv. alice, turn on new year's music, i do. we can't find your house. alice, light the garlands. new
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yandex station goomax, new year is where alice is. star, getting sick is not our tradition. simply delicious rostagroexport sour cream, just try it. in the sportsmaster, prices are half the price, intended and sports brands with a guarantee of the authenticity of the goods. i think, my grandfather is hiding something. turn on the new year's light, lights the lights, the magic staff, grandfather, and we have something tasty at home, he can conjure something, he can do magic, the snowman is the courier, it is said that
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my grandfather is santa claus, on new year's eve everyone can work miracles, from pure heart for those who are nearby, happy new year, wizards, happy new year to those who grab polka dots along the way, keep up with another costume. will find the entrance, no matter what, yandex maps, application to the new year's city, weather sensitivity, dizziness, sleep disturbances, weakness, increased anxiety, all these may be signs of vsd. eltacin is an assistant in the fight against vsd. disco superstar january 13 at 21:30 on ntv. well, bogdan, tell me, what should i
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tell you, oleg georgievich? well , where did you get the money for an expensive lawyer to buy, say, not very cheap cars after your release, i thought you would ask a different question, like, why am i such a scoundrel, why did i steal the thing, for how much? helped a criminal escape... but didn't you did they do it? answer the question posed. when i was arrested, my mother had a stroke and died in the evening. sorry, i'm sorry. six months later i received an inheritance, an apartment, a dacha. i issued a power of attorney to a friend for their implementation. here's money for a car for a lawyer. yes. and tell us about the day when the documents disappeared from the safe. do you want to prove that i'm
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guilty, throw me out of here? yes, i want to know the truth, you want this too, don’t you, i want whether the workers who did the repairs in... what are you saying, how are we going to get in? apparently polite
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that's for sure. hello, how is everything interesting here? good evening, i don’t understand at all, who are you? who let you in? we just came from the police ourselves, couldn’t we? let me open the window, otherwise i can’t breathe, so open it, and who are you, handsome? “quiet, be quiet, this is my husband, but does your legal husband know? and this is none of your business, pasha, i’ll go and see what kind of lantern is burning there, come on, so,
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where were you at 10:00 in the morning, where are we “but we weren’t, quietly, quietly, we won’t say anything, the question is still relevant, where have you been?” " at 10 am, actually, this is our private private life , yes, yes, that is, if you don’t want to talk, well, let’s go to the department, we’ll arrange a romantic trip for you, actually, we were already in the monkey bar today, no, the monkey bar is not interesting , there are administrative detainees , and we have the homicide department, everything is serious here, the homicide department, uh-huh, homicide, homicide, there it is much more interesting and the methods are completely different , they will talk to you, don’t worry, let’s go, oh, how they got me, you can’t imagine can you imagine, alcoholics, because before i didn’t do anything like this before? i noticed, i don’t know what happened to the girl , she also brought some stranger’s guy , she’s a slut, stop it, they ’ve been messing around for a long time, since yesterday evening, all
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last night they didn’t let me sleep, not only me, but half the village in general, i called the police, you did the right thing, the local cops came, took them to the department and came back today, do you understand? would you like some tea? no, i’ll probably refuse. i wish you good health. senior police lieutenant, potapinka, inter-district combat department. colleagues, please tell me, i didn’t get to you last night a certain citizen of nikolaev. nikolaeva, together with nekhail, she called him. michael. unfortunately, the last name has not yet been established. what time did you release them? clearly, understandably. come on, come on. well, well, does our lovebirds seem to have albie? i mean, well, lyudmila was killed at what time, around ten? well, these guys were released only after eleven, of course, okay, we’ll break through there anyway, uh-huh,
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okay, get ready, get ready, we weren’t joking, let’s wait outside. yes, i remember you, you came last month, were interested in video recordings from the cameras of the year-old date back, but they haven’t survived, and you were here a year ago, or a little more, but if you remember that my colleague was here a year ago, maybe you remember something else, well, maybe someone was watching him or was interested in his things, but the young man went to the toilet, and his jacket was left on...
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i recognized him, this guy was just at the moment when they were doing renovations and the permanent records disappeared, of course i don’t know his name, but his face is good i remember.
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it seems, well, secondly, secondly, that she spends less than a minute there, and if not suicide, then the customer had to explain this information to him very clearly, exactly, we must find out who, besides nikolaev himself, knew the secret of his trick in such detail, which means, pasha, go from ela to this magician, question him thoroughly about this again direction, the rest is according to plan, bogdan, and you are with me, what the...
