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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-16  NTV  January 3, 2024 7:05am-8:01am MSK

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eh, what are you, go, sit down, play, no, but you have mate there in two moves, what two, well, go checkmate, go checkmate me in two moves, that’s it, i don’t have time, i don’t care, there’s checkmate for you two moves, what a hard worker, yeah, in two moves, go bet, oh, great, kostyan, hello , hello, well, sit down, tell me that you came, and why did you come, two weeks?
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they said we could solve the problems for five bucks. handsome, right? they have such faces in the local department that i am more afraid of them than of this grizzly and potap. so what do you want me to do, what? well, you didn't see me last time helped me out, help me out again. you know it won’t rust behind me. yes, it won’t rust after you. okay, kostyan, let's try to solve your problem. as soon as they call you and make an appointment, you let me know. i’ll come
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, thank you, bro, i knew that you wouldn’t refuse, come on, come on, happy date, as you said, one for the mood, you, yes, why should we have one each, don’t you, she’ll definitely kill me, now let's go to the second one. who was bogdan? yes, they were sitting together, you
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seemed to be sitting in a cop’s hut, but this one is not one of ours, but what a cop’s hut, it’s just there are separate special cells where our prosecutors sit, and those who have made a deal with the investigation are also put in there, but he was sitting in an ordinary cell and they started putting pressure on him for something, well, i transferred him to my place, the money was somehow lost, but no, he asked, and i already made an agreement with someone, he was transferred, he’s just a good wizard, but now why do you need him, just be honest, so what’s there to hide? a businessman is in a cell, which means everyone will have food to eat, but of course, that’s okay, in general, you tell me, will you help me with this kostyanov case, only i’ll tell you right away i warn you, we won’t take money, well, in general, well, we’ll decide something, well, at least this, of course, i wouldn’t want to get involved in your affairs, but i have to protect the honest name of potap, and i have to, i understand you, that is, potap is yours, my, my second, agreed
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, swearing, handsome, great, boys, hello, hello, why do we have the corpse of a 38-year-old woman here, why are you late, i don’t understand, dmitrieva and rodanov, it’s been 20 minutes already, you know who - i was sitting in the department, someone was at the hearing, what about the victim, he was killed by a blow to the chest, one strong blow.
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indicate where the nearest trash heap is, thank you, you don’t trust me, but i can give you bagel gloves, you don’t need gloves, you have your own, okay, let’s say, let’s say. can you suggest any motive? well, judging by the fact that the jewelry was torn out of the ears, the motive is the simplest profit, i assume, there is no mobile phone either, uh-huh, and there are no documents either, okay, where are ours? dmitrieva interrogates the jordan neighbors, talks to her husband, apartment thirty-eight, sixth floor, wait, how did you find out the address so quickly? so her husband found her, he i called the police, got it, oh, hi, great, so what? there’s something interesting, interesting, nothing yet, there are no witnesses, great, cameras were watching, there are no cameras in the immediate area , well, maybe andryukha will have better luck, okay, i’ll go and dig deeper, me too, i don’t know how to live now, i understand you very well
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i sympathize, but now we need your help to find your wife’s killer as soon as possible, maybe you can help us figure out the motives for the murder, what? what are the motives? the reasons why she was killed. when i found her, i didn't i could look at it for a long time, forgive me, but it did n’t seem like there were any decorations on her. robbery is quite possible, murder is often disguised as robbery to confuse the police, but now we need to work out other versions, so think, think, remember, i have no idea. for what other reason could olya be killed? some kind of nonsense, i can’t imagine who could hate her, after all , she was a world woman, she loved her, she put up with me, but what
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did she do? we had a business, what about us and her? well, i wanted to. not help, but only i have no use for it, what kind of business is it, tell me in more detail, nothing special , a translation agency seems like a small thing, but we lived well , what will happen now, i can’t handle the business myself , you can handle it, you can’t let olga put it on, just like that it’s gone , if anything happens, i’ll help, it’s okay, it’s okay, you have to hold on. “thank you, oh, yes, i remembered, i don’t know, maybe it doesn’t matter, it completely slipped my mind, olya recently sold her dacha, well, why did she go to work,
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why did she go to work, she took the money there, 2.5 million, well rubles, of course wow, it doesn’t matter, i should have started with this, sorry.” but everything was mixed up in my head, she took the money further to work, yes, but why can’t i say, say, say, we started already, she just didn’t trust me, i drank, yes, i drink now, but less, i even received treatment, clearly, 2.5 million is a very real motive, who else could know about the transportation of money, i don’t know, i didn’t tell anyone that she went with them today work, maybe she warned someone at the office? is the office open today? no, saturday, sunday, a day off, today is saturday, then there is no one in the office today , not even a security guard, there is no security guard there, they are putting
