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tv   Segodnya  NTV  January 3, 2024 10:00am-10:21am MSK

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hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, in the yulia bekhtereva studio. this morning, the russian military stopped a new attempt. ukrainian militants to attack belgorod, the ministry of defense reported this. the enemy fired six missiles at the city. u and the same number of rszzo, alha. they were destroyed by air defense systems. the nationalists fired at the city the night before with the same ammunition. as a result of the attack , the windows of three houses were broken, a gas pipe and a car were damaged. according to authorities, there were no injuries. due to operational due to the situation in belgorod , cinemas and large shopping centers have suspended their operations. they
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will be closed to visitors for at least 2 days. then they will act according to the situation. rocket attacks on belgorod have not stopped since yesterday. the day before, during ukrainian attacks in belgorod, one person was killed and 11 more were injured. doctors are helping them. the investigative committee began an investigation into what happened. the consequences of the shelling are being eliminated by territorial defense units and volunteers, who are joined by concerned local residents. four points the temporary deployment of the ukrainian armed forces was destroyed in the south-donetsk direction. this is the result of the work of our artillery and aviation. three attempts to rotate ukrainian troops were thwarted. and in the zaporozhye direction, the enemy is not allowed to transfer reserves to the line of combat contact. our artillerymen are constantly changing their firing methods, and for more accurate hits they use updated krasnopol adjustable ammunition.
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krasnopol is a very good ammunition, we’ve been working with it for two months now, i mean with the new, second one, it’s very convenient because it’s faster to prepare, it’s faster to prepare it for work, it’s always on target, and near artyomovsk, the tula paratroopers practically blocked the sky for the nationalists. in the kopinsk direction, crews of d-30 howitzers destroyed camouflaged fortified ones and hit enemy equipment and manpower. and in the donetsk direction, the crew of su-25 attack aircraft did the jewelry work at an extremely low altitude. as a result.
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enemy strongholds, serious losses in personnel . the us national debt has hit a new record. for the first time in history it exceeded 34 trillion dollars. previous forecasts assumed that american borrowing would reach this level only by the twenty- ninth year. however , washington’s monetary policy led to the fact that last year alone the national debt grew by more than 3 trillion. thus, if divided. for the entire population of the united states, including children, it turns out that every american, unwittingly, owes about $1,000. the united states is not going to get out of the debt hole; by april, washington plans to borrow about another trillion dollars. wherein legislators are rapidly increasing military spending, and this is one of the main drivers of the growth of public debt. the united states approved a record defense budget of almost 900 billion this year, and the white house is seeking to allocate more than a hundred more.
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more than 60 people died, more than 100 were injured. people may still be trapped under the rubble; seismologists predict new tremors by the end of the week. and on social networks, local residents publish footage after the earthquake. users noted that after the shocks the birds behaved strangely. on these frames show how they gathered in large flocks that look like three-dimensional figures. a new round of tension in the palestinian-israeli. conflict, now
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a third country, lebanon, said that the jewish state wants to drag the country into a military confrontation, this happened when one of the... leaders of the hamas group was killed in one of the suburbs of the capital beirut, the prime minister of lebanon said that israel violated the country's sovereignty ; a complaint will be sent to the un in this regard. official beirut believes that an attack on the territory the lebanese israeli government is trying to take out its anger over the failure of the operation in the gas sector. the lebanese hezbollah movement has already promised to respond to the shelling, and the hamas group is also planning to intensify attacks on israel. according to media reports, against the backdrop of the murder of one of the leaders of the movement.
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the child grew up in an orphanage, and was recently transported to moscow. in the capital, the boy will be able to go to school, but for this he needs a special stroller. alexander kanevich will tell you how to help. turn signals. here. and this is me driving back. myself with pleasure demonstrates how a workshop operates a virtual bus. he generally loves everything related to technology; when he grows up, he dreams of working in the capital.