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who could know besides you the secret of your trick? but the secret is generally known to all professional illusionists: the system of mirrors, the secret passage, we are more interested in who could know that the secret passage leads exactly to subsopka, maybe you told someone, maybe you knew the workers who installed the equipment and props, no, that’s impossible, i didn’t tell anyone, lucia and i installed all the equipment and props together. the day before and no one else was there. okay, if you didn’t say so, maybe
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lyudmila herself could have told you? probably she could, i don’t know. and to whom? your wife? oh no, not this, especially after that fight. you know, but that same evening, the day before, her cousin victoria came to see her. and? well, the fact is that they communicated all their lives, and five months ago, their common grandmother died and left them an inheritance for both of them. and after that. we began to communicate very often, in my opinion, not only about material aspects, a big inheritance, yes, a big one, an apartment in the historical center, an old dacha in vrepino, well , the dacha is obviously rubbish, the land is there now, you know, so you said, their grandmother died 5 months ago, that is , in a month they should take over their inheritance rights, that’s right, yes, yes, just in a month, but at that time we were supposed to be on tour in prague, this is already interesting. well, nikit, did you find out anything?
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so, yes, i got through this guy from the video. so, kirill skvartsov, nicknamed skvorets, who was previously convicted twice for residential theft, has an address here. thank you, nikit. well, bogdan, we need to take this starling. let's go. thank you, nikit. good luck. victoria herself has an alibi at the time of lyudmila’s murder, but it turns out that while you, comrade major, were talking with your superiors, i was talking with my colleagues, but with the employees, well, you saw, the room was moving, it was large, victoria was in sight all the time, then communicated with clients, then worked with documents, yes, but she could have hired a killer, and we know 100% that it was a man, unfortunately, only with an unidentified identity, but from what, he was very identified, i don’t understand, now , may i introduce you? who is this your mother-in-law, a certain
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igor stepanov, our victoria’s lout, one of his employees recognized me. is she sure it's him? i’m sure, especially since i saw him more than once, but plus he regularly picked her up from work, and she boasted about his photographs. listen, you hammer, words no, well, no words are needed, you can get a prize , money, you know, rita, prizes are wonderful, but there’s no money, you and i won’t touch victoria for now, so... it wouldn’t hurt to pay a visit, and the sooner, the better, and what do we have with the address? i would like to say that it is not, but it is there, well, why are we standing then, please, madam, but maybe after all? there may be a bonus, but there is no money, bon appetit, to the masters of artistic knocking, our police greetings, there was a rumor that someone from the city police elite imprisoned the financial leash of one merchant, so i am the main defender from police brutality, you don’t want to complain, no,
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you need to get rid of one little man, how long can he live, the less the better, balabol, don’t rock the boat, you want to stay alive, today at 12:15 on ntv. bim - new episodes from january 10 at 20:00 on ntv. apartment in moscow count five. with just five purchases from 1. rub on any sber credit card until january 31, an apartment in moscow can be yours. and if you don’t have a card yet, get a free credit card in 120 days without interest. win with the best credit card in the country. ozone, zones, zones, ozone, zones, zones, we are the new year, we are the new year , we are celebrating everything with ozone, it brings us the mood, gifts, marathon. and a holiday in every home. celebrate the new year holidays with ozone.