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everything under alarm, i understand, you can make a list of the company’s employees, i don’t know, olya had all the phone numbers of the employees, okay, we’ll figure it out, so, from the city. don’t leave, if you need us, we’ll call you right away, if you remember anything, call right away , here’s a business card, okay, find that bastard, we’ll find you, goodbye, goodbye, kolyan, it’s become a good tradition, these days friends gather to congratulate each other with miracles, miracles, miracles, hearing a voice, the night will pass, the morning will come, i'm sleeping, and i love you, i love you, tell me, i'm not blowing the white business of the night, just tell me, everything will be the way
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you want, 5 minutes, 5 minutes, may the hours clear up soon, happy new year . happy new year, home and solka, time of miracles, today at 10:20 on ntv. bim. today at 19:30 on ntv. make coughing a thing of the past. elmucin is a latest generation mucolytic that combines all the important properties. elmucin - an innovation for cough in the 21st century. teflekka - russian manufacturer of energy-efficient heaters from quartz sand. consumption is only 2-3 kw-hours per day. the tepleco heater works like a russian stove.
7:16 am
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7:18 am
today at 19:30 on ntv. alice, turn on new year's music. i turn it on. we can't find your house. alice, light the garlands. new yandex station duomax. new year is where alice is. in the sportsmaster, prices are half. licensed and sports brands with a guarantee of product authenticity. happy new year to those who grab polka dots along the way, catch another suit, and find that same entrance. yandex maps, an application for the new year's city. confidence and strength, this is how she wants to see you, brutal, reliable, stylish, like a set of hermes men's accessories from lamax, a voluminous cross and a chain of armored weaving, a massive hermes cross, jewelry steel, noble shine and a spectacular, voluminous design, three at once.. .in one thing: a powerful cross fits perfectly with a chain of armored weaving, the color of real gold,
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a durable lock and reliable links. hermes jewelry is self-confidence and an integral part of a successful male image. a set of hermes jewelry is a worthy gift for a real man. the price of the set is rub 2,499. but call us right now and you can buy it for only 1.999 rubles. but that's not all. each person who orders the set will receive a hermes bracelet as a gift. liamax. shopping with a plus. fresh gunshot, about an hour ago. yes, they had a whole duel here. i have one idea. it would be fine if it weren't for the prints. sincere confession
7:20 am
always softens that understanding bim vinu sachkov vinu today at 19:30 on ntv. so, i know the circumstances, let's go through the versions. the first version is the most obvious. in the area where the murder was committed, there was a robber , lying in wait for women, threatening with a knife and robbing, perhaps he , when this continues, why hasn’t he been caught yet, well, this is still not a question for us, there are no corpses there until today was, therefore, we weren’t doing this, so what else, ellie, is your way out, is it possible, necessary, at the command of captain rydanov, i contacted
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the operatives from the internal department, they reported that they have everything on this case so far capercaillie, but there is one weak point in this version: it’s a little more complicated, we know that a few days ago the kozlovs sold the dacha for 2.5 million, until today the money was kept at home, and today kozlova took it to the office, to the safe, and we believe , that someone could find out, kill the goat for profit, and what about the goat himself? well, kozlov himself actually told us this, he told us himself, but why did they decide to transfer the money? no, oleg georgievich,
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but she, kozlova, was simply afraid that she might drink with this money, so she took them to office, let's say, you found out? who could have known that she would carry the money? well, not yet, it’s a day off in the office today, but we’ll call the company’s employees. nikita restores the phone book of the murdered man. wait, did the dead phone also go away? yes, that's the point! explain! ellie! if the criminal was deliberately going for millions, then why would he grab a smartphone for which he could help out lombardy, well, a maximum of 3,000 rubles. that's what, friends, we need to collect information, because we have very little of it to accept any one of the versions. we must, we must, oleg georgievich, we’ll recruit, we’re not going anywhere. there is one more important fact: the new buyer of the dacha , his last name is sovelyev, just like no one knew that the kozlovs had money, but how could he have known that kozlov would leave the house at that very moment, it’s unlikely, but , but also a version, we contacted savelyev, he will be in the department soon, potapov will work with him, and for now we will work out the first two versions, well, great,
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that’s it, work like that.