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they could improve his condition, but he still cannot lean on his legs and moves only in a wheelchair. this is for you, this is for you. samat spent his childhood in bashkiria in an orphanage, because his parents abandoned him immediately after birth. recently , he, along with several other wards of the st. sophia social home, has been getting used to new conditions, in the apartment of an accompanying accommodation, where social teachers help cope with everyday and other difficulties. he reads about his father, about his mother, and this is very important for him, he was in such abandoned conditions in an orphanage, then somehow miraculously he ended up for an operation in moscow, a man wants a family, wants a normal life, here is our apartment, it ’s kind of aimed at some
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kind of family type format, the children who are here, they are, firstly, no longer children, secondly, they’re pretty independent already, so, but nevertheless directly here... i’m not quite ready for a full-fledged independent life yet, despite the diagnosis, you can’t call samat a homebody, he really likes to walk and go on excursions, works out in the pool once a week, although all the movements are given to a teenager, oh, how difficult it is - for a wheelchair, it’s a good stroller, of course, but in order to transport a person , he generally rides around the apartment in it, it’s hard for him on the street, he can’t even ride outside in the snow , even in the snow, and he needs to be driven, an active stroller , it differs from passive in that it has an active person... the position is like his legs, he has good control of his body, in addition, it must necessarily correspond in size - weight, height, and since samatik is a thin boy, the stroller should be light, narrow, then he, he he will sit correctly
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, his legs and back will be positioned correctly , he will not have scoliosis, then, he will not have curvature of any limbs, but for this, samat needs an active stroller as soon as possible, with it he will be able to study at school where you need to sit a lot, in such a wheelchair this is very... inconvenient and in general will become much more independent, although now she is already trying to cope with almost everything without outside help, in the morning i stand, wash, go to eat, have breakfast, go shopping after breakfast , when the food runs out, but we go for a walk, there are no strollers at all driving through the snow. most of all, samat likes to go to the grocery store and actively learns to cook, so far , of course, not everything works out, but he tries hard, now he’s thinking about how to please his neighbors for christmas, here we have flour, i take two in my hands, i open the red one, i raised my hand to
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the phone to write, let’s not buy anymore, that condensed milk, a stroller so necessary for a teenager, costs a little more than 250 thousand rubles, samata can help... abnormal frosts covered central russia, in the cold zone immediately several regions, in the yaroslavl and ivanovo regions this night the thermometers in some places broke through the mark of -30, this is 10-12° below normal. similar temperatures await the kostroma region in the coming days. this afternoon, twenty-degree frosts are predicted in kaluga, oryol, ryazan and smolensk regions. an orange alert level for cold weather has been announced in st. petersburg. temperatures there could drop to -30° through friday. in moscow today, partly cloudy,
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icy and down to -24. warming in the capital is predicted only after the end of the new year holidays. but in crimea there are now above-zero temperatures and cacti are blooming. collect them with gloves or tweezers to avoid injury. local residents use the fruits of the plant to make jam, candied fruits and compote. slam the housewives cacti contain a lot of vitamins and minerals that improve immunity and keep the body in good shape. but what they taste like, vrastislav skidan found out. the crimean climate is not exactly suitable for this latin american, but he is used to it. somehow, apuntia has been grown on the southern coast of crimea, in the nikitsky botanical garden, since 1824, although there is still no exact data on how this mexican succulent ended up on the other side of the planet. it ended up in the mediterranean, as they say. at the time of the discovery of america, and already came to crimea
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presumably, during the crimean war it was brought by italian soldiers. at home in modern mexico, apuntia is one of the main state symbols. according to legend, the first city of the ottecs, now the capital of mexico city, was founded on the site described by the god of the sun and war, an eagle on a cactus holding prey in its claws. this scene is depicted on the state coat of arms. on crimean heraldry. of course not, but that doesn’t stop her from being the main star of the winter season at the botanical garden. there are more than twenty apuntia cacti in the nikitsky botanical garden species, but closer to winter , this particular one with a difficult-to-pronounce latin name begins to bear fruit. the fruits are bright red, literally attracting attention, but touching them is dangerous. the needles may not be as large as the cactus itself, but they are very brittle and corrosive, once you touch your entire finger there are needles. for this invisible protection, aponia is considered the most prickly cactus in the world, and for its nutritional properties it is also the most popular. in mexico, succulent occupies 3 million hectares of agricultural land; it is used to prepare
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steaks, salads, rogu, omelettes, drinks, everything is edible except the thorns. the cactus found a place in russian cuisine, in the form of twists that are more familiar to our housewives. yes, it really does taste like jelly, but which one is very difficult to say, or kiwi mixed with blackberries, for example, i have such associations, it blooms, constantly, blooms, blooms, and his daughter-in-law is a blogger, she constantly takes pictures, films. further away, it seemed that the apuntia might greet strangers with a volley of needles. the cactus aggressively defends itself not only ground, but also underground next to it, flowers, daffodils and tulips used to grow, but they fell under the pressure of the root system of apuntia. the cactus grew to such a size from one ear in 8 years, every winter there is a stable harvest, at least 50 fruits, only this year lyubov polyanskaya is for the first time... the berries are still good
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, there was no frost, there was no snow, you need to collect them to make jam , and even more, about five kilograms, if it weren’t for your program , maybe i would never have tried it, rastslav skidan, alexander solovenko, dmitry mezentsev and oleg shalya, ntv television company, republic of crimea. foreign participants are preparing for the start of the world youth festival in russia, which will be hosted by the federal territory of sirius in early march. vladimir putin supported the holding of such a large-scale international congress. the festival, which is held by his decree, is a unique opportunity to talk about yourself, share experiences, study the culture of other countries and make useful contacts. serius is waiting for 20,000 russian foreign young leaders in various fields.
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year in sochi, where we will be united by our love for the russian language and russian culture, this is... a great chance to meet people from different parts of the world. we are looking forward to the world youth festival in russia in 2024 . we are preparing for the festival, we are already repeating different languages, we are even learning russian. we wish all russians a merry christmas and a happy new year. we wish
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you happiness. large-scale preparations are underway in russia. count five. with just five purchases over a thousand rubles on any credit card from bera , an apartment in moscow can become yours until january 31. and if you don’t have a card yet, get a free credit card for 120 days without interest. win with the best credit card in the country. new year's discounts in a cosmetics magnet. january 6th
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use mobile communications even where there is signal interference, beline is on your side. licensed and sports brands with a guarantee of product authenticity. apartment in moscow count five. with just five purchases from 1. rubles on any credit card from bera until january 31, an apartment in moscow can be yours. and if you don’t have a card yet, apply for a free credit card sbercard for 120 days without interest. win with the best credit card in the country. disco superstar. january 13 at 21:30. ntv. about the weather for tomorrow in the studio irina polyakova. hello. and against the backdrop of severe frosts by local standards on the european territory of the country, everything in the east. very close to normal, in transbaikalia it is now set at eight degrees, despite the current slight cooling, in the south of the khaborovsk territory in the primorye the temperature will rise even further and even further.


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