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it seems useless, nothing, we'll wait. oleg georgievich, i feel extremely uncomfortable in front of you, you are not obligated to do this. so, stop it, bogdan, you better check the stairs. “ stand, wait, i said, don’t touch it, it’s not me, not me , not me, who, it’s an antique dealer, that’s it, an antique dealer, he framed it, tell me, i just made copies of your keys, and stole your visors, run away, i really needed the money, everyone needs the money, i almost sat down as a beast because of you, calmly, bogdan, quietly. well let's go, come on,
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who's there? gas service, checking gas stoves and other equipment. oh, hello, yes, sorry, id. oh, well, of course, a regular check, nothing special, will do? quiet, so on what basis, i will complain, of course, you will citizen stepanov, this is your headdress, where are the overalls, what overalls, what are you wearing, i decided to do the laundry, i’m on fire, calm down, teska, don’t disappoint me, great, here the examination will certainly establish that the blood belongs to lyudmila lasova, right? well, will you put on the bracelets yourself, or help me? i’m telling you again, i don’t know any
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starling, you won’t prove anything anyway, we’ll prove it, citizen vernikov, even as we prove it, now i ask you to get into the car, when will you still be able to drive around the city with a flashing light, so take this opportunity, carefully, that’s it -why ? oh, bogdan, you know, i don’t like misunderstandings regarding my people, that is, i ’m yours, yes ours, ours, you’re a fool, so shut up, stepanov, well, shut up, keep quiet, when the results of the examination are known, we will understand what kind of blood is on your trousers, a fluffy rabbit or, after all, lyudmila vlasova. here i am, what do you say, good? well, the blood found
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on citizen stepanov’s overalls belongs to lyudmila vlasova, what a surprise, oh, damn, well, citizen stepanov was silent in vain, he only extended his sentence and aggravated his punishment, it was necessary to wash it right away, what a living naive citizen stepanov is... already gone very far, no washing powder can completely remove blood stains. okay, i’m ready to make a sincere confession and i’m going to make a plea deal. handsome, tell me, come on, tell me. vika talked me into it for the sake of my grandmother’s inheritance. why, they say, divide into two what can be obtained in one mug? why now? so that lyuska would not have time to take over her inheritance, otherwise she would have gone on tour with her magician. and, hello, it would be too late. who's there?
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to confuse you, this yolk is nikolaev’s direct competitor, you should have thought about him, stepanov, i’ll tell you a terrible secret, it was precisely this circumstance that gave us the idea that the yolks had nothing to do with the murder, because not a single murderer would plant evidence at the crime scene. so, okay, then, pasha, ella, take care of victoria, and i’ll call bulkin, let him further deal with this fruit. i don’t even know how to thank you. okay, so, where are the guys? and guys, here are rita and igor. oh, come in. are you talking over coffee? bogdan, let me help. come on, the guys are now interrogating the customer, as soon as you finish, i’ll do a great job right away. well, how do you like stepanov’s confession? does he write interestingly? yes. “after this
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, trust the men, he will swear his love for you until the grave, and then when he presses you, he gives in and doesn’t think twice about it, i thought, we’ll get married , i’ll give birth to his child, drown, you know, it’s like watching, sit for 20 years, so as not to give you away or get out 8 years earlier, you must agree, the difference is significant, and really?” "they would have waited 20 years for him to get out of prison, or maybe he would have, this bastard, as you say, committed this crime because love for you out of love, he demanded 2 million from me, yeah, but not right away, of course, when i receive the inheritance, it’s like love with love, and this is pure business, okay, let’s go to
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the investigator, he will explain to you how to proceed. .. to live, in the end , we found some of the eternal documents stolen from the safe from an antique dealer in the shade, so now he will sit down specifically, that’s why i propose to drink to our new employee bogdan zolotov, i am sure that he will not only be a good colleague for us, but also faithful comrade. bogdan, please forgive me for mistrust, i think you understand me, in general, welcome. to the family, hurray , hurray, hurray, kolya, yes, i’ll be late today, so go to bed without me, yes, honey, of course i understand everything, but remember, you promised, yes, you promised , i swear not a drop, ol, well we agreed,
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sir, we brewed some good, fresh tea for ourselves. there are cookies, there’s a t-shirt , now let’s see, i’ll look after kolyan , and if a friend came to see you, put tanko lauri on the table, if you don’t drink , you’re sad, man, you’re not georgian, give me some bubbles, bring them, bring them glasses, now i'll bring some glasses, well, come on, come on, come on, come on, be brave, come on, come on, in short, okay, uh, what are you doing, go, sit down,
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play. no, you have mate there in two moves , what two, well, go checkmate, go checkmate me in two moves, that’s it, i don’t have time, i don’t have anything to do, you should be checkmate in two moves, what a hard worker, yeah, go make two moves, oh, great, kostyan, hello, hello, hello , well, sit down, tell me what you came and why you came, 2 weeks ago i had a trial, listen, they were completely acquitted, i told you at the house again that they will justify, well... what, here in the business is back, i borrowed a little money, i’m opening three restaurants, that’s right, the business should develop, but it shouldn’t stand still , but you understand, i have problems with these points, well, tell me, yes, this is my own, say, in general, it’s a banal thing from nineties, two local criminals came, i
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sent them, but... they broke the windows.


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