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you still live in this area, where am i going? i’ll get away, there are quiet courtyards here, i feel very comfortable here, clearly, listen, in the area of ​​that house around the corner, today there was a murdered woman, it’s just a nightmare, yes, well , listen, apparently they were killed with a knife, the killer, apparently a man, with they were killed, they took off their jewelry , they took the phone, i was there today, well, in the tower, i heard, i saw, something unusual, no unusual, that’s suspicious, yes, i saw sanego zhban. sanya shban, who is this? sanya shban, a big bastard drug addict. yeah, from yours, a normal st. petersburg homeless person, god forbid, can scrape together enough to buy bread. well, yes, well, yes, well so what is thisben? as usual, he was wandering around the courtyards, it was clear that he was breaking, well
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, it seemed that he was looking for a victim, someone to kill, so that he would have enough for a new dose, but he would turn out healthy. healthy, you say, listen , vikentich, i brought you a snack, here you go, thank you, dear, you take care of me, next time don’t spend any more money on flowers, we agreed, come on, you were pleased, at least a little - a little bit, and yes, just like that, weekend, just like that, it means it’s worth the money, well, thank you, dear, thank you, thank you. allochka, hello, andryukh, great, great, listen, have you heard anything about this sanya zhban, well, heard something, well, there is a possibility that... he is involved in the murder of kozlova, i understand, i’ll check on you, okay, good girl, yes, sorry, please,
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can i talk to you for a minute, this is for you, in honor of what holiday, listen, today is st. vincent’s day, thank you. bogdan, thank you for coming, pasha, and thank you so much, oh well, no problem for now, just keep in mind that we only have a couple of hours for this ambush, yes, yes, they are about to arrive, you, where beat, bogdan, great, shaggy, what kind of devils are standing next to you, what the hell are we, we both got out of here, we ’ll have a market here now, so we’re just on this topic, what, you sheep, what topic are you going to talk about? who are you anyway to open a gartanka, which one of you is potap? well, i, so what, so what? you guys are telling me that
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the special forces will be tougher, that’s the job, guys, they won’t let them go? don’t be afraid, they will know that they are under the control of the killers, and the locals won’t argue with us, right? well, call quickly, huh now the salve is complaining that we are not there, the door is open, elka, this is a drug addict breton, drug addicts are sociable people, stop, young ladies, gentlemen, go ahead, elka , be careful inside, there is complete unsanitary conditions, i already felt the rise, wake up, beauty , peek-a-boo, well, let’s talk,
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yeah, we’re sociable people, great, where’s the jug, he’s cool, so where’s that cool guy, has he gone, where? for money, he said, he’ll get some money somewhere and come back, come back here or wherever, oh, we still didn’t have enough of this, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, we’re coming to our senses, we're recovering, we're recovering, ritka , give me some water, like that, great, well, well, well , an ambulance ritka, call, come on, i've come to my senses, breathe, breathe, breathe, that's it, i've come to my senses, i've come to my senses, okay, soon, okay, listen , we will follow the courtyards in hot pursuit, we will walk through them, and
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you wait here soon, if he comes back here, what to do, act according to the situation, you are an opera, quietly, quietly, quietly, well, hold on, i didn’t kill anyone, i didn’t kill anyone. the murderer’s writing is simply not trivial, and the most important thing is that you are an experienced robber, a woman was killed and robbed in your area, it’s simple a conspiracy and a set-up, and
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apparently it couldn’t have happened without foreign intelligence services, i agree, fuck you, let’s go, and you’ll be in prison for five years, just for today’s episode, and if we prove it, for the murder of a woman, another 20 years, yes , but there was no murder, i ’m telling you again, the knife is purely for intimidation, or you... you can’t find the murderer at the first one you come across, blame your wet one, right? so maybe you have an alebi, can you tell us? yes, today i was at the tree almost all day, then i went to the pusher, to the pusher, to to whom, a pusher, the type one, pushes dope in the area, at an inexpensive price and does not throw it away, but i didn’t have money, and i needed a christmas tree. it sucked for her, my old woman, this green one with a beautiful haircut, yes, and you are all right with her, well, say thank you that we
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arrived on time, she was soon barely pumped out. “i see, in short, i told you everything, don’t believe me , ask the pusher, we’re not buddies and we’re not lying to the cops, he won’t do it because of me, i stupidly wanted to borrow money from him, but it didn’t work out, i squeezed the bastard , so i went to work, andryush, can you, but come on, don’t heat me up, now we'll sign the protocol." uh-huh, it's not him , the knife is not the same, uh-huh, there's no blood on his knives at all, maybe he washed it off? no, there's only rust, clay and dirt, the blade isn't the same at all, clearly, it's a jug, we'll give it "you have time to think, so think well, the more you tell , the less time you'll have to sit, take us out.
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well, what did you write there? yes, come on! in general, look, here's a statement of extortion, understand? give it to the local police officers so that the matter was not put on hold, colonel osalovets is personally under his control and is free! let's go! well, guys, you give , okay, you know, if anything is due, we’ll sort it out, okay, we have to run, call, if anything happens, let’s do it again, thank you, okay, guys, let’s summarize what you think, i
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i guess, that? he didn’t kill kozlov , i agree, pashka and i also think so, but we want to listen to your arguments, yes, come on, show me the master class on destroying versions, but let’s say that zhban killed kozlov, yeah, it turns out that he has hands 2.5 million rubles, which by the standards of a petty robber is simply a fabulous amount, and what does he do, he goes and asks for a loan of drugs, despite the fact that he seriously breaks his woman, he won’t give him a loan, and he goes and commits some kind of petty robbery, well , it turns out like this... nonsense, if we assume, that zhban killed kozlov, by the way, the guys called, they interrogated the pusher and he confirmed zhban’s words. yes, it’s clear, most likely it’s not him, right? yes, but let’s assume that the version went wrong, it was so plausible, so slender, uh-huh, yes, excuse me, they called me, looking up, yes, it ’s me, come in, sit down, sit down, thank you for reacting so quickly, okay, i came from the dacha, continue.
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communicate, and i went to the technical department. dmitriev for the eldest, i don’t understand how i can help you, we wanted to know where you were today at 12:00 in the afternoon, at the dacha, with me were my wife, father-in-law , mother-in-law, six sons and neighbors, about 10 people in total. nothing. yourself, you have six sons, yes, two from your first marriage, your wife died 10 years ago, yeah, four from your second. and you all live together, you mean the older children, of course, the second wife adopted them, not even i know what to say, you and your wife deserve respect, but what’s wrong with that , you just have to live like people, and not like you know, but then you know, we have a big friendly family, my wife is pregnant again, so we’ll soon have more , that’s why we bought a dacha.
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yes, your family is really big , i can only envy you, you probably don’t have enough money , what do you mean, i bought a dacha, and then killed the former owners and took these pennies for myself, 2.5 million rubles are pennies, listen, young people, i have three household goods stores, five cafes, two parking lots, three car service centers, i have... a mercedes, my wife has a lexus, my father-in-law has a toyota , i gave my eldest son a bmw for his coming of age , understand, i’m not bragging, i’m just trying to explain to you that 2 million rubles is simply not enough for me money, why in that case didn’t you buy a richer house, it costs 10 million, well, why the hell do i need it, i have a house in strelny and by the way it costs a lot more than 10 million, yeah. we bought it so that
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we could all relax together in the summer, fishing, mushrooms, silence, do you seriously think that it was me who killed, yes no, that's the procedure. obliged to interview, they interviewed, yeah, i'm free, of course, then goodbye, all the best, what do you think, pasha, what do you say? i think it’s not him, no, of course i’ll check this information about real estate, but almost 100% that it’s not him, i also think, first of all, i’ll tell potap, he made a request about a certain savelev. so savelyev’s phone at the time of today ’s murder was outside the city of vyborg and when potapov called him, he was there, about savelyev, a normal businessman, a dollar millionaire, he has only complete, understandable, wonderful, you
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just took the second version for us and slammed it, well, sorry, not sorry, okay, let’s call the dead man, did the billing, so why am i just sitting here, sitting here to ruin our versions, wow, you’re evil, andryukha, come on, come on, okay, about the billing. there are the last calls before the murder, to whom they are, a certain sergei mikhailovich alekseev , born in sixty-nine, what kind of character, we judge, no, we don’t judge, but according to the old rope data it looks like a gangster connection, well, of course, it used to be like that in the bases brought in under-the-roof businessmen , well, perhaps, when i was a rob, i was still just going to school, so okay, yesterday and today the goat has six connections with this alekseev , wow, the address, let me send you an sms, come on, valerinka, yes, thank you, yeah, let's do it.
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well, did you get the dove? we stand, we stand, but it’s quiet, it’s, it’s you who did this, and what is it you? yes, dear, i’m coming, hello, hello, hello, sergei mikhailovich! yes, with whom do i have it? we from the police, homicide department, wanted to talk to you. killer? what's happened? is there something wrong with olya? what makes you think that we came about this ? doesn't answer, doesn't come. this is the husband.
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nits, what did he do to her? sergei mikhailovich, allow us to come in after all. yes, of course, please. so what happened, can you tell me? sergei mikhailovich , sit down, it’s better to tell us what’s going on in your relationship, i love each other for a long time, now she’s supposed to come, she was here today and disappeared, what makes you think that your husband was in the know, i don’t know , yes , i don’t know what to think at all, i’m just very afraid for my will. nikolai is a drunk, if he finds out, that she wants to leave him, then he will break down, and there is not far from sin, especially money, and what kind of money are you talking about, but all the money
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this parasite lives on, he doesn’t work, he sits on ollie’s neck, of course, if he realized that she wanted to leave him, he immediately perked up, but what would he do? after all, she will take all the money with her from the apartment , are you sure, because it all depends on who the property is registered in, but i am aware of all the details, we talked a lot about this with olya, she was going to leave nikolai, she’s just kind, didn’t know how to tell him about this , she was looking for the right moment, she was afraid that he would completely disappear, kill himself, but for me , this goat belongs there, i told her, don’t keep money at home, she... no , kolya wo n’t, kolya isn’t like that, he won’t steal, but in the end she still listened to you and brought the money, that’s right, i didn’t understand what kind of money she
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brought, no, you’re confusing something, no, i didn’t do anything i’m confused, we talked to nikolai, he said that in the morning she took all the money and moved it somewhere, nikolai told you that she took all the money and left, yes. oyunga, do you know? if that's all, i would like to be alone, i'll see you off, yes, of course, we understand, goodbye, goodbye, we 'll call you again.
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so quickly come to me, now, well, he still killed her, come quickly
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, hello, hello, listen, there’s a pocket pen, they brought a detainee to you, his last name was not there by chance, there’s this igor talov, do you know him, sat together. where is he? sits in the cell, and the victim talks to the aperam, she refuses to write a statement, and they persuaded, refuses? strange, although it happens, okay, i understand, thank you, yeah, scum, you lived! i ate with her money, drank at her expense, and
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how did you answer her, fuck you, i didn’t need anything, yes, you tell someone else, i know people like you, giveaways, unable to earn their own bread, sitting on on the sofa in front of the tv and blaming the authorities for my problems, i didn’t need her money, i loved her, shut up, i loved it, and you pressed for pity, but she was just... she was just afraid for you that you would die in a ditch through month, she was a saint, saints they don’t fuck on the side, how did you turn your tongue, did you see yourself in the mirror, what, i’m just surprised how long i put up with it, it’s okay, now you’re going to die , come on, don’t care, it’s a pity that i took you to her i didn’t send you to the dogodka, you freak, you ’re worth each other, you lived like an ungrateful bastard, you’ll die too, stand by, police. go back, are you
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sheep, the door is deperni, that’s what you need, you goat, don’t be happy about the goats, we heard everything, your turn will be much sadder, let’s put our hands back on the way out, without nonsense, yes, allow me, yes, oleg georgievich, there potapov dzmitry was brought in a detainee, you asked him to report, okay, rit, i’m on my way now. let me go
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around the world, okay, let’s do it in an amicable way, i’m not looking for you all over the world, again i’m looking for you in the past, most importantly. weather in the house, out of time, out of space, 50 years of the scene, on the way again. from january 10 at 20:00 on ntv. i have all the best that life can give, but i am not happy. you don’t have your own apartment, there’s no food in the refrigerator. so why are you
7:47 am
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7:50 am
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7:51 am, hello, where are you, what are the traffic jams, did we get there okay? okay, thank you, bogdan, no problem, thank the victim for not putting you in prison, i would write a statement and you, igor, would go straight to the cell, today you are lucky, tomorrow you will be unlucky, why are you, what for, bogdan, but that’s all, why, are you going free? live, be happy, find yourself a job , find a good girl, you know, bogdan, it was you who were often acquitted in court, but they gave me a year and a half, but they taught me the inheritance i had served, but i left, i don’t have a house, i’m at home. nobody hires someone with such a criminal record, so what should i do? well, listen, if you want to change something, change it, yes, i want to, but i don’t know,
7:52 am
okay, i won’t promise anything for now, i’ll try to help you with something, but for now, go, go already, why did you smear him, it just happened, well, did you want to help him? i’m going to, i think, in vain, it’s not time , he’ll go to jail anyway, ella , you look at life too straightforwardly, i’m a realist, there are different cases, well, help him, since you’re a wizard, i’m working on it, and why are you standing here? , and i’m waiting for the boys, who, i knew that this bastard was cheating on me, and you considered this a sufficient reason to kill her, but what could i do? do, i loved her and was jealous, she cheated on me and laughed insolently in my face, they could just get a divorce, get a divorce, and so that she would continue to live peacefully, sleep with this
7:53 am
freak, and i, assholes, we understand, you decided punish your wife for cheating, but you have an alibi, you didn’t kill her yourself, well, maybe you still have a false alibi, or your neighbor lied to us, no one lied to anyone, i specifically called my neighbor to our house so that ... .. i had an alibi, okay, but who killed me? i don’t know, some kind of killer, what does that mean? i know, but how did you contact him? advertisement on the internet. i didn’t apply myself, i found a ready-made one, i just read that it was everything i needed. do you remember your text? well approximately. i'm looking for a dangerous, casual job with good remuneration. email address is attached. oleg georgivich, i said it a long time ago. it’s time to monitor such things, so read, well, who would argue , of course, we need to monitor, but where to get the resources, there are so few people, that’s it, so,
7:54 am
assholes, you contacted the killer, and then what, told him what needs to be done , he agreed, gave me a bank account abroad so that after completing the order i would transfer the money to him, and that he was not afraid that you would cheat him, but he said if i deceived him, he would find me with all the consequences, in such... he did the job , get it, honest man , just an example to follow , listen, i told you everything, let me go to the cell, please,
7:55 am
assholes, you understand that you are facing a very long sentence, but you can reduce it, if you help us, you need killer, i don't know who he is or where, email address i can give it to you, but this is a very long and unreliable method, we have for you... we have another offer for you, you must contact the killer again from your email and order him your wife’s lover alekseev, well, i don’t know, tell me , that you changed your mind, you want him to answer too, what else , so that he kills him, and then you solder me a second murder, so no one solders anything to you, instead of a photograph of alekseev and his address, we will give the data of another person, understand? georgivich, i’m ready to play the role of a lover, well, i’ll think about it, what goats,
7:56 am
are ready to cooperate with us, and i have a choice, i understand you, i understand, i understand you, i repeat to you again, you ’ve been telling me this crap for two months now, yes. he threw the knife, he threw the knife, we’ll shoot, on your knees, hands behind your head, hands, yes, let me come in, yes , yes, come in, report how things are going there, gavrilov started talking, but did you, uh, understand that kozlov ratted him out , well, i decided to pull him along with me, which means we have... two confessions, yes, kozlov’s motive is resentment, jealousy, and gavrilov’s is money, but what did kozlov really find?
7:57 am
killer on the ad, it's crazy, in the 21st century this is possible. a few years and you will cease to be surprised by this, believe that according to gavrilov’s personality, well, the former paratrooper went into security, due to his difficult character he lost his job, due to drunkenness he had poor characteristics , he could not find a new one, he got into debt, and well, he decided take a risk for the sake of money, placed an ad, well, then we know everything, great , well, well done, everyone, yeah, you especially, oh well, this is andrei our hero, i don’t, no, you’re doing a good job, gaining experience , i i’m very pleased with you, thank you, keep it up, well , i’m off, yes, yes, go, yes,
7:58 am
yes. hi, you called, i arrived , what happened, or is there something wrong with these rocketeers, no, everything is fine with them, for the next 5-6 years of their lives i am completely calm, now i need help, bogdan, you you know, anything for you, you remember there was this igor talov in the cell with us, he ’s from the seventeenth, who was bullied, and then you took him to us, of course i remember, a good kid, but really stupid, in general, he freed again. trade in petty thefts, so again he’ll go to jail, so what am i talking about, i feel sorry for the fool, he’s a normal guy, i can’t understand something, what does your request and this igor have to do with it, well, what did i think, you have a lot of these businesses of yours, take it to you, i wonder who, well, you know best, but i need it, i need it, well, let’s try, will
7:59 am
it work? i have a farm outside the city , but i can live there, thank you, hello, uncle kostya , hello, basotho, will you come to me, yes, but with one condition, just don’t steal, of course , i promise, that’s it, then we’ll go, let's, come on, let's go, thank you, you are kind, bogdan , well, you see, i got the guy settled, now he will work, i think every person deserves to get his second chance, so he got the warming, and what happens next, we'll see, maybe you're right , and you go home, and i, yes, give me a lift, come on, please, thank you.
8:00 am
hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, in the yulia bekhtereva studio. the russian military stopped a new attempt by ukrainian militants to attack belgorod, the ministry of defense reported. the night before. the air defense system was activated. in as a result of the shelling, windows in two houses were broken, a gas pipe and a car were damaged. according to the authorities, there were no casualties; several more targets were shot down by air defense forces on approach to the city this morning. due to the operational situation in belgorod , large retail cinemas have suspended operations.


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